The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 125 The Unavoidable Person

>Shu Yi Nu Loop

"Lord Yan!" She didn't expect that the other party stopped in front of her, and even lifted the curtain. Su Lanzhi was a little surprised, but because of her identity, she had to salute.

"Miss Su is standing here, but what's the matter?" Although he clearly saw the people over there jogging their carriages, Qin Yan looked like he didn't know, and his cold eyes swept Su Lan coldly. Zhi's glance made Su Lanzhi feel very uncomfortable.

"My lord Huiyan, my carriage is stuck in the middle of the road, and I'm trying to get the carriage out." Su Lanzhi didn't ask for help, because in this life, she never wants to be with the person in front of her except for revenge. What unnecessary involvement.

"Oh, is that so? Miss Su?" Seemingly looking aside knowingly, Qin Yan looked at Su Lanzhi again and asked, "Does Miss Su need help?" In normal times, or something else People, Qin Yan might pretend that he didn't know anything, and just left, but just now he heard someone report that someone saw Su Lanzhi's beautiful figure through the corner of the window, and for some reason, he suddenly stopped.

However, this is also good, the last plan failed, this time, it is also good to take the opportunity to get close to the other party.

"Lord Yan, no..." Before he finished speaking, Qin Yan seemed to guess that Su Lanzhi would say the same thing, and interrupted Su Lanzhi directly, "Miss Su wants to go to the Nanwang Mansion? Delay, but it will be late, it's better to get the carriage out early, so that Miss Su won't be late, you two, go and help!" After speaking, he gave the two of them a wink, and sat in the carriage The two men outside quickly got out of the carriage, and quickly went to help. Su Lanzhi frowned slightly when she saw that Qin Yan was as arbitrary and arbitrary as in his previous life. He never changed his decisions because of others. Wrinkled, I really don't like that I owe the other party a favor because of this matter.

This feeling is really bad.

I really don't know if she has a bad relationship with Qin Yan, she can meet like this!

Standing silently, Su Lanzhi didn't want to talk too much with Qin Yan, she stood aside in a respectful manner, with her head lowered, it looked like a lady who was shy when she saw a man, Qin Yan saw it, For some reason, he, who has always been quiet, actually spoke at this moment, "Miss Su has been in this cold wind for a long time?" Perhaps there was a kind of gentleness in his tone that he didn't realize.

"No, it's just a matter of a while!" Su Lanzhi was really not used to Qin Yan talking like this.

This person has never been able to do superficial kung fu, and he is always cold and cold on weekdays. He was also taciturn when treating her before. At that time, she only thought that the other party's temperament was like this.

But today, why is there something different in this tone?

"It's freezing cold today, Ms. Su should be more careful, how about lending my carriage to Ms. Su temporarily?" Before he knew it, he opened his mouth, but Qin Yan realized that he was like this, Seeing that Su Lanzhi didn't respond, Qin Yan realized that there was something meng in his words, and felt like explaining, "What I mean is that I can lend Miss Su a seat, and I will come down first!" Looking at Su Lanzhi's thin body, Qin Yan felt a little worried.

There is nothing to be courteous about, stealing or stealing, Su Lanzhi was very wary of Qin Yan's proposal, and directly refused, "More kindness from Lord Yan, I appreciate it, but Lord Yan has already bothered you, no good." Please don’t bother me any more, or I’ll feel uneasy!” After all, the other party has a noble status and is a man, Su Lanzhi refused like this, Qin Yan couldn’t say anything, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc, “It’s my king who is abrupt. I hope Miss Su will forgive me!"

They are not yet familiar with it, so it is better not to be in a hurry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, just wait slowly, in the future, there will be results.

"Lord Yan is also kind, so I thank you here." After taking the salute, Su Lanzhi felt very uncomfortable, but facing the other party, Su Lanzhi could only deal with it calmly, and she couldn't let the other party see What's coming.

"Miss Su, would you like to have a cup of hot tea to warm yourself up?" Picking up the tea set beside him, Qin Yan poured a cup of hot tea and asked Su Lanzhi.

Su Lanzhi has been very dissatisfied with Qin Yan for a long time, how could she drink the other party's tea?

"Thank you Lord Yan, I'm neither thirsty nor cold." She didn't want to eat anything from the other party, and she didn't even want the other party to help!

It was imperative to help just now, how could Su Lanzhi be willing to talk to the other party so affectionately?

The other party is her enemy!

"Miss Su, this tea is not bad. The water used to make the tea is melted from the snow on the plum blossoms, and the top-quality Pu'er is used. It tastes very good. Miss Su, try it? Wait here, don't do anything, why not?" Not boring?" If it was someone else, Qin Yan might have been impatient and gave the other party a cold face, but for some reason, listening to Su Lanzhi rejecting him several times, Qin Yan felt a little bit of pain in his heart. A touch of disappointment, especially unconvinced.

Xu also saw Su Lanzhi's indifference towards him, and Qin Yan was very unwilling. At this moment, he really wanted Su Lanzhi to pay attention to him.


Su Lanzhi saw that Qin Yan's actions today coincided with the memories of her previous life. The Qin Yan in her memory was never a good-natured person. Even if she pretended to love her back then, she was just saying some nice words and doing things. Some things that moved her, but this person's temperament is extremely cold, and he doesn't talk much sweet words, let alone trying to please her like this.

In her previous life, she was also stupid. She was infatuated with a man who saved her, and she was also obsessed with him. She would not marry unless she was a king. In this life, even though Qin Yan has changed a bit, that can eliminate him not to capture her heart again. To win over her father?

In the previous life, the relationship between her and Su Qinglan was not good, and the other party tried their best to make herself fascinated by each other. In this life, the relationship between her and her father is very good, and her mother is pregnant with a child again. Doesn't this person need to work harder? is it?

Full of vigilance in her heart, Su Lanzhi glanced at Qin Yan quickly, but she didn't refuse, "So, thank you, Lord Yan!" It's not good to always refuse, this person is suspicious, so Su Lanzhi accepted it generously.

"Miss Su, please!" Handing over a cup of tea, Qin Yan raised the teacup in his hand from a distance, watching Su Lanzhi drink the tea he made, feeling extremely happy for some reason, pouring it into his cup The tea is also a sip, slowly tasting.

"What do you think, Ms. Su?" Turning the teacup in his hand, Qin Yan seemed to glance across Su Lanzhi's face inadvertently, feeling that she hadn't seen her for a while, and she seemed to be getting more and more beautiful.

It's just that there is always a veil, but I don't know what kind of scene is under the veil.

Given the chance, would really love to see it!

"Your lips and teeth are fragrant. It's really bad. Lord Yan has a heart." After all, Qin Yan is taboo. Su Lanzhi actually didn't drink tea, but secretly spit tea on Qin Yan when Qin Yan was not paying attention. Putting on the veil, it also prevents Qin Yan from moving his hands and feet.

This person is full of tricks and has a lot of strange poisons in his hands. Although she is good at medicine, she is not good at it. It is better to be on guard.

"Miss Su likes it, let's have another cup!" Hearing Su Lanzhi say that he likes it, Qin Yan felt joy for some reason. Rejected, "Lord Yan is too polite, this cup is enough, thank you!"

One cup is just to prevent Qin Yan from feeling that he always rejects the other party and has doubts about himself. After Su Lanzhi had one cup, why would he drink again?

"That's it, that's all." This time, he didn't force himself, Qin Yan looked at Su Lanzhi, and looked at the blurred face under the veil, and felt that it was so real and illusory, always giving people a feeling of illusory.

"Miss Su, I have some snacks here. If Miss Su doesn't mind, try it!" Pushing out the snacks, Qin Yan was really too enthusiastic today, which made Su Lanzhi feel a little uncomfortable "Thank you, Lord Yan. It's just that I have eaten a lot just now. If I eat any more, I will accumulate food and I will feel uncomfortable." This refusal was reasonable, and Qin Yan didn't say anything more. He is not a talkative person in the first place. , not very good at currying favor with women, for a while, the two of them could be quiet.

Recently, Qin Yan still watched Su Lanzhi standing all the time, and finally found a topic, "Miss Su has been standing all the time, but she's tired? Do you want to sit down?"

"No need, it's actually good to stand, thank you Lord Yan."

"Miss Su, it's better to sit down. If you want to come to the carriage, you won't be able to lift it for a while." In fact, according to the normal speed, it will be ready long ago.It's just that he thought it was rare to meet Su Lanzhi, so he gave Ah Da and Ah Er a wink just now, so that the two of them don't have to worry, and gave him more time, so he can talk to Su Lanzhi slowly It's a joke.

I have always wanted to get close to Su Lanzhi and make him fall in love with him. Qin Yan has tried several times, but I don't know whether Su Lanzhi is because of unrepentant love or because he is very defensive, but he has always treated him It's neither cold nor cold.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Yan should work harder.

"This..." Before he could say the refusal, Qin Yan asked someone to place a stool respectfully in front of Su Lanzhi. Qin Yan looked at Su Lanzhi with satisfaction, "Miss Su, sit down." , there are no outsiders here, so there is no need to be too restrained." Although their identities were a little surprised, Qin Yan is now considered friendly, Su Lanzhi saw that the stools were all placed in front of her, and it was not good if she didn't sit on them. Then he sat down, "Thank you, Lord Yan!" I was almost numb to say thank you, Qin Yan seemed to have noticed this problem, smiled, and his face softened a lot, "Miss Su, there is no one else here, Miss Su, please feel at ease, there is no need to be too polite, otherwise I will feel sorry for you."

"Lord Yan, the etiquette cannot be dismissed. Lord Yan has indeed helped me a lot today. I should say thank you." But she didn't respond to Qin Yan's words. Su Lanzhi is of course happy to keep her distance from Qin Yan. To avoid trouble, where would you do these things that cross the distance and make people sick?

"Miss Su, you're being polite!" Seeing Su Lanzhi's insistence, Qin Yan didn't know what to do, and felt a little lost, but he didn't like Su Lanzhi's indifferent attitude towards him.


Xu saw that Su Lanzhi was not in the mood to talk, Qin Yan saw that Su Lanzhi always lowered her head, looking like a shy little girl, but wisely did not speak again, seeing that it was getting late, Qin Yan then told Ah San beside him, "Go and see what's going on over there."

"Yes!" Ah San went over to ask about the situation, and quickly replied, "My lord, Miss Su's carriage seems to be stuck by something, so it's a little difficult for them to pull it up!"

"Well, it's getting late, you go and help, let's try to hurry up!" Deliberately dragging on for a long time, it was too late, Qin Yan also wanted Su Lanzhi to owe him more favors yes.

"Yes, my lord!" Although Ah San didn't know why Qin Yan was so abnormal today, it was just what the master ordered, so Ah San didn't dare not to do it, and just passed.I don't know if it was because of Ah San's departure, but the movements of the few people were obviously much faster. Soon, with a loud roar, Su Lanzhi's carriage was finally pulled out.

"My lord, the carriage has been pulled out!"

"So, very good!"

Su Lanzhi heard the carriage came out, and got up quickly, "I really thank Lord Yan today, I am really grateful, it is getting late now, so I will leave first, so as not to be late, It's not good!"

"Miss Su, go!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi was leaving, she felt a little reluctant for no reason. Qin Yan watched Su Lanzhi leave step by step, and that strange feeling lingered in her heart, but it could not dissipate for a long time .

what happened to him?

That person is just a woman that I want to use, but why, in my heart, I like to get along with her like that?

Is it because the other party is not like other women, rushing towards her?

Or did the other party's eyes that were obviously young but deep like ancient wells attracted his attention?

Swiping away the emotions that shouldn't be in his mind, Qin Yan watched Su Lanzhi walk away little by little, and then ordered people to continue driving, "Just follow Miss Su's back door, don't pass her!"

"Yes!" The meaning of the master, everyone was very confused. Qin Yan is extremely cold-tempered, and he has never seen him like this on weekdays. The guards were a little surprised, but it was just the master's business. It has always been impossible to speculate, and now, they can only obey orders.


As soon as Su Lanzhi got into her carriage, Yunzhu and Qiushuang quickly poured a cup of hot tea for Su Lanzhi, and then took off Su Lanzhi's hat and cloak. There was a stove burning in the carriage, which was quite warm. Seeing that Su Lanzhi's pale face finally got better, Qiushuang and the others felt relieved.

"Miss, would you like to drink another cup of hot tea to warm up your body?"

"Qiu Shuang, it's alright, it's not cold anymore!" Leaning on the fire to warm her hands, the chill on Su Lanzhi's body became less, and she gradually didn't feel cold anymore.

"Miss, I'd like to have another drink. Miss is afraid of the cold, but it's better to keep warm so as not to catch a cold." Everyone has been concerned about Su Lanzhi's body, and Su Lanzhi's body was indeed the same in the cold wind just now After standing for a long time, Qiushuang is so careful, how can she not worry?

Seeing Qiushuang, Su Lanzhi was worried, so she had to drink another cup. Seeing Qiushuang, she still wanted to drink it by herself, but now she refused to let her, "Okay, Qiushuang, I'm really not cold anymore. If you still let me drink , I went to the Nanwang Mansion for a while and I always want to go to the toilet, it's not good!"

That's right, it seems a bit bad for a lady who always wants to go to the toilet whenever she goes to someone's house.

"Miss, you..." I didn't expect Su Lanzhi to tease herself so much. Qiushuang's face was full of annoyance. Seeing Su Lanzhi, she poured a cup of hot tea for the other party and Yunzhu, "Okay, don't patronize me , you also stood outside for a long time just now, drink a few cups of hot tea to warm up your body!"

One of them handed a cup, and the two maids were moved when they saw Su Lanzhi being so considerate to them, and they became more and more determined to serve Su Lanzhi well.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I have reached the dividing line of Nanwang Mansion

The rest of the journey was quite peaceful. After a while, Su Lanzhi arrived at the Nanwang Mansion. At this time, there were many carriages parked outside the gate, but there were not many people. Su Lanzhi also knew that , I was late.

Just as I was thinking about it, someone spoke outside, "Excuse me, is this Miss Su from the Prime Minister's Mansion?"


"Please come with your servant!" The man asked someone to take the old horse to park the carriage, and then brought Su Lanzhi in. As soon as Su Lanzhi entered, she took a look at the appearance of the Nanwang Mansion. The pavilions and pavilions are very majestic. , the decoration is very gorgeous, but it also reveals a bit of unrestrained, the house is not as neat and orderly as a noble house, it is very flexible and diverse, it can be seen that this Nanwang must be the same as the old Nanwang, yes The kind of person who looks down on fame and wealth and is free and easy.

In fact, such people are often the happiest and the happiest people, because they are often more open-minded than ordinary people.

Along the way, I had a rough look at the layout of the Nanwang Mansion, and got a little understanding of the owner of the mansion. Su Lanzhi walked slowly, and soon heard voices.

"Miss Su, please, there are female relatives inside!" Princess Nan invited many people today, not only female relatives from aristocratic families, but also young and talented male relatives.

"Hmm!" As people announced her arrival, Su Lanzhi only felt that as soon as she entered, there were quite a few eyes on her, some good and some bad, Su Lanzhi didn't care about these Just care.

"This Ms. Su has a lot of face. Everyone came, but she was the only one who didn't come. It's really..."

"Isn't it? I heard that Su Xiang loves her very much. Perhaps she is used to being arrogant and indulgent at home, so she doesn't know how to behave."

"It's true that I don't understand the rules. Where is the Nanwang Mansion, why did you come so late? This Miss Su is too bold. Didn't she take Nanwang and Nanwangfei seriously?"

"Hehe, Nanwang is just an idle prince. This Prime Minister Su is a powerful minister. Maybe he really didn't notice him!"


Where there are many women, there are many right and wrong, and there are also many gossips. As the only eldest daughter of Su Qinglan, Su Lanzhi's status is indeed attracting attention, but she did not make good use of her status in the past. She has low self-esteem and rarely attends such occasions, which makes everyone have a bad impression of her.

Along the way, I heard everyone's comments on her, most of which were not good, Su Lan Zhixin understood, of course she knew that it was related to her own advantages and her previous actions.

Although she doesn't care about these fake friends, sometimes, women still need a social circle, otherwise sometimes, there is no one around to help.

I was sighing in my heart, but when I heard a voice that I hadn't seen for a long time, Su Lanzhi's spirit suddenly lifted, "What are you talking about? Lan'er is not such a person, maybe it might be delayed on the way!" He was completely on Su Lanzhi's side, and Su Lanzhi felt warm in his heart when he heard it.

"That's right, Sister Lan is not what you said, you are jealous!"

"Let's go, let's go find Sister Lan. Sister Lan came so late, something must have happened!" As Sanduo Jinhua of the Jingbei Marquis Mansion, when Murong Ya and the others talked, some people were hard to say. what.

The Jingbei Hou Mansion is in full swing now, and they are not something they can offend easily.

For a while, although they were a little unwilling, but seeing Murong Ya and the other three relentlessly saying good things for Su Lanzhi, everyone couldn't say anything. They all shut their mouths obediently, and Murong Ya and the others smiled proudly Laughing, the three of them came to Su Lanzhi's side, "Lan'er, why did you come so late today? If I knew it earlier, I should have picked you up, we're together!"

"Yes, Sister Lan, but what happened on the way? Why are you so late?"

"Sister Lan, are you alright?"

The care of the three of them was so caring, Su Lanzhi smiled, and only felt that the true friends were so good and so good, "The carriage got stuck on the road, and it took a lot of effort to pull it out!" One sentence explained what happened to him before. Su Lanzhi didn't want everyone to know that she had met Qin Yan, and she didn't want to get involved with Qin Yan because of it.

"Ah? Stuck on the road? How did it happen? Lan'er, are you injured? Are you frightened?" When they heard that the carriage was stuck, they were all worried, and they kept asking while pulling Su Lanzhi , Su Lanzhi smiled, and didn't want to worry everyone, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm late now, you should hurry up and take me to meet Nan Wangfei and the princess, or I will be rude!"

As a junior, it would be bad for her to be late, but it would be even more unreasonable if she didn't go to see the master after she came.

"Hehe, didn't you? I forgot, let's go, Lan'er, I'll take you to see Nan Wangfei, so that everyone won't keep talking about you!" Murong Ya was a little embarrassed at the moment, and several people pulled her away. Su Lanzhi went to find Princess Nan.

After Su Lanzhi walked a few steps, she saw a middle-aged woman surrounded by the crowd. The woman was wearing a red gown with gold trim. She looked very luxurious, and her hair was combed with the most fashionable hair accessories. , there are a few very delicate golden hairpins inserted on it, inlaid with red gemstones, and some green pearl flowers on it, the eyebrows are clear and beautiful, and the facial features are very ingeniously matched, even though the age is no longer, it is indeed true. She is a great beauty, especially with her noble and dignified demeanor, which makes it easy for people to see her in a crowd.

At this moment, standing next to her is Princess Anning in a pink padded jacket. Today's Princess Anning has combed a Liuyun bun, and along with that bun is wearing a red gold Liuyun hairpin, which is densely worn The long glazed beads are full of radiance when they move. Even though her attire today is not the most luxurious, it is still very exquisite. In addition, she is born extremely beautiful. At this moment, if she pays attention to her attire, she will be more beautiful. Her own noble temperament undoubtedly set off, making many women around her become her foil. < The woman's hair bun, dressed a little more maturely, looks much brighter and more attractive than Su Lanzhi, who is still in the young (forbidden words) stage, so the temperament of the two is totally different.

Su Lanzhi is just a young bird, but Princess Anning is already a full-fledged colorful feathered bird.


In fact, Princess Anning saw Su Lanzhi as soon as Su Lanzhi came in, but she didn't go to greet her, and watched the development of the matter quietly, and even took Nan Wangfei to see it intentionally or unintentionally. Girl, Princess Nan knows that Princess Anning doesn't particularly like Su Lanzhi, and she feels like a bright mirror in her heart, as if she didn't notice Su Lanzhi. She clearly saw the other party coming from the corner of her eyes, but she still followed her. The people around him seemed to ignore Su Lanzhi when they talked.

Su Lanzhi naturally noticed the deliberation of the two of them, so she stood directly in front of the two of them, making it impossible for them to avoid her, "I have seen Princess Nan, and Princess An Ning!" In front of everyone, this ritual has to be done well, so as not to be picked out by others and let people talk about it.

"This girl is so handsome, I wonder which girl she is from?" Nan Wangfei seemed to have noticed Su Lanzhi just now, she glanced over and looked at her all over, at this time, Su Lanzhi was Without wearing a veil, when Nan Wangfei saw the other party's alluring face, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, thinking that the other party could be like this at a young age, and when she grew up, she must be a peerless beauty, which fascinated many people!

I was surprised, but I didn't expect Su Lanzhi to be so beautiful, even different from ordinary beauty. Su Lanzhi's beauty makes people feel elegant and refined, but it doesn't fall into the cliché, which makes people feel out of the world.

Such a woman, just with such a face, will be a big deal when she grows up. What's more, this person is Su Xiang's only eldest daughter, and even the granddaughter of Jingbei Hou. With such an identity, if she wants to come to this girl in the future, she will definitely not be able to do it Yes, it's no wonder that my daughter is a little jealous.

Various thoughts flashed through her mind, and in front of everyone, Concubine Nan took the other party's hand in person, looked at the other party's face with admiration, and she was not stingy at all with words of praise, "This concubine is still the first This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful and charming little girl. The tranquility of our family cannot be compared. However, this concubine has rarely stayed in the capital for many years, and is unfamiliar to many people. It is also my concubine who is ignorant and has never heard of There is such an outstanding girl in the capital. If this concubine hadn’t held this banquet because she thought that she hadn’t seen people in Kyoto for many years, she would never have met such a dazzling person. girl? I just don’t know whose family has this blessing, it’s so enviable!”

Pulling Su Lanzhi and looking at each other carefully, Nan Wangfei's face is full of kindness, which makes people feel that this noble princess has no airs and is very easy to get along with. Some people see that Nan Wangfei treats Su Lan Zhi rewatched it so much, and felt very jealous in her heart.

Seeing Princess Nan treating Su Lanzhi like this, Princess Anning understood, "Concubine Mother, this is Miss Su, Prime Minister Su's eldest daughter. My daughter heard that Miss Su is a real lady, and she rarely It is also possible that the mother and concubine don't know who goes out. There are many people in this capital who don't know Miss Su!"

In the past few days, the owner of Anning County has made people check Su Lanzhi carefully, and found that Su Lanzhi used to be a very low-key, but not well-known person, but he didn't know how to do it. Not long ago, suddenly As if she had changed into a different person, at the birthday banquet of Old Princess Qing, it caused quite a stir.

What exactly is going on?Is Miss Su always pretending to protect herself, or...

Princess An Ning didn't know about the colorful intestines inside, but thought that Su Lanzhi was a means of protecting herself. At this moment, she deliberately talked about Su Lanzhi's previous reclusive life, but she also wanted everyone to think of Su Lanzhi's past. up.

Although this woman is still young, her instinct tells her that she has to be on guard!

"Hehe, it turns out to be Su Xiang's daughter. No wonder this concubine looks so light and charming. Mrs. Su was also a peerless beauty back then, and her daughter is naturally not bad. I heard that Miss Su was in poor health in the past, so she didn't have a chance I see, I saw you today, but you never saw Madam Su, Miss Su, why didn't Ling Tang come?"

Asked about Murong Yan, Su Lanzhi had already expected this, so she answered according to the way she thought, "Princess Nan, my mother is not feeling well, the doctor said that she needs a good cultivation, and I don't want to collide today." Wangfei didn't come, but mother asked me to say hello to Wangfei!"

"Hehe, he is a sensible child. How is Lingtang's body? Why is he uncomfortable?"

"It's cold, my mother is suffering from the wind and cold, and it's been a while, but it's not over yet." This is an excuse to make Murong Yan sick, so when the time comes, no one will add more It's time to investigate the matter that Murong Yan has been staying behind closed doors.

"So that's how it is. It's freezing cold, so it's time to protect your body. Otherwise, you'll suffer if you get sick! Is your mother better now?"

"It's much better already!"

"Hehe, that's good. The emperor rewarded some old ginseng a few days ago. You can take it to your mother later. I hope her body can recover soon!" In front of everyone, Nan Wangfei did not hide her dissatisfaction. Su Lanzhi's love, and even his extra kindness to Su Lanzhi, made many people's jealous eyes turn red.

"Princess, you are welcome, no need!"

"Okay, this child, when you leave, I will ask the butler to send it to you. Don't refuse!" Without giving Su Lanzhi a chance to refuse, Nan Wangfei kept pulling Su Lanzhi with a smile in her eyes With such a kind eyebrow and kind-hearted appearance, she really looks like a noble and friendly princess, but Su Lanzhi knows that Nan Wang is a romantic man, and this Nan Wangfei can keep her position as a princess, and it will not decline all the year round, but she is definitely not so Simple little feet.

She was cautious in her heart, Su Lanzhi naturally felt the jealous eyes of the people around her, Su Lanzhi smiled, "Then I will thank the princess on behalf of my mother!" Thank you in the name of Murong Yan, but It's better than thanking in your own name. At least this way, it will make people think that Princess Nan gave this gift for the sake of Murong Yan or Su Qinglan. In this way, it will reduce Su Lanzhi's hostility.

Sure enough, when Su Lanzhi said this, the uncomfortable eyes on her body were less. Princess Nan didn't expect Su Lanzhi to solve her situation so quickly, and she was surprised, but in terms of face, she still She is noble and elegant, "This child is sensible. I never thought that Prime Minister Su is very lucky. He has such a beautiful, well-behaved and sensible daughter. It is really enviable!" There is no doubt that Lan Zhi's love has been shown. Princess Anning at the side is a little dissatisfied when she sees her, "Concubine mother, isn't my daughter well-behaved and sensible? Concubine mother is like this, daughter will be angry!" With a coquettish tone, Instead, the smile on Nan Wangfei's face got bigger, and now she let go of Su Lanzhi's hand, and dotingly nodded the tip of Princess Anning's nose, "You are so jealous, why are you so jealous? Are you too young? This is Miss Su's first visit to our house, you little hostess, this is how you treat guests? Are you afraid of being laughed at by others?"

The warmth on Princess Nan's masked face is only real when facing her own children. Princess An Ning smiled when she heard about it, with a look of indifference, "Concubine Mother, then you should also praise her." Hit me!"

"You little cunning!" The mother and daughter sang in unison. Seeing that everyone was there, Nan Wangfei didn't want everyone to stand all the time, "Okay, let's all sit down, standing is tiring, let's sit together!"

Pulling Su Lanzhi and Princess Anning to sit down, Princess Nan looked at the two with a friendly smile all the time, "Miss Su, you are about the same age as An Ning in our family, and An Ning doesn't have many friends in the capital. If you are free, come to the palace more often, and you can also be a company with An Ning!"

Companion, is it just one of them?It's just that I don't know anything else, just some intentions.

"Yes, yes, Ms. Su, I am always at home alone on weekdays, and it is really boring. Ms. Su will often come to play in the future, so I need someone to talk to, otherwise I will always stay at home, and I will soon die." bored to death!"

"The concubine and princess are being polite!" I didn't say anything, and I didn't say no. Su Lanzhi has always disliked dealing with people who have bad thoughts about her. At this moment, she can only laugh.It's just that Princess Anning didn't seem to have heard of it. Seeing Su Lanzhi's answer, she took it as a yes, "That's for sure, I will come to play often in the future!"

"Love from the princess!" The answer was quite satisfactory, and Su Lanzhi didn't want to become someone else's cannon fodder anymore, but sat down honestly, answering every question, but she didn't give a clear answer, which was hard to grasp That's the loophole to hold her.

However, Princess Anning saw Su Lanzhi practicing Tai Chi, so she didn't care, she kept pulling Su Lanzhi to talk non-stop, and saw that many daughters beside her were envious and jealous of Su Lanzhi!

Isn't this Su Lanzhi particularly dull and boring in the past?But how did she get the favor of Princess Anning? It's really enviable!

So all kinds of eyes went to Su Lanzhi's seshes, Su Lanzhi ignored them all, and just answered Princess Anning calmly, making the other party silent several times, but Princess Anning didn't give up.

Murong Ya and the others on the side also noticed that everyone's attitude towards Su Lanzhi was not good, so they hurried to save the scene, "Princess, you can't do this, why do you prefer Lan'er? You also made an appointment with Su Lanzhi before." We came to the palace to play, but now we are thrown aside. It seems that our face is not as big as Lan'er. If we knew that the princess does not welcome us, we just want to find Lan'er, so we would not come eagerly Join in the fun!"

Anyway, these few people are not afraid, they are carefree, and they are very popular. When Murong Ya said this, Princess An Ning would always pull Su Lanzhi to talk, and finally let Su Lan go. Zhi Le, "Miss Murong can't say that. I welcome everyone!"

"Hehe, since you are welcome, we will come here often in the future. Princess Anning, please don't just joke around!"

"That's natural!"

Murong Ya and the others have attracted everyone's attention to Su Lanzhi, but after a while, a voice suddenly ran out from the crowd, the voice was a little shrill, and it was I deliberately raised my voice, as if I was deliberately trying to attract everyone's attention, but it made Su Lanzhi feel very uncomfortable, "Hehe, Miss Murong, although you and Miss Su are only cousins, and Miss Su It's just that Ms. Su doesn't seem to care about her own sister. It's really selfish to not bring her sister to such a banquet! Such a person , I don’t know Miss Murong like this, but it’s worth it?”

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