() After coming out of Li Baixuan, Su Lanzhi and the others were not in a particularly good mood, and they always felt a little depressed. In the end, Murong Xiang couldn't help it, "Sister Shu'er is really pitiful, second uncle Suri is the most I don't know why Second Aunt is such a nice person, she doesn't like him, she always brings in so many concubines, making the second room always full of smog!"

Murong Xiang was the fastest, with the purest mind, naturally she didn't have much scruples when speaking, but Murong Ya felt that what Murong Xiang said was right, but she had to stop her, "Xiang'er, Second Uncle is an elder, we can't Discuss the rights and wrongs of the elders!" Even Murong Ya felt that Murong Yuan was a bit flirtatious, but the other party was their elders, and as juniors, they naturally didn't want to say much, and if it spread, it would be bad for them.

"But the second uncle looks like an elder. Isn't this a bad start? Big sister, you saw that day, and my grandfather and grandmother were so angry that they almost fell ill. Second uncle this time , It’s true that it’s been a while. It hasn’t been long since that aunt made a fuss a few days ago, and now it’s like this again, the second aunt is such a good person, and sister Shu’er, I really think they How pitiful!" In fact, in the final analysis, Li Baixuan did not give birth to a son, so Murong Yuan also had an excuse for being romantic, and Jingbeihou and Mrs. Jingbeihou naturally didn't have much to say.

But it was indeed a bit overdone to make such a big commotion.

"Okay, don't talk about it, what will it look like to be heard!" Murong Ya has become much more stable recently, and before, she would probably have followed Murong Xiang to make a fuss.But now she stopped Murong Xiang's words, Murong Xiang saw that Murong Ya's face was a bit serious, and knew that she couldn't say anything, so she had no choice but to shut her mouth, but her face was full of dissatisfaction.

A few people were leaving the courtyard of the second room when they saw Murong Yuan walking over. Maybe it was because he was really scared by Li Baixuan recently, and Murong Yuan's expression was not very good. Looking at Su Lanzhi and the others, his face was reluctant She pulled out a smile, "Ya'er, you are here, why don't you sit a little longer and accompany your second aunt?" Facing Li Baixuan recently, she saw that the thoughtful and comfortable wife in her memory was getting thinner and paler now. It's scary. It's said that a couple of one day is a hundred days old. Although Murong Yuan is a bit flirtatious, it's not that he has no affection for Li Baixuan, and he regrets it in his heart. I really regret it for the rest of my life.

"Second Uncle..." Seeing that it was Murong Yuan, Murong Xiang's expression was rather displeased, Murong Ya teased her, and was very respectful to Murong Yuan, Su Lanzhi also looked at Murong Yuan, looking at the other party's true It's not very good either.I also know that Murong Yuan is not a completely ruthless man, it's just that he has a romantic nature and may be fond of concubines. The son leaned over, a little worried, thinking too much, it's inevitable that something like this happened.

However, my second uncle is another one who doesn't understand women's thoughts, and only cares about his own happiness. Now it's the two of them who don't communicate enough.

"Why did you leave? Your second aunt is sick these days and can only lie on the bed. Shu'er has been with her for a long time. You can sit down and accompany them for a while, so as not to bore them. "It is also aware of the displeasure on Murong Xiang's face, and Murong Yuan feels quite uncomfortable, especially considering that Murong Shu has lost the intimacy with him recently, and every time she sees him, she seems to avoid it. It really hurt his heart as a father.

It seems that he has indeed passed the time recently, and he has to pay attention to it in the future!

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt is not in good health, so we don't want to bother Second Aunt all the time, so as not to disturb Second Aunt's rest, and don't dare to stay for a long time. We will come to see Second Aunt again when we have a chance in the future!" Su Lanzhi looked at her With the guilt on Murong Yuan's face, he couldn't say anything else, but he felt that Murong Yuan was indeed somewhat unqualified as a husband.

However, men from aristocratic families are generally like this, and those from the Murong family are already much better. Compared to those with wives and concubines, the men from the Murong family are already much better.

"Well, come and sit with them when you have time, so you can accompany them." I also wanted Li Baixuan to talk to someone and feel better, so that his illness would be better. Recently, Murong Yuan saw that Li Baixuan lost weight, and suddenly remembered two People used to be sweet in all kinds of things, but I feel more and more that I have really done something wrong recently.

"Well, second uncle, let's go back first, you go and see second aunt!"

"Okay!" When saying this word, Su Lanzhi clearly saw that Murong Yuan's face was a little stiff, and Su Lanzhi could guess that Murong Yuan might not be able to please Li Baixuan and Murong Shu recently, but This is Murong Yuan's own fault, and she will not sympathize with it.


On the way back, because of Li Baixuan's affairs, the few people felt a little depressed and didn't say anything, but when they met Murong Yan, they hurriedly surrounded them, "Little aunt, why are you here?" Looking at Murong Yan Yan, the children are sensitive and feel that there are some differences, but they are still young after all, so they just can't tell.

"Yes, little aunt, are you in good health? A few days ago, I heard that you were ill. We went to see you last time, and your complexion was not very good. Today, you are better, but you have recovered gone?"

"Well, it's much better. I'm going to see my second younger brother and sister right now, but you guys just came over from there?" Looking at the direction they were walking, Murong Yan guessed that when they heard that Murong Yan was going to see Li Baixuan They all begged Murong Yan to accompany Li Baixuan well, and Murong Yan naturally agreed to them one by one, and the children just gave up.

I hope my little aunt can persuade my second aunt well. The two are about the same age, so I think they can talk to each other.


Today, when I came to Jingbeihou's mansion, although I felt a little depressed because of Li Baixuan's affairs, at noon, Mrs. Jingbeihou announced the good news that Murong Yan was happy, which dispelled a lot of haze. At this moment, they rushed to congratulate Murong Yan, "Hehe, I didn't expect my sister-in-law to be happy, and I didn't have any preparations. This piece of jade has been with me for a long time, so I gave it to my sister-in-law , I hope this child can be well-behaved and safe!" The incident happened suddenly, and Mrs. Jingbeihou didn't reveal any news before, so everyone gave Murong Yan all their belongings as a gift of congratulations. A little embarrassed, "Sister-in-law, you are too polite. I have watched you wear this piece of jade for a long time, but you still guard it. The child has not yet been born, so you can't spoil him!"

"This is not possible. You are very happy to be pregnant. I have consecrated this jade at Yunlai Temple. It is extremely effective. Just keep it. I rarely give you gifts. Don't dislike me for being stingy!" Murong said. Yan is pregnant, for everyone, it is a big happy event. Everyone knows what this child means, so they are naturally happy.

Seeing Xi Lerong's resolute attitude, Murong Yan finally had no choice but to accept it, "Sister-in-law's kindness, I thank you here!"

"Hehe, just hold it, put it on quickly, and bless you safe and sound!"

"Yeah!" People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and Murong Yan has been smiling more and more recently. Being a mother again, Murong Yan's mood now is the same as before, and she looks forward to the child in her belly even more up.

I just don't know, is this child a boy or a girl?

But whether it's a boy or a girl, she likes them all the same.


I lived in the Jingbeihou's mansion for a few days. In the past few days, Mrs. Jingbeihou asked people to prepare supplements for Murong Yan every day, and took out all the good things in the mansion. Murong Yan made good supplements, Murong Yan saw that these supplements were sent to her as if they were free of money, although sometimes she didn't want to eat them, but the kindness was hard to come by, so Murong Yan had no choice but to eat them all.

Everyone took extra care of Murong Yan, Xu knew that this pregnancy was not easy, Murong Yan's yard is now, and now has sent clever servants to take care of it, the yard is cleaned cleanly, so that Murong Yan will not fall up.

Xi Lerong also often came to chat with Murong Yan and talk about parenting experience. Mrs. Jingbei Hou also often pulled Murong Yan to talk about family affairs. Flattered.

"Lan Er, are you homesick?" Murong Yan couldn't bear the hospitality, although Murong Yan knew that everyone cared about her, but with such enthusiasm, Murong Yan still couldn't take it anymore.So after staying for a few days, Murong Yan also wanted to go back, lest she stay here all the time, causing everyone to accommodate her, which was too disturbing.

"Mother, do you think grandma and the others are too enthusiastic and don't want to trouble them?" Su Lanzhi could see Murong Yan's thoughts at a glance. To be honest, since Mrs. Jingbei Hou learned that Murong Yan was pregnant, The requirements for Murong Yan are also stricter than usual. On weekdays, Murong Yan is not allowed to walk fast, and even come to see Murong Yan by herself, and people always come to talk with Murong Yan, so that Murong Yan will not be bored.

But like this, they are guests after all, and if they bother the master too much, Murong Yan will feel uncomfortable if she thinks about it.

This is too enthusiastic, and it is indeed difficult to parry!

"My mother is getting old, and I always bother her to see me. I feel ashamed. My sister-in-law has to manage the huge Hou Mansion. There are many things to do, but she still finds time to accompany me every day. And the second brother, The second brother and sister are not in good health, he has to take care of him, and he has to care about me. This is too disturbing. Besides, we have lived here for a while, so we should go back, Laner, what do you think? "I know that everyone values ​​the child in their womb very much. This child has not come easily. After waiting for more than ten years, it finally came. Murong Yan also knows how precious this child is, but everyone is so cautious. Murong Yan Still a little out of habit, and a little uncomfortable.

Although this is her natal family, she is a married daughter after all, and it is already very disturbing to come back often, and now it is unreasonable to make everyone worry about her.

"Mother, you are right, but what grandma means is that she wants you to have a good rest. There are people here to take care of you. She doesn't seem to want you to go back. What should I do?" If possible, Jing Bei Mrs. Hou might wish that Murong Yan was waiting for delivery at Jingbei Hou. Seeing Mrs. Jingbei Hou's nervous appearance, while Su Lanzhi felt relieved for Murong Yan, she also felt a little headache.

"I'll talk to my mother about this matter in the evening. It's not a problem to always live here. There are also many things in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Although everything is going on in an orderly manner now, it's not good if there is no one in charge at home. Good. I think my mother will understand, we can make good preparations today, and then tell my mother that we will go back tomorrow morning!" If staying here would cause trouble for others, Murong Yan naturally didn't want to of.

Although her natal family is also her strong backing and support, she also knows that her parents, elder brothers and sisters-in-law, younger brothers and sisters also have their own affairs, and she can't always be accommodated by others.

"Mom, you are right, leave the tidying up to me!"

"En!" When it was time for dinner, Murong Yan said in front of everyone that she was going back. Madam Jingbei Hou was naturally reluctant and refused to let Murong Yan go. Murong Yan insisted, and in the end she had to compromise, but Mrs. Jingbeihou still kept Murongyan in her heartfelt words for a while, and then reluctantly let Murongyan go. The next day, Murongyan and Mrs. Jingbeihou After eating breakfast, everyone had no choice but to send Murong Yan out.

"Yan'er, you are no better than before. Be more cautious in everything, and the child is more important!" Mrs. Jingbeihou regards her daughter's birth very seriously. It is related to the future happiness of Murong Yan and Su Qinglan. How could she Are you not nervous?

"Mother, don't worry, daughter knows!"

"Sister-in-law, if you have anything to do, let someone come back and tell you. We are all family members, and there is nothing to hide!" Xi Lerong spoke quickly, and what he said was the most direct and caring words. Murong Yan listened, Thinking of Xi Lerong's recent care for her, she was also quite moved, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, the family is troublesome for you now."

"This is what I should have done!"

"Qing Lan, I left Yan'er to you. This time, you must treat her well, you know?" The daughter is pregnant. From Madam Jingbei Hou's point of view, this is the same for Murong Yan and Su Qinglan. As an opportunity, she hopes that her daughter and son-in-law can reconcile, and when Murong Yan gives birth to a son in the future, her position will be strengthened, so she can also relax.

"Mother, don't worry, I will take good care of Yan'er!"

"Okay, I believe you!"


The adults were saying goodbye, and on Su Lanzhi's side, Murong Ya and the others were very reluctant to see that Su Lanzhi was leaving, "Lan'er, you've only been here for a few days, why don't you stay a few more days? Didn't little aunt have a child? Why didn't you take a good rest and left?"

"It's been a few days since we've been here, and it's time for us to go back. It's not good that there is always no hostess in the prime minister's mansion!"

"But Sister Lan, I can't bear you. You have come these few days, and my mother didn't force me to embroider with big sister. If you leave, we will suffer again?" Murong Xiang was most reluctant to leave Su Lanzhi Now, recently she can often accompany Su Lanzhi, and she doesn't have to embroider every day, which she finds very annoying. The whole person is like a runaway horse, relaxed and happy!

"Hehe, well, I will come again in the future!"

"Hey, it seems that I have to be locked up in the room with my big sister to embroider every day, it's boring!" She curled her lips, for Murong Xiang, this embroidery is indeed torture!

She would rather squat on a horse, it's better than this!

"Xiang'er, don't say that. In fact, it's good to learn a little bit. Don't be so repulsive. Then you won't hate it, and you won't feel irritable. Just change your mentality!" Knowing that Murong Xiang is worse than Murong Ya If she doesn't like female celebrities a little bit, Su Lanzhi can't change the reality that Murong Xiang wants to learn from female celebrities, so she has to teach the other party to adapt, so as not to be always depressed.

"Hey, but I don't like it!" She prefers whip dancing to embroidery, that's the fun!

"If you don't like to develop your interest slowly, just think about it, if you can embroider beautiful patterns with your own hands one day, it's like dancing different dances with a whip. It's a very fulfilling thing. You can't escape this female celebrity. It doesn't matter if you learn well. It doesn't matter whether you learn well or not. You can embroider a few things occasionally, and you can give them to me as gifts in the future. Ah, don't you always envy my sachet? So you always ask for it from me, but think about it, if you know how to make it yourself, wouldn't you be able to make more tricks?" Murong Xiang It's also a child's temperament, which hasn't been finalized yet. Su Lanzhi thinks it's good to learn embroidery and calm down. Otherwise, although Su Lanzhi appreciates such an escaped personality, it is not tolerated by this world after all. Lan Zhi worried that Murong Xiang would have a bad life in the future.

"Okay, I got it, I'll try!" In fact, Xi Lerong also said something similar, but it's just not as good as Su Lanzhi, let her accept it. Now that Su Lanzhi is leaving, the carriage is also coming, Murong Xiang was really reluctant, "Sister Lan, don't leave, okay?" Every time Su Lanzhi came, their house was extremely lively, and Murongxiang liked it very much, so of course she was reluctant to leave Su Lanzhi.

"I will come again when I have time in the future. If you miss me, you can go to Xiangfu, it's okay!"

"Well..." Unable to keep her, Murong Xiang had no choice but to send Su Lanzhi away silently. Su Lanzhi saw that Murong Shu was here today, but she didn't say much, watching Murong Shu become more and more quiet now I feel a little distressed in my heart, "Shu'er, is your mother better?"

"Today I can eat a lot, but the illness is still the same, and it doesn't get better." Maybe it's because her biological mother is sick, Murong Shu is very worried. up.

"Shu'er, don't worry too much. I see that the second uncle seems to regret it, and you also help to persuade the second aunt. She is also suffering from a heart disease. When her heart knot is resolved, it will naturally recover."

"Sister Lan, is it true what you said?" Murong Shu had always trusted Su Lanzhi very much. Now when she heard Su Lanzhi's words, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

"Well, I heard that ice (forbidden words) candied pears are very good for coughing. You stew some for Second Aunt every day, and persuade Second Aunt. I think Second Aunt will recover slowly!" Still couldn't bear to watch Murong Shu was sad, but Su Lanzhi still couldn't help but say a few more words, which resulted in Murong Shu's admiration and trust in her, which immediately increased a lot, "Sister Lan, will mother really feel better like this?" ?”

"Try, ice (forbidden words) sugar pear is the most nourishing and moistening the lungs. The second aunt's illness has been dragging on for a long time. I also heard about the earthen house. You can try it every day. If it works, you can eat it." Just insist on giving it to Second Aunt."

"Okay, then I'll cook for mother in a while!"

"Okay, don't worry too much. You are young, but you look like a little old man. You have to smile. You are always like this. The second aunt also feels uncomfortable when you look at it. If you smile more, the second aunt will feel the same. It's better, the mood is better, and the disease will naturally heal faster!" Otherwise, both of them would be crying, it's no wonder that the disease can be cured!

"Okay, I get it, Sister Lan, I will take good care of my mother, and I won't always worry her!" Several times when she had contact with Su Lanzhi, Murong Shu admired Su Lanzhi very much. I feel that the cousin in front of me, although she is not very old, is extraordinarily calm, which makes people feel a sense of trust from the bottom of her heart, and always feels that the other party's calmness can give herself a sense of security.Murong Shu was so envious, she always hoped that she could be like Su Lanzhi, so that she could protect her mother and make herself strong.

It's just that she is doomed to have a weak part in her temperament, so she can't be as confident, generous, calm and sensitive as Su Lanzhi.

"Well, take good care of Second Aunt, I'm leaving first, and I'll come see you in a few days!"

"Okay! When my mother is done, I'll go to Xiangfu to see Sister Lan!"

"Okay, then I will treat you well!"


After all, she left under everyone's reluctant eyes. Murong Yan looked at her parents standing at the door, feeling a little emotional in her heart, "Over the years, my parents have always let my parents care about me, but now that I'm getting older, I still have to let them They are worried, I am really incompetent as a daughter!"

"Mother, don't say that, grandma and the others are just worried about you!" As a parent, who doesn't worry about their children?What's more, Murong Yan's life is not good these years, it is natural for Jingbeihou and his wife to worry more.

"Hey, I hope I can reassure my parents sooner!" Rubbing her belly, although Murong Yan didn't care if it was a boy or a girl, she also knew the meaning of this child. After these days, she also hoped that this child could It's a son, like this, at least everyone, can you relax?

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