The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 160 Severing the relationship between father and daughter!

() "Daddy..." Looking at Su Qinglan aggrievedly, Su Lingyue felt that she was really pitiful recently. She used to be the second lady of this family. I also locked myself in Lanyue Pavilion, she is the only lady in this house, Bai Xin loves her, Su Qinglan is also very good to her, she is the first to get any good things, and no one follows her Fight, rob her, but now?

Since Bai Xin's death, she no longer has any status in this mansion. The servants all despise her, and they don't treat her with the same respect as before, and everything she wants is chosen by Su Lanzhi first. It's her time.Now that even her father, who loves her dearly, speaks ill of her, what should she do?

Su Lingyue has experienced so many setbacks at such a young age, Su Lingyue's heart is full of loss and jealousy, especially now that she is filled with grief and indignation, seeing Su Qinglan yelling loudly at herself, Su Lingyue's tears are like tears Like the broken beads, they kept crying, but the tear-stained beads just looked at Su Qinglan, making Su Qinglan very irritable, "Crying, crying, crying, mother Zhuang, will you cry?" The second lady helped her back, let her stay in her own yard well, and don't come out casually in the future!" This is house arrest in disguise, Zhuang Nanny heard Su Qinglan's words, her heart was horrified, and even Su Lingyue forgot to cry Seeing Su Qinglan, I couldn't bear it anymore, "Daddy, why are you treating me like this? What did I do wrong?"

If she was really under house arrest, what hope would she have in the future?

"What did you do wrong, you know it in your heart, you go back and think about it, I don't want to see you now!" Frowning, Su Qinglan's face was full of disappointment and exhaustion, it could be seen that he had a crush on Su Lingyue Yi was extremely disappointed.

"Daddy!" How dare Su Lingyue leave now?There is still such a person here, if something is discovered, then she is really doomed!

"Why, you still don't listen to me?" Looking at the stubbornness in Su Lingyue's eyes, Su Qinglan realized for the first time that she didn't know her daughter so well.

I always thought that the other party was a pure and kind child, at such a young age, it was the age of innocence and romance, but...

"Daddy, it's not that my daughter doesn't listen to your calls, but my daughter just..." Before she finished speaking, Su Lingyue was pulled by Nanny Zhuang. Su Lingyue looked at Nanny Zhuang with a little irritability, but she didn't say anything Nanny Zhuang grabbed her directly, "Master, the second young miss suffered a lot of fright today, so there were some disrespectful words in her words. I hope the master will forgive me. This old slave will take the second young lady back to rest. Wait for the second lady to calm down, and then apologize to the master!" Su Qinglan clearly suspected them, and Nanny Zhuang didn't dare to let Su Lingyue continue to fight here, otherwise they would be the ones to suffer!

"There's no need to apologize, so I can reflect in the room, when will the reflection be clear, and when will I come out again!" The meaning is obvious, and the grounding is certain. Although Madam Zhuang was unwilling, she looked at Su Lingyue's resentment. He was afraid that Su Lingyue would do something out of the ordinary, so he had to take Su Lingyue away first, "Yes, master, this old servant will definitely enlighten the second young lady!"

"Go!" After waving her hand, Su Qinglan didn't even bother to look at Su Lingyue anymore. She looked a little tired at the moment. Seeing that Su Lingyue had finally left, Su Lanzhi looked at Su Qinglan, a little worried, " Daddy..." Being deceived and calculated by Su Zhenhua before made Su Qinglan's heart chill, but what Su Lingyue did today was even more excessive. She is so vicious at such a young age, it's no wonder that Su Qinglan treats Su Lingyue again There is no good face anymore.

"Okay, Lan'er, leave this matter to me. You are also shocked today, so go back and rest!" Knowing that her own daughter might be such a vicious person today, Su Qinglan's heart ached. , I can't tell what it feels like.

It's just that he came here after all the ups and downs, no matter how much pain he has in his heart, he can only hide it, and he is also thinking about today's things in his heart, what to do is the best.

But there is one thing he can be sure of, that is, Su Lingyue is not allowed to stay in the prime minister's mansion now.

"Okay, Dad, you should also pay attention to rest. I have someone make some calming tea, and Dad will drink some later!"

"Well, I got it!" Su Qinglan seemed to look a few years older all of a sudden, Su Lanzhi let Su Lanzhi go, and finally ordered, "Keep him safe, I will interrogate him tomorrow!" I don't know if it is I already have an idea in my heart, so I am not in a hurry, or what, Su Qinglan is not in a hurry to interrogate at the moment, the man was carried down like that, there was no torture, and there was no forced palace, and my heart was also pounding, a little uneasy up.

+++++++++++++++++ I am the dividing line between Su Lingyue and Madam Zhuang plotting

"Mommy, that person has been arrested, what should I do?" Su Lingyue was escorted away by Su Qinglan now, she didn't know what happened to Su Qinglan at all, and she was anxious.

After all, she is still young, and she is not calm enough after all, and she has long lost her composure.

"Second miss, don't worry, this old slave will send someone to find out the news later!" Compared to Su Lingyue, Zhuang Nanny is much calmer, but Su Lingyue is already an ant on a hot pot right now. Where can I sit still?

"Mommy, you must think of a way. If that person confesses us, wouldn't it be a disaster for us? Mommy, absolutely not!" Now she has no backer in this prime minister's mansion, fighting alone, It has been very hard, if this matter is withdrawn again, she will really have no chance.

"Second Miss, don't mess yourself up, this old slave knows it well!" Seeing Su Lingyue's incompetence, Madam Zhuang frowned. She really felt that Su Lingyue's behavior today was hard to avoid being doubted. "Second miss, the old slave has already said that this matter has been arranged by the old slave. The second miss does not need to intervene, let alone say more, so as not to be suspected. Now that person hasn't confessed, second miss, you are in trouble Isn't this self-inflicted?" If this person wasn't so restless, how could they be suspected?

Incompetent bungler!

"Then what is the mother going to do?"

"Second miss, the person has been arrested now. The master is not a fuel-efficient lamp. We must not let that person speak." Knowing that if she didn't speak up, Su Lingyue would definitely do something bad, Zhuang Nanny had no choice but to make her plan Speak out.

"But now Daddy will definitely send someone to guard, how can we succeed?" How could she not know?But you also have a chance?

It's all about Wu Chengwang, so what's the matter?If it wasn't for him, they might have succeeded today!

"Second Miss, when Madam entered the Prime Minister's Mansion back then, Lord Hou was worried about Madam's safety, so he sent someone to protect her secretly. Although Madam has gone now, that person is still hiding in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Now, The only way is to let that person do it." When Bai Xin entered the mansion that year, Yuan Wuhou sent a person in after a lot of effort, the purpose was to cooperate with Bai Xin's actions, so that Bai Xin could completely control Prime Minister.It's just a pity, that person didn't go to Prince Qing's Mansion that day, and after Bai Xin died, that person just hid, watched everything in the Xiangfu, and just waited for someone to find her.

"Who is that person?" Su Lingyue didn't know about this matter at all, but when she heard Zhuang Nanny bring it up, Su Lingyue immediately felt hopeful.

"Who is that person? The Second Miss doesn't need to know. The old slave will arrange for this matter. If the matter cannot be accomplished by then, all the consequences will be borne by the old slave. The Second Miss doesn't know anything. Do the Second Miss understand?" Knowing that Su Qinglan is bad Deal, but that person has been captured now, although he has also been trained, there is no guarantee that the other party will not expose anything.Nanny Zhuang didn't dare to take any risks, so she had to think of a way to silence the man. Although it was risky, she had to do it.

"Okay!" This time, Su Lingyue had a little hope in her heart, and she was not so worried. Seeing that Su Lingyue finally calmed down, Madam Zhuang sighed, "Second Miss, Your Majesty and Master Hou are right. You have great hopes, Second Miss must be cautious, next time, don't be so impulsive."

"I, I was just too anxious today." In fact, thinking about it carefully, Su Lingyue also knew that what she did today was very suspicious, but it was too late to regret, and Su Lingyue only hoped that this level, You can spend it in peace.

"Okay, the second lady has a good rest, and the rest, I will leave it to the old slave to arrange!"

"Yeah!" I'm tired today, the road is bumpy, I knelt for so long just now, and I was shocked and scared, Su Lingyue was young, she couldn't bear it long ago, now she felt relieved, Su Lingyue also felt Sleepy, under the care of Nanny Zhuang, Su Lingyue soon fell into a dream.


At night, Su Lanzhi accompanied Murong Yan for dinner, seeing that Murong Yan looked good, she felt relieved, but seeing Su Qinglan's expression, Su Lanzhi knew that tonight would definitely not be a quiet night. <Yes, but the weather is still a little cold, Yunzhu is a little worried.

"Yunzhu, look at the sky, it's so dark, if you think about it tonight, it's not going to be peaceful."

"Miss, are you worried about the person who was arrested today? Don't worry, miss, the master must have his own plans. It's getting late, and miss should rest early!" Since Su Qinglan asked Su Lanzhi to come back early, it is Not wanting Su Lanzhi to be involved in this matter, Yunzhu has been with Su Qinglan for a while, of course she knows Su Qinglan's concerns.

"Well, sleep, it's just Yunzhu, you can go and have a look later, if there is anything you can help, you can help as much as you can!" This is what her daughter can do now.

"Miss, don't worry, I'll take a look at it later!" Knowing that Su Lanzhi was still worried, Yunzhu prepared hot water and wanted Su Lanzhi to relax, "Miss, take a hot bath for a while and relax Just take a good rest, Miss today is also tired."

"Hmm..." After taking a hot bath and washing up, Su Lanzhi lay down on the bed and went to sleep, and ordered Yunzhu to help, Su Lanzhi was still a little worried.

I hope this time, I can really force the person in the dark out?Otherwise, being watched secretly all the time, Su Lanzhi really felt very unhappy!

++++++++++++++++++++++ I am Su Qinglan's plan to catch people

At night, it was already deep, and the whole Xiangfu was extremely quiet, the lights in each room were also turned off one after another, the whole Xiangfu fell into a deep sleep, and there was silence.However, in the dark sky, a strange figure suddenly flashed. Judging from the dark figure, the person's body was uneven. It seemed to be a woman, but it was pitch black. Covered tightly, a pair of icy eyes were exposed, which couldn't be seen clearly in the night sky.

I saw that person jumping carefully in the air, and finally landed in a secluded yard. He landed carefully and looked at the surrounding situation carefully. He didn't see anyone, so he walked in quietly and came to Chai. The man first looked around to make sure it was safe, and then walked in.

In the hazy night, a figure of a man could be vaguely seen. The man in black walked over cautiously, took out the dagger in his arms, and was about to stab him down, but the man who was supposed to be bound suddenly suddenly He turned around and stabbed at the man in black. The man in black knew that he had been fooled, so he turned around and wanted to leave, but at this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Su Qinglan came to meet him. There were several masters beside him, Su Qinglan Seeing the figure of the other party, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he ordered in an instant, "Catch the living!"

"Yes!" Several masters standing behind Su Qinglan ran over in an instant. The man was invincible, and he had better plan to bite the poison in his mouth and kill himself. Seeing the other party's movement, Su Qinglan hurriedly ordered someone to stop it, but the man With the determination to die, he even took out the explosives in his arms, and it detonated in an instant!

"Damn it!" Being taken away in a hurry, Su Qinglan was also in a panic at the moment. He really didn't expect that although the enemy was fooled, he had made sufficient preparations, and now he was about to be caught. The enemy is dead, but the opponent brought gunpowder, and it just detonated directly, so it can be seen that the opponent does not plan to go back alive at all!

"Search for me and see who is missing in the mansion!" Ever since Nanny Qian was suddenly killed last time, Su Qinglan had doubts about the people in the mansion. The mastermind behind the scenes was recruited, but this person was very cunning. Although he was exposed today, he was not given a chance to interrogate him, so he immediately exploded!

Fortunately, the power of the explosive is not great, otherwise he might be buried in the sea of ​​flames!

At this moment, Su Qinglan was annoyed by the enemy's cunning, but she had no choice but to wait anxiously for someone to reply, and finally got the news that Ali from the kitchen was missing, and Nanny Zhuang was also missing.

"Did you find anything in their house?"

"Master, Ali's things seem to have been burned, and the subordinates didn't find anything!" Hearing this, what else did Su Qinglan not understand?

The other party was also suspicious of his layout today, that's why he made such a move, and suddenly thought of something, Su Qinglan was a little anxious at the moment, "Quick, come with me!" Nanny Zhuang disappeared, which means what?Su Qinglan knew it without thinking!

What a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain!

Leading everyone to Su Lingyue's yard, although Su Qinglan was a little surprised by what happened just now, she didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless, to burn jade and stone, and would rather commit suicide than destroy corpses and traces, I have to say this Thoughts were indeed cruel and vicious enough, and it caught him off guard!

"Open the door, open the door!" Knocking on the door noisyly, after waiting for a long time, someone finally opened the door, Su Qinglan saw that the eyes of the person who opened the door were a little bit open, and walked in directly, "Let the second lady and Zhuang Mammy come out!"

"Master, Second Miss has fallen asleep..." Isn't it disturbing people's dreams in the middle of the night?

"Let her come out!" Knowing that Nanny Zhuang must have gone to silence her, Su Qinglan was not worried. Now, it was time for him to settle the score.

"Yes..." Seeing that Su Qinglan didn't want to talk about it, that person had no choice but to go in and ask someone to wake Su Lingyue up. After waiting for a long time, Su Lingyue finally got dressed and came out, with no time to comb her hair. With a tired face, he looked at Su Qinglan with a puzzled expression, "Daddy, you are..."

"Lingyue, where's Nanny Zhuang?" Looking at Su Lingyue, who seemed to have just woken up, Su Qinglan had some doubts on her face.

"Mother Zhuang? Isn't she asleep? What is Daddy looking for her for?" Thinking of what Nanny Zhuang said during the day, Su Lingyue had a good idea in her heart. Now that Su Qinglan came in person, she thought that the matter was It was dealt with, but I didn't dare to relax easily.

"Is she asleep? But how did I hear that she doesn't seem to be in this yard?"

"How could it be?" Surprised on her face, Su Lingyue knew that once Nanny Zhuang was exposed, she would have no choice but to refuse to admit it, so as not to implicate herself.

"No? Then let her come out, I have something to ask her!" Just now, someone searched Su Lingyue's yard immediately, and Su Qinglan knew that Zhuang Nanny was not there. Just now, Zhuang Nanny Mammy must have discussed it with that person.

"This..." Wanting to delay time and give Nanny Zhuang a chance, but looking at Su Qinglan's cold eyes, Su Lingyue became a little nervous.

"Go, bring Nanny Zhuang!" Seeing that Su Lingyue shied away, Su Qinglan directly ordered the people around her. After the person left for a while, Su Qinglan saw Nanny Zhuang coming in from the side door. Seeing this A large group of people seemed a little surprised, "Master, Second Miss, what are you doing?" Thinking that she had been tricked, Nanny Zhuang wanted to take advantage of the chaos to find the person who hit the car, but Su Qinglan hid tightly. I couldn't find it for a long time, and finally worried that the matter would be exposed, so I had to come back.Now seeing Su Qinglan sitting in the yard with a solemn expression on her face, Nanny Zhuang was really worried.

"Mother Zhuang, where did you go just now?"

"Master, this old slave came to go to the toilet at night, and I went just now. I don't know if the master is looking for this old slave, but what's the matter?" Although she was worried in her heart, Mammy Zhuang's face was also calm. She will not admit anything, this is the experience she has gained from struggling in the palace for many years.

As long as she doesn't admit it, she still has a chance!

"Have you gone to the toilet? How long has it taken?" Seeing that Nanny Zhuang was wearing a coat loosely, it really looked like she was going to the toilet at night, but Su Qinglan didn't believe it.

"Master, this old slave is getting old, and today I drank more tea. It is possible to get up at night, but the master is so motivating to come to the second lady's yard to look for this old slave. I don't know what happened? "Su Lingyue is a woman after all. Although she is still young, Su Qinglan brought such a large number of people here, which will have an impact on Su Lingyue's boudoir name, not to mention that there are men here!

"Of course I have my purpose in coming here. It's best to tell the truth about where Mammy went just now, otherwise everyone will look ugly!" Asking someone to move a chair and sit down, Su Qinglan looks a little bit at the moment Not in a hurry anymore, with a determined look on her face, Nanny Zhuang felt a little uneasy in her heart.

"I don't know what you're talking about, master." Seeing that Su Qinglan was still talking to her slowly, Nanny Zhuang guessed that the man didn't speak, so she couldn't help but feel that she was a little anxious and lost an important treasure for nothing. chess pieces.

It's not easy for so many years!

"Don't you know? Then, do you know who A Li is?" Speaking of this name, Madam Zhuang felt a shudder in her heart, knowing that A Li's chess piece has been discarded, and now it has been exposed and gone. Pity!

"Ali? Isn't Ali the maid in charge of cleaning the hall?" Madam Zhuang looked at Su Qinglan pretending to be puzzled, "Why did the master suddenly mention her?"

"I'm just a little curious. A maid who cleans the hall is actually a master of martial arts. She went to the firewood room in night clothes in the middle of the night and set off explosives. Sister Zhuang, tell me, isn't this maid very courageous? "Looking at Nanny Zhuang, Su Qinglan knew that this Nanny Zhuang was not simple, and now seeing the calm expression on her face, she was even more certain of this idea in her heart.

"How could such a thing happen?" Mother Zhuang was very surprised when she heard Su Qinglan's words, and at the same time she was extremely indignant, "Master, there are spies in the house, you must interrogate them carefully!"

"But that person is dead, mother Zhuang, tell me, who sent her?"

"My master has checked carefully, and I must know who it is!" Knowing that A Li is dead, Zhuang Nanny can't help but be thankful that she has made extra preparations just now, worrying that this is just a chess game played by Su Qinglan. If she wants to lure you into the urn, she has to Defend.

Fortunately, she thought about it a little more, otherwise, there would be one more person who was arrested at this moment!

That Ali knows much more than that commoner, but if she is caught, let alone her and Su Lingyue, even Marquis Yuan Wu can't get away with it!

This is very good, and it can be regarded as removing a trouble!In order to avoid future incidents and troubles!

"I will definitely investigate this. It's just that I heard that this matter has nothing to do with Nanny Zhuang!"

"My lord, this old slave was wronged!" Kneeling quickly, Madam Zhuang looked at Su Qinglan with a solemn expression, she really looked like an upright old man, Su Qinglan knew that Nanny Zhuang was missing The coffin did not shed tears, smiled, and did not let the other party get up, "You are wronged or not, you will know in a while!"

"..." Su Qinglan's words made Nanny Zhuang feel very uneasy. She always felt that Su Qinglan seemed to have mastered something. Nanny Zhuang felt a little anxious thinking about the man she couldn't find.

Could it be that what the master said before was all lies, in order to lure out the lurking people in the Xiangfu, catch them all, and then get rid of her too?

Thinking that Su Qinglan might have already interrogated that person, Madam Zhuang felt so regretful at this moment that her bowels were green!

How could she have forgotten that the person in front of her, the young prime minister, naturally had extraordinary scheming and courage, how could she underestimate the enemy?

At this moment, there was already a storm in her heart, Zhuang Nanny finally realized that all of this was Su Qinglan's game, a game that made her doubt but had to take the bait.

It's just a pity, now that she has lost a useful chess piece, and she is also in danger, what should she do?

She was too impatient and fell for the other party's trick!

She hoped that the people she sent would be tougher and not recruit easily, but seeing Laifu rushing over, followed by a man in blood, Zhuang Nanny's heart suddenly became ashamed.

"Master, this man has finally been recruited!" Lai Fu ordered someone to carry the man up, Su Lingyue was frightened when she saw the mangled face, who couldn't see clearly, "Ah!" Shocked The moment he cried, he also fainted. The ground in Chuchun is now late at night, so of course it is cold, but Su Qinglan just glanced at Su Lingyue indifferently, with a coldness in his eyes, no pity at all, "Well, very Well, tell me, who ordered you to do it!"

"..." The man opened his mouth, his mouth was covered in blood and flesh, all his teeth were gone, and there were blood holes everywhere inside. It looked terribly scary.

This is also because Su Qinglan was worried that the other party would bite his tongue and commit suicide, so he had to pull out all the other party's teeth, but this person is also a stubborn one, and it seems that he was also trained as a dead man, and he refused to speak easily.But who is Su Qinglan? There are not a few people who have been interrogated these years, and he himself controls many dead men. Of course, he knows what the weakness of these dead men is!

They are not afraid of death, but everyone is afraid of the feeling that life is worse than death!

"Tell me, who is it!" Facing the figure in front of her who was no longer humanoid, Su Qinglan did not change her face, she just asked the person word by word, and the person's red eyes flashed a hint of reluctance, and finally Relentless, she pointed at Nanny Zhuang, and Nanny Zhuang immediately defended, "Master, this slave was wronged, why did this slave attack Master? Master, I think this assassin deliberately framed me!" Nanny Zhuang still didn't admit it. A person like her would never admit her mistake until the last moment!

"Mother Zhuang, you are not young anymore, and you can't bear the hardships if you think about it. You have also seen this assassin. I have pried his hard bones open. Do you think you can escape?" Fact It was already in front of him, Su Qinglan could know the cause and effect as long as he thought about it a little bit, what he wanted was the other party's own admission.

"Master, I didn't do things that this old slave did, this old slave will never admit it!" Clinging on tightly and refusing to let go, Nanny Zhuang knew that if she admitted it, she would die, and she would not admit it easily.

"Okay, very good, Laifu, drag it on, beat me to death with a stick!" I didn't say anything about affection, Su Qinglan's order was a death order. After hearing this, Madam Zhuang was still a little scared, "Master, You don't have evidence, how can you deal with the old slave?" Everyone cherishes their own life, and Nanny Zhuang naturally does the same. She thought that if she refused to admit it, there would be a turnaround. She never thought that Su Qinglan would give it to her directly. Convicted and sentenced to death!

Although she has lived for most of her life, she is still not reconciled!

"Murdering your master is a serious crime. Whether you admit it or not, you should be punished now that there are witnesses and physical evidence!"

"Master, you can't treat this old slave like this. This old slave is not from the Xiangfu!" If she was a servant of the Xiangfu, then she would naturally have to be dealt with by Su Qinglan, but she was not!How could she be willing to be executed by Su Qinglan?

"Since you belong to Su Lingyue, you are from the Prime Minister's Mansion. If you do something wrong, you should be punished. Even if your deed of prostitution is not with me, I will deal with it well!"

"Master, this slave came from the palace. Master, you just deal with it so casually? Master, aren't you afraid that the people inside will blame you?"

"You are just a servant girl, so why don't you let the truth pay for your life? Drag it on, hit!" Nanny Zhuang was executed mercilessly. Su Qinglan knew that Nanny Zhuang was a cunning person, so she definitely wouldn't say anything. , he didn't bother to ask, seeing the dying look at the moment, Su Qinglan sighed, "Okay, give him a good time!"

"Yes!" Laifu was killed, and he directly gave the assassin a knife, and then gave all the testimony to Su Qinglan, "Master, this is the testimony at this moment, and it has been signed and pledged."

"You've done a good job!" With this, even if Nanny Zhuang didn't say anything, he understood the cause and effect.Thinking that Su Lingyue didn't care about her younger siblings because of jealousy, Su Qinglan's face was full of hatred, "Wake up Second Miss!"

"Master, this..." The night was cool, it was freezing cold, Su Lingyue fainted and there was no one to help her up, she was still splashing water, she was a delicate woman, she might get sick!

"Pop, I have something to explain!"

"Yes!" Ordered someone to take a cup of cold tea and poured it over. Su Lingyue was pretending to be dizzy, afraid of revealing something, but now she felt cold tea splashed on her face. Su Lingyue felt unprecedented humiliation!

When had she ever been so embarrassed?

Her heart was full of fear and unwillingness, but at this moment Su Lingyue had to pretend to wake up slowly, looked at Su Qinglan strangely, and then at the dead body on the ground, covered in blood, her legs were amputated, There is only half of the hand left, and the face is blurred, it is really tight!

"Ah!" Still a little scared, Su Lingyue wanted to use this to avoid Su Qinglan's questioning, but before she continued to faint, Su Qinglan's words stopped her, "Laifu, you wait by the side, if the second miss Continue to dizzy, just keep splashing!" The cold tone, without any trace of father-daughter affection, made Su Lingyue feel trembling all over, and looked at Su Qinglan, full of disbelief, "Daddy, my daughter did something wrong What, you want to treat me like this?" After all, she is also the daughter of the Xiangfu, how has she ever suffered such humiliation?

"I don't have a daughter with vicious thoughts like you!" Looking at the other party with disgust, Su Qinglan took a few steps back, as if she felt that the other party was like a piece of stolen goods. Su Lingyue's heart felt a huge panic when she saw it, "Daddy ,what do you mean?"

"What do I mean? You know best in your heart. This person has already been found, and I know everything about it. A woman like you who killed her aunt and son, I, Su Qinglan, do not have a daughter like you. From now on From now on, you and I will sever the relationship between father and daughter, and from now on, I will never have a daughter like you again!"

"Daddy!" Looking at Su Qinglan in disbelief, Su Lingyue never thought that Su Qinglan would be so cruel, "Daddy, I didn't do this, it was all done by Nanny Zhuang, my daughter is so young, how could she be so cruel?" Do you know these things? Daddy Mingjian!" Breaking away from the relationship between father and daughter, isn't she nothing?No, she won't!

She is the noble daughter of the prime minister's mansion, how could she be nothing! "You don't know how to repent until now. I really regret having such a daughter as you!" If it wasn't for the person in front of me, why would I take Bai Xin as my concubine because of my responsibility, why would I miss these years with Yan'er?

Facts have proved that at the beginning, he was really wrong, and he was really stupid, and he was played around by others!

This is what he deserves!

"Daddy, it's really not my daughter. How can a daughter be so cruel? A daughter won't do such a thing. Daddy, you must trust your daughter!" Kneeling and walking to Su Qinglan, Su Lingyue wanted to ask for love. , but Su Qinglan avoided it straight away, "You know whether you have done it or not! Laifu, ask her to pack her luggage overnight, and send her to the nunnery in the northwest early tomorrow morning, so that she can become a nun , to atone for the sins of this whole body!" If it wasn't for his family ugliness, he really wanted to throw Su Lingyue out!

But there is Su Lanzhi who is still unmarried in the family, and Murong Yan still has a child in her stomach, the Xiangfu cannot tolerate such a scandal!

"Yes, master!" Although Laifu was surprised by Su Qinglan's decision, he could understand it when he thought of these things.

Master, he was also heartbroken.

"Daddy, I don't want it. It's bitter cold in the northwest. My daughter has gone. I'm afraid she will never come back. Daddy, Daddy, my daughter shouldn't go, my daughter shouldn't become a monk. My daughter is still so young, how can she become a nun? Daddy, My daughter is your own daughter, how can you treat me like this? Daddy, are you still my real dad?" Hearing Su Qinglan's words, Su Lingyue was only panicked, she never thought of it Su Qinglan would be so heartless, at this moment, she was only begging for Su Qinglan, but she didn't see the indifferent expression on Su Qinglan's face, "I said, from now on, you are no longer my daughter. There is no daughter like you!" Turning around, she left directly, no matter how Su Lingyue begged for mercy behind her, and no matter how tragic the crying and howling behind her, Su Qinglan never turned her head back.

He gave Su Lingyue too many opportunities, but the other party wanted to attack his beloved woman. She was so vicious at such a young age, and she would definitely be a disaster in the future. The safety of my beloved woman, Su Lingyue, can no longer be kept!

It's just that that person is her daughter whom she has loved for many years and her own flesh and blood. After all, Su Qinglan can't be so cruel. Now, she can only let the other party accompany the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha, and let the other party fend for itself!In this life, it will be treated as if he never gave birth to this daughter!


"You all go down, I want to walk alone!" Suddenly there was a kind of sadness in my heart, thinking that his young prime minister had always been smooth sailing, the champion of the three realms, young Fenghua, married the beloved woman, I thought it would be OK They stayed together until they were old, but someone made trouble for them, causing them to act for ten years, and the child who was not expected has become like this now.

Is this his fault, or Bai Xin's?Or is it the old Princess Qing's fault?

Walking in the yard alone, Su Qinglan's heart has never felt so tired.

Is it because of his connivance these years that Su Lingyue and the others are so arrogant and have no moral bottom line at all?Or is he really not caring about these two children, never raising them properly, and letting these two children be influenced by others so much that even now, he doesn't even know him?

It's just that it's a foregone conclusion now, and it can't be undone.

Walking alone on the quiet road, Su Qinglan has never felt that his heart is so lonely, and his whole body is covered by unprecedented emotions. Su Qinglan only feels that there is a dark forest in front of him, and he can't see any dawn at all. .

He doesn't have many children, but one schemed to deceive him, and one vicious person tried to get rid of his other unborn child, and Surrey was cheating, and he didn't learn well at a young age. Powerless.

Was he really such a failure in his life?

Never feeling so tired and embarrassed before, Su Qinglan looked ahead, only feeling that she was swallowed by the endless darkness.

However, a little light suddenly flashed in front of him. Su Qinglan thought it was an illusion, but as the light got closer and closer, looking at the beautiful figure in the blurred light that looked like the descending goddess of the Nine Heavens, it was like a dream, like an illusion, like a dream. The painting is like fog, so beautiful that it dispels the darkness in front of you and brings some light.

Seeing the beautiful figure walking in, looking at the snow-white in the blurred lights, a touch of joy and complexity flashed across Su Qinglan's eyes, and the deep voice seemed more and more powerless in such a night, "Yan'er... "

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