The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 165 Dispute and Confrontation

() People, once you have doubts about something, when you encounter similar things, you will often think about it in that direction.Especially when facing the person I care about, on the one hand, I tell myself that it is impossible, but on the other hand, the facts are in front of me, but I can't help myself not to believe it.

It is this kind of contradiction that makes it easy for people to lose their judgment. Princess Lao Qing is Su Qinglan's mother, and Murong Yan is his wife. Standing between the two, Su Qinglan has conflicts and struggles. This feeling has always been It bothered him and made him feel embarrassed, but the recent behavior of the old Princess Qing made Su Qinglan lean towards Murongyan even more, so as soon as Sun Xueru said this, the seed of doubt in Su Qinglan's heart immediately sprouted and grew. It was the old concubine Qing who did it!

"Second brother, is this okay?" Su Qingxiu looked at Su Qinglan very angry, a little puzzled.In my memory, Su Qinglan was extremely filial to the old Princess Qing, almost obedient to her words. Except for the matter of Murong Yan, Su Qinglan had never refuted the old Princess Qing. Why is such a filial son so abnormal today?Could it be that there is something that he doesn't know about?

Puzzled, Su Qingxiu felt that something was wrong with this matter, and felt that Sun Xueru had something to do with it, but he couldn't say why, and he couldn't open his mouth.

"Brother, we should clarify this matter, otherwise it would be bad for anyone to take the blame!" Looking at Su Qingxiu, and also at Sun Xueru, Sun Xueru was a little skeptical seeing Su Qingxiu at the moment, and put on a show with all her might, " My lord, I really don't know what's going on? Why would I want to harm my younger siblings? My lord, this matter must be investigated thoroughly. We must not let the person behind the scenes drive us apart, especially You have separated the brotherhood between the lord and the uncle!" There were tears in the corners of her eyes, falling drop by drop, Sun Xueru was already extremely beautiful, but crying made her a little weaker, looking at Su Qingxiu so affectionately , making Su Qingxiu feel as if she saw her beloved concubine Ji, Su Qingxiu hesitated for a moment, and recently saw Su Qinglan persisted, so she had no choice but to agree, "In that case, let's go to see the concubine mother!"

I also know in my heart that this matter must be explained to Su Qinglan, otherwise Su Qinglan will not give up.

"En!" Nodding her head, Su Qinglan planned to leave.Feeling aggrieved all the time, the seed of doubt has sprouted from the ground, Su Qinglan must find out what is going on with all of this.Otherwise, if you keep holding back, you will feel uncomfortable!

"Daddy, wait, I'll go too!" Worried that the scene would get out of control for a while, Su Lanzhi still wanted to go and have a look. In this way, she could control the scene and let everything develop in the direction she wanted without As for going too far, it made everyone too embarrassed.

"Lan'er, your hand is injured, why don't you go?" Looking at Su Lanzhi's bandaged arm, Su Qinglan was of course worried that Su Lanzhi would follow her.

If it is knocked or touched, it will be bad.

"Daddy, I'm fine. Today's matter has something to do with me and my mother. It's good for me to go and have a look. I also want to know who is going to harm my mother, and why did I do it like this?" !"

"This..." Hesitant, Murong Yan was a little worried when she saw that Su Qinglan mobilized everyone to find the old princess Qing, "Master, let me go with Lan'er, this matter is related to us, we Let's go together, so we can have a testimony!" In Murong Yan's heart, she actually had some doubts about Old Princess Qing, after all, she was very clear about how Old Princess Qing had treated her these years.If it is said that what happened today was done by Princess Qing, Murong Yan would also believe it.

"Yan'er, you were frightened just now, it's better to rest, just leave this matter to me." Looking at Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, one with a big belly and one with an arm injury, Su Qinglan really didn't want the two of them Go face the situation for a while.

"Master, let us go!"

"Yeah, Dad, this matter is related to grandma, we also want to ask for clarification!" Both of them were firm, and in the end, Su Qinglan had to compromise, "Well, Xiyue, Yunzhu, take care of me Madame and Miss!"

"Yes, sir!"

"By the way, Daddy, ask the government doctor to go with you, and then we can investigate the matter of the medicine!" Su Lanzhi reminded Su Qinglan, and she will go to the old Princess Qing in a while. After all, the other party is an elder and no one is there. It's hard to say anything about evidence and evidence. It's convenient to have a government doctor.

"Well, government doctor, you too!"

"Yes!" The mansion doctor only felt a headache. He didn't want to get involved in the dirty things in this big family. However, as the manor doctor of the palace, he couldn't get rid of his involvement. He only felt that Prince Qing's mansion was a trouble Things, it's been so many years, and I don't know how many dirty things he has done, so that he always comes to wipe their butts!

Hey, what's the matter?


Along the way, Sun Xueru's face was full of confusion, but what she said deepened Su Qinglan's suspicion. Even Su Qingxiu couldn't help feeling that what happened today was related to the old Princess Qing.

"Could it be that the mother-in-law is confused recently? My uncle and the others came yesterday, and they gave me longan and ordered me to make spicy food. Obviously, the taste of my brother-in-law and younger siblings tends to be bland. Why?"

"Also this morning, concubine mother asked me to go out alone, and said some strange things, I don't know what happened..."

"My lord, do you think my concubine is sick and confused? I'm a little confused, so I don't know what I did?"


Along the way, Sun Xueru was instilling a kind of thinking in Su Qinglan and the others, that is, the old Princess Qing is very strange recently, and the suspicion is very serious, and the old Princess Qing has been on the sick bed for a long time, she is confused, and she doesn't even know what she has done. I don't know, so after a while, Old Princess Qing retorted. With this premise, Sun Xueru believed that Su Qingxiu and Su Qinglan must have doubts about what Old Princess Qing said, not to mention that she had already made arrangements. The princess can't escape no matter what!

Satisfied, Sun Xueru looked at the faces of Su Qinglan and the others, who became more and more depressed because of what she said, knowing that this was a good sign, and she couldn't wait to see the collapse of Old Princess Qing.

Concubine Mu, Concubine Mu, you caused me to lose my daughter, and I want you to lose your son!

Su Lanzhi looked at Sun Xueru's drooping head. Although she couldn't see the other person's face, she could see the other's upturned red lips. Su Lanzhi knew that Sun Xueru had a periodic arrangement today. It's just waiting for a while for the bloody storm.

I hope this time, there can really be a conclusion?

Although the old concubine Qing was all victims, Su Lanzhi knew that the old concubine Qing had more vicious arrangements waiting for them, and now, it was just letting the other party suffer on their own in advance.

Everyone had different thoughts along the way, but everyone's faces were not very good. Sun Xueru was proud, Su Qingxiu was entangled, and Su Qinglan was heartbroken and struggling. Looking at this situation, Murong Yan was a little worried, and Su Lanzhi was worried. It's a complete good show.

Everyone was thinking about their own thoughts, and they didn't think about the old Princess Qing at all. It can be seen that what the old Princess Qing did this time really touched each other's bottom line. Even Su Qinglan, a dutiful son, didn't intend to let it go .

++++++++++++++++++ I am the dividing line between the confrontation with the old Princess Qing

"My lord, why are you here?" Seeing this large group of people rushing forward, Ye Momo felt something was wrong.

How is this going?Why don't everyone's faces look quite right?

"Mommy, is the concubine mother resting?" Su Qingxiu still wanted to maintain her balance. After all, with the old concubine Qing around, when the time came to help him speak well, the chances of Su Qinglan helping him would be greater.

"The old concubine just woke up to take her medicine, and she is about to go to bed now, my lord, what are you..."

"Please go in and tell me, Mommy, that we are going to see the concubine mother!" If it was before, Su Qinglan would not disturb the old concubine Qing when she was ill, but now it is different from the past, there are some things that Su Qinglan must do Clearly, otherwise, he really couldn't stay in this palace.

"Second Master, what's the matter? The old concubine is not in good health and can't be too tired. It's time to rest. If there is nothing urgent, the Second Master and the prince will come back later!" Looking at Su Qinglan The expression on her face was not very good, and Ye Momo was a little confused, and she didn't dare to really let Su Qinglan go to see the old Princess Qing, lest something bad happen.

"Mommy go in and tell Concubine Mother that we have something to ask Concubine Mother!"

"Can't you come back later?" The expressions of the few people were very wrong, and Ye Momo was not a fool, of course she could see that she was trying to delay time so that she could figure out what was going on and deal with it when the time came.

There is always a premonition in her heart that a few people can't be allowed in at this moment, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. Although Ye Momo doesn't understand what this is for, she still doesn't dare to let a few people in easily.

The faces of the few people in front of them are not right, especially the second master, who seems to be looking for someone desperately, Mammy Ye is really a little scared in her heart.

"Mommy, we need to ask my concubine about something. I want to know why she treats me like this. Mommy should not refuse, let us in quickly!" Although Sun Xueru tidied up her appearance along the way, But the big handprint on the cheek is still clearly visible, the left side of the face is red and swollen, and there are some residual blood stains at the corner of the mouth, no matter how you look at it, how cautious you are.

"Princess, you are..." What happened?Why does it seem that it is very serious?Ye Momo was a little panicked, she always felt that a few people were approaching menacingly, and the situation was difficult to control for a while, and she wanted to say something to refuse, but Su Qingxiu said, "Mommy, please inform mother and concubine that today's matter has been planned by younger siblings and Concubine, it's really hard to explain, I'd better figure it out, otherwise my second brother won't feel at ease living here, and it will affect the relationship between mother and child." When it comes to this point, Ye Momo is not good either. If he refuses again, he is just unwilling, "The old slave will go in and tell the princess!" It's better to tell the princess, so that the princess can be mentally prepared.

What happened today is very wrong!

"it is good!"


Ye Momo walked in, and Old Princess Qing was about to fall asleep, but she just woke up when she heard the movement outside. Seeing Ye Momo's expression flustered, Lao Qing was a little puzzled, "Mommy, what happened?" What happened?" Why didn't they all leave?Why did you come back again?

"Old Wangfei, the prince and the others want to see you, saying that they have something to ask!"

"whats the matter?"

"This old slave doesn't know, it's just that the princess's face is swollen, Miss Lan Zhi seems to have injured her arm, and both the prince and the second master's expressions are not very good!" I can only tell the old princess what I know, They just stayed in the yard today and didn't go out, and now that Sun Xueru is the housekeeper, their news is not as fast as before, and Madam Ye is also in the dark now, and she doesn't know what happened at all.

"..." Old Princess Qing's heart sank when she heard Ye Momo's words, she felt that something was wrong, but the people had already arrived, and it was not good for Old Princess Qing to stop them, "Let them all come in!" What should be faced, After all, I have to face it, I just hope that this matter is under my own control.

"Okay!" Looking worriedly at Old Princess Qing, Ye Momo invited those people to come in. As soon as everyone entered the room, they could smell the smell of medicine. They knew that the old Princess Qing just drank the medicine. Seeing the haggard face of old Princess Qing, her face was haggard and tired, Su Qinglan couldn't vent her anger, but at this moment, she didn't know how to speak.But Sun Xueru, seeing Su Qinglan's struggle, suddenly knelt down in front of the old Princess Qing, full of accusations against the old Princess Qing, "Mother, what did my daughter-in-law do wrong? for me?"

"You, you, say, what?" Looking at Sun Xueru's face full of tears, her voice was full of questioning, Old Princess Qing was full of puzzlement, and looked at everyone with a look of confusion.

How is this going?

"Concubine mother, what you asked your daughter-in-law to do, she has done well. My daughter-in-law knows that you have always been dissatisfied with your younger siblings, and you used to be picky in every possible way, but how could you let your daughter-in-law do such a thing? If it wasn't for Lan The son stopped the daughter-in-law, didn’t the daughter-in-law hurt the younger siblings? Concubine mother, concubine mother, you are playing a child’s game in an unrighteous way!” accusing, Sun Xueru expected that the old Princess Qing would not be able to speak out now, and kept going. What I was talking about was that there was no chance for Old Princess Qing to refute at all.

Old Princess Qing's ears were always filled with Sun Xueru's words, and she wanted to speak several times, but was stopped by the other party. Sun Xueru just kept talking, and Old Princess Qing was so angry that her body trembled.

"Mother Concubine, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can just say it directly, don't harm your daughter-in-law!"

"Mother and concubine, how can you act like such a good brother and sister? Brother and sister are innocent!"

"Mother and concubine, even if you want to punish your younger siblings, you can't borrow the hands of your daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, how innocent your daughter-in-law is!"

"Mother Concubine, tell me why you did this! You have to give your daughter-in-law justice, otherwise she will be a sinner and she will be wronged!"


Sun Xueru hugged the old Princess Qing and cried out her grievances, tears and grievances were all over her face. The old Princess Qing looked at the other party like this, and wanted to say something, but she was not fluent in speaking, and was beaten by Sun Xueru several times when she opened her mouth. Broken, the whole face was so angry that it turned red and purple, purple and blue again.

"Princess, don't pull the old concubine like this, the old concubine is almost out of breath!" Seeing the old concubine Qing's eyes widened, Ye Momo hurried over to help, but Sun Xueru just grabbed Lao Qing tightly. The princess didn't let go, she was really wronged like that.

"Mommy, I just want to ask why my mother and concubine did this. As a daughter-in-law, filial piety is the right thing to do, but my mother and concubine treat me like this, I must seek justice!" Wiping her tears, Sun Xueru is also a strong person, and she will not give in at all at this moment, she just wants to wait for the dust to settle.

"You, you, you..." After holding you for a long time, the old princess Qing was so angry that her hands shook, but she couldn't move, she could only stare at Sun Xueru, her eyes wished to tear Sun Xueru into pieces, Sun Xueru saw it , looking at each other fearlessly, full of confidence, "Mother Concubine, don't look at your daughter-in-law like this, daughter-in-law has a bottom line, daughter-in-law doesn't want to be this sinner, and I hope Mother Concubine forgives her sins!" Sun Xueru just looked at Su Qingxiu's obsessed look, "My lord, I am willing to confront my mother and concubine, but I just hope that my lord can give me justice! Before I went crazy, I only Mother and concubine stayed here, and was called out alone for a while, it's next door, and I hope the lord will let someone go and check!" Pointing to the next door, Sun Xueru's face was full of determination, Su Qingxiu saw Sun Xueru's picture and wanted to It looked like it was making a big deal, and I wanted to kick the other party a few times, lest the other party ruin my business, but Su Qinglan and the others were there, so Su Qingxiu didn't want to say anything, just ordered someone to find something, "Go to the next door to see , is there anything suspicious!"

"Slow down!" Old Princess Qing has been paying attention to Sun Xueru all the time. Seeing her calmness, she feels a little uneasy. She feels that if someone really searches for it, she will definitely find something that is not good for her, so she stops her. When Sun Xueru saw this, she seemed to have expected it a long time ago. She smiled and looked at Old Princess Qing, "Mother Concubine, if you really didn't do anything, why not ask someone to search for it? Or what are you afraid of, Mother Concubine?" It's not easy for Old Princess Qing to answer. If you don't let it go, you have a guilty conscience. If you let it go, maybe there is something next door. When the time comes to find out, she won't be able to get rid of it. Old Princess Qing is really anxious.

"You!" I have never been threatened by anyone before, but today, Old Princess Qing knows what it's like, she can't wait to drink the other party's blood, eat the other party's flesh and still not be able to forgive her hatred, and change to the old Princess Qing , I guess she rushed over and gave Sun Xueru a few slaps first, to let the other party learn a lesson, but how can she have the strength to do this now?

She wanted to move but couldn't. At this moment, Old Princess Qing really hated her own unbelievable body.

"Mother Concubine, let people go and have a look, lest everyone have pimples in their hearts!" Su Qingxiu saw that Sun Xueru and Lao Concubine Qing were in a fight, and they were on par with each other, and she felt a little embarrassed. It's easy to do too much, but the other party is his wife, and his career depends on Duke Nanchang, so he is not easy to offend, Su Qingxiu is in a hurry.

Hey, what should he do?Which side should he stand on, which is the most beneficial to him?

"Qing, Lan, you, you, just, Ren, you, they, they, bully, bully, you, mother, concubine, are you?" He spit out every word, although the old Princess Qing can actually speak well, But at this stall, Old Princess Qing still has to make good use of her serious illness, and hope that Su Qinglan will speak for her.

It's just that Su Qinglan's heart is full of disappointment and pain at the moment, and the little bit of filial piety left in her heart has been exhausted by the behavior of the old Princess Qing little by little. If it was before, Su Qinglan might pretend that she didn't know, but Now that his wife and children are involved, Su Qinglan can't just let it go, "Mother Concubine, it's better to find out about this matter. If Mother Concubine is really innocent, I won't blame you!" While leaving, Su Qinglan never looked at the face of Old Princess Qing again, lest she would be unbearable.

Concubine Mu, you forced me, I really don't want to, but why did you force me?

"Qinglan, you, you, really, yes, filial, obedient, ah!" Hearing Su Qinglan's words, Old Princess Qing felt as if she had been thrown into an ice cellar, and there was something in her heart When I was empty, I looked at Su Qingxiu again. The old Princess Qing put her last bit of hope on her eldest son, hoping that the other party would not force herself today because of her love and planning for him for many years, "Qing Xiu, you, Ren, you, don't, people, spoil, spoil, you, concubine mother?" If she could move and walk, she would have stopped several people long ago, and no one would dare to be serious. Push her away!

But she hates it. Now she is paralyzed here, unable to move, and can only speak with difficulty. The flame in the old Princess Qing's heart has also been completely burned because of what happened today.

This is her yard, and she is the elder of the family, how can these people be allowed to run wild?

Knowing that if someone really turned over her house today, even if Sun Xueru didn't do anything, she would have no status in this family in the future. Old Princess Qing is trying her best to restore her status, but no one will help her. up.

"Mother Concubine, I'd better have someone search for it. The princess was drugged today. It's better to find out. Otherwise, if these people in the mansion use this method of pickling, it will be a disaster sooner or later!" Su Qingxiu looked at the old Princess Qing and pleaded. face, but also helpless.

What can he say?Su Qinglan's attitude towards this matter is so clear, even if she refuses, is the other party going to force it?Now that he is asking Su Qinglan, where is the pigeon he wants to get?

"You, really, yes, yes, my, yes, son, son, yes, yes, yes, yes..." Seeing her own son treat herself like this now, the old Princess Qing Tears rolled down the corner of his eyes, and he felt mixed feelings, and a dull pain in his heart.

What evil did she do that the two sons wanted to treat her like this?

What did she do wrong?

As an elder, Old Princess Qing has always thought that her children and grandchildren should be filial to her, and she has always been used to it. She always decides everything with her own ideas, and never cares too much about the feelings of Su Qinglan and Su Qingxiu. On this point, she She never thought about it, even hated Murong Yan obsessively, and wanted to make Murong Yan disappear, but she never thought about what would happen to Su Qinglan if she really did that.

Therefore, at this moment, she doesn't feel that she has done anything wrong. She is doing it for the good of Su Qinglan. She doesn't want Su Qinglan to fall on a woman, and she doesn't want Su Qinglan to turn against her because of a woman. removed!

At this moment, Old Princess Qing didn't regret her actions at all, nor did she have any sense of regret, but because she saw Su Qinglan's actions to her today, she firmly believed in killing Murong Yan in her heart!

"You, you, like, this, no, will, I, this, this, mother, concubine, put, in, in, in, in, eyes?" Staring at Su Qinglan, the old Princess Qing hated Murong to death at this moment Yan, I only thought that Murong Yan made her son become like this, and wished that Murong Yan could be wiped out right now!

It's just that Old Princess Qing didn't understand that it was her attitude towards Murong Yan that chilled Su Qinglan's heart. The last bit of family affection was also destroyed by Old Princess Qing's unrepentant attitude, "Mother Concubine, my son just wants to find out the facts and give everyone justice, search, be careful, and don't damage the things in the concubine's room!" This is Su Qinglan's best concession, and as soon as he said this, the servants I was about to open the door to search in a hurry. At this time, Nanny Ye saw Su Qinglan and hurriedly stopped Su Qinglan. Looking at Su Qinglan and Su Qingxiu, Nanny Ye still has some weight as the person next to the old Princess Qing, "My lord, second master, old concubine Now that you are not in good health, do you really want to be angry with her like this? In case something happens to the old princess, do you feel at ease?" Ye Momo's words were full of pleas, compared to the aggressiveness of the old Princess Qing just now, it made her feel more at ease. Su Qinglan and Su Qingxiu looked more comfortable, it was just a matter of decision, Su Qinglan would not change, "Nurse, I respect you, but I also hope you don't interfere with this matter, this matter has not been decided yet, and mother and concubine are in every possible way Stop, don't you really have ghosts in your heart?"

"Second Master, that's not what you said. Today, you searched the old concubine's house with great fanfare. Why did you take her as a concubine? You really searched, what do the servants think?" Ye Momo said The words are correct, calm down and speak the truth, Mammy Ye knows that Su Qingxiu and Su Qinglan will still listen.

She watched these two children grow up, and she couldn't be more clear about their temperament. The anger of Princess Qing just now would arouse the anger of the two of them. If she said it well, the effect would be different.

"This..." Hearing this, Su Qingxiu also hesitated.

Da Cang respects filial piety, Su Qingxiu doesn't want to be caught because of this matter, causing him to lose the opportunity, so at this moment, he was a little entangled, so he didn't insist.

He was purely bluffing just now, in order to let Su Qinglan see his fairness, but once this matter involved his official career, Su Qingxiu would not take any action easily.

Seeing that Su Qingxiu stopped, Mother Ye understood, and now she looked at Su Qinglan, and persuaded her in a nice voice, "Second Master, you are the most filial in Su ri, today is such a rebellious thing, second The master never would have done it before. The old concubine has been a widow for many years and has worked hard to support the family. Even if there is no credit, there is still hard work. The old slave knows that today's incident involves the second wife. Second master, you are angry. But the second master, the old concubine is your own mother, no matter how angry you are, don’t you still give your mother face? Besides, what happened today is completely just the concubine’s guess. Could it be that the second master has no basis for it Did you hurt the heart of the old princess? You are like this, what does the old princess think? The old princess is sick like this now. The imperial doctor has long said that the old princess can’t be angry. How can the second master be like this? Didn't you force the old concubine to death?"

Ye Momo knew Su Qinglan very well. After saying these words, Su Qinglan's anger was suppressed a lot. Looking at Ye Momo, Su Qinglan was very firm at first, but she just looked at the weak old Princess Qing on the bed. coughing, Su Qinglan didn't know whether to persist or not for a while.

Although many things can be known through a door, what if?In case the old Princess Qing was really wronged this time, wouldn't it be true that what she did would destroy the mother-child relationship between them?Even if the old Princess Qing didn't blame him afterwards, this incident left a knot in each other's hearts. Wouldn't the years of friendship between their mother and son be over?

After all, Su Qinglan is still a little sensible, knowing that if she rushed in today, she would inevitably be caught by others. The old Princess Qing was really wronged in today's matter, but in the future, there will be many problems!Even with Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, they will be criticized for this incident!

Su Qinglan respected Nanny Ye. The old man in front of him took special care of him and Su Qingxiu when they were very young, so Su Qinglan could still listen to what the other party said.So what Ye Momo said made Su Qinglan have to calm down and think about things. At this moment, she didn't know whether to advance or retreat.

Seeing the hesitation on Su Qinglan's face, Mother Ye hurriedly ordered someone to prepare hot tea, and asked Su Qinglan to sit down, "Second Master, I know that you also want to find out the truth of the matter, but we don't have to use this method." Isn’t it the fierce way of the son? If there is something wrong, let’s sit down and have a good talk, and we will find a gentle solution together, which will not hurt the relationship between the mother and the son, and solve the matter well. The second master is like this, not very Okay?" Lowering her body, she motioned for Su Qinglan to sit down and talk. Su Qingxiu didn't want things to get too big and difficult to deal with, and people would blame him for being unfilial. Naturally, she was on Ye Momo's side at the moment, "Second brother, just Let's sit down and discuss how to solve this problem, okay?"

"Yes, master, mother and concubine need to rest here. We are so noisy, it's a bit outrageous, as children, we should deal with it calmly!" Murong Yan also didn't want Su Qinglan to be poked in the back because of herself, of course I also agree with sitting down and talking.

"Daddy, sit down. Grandma still doesn't know what's going on. Let's talk to her carefully. I believe that grandma will understand and cooperate with us when the time comes. We settled the matter calmly in this way. Wouldn't it be nice not to hurt your relationship?" When Su Lanzhi said this, she couldn't help but glance at Ye Momo, admiring Ye Momo from the bottom of her heart.

This person is worthy of being an old man next to his grandmother. This scheming is really beyond the reach of ordinary people!What's more important is that the other party understands father and uncle, and knows what they care about in their hearts. The situation that was on the verge of breaking out was suppressed by the other party's few words.

Now that the matter has been suppressed by Ye Momo, it is impossible to force her way in. Su Lanzhi knows that Ye Momo is also delaying time, so as to try to erase the evidence. She wants to see if Sun Xueru has any other arrangements ?

Auntie, don't let me down!

Seeing the unwillingness on Sun Xueru's face, Su Lanzhi wanted to help, but it's just now, before the time.

Today, she is mainly watching the theater, and it is good to add fuel to the flames at critical moments, and leave the rest to Sun Xueru, so that in the future, Su Qinglan will inevitably complain to her when she comes to her senses.


Helping Su Qinglan to sit down, Su Qinglan couldn't force her way in the face of Nanny Ye's earnest words, so she had to sit down, and Nanny Ye hurriedly ordered someone to pour tea for Su Qinglan and the others, drink tea to calm down, and then smiled Looking at Su Qinglan, she asked what had happened, "My lord, the second master, just now the concubine said she was in a hurry, but this old slave still doesn't know much about this matter, and I hope the lord and the second master will talk to this old slave, what's going on?" It's over." With a calm expression, Ye Momo was also caught off guard just now, and didn't think of a countermeasure for a while, but now that she thinks about it, Ye Momo certainly wants to solve this matter bit by bit.

Now it seems that their yard is definitely not clean, so what Ye Momo has to do now is to keep Su Qinglan and Su Qingxiu steady, and then let people go to clean up those unclean things!

As the confidant of the old Princess Qing, Ye Momo has come and gone in the wind and rain all these years, and she has long practiced the ability to be happy, but she was caught off guard just now, and now, Ye Momo But he did his best.

"Nurse, it's like this..." While Su Qingxiu was speaking, Sun Xueru realized that something was wrong. The first plan failed, so Sun Xueru naturally had a second plan!

He gave the person around him a wink, and that person nodded, wanting to sneak out. Of course, Mother Ye saw it sharply, "Red Pepper, pour tea for the prince!" Pepper's footsteps, Hongjiao's face was full of unwillingness, and in the end, she had to stop to pour tea for Su Qingxiu.

Sun Xueru looked at Nanny Ye's sharp eyes and never let go of the people around her, which was funny. Looking at Nanny Ye, Sun Xueru didn't panic at all, instead she sat down and drank tea calmly.Having said so much just now, my mouth is really thirsty. Sun Xueru drank three cups in a row, and she seemed to be really calm. Seeing Sun Xueru's appearance, Ye Momo was a little surprised, but she had to be careful Responding, listening carefully to Su Qingxiu's words, and when the other party finished speaking, Mother Ye thought for a while and then said, "My lord, although the old princess is a little suspicious about this matter, the old princess is seriously ill now, everyone in this yard I have to serve the old concubine, how can I have such a thought? Besides, the old servant has been serving the old concubine, the old slave has never remembered that the old concubine asked the concubine to go aside, did the concubine remember it wrong?" Ye Momo looked at it after finishing speaking. Looking at Sun Xueru, her gaze was like a torch, as if she wanted to see through Sun Xueru. Seeing this, Sun Xueru put down the teacup in her hand, looked at Ye Momo, and smiled, but she didn't panic at all, "What Momo means, Am I lying?"

Yes, if the old concubine Qing didn't call Sun Xueru aside, wouldn't it be that Sun Xueru was lying?But why?Why does the other party lie?

"The old slave dare not!" Even though she said so, Ye Momo was not afraid of Sun Xueru at all, her waist was straight, and it seemed that she insisted on her own opinion.

"Hehe, what are you afraid of? Mommy, isn't that what she meant? I know that Mommy wants to protect my mother and concubine, but I can't make my concubine unrighteous like this! Mommy, You have to think clearly, there are some things that you can’t talk nonsense!” Slender fingers brushed lightly along the teacup, Sun Xueru seemed to be indifferent, and didn’t care about Ye Momo’s words, she wasn’t bothered at all. Seeing the panic of people puncturing the lies, Mother Ye lowered her head and looked respectful, "This old slave dare not speak nonsense, what this old slave said is the truth, but this old slave didn't see that the princess was killed by the old slave." The concubine told her to go aside!" Ye Momo was not afraid of Sun Xueru's words, she was able to be by the side of old concubine Qing for many years, she has long been the confidant of old concubine Qing, and the rise and fall of old concubine Qing is also related to her honor and disgrace Rise and fall, she naturally cares.

"Hehe, is that right? But my concubine did not remember wrongly. I was obviously called away by the servant girl next to my concubine mother. Mama, tell me, this concubine is young. Could it be that she is forgetful?" It is impossible to forget, but you will be forgetful when you are old. The implication in Sun Xueru's words is very clear, but Ye Momo insisted on her own opinion, "Princess, although this old slave is old, this memory has always been very good. Okay, I really don’t remember, maybe it’s the concubine, did you remember wrongly?” Ye Momo is so old, how can she be a vegetarian?Sun Xueru's skill is not enough to make her succumb!

"Hehe, it seems that you have insisted on your own opinion, Mammy. This situation is embarrassing for this concubine! My lord, tell me, who said it is the truth?" Sun Xueru looked at Su Qingxiu in a blink of an eye. She was always smiling, and that smile looked a little cautious, which made Ye Momo feel a little uneasy.

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