() Seeing the rare seriousness in Qin Zhiyan's eyes, Concubine Qin's eyes flashed with surprise, and she finally smiled, as if she was very satisfied with Qin Zhiyan's reaction, but she didn't let go of what she said "Yan'er, the mother concubine has no other meaning, just to let you know the truth." Falling in love with Su Lanzhi is destined to be a hard road, not to mention that Su Lanzhi's identity will cause many people to stare at her, even Su Lanzhi herself is a difficult hurdle to overcome.

That child seems to be very defensive. Is it not easy to get into her heart?

My own son, to say the least, will suffer a lot.

"Mother Concubine, I have always known what you said, but I have enough patience and confidence. I will slowly wait until the day she accepts me!" I have also contacted Su Lanzhi several times How could he not see Su Lanzhi's resistance to him?

But even so, he couldn't help but sink into it, how could he still control his heart?

Therefore, no matter how hard and tiring he is, he will always work hard!

Anyway, Su Lanzhi is still young, he still has enough time to wait!

"Hehe, Yan'er, you and your father really look alike, you deserve to be our son!" In fact, Qin Zhiyan had already expected such an answer.Her own son, Princess Qin, knew very well that it was the kind of person who would not be emotional. Once emotional, it would be a lifetime thing.Therefore, after so many years, Qin Zhiyan finally fell in love with a woman, and that was a lifetime commitment. As a mother and concubine, although she was worried and distressed, she also hoped that her son could be truly happy!

"I support you, I just hope that you don't make the concubine mother wait too long!" Only 13 years old, some have waited.

"Concubine Mother, don't worry, I will work hard!" Looking at Princess Qin's smile, Qin Zhiyan knew that Princess Qin would never stop him from doing anything. Since he was a child, Princess Qin has always supported his decisions of.Although liking Su Lanzhi would make him wait for a long time, he knew that as long as it was what he wanted, Princess Qin would help him!

"You child..." Looking at Qin Zhiyan dotingly, Qin Wangfei has confirmed Qin Zhiyan's mind now, if she didn't care, Qin Zhiyan wouldn't be so anxious today and urged him to come, He will not let himself block Qin Yan's plan.

"Concubine Mu, I pulled you over early this morning, let's go back quickly, my father will be worried if he doesn't see you!"

"Okay, I got it!" The two left with a smile on their face. Along the way, Qin Zhiyan looked in the direction of the Prime Minister's Mansion, feeling a little restless in his heart.

Maybe he was still a little uncertain about his feelings for Su Lanzhi before, but when he heard the news of Su Lanzhi's injury yesterday, the tearing heartache was a strangeness that he had never felt in his life. At that moment, He finally understood his own mind, so he won't let go!The other party will not be allowed to back down!

Su Lanzhi, I don't care how long you resist me, but I won't give up!

He has already made a decision in his heart. Qin Zhiyan has always been a determined and measured person. He always knows what he wants, so for Su Lanzhi, he is bound to get it!


At this time, she was still lying on the bed facing Su Lanzhi, completely ignorant of Qin Zhiyan's intentions, but she was a little surprised at Qin Wangfei and Qin Zhiyan's visit today, although the two of them acted as if they came by chance Same, but Su Lanzhi felt a little deliberate.

Bingqingyu cream is so precious, Princess Qin really brought two bottles with her?There were too many questions in her heart, and before Su Lanzhi had time to hide her thoughts, Yuetao on the side began to urge, "Miss, let the servants rub the medicine on you, your injury can't be delayed!" Lan Zhi was very worried about the matter of applying the medicine. Yue Tao saw that there were two more bottles of Bingqingyu cream, so she naturally wished to rub it on Su Lanzhi's body immediately.

"Okay, you wipe!" Seeing Yuetao's unwillingness to give up, Su Lanzhi smiled, knowing that Yuetao cared about her, and didn't object anymore.

"Okay, I'll bring you that servant girl!" Originally, I planned to use Qin Yan to give it first, but when Su Lanzhi saw it, she shook her head, "Just take Qin Wangfei as a gift? King Yan originally only had a bottle , It's too precious, I'd better keep it!" She found a chance to return it later!

"But miss, this bottle has already been used, why don't you use it up first?" Yuetao was straightforward and asked without thinking, but Qiushuang found that Su Lanzhi seemed to be a little repulsed by the things Qin Yan gave her. He took away the Bingqingyu ice cream from Yuetao's hand, and passed a new bottle over, "Okay, do what the lady says, you go and give the medicine to the lady, and I will bring the medicine!"

"Okay!" Seeing what Qiushuang said, Yuetao seemed to understand something, and hurried over to apply medicine to Su Lanzhi.

Murong Yan on the side saw her, and frowned. After Su Lanzhi rubbed and drank the medicine, she asked everyone to go out. Looking at Su Lanzhi, she stopped talking.Seeing Su Lanzhi, she felt a little helpless, "Mother, what do you want to ask?"

"Lan'er, I heard that you refused to take the medicine last night. Is it because the medicine was given by Lord Yan?" Looking at her daughter, she seemed to repel Qin Yan, but what is it?

"Hehe, mother, there's nothing wrong with it. I just felt a little uncomfortable yesterday, so I don't want to take medicine." Su Lanzhi had long planned to treat the grievances of her previous life as her own secret and buried it deeply in her heart, so She would not say anything about Qin Yan.

"Then you just now..." Even though Murong Yan couldn't tell what it was, Mo Ruomu, the confidant, could feel that Su Lanzhi didn't seem to like Qin Yan very much.

But my daughter didn't have much contact with Lord Yan, so why didn't she like it?

Could it be that something happened that she didn't know about?

"Mother, you're overthinking. I simply think that we don't know Lord Yan very well, and it's not good to owe too much favor. Moreover, Lord Yan only has one bottle of Bingqing Jade Cream. My daughter thinks that we should find a chance." , Give it back to him." Expressing her meaning tactfully, Su Lanzhi believed that Murong Yan understood what she meant.

Now the princes are getting older, but Emperor Wen is strong, and he will not give up his throne in a short time, which means that the princes will definitely start to form factions for the supreme throne.As a neutral royalist, Su Qinglan naturally wouldn't get too close to any prince!

Therefore, the favor owed to Qin Yan is actually a timed explosive for them, which will put them in a dilemma at any time!

Therefore, keeping your distance is the best choice!

Murong Yan quickly figured out the meaning of Su Lanzhi's words. Seeing that her daughter was going to work so much at such a young age, she felt pain in her heart, "Lan'er, I have wronged you. We parents, but Instead, it makes you worry." It is said that parents are the harbor of protection for their children, but how come they are here, but Su Lanzhi is their harbor of protection?

"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm just thinking too much, I don't want you to make things difficult for me!" In her previous life, she made her father make things difficult for her too much, and even made him give up his principles, and finally killed her. own biological father.This has always been a knot in Su Lanzhi's heart that she can't let go of, so in this life, no matter what, she should not be a springboard for others to use her father!

"Silly boy, as parents, of course we have to support everything for you. How can this be difficult?" Looking at her sensible daughter, Murong Yan stroked Su Lanzhi's long hair, her eyes became complicated.

Lan'er, mother really hopes that you can be like many people of your age, be happy, don't think about anything, just be happy.

But why, you have to be so sensible, and being sensible makes people feel distressed?

"Mom, I'm not young anymore, how can I always be protected by you under your wings? I always want to grow up, growing up earlier now is much better than growing up after suffering too much loss, isn't it? "Yeah, in her previous life, she has been hiding in her turtle shell, doing so many things willful and hurting her parents, and she has learned a lot from such painful lessons.So, she won't make the same mistake!

"Lan'er, growing up too early is actually a kind of hard work. My mother would rather that you can be happy and carefree all the time!" In this way, at least you don't have to worry about the many unavoidable things. .

"Hehe, mother, people will always grow up!" Even if they refuse to grow up, they must have that capital. Not everyone can be lucky enough to find someone who can protect themselves and let them live happily all their lives. human.Therefore, they can only learn to be strong and learn to grow up!

"You child..." Seeing Su Lanzhi refute her words with a smile, Murong Yan also knew that she couldn't say anything to Su Lanzhi, so she was about to say something, but at this moment, Su Qinglan came back, looking at the mother and daughter. Talking and laughing, I just feel that the atmosphere like this is extraordinarily beautiful, and even Su Qinglan's face is stained with a little smile, "What are you talking about? So happy?"

"Hehe, we didn't say anything. By the way, Daddy, why have you been away for so long?" Does it take so long to send off a Princess Qin?

"I wanted to come back earlier, but I didn't expect Lord Yan to come, so I sat with him for a while!" When Su Qinglan said this, she didn't think too much, and naturally she didn't notice that Su Lanzhi was listening When the name came to her, her body stiffened for a moment.

"Daddy, why is Lord Yan here?" What is he doing here?Could it be that they thought they owed him a favor, so now they are planning something again?

Qin Yan, you are so despicable!

I will not let you succeed!

"He just came to ask about you and your mother's situation, it's nothing!" Maybe he came to deliver medicine, Su Qinglan didn't say that.After all, it was just his guess.It's just that when Qin Yan left, although he didn't show anything, Su Qinglan obviously felt that Qin Yan's body was a little more air-conditioned, and she was also a little worried.

This fourth prince, thinking about it, is deeply thoughtful and unpredictable. Su Qinglan also keeps a respectful distance in his daily life, and never takes the initiative to get close to him. Su Qinglan only pretends not to understand Qin Yan's friendly gesture in his daily life, and pretends to be confused. .But after Qin Yan rescued Su Lanzhi and donated medicine, this favor was owed. It seems that in the future, he really can't pretend to be confused.

"Really?" Thinking of Qin Yan's weird and cautious temperament, Su Lanzhi would not really believe that Qin Yan just came to see them today.Suddenly thinking of Princess Qin and Qin Zhiyan's sudden visit today, Su Lanzhi looked at Su Qinglan and asked, "Daddy, besides Lord Yan, who else knows about my injury?"

"I don't want to escalate the matter, so I kept it a secret, Lan'er, what's the matter?" Although she knew it was Yuan Wuhou who did it, Su Qinglan didn't intend to make the matter escalate.

Of course, he wouldn't just let this matter go, since Marquis Yuan Wu wanted to do that, he would have to bear the price!

"No, I'll just ask casually." It seems that apart from them, only Qin Yan knows about this matter.But how did Princess Qin and Qin Zhiyan know today?

Something flashed through her mind, and Su Lanzhi suddenly remembered the medicine she had rubbed on her body, and she understood a little.

Sure enough, she guessed right, no wonder Princess Qin and the others came before Qin Yan.But Su Lanzhi is still very grateful to Princess Qin and the others for coming earlier, otherwise she would owe Qin Yan a favor!

Qin Yan, Qin Yan, you really are the best of everything, but why didn't you expect that this time you borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, but someone else took the lead?

Thinking of this, Su Lanzhi felt a sense of pleasure in her heart, and she didn't even reject Qin Zhiyan before. She only felt that Qin Zhiyan's behavior today was very in line with her wishes, and therefore, she had no feelings for Qin Zhiyan. This time, Su Lanzhi was not as repulsive as before.


Su Qinglan looked at the inexplicable look on Su Lanzhi's face, and worried that Su Lanzhi would be burdened by this matter, so she comforted her, "Lan'er, I will take care of the matter of King Yan, don't worry. Now you are good Rehabilitation is the most important thing!" As a father, Su Qinglan naturally has the responsibility to support her children!

Knowing that Su Qinglan misunderstood her attitude, Su Lanzhi didn't intend to explain, but just nodded, "Yes, Daddy, I understand." After speaking, she seemed a little tired, Murong Yan and Su Qinglan met, and told Su Lan Zhi took a good rest and was ready to leave.

Seeing the two of them leave, Su Lanzhi wanted to ask about the man in black who was greeted by Su Qinglan several times, but in the end, Su Lanzhi chose to remain silent.

If Su Qinglan didn't say anything, she naturally had her own reasons. Now, Su Lanzhi can only wait for the day when Su Qinglan is willing to say it.

It's just about that day, I'm afraid Qin Yan already knew about it. He had wanted to win over his father for a long time, and even gave him the death penalty so quickly in his previous life. Does this mean that the man in black is exactly what Qin Yan wanted? The power absorbed is also the power that the other party fears?

I have always known that Qin Yan is a miserable young man with a deep city, and everything is not easy to come by now, so Qin Yan has developed a feeling that he likes to control everything in the palm of his hand, and will always allow accidents to happen, so back then, That's why he cut off everything in Xiangfu so decisively and ruthlessly!So Su Lanzhi was a little worried in her heart!

She decided not to let Qin Yan take that position, otherwise her father's fate would definitely be the same as in the previous life!

With a vague idea in her heart, Su Lanzhi secretly made a decision, lying on the bed, her thoughts drifted away.

++++++++++++++ I am the dividing line where Marquis Yuan Wu was so angry that he was half dead

"What did you say? None of the people you sent survived?" Yuan Wuhou sent one of the most elite dead soldiers this time to get rid of Murong Yan and the child in Murong Yan's stomach. Su Lanzhi was also removed, so no one could threaten Su Zhenhua anymore!

But after waiting for a whole day, no one replied, and no one responded from the person sent to investigate the clues. After worrying for a long time, someone finally came back to report, but he never thought that what he got was such news!

"Master Hou, the corpses of those dead men can't even be found now. The subordinates have checked all along the road, and there is no trace. It seems that the other party has hidden all the evidence!" After searching for a day, I can only get this The news, the subordinates are really a little panicked.

If you fail to do things well, you will end up miserable!

"What do you mean? Didn't you say that there are only a dozen or so guards around Su Qinglan? Those dead soldiers are the elites that this Marquis carefully cultivated. Why can't they even find the corpse!" Yuan Wuhou was furious It's all blown up, thinking of his well-planned plan, he thought that he would soon hear the news that Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi were gone, and he planned to come to mourn the funeral, but why did it suddenly change?

"Master Hou, my subordinates are not very clear. It seems that there are not many traces of fighting along the way. The subordinates only occasionally felt thick blood in a canyon. According to the investigation, that should be the place where the incident happened, but there was a dead body there. Not at all! Moreover, the subordinates have sent someone to check the prime minister's mansion, and the prime minister and the others are all safe and sound. If you want to come to those dead men, the mission has failed!" If he said this, the man was ready to be punished up.Looking at Yuan Wuhou's gloomy and cold eyes, the man trembled, he was really scared.

"A dozen dead soldiers, all of whom are top-notch masters, never came back? What you did is really a good thing! If these people fall into Su Qinglan's hands, what do you think? good?"

"Master Hou, please rest assured that these dead men have already been given poison by their subordinates before they left the mission. If they did not come back to take the antidote when the time came, even if they were caught, they would not be able to live. Prime Minister Su couldn't ask. What! What's more, the subordinates let each of them take a poison that can be avoided with one move, this foolproof preparation will definitely not bring any trouble to Lord Hou!"

"What you said is easy, but how much painstaking effort did the Marquis spend in cultivating so many dead soldiers. It would be a waste in this way. Tell me, what should I do?"

"The subordinates are willing to take orders, and then go to complete the task!"

"Do you think Su Qinglan is a fool? After such a thing happened, the Prime Minister's Mansion is now like that iron wall. Do you think you can get in? Don't forget, what does Su Qinglan do?"

"Also please express it!" The man understood Yuan Wuhou's meaning, and knew that Yuan Wuhou wanted to make up for his mistakes.But now that the prime minister's mansion is heavily guarded, he can't do anything, so what should we do?

"Don't worry, the Prime Minister's Mansion still has our people. If you find a way to give this to her, she will copy it!" I gave the person a jade pendant, and when the person saw it, he took it respectfully. Live up to Lord Hou’s entrustment, and must complete the task!”

"This time, you will make up for your mistakes. If you still can't complete the task, you will commit suicide!" Waving his hand, Marquis Yuan Wu was a little impatient.

The plan that was originally foolproof has now turned into such a big mess, and lost so many elite soldiers, Yuan Wuhou's mood is really terrible!

"Don't worry, Lord Hou, this subordinate will definitely not disappoint Lord Hou this time!"

"Okay, I'm waiting for your news!" Waving his hand, Marquis Yuan Wu seemed a little tired. When the man left, a man walked out of the dark pavilion. The man was very handsome and had an outstanding face. He is the proud son of heaven, with a deep light in his eyes, looking thoughtfully at the direction where the man disappeared before, and frowned, "Grandpa, it seems that someone secretly helped Prime Minister Su!" Otherwise, so much It is impossible for the dead soldiers to disappear so completely, and even their clues are hard to find!

"I know that!" They also frowned, both of them knew that Su Qinglan had always been neutral and was not too close to anyone, but why, someone had insight into their plan and helped each other?

"Can you find out who it is?" Qin Yan will never let a potential enemy go, so he must let that person be exposed to the sun before he can rest assured!

"It will take some time, don't worry!" Yuan Wuhou was still a little worried that Qin Yan would lose his temper and fall short.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I'm not such a careless person. I'm just curious, who on earth leaked the secret!" It seems that there is a ghost in their house!

"I will definitely find out about this matter, so don't worry about it. Now that you have just come back, don't overdo everything, so as not to be suspected by others!" Qin Yan made a great contribution this time, and his reputation immediately rose. At that time, Yuan Wuhou couldn't do it, because of this little thing, Qin Yan's future was delayed.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I'll save it."

"Recently, you should pay more attention to yourself. Because you have made great achievements this time, the other princes are more afraid of you. Now your words and deeds are being watched by everyone. During this time, remember to You have to be calm. This time, you just pretend not to know, no matter what happened, you don't care about it, understand?"

"Grandpa, I understand!" In front of outsiders, he has always been modest and polite, and he will not form cliques, because these are all done by Yuan Wuhou. What he has to do is to maintain this appearance and not let him People doubt his ambition!

"Okay, you and my grandfather are too close, and it is inevitable that people will suspect you. You should hurry back to your own mansion and visit your concubine mother when you have time. She misses you very much!"

"I see, grandpa, I'm leaving first."

"Go!" Looking at his grandson who became more and more handsome, Yuan Wuhou's eyes were full of relief.

So many years have passed, and the Hou's mansion has gradually declined. If it hadn't been for a concubine and a prince in the mansion, the position of Marquis would have started to decline in the end?

Fortunately, he has such a capable grandson. As long as he supports the other party to such a position, won't their Yuanwuhou Mansion be prosperous?

Marquis Yuan Wu's wish is very good. After so many years of deployment and dedication, watching Qin Yan stand out among the princes bit by bit, Marquis Yuan Wu knew that so much effort was not in vain.

Now, I am waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to realize my wish and realize the prosperity of Yuanwuhou Mansion.

Just hope this opportunity doesn't take too long.

Yuan Wuhou thought very well, but what he didn't expect was that because he dealt with Su Qinglan so viciously this time, on the next day, someone wrote a book, saying that a bridge that Yuan Wuhou was in charge of building collapsed overnight However, Marquis Yuan Wu was dismissed and investigated because of ineffective supervision and even suspected of corruption, and was forced to meditate in the mansion.

Of course, this is something to say later, but because of this incident, Marquis Yuan Wu took a break for a while, allowing the people in the Prime Minister's Mansion to breathe a sigh of relief.

++++++++++++++++++++++ I am the dividing line where the conspiracy continues

At night, Aunt Zheng's yard was completely silent. Aunt Zheng has been locked up in the yard for a long time now, and she has been out of favor for a long time. In addition, she is now under ground. Aunt Zheng's recent days have been very miserable!

"Auntie, this servant has already warmed up the quilt, you go to sleep!" After not being favored by Su Qinglan for a long time, Aunt Zheng now has no carbon in the house. <The day is still very cold, and Aunt Zheng is afraid of the cold, and she has not eaten well recently, so she can only eat green vegetables every day. Caise, where is the rosiness before?

At this moment, wearing an old cotton-padded jacket and getting ready to go to bed, Aunt Zheng looked at the dim room, and she didn't even light a good kerosene lamp. Quite uncomfortable.

"Auntie, bear with it, after a few more days, it will be fine when it gets warmer. At that time, Auntie will go to plead with the master and madam, and then the confinement will be lifted, and the days will not be so difficult."

"Hey, the master has made up his mind this time. For several months, I have never stepped out of this yard, and those servants are all stepping on the high and low. Now, as my aunt, I live like two maids. It's not as good as it is. Thanks to their dark hearts, I usually treat them for nothing!" Speaking of this, Aunt Zheng became angry, thinking of the cold eyes she had received recently. Although Aunt Zheng came from a small family , but the days I have lived these years are quite comfortable. I have long been used to the luxurious life of this prime minister's mansion, and suddenly returned to a poor life. How can Aunt Zheng adapt?How can we not complain?

"Don't be angry, Auntie. Now I can only bear with it. It will be fine when the master's anger subsides." Qing'er can't see any hope now, but she can only persuade Aunt Zheng in this way.

"Hey..." Sighed, looking at the clothes on her body, she hadn't added new clothes for a long time, and Aunt Zheng couldn't help but think of the past. In the past, she was under the care of the old Princess Qing, although she was not favored by Su Qinglan. At least, the life is still comfortable, at least no one dares to deduct her things so blatantly, but what about now?

If she had known about today, she shouldn't have been so impulsive then!

But what's the use of regretting it now?

"Auntie, sleep, the servant is guarding outside!"

"Qing'er, thank you for your hard work!" Looking at the maid who never left her, Aunt Zheng's eyes were filled with warmth.

Now she looks at her with cold eyes and supercilious eyes, but only Qing'er has always been loyal to her. Aunt Zheng thought that when the old Princess Qing gave Qing'er to her as a dowry maid, Aunt Zheng suddenly felt that Lao Qing The queen's move is really very wise.Otherwise, she really doesn't know what to do.

"Auntie, slaves don't work hard. Auntie treats slaves very well. These are what slaves should do!" Smiling, Qing'er didn't care about Aunt Zheng's thanks, but just helped Aunt Zheng to lie down. The way I paid for myself, I smiled, and there was a little warmth in my eyes, "I know you are a sincere girl, and now I can't take care of myself, but if I can go out in the future, I will treat you well!" This is the master It was a promise to the slave, and it was an extremely heavy promise. Qing'er's hands were stiff for a while, and finally she smiled, covering up the emotions in her eyes, "Auntie, sleep well, and the slave is outside. If you have anything to do, just Call your servant!"

"Well, sleep well, I have nothing to do at night."

"Auntie, don't talk about it, sleep, sleep late, tomorrow's spirit will not be good again." Long-term confinement, and being deprived of food, Aunt Zheng has lost a lot of weight now, Qing'er walks lightly He went out, sighed, and lay down outside.

She fell asleep in a daze, but suddenly she only felt a strong wind passing by. Before Qing'er could think clearly, she saw a jade pendant and a note beside her.

Seeing that thing, Qing'er's heart beat like a thunderbolt, a little bit of panic flashed across her eyes, she finally looked left and right, but she couldn't see anyone, Qing'er took out the note with confidence, She started to read with the faint light, and after reading, even under the faint light, Qinger's face was flashed with shock and fear, her face was as pale as that female ghost's. Extremely cautious.

The chest rose and fell sharply, Qing'er's eyes looked terrifying, her hands trembled a little, Aunt Zheng inside seemed to feel something strange, she didn't sleep deeply, so she asked, "Qing'er, what's wrong?"

"No, auntie, it's all right, it's just the wind blowing."

"Well, if it's cold, you should put on more quilts and close the doors and windows to avoid catching cold." If they catch a cold, no one will take care of them, for fear of trouble.

"The servant girl knows, Auntie, you sleep!"

"Hmm!" A little dazed, Aunt Zheng fell asleep without thinking too much. Qing'er, who was outside, smelled Aunt Zheng's breathing, which seemed to be much calmer, and then suppressed her beating heart. The last two words Without saying anything, he swallowed the note in his hand, and then hid the jade pendant. Although he was a little scared in his heart, he was also vaguely thinking of a way.


On the second day, when Aunt Zheng got up early in the morning, she saw that Qing'er was getting ready for breakfast, and seeing the obviously richer dishes on the table, Aunt Zheng was a little puzzled, "What happened to the people in the kitchen today? Why did you become kind today?" Recently, Aunt Zheng ate too much vegetables and radishes, and Aunt Zheng's taste was bland, but today there was meat, so she was quite curious.

"My aunt has suffered a lot these days. When my servant went to the kitchen today, I saw a lot of delicious food in the kitchen. After begging for a long time, they gave it to me. My aunt has to eat more. The servant sees that my aunt has lost weight!"

"You've worked hard, and you eat together too!" These days and Qing'er have become dependent on each other. Seeing Qing'er's heartfelt love, Aunt Zheng gradually stopped sharing with Qing'er, but she didn't realize that when she was talking At the time, Qing'er's eyes flashed a trace of uneasiness, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was a bit far-fetched, "The slave is a servant, how can I eat with the master? The aunt has finished eating, and the slave will eat again!" Aunt Zheng was originally She kindly asked Qinger to eat, but seeing that Qinger refused, Aunt Zheng was also a half-master after all, so she ate without saying anything.

It's been a long time since I ate such delicious food. Aunt Zheng had a great appetite and ate a lot. After finishing eating, Qing'er helped Aunt Zheng wash her hands, and finally walked with Aunt Zheng, and then served Aunt Zheng to take a nap.

There was nothing unusual in the next few days, but Qing'er would occasionally change the color of Aunt Zheng's dishes. Aunt Zheng was tired of eating radishes and cabbage, and the food was delicious, but for some reason, she seemed to be in a bad mood. Sleeping more and more every day, at the end, Aunt Zheng passed out!

"Come here, Auntie has passed out!" Seeing Aunt Zheng fainted, Qing'er was very anxious, helped Aunt Zheng to lie down, and seeing no one came to answer her, Qing'er rushed out without saying a word.


At this time, Murong Yan, because of being frightened, stayed in her own yard for the past few days, and because she was worried about Su Lanzhi, she let Su Lanzhi also live in her own yard. Talking with Su Lanzhi, seeing that Su Lanzhi's complexion was better than before, Murong Yan was also slightly relieved, "It seems that you are recovering well, the wound is not infected, and it is starting to scar. Bingqingyu Cream is really excellent." Thinking that her daughter's back would not leave a scar, Murong Yan finally felt a little less guilty.

"Mother, you are too worried. Physician Sun's medical skills are so strong, and you have been giving me this and that beauty medicine recently. I just can't think about it, and I can't do it!" After Princess Qin left that day, , so people sent a lot of blood swallows, as well as some ointments and tonics that are good for the skin. Su Qinglan also asked people to open the warehouse to find out things that are good for Su Lanzhi's body, and hand them all over to Dr. Sun. Let Doctor Sun dominate.Su Lanzhi ate a lot of good things these days, and her complexion gradually improved.

Su Lanzhi was even secretly thinking, with the method of mending, it is estimated that in the near future, she will have a lot of flesh on her body, and by then, there may be too much to mend?

But I also know that everyone is worried about her, and Doctor Sun's medical skills are excellent, so he will definitely be careful. Although Su Lanzhi doesn't like eating these, Murong Yan has to watch her eat every day before giving up. Lan Zhi was really forced to drink a lot.

"Silly boy, you are too thin now. Doctor Sun said that it is because of your weak and cold constitution, coupled with acquired malnutrition, that's why you are so small. We do this because we want you to make up for it." Make up, so that the body is too weak and suffers in the future!" This woman is too weak, and her constitution is cold, so it will be extremely difficult to conceive in the future, and even giving birth to a child is much more dangerous than ordinary people.Murong Yan was worried about this, so she and Su Qinglan had already discussed it, and decided to take advantage of Su Lanzhi's bed rest to give Su Lanzhi a good supplement and improve her physique.

Now it seems that the effect is good, look, in just a few days, Su Lanzhi's complexion began to turn rosy.

This is a good phenomenon!

"Mom, I got it..." Murong Yan would start thinking like this every time she didn't want to take those tonics in the past few days. It was the first time that Su Lanzhi discovered that Murong Yan talked so much. She had no choice. Had to follow.

Seeing that Murong Yan still wanted to give her further education, Su Lanzhi hurriedly interrupted her, her expression was quite helpless, when Murong Yan saw her, she nodded Su Lanzhi's forehead, her face was full of pampering, "Okay, you child, I know you don't like to eat those things, I have already discussed it with Dr. Sun, and I will make medicinal food for you in the future, so as to prevent you from eating too much, not nourishing your body, and hurting your body. "Of course I know that Su Lanzhi's body is too weak to bear too many supplements. Murong Yan has already thought of this. After hearing this, Su Lanzhi naturally cheered, "Mom, you are the best!" If she eats any more, she will really vomit!

"I will ask people to make the medicated diet as delicate as possible, and I will also let people cook what you like. When the time comes, don't dislike it again!" Seeing Su Lanzhi's poor appetite because of taking the tonic, Murong Yan Su Qinglan and Su Qinglan consulted with Dr. Sun, and they decided to make those tonics into a medicinal diet, so that Su Lanzhi would not always take the medicines, the taste would be bland, and he would lose his appetite, which would be bad.

You have to take your time to maintain your body, now the foundation has been slowly built up, and in the future, it will be slowly replenished!

"Mother, don't worry, but I have a request!"

"any request?"

"You have to eat with me too!"

"You child, it's really..." Knowing that Su Lanzhi was worried about her health, Murong Yan nodded Su Lanzhi's forehead. The mother and daughter were talking happily, so she vaguely listened There was noise outside.

Murong Yan frowned, looked at Nanny Zhang, a little puzzled, "Who is arguing outside?"

Nanny Zhang had already sent someone out to deal with it, but she didn't think about it, she still alarmed Murong Yan, her face flashed uneasy, "Ma'am, it's just a servant who accidentally broke a plate, it's okay!" Those few Auntie has always been a thorn in Murong Yan's heart, Zhang Nanny has always known it.Now the relationship between Murong Yan and Su Qinglan is gradually getting better, and Nanny Zhang is happy to see it. Of course, she doesn't want Murong Yan and Su Qinglan to have an unhappy fight because of a few aunts.

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