The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 167 mother and son break

() Su Qinglan saw that Su Qingxiu had thrown the trouble on herself, thought for a while, looked at Nanny Ye, Su Qinglan still had some respect for the old man in front of her, seeing the resignation and anger on the other side's face at this moment, look again Seeing the same angry look on Sun Xueru's face, no matter which side it is, he is not good at taking sides. ..

After thinking about it, Su Qinglan finally just wanted to know the truth. Today's matter has come to this point. If I don't explain it clearly, I really can't justify it, so Su Qinglan nodded and agreed, "Brother, this Since the matter involves sister-in-law and concubine mother, it is better to be more cautious, so as not to feel bad for anyone who has been wronged."

"Since you said so, then do so!" Looking at Nanny Ye, Su Qingxiu looked at Sun Xueru again. At this moment, he was actually not sure who was lying, but today's matter, there must be someone The only way to understand is to understand, "Ye Momo, did you really not go out to buy medicine that day?" After speaking, he looked at Ye Momo carefully, not letting go of Ye Momo's expression at all.

"My lord, this old slave swears to the heavens, this old slave will never have any!"

Da Cang believed in Buddhism, and he valued oaths. Ye Momo could swear, and in Su Qingxiu's opinion, that would give him a little more trust. Su Qingxiu frowned, then looked at Sun Xueru, and finally, at Xiangling, "Are you sure that Nanny Ye has gone out to buy medicine?"

"My lord, this servant is very sure!"

"Then tell me, when and how long did Mother Ye go out? What evidence do you have?"

"The servant girl saw Ye Momo go out the day before yesterday, about two hours away, the guard at the door can testify. Many people have seen it, and when Ye Momo came back, she stayed in her room furtively. In the house."

"Then do you know which pharmacy Ye Momo went to buy medicine?"


"Mom, in front of the prince and concubine, I dare not lie, what is right and what is wrong, I will know when the time comes!" His face turned red with anger, and Xiangling felt Ye Momo's aggressiveness. Fortunately, Sun Xueru didn't want Xiangling to see any flaws when she saw this, "My lord, since you know where you bought the medicine, let someone come and identify you! It's better to resolve this matter earlier, Early in the morning, everyone has something to do, right?" <The shopkeeper of the hall came to find him, but there was no doubt that the man directly identified Ye Momo, and Ye Momo was so angry that she trembled all over, "You can't speak well!" If there is proof, when have I been to your place?" Ye Momo had expected such a situation, but when faced with it, Ye Momo still couldn't accept it.

It seems that the princess is really determined this time. Can the old princess and her escape?

"The things you bought that day were really strange. I also kept an eye on you, so I remembered you. I have no grievances with you, so why did you lie?" What the shopkeeper said was right, he It's just the shopkeeper of a pharmacy, and Suri and Madam Ye haven't met each other a few times, let alone have any grievances.

The shopkeeper's words were really hard to find fault with, and several people asked and wrote questions again to confirm that they were correct. Su Qingxiu looked at Ye Nanny with sharp eyes, "Ye Nanny, what else do you have to say?"

"My lord, if this old slave says that this old slave was wronged, would you believe me, my lord?" Looking at Su Qingxiu, Ye Momo couldn't grasp the other party's attitude.

"The testimonials are already here, I can't help but not believe it!" With the facts in front of him, Su Qingxiu would not cover it up in person!

"My lord, this matter is framed. Why does the princess want to harm the second lady? And it's just based on the one-sided words of a few people, which is too one-sided!" She refused to admit it even if she died. Xueru stood up, seeing that Nanny Ye was still thinking of a way out, she immediately cut off the other party's retreat, "My lord, why don't you let people search Nanny Ye's room to see if there are any clues? "Grandma Ye is just a servant, they still search her house!

"!" Ye Momo was stunned when she heard Sun Xueru's words, she never thought that Sun Xueru would say such a thing, and before she had time to refute, Sun Xueru directly typed back the words that had reached the corner of her mouth, "Ye Momo, In order to prove your innocence, do you mind letting us search your house?" How can I say that Sun Xueru has also regained the power of housekeeper from the side of the old Princess Qing, and now the people in the mansion are gradually replaced by hers Now, old Princess Qing can no longer cover the sky with one hand and suppress her like before, of course Sun Xueru is not afraid.All she knew was that since the old Princess Qing was paralyzed, her chance had come, and because of the paralysis, the old Princess Qing was doomed to lose completely!

Seeing Sun Xueru's smiling face like a flower, Ye Momo felt for the first time that the woman in front of her was really terrifying, and now that she had no way out, Ye Momo nodded with difficulty, knowing that she was defeated today. Thoroughly, "Okay!"


When the things were found and the government doctor finished the examination, and hearing the doctor's voice, Nanny Ye knew that she had no way out today, "Go back to my lord and concubine, this is indeed a scent for the concubine!" It was found from Nanny Ye's room. She was the only one in Nanny Ye's house, and with her status, no one in Surrey would dare to enter and leave Nanny Ye's room at will. It is unlikely that others put it in!

Seeing the package of things, Su Qinglan threw the remaining Enchantment Incense to Nanny Ye, her tone of voice could no longer contain her anger, "Grandma Ye, what else do you have to say? "

Ye Momo was already ashamed when that thing appeared, looking at the pale old Princess Qing on the bed, Ye Momo finally made a decision and admitted everything, "My lord, all this The old slave did it alone, and it has nothing to do with the old concubine!" After all, the old concubine Qing is the biological mother of Su Qingxiu and Su Qinglan, and in Ye Momo's view, if the two still care about their reputation, this matter will be over like that , Now that Princess Lao Qing was saved by sacrificing her alone, for the sake of what she did, Old Princess Qing would treat her family kindly. Thinking of this, Nanny Ye felt relieved.

"Well, why did you do this?" Su Qingxiu would be happy to see someone willing to replace all of this.It's just that he doesn't quite understand why Ye Momo and Murong Yan have no grievances and no enmity, why do they do this?

"Of course I have my own reasons, and I hope you don't ask, my lord. This matter is all advocated by this old slave, and it has nothing to do with the old concubine!" Ye Momo wondered whether Su Qinglan and the others didn't want to make a fuss. Big, if it is not good to spread it, I will definitely not pursue it.Although I feel a little unwilling in my heart, but now, she can only take the blame, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!It's just that Ye Momo didn't expect at all that Sun Xueru was really going to have a complete confrontation with the old Princess Qing today. Seeing Ye Momo had to take everything on her, Sun Xueru didn't just let it go. "Mommy, this concubine knows how sincere you are to my concubine mother, but if you didn't do this, you would be blamed. Wouldn't that make others feel chilled? Xiangling also said just now , Things are ordered by your mother and concubine to do. You just need to tell why your mother and concubine asked you to do this, and your uncle and son will understand. Why are all concubines and concubines mothers? Mother Ye has to think about her own mistakes!" This sentence undoubtedly added fuel to the flames, and Su Qinglan used to endure it all the time because she didn't say her mother's mistakes, but she endured it. The results of it?

I almost lost my beloved woman, and now I even almost lost my child!After listening to Sun Xueru's words, Su Qinglan felt countless grievances and anger in her heart. Because of the backlog all the year round, it has completely exploded now. It's not that Mother Ye pleaded guilty today, and it's over. Do you want to do it like this?" Asking like this is to completely condemn the old princess Qing, Ye Momo looked at Su Qinglan in disbelief, never thought that Su Qinglan, who has always been easy to talk, would actually get into it today The horns are sharp, "Second master, all this is done by this old slave, and the old concubine doesn't know about it! She is your mother and concubine, how could she harm you?"

"It's true that she won't harm me, but that doesn't mean she won't harm others!" Looking at the old Princess Qing who was so angry that she was speechless, Su Qinglan finally returned her gaze Ye Momo's face was full of indescribable disappointment, and it no longer had the warmth it once had.

"Second master, there is no need for the old concubine to do that!" Seeing Su Qinglan like this, Ye Momo was anxious and wanted to defend herself, but at this moment Xiangling suddenly said, "Ye Momo, you don't want to Talking nonsense with my eyes open, although I don't know why, but I also know that the second lady has a body, but the old princess can't tolerate the child in the second lady's belly, but she doesn't want to do it herself, lest the second master feel bad, and let you You framed the princess, don't pretend to be confused!" Xiangling didn't say this at the beginning, but now she said it like a thunderbolt on the flat ground, and everyone present was surprised.

"Sister and sister, you..." Su Qingxiu looked at Murong Yan in disbelief. She didn't pay attention to it before, she just thought that Murong Yan had a good life recently, so she became plump, but now she looked at the other's belly carefully, although it was not obvious because of the bloated cotton coat , but if you look closely, you can still find that it is much bigger than before.

God, how is this possible?

Didn't the imperial physician once say that she could no longer conceive a child?

Su Qingxiu's heart is very complicated at this moment. When he was young, he always had a kind of admiration for Murong Yan, but in the end the beauty still didn't belong to him. He often thought of this regret these years. In his heart, Murong Yan was also a goddess-like existence. .He was very happy to see that Murong Yan and Su Qinglan couldn't get along, so at least he could imagine that Murong Yan might still belong to him, but now...

Eyes full of complexity and annoyance, if Su Qinglan and Murong Yan had been cold, Su Qingxiu could still deceive herself occasionally, but with the facts in front of her, Su Qingxiu felt really uncomfortable.

Why is such a beautiful woman not his?

Su Qingxiu felt regretful in her heart, and her face was inevitably a little lost. He fell into Sun Xueru's eyes like this, which attracted the other party's sarcasm, but Sun Xueru won't show it right now, just say, "Hehe, younger brother and sister are really pregnant? This is a This is great news, if the younger siblings get married in one fell swoop, they won't have to worry about so many things..." Looking at Murong Yan's belly pointedly, to be honest, Sun Xueru was very jealous, so jealous that she went crazy!

She should have used more force just now, it would be best to knock the child off, that would be great!

As a woman, as long as Sun Xueru thinks about her husband's obsession with Murong Yan, how can she feel better?

After all, she is also the eldest daughter of Duke Nanchang, but she can't even control her husband's heart, how sad she is!

"It's just a pity that now is not the time, otherwise we should celebrate properly!" Smiling, Sun Xueru didn't seem to have any flaws on her face, she sincerely congratulated, but what she said made people have to face up to the current situation.

"Hey, how could the mother and concubine do this? The second brother and sister are still the children of the second brother. Even if the mother and concubine don't like the second brother and sister, she can't..." Sun Xueru looked at Su Qinglan. His face became more and more livid, and his heart was full of joy of success.

Concubine mother, concubine mother, the feeling of betrayal, isn't it good?

Today, I will let you have a good taste!


Su Qinglan really didn't expect that Princess Qing knew about Murong Yan's pregnancy, instead of easing her relationship with Murong Yan, she wanted to use Sun Xueru's hand to get rid of the child in Murong Yan's stomach. Anger and disappointment have already made Su Qinglan's expression exhausted, "Mother Concubine, what Xiangling said, is it true? Do you really think so? The child in Yan'er's belly is my flesh and blood, and it is also yours." Your grandson? Are you so cruel? Do you hate Yan'er so much? Concubine mother, why is that?"

The old Princess Qing who was lying on the bed was now so angry that her face was green, her mouth was completely crooked, and she couldn't speak anymore, she just looked at Su Qinglan, the dark light in her eyes made Su Qinglan finally give birth to a kind of Feeling exhausted, "Mother Concubine, are you really my biological mother?" Now it's his biological mother, why would you treat his wife like that?Why should he treat his children so heartily?

Although the problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a big problem since ancient times, Su Qinglan never imagined that the old Princess Qing's hatred for Murong Yan has reached such a level!

He thought that Princess Qing cared about his flesh and blood, at least because of this child, she would let go of her grudge against Murong Yan, but thinking about it now, he was wrong!

"Concubine Mu, are you really the one who gave birth to me and raised me? Why are you so cruel? So ruthless? Are you still the concubine I have known since I was a child? Do you really love me? Or everything, just Is it just an illusion you created?" The voice was full of disappointment, and Su Qinglan looked at the old Princess Qing with strange eyes, as if the other party was someone he had never known before, the doubts and heartache in those words, listened Old Princess Qing only felt that her heart constricted in an instant, as if Ling Chi had been stabbed by that sharp knife, and her whole body trembled violently!

Qinglan, how can you speak of me like this?I am your biological mother and concubine!

Ling Chi's pain spread all over her body. Old Princess Qing fixed her eyes on Su Qinglan, as if she wanted to see through Su Qinglan. The disappointment and heartache in her eyes were so obvious. She wanted to see a trace of regret from Su Qinglan's eyes, but in the end, She is still disappointed!

Qinglan, for a woman, do you really want to treat me like this?I am your mother and concubine. I gave birth to you in October. Because of the difficulty, I was left sick and tortured all the year round. Because of this, I lost the right to be a mother again. Because of you, I lost so much , But these years, I have worked hard for you, planned for you, and just to make you happy!But you treat me like this because of a woman?

What an unfilial son you are!

"Hmm..." She opened her mouth with great effort. Princess Qing wanted to say something, but her whole body began to twitch violently. She was trembling violently on the bed as if suffering from epilepsy, her eyes began to turn white, and her mouth began to twitch. Spitting foam, it seems that he is very angry!

"Mansion doctor, hurry up, go and have a look!" Su Qingxiu was terrified when she saw the old Princess Qing's appearance, and hurriedly called the mansion doctor over, for fear that something might happen to the old Princess Qing!

Da Cang respects filial piety, if the old concubine Qing is really dead, then he will have Ding You three years, he is not young now, Ding You three years later, won't he have no chance anymore?Can you only guard the throne for the rest of your life and wait for the decline of Prince Qing's Mansion?

No, absolutely not!

I was anxious, but Su Qingxiu didn't care about this much anymore, and anxiously urged the doctor to treat the old Princess Qing, and she inevitably blamed Su Qinglan, "Second brother, the imperial doctor has already said that the mother and concubine can't get angry anymore, otherwise Dangerous, why are you so confused today? If you abandon your mother and concubine and fall ill, can you take responsibility for what happens?" Anyway, old Princess Qing hates Murong Yan, Su Qingxiu knows, although She felt that what Old Princess Qing did was a bit excessive, but Su Qingxiu could also understand it.

In the final analysis, he is a flirtatious person. He always thinks of women as clothes. He puts them on when he needs them, and takes them off when he doesn't need them.In his opinion, a woman is absolutely inferior to his own glory, wealth, and smooth official luck.

In fact, after all, with wealth and power, does he still worry about women?

Su Qingxiu has always taken this matter very lightly, so now seeing Su Qinglan pissing off the old Princess Qing, she couldn't hold back the blame, but he didn't expect that after he said this, Su Qinglan just Glancing at him, his gaze was as calm as water, without waves, but it just made Su Qingxiu feel a little uncomfortable, "Second brother, what are you doing?" Why are you looking at him like this?Seeing that he is uncomfortable all over?

Su Qinglan suddenly felt a little guilty, and Su Qingxiu's eyes were a little dodged when he was looked at by Su Qinglan, but he always believed that he was right, "Second brother, don't you think I'm wrong? Since ancient times, filial piety is greater than the sky, you Talking to the mother and concubine like that just now is indeed over. The son does not speak of the mother's fault, no matter what the mother and concubine did wrong, as children, we have no right to criticize, second brother, you..." The words have not yet After finishing speaking, Su Qinglan's eyes stared at her and her voice became smaller and smaller. Su Qingxiu never knew that Su Qinglan, who seemed gentle and amiable in Suri, became so cautious when she got angry. It's like the hole buried itself.

Second brother, it's not me who did the wrong thing, why are you looking at me like that?

Moreover, I was not wrong at first, if the mother concubine encounters an accident, do you think you will feel better?

Three years, do you think three years is so easy?Even if you don't cherish your position as prime minister, I care about my future!

Even though she was dissatisfied in her heart that Su Qinglan didn't give her face so much as a younger brother, but Su Qingxiu was a person with little ability after all, but she was very ambitious, and she didn't dare to really offend Su Qinglan. In the end, she had to shut up.


The room returned to calm again, except for the doctor's frowning, everyone's expressions were a little heavy. Finally, the doctor sighed and looked at Su Qingxiu and Su Qinglan. Su Qinglan hadn't spoken yet. Su Qingxiu spoke up, "Doctor doctor, mother concubine, how is it?"

"Hey, the old concubine was so anxious that she had another stroke. This time it was more severe than the previous ones. The situation is critical!"

"Doctor, you must guarantee the life of the mother and concubine!" Looking at the doctor, Su Qingxiu was anxious, he was really afraid that something would happen to the old Princess Qing.

"Grass people do their best!" Sighed, the incident in the deep house was indeed bloody enough. The doctor of the government has witnessed all these things with his own eyes today, and he also knows that his current fate is inseparable from Prince Qing's Mansion.It is said that the more people who know the secret, the shorter life will be. He is really worried that he will not know when he will be tolerated by others and how he died.

If he had known it would be like this, he would rather be an ordinary doctor. Although he would earn less money, at least he wouldn't have to worry about it like this.

"Doctor, this is not something you can do with your best. You must save the life of the concubine mother!" Staring at the doctor, Su Qingxiu couldn't tolerate any mistakes. In three years, he was really Can't wait!

"My lord, this..." The doctor wanted to say that this is not embarrassing him?But before she finished speaking, Sun Xueru stood up, "Okay, doctor, go and prescribe the medicine, and the concubine will leave it to you!" He gave the person around him a look, and the person followed him out.

The government doctor has been busy for a long time, during which the imperial doctor also came, everyone worked together, after a day and a night, the old Princess Qing's illness was finally saved, but she could no longer speak and was completely paralyzed.

Everyone unanimously came to the conclusion that Princess Lao Qing is now exhausted and can only support herself with medicine. Su Qingxiu hated Su Qinglan's impulsiveness at this moment. Something happened to the princess, and this matter finally happened.

It's just that the incident just happened, and Su Qingxiu faced another headache.

At this moment, seeing that Su Qinglan had packed up her things and was about to leave, Su Qingxiu only felt a headache, "Second brother, mother and concubine are like this now, do you have to go?" Looking at Su Qinglan, Su Qingxiu was also a little angry at the moment.

He is the only one who is worried about Ganqing, the people in front of him don't care, do they?

"Brother, since the concubine's condition has stabilized now, it's not good for us to disturb her all the time. If anything happens in the future, my elder brother will send someone to deliver a letter. If it's not good for us to bother, we will go back first!" I don't want to stay anymore, if I didn't want to leave people with excuses, saying that he ignored his seriously ill mother, he would have turned around and left the first moment he saw the true face of Old Princess Qing clearly.

He doesn't have such a vicious mother!

"Second brother, concubine mother always does stupid things, but she is our concubine mother after all, so you just ignore it?" Looking at Su Qinglan's still livid face, Su Qingxiu's temper also came up.

I was also a little angry at the muddled things done by the old Princess Qing, which pushed Su Qinglan away, but what can I do?

"Brother, I will send someone to bring medicine and supplements. It's getting late, let's go!" Without a single commemoration, in Su Qinglan's view, the behavior of the old Princess Qing has completely ruined the affection between their mother and child , from now on, it is estimated that they will never communicate with each other again.

Seeing that Su Qinglan was so determined to leave, Su Qingxiu was also anxious, and hurriedly stopped Su Qinglan, "Second brother, what do you mean? You don't care about mother and concubine?" Su Qingxiu saw Su Qinglan like this for the first time. His memory, his younger brother's temper has always been excellent, and he has never lost his temper, but looking at him like this today, he really felt a little uneasy.

Su Qinglan's current appearance is so strange that he almost doesn't know each other.

"Brother, as I said just now, I will send people to deliver medicines and supplements. If you need anything, you can also send a letter to the Xiangfu. If I can do it, I will do it!" He will do his best to fulfill his obligations as a child. , what should be given to Old Princess Qing, he will not be less, but this is only limited to material things.As for the rest, he couldn't and couldn't afford it.

This is his sad place. If there is no accident in the future, he will not come again, because he has been completely chilled by such a vicious mother.

It's better not to see each other than to see each other, and it will be like this in the future!Maybe it's good to calm down with each other.

"You, what do you mean? Second brother, don't forget, you are also the concubine's son, your biological son!" Su Qingxiu bit the word "biological" very hard, he was really worried that Su Qinglan would treat Lao Qing The princess doesn't care about it, and when the time comes, he will ask Su Qinglan for help, what should he do?

Concubine Mu, Concubine Mu, what kind of stupid things are you doing?

"Brother, I know this. So I will fulfill my obligations as a child. If you have any requests in the future, you can just send a letter directly!" If it is possible, Su Qinglan really hopes that she is not the biological son of the old Princess Qing. At least in this way, he won't be so embarrassed, and it won't be so painful.

"Second brother, don't forget that the concubine mother gave birth to you in October. When she gave birth to you, she suffered from a whole body of illnesses, which caused her to be in poor health. But over the years, concubine mother's love for you has never How much less than you? Is this how you treat your mother and concubine? Are you worthy of your mother and concubine? Are you worthy of the word "filial piety"? You let the courtiers see you like this. You, the prime minister, don't want your position, do you? ?” Unfilial, that is a direct gap with the official career of the official, an unfilial official, in the officialdom, is also doomed to come to an end.

"I have a clear conscience, brother, I hope you don't stop me, so as not to make each other look bad!" Su Qinglan was in a bad mood, she just wanted to go back to her mansion at this moment, lest she continue to look at these dirty things Can't help but do crazy things.

He really needs to think about it quietly by himself now, and think about what he should do.

"Second brother, do you really want to do this? Are you so disregarding the kinship?" To be honest, Su Qingxiu really didn't understand that Su Qinglan was going too far for a woman to be her biological mother.

"Brother, I've tried my best." Looking at Su Qingxiu, Su Qinglan's mouth twitched with self-mockery.He asked himself that for so many years, he has been trying his best to be a good son, and he has always hoped to be filial to the old Princess Qing.But what about the result?What did he get?

Su Qinglan thought of what happened now, and felt that her heart was full of holes.

Was he too stupid back then, or was he really too foolish and filial?So much so that today's ending?

"Second brother, you can't just leave like this!" There is a feeling in my heart that if Su Qinglan really leaves like that, it will be difficult to come back in the future. Su Qingxiu wholeheartedly wants to rely on Su Qinglan's position as prime minister. He gained more power and status, and kept his throne, which was already in jeopardy, so he had to keep Su Qinglan!

"Brother, are you going to force me?" Su Qingxiu also stopped him from leaving last time, so what about this time?Do you want to stop it too?

Su Qinglan didn't want to make it so embarrassing between the brothers, so now she just looked at Su Qingxiu, hoping that the other party would not force her, but Su Qingxiu didn't seem to understand Su Qinglan's meaning, she just grabbed Su Qinglan tightly, "No, I can't Letting you do such an unfilial thing will ruin the Su family's family style for hundreds of years!" The aristocratic family values ​​reputation the most, and Su Qingxiu didn't want to let Su Qinglan go and ruin her reputation; secondly, naturally There are also his personal reasons.

"Brother, do you really want to do this?" Looking at Su Qingxiu, the disappointment and heartache in Su Qinglan's heart grew bigger and bigger, thinking that her biological mother and biological brother were persecuting him like this, the corner of Su Qinglan's mouth suddenly smacked of self-mockery His self-mockery like this carried a heavy and deep sadness, which made Su Qingxiu's eyes tremble a little, "Second brother, you, don't take it too seriously, the parents of everyone in the world, you, you still Stay here, let's discuss this matter from a long-term point of view, okay?" Also a little scared by Su Qinglan's behavior, Su Qingxiu had to calm down, so as not to make the two embarrassing like last time.

"Brother, what if I have to leave today? Are you really disregarding the friendship between brothers?" Su Qinglan has always had little hope for Su Qingxiu. Su Qinglan knows that her brother has ordinary abilities but great ambitions. Bad intentions.But after all, it is the heir of the palace and the hope of the Qing palace, so Su Qinglan still endured it.

But his tolerance doesn't mean he has no bottom line, he has to leave today, so if the other party insists, don't blame him for turning his face and denying others!

"Second brother, you, why are you so disobedient? I am your brother, will I harm you? You are also impulsive now, let's talk about it later, okay? Why are you like this? If outsiders know about it, don’t they see our jokes?” Su Qingxiu intends to keep Su Qinglan, and he will not believe it if she speaks slowly and carefully in a while, Su Qinglan is such a filial son, really because of this matter. She broke up with the old concubine Qing.

How is this possible?Isn't it just a woman?

Although this woman is also Su Qingxiu's crush, in Su Qingxiu's view, power is always more important than women.

"Brother, I'm not impulsive, I just want to be quiet!" Here, he is really impulsive!

"Oh, why are you so stubborn. You..." Su Qingxiu became a little irritable when she saw that she didn't let go of Su Qinglan, but she kept stopping Su Qinglan from letting her go.In the end, seeing that Su Qinglan couldn't get her way, Su Qingxiu had no choice but to look at Murong Yan and asked for help, "Sister and sister, you have always come to understand the general situation, so you persuade the second younger brother. When he went out like this, the servants saw what they thought in their hearts, and spread the word. What do you think? He still has a bright future, so why don't you just let him go?"

I originally thought that Murong Yan was a person who knew the general situation and would help her when she heard what she said, but what Murong Yan said made Su Qingxiu want to vomit blood, "Brother, you let us go back, now that the concubine is fine, we It's also a nuisance here, there are still many things at home, we have to rush back to deal with them, elder brother let us go, don't force us to stay." Looking at what others said, it seems that he deliberately made things difficult.

Su Qingxiu felt a big sigh of relief in her heart, seeing Murong Yan unmoved, she had to take a look at Su Lanzhi, "Lan'er, you are trying to persuade your father, your grandmother is sick, you are here to accompany her How is your grandmother?" Although this niece has changed a lot recently, making Su Qingxiu a little uncertain, but now, he can only turn to Su Lanzhi for help.I thought the other party was young and easy to deceive, but Su Qinglan just looked at him, those pearly eyes were extremely deep, making Su Qingxiu feel like she was being seen through by the other party, her complexion was a little stiff.And Su Lanzhi's words made Su Qingxiu's complexion go from red to purple, then to blue, and finally to the intersection of white. It looked colorful and very happy, "Uncle, Daddy and Mother said we were going to leave, why did you keep stopping us from leaving? Dad said it so clearly, isn't it difficult for you to force others?" The child's words sounded scheming, just narrating the facts, but like this However, it seemed that Su Qingxiu was too domineering.

"Lan'er, I'm just afraid that your father will end up in a dead end, so I just try to persuade you. You don't understand the children!" If Su Qingxiu had known that Su Lanzhi would say this, she wouldn't have beaten him to death. Let's ask Su Lanzhi!

This girl, on purpose?

"But uncle, you know what happened today. Grandma treated mother like that. We need time to think about why grandma did this. Uncle, you force us to stay like this. It's not embarrassing for both of us. Uncle, what do you mean?" Su Lanzhi looked at Su Qingxiu with a puzzled face, but now she was pretending to be an ignorant girl, causing Su Qingxiu's complexion to change suddenly, only to think that Su Lan Zhi's words hit the nail on the head, and he was really at a loss for words to answer!

Want to scold, but she is a 13-year-old girl, she may not know much about these things, her love and hatred are obvious, she can't compare to adults' crooked intestines, Su Qingxiu really doesn't know how to answer it, so she can only ask for help and take a look Sun Xueru, I hope the other party can smooth things over for her.

Sun Xueru was originally watching a play, but now she was stared at by Su Qingxiu, Sun Xueru sighed in her heart, but she did not stand by Su Qingxiu's side, "My lord, everyone feels uncomfortable when something like this happened, my concubine I think it's better to let each other calm down! My brother-in-law is a filial son, and he won't really ignore his mother and concubine. He also said just now and made a promise. We will let them leave, so that each other can think about it. This matter, so as not to meet embarrassment."

Su Qingxiu didn't expect Sun Xueru to say that, and gave the other party a hard look, only to think that this woman really has no eyesight, but Sun Xueru didn't seem to see it, and continued to persuade, "Mother and concubine's condition has stabilized now, and my uncle and the others also have For our own affairs, if there is anything in the future, we just need to send someone to inform, the prince is so reluctant, and makes each other unhappy, isn't the gain outweighed by the loss?"

These words came to the bottom of Su Qingxiu's heart, and now he is too strong to fight against alone. Su Qingxiu finally had no choice but to let him go, "Well, second brother, today you and your younger brother and sister will be together." Go back together, I will let you know if there is something to do!"

"Yeah!" He left without saying a word, Su Qinglan didn't even bother to say anything extra, leaving Su Qingxiu with a cold back, helped Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi into the carriage, and left without looking back .

When the person left, Su Qingxiu looked at Sun Xueru suspiciously, with that gaze, wishing she could eat Sun Xueru, "Princess, what do you mean?"

------off topic-----

I was thinking, should I let the old princess of Qing become pissed off?What do you guys think?

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