The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 143 Power Technique

() "Okay, Lan'er, don't worry, I won't say anything!" Murong Ya is also a loyal person, although she doesn't know what Su Lanzhi is doing, but seeing that Su Lanzhi doesn't want to say it, she also agrees. No more questions.

It's just that I'm still a little worried in my heart, and I always feel that today is too uneven.

Entering the palace in the past is not like this, but why, Lan'er entering the palace is not going well in every way?

"Sister Ya, thank you!" Su Lanzhi was relieved to see Murong Ya not asking any further questions.

In fact, she was really worried that with Murong Ya's temperament, she would keep asking questions.

It seems that the other party has really grown up a lot, but the price for this is a bit high.

Suddenly, I miss the Murong Ya who was carefree and without any worries.

"Okay, don't talk about it, it's just that today is too dangerous. In the future, you should pay more attention and don't be so reckless!" Just be careful.

After all, good luck doesn't happen every day, not to mention the people in this palace, it's just that they don't get along well, if one is bad, that's a serious crime!

Every time she enters the palace, she is very careful!

"Well, don't worry, I can save it!" Today, it was considered a risk, but Su Lanzhi won the bet, didn't he?

"You, I always don't know what you're thinking. My mother called us, let's go there quickly, don't get lost again, lest I be found by trouble again!" The two whispered aside, naturally avoiding Xi Lerong, now, Xi Lerong is looking for them.

"Okay!" Walking in the direction of Xi Lerong with Murong Ya, Su Lanzhi looked at Concubine Jing's haughty back with sparkles in her eyes.

What happened today, Su Lanzhi knew, it was all done by Concubine Jing, thinking that this Concubine Jing must have vented her anger on her because of Bai Xin's affairs, she couldn't see her before, but seeing her today, naturally she will do everything possible If it's embarrassing, it's better to tap and tap, lest she get too complacent!

It's just that the queen is also contributing to the flames. Otherwise, how could Concubine Jing's claws have penetrated into the queen's Fengqing Palace?

I was suffocated in my heart, but now in the palace, Su Lanzhi entered the palace for the first time, and she had no foundation, so she had to endure it.

But just because she endured it doesn't mean she just doesn't care!

Concubine Jing made things difficult for her today, making her very irritable. Since the other party won't let her have a better life, she won't let the other party have a better life either!

I remember in the previous life, Bai Zhu was married to the eldest son of Marquis of Nanchang. This Marquis of Nanchang’s family was well-off and famous for a century, and he was also somewhat related to Concubine Nan. At that time, Concubine Jing was also relying on this, and got closer to Concubine Nan. , but got a big boost!Afterwards, he recruited many forces, and made full preparations for the fifth prince, Qin Mo, to compete for the throne!

If Su Lanzhi remembers correctly, in a short while, Baizhu will be engaged to that eldest son, and when Baizhu and Ji are married, they will get married.Madam Hou of Nanchang was also present today. Su Lanzhi did that on purpose to ruin Baizhu's face, and let Madam Nanchang Hou see Baizhu's contemptuous behavior, which completely ruined Concubine Jing's layout and plan!

If others don't make her happy, how can she make others happy!

Today, she also responded to what Concubine Jing did to her, and let the other party know that she is not easy to mess with. Next time this person wants to deal with her again, then, it is not as simple as breaking a layout!

Regardless of her previous life or this life, she and Yuan Wuhou and Concubine Jing are destined to be enemies, and today is just the beginning of the struggle. Su Lanzhi knows that after what happened today, Concubine Jing and her are even more Fire and water cannot be tolerated.

However, she has already made preparations. Instead of letting the other party plot against her, it is more important to take the initiative to attack, especially now that she has found an ally...

Thinking about what the queen did just now, Su Lanzhi knew that this queen was not at all as graceful and generous as she had shown. On the contrary, the queen was a person who would take revenge. For her posthumous position, there was second prince Qin Mo The throne, this empress, took great pains in the previous life and did a lot of dirty things. If you think about it, there won't be too many changes in this life?

Su Lanzhi also knew about the temptation of the Queen just now. Although the Queen is afraid of her, she is even more afraid of Concubine Jing. That's why she chose to slap Concubine Jing in the face just now, blocking Concubine Jing's plan and ruining Concubine Jing. It's a good game for the concubine.

It was precisely because she won the bet that Su Lanzhi also knew that if she wanted to deal with Concubine Jing in the future, this queen would be an indispensable helper.

I just hope that the other party doesn't let me down!


Perhaps it was because of Bai Zhu's matter that Concubine Jing was more at ease. At the next birthday banquet, the Empress took everyone to enjoy the Cheng Garden, and occasionally let some daughters come out to ask questions and recite poems rightly. It's really embarrassing to look at what is the same.

The empress rarely held banquets, and she took good care of the daughters of various families today, and even issued an order to let the family members of the first-rank officials also enter the palace, and even only the aunt and daughter. Let the caring people grab something.

If there are several adult princes who have not married wives, and even the second prince Qin Mo only married a main concubine, the position of the side concubine is also vacant. If in the future, the second prince really Now that they have ascended to the position of the Ninth Five-Year Lord, then they, as his side concubines, will not also rise, and the whole family will benefit from it?

Although many big families treat their daughters with rich clothes and good food, and carefully cultivate them, and raise their daughters to be delicate and elegant, they still use their daughters' marriage as a tool to strengthen the family and win over power. Therefore, in the eyes of these people, this As far as happiness without a daughter is concerned, it only depends on how much honor it brings to the family.

Therefore, even if a first-rank official is someone's concubine, they are also happy!

Just ask, who wouldn't want to marry the royal family?That is a supreme honor, but if they really get married, then in the future, this family will naturally flourish.

It is also seen that they are a little slender, and these wives have brought their daughters to get close to the queen. Of course, some of them are more ambitious, and they have spotted Concubine Jing. The fifth prince has not yet married the concubine. The location, of course, is also very attractive!

The second and fifth princes are the most vocal now. Although Qin Yan is very trusted by Emperor Wen, his mother clan has already been defeated and his mother died young. For such a helpless prince, many people naturally adopt a wait-and-see attitude of.

Su Lanzhi saw the thoughts of these people in her eyes, and looked at the beautiful girls, some of whom were not much older than herself, but they seemed to be being sold as goods, Su Lanzhi's heart suddenly There was a touch of sadness.

Girls are miserable. When they are girls, they are fine, and they are loved by thousands of people, but once they marry poorly, then this life will be ruined.

Especially the daughters of Gongqing's aristocratic family are absolutely not allowed to divorce their wives. Therefore, once married, for the honor of the family, even if they are unhappy, they can only bear it.

Looking at those yearning faces, Su Lanzhi didn't know if these people knew their own destiny, if they knew that even if she was married to a wealthy family, if that person was not a good one, what would happen to her.

Prosperity and wealth are just a fleeting moment, if you don't bring them with you when you die, Su Lanzhi really doesn't understand, why do some people care so much?

Suddenly, I feel fortunate that my parents really love me and hope that I can be happy. Compared with many women with her status, she is indeed much happier.At least, she doesn't have to worry, she will be treated like a commodity and traded.

Everyone has their own ambitions, Su Lanzhi's own thoughts, she knows that many people can't accept it, so she just quietly watched those people approach the queen, trying their best to flatter her, but she just quietly Standing aside, like an outsider, he didn't care at all.

It just so happened that Murong Ya held her back at this time, "Lan'er, let's go for a walk, it's really boring here!" Murong Ya actually didn't quite understand why these people like to curry favor with the Queen and Jing so much. Where is the concubine?Some even always push their daughters out and ask them to recite poems or something. Although they are extremely elegant, Murong Ya finds them weird.

Isn't today the empress's birthday party?How did it become a poetry club?

Fortunately, her mother didn't let her recite poems, otherwise, she would really have a headache.

I also didn't like this kind of atmosphere in my heart, and Murong Ya wanted to run away.

Su Lanzhi naturally saw Murong Ya's impatience. She knew that Murong Ya was not very interested in these poems and books. At this moment, she must be irritable. She smiled, and she didn't like this kind of atmosphere either. , "It's okay, there are many people here, Empress Empress, so it's okay for us to go for a walk, but we have to tell the eldest aunt!"

Otherwise, it's time to worry again.

"Don't worry, Yinye, go and tell mother that Lan'er and I are going for a walk, and we'll be back in a while!" Murong Ya didn't like going to the palace and felt uncomfortable. In terms of nature, it is very good.

"Can I go now?" He pulled Su Lanzhi with a smile and wanted to leave. Murong Ya felt that she hadn't seen Su Lanzhi for a long time, but she missed her a little.

"Okay, but don't go too far, so that my aunt won't worry!" Today, when she enters the palace, she will always be tricked, and Su Lanzhi doesn't want to act alone anymore, so as not to be tricked again.

"Don't worry, let's walk around casually, without leaving mother's sight!" Murong Ya was just feeling bored, and wanted to avoid it for a while, so as not to be stared at all the time, making her feel like a piece of fat The fleshy look made her feel uncomfortable with that look.

Murong Ya has such a feeling, it is naturally not fake, she is about to grow up soon, and will soon be able to marry, she is the eldest daughter of the Hou family, her father is a loyal general, and her mother is Zheng Xida The general's daughter, with her status, it is not impossible for some wives of aristocratic families to want to marry her back as a daughter-in-law.

Of course, some concubines want Murong Ya to be their son's main concubine, so that they can win over the Jingbei Hou Mansion and consolidate their son's power, that's not impossible.

Putting it all together, Murong Ya is actually a very popular girl in the boudoir, and the identity of the Jingbeihou's mansion is there, who wouldn't want to get involved with Jingbeihou?

But these were not within the scope of Murong Ya's consideration, she just felt uncomfortable being stared at by others, so she also willfully pulled Su Lanzhi out of the team, so as not to be breathless.

Being asked this and that all the time, she was really overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Xi Lerong is also an open-minded mother. Seeing that Murong Ya didn't like this kind of occasion, she didn't feel embarrassed. She just let Yinye and Yunzhu follow along and take care of her.


As soon as Murong Ya got away from the crowd, she suddenly felt that her breathing was much easier, and she hurriedly sighed, "Hey, Lan'er, you don't know, if I don't come out again, I'm really going to suffocate to death!"

This is really not a human job, it's uncomfortable!

"Sister Ya, you are always like this, but you can't do it. You will be married soon, and you will be the daughter-in-law of someone else's family. Such a scene is indispensable!" Su Lanzhi said She was a little more sensitive than Murong Ya, and could see the interest of those people in Murong Ya. Seeing Murong Ya's slow look at this moment, Su Lanzhi became interested in teasing her.

"Okay, Lan'er, I beg you, let me go, let me be happy for a few years first, can we talk about this matter later?" Looking at Su Lanzhi as if asking for help, Murong Ya was most afraid of these things Well, her temperament has always been one-sided, so she doesn't like these miscellaneous things.

"Sister Ya, in a few years, you will be an old lady. Don't you worry that you won't be able to get married?" Seeing that Murong Ya was about to bow to her, Su Lanzhi smiled, and looked at Murong Ya now. I regained some vivacity, and my heart is also happy.

"My dear sister, I beg you, don't talk about it, hey. If possible, I hope I can stay at home for a few more years and serve my parents!" Yes, her parents raised her, but she will marry as soon as she reaches her age Once you get married, you will have fewer opportunities to see your parents in the future, and you will not even have the opportunity to be a good student and be filial to your parents. It is really a pity.

"Sister Ya is really filial. My uncle and aunt will be happy when they find out!" In fact, why doesn't she want to spend a few more years with her parents?

But there are always too many involuntary things, and she can't do it.

"Stop talking, I told my mother these things, but she gave me a hard time and punished me for embroidering mandarin ducks. Do you think I am wronged?" At this moment, Murong finally found a way to complain. Ya can't wait to let Su Lanzhi know all the bitterness in her stomach, so that she can have an audience, so she won't be so sad all the time.

"The eldest aunt is also for your own good!" This world is too harsh on women. If an older woman cannot get married, it will be difficult to find a good marriage that is well-matched.

Even if you are reluctant, you have to let go, don't you?

This is their fate and their helplessness.

"I know that my mother is doing it for my own good, but I'm not ready yet..." I used to think that I would marry Qin Zhiyan. At the age when Murong Ya's love first started, seeing such a handsome and handsome person, it was naturally a I lost my heart, I always feel that I can be lucky enough to marry such a man, I must be extremely happy, but now?

Suddenly, she realized that she was asking for trouble. That person is so good, what kind of woman can she want?What's more, after a few times of contact, that person was very polite to him, and he only regarded himself as a friend's sister, so he didn't think too much about it. Murong Ya was very clear about this, so naturally, Qin Zhiyan For her, there is no love between men and women.

Although she is young, she has just begun to fall in love, and she knows some things. She has always seen that although her parents rarely see each other, but they are very loving, she is very envious and wants to marry her father just like her mother. A person like that is good to his mother, not like the second uncle, who is romantic and affectionate. There are countless wives and concubines in the yard, which makes the second aunt sad.

So, after several rounds of verification, when she learned that Qin Zhiyan had no extra thoughts on her, Murong Ya felt very sad, but she also knew that there was no way to force the matter of fate.

It's just that after all, it's the first time she's been tempted by a man, she still can't let go.

If possible, she still hopes that she can marry that man, but is it possible?

The eyes suddenly became a little sad. There are actually many women who are trapped by love, and they are all fools.

"Sister Ya, what's the matter with you? What are you thinking?" Seeing all kinds of thoughts flash across Murong Ya's eyes suddenly, and finally turned into a touch of sadness, Su Lanzhi was very worried.

Is Sister Ya's heart knot still unopened?

"Hehe, I'm fine. By the way, I know there is a lake in Chengyuan. How about we sit there?" Not wanting Su Lanzhi to see her carelessness, Murong Ya smiled and covered it up. passed.

Lan'er seems to be luckier than herself, and King Wu Cheng treats her very well...

"But there, is it too far away?" Su Lanzhi was a little worried that it was too far away.

"It's not far away, we'll let Yinye and Yunzhu follow along, and they'll be back soon, don't worry!" Murong Ya wanted to take a good walk at the moment and put away all her messy thoughts.


"Okay, let's go, hurry up!" At this moment, it is very necessary to change the subject, and also to have a space for myself to think about some things, so Murong Ya dragged Su Lanzhi away without saying a word.

"Sister Ya, slow down!" Knowing that Murong Ya might be in a low mood, Su Lanzhi had no choice but to accompany her, and gave Yunzhu a look so that Yunzhu would follow along, so as not to cause trouble.

"Okay, let's walk slowly. The scenery of Chengyuan is really good. It's no wonder that so many people want to enter the palace." The plants and trees in Fengqing Palace are indeed ingenious, the layout is very exquisite, and there are many really strange stones and many precious flowers and trees in it, but it is winter now, and they are all withered.

"The palace is full of flowers, and the flowers are blooming. It is said that the random flowers are becoming more and more charming. The world is just confused by this superficial phenomenon." Looking at the bricks and tiles, Su Lanzhi remembered what happened to her in her previous life. , this Fengqing Palace is extremely gorgeous, but it is also a huge cage, imprisoning her soul, and imprisoning her freedom.

Now, she has seen through a lot of things that she didn't understand before. I just hope that in this life, she can avoid many mistakes in her previous life.

"Lan'er, what you said is very true. Although everything in the palace is the best, you can have great power and status, but once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea, where is there freedom?" She is free and unrestrained. After entering the palace a few times, she was always restrained, and she felt a kind of dislike for it.

It's just that there is no way, sometimes, she has to enter the palace, but she always hopes that every time she enters the palace, she can end it quickly, so that she will not always be worried, restrained, and uncomfortable.

"Sister Ya is very right, let's go and have a seat!" Pointing to the pavilion in front, it's called the Orchid Pavilion. It used to be Su Lanzhi's favorite pavilion. Sitting there, you can enjoy the scenery of Chengyuan to the fullest. Taking a closer look, you can even see the oncoming figure at the door, which is the place where Su Lanzhi always likes to wait for Qin Yan.

"Okay!" I was always standing today, and Murong Ya was tired, so she pulled Su Lanzhi and was about to sit down, but Su Lanzhi suddenly saw something, and she stopped Murong Ya, "Wait a minute !"

"Lan'er, what's wrong?" Murong Ya looked at Su Lanzhi strangely, but she was puzzled.

"Sister Ya, I suddenly remembered that we have been here for a long time. After all, this is the Fengqing Palace of the empress. We should not be too casual. We should go back quickly, so that the empress will not think of us and ask us later. It's gone!" He pulled Murong Ya tightly and left, Murong Ya was baffled by Su Lanzhi, but she was very puzzled, "Lan'er, what are you going to do? Didn't you just say to sit around?" Why? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Where are you pulling me to go? "

"Sister Ya, let's leave first, and I'll talk to you later!" Said this softly to Murong Ya, Su Lanzhi's expression became a little serious.

Now, it's better to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible!

"Lan'er?" Seeing that Su Lanzhi's face was a little cold, and her brows were slightly frowned, Murong Ya also knew that something must have happened, so she couldn't say anything else, so she hurriedly followed Su Lanzhi away.

Along the way, Su Lanzhi's footwork was rather fast, and she left the Orchid Pavilion very quickly. Not far away were the empress and the wives and daughters of some court officials.

"Lan'er, what happened just now?" Murong Ya was really puzzled, why did Su Lanzhi become so sudden?

"Sister Ya, I saw a piece of unmelted snow on the ground just now..." Today is the queen's birthday, and the entire Chengyuan Garden has been cleaned, but there is no snow at all here. Why is there? Is there a piece of snow?

Although it's not big, the snow is very smooth. If you step on it, wouldn't it be...

Just thinking about it, Su Lanzhi felt palpitations!

Here, who is manipulating secretly?

"You, what do you mean?" Looking at Su Lanzhi's serious expression, Murong Ya didn't know why Su Lanzhi was doing this, "Lan'er, it's normal for there to be snow in this winter." , Didn't it snow all day long?" Murong Ya didn't think too much, looking at Su Lanzhi, Murong Ya was very puzzled.

"Sister Ya, take a closer look. Is there snow around us?" Pointing to her surroundings, Murong Ya took a look and saw that there was indeed no snow. , maybe the maids and eunuchs forgot?"

"Sister Lan, tell me, did you see a little bit of snow? This side has been cleaned so clean. The Orchid Pavilion is the most important pavilion in Cheng Garden. I heard that the empress often goes there to sit. You said, that place just now is the only way to go to the Orchid Pavilion, how could there be snow?" Moreover, it was such an abrupt piece of snow, which seemed to be placed on it deliberately, Su Lanzhi naturally had some doubts in her heart.

Having doubts, Su Lanzhi naturally didn't dare to check it easily, so as not to get into trouble when she got into trouble.

"Lan'er, you mean, that Xue is..." Murong Ya never thought that such a thing would happen in the Queen's Fengqing Palace!

What exactly is going on?

What about the snow?

Like this, is something going to happen?

Suddenly feeling a little uneasy in her heart, Murong Ya pulled Su Lanzhi, regretting that she had just proposed to go for a walk.

Feeling Murong Ya's fear, why isn't Su Lanzhi afraid in her heart?

It's just that Murong Ya was already very scared, Su Lanzhi naturally couldn't make Murong Ya more scared, she pulled Murong Ya's hand comfortingly, and gave the other party a calm look, "Sister Ya, don't worry, that Xue It’s some distance away from us, we didn’t get close just now, we just forgot about it, as if we didn’t know anything!”

"But that snow..." So a piece of snow is there, what is this?

Murong Ya's heartbeat immediately became much faster.

"Sister Ya, this matter is beyond our control. Now, we can only pretend that we don't know anything!" Only in this way can we keep them!

The battle for favor in this palace has everything, Su Lanzhi firmly does not want to go into this muddy water!

"Lan'er, how about this, okay?" If there is really a conspiracy in it, then someone will definitely be hurt!

Although Murong Ya didn't know the extent of the injury and fell to the ground, she also knew that this matter was not easy!

Today is the queen's birthday banquet, if something happened, then...

"Sister Ya, there are some things that we cannot change. What's more, we don't know who we are targeting this time. If we act rashly, we will offend the person who did it. At that time, we are afraid that it will be us. I'm also in danger!" Su Lanzhi is indeed calm enough, after experiencing pain and betrayal, her heart has already become as cold as a stone, she can't do it, for an irrelevant person, let Get yourself in big trouble!

Therefore, this matter, she can only rot in her stomach!

"But..." After all, Murong Ya can't be as cold and heartless as Su Lanzhi. There is always a softness in her heart. It's fine if you don't know, but if you know, then...

"Sister Ya, don't think too much. You and I can't interfere with the affairs of this palace. Besides, even if we untie this knot today, what will happen in the future? We can't help much. You should know that this palace Among them, the weak and the strong have always been the ones to eat!" If they interfered, they would only make their whole body sao, so why bother?

"..." Knowing that Su Lanzhi was right, Murong Ya didn't say much, but quietly followed Su Lanzhi back into the crowd. The two left quietly just now, and they came quietly now However, the Queen, Concubine Jing, and Concubine Luan, who have been paying attention to Su Lanzhi, naturally noticed it. Seeing the two of them back, Murong Ya seemed a little flustered. Something flashed in the concubine's eyes, but it was the empress who looked at Concubine Jing with a playful look in her eyes. In the end, she didn't say anything, but just greeted everyone to sit at the table.

"It's rare for everyone to come in to accompany Ben Gong today. Ben Gong is very happy and asked the imperial chef to prepare some side dishes for you to eat. Everyone should try it later, but don't be too polite!" The queen was kind and did not put on airs. , after a while, the dishes were served quickly, and everything was steaming hot, full of color and fragrance, making people yummy!

Su Lanzhi looked at these dishes, and she could see the craftsmanship of the imperial chef. Seeing that everyone was respectful, even though the empress said it was free, everyone still didn't eat too much, and everyone was pretending to be a lady.At this moment, Su Lanzhi finally understood that before Murong Yan left, she was asked to put on the food box.

I casually ate a few of my favorite side dishes, and Su Lanzhi didn't eat very fast. The queen was in a good mood during the dinner, and kept persuading everyone to eat. Finally, she looked at Zhang Meiren who was sitting not far away, "Zhang Beauty, I see that you are not in a good mood recently, so I have someone prepare a bird's nest for you, try it!" While speaking, the queen had already asked someone to bring the bird's nest to the beauty, who looked a bit cramped , I quickly thanked you, "Chenqie, Chenqie thanked the empress empress!"

"Now that you are favored by the emperor, you just want to serve the emperor well. You don't have to be polite. Get up, you are not in good health, so don't get hurt!" This beauty is in a typical posture of holding a willow. With the gentleness of Jiangnan, she is not very old, so she should have just entered the palace not long ago.

Looking at that beauty, Su Lanzhi's face was a little pale, and her eyes were also a little blue. She looked thin and boneless, which could easily arouse a man's lust.

However, this person's health doesn't seem to be in good condition. Su Lanzhi watched Zhang Meiren drink the bowl of bird's nest porridge with some difficulty, and the expression on her face was very tangled. Su Lanzhi frowned, feeling that something was wrong, But I can't remember what it was.

"Thank you, Empress, for the reward!" Forcing herself to drink the bowl of bird's nest porridge, Zhang Meiren frowned deeply, and her complexion became worse and worse, but she just endured it. The queen was full of concern when she saw it. , "But you still don't feel well, do you want to ask the imperial doctor to take a look at you?"

If you are concerned, you can say it very kindly. From everyone's point of view, the queen really treats the concubines in the palace equally and takes good care of them!

"Go back to the empress, my concubine, my concubine's chest feels a little stuffy, I want to go away!" Finally, she couldn't help it anymore, Zhang Meiren spoke weakly, and the queen frowned when she saw her, "You can't do this, Otherwise, go back to your palace and let the imperial physician take a look!"

"Empress, concubine, concubine is fine, concubine just walk away!" She didn't have many days in the palace, and it was only a few years. Recently, she was favored, and she dared not Canada, so as not to be used to make a fuss.

Besides, today is the queen's birthday banquet, she came to celebrate her birthday, and now she has gone back early, what will others say about her?

Recently, the emperor has been going to her more frequently. She knows that she has caused a lot of jealousy, and she doesn't want to cause trouble anymore.

Now, she just needs to keep a low profile and give birth to the baby in her womb safely, so she doesn't have to be afraid.

Therefore, she should be low-key and low-key now, so that people can't see anything.

This beauty is not a fool either, knowing that there are already several adult princes in front of her, she is quite favored. The child in her stomach is nothing, but what she wants is to rely on and gain a firm foothold. Naturally, I have to protect the baby in my stomach well.

Although she now knows that she is pregnant, but it is not yet three months, and the fetus is not yet stable, she also has the intention to hide it, and when the fetus is stable, she can rest assured, so she is not at all concerned about her pregnancy. dare not disclose.

It's just that she doesn't know that the people in this palace are all elites, who can survive so many struggles, and even live wonderfully, who doesn't have some vision and skills?Now that she doesn't tell about her pregnancy, she has given some people the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Seeing the appearance of Zhang Meiren, the queen looked at such a seductive and criminal appearance, and a look of disgust that did not belong to the intimacy just now flashed across her eyes, but she nodded, "Okay, then you can go for a walk and come back soon !"

"Yes, concubine, concubine, please leave!" Her chest was very uncomfortable, and Zhang Meiren couldn't lose her manners, so she hurried out. Once she went out, she found a secluded place and quickly vomited.

"My lord, are you alright? Would you like to see the imperial physician?" Bi'er was also very worried when she saw how uncomfortable Zhang Meiren was.

Their mothers have endured these days, and finally got pregnant, which is extremely difficult. If the fetus can be born safely, then they can have someone to rely on.

Bi'er has always been with Zhang Meiren, so she naturally understands Zhang Meiren's thoughts and sufferings, and now seeing Zhang Meiren suffering, she is also worried!

"Bi'er, don't worry, Mammy said, this is just a normal situation, I'll be fine after a while." Wiping her mouth, Zhang Meiren felt that the whole body was very uncomfortable, and wanted to go back to rest, but halfway , no one left, can she leave?

"Hey, the queen doesn't know what's on her mind. I just saw that you obviously didn't eat, so why did you send you something to eat? Isn't this embarrassing you?" As Zhang Meiren's person, Bi'er's heart is naturally too. To Zhang Meiren's.

"Okay, this is Fengqing Palace, don't say things you shouldn't say, I won't be able to protect you at that time!" Immediately stopped Bi'er, Zhang Meiren has been careful and careful all these years, and finally won the Holy Spirit! Chong, of course, has become more careful, especially now that she has a child in her belly, she is naturally more cautious, and she dare not be negligent in the slightest.

"Servant, servant understands!" Knowing that she had talked too much, Bi'er hurriedly shut up, seeing Zhang Meiren's expression was uneasy, Bi'er said cautiously, "My lord, do you want to rest for a while before going in?"

It is full of vegetable fragrance, and the makeup powder of those ladies and ladies, mixed together, it is indeed a challenge for Zhang Meiren.

Zhang Meiren naturally knew that she had gone in, and it would inevitably be more uncomfortable. When she really vomited, it would definitely make people suspicious, so she waved her hand, "Let's go!" Take a breath of fresh air, and feel more comfortable like this .

"Yes!" Carefully supporting Zhang Meiren, Bi'er followed step by step, "My lord, where do you want to go?"

"Go sit in the pavilion, I'm tired!"

"Your servant remembers that there is an orchid pavilion here, my lord, how about we go there?" The orchid pavilion is indeed a good place to rest, Zhang Meiren did not object, "Okay!"

The two went together, but they didn't know that after they left, there was a sneaky eunuch behind him, seeing them passing by, he quickly went back to the banquet.


At this time, the queen, seeing the person sneaking in from outside, looked at Concubine Jing with a half-smile, raised the wine in the glass, but said nothing, Concubine Jing felt the gaze cast by the Queen, Hastily raised the wine in the glass, "Empress Empress, today is your birthday banquet, this concubine proposes a toast to you, wish Empress Empress good luck and good health!"

"Hehe, Concubine Jing has a heart!" She accepted Concubine Jing's toast with a smile, the queen looked at Concubine Jing's expression, she didn't know what she was looking at, which made Concubine Jing a little nervous.

Did she see something?

Withdrawing her thoughts, Concubine Jing thought of something, her heart was full of jealousy, naturally she would not stop easily.

"Empress Empress, my concubine also respects you, may the Empress Empress be as blessed as the East China Sea, and live longer than Nanshan!" Concubine Luan is also sweet-mouthed, seeing the delicate relationship between Concubine Jing and the Empress, she raised her glass as if she was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Toast.

"It seems that I'm going to be drunk today!" Even so, the queen seems to be in a good mood today, and she never refuses the toast. Su Lanzhi saw the undercurrent among the concubines from below Fluctuating, thinking about Zhang Meiren who went out just now, I feel a little trembling in my heart, always feeling that something is about to happen.

Murong Ya at the side was also a little uneasy, she couldn't forget that piece of snow, and seeing Zhang Meiren go out suddenly, Murong Ya was also a little worried, "Lan'er, tell me, could it be..."

"Sister Ya, we can't intervene in this matter. Don't think too much about it. If people see something, we may not be able to get rid of it!"

"I know, I'm just..." I felt a little uneasy, and before I finished speaking, I saw someone hurried in to report, "Empress Empress, it's not good, Empress Empress!"

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