The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 131 Meeting Princess Qin by chance and meeting King Wu Cheng

On the second day, Su Lanzhi went out early to prepare things for the palace. The queen's birthday banquet, the prime minister's house naturally had to give gifts, and Su Qinglan didn't think about what to give for a while, so she asked Su Lanzhi Help me think about what kind of gift to give, which is not rude and can satisfy the empress.

First, I came to the clothing store to make clothes. Su Lanzhi chose the style and size. She thought that it would not be good to do it by herself, so she also decided to choose some for Su Qinglan and Murong Yan, thinking that Murong Yan is now pregnant. , Thinking about many of the previous clothes, I am afraid that I will not be able to wear them. Su Lanzhi also plans to make more clothes for Murong Yan, but it is not good that Murong Yan is not here.

<Okay, if you want to come to the mansion, you should also prepare some spring clothes. Su Lanzhi discussed with the owner of the clothing store and let the other party come to the house to measure the size and look at the pattern in a few days. It was agreed, Su Lanzhi. Just left, ready to go to the jewelry store to see.

There is an unusual banquet in the palace, and this time it is the queen's birthday banquet. Even if Su Lanzhi doesn't like to dress up, she has to be very alert this time, so as not to be picked on by someone and cause trouble up.

There are also some fronts and backs of her jewelry. This time it is a feast in the palace, and Su Lanzhi also came out today to see if there are any new designs in the jewelry store. This is good for her to wear on weekdays. If you find a suitable one, you can buy it back and wear it when you enter the palace.

When she came to Linglong Pavilion, Su Lanzhi went directly to the private room upstairs, but she didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

"Miss Su?" Qin Wangfei also just came, and was about to go into the private room, when she saw Su Lanzhi, she was very surprised, and hurriedly stopped, looking at Su Lanzhi, her face was kind, " Are you here to pick out jewelry too?" She didn't expect to meet Su Lanzhi here, Princess Qin's expression flickered, she secretly glanced at Qin Zhiyan beside her, and found that her son stood there calmly. Then, there was no special reaction, Princess Qin smiled at her son, and pulled up Su Lanzhi intimately, "But I haven't seen you for a while, and I always wanted you to go to the palace for a while. , but I couldn’t find any opportunities, and now that I’ve met, it’s also fate, Miss Su, would you like to choose jewelry with me? I’m just worried and don’t know what to choose!”

This Princess Qin has a noble status, but she doesn't have any pretensions. It's easy for people to get close to her. Seeing the enthusiasm of the other party, Su Lanzhi couldn't refuse, "The princess loves her so much, I'm naturally happy."

"Hehe, what love is not love, I'm bored at all by myself, and my son is not a good-sighted one. He was dragged out by me today, and he is not happy anymore, and he can't give any advice. You're not as careful as a girl like you." Seeing that Su Lanzhi agreed, Princess Qin cheerfully pulled Su Lanzhi into the private room, and she didn't know if this Princess Qin was deliberately playing tricks on Qin Zhiyan. , but Qin Zhiyan was not allowed to accompany him, "Yan'er, didn't you say that you have something to be busy before? Now that Ms. Su is with me, you can go and do it. I will go back by myself in a while."

She waved her hands, looking as if she disliked Qin Zhiyan. Princess Qin probably looked at Qin Zhiyan's reaction too calmly, and deliberately wanted to punish Qin Zhiyan.

Qin Zhiyan was not angry when he saw Princess Qin like this, but just smiled lightly, showing his good upbringing and temper, "Mother and Concubine, Father has already told me to send you here today, to accompany you all the time. Looking at you, I have to send you back when the time comes, and if you send me away like this, I won't be able to explain to my father at that time." Qin Zhiyan really didn't want to accompany Qin Wangfei today, He is a man, although he is filial, but he still doesn't like shopping.

The street is too lively and there are too many people. He has a quiet personality and doesn't like noise very much. Especially Princess Qin is a person who likes to go shopping, and she spends a whole day shopping, buying everything. As a man, Qin Zhiyan , I have been out with Qin Wangfei a few times, and I am really a little scared.

Today, if Qin Wangfei hadn't pulled him out softly and forcefully, and let Qin Wang speak, Qin Zhiyan probably wouldn't have come out.

Originally, I thought it was a bit boring, but I didn't expect to meet Su Lanzhi, so Qin Zhiyan didn't want to leave.

Princess Qin was also testing Qin Zhiyan's feelings for Su Lanzhi just now. Seeing that Qin Zhiyan didn't leave at the moment, it was rare that he was willing to stay, and her heart became more and more affirmed of her previous thoughts, and she smiled , Looking at Qin Zhiyan's eyes, Qin Zhiyan just felt bad, "Don't talk about your father, didn't you just say that something happened today? Why, it's nothing right now ?" Deliberately teasing Qin Zhiyan, Qin Wangfei rarely sees her son seems to be interested in a woman, so she naturally attaches great importance to this issue.

These days, she also inquired about Su Lanzhi's situation. Although the rumors were not good, she believed in her vision and intuition. She knew that Su Lanzhi was not what she was in the legend.

A woman like this has won the favor of her son. Although she is a little younger, she has to wait for a few years, but her son is not concerned about this matter anyway, so she will wait, at most, she will be later Just hug grandchildren.

"Concubine Mother, since I promised to accompany you out, I naturally want to stay with you for a good life. How dare I have other things?" Although she didn't really want to go shopping with Princess Qin, but Princess Qin wanted to come out, so he also came out Therefore, Qin Zhiyan is naturally responsible for the safety of Princess Qin.

"Really? The boss was not happy just now, but now, it has changed very quickly!" She looked at her son jokingly, Qin Wangfei knew what kind of character Qin Zhiyan was.

Her son, on the surface, seems to be kind to everyone, but he really doesn't pay attention to a few people. This Miss Su is really strange, and I don't know how he got himself The favor of this tall-eyed son?

Princess Qin was a little curious, but she couldn't ask anything from Qin Zhiyan, and she was really disappointed, so she always tried her best to test Qin Zhiyan's heart.

"Okay, mother and concubine, my father asked us to go back to eat earlier, we should hurry up, lest we go back late, my father is worried!" I don't want Princess Qin to say anything again, so that people can guess what, Qin Zhi Yan immediately changed the subject and urged Princess Qin to go in.

"Okay, I got it. By the way, you go to the bakery across the street to buy some pastries. Ms. Su and I will probably have a while, so it's good to have something to eat." At this moment, Qin Zhiyan was sent away on purpose, Princess Qin still has something to say to Su Lanzhi!

"Okay, concubine mother, wait, I'll be back in a while!" Qin Zhiyan is also a man of action, and went right away. Princess Qin then pulled Su Lanzhi in, looked at Su Lanzhi carefully, but found that this Su Lanzhi was calmer than her own son, but she was a little anxious, "Miss Su, sit down!"

"Thank you, princess!" She sat down in a well-behaved manner, Su Lanzhi looked at the kind and generous appearance of Princess Qin, and it was not difficult to guess the reason why Qin Zhiyan had such a good manner.

The children of the royal family paid the most attention to the rules. Although the Princess Qin seemed to have no airs, her aristocratic demeanor was something that no one could imitate.

"Miss Su, don't be polite, don't be restrained, just treat me as an ordinary elder, or treat me as your mother, and relax." Seeing Su Lanzhi's politeness, Princess Qin didn't like it very much. .

If this is really the person my high-eyed son likes, then she can only be her daughter-in-law in the future, otherwise, with the vision and heart of my son, I won't even think about having a daughter-in-law.

"Yes!" Although Princess Qin said so, Su Lanzhi didn't dare to be presumptuous, but Su Lanzhi was a little surprised why Princess Qin was so familiar with her, just now she saw what Princess Qin said to Qin Zhiyan Su Lanzhi thought about it carefully, and always felt that there was something wrong with the way Princess Qin looked at her, but Su Lanzhi didn't want to think about it.

"Yesterday Princess Nan held a banquet, and you went too?" Holding Su Lanzhi talking and laughing, Princess Qin also wanted to know more about Su Lanzhi.

"Well, I went."

"Yesterday, I was going too. Princess Nan and I have known sisters-in-law for many years, but some things in the mansion were delayed yesterday. Was it okay yesterday? Princess Nan and An Ning, are they all okay? "Concubine Qin and Concubine Nan are about the same age, and because they have some relatives, Concubine Nan wholeheartedly wants to marry Princess Anning into Prince Qin's mansion, so as long as they return to the capital, they will definitely visit Princess Qin. Human emotions are also good.

"Well, it's all good."

"I heard that An Ning fell into the water yesterday, but what's the matter? Is it serious?" Although Nan Wangfei deliberately concealed this matter, there is no one in the capital who is not a Jing. What happened at the banquet? Can you really hide it?What's more, the news that Princess Nan wanted to get married to Prince Qin's mansion was understood by people with a discerning eye. Of course, some people would make trouble at this time. (First issue)

"I'm not very clear about this, but it's freezing cold. Princess Anning may be affected this time." Su Lanzhi can now be sure of Princess Anning's affection for Qin Zhiyan. Concubine Qin discussed the affairs of Princess Anning together, and Su Lanzhi always felt a little weird.

"This child Su Ri can be regarded as a very cautious child, why is he so careless?" Princess Anning has had some contact with Princess Qin these years, and has always played the role of a good girl in front of Princess Qin. The princess has a very good impression of Princess Anning, and the relationship between the two families is good. In addition, they have brought relatives, so it is very good to have more relatives.

It can be said that before meeting Su Lanzhi and discovering that Qin Zhiyan was special to Su Lanzhi, Princess Qin was quite optimistic about Princess Anning, and felt that Princess Anning and Qin Zhiyan were a good match no matter their identity or appearance , but also intends to match the two.But now, Princess Qin is vaguely aware of Qin Zhiyan's feelings for Su Lanzhi, so she can't make a decision on her own.

"It's also because the road is too slippery. After all, it's my fault, which made her suffer."

"Oh, what's going on here?" Princess Nan didn't know what happened yesterday, and Princess Qin only knew about Princess Anning falling into the water, and she was not particularly clear about the rest.

"It's me..." After talking about the matter roughly, Su Lanzhi naturally hid the part she did. After hearing this, Princess Qin became a little nervous, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She really didn't expect such a situation. At this moment, Princess Qin is really a little scared.

"Princess, don't worry, I'm fine!" Shaking her head, although she didn't know why Princess Qin was so familiar with her, Su Lanzhi still knew how to advance and retreat, and she was never complacent. The princess was very satisfied.

"It's good that you're fine." With a smile, Princess Qin changed the topic very cleverly. Seeing that the shopkeeper sent someone to deliver jewelry, Princess Qin directly picked up a set of pink beads , "This color is very tender, Miss Su, are you 13 years old this year? It suits you very well." 13 years old, really young...

"Well, it's pretty good-looking!" Looking at the pearl flower, the color is indeed very tender, and it suits her very well, but Su Lanzhi doesn't like to dress up very much, so she thinks it's unnecessary.

"Try it if it looks good, this girl, these jewelry are indispensable!" Princess Qin picked up a pearl flower, and put it on Su Lanzhi's hair. A lot of people filled in, "Although you are not old enough now, girls should dress up. Look at your head, there is nothing on your head, but it is a bit empty. Wearing this is much better. Look at it for yourself!" Handing Su Lanzhi a small mirror, Su Lanzhi looked through the mirror, the pink beaded flowers really made her look much more lively and lovely, compared to wearing nothing , but her complexion brightened a little, and she nodded, "What the princess said is very true!"

"How do you like it?"

"Of course I like it."

"Okay, shopkeeper, we want this set of pearl flowers, and I will charge them to my account!" She bought it without saying a word, and Su Lanzhi was very embarrassed when she saw that Princess Qin wanted to pay, "Princess, you still want to buy it!" Don't waste the money, I'll just pay for this myself." I think I only met Qin Wangfei twice, and I'm not that familiar yet, and the other party's status is still so noble, Su Lanzhi never thinks that there is no one in this world who will do it for no reason It's good for whom, so, in her heart, there is still some resistance.

"Okay, you little girl, I like it when I see it. This is a small gift for you. The elders can't deny it, so you just keep it. I have to choose some jewelry for me later. Take this as a thank you gift from me!" Smiling, she asked people to put the things away, Princess Qin didn't give Su Lanzhi a chance to refuse, and took out a set of red gold hair, "This what do you think?"

This head and face are completely made of gold, and there is a big night pearl on it. The design is simple and elegant. Wearing it on Princess Qin's body can undoubtedly set off the noble temperament of the other party. Su Lanzhi thought it was very good, so she nodded, " It's very suitable for a princess!" In fact, Princess Qin is very beautiful, the kind of beauty to the extreme, any decorations become embellishments on her body, no matter what she wears, she can wear a beautiful taste, these decorations are nothing more than It's just icing on the cake, so it doesn't need to be too complicated, but it will cover up the advantages of Princess Qin herself.

Therefore, these simple and generous ones are especially suitable for Princess Qin.

"It's really good. This luminous pearl is round and round. When I wear it at night, it gradually glows. Shopkeeper, I want this." Qin Wangfei is also generous in shopping, and she quickly made up her mind. Instead, he turned to other things, "Miss Su, take another look, do you think it's suitable?"

"Princess, this hairpin is not bad. Look, it is hollowed out. The glass beads inside are colorful, but it is very beautiful. If the princess has bright clothes, it will match well." Su Lanzhi was also in the palace in her previous life. After staying for a few days, I haven't seen any good things. Naturally, her vision is excellent. Now that Princess Qin sees that Su Lanzhi chooses what she likes, she is even more satisfied with Su Lanzhi. It's over, "Sure enough, it's very good, very beautiful! I think this one is also good, what do you think?"

"Ah, very good."

"Miss Su, this suits you quite well, do you want to take a look?"

"it is good!"

"Princess, do you see this?"


Xu is a woman's nature, she yearns for beautiful things, Su Lanzhi was so driven by Princess Qin, she helped Princess Qin choose a lot of good things, Princess Qin was very satisfied with every item, but she directly It was wrapped up, "Miss Su, I really didn't expect that at a young age, you have a unique vision. In the future, if I have a chance, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to accompany me to choose! Every time I see this dazzling I feel dizzy when it comes to products, and I always don’t know what to choose, but now that you are by my side for reference, I have a direction.”

When I was looking for Su Lanzhi before, I just wanted to talk to Su Lanzhi and take this opportunity to get close to Su Lanzhi, so as to get to know her son or the woman who might be tempted.However, Qin Wangfei did not expect that Su Lanzhi's vision was really good, and now the two hit it off.

To be honest, Qin Wangfei thought that Qin Zhiyan was fooling her when she said that Su Lanzhi helped to choose the things, but now it seems that what Qin Zhiyan said is the truth.

"The concubine is absurd." Smiling, Su Lanzhi didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. The more she saw and the more choices she had, the more she naturally had it.

In her previous life, she was also a woman who was troubled by love. She dressed herself up just to make that person look at her more. Every day, she dressed up glamorously, which even made her look bright, but Qin Yan's temperament has always been Coldly, every time she dresses up, she just praises her, but she rarely finds that the other party is really fascinated by her.

"Hehe, I have such a unique vision at such a young age. In a few years, I'm afraid it will be a disaster. In the future, we can make an appointment to go out together." As if she had found a confidant, Princess Qin happily pulled Su Lan Zhi, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Su Lanzhi carefully, and Su Lanzhi felt her scalp was a little numb. She didn't know what Princess Qin was going to do.

"My concubine loves you so much. If you need anything, just come to me." Su Lanzhi thought this was a polite remark, but Qin Wangfei took it seriously, "That's good." She said while looking at Su Lanzhi, The smile on Princess Qin's face became more and more satisfied, which made Su Lanzhi feel weird. She always felt that the way Princess Qin looked at her was not like the eyes of ordinary elders looking at juniors, but rather...

Thinking of something, Su Lanzhi felt a little distressed at the moment.


When Qin Zhiyan came back, he saw such a scene. Seeing his mother and concubine looking at Su Lanzhi as if thinking about something, Qin Zhiyan felt a little embarrassed, so he put his hand to his mouth , but broke Qin Wangfei's creepy eyes, "Well, mother concubine, I'm back." The business on the opposite side has always been very good, Qin Zhiyan knew that Qin Wangfei did it on purpose, and there was nothing he could do about it. Rejected, after waiting for a long time, I finally bought it back. Seeing that a lot has been packed on the table at this moment, the shopkeeper smiled so much that his eyes became slits. Qin Zhiyan knows that Princess Qin is making another big purchase today. .

"Hehe, Yan'er, you have been here for a long time, making people wait!" Qin Wangfei knew that she had no choice but to say that, which made Qin Zhiyan a little dumbfounded, "Mother Concubine, the business on the opposite side is very good and there are many people."

"Okay, I got it. Here, Miss Su, let's have some snacks and have a rest!" She was not as friendly to her son as she was to Su Lanzhi, Princess Qin was a little angry that Qin Zhiyan kept things from her, Today, I also intentionally teased Qin Zhiyan. Seeing the other party put things away, Qin Wangfei began to make up the exhaust again. The other party came, "Yan'er, ask the shopkeeper to make another pot of tea. After talking for so long, I feel a little thirsty." . " Isn't this intentional to make Qin Zhiyan look down on others?Qin Zhiyan knew what Qin Wangfei was thinking, and felt helpless for his mother and concubine's revenge, so he hurriedly responded and went out, "Okay, mother concubine!"

When Qin Zhiyan asked someone to finish making tea, Princess Qin pointed to the packaged jewelry, and told Qin Zhiyan, "This, you take it first, remember to pay the bill!" It also made Qin Zhiyan addicted, Concubine Nan is now in high spirits.

"Yes, concubine mother!" After Qin Zhiyan took the things down, Concubine Qin quickly bought a new one and ordered Qin Zhiyan to take them down again. Helpless, but also can only follow suit.

Back and forth several times, Qin Zhiyan's speed was very fast, but he was not blushing or out of breath. Su Lanzhi saw the other party's appearance, and also guessed that the other party must be a master, otherwise the breath would not be so stable Seeing that Princess Qin has already bought a lot, Su Lanzhi also knows that Princess Qin seems to be deliberately embarrassing Qin Zhiyan for some reason. Now, she doesn't want to waste time here, "Princess, you But do you still want to buy it? Or go elsewhere?"

"I also bought a lot, but I don't need it, but now my belly is a little empty, why don't we find a hotel to eat, Miss Su, what do you think?" Although she deliberately punished her son, Princess Qin would not really It made Qin Zhiyan unable to take a good look at Su Lanzhi.

My son will still feel distressed.

"It's also noon, and my stomach is indeed a little empty. It's good to eat something before going back."

"Well, that's good. We also have a companion together. Miss Su, what do you think?" She hurriedly made an appointment with Su Lanzhi. Today, Princess Qin loosened a lot of Su Lanzhi's things, and she has always been kind to Su Lanzhi. Yan Yue was so pale, it was hard for Su Lanzhi to say no, "Okay, Princess, shall we leave now?"

"Alright!" The three of them left together, and when they arrived at the most famous restaurant in Kyoto, Princess Qin acted like a hospitable host, "Miss Su, you are also outside now, do you mind Yan'er sitting together? If you mind, I'll ask someone to open a private room for Yan'er." Although Su Lanzhi was given a choice, if Su Lanzhi really said that she minded, wouldn't it be a shame for the other party?

This meal was originally hosted by Qin Wangfei, who is the host, and she and Qin Zhiyan are not lonely men and widows. Besides, it is a bit hypocritical to say, "Wangfei, when you are away from home, everyone will be together. It's okay." !" Anyway, there is an elder, she is still young now, so there is nothing wrong with her.

"It's fine if you don't mind, then sit down, Yan'er, you sit too!" When talking to Qin Zhiyan, Qin Wangfei blinked Qin Zhiyan deliberately, which made Qin Zhiyan feel helpless.

After so many years, the bit of mischievousness in the concubine mother's temper is still preserved, and she is very happy.

"You can order whatever you like. The food in this restaurant is good. Among them, drunk chicken and steamed fish are the best. Do you want to try it?"

"Since it was recommended by the princess, it is natural to try it."

"Okay, just get a copy of all the signboards, and it's almost the same."

"Princess, isn't this too much?" This shop is very famous, and there are quite a few signboards?

"Not many, it's rare to come out today, Xuan'er likes the food of this restaurant very much, I'll bring some back for her later!"

"That's good." Xuan'er?Su Lanzhi remembered that Qin Wangfei only had a son like Qin Zhiyan, so the Xuan'er in the other party's mouth, could it be...

Thinking of something, Su Lanzhi's eyes flickered with worry, but this matter is not something she should worry about now, and she doesn't know what the situation in Prince Qin's Mansion is, so she can't take care of this matter.

I hope it's just her thinking too much?

"The food will be served in a while, you should eat more, I see that you have lost weight, now you are growing up, eat more, and your body will be better." I always feel that Su Lanzhi is still a little thinner , if you really want to marry Qin Zhiyan in the future, such a body is really worrying!

"Hmm!" Su Lanzhi knew that she was too thin, but even if she didn't gain much weight, she couldn't help it.


The dishes came out soon, and Princess Qin was very enthusiastic. She kept calling Su Lanzhi to eat the dishes, but left Qin Zhiyan aside, which made Su Lanzhi feel a little sorry, "Princess, you eat by yourself, I eat by myself." Just come." The other party was too enthusiastic, and Su Lanzhi was really uncomfortable.

In fact, in terms of status and closeness, Qin Wangfei and her are not considered familiar, but they treat her so well. Su Lanzhi doesn't think that she is naturally lovable, that's why people treat her well.

After observing for so long, if Su Lanzhi hadn't found out that Princess Qin was kind to her because of Qin Zhiyan, then her two lifetimes would have been in vain.

It's so good, although enthusiastic, but she can't bear it, because it is absolutely impossible for her and Qin Zhiyan!

Feeling a little guilty, Su Lanzhi was moved when she saw Princess Qin being kind to her, but it didn't affect her early decision.

"It's always polite to eat by yourself. You don't eat much, so I'll pick it up for you!" Princess Qin doesn't have a daughter, but she has always wanted to have a daughter. When she is in the palace on weekdays, Qin Xuan is very clingy to her, and so is she. I like it very tightly, but this kind of liking is naturally different from Su Lanzhi's.

"Thank you, Princess." Su Lanzhi has always been a calm person. It is rare to meet the enthusiastic Princess Qin. I have to say that Su Lanzhi really can't stand such enthusiasm. Su Lanzhi eats a meal. Zhidu felt a little overwhelmed, and finally had to reject Qin Wangfei's kindness and stopped eating.


After eating for a while, Qin Wangfei suddenly looked a little embarrassed, looked at Su Lanzhi, and stood up, "Eat first, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable..." This lady of the family was a little cryptic when she talked about going to the toilet. Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan naturally understood Princess Qin's actions and words.

"Princess, do you want me to accompany you?" Princess Qin went, that means she and Qin Zhiyan were here, Su Lanzhi didn't want to.

This man is really dangerous, she should avoid it if she can.

"No need, I should be back soon, you take your time, don't wait for me!" Princess Qin is also a hot tempered person, she said she wanted to leave, and even if she left, she didn't worry about leaving Su Lanzhi and Qin behind. Zhiyan is a lonely man and a widow, what happened.

"Wu Chengwang, why don't I go and have a look?" Seeing Princess Qin leaving so quickly, Su Lanzhi felt a little headache, got up and wanted to leave, Qin Zhiyan just glanced at Su Lanzhi, very calm It's time to eat, "Since the concubine mother said no need, then there is no need. If you are worried that it is not good for the two of us to be alone, I will let someone come in to serve you." One sentence makes Su Lanzhi really say that it is not good to mind Seeing that the other party was so calm and composed, Su Lanzhi simply sat down too, not wanting to make a fuss too much.

Isn't it just a man?

What's so amazing?

Just for a while, would he still lose meat?

Seeing Su Lanzhi sitting down, Qin Zhiyan smiled invisibly, and there was a hint of complacency in his eyes, but his tone was still light, making it impossible to feel his happiness, "Miss Su Eat vegetables, Concubine Mu will be back soon, don't worry."

"Okay!" Picking up the chopsticks and eating slowly, Qin Zhiyan was a little surprised to see that Su Lanzhi was not as cramped as before.

"Miss Su, this mapo tofu is very tasty, do you want to try it?" Pointing to the mapo tofu in front of Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan is also very good at picking dishes, so he just picked the one in front of Su Lanzhi, so as not to worry Su Lanzhi needs to stand up, she's being rude.

"Okay." He took a generous bite and ate it. It was indeed numb, spicy, and very fragrant, but Su Lanzhi's taste was a bit bland. For such a strong dish, it can't be said that it feels good.

"How does Miss Su feel?"

"Well, yes." Su Lanzhi has never been very picky about food, as long as the food is not too bad, she can eat it, so this tastes good, she thinks it's okay.

"Miss Su's taste should be light? Then this steamed fish is pretty good, Miss Su, try it?" I also deliberately teased Su Lanzhi just now, but I didn't expect Su Lanzhi to eat it if she didn't like it, but Qin Zhiyan didn't like it. I found it quite interesting, but now I pointed out what Su Lanzhi likes, which made Su Lanzhi's complexion slightly and invisible.

What does this person mean?Knowing that she likes bland ones, why did she still... Could it be that she was playing tricks on her?

But, why does the other party know that he likes light food?Could it be that the other party has been paying attention to him just now?

Thinking of this possibility, Su Lanzhi frowned, but she quickly calmed down. This time, she didn't cooperate with the other party, "Wu Chengwang, I have eaten it just now, and it tastes good." Faintly, with a look of alienation, Qin Zhiyan could hear it, but he didn't mind, "I almost forgot, then Miss Su eats some other dishes, most of the dishes in front of you are light, what does Miss Su like to eat?" , just eat, don't be shy!"

"Don't worry, King Wu Cheng, I won't be polite." Actually, she started eating unceremoniously. Su Lanzhi kept her head down while eating, she seemed quite busy, as if she didn't want to say more, Seeing that the other party didn't intend to talk to him, Qin Zhiyan's eyes were a little disappointed, but he quickly recovered, "Miss Su, eat slowly, don't choke."

In fact, Su Lanzhi ate very slowly, but she didn't stop talking, telling Qin Zhiyan that she was busy eating and didn't have time to talk to him, but when Qin Zhiyan said this, Su Lanzhi looked a little embarrassed , involuntarily glared at Qin Zhiyan, no matter which woman she is, she really cares about her appearance, not to mention that Su Lanzhi is indeed a lady of every family, so it is said that she is a voracious eater, isn't that embarrassing?Can this man speak?

Qin Zhiyan saw Su Lanzhi couldn't help showing his little daughter's attitude towards him. Although the other party's facial features hadn't opened yet, and he looked like a young (forbidden word) tooth, Qin Zhiyan was still a little bit coquettish by Su Lanzhi. His eyes were fascinated, his heart skipped a beat at that moment, and he looked at Su Lanzhi in a daze, his eyes were filled with the brilliance of glazed beads, and fell into Su Lanzhi's eyes, which made Su Lanzhi Lan Zhi missed it.

What's the matter with this man?Why do you look at her like this?Now, she is just a little girl!

I just feel that Qin Zhiyan is a little weird. She is so weak now, she is as young as Bajiu at the age of 13, but why does Qin Zhiyan seem to be interested in her like this?Isn't this person's interest a little strange?

Su Lanzhi was puzzled. She couldn't figure out what happened to Qin Zhiyan. She just looked aside. She didn't want to be confused by Qin Zhiyan's eyes.

Seeing that Su Lanzhi looked away, Qin Zhiyan suddenly realized that he was a little rude. Seeing Su Lanzhi like that, he might have misunderstood him, and he was extremely anxious, for fear of leaving something wrong for Su Lanzhi. Good impression.

Although the other party is sensible and calm in situations, although he is much calmer than his peers, he is indeed just a child. What was he doing just now?

Annoyed in his heart, Qin Zhiyan looked at Su Lanzhi but looked away, a little regretting his gaffe just now, wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, for a moment, he was stunned , just looked at Su Lanzhi, and stopped talking. For the first time in his life, he found that he was at a loss for words.

The two were in an embarrassing situation, but Princess Qin came back in time to save the situation, "Yan'er, Miss Su, what are you doing? Why don't you eat? But the food doesn't suit your taste?"

"Mother Concubine, are you back?" Qin Zhiyan felt relieved when he saw Princess Qin came back, fearing that if the atmosphere just went down, he didn't know how it would end.

In the past, he had always been very measured, and he was extraordinarily organized and confident in doing things, but why did he meet this girl, but he was so nervous that he might say the wrong thing and make the other party hate him?

He really wasn't used to being so unconfident.

"Well, what's the matter with you?" The atmosphere was a bit strange, and Qin Wangfei naturally felt it, and looked at Qin Zhiyan in confusion, hoping that the other party would give him an answer, Qin Zhiyan smiled at Qin Wangfei, but I don't want Princess Qin to know about her embarrassing things, but Su Lanzhi also thinks the same, so she quickly stopped the topic of Princess Qin, "Princess Qin, you are here, we are all waiting for you, you are not here, we are not here delicious!"

"Silly boy, what are you waiting for me? Didn't you let you eat it yourself? It's cold, and the dishes are easy to get cold. If it's cold, it's easy to spoil your stomach, and it's not tasty anymore."

"Princess, it's okay. The room is warm. It won't get cold so soon. Concubine hurry up and eat together, otherwise the food will be really cold!"

"Okay, let's eat together!" Interrupted by Su Lanzhi, Princess Qin forgot to ask, and hurriedly sat down, and the three of them began to eat.

This little episode is over, and then, whether it is Su Lanzhi or Qin Zhiyan, they all seem to be fine. Princess Qin had some doubts just now, but in the end, she dispelled it.After several people were full, Qin Wangfei did not forget to enthusiastically prepare some packed dishes for Su Lanzhi, "Miss Su, although the chef in Xiangfu is also very good, but the drunken chicken in this shop And steamed fish is really good, I just asked the kitchen to prepare another one, when you go back, bring it to Su Xiang and Madam Su, let them taste it too!" Is this considered a kindness?If the two families want to get married in the future, they must establish a good relationship now, otherwise what will happen to such a good daughter-in-law if she runs away?

But there are still some days to wait!

"Princess, you are too polite." Su Lanzhi was really flattered by such enthusiasm.

"This is a thank you gift. You have been with me for a long time today, and it took up a lot of your time. If you don't accept it, I'll be really embarrassed." Gifts are given back and forth like this. Once they are familiar, the two families can start to move around. When they are familiar with each other, Su Lanzhi can often go to the palace to play, and there will be more opportunities to meet each other.

It has to be said that Princess Qin is indeed very considerate for Qin Zhiyan.

"Princess, it's nothing."

"Okay, you can take it back, but I have to trouble you to do this favor for me." She paid the bill with a smile, and asked someone to bring all the packed dishes. Qin Wangfei looked at the time, and it was true. What's more, it's a little early, and I can't bear to prevent Su Lanzhi from leaving, "Let's go for a while to digest, and we'll send you back later!"

"Princess, I'll just go back by myself, it's fine." It's not that she hasn't been out before, and she really doesn't need to.

"It's also on the way, as much as we can send, we can talk along the way!" The Prime Minister's Mansion and the Prince Qin's Mansion are really not on the way, Su Lanzhi really wants to say this, but Qin Wangfei said that she is on the way, Su Lan Zhi had no choice but to say, "That's it, please trouble the princess."

The two went shopping again, Princess Qin bought some gadgets and brought back some snacks, which she said were for Xuan'er, Su Lanzhi saw that Princess Qin was very kind to the one named Xuan'er, and knew that Princess Qin was kind people.It's just that this kind of person is afraid that he will suffer a lot of grievances because of his kindness and integrity?

I don't know if the ending like that in the previous life was because Princess Qin was too kind and upright?

I didn't think much about it before, but now seeing that Qin Wangfei is a good person and treats her very well, Su Lanzhi doesn't want to see her disappear like that, it's really a pity.

The two walked for a while, and Princess Qin was also tired, so Su Lanzhi proposed to get on the carriage. Princess Qin simply asked Su Lanzhi to sit in her spacious and comfortable carriage, and drove Qin Zhiyan out to drive. Su Lanzhi felt very embarrassed, "Princess, I'll just sit in my own carriage. It's really not good to bother King Wu Cheng." It is also because of filial piety, but what about myself?I am just an outsider!

As long as Su Lanzhi thought of Qin Zhiyan outside, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"It's okay, he's thick-skinned, he's not afraid, but you, talk to me, so that I won't be bored along the way."

"Princess, King Wu Cheng can also talk with you!" I always feel that Princess Qin today is too much to wait to see Qin Zhiyan, and Su Lanzhi feels that Qin Zhiyan is a bit pitiful.

"What does he know? It's meaningless to talk to him, but it's better to talk to you consciously." Today, Princess Qin always belittles Qin Zhiyan, which makes Qin Zhiyan feel more and more helpless when he listens outside.

Concubine, you...

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