()Chapter name: Chapter 140 Keep alive!

As soon as the eunuch's words came out, Emperor Wen's face showed a touch of surprise, while the queen lowered her head, and when she raised her head again, she was also full of surprise, "What you said is true? Could it be just to get rid of it?" Sin, just made an excuse?"

The queen's words were not unreasonable, the eunuch looked at the two people in front of him, and felt a little chill in his heart, but now, he can only do this, "The emperor, the empress, the servant said, Every sentence is true, and I dare not lie at all, and I hope that the emperor and empress will be the masters of the slaves!"

"This..." Seeing that the eunuch was very firm, the queen had no choice but to take a look at Emperor Wen, and then at the eunuch, "You just glanced at it in a hurry today, why do you remember it? This person is from Concubine Jing's palace." Man, do you know what crime it is to wrong the master?"

"Slave, this servant knows, but this servant speaks the truth, and hopes that the emperor and the empress will learn from each other!" The servant kowtowed deeply a few times, and after a while, the other end broke. It's a lie. %&*";

"Your Majesty, look..." Seeing that man's eyes did not flicker, but his expression was firm, the empress felt a little convinced at the moment, but this matter involved Concubine Jing, so it was difficult for the empress to make a decision easily.

Now Emperor Wen is very fond of the fifth prince, and the important task of Jiangnan has been entrusted to the fifth prince, so that the empress finally feels the crisis. Of course, the empress has decided not to let it go so easily. It's just that now, she has to test it out. The emperor's intention is to prevent her from being dismissed casually, which will make the emperor have a grudge against her.

Emperor Wen knew the empress' concerns, so he gave the empress a consoling look. Looking at the eunuch who was pointed out, Emperor Wen's eyes were full of coldness, "You, are you from Concubine Jing's palace?"

"Back, if you go back to the emperor, slave, this slave is working in Zhaoxia Palace!" The eunuch trembled all over, and his face was pale, showing that he was quite frightened.

"Report your name!" Emperor Wen's voice was not angry but powerful. Although there was no big movement at the moment, there was a certain coldness in that voice, which made Xiao Li a little scared, "Slave, slave, Xiao Li!"

"This morning, you came to Chengyuan, what did you do?"

"Slave, I have never been to Chengyuan, I have never done anything!" This little Li is not stupid, but he did not admit it quickly, but just refused to admit it.

"Oh, is it?" Seeing that little Lizi didn't admit it, Emperor Wen also expected it, and then glanced at another eunuch, "Are you sure it's this person, what evidence do you have?"

"Returning to the emperor, although I was only watching from a distance at that time, I still remember this person's figure and appearance very clearly. I will guarantee you with the head of the item, and I will not admit my mistake!" If this is really a mistake , Then there is another charge of "deceiving the emperor", he really confessed it here today!

"Little Lizi? Now someone accuses you of doing something in Chengyuan, do you admit it or not?"

"Slave, I don't know what this man is talking about. I'm not feeling well today. I'm resting in the Chaoxia Palace. How could I come here? I hope the emperor won't listen to slander!" Seeing that he was at a disadvantage, Xiao Lizi kowtowed violently. On the surface of his innocence, Emperor Wen didn't want to be bothered when he saw it, so he directly ordered someone to take it down and beat him, "First hit fifty boards, if you don't say anything, just continue to beat!"

Although Emperor Wen was not a cruel person, what happened today made Emperor Wen very angry. It is not easy to punish him. I am afraid that there will be some bloody storms in this palace again. Emperor Wen has to deal with it strictly!

"Your Majesty, please forgive me, Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." After being dragged down, Xiao Lizi begged for mercy all the way, but he was a little scared.

This board in the palace, that one is the real thing, if he really keeps hitting it, he will not even think about living today!

"Cover his mouth first!" Somewhat irritated, Emperor Wen waved his hand, but someone covered the little plum's mouth, so as not to be irritable when he heard it. Seeing that Emperor Wen was in a bad mood, the queen was a little worried, "The emperor , since Concubine Jing is involved in this matter, for the sake of the Fifth Prince, why not forget about it? There may be some misunderstandings here, but Concubine Jing is not a vicious person!"

It was obvious that he was speaking for Concubine Jing, but now that everything is like this, how could Emperor Wen just be like this?

"Since you want to investigate, you must find out. It's just that today is your birthday banquet, and you have to worry about it. I feel ashamed!" It's a little hard to pass, "Tomorrow, let the abbot of Yunlai Temple come into the palace to read some Buddhist scriptures for you, so that you won't be tired by these things."

"The emperor has a heart, and his concubines are fine. It's just that there are many guests in the palace today. Now we have put people aside, but we are a little neglected as masters." At this moment, thinking about the people who are still in Chengyuan, the queen said I feel sorry.

"It's okay, the result will be there soon!" The effect of this board is very fast. After a while, the man named Xiao Lizi was lifted up. There was no blood on his back, but he was already weak and weak. It can be seen that Emperor Wen took care of the Queen's emotions today, and made people only hit, but did not bleed. However, the punishment for not being able to see the wound is more serious than for the one who can see the wound.

Now, I'm afraid it's all hurt inside, so it's no wonder, that little Lizi is throbbing in pain right now.

"Now, what do you think of?" Looking at that little plum, Emperor Wen didn't have any sympathy at all. As the ruler of this country, everything in this country belongs to Emperor Wen, and the maids and eunuchs in this palace are nothing more than The servants are his appendages, so Emperor Wen naturally doesn't care.

Today, what he wants is just a result, so no matter what method he uses, he has to find out.

"Your Majesty, servant, I have remembered, I have remembered!" I was also afraid, although there was no blood on the fifty boards, but now the eunuch felt that half of his life was gone, how could he not recruit him? ?

If he really doesn't want to recruit him, he will come back with another [-] boards. His cheap life has been confessed, it is really not worth it!

"Say!" After one word, the eunuch said everything, "Your Majesty, this morning, following the orders of Concubine Jing, I sneaked into Chengyuan secretly, and took a piece of polished snow Put it on the only way to the Orchid Pavilion, the snow is extremely smooth, and the servant put it very secretly, but the servant really doesn't know that Beauty Zhang will go!"

If he knew that this would happen, he might not have the guts to do it?

"You said, Concubine Jing did this?" Seeing the eunuch's move, Emperor Wen's face was gloomy, and his anger came up.

"Your Majesty, this servant is from the Zhaoxia Palace. Naturally, I listen to Concubine Jing's order. Concubine Jing promised to give me a large reward after the work is done. , Concubine Jing is going to murder a dragon fetus, this is courageous for this servant, and even this servant dare not!" The eunuch was about to cry, and he looked really scared. He didn't know it, but this person did do such a dirty thing, so he couldn't keep it, "Take him away, come here, put on airs!"

His face was terribly gloomy, and Emperor Wen immediately got up and ordered people to go to Chengyuan. The queen hesitated when she saw it, "Your Majesty, today is the birthday banquet of the ministers and concubines, and the wives and ladies of so many ministers are already here." Well, if we go over now, wouldn’t Concubine Jing lose face? Although she did something wrong, she is the biological mother of the Fifth Prince, but the people of Marquis Wu’s Mansion, the Emperor, should we wait for everyone to disperse? Now, let’s deal with this matter in secret?”

Although the Queen's words were to persuade Emperor Wen to give Concubine Jing face, but Emperor Wen was already anxious at the moment, thinking that his child had become a puddle of blood in this battle, Emperor Wen naturally wanted to find out the truth of the matter at this moment !

"If she really did this, she should be punished. Today's incident was watched by so many ministers and family members, even if they hid it, and they all saw it. Instead of letting them discuss it in private Let's deal with it together in front of everyone, so as not to spread more and more outrageous! Whether it is right or wrong, I will naturally give an explanation!" Emperor Wen knew the power of rumors, so it was even more difficult to delay, which made people With the relevant witnesses, he left directly. %&*";

When the queen saw this, an inexplicable smile flashed across her mouth, and finally she followed with worry on her face.

Of course, along the way, the queen did not forget to plead for mercy, but in fact added fuel to the fire. When Emperor Wen arrived in Chengyuan, the temperature dropped several degrees in vain!


Everyone was absent-mindedly drinking tea and chatting, but the sudden voice in the air made everyone feel even more uneasy, "The emperor is here, and the empress is here!"

"See the emperor, see the empress..." Everyone saluted, seeing Emperor Wen coming with a cold face, and seeing the worry on the queen's face, they had many guesses in their hearts, but they didn't understand, today Which one is this singing from?

"Pingshen!" Emperor Wen sat directly on the top seat, and the queen sat next to him. Emperor Wen gave Concubine Jing a strange look at the moment, "Today, the matter of Zhang Meiren surprised everyone. Now I have found out Some clues, Concubine Jing, listen to it later and see what's going on!"

"Yes!" Concubine Jing didn't understand why Emperor Wen was making such a big fuss, but when she saw the little plum being dragged up, Concubine Jing's expression suddenly changed, and Emperor Wen changed Concubine Jing's expression Seeing it in his eyes, there was an undercurrent in his eyes, but he looked at Xiao Lizi and said, "Little Lizi, tell me what happened!"

"Yes..." That little Lizi knew that he couldn't escape today, and now he just hoped that he could make up for his past mistakes and linger on his breath, so he explained the matter in special detail. Everyone didn't expect that today Zhang Meiren's miscarriage was actually related to Concubine Jing. It was Su Lanzhi's side. When Murong Ya heard this, she was also surprised, "Lan'er, is it really Concubine Jing?"

"Look again!" Su Lanzhi looked at Concubine Jing. Although she was a little surprised when she saw the other party, she didn't feel panicked. When she looked at the queen again, the other party became even more calm. Su Lanzhi frowned, not knowing what happened. A fight between the Queen and Concubine Jing, whoever wins.


"Concubine Jing, did you hear what this little Lizi said?" Emperor Wen listened patiently again, and the look in Concubine Jing's eyes made people feel creepy. If Ri doesn't explain well, then I'm afraid that my current status will not be guaranteed, so I immediately got up and knelt down in front of Emperor Wen, "Your Majesty, my concubine doesn't know about this matter at all. She didn't even know she was pregnant, how could the concubine do such a thing without knowing it?"

Concubine Jing is not as domineering as before, she is full of grievances, she even wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, this is really hard to say.

Su Lanzhi saw that Concubine Jing, who was aggressive before, was docile at the moment. Looking at Emperor Wen, although he was old, his demeanor remained the same as before. Even because he had been in the top position for a long time, his majesty and domineering spirit were not something ordinary people could do. learned.

It's no wonder that these concubines in the palace are always docile to Emperor Wen. Who let the other party control the life and death of the entire Dacang people, and also control the life and death of these concubines' mother clan?

Power is indeed something that people are fascinated by, and even feared.

Seeing Emperor Wen's sudden expression of no joy or anger at this moment, Su Lanzhi felt more and more that this Emperor Wen was thinking hard.

Having met Emperor Wen in the previous life, Su Lanzhi also knew that this man was thoughtful, and although he could be regarded as a good emperor who worked hard to govern, but he was a bit older, and he was a bit suspicious, but he didn't know, this man today , what do you think?

Just as he was thinking about it, Emperor Wen opened his mouth. At this moment, the anger before his death has become quite calm, but such a sudden change is really uncomfortable for people, "Jing Concubine said, But do you feel wronged?"

"Your Majesty, the concubine is indeed wronged. Although this person is doing things in the concubine's palace, but there are many people in and out of the concubine's Zhaoxia Palace. If the concubine wants to let someone do this, it must be someone who is trustworthy around him." Do it, this man is just an outside eunuch, how could the concubine let him do such a thing?" Concubine Jing was determined, but Su Lanzhi was a little surprised when she saw the other party's calm expression.

Today's incident is obviously a chess game between Concubine Jing and the Empress, but Concubine Jing is in charge of this matter, while the Empress is just adding fuel to the flames and reaping the benefits of the fisherman. Why is Concubine Jing not paying attention now?

Could it be that Concubine Jing has another trick?

Su Lanzhi looked at Concubine Jing's face at this moment, and felt a little more tentative. Before, she thought that Concubine Jing's temperament was arrogant, with all her emotions and anger on her face, so it was easier to deal with, but now it seems that she may He underestimated the opponent.

But yes, the prince can be born under the eyes of the queen, and the prince grows up safely. If this concubine Jing is really so superficial, she might have been swallowed to the bone long ago?

It seems that she cannot underestimate the people in this palace. Others don't know what kind of person this queen is. She has experienced things in her previous life, so how can she not know?

If this empress is really wise, then Emperor Wen would not have only a few adult princes now.There are even very few birth mothers who are born tall. Isn't this intentional?

Thinking of Qin Yan and all kinds of past life, Su Lanzhi suddenly felt a little out of breath.

This Fengqing Palace originally carried too much hatred and regret from her previous life. Now that she comes here again, although her face is as usual, only she knows that her heart is quite uneasy.

Seeing Concubine Jing's innocent and indignant look at this moment, Su Lanzhi suddenly wanted to close her eyes so as not to see her.

Once she entered the palace gate, it was as deep as the sea, and her confidant was a passerby from then on. She hated such a scene the most. Didn't she also be buried in this woman's jealousy back then?

In this life, I swore that I would never enter the palace again. I just wanted to avoid everything that person had, but I never thought that sometimes I really cannot avoid it.

It's okay to enter the palace, she really doesn't want to come to this place of right and wrong, to remind herself of the embarrassment and heartbreak in her previous life.

But no matter how disgusted, at this moment, Su Lanzhi still had to face it. From the corner of her eye, she glanced at Emperor Wen, and found that there was a haze in the other's eyes. When Su Lanzhi still couldn't see clearly, Emperor Wen suddenly Then she said, "Concubine Jing, this eunuch insists that it belongs to you. What evidence do you have to prove your innocence?"

"Your majesty, the concubine is indeed wronged. The emperor can ask someone to ask the maids and eunuchs in the concubine's palace, or even ask the people who have a good relationship with this little Lizi in Surrey to find out who he is working for! Speaking of using other people's money to do things for others, the emperor might as well have someone search this little Lizi's house to see if there is any evidence there!" Although Concubine Jing led this matter, she behaved well this time. Knowing that someone deliberately revealed to her the news that Zhang Meiren was pregnant, they definitely wanted to drag her into the water.Especially recently, what she did suddenly became more convenient, and even the Queen provided her with an excellent opportunity!

Concubine Jing and the Empress have been fighting for many years, how can they fail to notice the tricks in it?

So this time, she just contributed to the flames like the queen, but she was smart and didn't do it herself!

At this moment, looking at the haze across the Queen's face, Concubine Jing gave the other party a smug look in a place where the other party could see, which made the Queen almost want to go over and slap Concubine Jing hard. !

Concubine Jing, now, is becoming more and more restless!For today's matter, it seems that the opponent is well prepared, but it's a pity that I have a good game of chess!

Seeing the anger on the queen's face, Concubine Jing seemed to be afraid that the world would not be chaotic, but she glanced at Su Lanzhi thoughtfully, her expression was full of hatred, " Your Majesty, there are a lot of people coming to Cheng Garden today, and the Empress has cleaned the Cheng Garden early. I think the Empress has always been careful, so she will not miss anything. Why don't you find out who has been there today? Orchid Pavilion, like this, maybe we can find out the truth!"

After saying this, Concubine Jing knew what would happen to Su Lanzhi, but Concubine Jing still said that she wanted to warn Su Lanzhi and punish Su Lanzhi properly!

She will not fail to avenge her sister's murder, not to mention, she is still a sister who is so useful to her, and the chess that was finally laid in the prime minister's mansion is now so ruined. Although there is still a nephew, the two children After all, they are still young, and they are going to be successful, but some have to wait!

"Your majesty, my concubine was really wronged. I hope that the emperor will investigate clearly and return my concubine to innocence!" Kneeling now, Concubine Jing lowered her head. It really seemed like she had been greatly wronged. When Emperor Wen saw him, he naturally couldn't discriminate between black and white, so he asked people to continue looking for people Xiao Lizi knew well, and asked people to search Xiao Lizi's house by the way, and asked the people who served in Chengyuan to come again asked.

"Did someone go to the Orchid Pavilion today?" Since Emperor Wen wanted to investigate, he naturally would not let any corner go. Since Concubine Jing said it just now, Emperor Wen couldn't ignore it and pretended not to know.

He is a Mingjun, and Mingjun naturally wants to be fair. He will naturally investigate this matter carefully, not letting go of any clues.

"Back, back to the emperor, I went to the one called Xiao Lizi in the morning, and then, during the banquet, two young ladies went in for a while..." These people are also frightened now, how dare they hide it, What should be said has been said.

"You two ladies? Why didn't you say it before?" Emperor Wen's eyes flickered when he heard these words, and looked at the palace maid who replied, she was so sharp that the palace maid could hardly stand it anymore, "Servant, The servant just saw that the two young ladies had not been in for a long time, and left suddenly after a while, the two young ladies are distinguished guests today, so the servant did not say anything."

What this means is that the time is short, and he is a guest, so it is even more impossible to do this, so he hides it.

There was an element of self-defense in the words, Emperor Wen naturally heard it, but he thought that Concubine Jing couldn't bring up this matter for no reason, so he continued to ask, "Do you know which two young ladies they are?"

"Yes, it's the two over there..." Pointing in the direction of Su Lanzhi and Murong Ya, the maid continued, as if she was afraid of being blamed, "The two ladies probably want to go to the pavilion to rest, but Later, for some reason, I walked outside the pavilion, but suddenly turned back."

"Oh?" Now he was a bit interested, Emperor Wen looked at Su Lanzhi and Murong Ya, and felt familiar, "Come here and let me have a look!"

In the public, it was said that they were related to these things. Su Lanzhi and Murong Ya have become the focus today. I feel that everyone is casting their gazes. Although Yaping usually had a cheerful temperament, she was a little scared at the moment. Su Lanzhi was still calm. Seeing that Murong Ya's face was not good, she pulled the other party, but hurriedly got up and went forward to salute.

"The courtiers join the emperor!"

"It looks familiar, but I don't know which family's daughter it is." Emperor Wen has a lot of people, and with the defense of men and women, Emperor Wen doesn't have many chances to see the two of them, so naturally he doesn't remember Su Lanzhi and Murong Ya. .

"My daughter, Su Lanzhi, her father's surname is Su, and her last name is Qinglan!"

"My daughter, Murong Ya, my father's single name is Chinese!"

The two reported their identities one after another. When Murong Ya saw Tianyan, she was quite scared, especially since everyone's gazes were always coming. No matter how generous Murong Ya was, she couldn't stand it now.

Concubine Jing, what does this mean?Is it just to embarrass them by calling them out?

Thinking of that piece of snow, Murong Ya was a little worried. This matter was nothing to begin with, but if someone wanted to frame them, they would really be speechless.

Worried in her heart, Murong Ya couldn't help but glance at Su Lanzhi, hoping for someone who could give her peace of mind. Su Lanzhi gave Murong Ya a calm look, then lowered her head without saying anything I just waited for Emperor Wen to speak, and hoped that Emperor Wen would not pursue it.

It seems that my worry has really come true now, this concubine Jing really pays attention to her all the time, and won't let her go in the slightest!Should she be happy?Or should I be depressed?

I have to say that Su Lanzhi still doesn't like this feeling of being missed all the time.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't like it or not, now that this trouble has come to you, Su Lanzhi still has to deal with it.

Emperor Wen looked at these two people carefully, and had to say that Su Lanzhi still had some impressions, he vaguely remembered what happened in Prince Qing's Mansion that day, this woman was thoughtful, but she was rare and intelligent, thinking of Su Lanzhi She is Su Qinglan's only daughter-in-law, and Emperor Wen's complexion is better, "It turns out that she is the daughter of Su Xiang and Murong Aiqing. Today, have you been to the Lanhua Pavilion?" Although the tone was kind, but this question When it comes out, it's a bit chilly.

"Back to the emperor, I just want to go for a walk with Sister Ya today, but I never thought that I have arrived at the Lanhua Pavilion. It's the girls who are reckless." Respectfully, Su Lanzhi knew that she and Murong Ya could not get together today. You can't avoid this hurdle, relying on the person in front of you.

If the people in front of them want to investigate, they can't escape. If they and Murong Ya make the people in front of them happy and don't want to pursue it, then they can escape.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Su Lanzhi's attitude at the moment is becoming more and more careful.

Although Su Qinglan is quite favored by the Holy Grace, the Sacred Heart is always difficult to guess, and Su Lanzhi is not sure whether this wise emperor will be afraid of the Xiangfu from the bottom of his heart, and he is also not sure whether Emperor Wen will make use of the topic today, Now I can only be more careful.

Since ancient times, who has not trusted and feared the emperor's ministers?Su Lanzhi knew that the Prime Minister's Mansion was at its peak, and if she was not careful, if she fell, she would be in danger of being smashed to pieces, so she had to be careful!

"The two of you are both young, so it's reasonable to want to go for a walk alone. It's just that the maid said just now, the two of you originally planned to go to the Orchid Pavilion, why didn't you go? But you found something unusual, So you avoided it?" I have to say that although Emperor Wen is a little older now, sometimes he will inevitably be a little suspicious, but he is a wise emperor after all, and these words hit the nail on the head, which made Su Lanzhi's heart skip a beat. palpitate!

It seems that the emperor may know something, but he doesn't know, is he making a big deal into a small one?Or is it a trivial matter?

At this moment, Su Lanzhi heard Emperor Wen express her thoughts directly, but she didn't expect it. She was thinking about how to deal with it, but Murong Ya who was on the side was frightened, and she was a little panicked. She looked at Su Lanzhi , but a little helpless.

Seeing that Murong Ya was frightened, Su Lanzhi didn't want people to see the clues, but she turned her body to cover Murong Ya, and looked at Emperor Wen, but she was neither humble nor overbearing, "Go back to the emperor, my daughter knows, my daughter and Ya It's not good for my sister to leave without permission. I originally wanted to go to the Orchid Pavilion, but I just remembered that the empress was still playing there. It’s not good if we can’t see us! Today is the Queen’s Empress’s birthday banquet, and the courtiers are here to celebrate their birthdays, it’s definitely not good for the Queen’s Empress to lose her sense of humor!”

What Su Lanzhi said was watertight. Indeed, the two children did not go to play with the queen, but sneaked away. This is somewhat disrespectful to the queen, but they are still young and not used to it. The atmosphere around the queen is also very good to take a breather. Later, I realized that I was wrong and hurried back, which makes sense.

If you don't want to pursue it, you will almost stop here. The reason why Su Lanzhi said that is actually to test Emperor Wen, and want to know what attitude Emperor Wen has towards the Prime Minister's Mansion and Jingbei Marquis Mansion.

If you really trust it with all your heart, that's great, but if you have doubts, then you should pay more attention to it in the future.

Thinking of what happened to the Prime Minister's Mansion in the previous life, Su Lanzhi also knew the consequences of being a great master. Thinking about the current situation of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Su Lanzhi was always worried about Emperor Wen's attitude.

Others are fine, she can handle it, but what if that person is Emperor Wen?As the ruler of this country, if Emperor Wen's actions are responsible for everything in the Prime Minister's Mansion, what should they do?

This is a problem!

I have always been a little worried in my heart, I am afraid that Emperor Wen is also a force, and Su Lanzhi has made up her mind today, to know whether their Xiangfu is safe with Emperor Wen.

At this moment, Su Lanzhi, before waiting for Emperor Wen's decision, felt more nervous than ever since her rebirth. She was afraid that it would be another ending that she was afraid of. At that time, the demise of the Xiangfu, even if it was not the way of the previous life, Isn't it the same in this world?

No matter how powerful the power is, are you stronger than the imperial power?

While feeling uneasy, Su Lanzhi looked at Emperor Wen through the corner, but found that there was an unfathomable smile on the corner of Emperor Wen's mouth, which made Su Lanzhi's heart almost rise to her throat, especially Looking at Concubine Jing's proud expression, Su Lanzhi wished she could punch her in the face!

Could it be, is it really predestined?

Just when he was feeling sad, Emperor Wen was silent for a long time, but finally opened his mouth, "I really didn't expect that Miss Su and Miss Murong are wonderful people. Empress, they are young. It's because I'm not used to the atmosphere in the palace, and I still want to relax, the queen, don't blame the two of them for not abiding by the rules." What he said to the queen was to help Su Lanzhi and Murong Ya intercede, Emperor Wen's These words made Su Lanzhi's heart that was about to jump into her throat return in vain.

Fortunately, fortunately, although Emperor Wen was a little aggressive just now, in the end, he still exposed it.

It's just that Su Lanzhi knew that Emperor Wen was not completely unsuspecting of his father. This is a common problem of emperors. Now that Bai Xin is dead, Concubine Jing can be said to hate them to the bone, and it is not impossible to blow some pillow wind.Emperor Wen heard a lot, and he thought it was right to have some thoughts, but it was not serious, and they would pay more attention in the future, and it would be fine.

I made up my mind to go back and tell Su Qinglan what happened today, so that Su Qinglan can have a bottom line in her heart and keep a low profile on weekdays, lest the emperor's doubts grow deeper.

Seeing Concubine Jing's complacent expression stiffen at this moment, Su Lanzhi knew that Concubine Jing must have said a lot of bad things about them before. They are afraid that fire and water are incompatible.

Although they are close ministers of the emperor, they are still not as good as Concubine Jing's Pillowwind. Emperor Wen is the emperor, although he is wise, but sometimes, if he hears a lot, he will inevitably believe it.

It seems that she has to find an ally for herself in the palace, otherwise, it will be really troublesome!

While thinking about it, Su Lanzhi's thoughts turned back and forth, but when she saw the queen's graceful face and that smile, no matter how Su Lanzhi looked at it, she felt that it seemed to be a perfect mask, "What the emperor said is What are you talking about? The child is naughty, so the concubine is still worrying about it? Miss Su and Miss Murong are just walking around Cheng Garden to enjoy themselves, but they thought they would cause a whole lot of trouble. The concubine looked at the two The children are a little frightened, Your Majesty, you are frightening people!"

What Emperor Wen said just now, not to mention Concubine Jing, even the Empress thought that Emperor Wen wanted to pursue it, but I didn't expect that Emperor Wen suddenly changed the tone in the end, which surprised the Empress a bit.

However, this is what the Empress would like to see. If Su Qinglan is really suspected by Emperor Wen, then her plan will be gone. Wouldn't it be cheaper for Concubine Jing?

The queen doesn't want to!

It was because of this unwillingness that she sent Aunt Zhang to the Prime Minister's mansion back then. All these years, her people were suppressed by Bai Xin, and the queen was dissatisfied for a long time. Now that Bai Xin is gone, it proves that Concubine Jing has lost another Zhang trump card, the empress is very happy now, naturally she doesn't want Concubine Jing not to be able to eat grapes, and even wants to destroy the grape trellis so that others can't eat them either!

"It's my fault. Come here, make tea for Ms. Su and Ms. Murong, and take the snow lotus tea that was offered just now. Surprise yourself!"

As soon as Emperor Wen said this, Concubine Jing's face was distorted, and even the queen was surprised, "The two ladies are very lucky, this snow lotus is a good thing!" Drink, but only Emperor Wen has this enjoyment, and there are very few concubines in the palace who can get snow lotus, so it's no wonder the queen said so.

Su Lanzhi and Murong Ya naturally recognized the preciousness of the snow lotus tea, and hurriedly got up to thank, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Sit!" Seeing the two young girls who looked like flowers and jade, Emperor Wen's face was more friendly at the moment. Su Lanzhi and Murong Ya drank the tea with some anxiety, and suddenly felt that their lips and teeth were fragrant, and there was something The refreshing feeling of the stock is incomparable to other teas. Looking at each other, both of them drank the preciousness of this tea, and their hearts finally settled down.

After all, Murong Ya couldn't hide what was on her mind, after being so scared just now, now that she drank tea, she finally felt at ease, and wished she could fall down and lie down immediately, so that she could relax.

It's just that this is the palace now, and Murong Ya is not easy to relax, but she just looks at Su Lanzhi pitifully, telling her grievances in her eyes.

"Good sister, bear with me, I can go back soon!" Su Lanzhi guessed and found out the real culprit after so many things happened today. Emperor Wen and the Empress are probably out of their minds, and they should be able to leave soon. .

Putting down the teacup in her hand, when Su Lanzhi drank tea just now, she naturally knew that the snow lotus was precious and hard to buy, even in the Prime Minister's mansion, she couldn't see it, but now Emperor Wen gave it to them as tea, thinking about it It is also in the mind of appeasement.


Thinking of Emperor Wen's sharp question before, Su Lanzhi felt relieved at the moment, but she also knew that Emperor Wen was not so reassuring towards them now.

So just now, was it beating?Still trying?

Now it seems that I have passed the test, but what about the future?

It seems that this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run.

Just thinking about the crooked intestines, Su Lanzhi saw someone coming in a hurry at this moment, and the person notified him. When Emperor Wen saw this, he asked directly, "But what did you find out?"

"Go back to the emperor, the slave found these things under Xiao Lizi's bed, please have a look at the emperor!" Opening the things wrapped in his hand, there was 100 taels of silver and some gold ornaments as rewards inside. They are all golden, which shows that they are of great value!

These things add up, but there is a full 500 taels. In an ordinary family, that is almost half a lifetime of expenses. Such a large sum of money, a slave, even if he is favored again, where can he get it?

When Emperor Wen saw those things, he was so angry that he threw them down on the spot. The golden color immediately caught everyone's eyes, and everyone was dazzled, "Say, who gave it to you!"

His tone was unprecedentedly severe and indifferent. Seeing that his belongings had been turned over, Xiao Lizi's face immediately turned pale. He knew that he might lose a layer of skin today, and he was worried that he would not end well. I also wanted to have a good time, so I hurriedly found a place to bump into. When Emperor Wen saw it, he was stopped immediately, "Stop him, let him live!"

Thank you dear Qingxinjing for the beautiful flowers, ╭(╯3╰)╮

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