In the confusion of the snowy night, that white figure floated over, like the fairy who descended from the sky to the world, elegant and refined, handsome and elegant, with picturesque eyebrows, deep facial features, and those round and translucent eyes like those black pearls. The eyes, under the hazy night, shone with a deep light, making one feel as if one was looking into a boundless cave, and one could no longer move one's eyes away.Shu Lu Nu Loop

Before the pain in Princess Qin's eyes could be hidden, she looked into those eyes and looked at the familiar silhouette. Princess Qin suddenly felt that she had nowhere to hide. Watching Qin Zhiyan approaching, Princess Qin's His eyes dodged a little, and he didn't want his son to see his sad part, so as not to worry Qin Zhiyan, "Yan'er, it's getting late, why can't you take a rest? Why did you come out?"

The dark eyes rested on Princess Qin's face, and Qin Zhiyan could even see the tears flickering in Princess Qin's beautiful eyes. After a bit of helplessness and sighing, at last, he smiled, as if he didn't know anything, and walked into Princess Qin slowly, without asking why Princess Qin came back by herself, because the answer was that he had already As expected, "Concubine Mother, I have some accumulated food after dinner, so I went out for a walk. Concubine Mother, do you want to go back? I will see you off!"

Knowing that Princess Qin is in a bad mood, and also knowing the reason for her bad mood, Qin Zhiyan can only pretend to be ignorant while feeling distressed, so as not to embarrass Princess Qin even more.

I'm afraid my mother doesn't want me to worry?

It's just mother and concubine, why are you doing this?Seeing myself wronged like this makes me feel really distressed!

"You, I'll just go back by myself. If you go for a walk, go back and rest early. There are many things to do tomorrow, so don't be too tired." Qin Wangfei knew that Qin Zhiyan was a cautious and sensitive child, She was worried that Qin Zhiyan would see something, and lest she would be too gaffe in front of her children, so subconsciously, she chose to escape, but Qin Zhiyan would not give Princess Qin this chance, just, "Mother, concubine, I've been walking for a while, and I'll send my concubine back for a while, and I'll go back to rest, and it's about the same." Smiling, Qin Zhiyan's gaze was still soft, as if a little bit of gentle soft light had broken into his eyes, It makes people look at it, it is very comfortable, and there is a feeling of reassurance.

"You child, but you don't think it's troublesome!" Qin Zhiyan is also grown up now, so naturally he doesn't live with Princess Qin, but Princess Qin often wants to see her son, but she doesn't arrange Qin Zhiyan's residence far away That's it.

"Mother Concubine, why is this troublesome? Let's have a good talk together, isn't it good?" Knowing that Princess Qin is in a bad mood at the moment, and even afraid of being alone, Qin Zhiyan also waited here on purpose, just not wanting to let Qin Wangfei thought too much, so as not to be in a worse mood.

There are some things that he cannot change, but he will try his best.

"You, let's go, don't delay!" Knowing that her son is filial, she doesn't want to think about it by herself. Princess Qin is very grateful that Qin Zhiyan didn't ask anything, but she smiled and chatted with Qin Zhiyan. back.

"What did you eat at night? Did you eat well?" Princess Qin originally wanted to have dinner with King Qin and Qin Zhiyan, but Shangguan Wuyou invited the two of them to go. The elders were together, and Qin Zhiyan It's not easy to go, so Qin Zhiyan just didn't go.

"Fortunately, the taste is good, and I like it too. Thank you, Concubine Mother." Knowing that this was the arrangement of Princess Qin, Qin Zhiyan certainly knew how much Princess Qin loved him, and the love she felt for Princess Qin was also true. It's even bigger.

The concubine mother is always so considerate, but she would rather wrong herself than help others. A mother with such a temperament will suffer a lot in the palace after all.

"It's fine if you like it. I'm still worried that you won't be able to eat well by yourself. This way, I feel relieved." Princess Qin hasn't had a good meal with Qin Zhiyan for a long time. It's getting busier, and Emperor Wen thinks highly of Qin Zhiyan, so Qin Zhiyan often goes out. Qin Wangfei and Qin Zhiyan really haven't had a good time seeing each other in the past few days.

"Mother and concubine, don't worry, go carefully, the road is slippery!" Pulling Princess Qin carefully, Qin Zhiyan picked up topics to talk to Princess Qin along the way, so as to save Princess Qin from having other time to think about so many sad things up.

"Mother Concubine, do you remember when I was naughty when I was a child, how old was that year, seeing the white snow all over the sky, and sneaking up to play with snow in the middle of the night?" Qin Zhiyan knew that he deliberately wanted to attract Princess Qin's attention , Qin Wangfei's mood at the moment, she can only do her best to make Qin Wangfei happy.

"Of course I remember. At that time, you were only five years old. You crawled out of the window in the middle of the night, played in the snow for most of the night, and fell ill the next day. I was almost worried when I saw you unconscious. After you died, I hurriedly interrogated who actually caused you to catch the cold. After asking for a long time, I finally got some answers. After you recovered from your illness, I confined you for three months, and you were not even allowed to leave the house. , let you admit your mistake." Thinking of Qin Zhiyan when he was a child, he was naughty and tight, and he didn't care about it at all. Qin Wangfei didn't know when it started, Qin Zhiyan seemed to have grown up suddenly, never again. She was so naughty in the past, Princess Qin was quite surprised at that time.

At the same time of being relieved, in Princess Qin's heart, there was something weird and vague in her heart. Seeing that her son got older, it became more difficult to guess her thoughts. In Princess Qin's heart, she really couldn't tell what it was like.

"Isn't it? I still remember that you were so angry that you were going to hit me, mother concubine, but you didn't do anything because you saw that I was weak. However, although you didn't hit me afterwards, you punished me for three months and made me I copied the "Disciples Regulations" five times a day, and my hand was weak at that time, but I have had enough lessons." I have to say that Qin Zhiyan was like many boys when he was young, very fond of moving , but he couldn't sit still. The punishment of Qin Wangfei really made Qin Zhiyan suffer enough at that time, and the impression was particularly deep, but he didn't dare to do it like this again.

"Of course it's because you're too naughty and can't calm down. If I don't punish you well, then the sky will be turned upside down. Wouldn't it be a big deal?" I don't know who Qin Zhiyan followed when he was young. Son, the whole person is like a little demon king in the world, not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth, the whole person seems to be crazy all day long, playing around everywhere, if Qin Zhiyan was not filial when he was young, Princess Qin would not know What a headache!

"Hehe, the concubine mother was right to punish her. Did I remember my lesson? Since then, I never dared to sneak out in the middle of the night to play in the snow again." Princess Qin is very good at teaching children, but Picking up Qin Zhiyan's fear of punishment, if Qin Wangfei just beat Qin Zhiyan severely, Qin Zhiyan was so naughty at the time, he probably would have been beaten too, so he forgot, anyway, he didn't care .

"You, I really don't know why your temperament suddenly changed when you were so naughty when you were young, but now it's completely different from when you were young." Qin Zhiyan was considered an exaggerated temperament when he was a child, which is not worry-free. Yes, but now, it's too much to worry about.

At a young age, he is handsome, talented, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and exudes a sense of calmness. Compared with other slightly naive children from aristocratic families, Qin Zhiyan is really much better.

He was less than 20 years old, but his thinking and behavior were as steady as those of 30 years old, which made Emperor Wen trust him so much that he entrusted Qin Zhiyan with many tasks.

Such an excellent son, while Concubine Qin is pleased, sometimes she is very distressed.

This person, if he was born in a relatively harmonious and happy family, then his temperament will be softer and his person will be relatively simple, just like her, when she was a child, she was well protected by her father, queen mother, queen, and elder brother, so now His temperament has not changed much, but Qin Zhiyan...

Princess Qin has always hoped to give the only child the best, so that the other child can live happily and carefree in this life, but now it seems that what she did is still not very good.

"Mother, concubine, people always have to grow up. I was ignorant when I was young, and then I gradually grew up. Knowing that mother, concubine and father are all for my own good, naturally I will work hard to get rid of my bad habits." If Without that person in the mansion, his life would be much simpler and happier?

His parents have a very good relationship and a noble status. If there is really no other people in the house to interfere, their family will naturally be lively and happy. Maybe he will have other brothers and sisters, but it will not be like this now , Sometimes, a little lonely.

"You child..." Looking at Qin Zhiyan dotingly, Qin Wangfei knew that Qin Zhiyan had always been a filial child. Although he was naughty when he was young, Qin Zhiyan was very principled and would never go too far As for things, he is also very friendly towards servants, that is to say, he is a bit skinny, but that is also the nature of children, so it's not too much.

And now...

Concubine Qin intuitively felt that something must have happened, which made Qin Zhiyan suddenly sensible, but she asked many times, but she couldn't find anything, so Concubine Qin was very confused.


Along the way, Qin Zhiyan tried his best to talk to Princess Qin, which made Princess Qin feel much better.

After sending Princess Qin back to the yard, Qin Zhiyan didn't leave in a hurry, followed him in and chatted with Princess Qin for a while, and talked about some interesting things, and finally laughed when he saw Princess Qin. Heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that Concubine Qin was tired, she said goodbye, "Since Concubine Mother is tired, I won't bother you anymore. Concubine Mother should rest early, and I will come back tomorrow to greet Concubine Mother!" Qin Zhi Yan has always been a filial and sensible child, but he seldom makes her worry.

Qin Wangfei saw that Qin Zhiyan didn't talk much today in order to make her happy, but today she talked a lot, and her heart was full of touch and warmth, "You should rest earlier, don't be tired." This child is always so caring and sensible. As a mother, she really did a bad job and made the child worry about herself.

All of this is her choice, and it is also the price she must pay for a happy life with her husband and son. She is willing to do so, so she can't always blame others, who makes God always like to joke with them? ?

"Well, mother and concubine, my son is leaving!" He went out quietly. When Qin Zhiyan went out, he met Wei Weimao, and asked about today's affairs, "Momma, the Shangguan side concubine was here today. gone?"

Shangguan Wuyou made such a move today, maybe it was intentional?

"Little prince, not long after you left, the concubine of Shangguan came, but at that time the concubine had already rested, and the old servant stopped her." Wei Nanny was the same as Qin Zhiyan, she was a little worried about Shangguan Wuyou Suspicious, but that person has always done a good job, and the two of them couldn't find anything.

"En." Nodding his head, Qin Zhiyan knew that things might not be that simple, otherwise Shangguan Wuyou wouldn't have made such a big fuss, "By the way, when Shangguan's side concubine came today, was the father still there?" Yes. Of course, Qin Zhiyan had to ask Shangguan Wuyou's thoughts about King Qin.

"The lord is here, and the lord is always by my side when the wangfei is resting." There are some things that are difficult to say in front of Qin Zhiyan, a man who has never had sex before, but Madam Wei just mentioned that. When Qin Zhiyan looked at Mammy Wei's face and said this, he flashed a little joy. Although Qin Zhiyan didn't guess anything, he also knew that King Qin and Princess Qin had a very good relationship, and King Qin would accompany Qin Princess, it is also predictable.

Maybe it's because the father and the king accompanied the mother and the concubine to stimulate her again?

"Well, I see, take good care of my concubine, pay attention at night, light some sandalwood, so that my concubine can sleep better, I am worried that my concubine will not sleep well today." When you are in a bad mood, it is inevitable to sleep , will also be uneasy.

"Young master, don't worry, the old slave will personally guard the princess." Wei Mama naturally knew what it meant that King Qin didn't follow, and of course she was also suffering for Princess Qin.

Master, you are still too kind, but if you can be ruthless and not so kind, then you will be much happier these years.

"Well, there is an old lady." Wei Wei is an old man next to Princess Qin, and she is taking care of Princess Qin freely. She is an old man brought back by Princess Qin from Nanzhao. Naturally, the person Princess Qin trusts most is up.

"Don't worry, little prince, this is what an old slave should do. It's getting late, and the little prince should go back to rest earlier."

"Well, then I'm leaving!" Looking at Princess Qin worriedly, Qin Zhiyan finally left. Walking on the road, Qin Zhiyan thought of Shangguan Wuyou, but his heart was very complicated.

In fact, Qin Zhiyan really didn't understand Shangguan Wuyou's attachment to King Qin.

Back then when the late emperor bestowed the marriage, King Qin always avoided and refused to marry Shangguan Wuyou. After several years of delay, Shangguan Wuyou was an old girl. <Beautiful, after a while, she became an old lady, but this person is still waiting, and has never proposed to contact the marriage contract.

Later, King Qin insisted on marrying Princess Luoyang, and even willingly gave up his throne. After going through all kinds of hardships and ups and downs, King Qin finally got his wish and could live together with Princess Luoyang.It's just that the king of Qin felt guilty and asked the emperor for his will. The emperor also felt that Shangguan Wuyou's life was delayed. Find a well-matched marriage for the other party as compensation.

Shangguan Wuyou is extremely beautiful, and with the status of the eldest daughter of the old Huguogong's mansion, even though he is a bit older, but the emperor is in charge, and he is the princess, so if he wants to marry well, that's not right. Impossible, at that time there were many men who wanted to come to ask for marriage, but this Shangguan Wuyou didn't know whether it was because he was high-spirited, or because no one liked him, or because one woman does not matter to two husbands, but they all refused.

Another year has passed like this, this year King Qin and Princess Qin are very happy, they are like glue, but also because of Shangguan Wuyou, they are always guilty in their hearts.

Shangguan Wuyou never got married, and it was already twenty in a blink of an eye. Finally, during an autumn hunt, the King of Qin was besieged by wild beasts. At that time, there were assassins ambushing him. King Qin's life was at stake, and Shangguan Wuyou recklessly rushed over , blocked the attack of the wild beast, and that fatal arrow, so this favor was owed.

This favor also involves King Qin's life, and it is difficult to repay a favor, so naturally it is even more difficult to repay this favor, especially since Shangguan Wuyou has everything, no matter what King Qin sent, Shangguan Wuyou refused.

At that time, Shangguan Wuyou was disfigured, he refused to see anyone, and locked himself in the room every day. The old Hu Guogong also loved his daughter very much. Seeing that Shangguan Wuyou was so depressed, he even cut his wrist and committed suicide one day , the old Huguogong finally became impatient, so he went to King Qin at that time, saying that King Qin had ruined his daughter's happiness. At the beginning, the old Huguogong even wanted to fight with King Qin. Quite impatient.

In the end, it was Shangguan Wuyou who asked the old Huguo Gong to go back, and the matter was finally let go. However, the news of Shangguan Wuyou's disfigurement spread like wildfire. Qin Wang was really sorry and wanted to visit. Qin Wangfei was also grateful to Shangguan Wuyou After saving King Qin, he followed him.

< The person took shape, and finally pulled down his face and begged together.

Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei were ready to be scolded by others, but when they met the two old men who begged in such a way, they really couldn't say the words to refuse cruelly.In the end, it was really helpless, King Qin had no choice but to agree to give Shangguan Wuyou a title, which was also an explanation to Duke Huguo and Shangguan Wuyou, so that Shangguan Wuyou would not be miserable all his life.

After all, it was the king of Qin who was sorry for Shangguan Wuyou, so the king of Qin could only do so.


Qin Zhiyan thought about the things he had found out over the years, and the entanglement between King Qin and Shangguan Wuyou back then, Qin Zhiyan really didn't know what to say.

Back then, Shangguan Wuyou was unwilling to marry King Qin, saying that he didn't want to destroy the relationship between King Qin and Princess Qin, but her appearance was ruined, and she was getting older, so she really couldn't marry a good husband. , under the persuasion of the old Huguogong and his wife, Shangguan Wuyou really didn't want his parents to "worry" about her anymore, so he married.

She herself is the eldest daughter of Duke Protector, and later she was named princess, and married to King Qin, she is indeed a special existence in King Qin's mansion.

Especially after Shangguan Wuyou married in, even though the King of Qin never touched her, he respected her very much. She herself was very low-key and would not fight or grab her. However, Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei's guilt and respect for her gradually increased.

But gradually, Shangguan Wuyou's position in the mansion became more and more stable, so that she is really standing tall now, except for the title of side concubine, everything the King of Qin can give has already been given. .

Thinking about these headaches, Qin Zhiyan was really helpless.

Although he has noticed that something is wrong with Shangguan Wuyou these years, he also knows that Shangguan Wuyou is now both the princess and the side concubine of the King of Qin. If he really wanted to move the other party, Qin Zhiyan really had to make a good plan.

It's just that he was young in the past, and now he is gradually full-fledged, but those things have passed for a long, long time. Shangguan Wuyou has always been careful, and now Qin Zhiyan really has no way to start.

What's more, he is only suspicious, and there is really no evidence.


In fact, Qin Zhiyan also knew that the King of Qin was indeed sorry for Shangguan Wuyou. It was indeed the King of Qin who disregarded the marriage bestowed by the former emperor and insisted on avoiding the marriage. Later, he even regretted the marriage and wanted to marry Princess Luoyang.Such behavior is indeed a fatal injury to a woman.

Although the first emperor and the king of Qin have made up for it, women have the greatest reputation. No matter what the reason is, if a woman gets divorced, if she gets married in the future, who can guarantee that her husband will not mind?

Even though he said that, from the standpoint of closeness, Princess Qin is his mother and concubine, and King Qin and Princess Qin are very affectionate, Qin Zhiyan really feels that Shangguan Wuyou shouldn't be so persistent.

Because of this relationship, and Shangguan Wuyou did save King Qin and him back then, and Qin Zhiyan is not that kind of ungrateful person, so he has been working hard to protect Princess Qin and himself all these years, It is true that there is no direct confrontation with Shangguan Wuyou.

As long as the other party has a measure and doesn't reach his bottom line, then he can bear it, so he can bear it!

However, Qin Zhiyan still hoped that Princess Qin would not wrong herself so much.

It's okay for him to suffer some grievances, and he can even make up for Princess Qin, but he doesn't want Princess Qin to work too hard.

Therefore, as long as Qin Wangfei was wronged by Shangguan Wuyou, Qin Zhiyan couldn't bear it, and really wished to bear all this instead of Qin Wangfei.

When will all this come to an end?


Feeling a little depressed, facing his savior, Qin Zhiyan's thoughts are very complicated. For Qin Wangfei, Qin Zhiyan has a grudge against Shangguan Wuyou, but because of that kindness, Qin Zhiyan can't help it. Not yet.

Tangled in his heart, Qin Zhiyan suddenly felt very irritable, and suddenly didn't want to stay in this palace, so as not to be depressed.

Thinking this way in his heart, Qin Zhiyan did exactly that, quietly went back to his room, and after telling people to sleep, Qin Zhiyan slipped out of the window.

Speeding on the road with the help of lightness skills, Qin Zhiyan walked and watched the changing scenery around him, and unknowingly, he came to the Prime Minister's mansion.

How did he come here?

Looking at the two golden characters of Xiangfu, Qin Zhiyan suddenly had a desire in his heart, and sneaked in quietly, guessing Su Lanzhi's room, he slipped in suddenly.

At this moment, Su Lanzhi was ready to go to bed, so she replied to Murong Yan and Su Qinglan when she came back, and Su Lanzhi returned to her own Lanyue Pavilion. At this moment, Su Lanzhi still bathed and washed, lit the lamp, and lay on the bed , reading a book.

This is a habit she developed when she was reborn. When she was reborn, she couldn't sleep well every night. Finally, she found some books to read, and gradually diverted her attention. Reading some books before going to bed can increase her sleepiness. The feeling of exhaustion, and reading can make her not think about many things, so when she falls asleep like this, she can sleep peacefully.

Today, she still took a book of medical skills, which she found in Su Qinglan's study not long ago. Lan Zhi frowned a little at the moment. Su Lanzhi had little contact with the contents of this solitary book. In addition, her medical skills were basically self-taught without anyone's guidance. It seemed that it would take a lot of work.

Under the dim light, the rhyme-yellow light shone softly on Su Lanzhi's body, making Su Lanzhi look a little ethereal, and it seemed a little unreal.

Especially when she was lying quietly at the moment, turning the pages of the book occasionally, frowning slightly, there was no one else in the room except her, the quietness was very quiet except for the occasional sound of flipping the book.

When Qin Zhiyan came outside Su Lanzhi, what he saw was like this. The woman lying on the bed was wearing an underwear, a thick padded jacket and a quilt, watching quietly. Although the book looks very immature, her whole person feels extremely soft and very comfortable.

Qin Zhiyan's impetuous and restless heart also became much quieter when he saw Su Lanzhi at this moment, standing outside motionless all the time, looking at Su Lanzhi's figure through the faint light Qin Zhiyan's eyes couldn't help but softened a lot. At this moment, his restless heart gradually calmed down. Looking at Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan seemed to be admiring a painting Same, reluctant to take my eyes away.

At a young age, this is already the case. When I grow up, I don’t know, what will it be like?

Qin Zhiyan couldn't help being a little curious, and the arc of the corner of his mouth couldn't help but rise, which showed his good mood. <Nuan went in instead, "Miss, it's getting late, you've been looking at it for a long time, and if you look at it again, your eyes will hurt, you should rest early, don't burn your eyes." <Nuan and the others are very careful of. <Nuan came in, Su Lanzhi also knew it was getting late, so she yawned and was about to go to sleep. <Nuan carefully supported Su Lanzhi to lie down, twisted the quilt for Su Lanzhi, wrapped Su Lanzhi tightly, made sure that Su Lanzhi would not be cold, and relaxed, "Miss, then The window, but it has to be closed? It will be cold if the wind comes in at night."

"Well, it's off!" Just let it go, just want to get rid of the stale air in the room, now it's going to sleep, so naturally it can't be turned on all the time.

<After Nuan finished speaking, he walked over. When he closed the window, he felt a faint fragrance coming. Chun Nuan looked out curiously, but found nothing. <Nuan looked at it carefully, but found nothing abnormal, and finally had to close the window and lock it, so as to avoid problems.

But once she locked it like this, it blocked Qin Zhiyan's sight. Qin Zhiyan was standing by a big tree at the moment, seeing the scenery inside the house was blocked, and he didn't know why, but felt a little disappointed.

"Miss, you are asleep, and the servant is outside. If you have anything to do, call the servant!" Su Lanzhi is not the kind of person who treats her servants harshly. Sleeping on the ground floor, I prepared quilts and soft couch for the night watchman at the door, so as not to fall asleep uncomfortable.

Everyone is also grateful for Su Lanzhi's care and care, so naturally they are also very concerned about Su Lanzhi's affairs.

"Go and rest!" Su Lanzhi seldom gets up at night, and it's a rule for people to watch outside, so that no one will take care of her if something happens. <Nuan went out quietly, and closed the door carefully, Su Lanzhi looked at the darkness of the room, but her eyes were extraordinarily bright, just like the stars, extremely bright.

Staring at the head of the bed for a long time, I don't know what Su Lanzhi was thinking, but in the end, those bright eyes were closed. At this time, Qin Zhiyan had been standing by the window, listening carefully. Hearing the movement inside, Su Lanzhi's breathing became even, and knowing that the other party was already asleep, Qin Zhiyan turned and left.

In the dark night, that white shadow passed by, like a gust of wind, coming and going without a trace, but no one noticed that a stranger broke into the Lanyue Pavilion today.

Soon he returned to his courtyard, Qin Zhiyan couldn't get rid of the beautiful figure in his mind, thinking of the scene of Su Lanzhi half lying on the bed reading a book, the lights were confused, and a layer of light was cast on the other party's body. The halo made Su Lanzhi look so noble and holy, but it dazzled his eyes for a moment.

Moved by his heart, Qin Zhiyan came to the desk in the room without saying a word, sharpened the ink quickly, picked up the brush, and began to draw the pictures in his mind like flowing clouds and flowing water.

As if Su Lanzhi was right in front of him, Qin Zhiyan drew that picture in detail, and when the painting was finished, it was exactly like the scene just now, and it was really in Qin Zhiyan's eyes. in front of it.

Qin Zhiyan looked at the painting, and didn't understand that he, who had never drawn people before, would break this rule today. Looking at the person on the picture, the one who carved jade bracelets, at a young age, he already had a This kind of charm makes people unable to move their eyes away. Such a calm expression is rare at the other party's age.

What kind of woman is this?

Now Qin Zhiyan really hopes to explore Su Lanzhi's heart little by little, and know what kind of woman Su Lanzhi is.

Slender fingers stroked the face on the screen bit by bit, Qin Zhiyan's gaze finally fell on the book in Su Lanzhi's hand.

The book looks a little old, even the corners are a little worn, but I don't know, what kind of book is this little girl reading?Why does it look like it's been a long time ago?

At this moment, I feel a little regretful that I didn't read this book in detail just now. Qin Zhiyan's eyesight is excellent because of his martial arts practice. He can see things even at night. If he wanted to read it just now, he could still tell that it was What.

It's just a pity...

After looking at the painting for a long time, Qin Zhiyan smiled helplessly at last, quite puzzled by his impulsive behavior today.

Looking at the painting, Qin Zhiyan knew that it was not good for him to keep it. After all, letting outsiders know about such a picture would be a fatal blow to Su Lanzhi.

But if it was torn off, Qin Zhiyan would be reluctant to part with it. In the end, Qin Zhiyan had no choice but to put it away properly, walked to a dark place, and put the painting away.

However, he really didn't expect that a woman's painting was placed in the place he used to store important private items today. What does this mean?

Helplessly smiled, Qin Zhiyan knew that since he saw those eyes as deep as an ancient well, his heart couldn't help himself, but now he is more and more addicted, maybe soon, he will really be tempted, and also Can't help it?

He really didn't expect that he, who has always been cold and cold-hearted, would have such a chance to be so excited.

Putting the things away and restoring the house, Qin Zhiyan felt the fragrance of ink remaining on the paper, and felt that the fragrance of ink seemed to reach the bottom of his heart, and a faint, unparalleled throbbing passed through his whole heart Moved.

Smiled, went out for a trip, gained a lot, and seemed to be in a better mood, Qin Zhiyan happily changed his clothes and lay on the bed, the scene he saw just now flashed across his mind, Qin Zhiyan knew that maybe in the future Many days, I will think of such a scene?

This kind of memory, I am afraid that he has carefully treasured it all his life.

+++++++++++ This day is finally over, I am the coming dividing line of the second ri

After a good night's sleep, Su Lanzhi woke up later than usual. As soon as she woke up, people outside came in when she heard the movement. After Su Lanzhi washed up, it was the same as usual. I went to Murong Yan's Yanyun Pavilion. When I went, Murong Yan was already sitting. Today, Su Qinglan went to the morning court, but she didn't come back so soon.

"Mother, have you been waiting for a long time? I slept a little bit more today, but I got up late. Mother, in the future, you don't have to wait for me. Don't starve yourself."

"It's okay, I just got up, so I'm not hungry yet!" Murong Yan was in a good mood today, she pulled Su Lanzhi to sit down, the two talked for a while, and then breakfast was served.

Because Murong Yan was pregnant, the breakfast was a lot richer, but I was afraid that Murong Yan would not be able to eat, so there were more choices.

Today, just for porridge, there are white rice porridge, lean meat porridge, fish porridge, bird's nest porridge, and vegetable porridge.

In addition to porridge, there are buns, steamed buns, fried dough sticks, pancakes, and even noodles, as well as mung bean cakes, plum cakes, and so on.Su Lanzhi specially prepared a breakfast with nutrition for Murong Yan, just to make Murong Yan more appetizing.

"Lan'er, in fact, we don't need so much for breakfast. There are only two of us, we can't finish it!" A table of breakfast is richer than the lunch of a small family. Although Murong Yan came from a rich family, she also felt that Some are wasted.

Frugality has always been Murong Yan's virtue, especially since she began to worship Buddha, Murong Yan's life has become much more simple and elegant, and her daily expenses are not large, and she can save as much as she can, and what is saved, Murong Yan is A large part of the sesame oil money will be donated.

"Mother, it's okay. You are heavy now, and there is no rule about what you want to eat. If the cook doesn't cook what you like, why don't you just stop eating it? That's impossible!" At this point , Su Lanzhi is very persistent, now there is nothing more important than the child in Murong Yan's belly.

"You, you are more nervous than me, the rightful owner!" Seeing that her daughter also cared about her, Murong Yan didn't say anything, she just chose what she liked to eat.However, I also found that what I liked to eat in the past, I really don't like it now. She only ate a small part of the breakfast that Su Lanzhi asked people to prepare, and many of them lost their appetite after seeing it.

Of course, this is not to say that the food is not delicious, it's just that her current taste is getting more and more tricky.

I really don't know if the child in this womb is a noisy one. She has changed a lot since she got pregnant. She was not so picky before.

"Mother, don't you want to eat?" Seeing that Murong Yan only ate a small portion, Su Lanzhi was really worried when she saw Murong Yan's body that had lost a lot of weight.

"It's almost there. I'm not very hungry. It's fine. You can eat more." Su Lanzhi was also thin, and Murong Yan felt distressed as well.

"Mom, drink more oatmeal, it's good for you and your child!"

"Okay, I got it." Even if Murong Yan doesn't like being good to the child, she still wants to drink it.


The mother and daughter finished their dinner happily, and just as they put down their chopsticks, someone came to send a message, "Madam, Miss, Prince Qing's Mansion has sent someone over."

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