The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 158 Lan'er, send off King Wu Cheng

() After all, that person is also her half-sister. Would she feel insecure with such a person by her side?

A little worried in his heart, Qin Zhiyan looked at Su Lanzhi involuntarily, and Su Lanzhi was always sensitive, felt Qin Zhiyan's gaze, and looked over at the same time, the two eyes met, Qin Zhiyan's eyes The concern was not fake at all. Seeing Su Lanzhi, she had some indescribable feelings in her heart, so she avoided it subconsciously.

Seeing that the other party avoided his sight, Qin Zhiyan knew that Su Lanzhi had always rejected him, and felt a little disappointed, but he was always patient enough, so he could just wait slowly.Thinking of this, Qin Zhiyan smiled happily, the eyes from the corners of his eyes followed Su Lanzhi all the time, but it was not too obvious, so as not to let people see anything, but Su Lanzhi wanted to be sensitive, naturally it was a feeling Seeing Qin Zhiyan's gentle gaze, he suddenly felt uncomfortable all over. In the end, he simply moved his body, opened the curtain, and looked outside.

Because Su Qinglan was concerned about Murong Yan, she was afraid that something would happen to Murong Yan, and she didn't have the energy to care about Su Lanzhi, so she didn't notice the interaction between Qin Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi at the moment. When they arrived at the Xiangfu, Su Qinglan said nothing. Without saying anything, I hugged Murong Yan and got off the carriage. Although Su Qinglan didn't practice martial arts, she was in good shape. Holding Murong Yan was not too difficult. Murong Yan was a little scared and wanted to get off, but Su Qinglan's footsteps were so fast that she didn't let Murong Yan go. Any opportunity Yan refused made Murong Yan feel that it was not very interesting. She just hugged Su Qinglan and buried her head in Su Qinglan's arms, so as not to see the eyes of the servants and feel ashamed.

Su Lanzhi saw Su Qinglan's anxious look from behind, and Murong Yan's look of struggling but unable to compromise, a little smile crossed his face, and that smile fell into Qin Zhiyan's eyes, and on Qin Zhiyan's face, A flash of warmth flashed across, "Miss Su, your father's affection for Lingtang is very good, making people envious." No matter what outsiders say, what Qin Zhiyan believes is only his own eyes, what he sees today is only Su Qinglan's unabashed concern and love for Murong Yan, the feeling between the two cannot be deceived.This point, he has seen too many times between Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei, and this is also the emotion he has always been envious of.

I wish to have one heart and one mind, never leave each other, this kind of staying together, each other is the only one for each other, is this really moving and happy relationship?

When will he be able to have this luck?

"Wu Chengwang is very polite. I think the relationship between Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei is also very good." Su Lanzhi has also heard about Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei more than [-] years ago. She admires Qin Qin as a royal family The courage of the nobles, daring to confront the imperial power, and finally won their own happiness.It's just that this struggle has left problems, and in the end, there is no way to be perfect.

But why, in this world, is there no perfection after all?Unfortunately, it's really not a good thing.

"Thank you very much King Wu Cheng today. If it weren't for King Wu Cheng, I'm afraid Dad would be injured!" Although Su Qinglan thanked her, Su Lanzhi felt that she should still be thankful. It's the same as drawing a boundary between the other party and yourself.

"Miss Su, as I said, there is no need to be so polite between us!" When will you stop being so polite to me?Qin Zhiyan was looking forward to that day, but he also knew that such a day was a long way off.Just as she was thinking, Su Lingyue and the others followed. The bumps along the way, Su Lingyue was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, how could she ever receive such treatment?After bumping for so long, Su Lingyue vomited out all the food she ate in the morning. At this moment, her face was pale and she couldn't stand still. She still had to be supported by Nanny Zhuang, but she saw Qin Zhiyan in front of her, Seeing Qin Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi together, she actually felt that they were standing there, damn pretty, she was angry for a while, and was about to go over, Qin Zhiyan seemed to see her intention, and said directly, " Miss Su, let's go in and have a look, we don't know what happened to Madam Su."

"Okay!" Su Lanzhi also saw Su Lingyue, but today's matter, Su Lanzhi felt that Su Lingyue had nothing to do with it, so at this moment, she really didn't want to see the other party, lest she would bear it Can't stop, take a good rest for the other party!

Now, it's better to visit my mother first!

"Wu..." Su Lingyue hadn't walked over to say hello yet, but when she saw Qin Zhiyan leaving her a gorgeous back, she felt anxious and couldn't help stamping her feet, but her body was already weak. , With this stomp, the whole person couldn't hold on anymore, and staggered, if it wasn't for Zhuang Nanny's support, Su Lingyue would have fallen to the ground long ago.

Su Lanzhi, you!

Angry in her heart, Su Lingyue saw that Su Qinglan and the others went in without waiting for her at the moment, and she was also anxious in her heart. She couldn't help but look at Nanny Zhang, and all she wanted was to ask Nanny Zhuang for help, "Mommy, what What should I do?" Dad seems to be really angry, he vomited so badly along the way, Dad didn't care about it, and even accelerated the progress of driving, isn't this completely ignoring himself?

"Second Miss, let's go and have a look first!" Seeing Su Lingyue's pale face, Nanny Zhuang made up her mind.

No matter, let's go through this level first!

"Miss Er, remember later, you must admit your mistakes sincerely, and try to pretend to be weak, you know?" I hope this can save some time, and I hope those people will not be caught!Otherwise it will be really miserable!

"Okay, I see..." Su Lingyue was also worried as Nanny Zhuang helped her in, but now, she could only take one step at a time.

++++++++++++++++++++++ scene transition line

"Doctor, Yan'er, is there anything wrong with her?" The mansion doctor came over as early as entering the gate, and now the mansion doctor is going to treat Murong Yan, Su Qinglan is terribly worried.

Yan'er's pregnancy was not easy at all, and the imperial doctor also said that she should take good care of her, if something happened to her, it would be terrible!

"Don't worry, Mrs. Madam was just a little frightened, and it's not a serious problem, but now, I have to rest for a while, and the grass-roots can prescribe some anti-fetal medicine." The previous doctor changed, and now this The mansion doctor was also found by Su Qinglan after searching for a long time. He was very skilled in medicine, and he was also an upright person. The price Su Qinglan gave was very good, so he was not worried that the other party would do anything bad.

"Are you really all right?" I was a little unsure in my heart. To this child, Su Qinglan was like to Murong Yan. She was worried about gains and losses, and was always a little scared.

"Master Xiang doesn't need to worry too much. Madam has cultivated well recently, and her body is getting better gradually. Just keep it healthy."

"It's okay, it's okay!"

"The grass man went to prescribe medicine, and he will take it for his wife in a while, and sleep for a while."

"Well, you go, Xiyue, you follow the doctor to get the medicine!"



"Daddy, mother?" Along the way, although Su Lanzhi was worried about Murong Yan, but the fact of Murong Yan's pregnancy had not been made public, so Su Lanzhi had to slow down. When this time arrived, the government doctor had already diagnosed Alright, I'm about to leave, it can be seen that Su Lanzhi's timing is excellent.

"Well, it's okay. I'll take the medicine for a while and take a good rest. But these few days, I have to lie down again." It seems that Murong Yan has always been lying down since she was pregnant, and Su Qinglan felt a little sorry up.

Yan'er, she has worked hard.

"It's fine, Daddy, don't worry about it, let's go see mother!"


When several people entered, Murong Yan sat on the bed with a smile, and looked helpless at Su Qinglan's entry, "Master, I've already told you that it's fine, so there's no need to make such a fuss."

"That's not okay, you can't be sloppy now!"

"Then I'm fine now, master, can you rest assured?" Knowing that Su Qinglan was concerned, Murong Yan felt sweet in her heart, so she didn't say anything.

This person has always been steady, and now that he is older, he has become more steady, but now he is still like a kid for himself. It seems that he still cares about himself the same as he did ten years ago.

In this way, she is at ease.

"You can't rest assured now, the doctor said that you have to rest for a few days, and you will take a nap after drinking the medicine, and I will call you again at lunch time!"

"Master, I've been sleeping every day, but I'm about to turn into a pig!" Smiling, Murong Yan was in a good mood today, although she was frightened on the road, luckily it was safe, so she just didn't care.

"You should sleep more now, and you should be fatter!" Although Murong Yan is a little plump now, in Su Qinglan's view, she is still a little thinner. Su Qinglan is worried about the child in Murongyan's belly, and even more worried about Murongyan.

The birth of a child was originally a walk at the gate of hell. When Murong Yan gave birth to Su Lanzhi 13 years ago, Su Qinglan was scared to death. Now that Murong Yan is older and the risks are greater, Su Qinglan is not worried. Strange!

Every day, I can't wait to give Murong Yan all the good supplements, but the imperial doctor said that it is not good to not take supplements, so Su Qinglan can only watch over Murong Yan eagerly. Ever since he learned that Murong Yan was pregnant, he was very happy. Scared again.

"Okay, master, King Wu Cheng is still here, don't make people laugh at this!" Although the two are old husband and wife, but ten years have passed between them, and Murong Yan is still not used to it. Seeing that there were outsiders around, Murong Yan didn't want to cause any trouble.

They are all grown-ups, and they still have to be more careful in front of children, so as not to ruin their image.

"Okay, I'll go out first. You take the medicine later, and I'll come see you again!" There are guests at home, and it's not good to stay with Murong Yan all the time. Su Qinglan signaled Qin Zhiyan to go out, intending to greet Qin Zhiyan personally Derived.

When I got to the outside room, I saw Su Lingyue standing there with a weak face, her pale face was like the white paper, it looked a little scary, but she was standing there reluctantly, like the support in the wind. Like a willow, it seems that it will fall down at any time, which makes people feel pity.

However, Su Qinglan had long held grudges against Su Lingyue because of today's incident. Seeing Su Lingyue like this now, instead of feeling pity, she felt that Su Lingyue was acting like this, but she was even more sure of Su Lingyue in her heart. This was done on purpose because of the previous incident. Looking at Su Lingyue's appearance, she was filled with disgust, "What are you doing standing here?"

"Daddy, Yue'er didn't know what she did to make Daddy despise you? I hope Daddy will say clearly that Yue'er will change!" The tone was soft, and she said it very gently, matched with Su Lingyue's appearance, it was quite The grievance is tight.

Su Lingyue originally wanted to use this method to win sympathy and cause Su Qinglan to be sympathetic to her father and daughter, but she never thought that what she said and did would make Su Qinglan even more disgusted, "What did you do, you I know it!" In one sentence, without mercy at all, Su Lingyue's face turned pale when she heard it, and when she looked at Su Qinglan, tears fell like pearls, "Yue'er doesn't understand what daddy is talking about, Yue'er knows that Daddy has a grudge against Yue'er, but Yue'er is Daddy's daughter after all, so why does Daddy blame him, just to put it bluntly, Yue'er is really wronged by Daddy's words like this!" It's very Su Lingyue's type, she expected that Su Qinglan is only suspicious now, there is no evidence, so she is not worried at all!

As long as you hold on to it and firmly refuse to admit it, she won't believe it. Su Qinglan can still convict her without evidence!

"You don't have to cry and act here. Well, your mother is not in good health and needs to rest. You should go back and rest well. Don't disturb your mother's rest here!" I hate Su Lingyue so much.Thinking of the daughter she once held dearly in her hands, she became so cruel and merciless in a blink of an eye, so vicious at such a young age, which reminded Su Qinglan of Bai Xin, the shame and deceit she had experienced before, the anger in Su Qinglan's heart, After a while, he went up several floors, and without even bothering to look at Su Lingyue, he took Qin Zhiyan and left.

Su Lingyue didn't expect that instead of making Su Qinglan suspicious, what she did would make the other party's attitude towards her even worse. She couldn't help feeling anxious, so she could only look at Nanny Zhuang, "Mommy, what should I do?" Now that Dad continues to doubt, then in this family, wouldn't she have no status at all?

After that, what should she do?

"Second miss, since the master thinks you are wrong, you just admit it here!" Nanny Zhuang was also frightened by Su Qinglan's attitude. She stayed with Su Lingyue just to make Su Lingyue regain Su Qinglan's favor and guarantee that Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua's place in the prime minister's mansion will help their plans, but if this continues, won't their plans be completely disrupted?

No, absolutely not!

"Mommy, if I admit my mistake, wouldn't I be finished?" Looking at Nanny Zhuang in disbelief, Su Lingyue never thought that Nanny Zhuang would say this!

"Second miss, this old slave doesn't mean that. Second miss, you are right, but since the master thinks you did something wrong, then you have to admit it. Now that the master is leaving with King Wu Cheng, I think it is because of King Wu Cheng's presence. It’s easy to get angry, Second Miss, you can make things big, like this, the master will definitely compromise in the end!" Although Qin Zhiyan saved Su Qinglan today, he is an outsider after all, and his family ugliness should not be publicized, Zhuang Nanny believes, Su Qinglan would not want Qin Zhiyan to see such a scene.

"What does Mammy mean?"

"It's good for the second lady to admit her mistake. Isn't the lady resting now? The second lady is here to admit her mistake. When the lady and the master find out, they will naturally come to see the second lady!"

"Okay!" Gritting her teeth, Su Lingyue saw forbearance in Nanny Zhuang's eyes. Finally, Su Lingyue closed her eyes and knelt down unwillingly. Su Lingyue bumped along the way, her health was not good, but now she is kneeling with discomfort, it seems that she has really made up her mind!

++++++++++I am the dividing line between Su Qinglan, Qin Zhiyan and Su Lanzhi drinking tea together

Su Qinglan personally poured a cup of hot tea for Qin Zhiyan, and was very grateful to Qin Zhiyan, "King Wu Cheng, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. Today I will replace wine with tea and offer you a toast." !" The visitor is a guest, although Su Qinglan is worried about Murong Yan, but it is not good to neglect Qin Zhiyan, whatever the other party says, they are all his benefactors!

"Su Xiang is polite!" After drinking some tea and eating some cakes, although Qin Zhiyan really wanted to spend more time with Su Lanzhi, but if he continued to do it by himself, he would be a little ignorant, and was about to say goodbye. Someone came running in a hurry, "Master, Master is not good!"

"What's the panic? But something happened to Madam?" Seeing the man, who was in Murong Yan's yard, Su Qinglan was worried, and hurriedly stood up.

"Master, no, no, it's Second Miss, Second Miss, she's passed out!" Although he didn't want to say it in front of Qin Zhiyan, but he's here, so it's not easy for them to drive him away, right?Moreover, Su Lingyue is always asking her father's daughter, if she doesn't come to explain, she is also worried that she will be punished!

"She passed out for no reason?" It wasn't that Murong Yan had something to do, Su Qinglan was also relieved, but when he heard that Su Lingyue had passed out, his brows were deeply frowned, and he looked extremely displeased .

"Master, since the master left, the second young lady knelt at the door of the madam, saying that she hoped to get the understanding of the master and madam, and she refused to get up all the time, so she passed out."

"Nonsense, why didn't anyone ask her to get up?" If it wasn't for Qin Zhiyan's presence just now, he would have given up on the other party a long time ago, but the other party is still a careless person, and her family ugliness should not be publicized. Is she crazy?

"My lord, the second young lady refuses to get up. The servants persuaded her for a long time, and even the madam was alarmed and asked her to get up, but she just refused, saying that she was willing to get up only to ask for the forgiveness of the madam and the master. If you don't stop, you'll get mixed up!"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Su Qinglan was almost pissed off by Su Lingyue, and couldn't sit still now, "But did you hire a doctor?" Although Su Lingyue was suspicious in her heart, there was no evidence after all. Lingyue's bitter tricks are acting well now, and Su Qinglan can't completely ignore them, otherwise it will appear that he is too cold-blooded.

"Master, I have already hired a doctor from the government. Do you want to go and see, Master?" She didn't want to come at first, but she didn't dare to hide it. She came here in fear, not knowing what the result would be.

"Okay, I'll be there in a while!" I can't sit still now, there are too many things today, Su Qinglan is full of apologies to Qin Zhiyan, "Wu Chengwang, there are some private matters in the house today, so I won't entertain Wu Chengwang Now, I hope that King Wucheng will forgive me, and I will make an appointment with King Wucheng to come and sit down again, so I can make amends!"

"Su Xiang has something to do, just go and do it, I'm fine!"

"Thank you King Wu Cheng for your understanding, Lan Er, help me send King Wu Cheng off!" Qin Zhiyan helped them a lot today, saving people and borrowing a car, so he can't live with him right now The other party was going to chase him away instead. Su Qinglan felt a little guilty, so she asked Su Lanzhi to give him away, but she didn't see it at all. Qin Zhiyan's eyes lit up when he heard what he said.

It seems that it is right to go out today!Sure enough, something good happened.

"Su Xiang, don't bother? Miss Su was also frightened today, let's forget it, I'll just go out by myself!" Although he was happy in his heart, Qin Zhiyan still had a caring look on the surface, and Su Qinglan felt that I'm sorry, seeing that Qin Zhiyan is still so considerate now, I feel even more embarrassed in my heart, and of course I am more and more sure that Su Lanzhi will send it off, "Wu Chengwang is the great benefactor of the Xiangfu today, Is it because I didn't greet you well, or let the little girl send you out, Lan Er, why don't you send King Wu Cheng off soon?"

"Yes!" With all sorts of reluctance in her heart, Su Lanzhi had no choice but to follow, looking at Qin Zhiyan's face smiling like a cat that stole a fish, she just felt it was an eyesore.

"Miss Su, I'm in trouble!" Of course I'm happy to be alone with Su Lanzhi, but it's not good for Qin Zhiyan to show too much in front of Su Qinglan, lest Su Qinglan see something, which is not good.

As for the rare opportunity, now that Su Lanzhi is young, it doesn't matter if they have more contact with each other. In the future, if they want to get along like this, it will be less and less. He has to cherish the opportunity!

"No trouble, King Wu Cheng, please!" Knowing that Su Qinglan couldn't leave, she wanted to send it to her. Su Lanzhi was also worried about the situation there at the moment, and wanted to send Qin Zhiyan away as soon as possible, and then went to have a look It's okay, so that Su Lingyue won't play any tricks and make things worse.

"Hmm!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi was obviously unwilling, but her face was not showing any signs of dew, and she seemed calm and tight, but the pace of sending her away also accelerated. It could be seen that the other party was a little bit In a hurry, Qin Zhiyan walked extremely slowly. He was obviously a big man, more than three heads taller than Su Lanzhi, but his footwork was slower than Su Lanzhi. Speechless, "Wu Chengwang, your foot is injured?" Isn't this indirectly saying that Qin Zhiyan, a big man, walks slowly?Qin Zhiyan understood the meaning of Su Lanzhi's words, but pretended not to understand, "Miss Su, my leg is not injured, what's wrong?"

"..." What's the matter, didn't you catch the meaning?Are you walking so slowly without injury?

Even though there was a little roar in her heart, Su Lanzhi had always paid attention to her image, knowing that Qin Zhiyan was pretending to be ignorant at the moment, so she had no choice but to keep walking without saying anything, but her pace obviously quickened, so she didn't believe it, Qin Zhiyan Zhiyan will not keep up!

After walking for a long time, Su Lanzhi didn't pay attention to whether the people behind were keeping up, but after all, she felt that something was wrong, turned around and saw that Qin Zhiyan was still walking slowly behind?

He is at ease, doesn't he know that she is in a hurry?

In my heart, I felt that Qin Zhiyan seemed to be against her on purpose today. Su Lanzhi was a little displeased, so she stopped and looked at Qin Zhiyan. She really didn't understand why such an excellent and perfect person always so?

"Wu Chengwang, do you have nothing to do today?" Why are you so leisurely, are you not in a hurry?Su Lanzhi believes that if she doesn't say it, the other party will understand, but Qin Zhiyan seems to be deliberately teasing Su Lanzhi today, he smiled, and the pace is still slow, "How about Miss Su?" Do you know that I have nothing to do today? But you are right, I happened to be fine today, so I went out for a walk, I never wanted to see something happened to your carriage, you said, isn’t this a kind of fate?” Actually today ri Qin Zhiyan has official duties, but he was a little worried about Su Lanzhi, so he escorted him all the way back. Now he really should go, but seeing Su Lanzhi looking a little anxious, he wanted to deliberately tease him That's all.

It's really not good for such a small child to be cared for, but always be old-fashioned!

Now this is just right, I am a little impatient by myself, this is how I look like a child, I can't hide what's on my mind!

It has to be said that Qin Zhiyan liked to see Su Lanzhi's failure. He knew that Su Lanzhi was worried about Murong Yan, but he deliberately delayed it. It's no wonder that Su Lanzhi was anxious at the moment.

But is it useful to be anxious?People are still not in a hurry, and Su Lanzhi can't shake her head and leave. That is too rude, and she is really sorry for Qin Zhiyan, a benefactor, so Su Lanzhi has no choice but to bite the bullet and be patient. He sent Qin Zhiyan away.

I never thought that the road to the gate was so long. Su Lanzhi wished she could grow wings and fly over, but the people behind were not in a hurry, which made Su Lanzhi very angry.

This person doesn't look like such an unreasonable person, nor is he such an ignorant person, why is he so at this moment, is it on purpose?

"Wu Chengwang was attracted by the scenery? He was a bit lingering? So you only wanted to enjoy it along the way?" The scenery in your Prince Qin's mansion is probably a thousand or ten thousand times better than this?Why bother?This scenery is not comparable to your Prince Qin's Mansion, so hurry up!

Su Lanzhi's heart was full of urging, but her mouth was hard to say. Qin Zhiyan naturally saw Su Lanzhi's meaning, but raised his hand to look at a tree branch, and looked at the dots of fresh green on it, feeling a little emotional , "Before you know it, spring is here, and now the new shoots are coming out. I think it will be green in a short time?"

"It's natural!"

"Miss Su, which season do you like the most throughout the year?" Su Lanzhi was suddenly asked, and Su Lanzhi thought for a while before answering, "I like autumn!" But summer is flourishing and full of life, autumn is more bleak, since ancient times there are not a few people who feel sad about autumn, and winter is quiet, but it has a special taste. Why doesn't Ms. Su like it? "I didn't expect Su Lanzhi to like autumn, Qin Zhiyan was a little surprised.

Everything in autumn is bleak, and the sadness of autumn is the emotion of many people, but why do the people in front of them like this season alone?

I have always wanted to know Su Lanzhi, but the other party is like an ancient well that stretches as far as the eye can see. The deeper Qin Zhiyan goes, the more he feels that his understanding of Su Lanzhi is too meager. When Su Lanzhi discussed this issue, Qin Zhiyan naturally had to grasp it well.

It's just a pity that Su Lanzhi is destined to disappoint him, because Su Lanzhi never wants to have too much contact and conversation with Qin Zhiyan. Of course, Su Lanzhi will not go deep into this topic, "If you like it, you like it. If you like it, you just don’t like it, sometimes, it doesn’t make sense!”

"If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it?" So, do you not like me, so you keep rejecting me?Looking at Su Lanzhi with deep and boundless eyes, it seemed as if she wanted to suck the other party into her own eyes, which made Su Lanzhi feel dizzy. Just when Su Lanzhi was about to stabilize her mind and not be spied on by the other party, Qin Zhiyan withdrew his gaze and picked a young leaf, "Hehe, Miss Su is indeed a special woman, and her favorite things are different from ordinary people! But what I like is similar to Miss Su's. Compared with other seasons, I also like autumn more, do you know why?" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Su Lanzhi could see in Qin Zhiyan's eyes the playfulness that did not belong to the other party, which made Su Lanzhi Lan Zhi felt very strange.

She always thought that the person in front of her was acting like a humble gentleman, he was kind to everyone and had no temper, but why today, he was as cunning as a fox?

"Wu Chengwang's preference, I'm naturally not qualified to inquire about it!" Su Lanzhi didn't show interest, she tried her best to keep her face calm at the moment, so as not to always be caught by Qin Zhiyan who was different from others before and after. His temperament made him feel a little at a loss.

I thought that my words could completely stop the other party's topic, but I never thought that Qin Zhiyan's face was a little disappointed, but he didn't give up so easily, "It seems that Miss Su really doesn't treat me at all. I care!" The tone was a little sad, which made Su Lanzhi a little bit dumbfounded.

She is not his, so there is no need to care about him?

While he was speechless, Qin Zhiyan suddenly approached Su Lanzhi, and the hot and humid breath sprinkled on Su Lanzhi's face, making Su Lanzhi feel that his heartbeat was a little out of rhythm, "Although autumn is bleak, it is It's the season of harvest, and the results of hard work for a long time are all harvested in front of my eyes. It feels like that, which is extremely good. Miss Su, don't you think so?"

"!" Looking at Qin Zhiyan in surprise, Su Lanzhi only felt that her heart was completely exposed to Qin Zhiyan's eyes. Looking at the person in front of her, Su Lanzhi felt annoyed for no reason!

How would he know?

Feeling being spied on, Su Lanzhi subconsciously took a few steps back, "King Wu Cheng, please respect yourself!" Despite the distance between each other, Su Lanzhi could still feel the breath sprayed on her face by the other party, The breath was different from that of ordinary men, it had the smell of sweat, but it had a fresh feeling, and even had a charming smell, which made Su Lanzhi's complexion a little dry.

This person doesn't seem to be a well-behaved person. It seems that everyone is confused by his appearance, and really think that the other party is Mr. Pianpian!

"Hehe, Ms. Su, why am I not self-respecting?" Looking at Su Lanzhi with some amusement, in Qin Zhiyan's view, Su Lanzhi is a turtle that wraps herself tightly. Stimulated, he retracted abruptly. If he wanted to open the tortoise shell, it would be very difficult without some sloppy means.

It seemed that his image would be ruined in front of a beautiful woman.But he doesn't care, anyway, all of this is just his mask. He is a person who doesn't like restraint, and he doesn't like these red tapes. Although his previous image is good, he is not suitable for pursuing the woman in front of him. It is also good to change.Anyway, he likes challenges too!

"Wu Chengwang, I'm almost at the gate. I still have some things to do, so I won't send Wu Chengwang!" Intuitively, the man in front of him is becoming more and more dangerous now. Su Lanzhi used to think that the other party was polite, at least She won't do anything out of line, but now, feeling that the other party's ambiguous emotions will always disturb her thoughts, Su Lanzhi has to guard against it!

"Hehe, Miss Su, are you afraid? Why do you avoid me? Your father has already ordered you to send me out. As a little master, you treat your benefactor and guests like this?" Qin Zhiyan has long been used to Lan Zhi's alienation, and he also knows that the woman in front of him is extremely defensive, and seems to be extremely indifferent and repulsive towards love. Qin Zhiyan has long observed this, and he has done well Prepare to be rejected.

But he didn't expect that he would be rejected so quickly and so many times.

Hey, it seems that his charm is really worthless in front of the woman in front of him!

"Since King Wu Cheng wants me to send you off, he should also know the difference between men and women. I hope King Wu Cheng will respect himself!" Although she is young now, she is not yet ready for such a big defense, but the other party is always the same Su Lanzhi has to remind the outsider who has nothing to do with him!

"Hehe, Ms. Su is really interesting, why am I not self-respecting?" Such a rhetorical question immediately made Su Lanzhi completely speechless. She never thought that a gentleman is as modest as Qin Zhiyan, and a person as indifferent as a fairy , Playing foolishly, it's the same, it's speechless.

What can she say?What can she say?Could it be that Qin Zhiyan took the initiative to approach her just now, and the distance was ambiguous?

But she is a woman after all, with a thin skin, how can she tell?

Does this person have several temperaments?Why is it that she looks detached, friendly and courteous to everyone, but shows a distance, when did she change her appearance?Become so, rascal?

Su Lanzhi was also a clever talker, but at this moment she was silenced by Qin Zhiyan for some reason, and finally had no choice but to put away her thoughts, "Since King Wucheng knows, I am the little master, You are a guest, so when the master sends the guest away, the guest should follow closely, but it’s not good to always be the queen mother, does King Wu Cheng say that?” The implication in these words is very clear, Qin Zhiyan saw Su Lan Zhi had a straight face at the moment, and knew that she couldn't joke anymore, lest Su Lanzhi would become angry, so she obediently followed Su Lanzhi away.

There was no deliberate slowing down along the way, but when Su Lanzhi was about to go back at the door, Qin Zhiyan stopped him, "Thank you Miss Su for sending me off today!" There was a smile in his tone , Su Lanzhi could feel Qin Zhiyan's good mood without looking.

Playing tricks on yourself, is it fun?

"Wu Chengwang is polite, this is what I should do!" Although she said so, Su Lanzhi decided that when she met Qin Zhiyan in the future, she would hide as far away as possible, so as not to be blocked by the other party. , Let her be very annoyed!

In her prime, she was considered calm when dealing with others, but why did she always lose control of her emotions when she met such a person?

"By the way, in order to thank Ms. Su for sending you all the way, how about I give you a gift later?" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Qin Zhiyan had been delaying just now, because he wanted to delay the time, waiting to be sent to chase after Su Qinglan The man in the carriage came back, so he could help Su Lanzhi.

It's just that Su Lanzhi didn't know Qin Zhiyan's real plan, she just thought that the other party always liked to tease her and was in a bad mood, so why would she want to accept the other party's gift?

"King Wu Cheng doesn't need it. Today, King Wu Cheng has already helped us a lot. To accept a gift from King Wu Cheng is not in the favor of King Wu Cheng. I appreciate it." I also took a deep breath during the journey. Yes, Su Lanzhi wished that Qin Zhiyan would disappear in front of her at this moment, why would she want Qin Zhiyan's gift?

"Hehe, Ms. Su should take a look at this gift. I believe that Ms. Su will like it!" Seeing Su Lanzhi's refusal, Qin Zhiyan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and did not show any disappointment. When Lan Zhi went out, Su Lanzhi was a little confused when she saw the other party's determined expression.

I will definitely like it?what is it then?

"Miss Su, don't you want to see the gift I gave you? Miss Su wants these two people most now, doesn't she?" At this time, someone drove over in a carriage, and Su Lanzhi saw clearly , that carriage was the one that hit their carriage before, and at this moment, the two people who were tied up inside...

With a clear mind, looking at Qin Zhiyan's eyes, it was a little complicated, "Wu Chengwang, you are..."

Did this person delay time on purpose just now?The reason is to give this thing to yourself?

Thinking of this possibility, Su Lanzhi's heart was full of complications.

This person has a thin temper. She knew early on that the other person was not a helpful person, but why did she help herself over and over again?

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