The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 178 The Lively Wash 3

() "This child is still counting the money for the other party after being sold!" Mrs. Jingbei Hou and Xi Lerong saw Su Lanzhi's confused face, looked at each other and smiled, and they both saw the funny in each other's eyes What happened made Su Lanzhi more and more puzzled, "Grandmother, are you talking about what's going on?" No matter how you look at the two of them, it seems that there is more to the story than just this.

"Hehe, it's a long story..." Xi Lerong knocked on Su Lanzhi deliberately, thinking that the relationship between the juniors is so good, Xi Lerong is also very happy, "Isn't I always in these days?" Are you urging Ya’er to learn from women? That day you sent some handkerchiefs over, and Ya’er was very happy to see her, and every day she held them with a smile on her face. Once Shu’er saw her and liked it very much, Ya’er gave them to her I gave it to her. But Ya’er didn’t say that you gave it to me. Everyone thought that Ya’er’s daughter had improved, and her mother asked Ya’er to make some. Ya’er couldn’t make it by herself, so she came to you But everyone was really deceived by her for a while, thinking that she had made great progress. If Xiang'er hadn't slipped her mouth that day, I would have thought that this girl Su Ri was hardworking, really It was done overnight!"

From Xi Lerong's words, Su Lanzhi could feel the oolong in this matter, thinking that everyone thought it was Murong Ya who did it, and Murong Ya's proud expression, Su Lanzhi thought of Murong Ya and then directly mentioned it to herself I want to go, what kind of look do I want, I suddenly feel funny, "It turns out that sister Ya is using my handkerchief to give away favors!"

"Isn't it? That child also pretended to be confused on purpose. People thought she did it, but she didn't refute it, and even took the opportunity to send me off. Later, everyone knew that you did it, and they all thought this child was really naughty." I will take all your things as favors!" Speaking of her daughter, Xi Lerong smiled, and it could be seen that she really loves Murong Ya, and also sincerely hopes that Murong Ya will be fine.

"Hehe, in fact, it's the same for Sister Ya to send me off, but I'm afraid this matter will cause a lot of jokes?"

"Of course, she didn't embroider the things. When everyone in Surrey asked, she also hesitated, and later made a joke. Because of this, everyone laughed at her for a long time."

"Sister Ya is still so naughty!"

"It's been a lot better in the past six months, and my temper has become a little more restrained, otherwise I'd really be a wild monkey. When I see you in a month, I'm afraid you will feel a lot changed." Said the female big ten Eight changes, this Murong Ya has reached Ji, and now her temperament is calmer, and she no longer jumps out like in previous years, which makes Xi Lerong feel relieved a lot.

"Well, I really hope to see Sister Ya soon!"

"Yes! Well, we won't bother you anymore, your mother needs a good rest, we're going outside first, and we'll come see you next time!"

"Well, grandfather, grandmother, eldest aunt, I will see you off!"

"No, family, you don't need to be so polite!"

As soon as Mrs. Jingbeihou left, she met Princess Qin who came with Qin Zhiyan. When Mrs. Jingbei saw Qin Zhiyan beside Princess Qin, something flashed in her eyes, and finally disappeared, "Princess Qin also Are you here?"

"Master Hou, old madam, are you here to see Mrs. Su too?" She didn't expect to meet Mrs. Jingbei Hou, and Princess Qin's eyes flashed with surprise, but after thinking about it, she could understand, and she returned to normal. chapter.

"Well, let's come to see Yan'er. Princess Qin, are you also going to see Yan'er?" Looking at Princess Qin and then at Qin Zhiyan, Mrs. Jingbeihou could only sigh slightly in her heart.

"Well, I heard that Mrs. Su is happy with Linzi, so I want to come and have a look."

"Hehe, is that so?" With a smile, Mrs. Jingbei Hou's gaze always seemed to be on Qin Zhiyan. Although it was a bit abrupt for Princess Qin to come to see Murong Yan, Princess Qin and Murong Yan gradually became acquainted , coupled with the incident of donating medicine half a year ago, it is also reasonable.But Qin Zhiyan, as a man, also came, I'm afraid it's unreasonable.

Princess Qin seemed to have noticed Madam Jingbei's expression, and smiled, "Yan'er, see Lord Hou, Madam, and Madam Murong soon!"

"I've met Lord Hou, old madam, Mrs. Murong!" After meeting the ceremony respectfully, Qin Zhiyan's attitude was neither particularly intimate nor particularly indifferent, everything was just right, a comfortable distance , but when Xi Lerong saw it, he felt somewhat disappointed.

"Hehe, Yan'er came with me for a walk, and she didn't worry about me. Master Hou, are you going to leave first?" This is the reason why Qin Zhiyan came here with her. Naturally, Princess Qin would not say that Qin Zhiyan was like this Zizi let Qin Zhiyan go because of a disagreement between emotion and reason.

She came today just to let her son suffer from lovesickness, how could she let him down?

"Well, Yan'er has just given birth and is still very weak. We don't want to disturb her rest all the time, so I went to the front hall first to prepare for the third rite."

"Hehe, then I'll go and have a look too, Lord Hou, Mrs. Hou, farewell!"

"Hmm!" Looking thoughtfully at the direction in which Princess Qin and Qin Zhiyan disappeared, Mrs. Jingbei Hou remembered that she had wanted to test Princess Qin's mind for more than half a year, but Princess Qin seemed to never let her speak. , will always diverge things.It is also because of this that Mrs. Jingbei Hou knew that Princess Qin was tactfully refusing, so as not to hurt the relationship between the two families, so she told Xi Lerong tactfully. Xi Lerong was naturally a little unwilling.

Meeting Qin Wangfei and Qin Zhiyan here today, the lady of Jingbei Houfu even if she didn't want to think about it, she couldn't help it.

Although Princess Qin is modest, she seldom walks around with other houses, and the people who come and go in Surrey are also very familiar people. Even their Jingbei Hou Mansion, Princess Qin has only been there once or twice.

In these years, she has never heard of the relationship between Prince Qin's Mansion and Prime Minister's Mansion. Why is it that Princess Qin seems to be very familiar with Murong Yan now?Even Qin Zhiyan, who has never liked hanging around, also attended today's three baptisms. Mrs. Jingbei Hou really didn't dare to think about what was covered in it.

Among the three people present, Mrs. Jingbei Hou was a little suspicious, while Xi Lerong was a little absent-minded.

Originally, I thought that Murong Ya could marry Qin Zhiyan. Concubine Qin is an easy-going mother-in-law. Compared with other big families, Prince Qin's mansion is much simpler. At least there are not many relatives in the mansion, and the population in the mansion is also relatively simple. It is very suitable for Murong Ya's simplicity. Xing Zi.What's more, Qin Zhiyan is a dragon and a phoenix among people, Xi Lerong is naturally happy to see this marriage come to fruition.

But in the past half a year, Xi Lerong gradually saw that Qin Wangfei didn't seem to care about this marriage, and even always hinted that they didn't want Qin Zhiyan to get married early, so Qin Zhiyan had to practice for a few years, and when he was older, he would have some Take responsibility to get married.

This man can afford to wait, but what about women?Murong Ya was too late in a blink of an eye, Princess Qin didn't express her opinion, she avoided their temptations and talked about other things, how could Xi Lerong not understand Princess Qin's thoughts?

In the end, I was still disappointed. Although there were many good men in this aristocratic family, there were not many men with Qin Zhiyan's excellent conditions, high abilities, good temperament, and simple families.His own daughter Xi Lerong knows very well that marrying into a wealthy mansion with a complicated population will definitely cause him to be wronged. For this reason, Xi Lerong has almost turned gray hair since Murong Ya and Ji .

Seeing Qin Zhiyan again today, Xi Lerong felt that the other party seemed to be more and more handsome, and the calm and calm temperament around him was even more prominent. He was young, but he was highly valued by the emperor, and he was neither arrogant nor rash. Good man, why is their Ya'er so unlucky?

The three of them went back to the banquet with different thoughts, while Princess Qin on the other side took Qin Zhiyan to see Murong Yan.


"Ma'am, Miss, Princess Qin and King Wu Cheng are here!"

"They're here?" Unexpectedly, as soon as Mrs. Jingbei Hou left, Princess Qin came in behind. Murong Yan hurriedly asked for Princess Qin to come in, thinking that it would be inconvenient for Qin Zhiyan to come in.But her worry seemed unnecessary.

"Mrs. Su, congratulations. I heard that the young master is very handsome. Let me have a look." When Princess Qin came in, she was alone. Qin Zhiyan did not come in, but Murong Yan put it down upset.

"Why is the princess here? Sit down, Zi'er, and pour tea for the princess!"

"Hehe, Mrs. Su is always so polite every time I come here!" After looking around for a week, seeing Su Mingyang obediently lying beside Murong Yan, Princess Qin suddenly became interested, walked over, and looked at Su Mingyang's little girl. The little one, with a flushed face, just felt so cute, "This is Young Master Su? He's so handsome!"

"Thank you, princess, for your compliment!"

"It's just a pity that I fell asleep, otherwise I could have a good hug! Maybe I can also be tainted with joy, and then I can fulfill my long-cherished wish!" Princess Qin has only a child like Qin Zhiyan in her life, more or less It is still a bit regretful, watching Murong Yan give birth at an advanced age, Princess Qin said she was not envious, that was a lie.

"It's okay for the concubine to hug her. The child will never be shaken when she falls asleep." Gradually, as she got in touch with Princess Qin more, Murong Yan also found that Princess Qin is a woman who doesn't care about trivial matters. The princess looked so longing, she couldn't bear to refuse Princess Qin anymore.But Qin Wangfei didn't report it, "Forget it, I'm air-conditioned, the baby is just born, it's easy to get sick, I'll just take a look!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at the child affectionately, Princess Qin couldn't help touching the soft skin with her fingertips, as if she found it very interesting, and she had a great time playing, "The baby's skin is indeed so soft. It's very good, it's really comfortable to touch, Madam Su is really lucky!" Yes, good luck, she was also sentenced to death and couldn't conceive again, but Murong Yan was lucky enough to give birth to another child. She has worked hard for so many years, but she has never given birth to a child for the man she loves. Although Qin Zhiyan is very good, and one child is worth many children, Princess Qin still hopes that she can give birth to more children for King Qin.After all, in King Qin's position, it is not a good sign to have fewer children and withered heirs.

"This child is indeed a miracle that I never imagined!" She had already prepared for the fact that she would not be able to have another child in this life, but there was such a big surprise, how could Murong Yan be unhappy?

"Yeah, this kid is very good. I didn't wake him up after touching him like this. He will definitely be a worry-free kid in the future!"

"Hope, but a child who is too worry-free is often more worrying." Just like her Lan'er, she seems to be able to take care of herself at a young age. She doesn't need to worry about anything, but she wants the other party to worry about it. , sometimes Murong Yan really felt that her and Su Lanzhi's identities were reversed.

"What Mrs. Su said is very true, just like my Yan'er..." When it came to her son, Qin Wangfei also had a tender face.

Her son was also well-behaved since he was a child, and he never made her worry about anything, but because of this, she always felt that she owed a lot.

"By the way, Princess, didn't you say that King Wu Cheng is also here? What's the matter?" Hearing Princess Qin mention Qin Zhiyan inadvertently, Murong Yan didn't want the two of them to chat sooner, so she changed the subject.

"Yan'er is a man after all, it's inconvenient to come in, so I let him wait at the door!" As if she just remembered Qin Zhiyan, Qin Wangfei said it casually, but Murong Yan felt very sorry, "How can this be done? King Wu Cheng is a guest, and letting him stand outside is our host's negligence."

"It's okay, that child has rough skin, it's fine to stand for a while." She seemed indifferent on the surface, but in her heart, Princess Qin was expecting Murong Yan to ask Su Lanzhi to greet Qin Zhiyan.

Sure enough, Murong Yan saw that Princess Qin didn't care, but it didn't mean she couldn't care less. Hearing Princess Qin say that Qin Zhiyan was standing at the door, she felt a little embarrassed, "Lan'er, take King Wu Cheng with you. Sit in the living room for a while, and be kind to entertain, don't be negligent!"

"Hey, how can this be done? How can I bother Miss Su?" The more she refused on the surface, the more embarrassed Murong Yan became, so she could only urge Su Lanzhi to go over, "Lan'er, don't you hurry up?"

"Yes!" In fact, she went there unwillingly in her heart, and Su Lanzhi didn't know what was wrong, and she felt a little reluctant to see that person.

"Hey, it's really troublesome, Miss Su, you just take him to the living room, don't worry about anything else, just let him sit there and wait for me!" Although Princess Qin said so, the person who came was Guest, can Su Lanzhi really ignore it?

"No trouble, Princess, I'm going!" Su Lanzhi felt a little weird in her heart, her pace was very slow, and she always seemed to be a little bit repelled.But no matter how slow she was, she still couldn't cover the short distance. After all, she opened the door, and at a glance, she saw the man standing in the yard.

Still wearing the moon-white gown, that person just stood in the courtyard, everything around him seemed to be an illusion, and only this person remained in the whole world.

Fengshen is handsome, with picturesque eyebrows, timeless. In the past half a year, he seems to be taller again. Even if there is a distance, Su Lanzhi has to look up at the other party.The outline of the other party seems to have become deeper due to the years, the eyebrows seem to be thicker, and the eyes are becoming clearer and deeper. Su Lanzhi can even clearly see the smile when those eyes look at her, with a smile on her face. Seeing Su Lanzhi's familiar pampering, she just felt that her heart seemed to be in a flustered rhythm.

Suddenly, I remembered that half a year ago, I always felt that someone was watching me at night. After a long time, I had a little doubt in my heart, so one night, she resisted sleepiness and stayed up. After waiting for a long time, she really saw A white shadow floated to the window, and landed gently beside her, looking at her lovingly and worriedly, it lasted for a long time.Although she never opened her eyes to look at who it was, she knew that that person was undoubtedly Qin Zhiyan.

The faint fragrance from the tip of the nose can't deceive others, not to mention, how could Su Lanzhi not understand such gazes with tenderness and tenderness?

It's just that she didn't want to face the embarrassment of being broken, let alone break their current way of getting along, and didn't want to respond, so she pretended to be sleeping all the time.It's just that from the second day onwards, before going to bed every day, she would ask people to lock the doors and windows, and she hasn't seen Qin Zhiyan come back since then.

However, she doesn't know if it's because she is supercilious or what, she always feels that there is a pair of eyes in the dark watching her all the time, but every time she turns around, she doesn't see anything.

This kind of cognition makes Su Lanzhi feel very strange.So at this moment, she didn't want to see Qin Zhiyan, and always felt a little embarrassed to meet each other.

Although she was awake that day, she deliberately pretended to be asleep. She witnessed the fact that Qin Zhiyan would visit her every day during the few days when she was injured. She knew that the other party was worried about her, but she pretended to be nothing. Knowing, even blocked the possibility of the other party going to visit her.

They're impossible, so why bother with it?

Her heart is already dead, it's terribly cold, no one can resurrect it, let alone warm it up, this man is so good, but he favors her so much, to be honest, she's not worth it!

"King Wu Cheng, please sit in the living room!" Looking at Qin Zhiyan with a smile, Su Lanzhi's smile was modest and polite, but indifferent and alienated, all words and actions were polite.Seeing Qin Zhiyan, he seemed to be used to it. He nodded, and his warm voice seemed to have become deeper and more pleasant with the passage of time, "Yeah!"

"This way!" Taking Qin Zhiyan to the living room outside, Su Lanzhi ordered people to prepare tea and snacks, and treated Qin Zhiyan exactly like a host facing a guest, so polite that people couldn't fault it Wrong, but this host doesn't really want to receive guests, "King Wu Cheng drinks some tea first, these snacks are good, just don't eat too much. There will be dinner later!"

"Okay!" After drinking tea with a smile, Qin Zhiyan looked at Su Lanzhi from the rest of his corner, and found that Su Lanzhi seemed more beautiful than half a year ago.

Perhaps because of the good nutrition in the past six months, Su Lanzhi's complexion has become more ruddy, and she has also grown taller. Now, she no longer looks as malnourished as before, with more flesh on her body. People are not as fragile as before.On the contrary, it looks just like the lotus in early spring, ready to bloom, indeed, it is a beautiful time!

It seems that she has indeed had a good life in the past six months.He has a good complexion and a good mood, and he has also grown taller and fleshier. Although he is still very thin, he is already in good shape.

Anyway, she is still young, and she still has the possibility of development, doesn't she?

"The tea in the house always seems to be particularly delicious!" Qin Zhiyan drank a few sips of tea, and also tasted a few pieces of dim sum. The very familiar taste made him feel extremely satisfied.

For more than half a year, I haven't talked to Su Lanzhi and greeted her face-to-face.He was always worried, and occasionally went to see Su Lanzhi secretly to see how Su Lanzhi was recovering.He knows martial arts, so that day, he felt that Su Lanzhi's breathing was a little chaotic for a moment, so he knew that Su Lanzhi was awake, but pretended to be asleep, even the second day. The doors and windows are fixed, and he is not allowed to go again.

He knew that Su Lanzhi was silently rejecting him, rejecting his care and approach, and even rejecting his kindness to the other party.Facing such a woman who locked her heart tightly, Qin Zhiyan sometimes felt quite helpless.

What exactly did you go through, and why, you never asked me any reason, and just rejected me thousands of miles away?Am I not good enough?

He has always been quite popular with women, how could Qin Zhiyan have had so many closed doors, but he still has to be the woman in front of him in this life, so Qin Zhiyan still will not give up in the face of setbacks.

"This pastry still tastes the same as before. It's very good." As he said with a smile, Qin Zhiyan seemed to be talking about homework, and Su Lanzhi occasionally responded, "Just as long as King Wu Cheng likes it." The attitude is always special Being polite, on the contrary, made the two of them feel far away.

"Just now I couldn't go in to see Mrs. Su and Young Master Su, but I heard that he is a very handsome child. I don't know if this child was ever well-behaved?" When the matter was brought to Su Mingyang, Su Lanzhi's face was drawn a little. Warmly, "My brother is very good, very similar to my father."

"Really? He must be a handsome young man. I really hope to meet him!" It's just a pity that he is a man, so it's not easy to go in and see Murong Yan who is in confinement.

It's her brother, he must be very similar to her?

"If King Wu Cheng wants to see him, he will be able to see him when he washes his hands in a while."

"Well, then I will definitely see you later. It would be even better if I can hug a child." In fact, Qin Zhiyan has never hugged a child before, and he doesn't know how to hug a child. He just wanted to hear what he said. Listen to Su Lanzhi's voice, just talk to Su Lanzhi.

"Hehe." To Qin Zhiyan's words, Su Lanzhi just smiled and didn't respond much.Qin Zhiyan saw it, looked at Su Lanzhi's expression again, and asked, "Miss Su's injury is healed?"

"Well, it's already much better. It's all thanks to Qin Wangfei's Bingqingyu cream, otherwise I really wouldn't get better so quickly! Thank you very much, Wangfei!"

"Miss Su, you don't need to be polite. Concubine Mother sent you this Bingqingyu Cream because you voted for Princess Mother. Is the Bingqingyu Cream enough? Miss Su's injury, is it completely healed? "This has always been Qin Zhiyan's concern. If possible, he would like to visit Su Lanzhi more often.It's just that the prime minister refused to see visitors, and he couldn't come, so he could only sneak a look occasionally to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

"It's almost there, there is still a little scar, if you want to use some sun, it will be fine. There is still a lot of ice and clear jade cream, which is enough. Thank you King Wu Cheng for your concern!" Princess Qin gave it away later One bottle is useless, naturally it is enough.Su Lanzhi doesn't seem to owe more favors anymore.

"Enough is enough. By the way, this is a beauty treatment that I got occasionally. Ms. Su can give it a try. It can be used with Bingqingyu Cream. I think the scars on Ms. Su's back will be completely eliminated, and the skin It will also return to its original state." The daughter, Jiajia, should care about her own skin?Qin Zhiyan thought this way, but he was not sure whether someone like Su Lanzhi would be the same as other women, and he also cared.

"Wu Chengwang, thank you very much. I have used a lot of skin care products these days, and the scars are about to be healed. Doctor Sun also said that these beauty products should not be mixed together, so as not to be expensive. I appreciate King Wu Cheng's kindness." He politely rejected Qin Zhiyan, and Su Lanzhi always had a faint smile on his face. The politeness of wearing a mask is really quite helpless, "Since it was given to Ms. Su, Ms. Su will keep it. If you can use it, Ms. Su can ask Doctor Sun. This is also my heart It is!" He stretched the thing to Su Lanzhi's side, Qin Zhiyan looked like he would not take it back if you don't take it, Su Lanzhi was speechless, so he had to accept it, "So, thank you Wu Cheng King!"

"No need to thank you, this is what I should do!" The meaning in the words was somewhat ambiguous, and Su Lanzhi seemed to miss a beat when she heard it, but in the end she pretended not to hear it, and just buried her head in her tea.

"Miss Su's complexion is much better than it was half a year ago. I think she is doing well?"

"Well, it's okay!" It was also a blessing in disguise, and her back was injured. Doctor Sun prescribed a lot of beauty and skin care medicines for her, and Su Qinglan also moved out of the warehouse. She ate all the good things, and Princess Qin from time to time The things sent made Su Lanzhi really make up for it, and her whole complexion improved a lot. What made Su Lanzhi happy was that she had grown taller.She is no longer the skinny and skinny look she used to be. Although she is 13 years old, she looks only seven or eight years old.Although she is not very tall now, she is still young and will grow longer, so she just needs to pay attention to her diet in the future.

"Miss Su seems to be more beautiful than half a year ago." Everyone likes others to praise their beauty, although Su Lanzhi doesn't care much about her appearance in this life.But for some reason, upon hearing Qin Zhiyan's praise, Su Lanzhi's heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, and the movements of her hands also paused, as if she felt a little cramped for Qin Zhiyan's sudden praise .Fortunately, Su Lanzhi was very determined, so she quickly concealed her surprise, smiled, and thanked Qin Zhiyan for her praise, "Thank you King Wu Cheng for the compliment. I haven't seen you for half a year, and King Wu Cheng is getting more and more energetic." Handsome." And he became more mature and steady, is this a man?With the baptism of the years.Will it become more and more stable?

"Hehe, is that so? Why don't I think so?" Even though he knew that Su Lanzhi was just complimenting him politely, Qin Zhiyan still felt sweet in his heart. He touched his face, and it seemed that he was very pleased with Su Lanzhi's words. There was also a smile in Su Lanzhi's eyes. His appearance made Su Lanzhi feel a little weird, and she also regretted it a little.

What's wrong with her?Why did you suddenly praise the other party?And why, what the other party praised me just now seemed to linger in my ears for a long time, and it never dissipated?

Perhaps in order to resolve the weirdness in her heart, Su Lanzhi looked at Qin Zhiyan, smiled, and what she said became more official, "Wu Chengwang is self-effacing, everyone says Wu Chengwang is a rare man in this world, Fengshen is handsome, extraordinary and free from vulgarity, and has an excellent temperament, gentle and gentle, he is the husband-in-law that many women yearn for!" This sentence is also a bit of a joke in it, Su Lanzhi looked at Qin Zhiyan with a light smile She was light and shallow, unable to see her true emotions, but Qin Zhiyan responded, "Really? Do you all think so? What about Miss Su? But you also think so?"

This question is a bit straightforward. Su Lanzhi didn't think that a joke of her own would make Qin Zhiyan ask such a question. Looking at the other person's eyes, it seemed as if she wanted to look into her own heart. Su Lanzhi subconsciously lowered her head She closed her eyes and covered her emotions, "I'm just an ordinary woman, and everyone's opinion is naturally mine." These words were obviously perfunctory, but Qin Zhiyan didn't care, he just smiled, "Really? But why do I always feel that Ms. Su avoids me like a snake? Could it be that I am a scourge?" Suddenly he got close to Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan hated Su Lanzhi so much that he always avoided him That's the way to go, he will go over the mountain if he can't get over it, since the other party wants to escape, then he will make the other party unavoidable!

Suddenly Qin Zhiyan's magnified handsome face was in front of him, and Su Lanzhi could even smell the faint fragrance, like sandalwood, but not like the other party's shallow breathing, which made Su Lanzhi's complexion After a touch of embarrassment, she took a few steps back, "Wu Chengwang thinks more!" Although she was avoiding the other party, she also felt that this distance was just right for them, because they were not suitable for reading the full text. !

"Did I think too much? Then why did Miss Su hide so far away?" Qin Zhiyan could even see the tender skin on Su Lanzhi's neck by inadvertently getting closer, which made his Adam's apple move. Lan Zhi cast her eyes with a look of coldness and alienation. For some reason, Qin Zhiyan suddenly felt distressed, "Wu Chengwang, if you want to eat this plate of dim sum, you can actually tell me directly. Here to get it!" As if seeing Qin Zhiyan's intentions and excuses, Su Lanzhi directly handed over the plate of dim sum in front of her, Qin Zhiyan looked a little annoyed when he saw it, but his face was There was nothing, and he took it with a smile, "Thank you Miss Su, I didn't want to trouble Miss Su just now!"

"Don't bother, King Wu Cheng is a guest, and as a host, it should be!" Reminding Qin Zhiyan's identity, Su Lanzhi's face changed into a cold one, and the look of rejecting others thousands of miles away made Qin Zhiyan Zhiyan suddenly felt that the other party was very far away, "Miss Su doesn't eat dim sum, is it because she doesn't like it?" After speaking, he pushed the dim sum in front of him, Su Lanzhi saw her, but shook her head, " I don't like this taste!" The deep meaning in the words made it hard for people not to think too much, Qin Zhiyan saw Su Lanzhi's hint to himself, but he just smiled and didn't care, "Miss Su , people's tastes will change, many times they liked it before, but they don't like it later. And sometimes they don't like it before, maybe they will like it again. Miss Su, why don't you try it? Do you know if you will like it?" Smiling, he put the plate of dim sum in front of Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan motioned Su Lanzhi to eat, the two of them were playing riddles like this, and perhaps only each other could understand the deep meaning of each other up.

Su Lanzhi looked at the plate of dim sum in front of her and shook her head, "I've always been picky about my mouth. I like what I like, and I don't like what I don't like. It won't change." Hinting something to Qin Zhiyan, Qin Zhiyan smiled, as if he didn't understand, "Miss Su, if you don't try it, how will you know if you like it or not? People change!"

"Even though it will change, the taste is still the same. The snacks that King Wu Cheng likes, King Wu Cheng enjoys himself, I'll just eat this!" After speaking, he took a piece of mung bean cake on the side and tasted it, with a look of enjoyment on his face. Qin Zhiyan turned a blind eye to the dim sum that pushed past.When Qin Zhiyan saw it, he also knew that Su Lanzhi could not be persuaded. He felt that Su Lanzhi was persistent and strong in his heart, and felt more and more that the woman in front of him was soft on the outside and strong on the inside. people.

Really stubborn, and very persistent, it seems that I still have a long way to go!

Seeing Su Lanzhi's insistence, Qin Zhiyan didn't force it any more, just reached out to take the snack Su Lanzhi ate, tasted it, frowned, "This taste is very ordinary!" Then he took the one he recommended After tasting the dim sum, the brows relaxed, "This is the real delicacy."

"Personal tastes are different. I don't necessarily like what King Wu Cheng likes. It's the same. I don't necessarily like what King Wu Cheng likes. It's normal." Without continuing this topic, Su Lanzhi just ate silently dessert.Thinking in her heart, she seemed to talk a lot more with Qin Zhiyan today, and the feeling of being always led away by the other party made Su Lanzhi very upset.I always feel as if I have been seen through by the other party, being led away by the other party, but I can't avoid it.

This person is indeed a dangerous existence!

Su Lanzhi defined Qin Zhiyan in her heart, and silently decided that it would be better to have less contact with Qin Zhiyan alone in the future.Just thinking about how to get in touch with the current situation, Mammy Zhao came, "Miss, the cleaning has started, do you want to go and see, Miss?"

"Where's Yangyang?"

"It has already been taken out by Nanny Zhang, can the eldest lady and King Wu Cheng go together?"

"That's natural, King Wu Cheng, let's go!" Of course Su Lanzhi wanted to see his younger brother's Xisan, but once he got to the main hall outside and saw everyone was there, Su Lanzhi felt for the first time that he really liked her. There are so many contacts in the government.


At this moment, there is an incense table on the front of the outer hall, and many gods are enshrined. As usual, the old woman offers incense and kowtows, and the grandmother who gave birth also pays three respects.Then, Su Qinglan asked people to put the copper basin containing the soup made from locust leaves and mugwort leaves and all the etiquette items on the kang.At this time, the grandma who gave birth took the baby in her arms, and the prelude to "washing three" kicked off.

Because of the order of seniority and estrangement, everyone put some coins one after another, which is called "adding pots".If you add gold and silver curds, put coins in the basin, and if you add banknotes and tickets, put them in the tea tray.In addition, you can also add some happy fruits such as longan, litchi, red dates, peanuts, and chestnuts.Seeing Su Lanzhi, she also joined in the fun and threw a few golden gongs. Qin Zhiyan then threw the same golden gongs, even though he knew that none of them belonged to Su Mingyang, and everyone who admitted the grandmother Quite generous.

The admission grandma saw that everyone was generous, her face was wrinkled with smiles, her eyes were almost blind, and all the words she said were very auspicious.All the guests were smiling, especially when they heard everyone praising Su Mingyang. As a father, Su Qinglan never closed his mouth.

"The young master of Su Xiang's family is really handsome. Looking at the mold, he is really carved out of the same mold as Su Xiang. People feel pity when they look at it!"

"That's right, Su Xiang is really lucky, having a son in middle age is really a great joy!"

"Isn't it? It's so lively here. It will be the full moon and one year old. It will be even more lively. Prime Minister Su, don't forget about us next time! We must let us join in the fun!"

"Young master is so well-behaved, he will surely become a big success in the future, we are really envious of Su Xiangke!"


There are different opinions. On this festive day, everyone is not stingy with good words. After hearing this, Su Qinglan responded modestly one by one. Suddenly, the hall was extremely lively, and many people clamored to hug Su Mingyang for some good luck. It's just that Su Qinglan was worried that there would be too many hugs, and that Su Mingyang would get sick easily, so she asked Madam Zhang to wait until the third bath was finished, and then let people carry Su Mingyang back home, which made everyone feel very sorry.

"Su Xiangke really loves Mr. Ling, and he is reluctant to let us hug him. What a pity!"

"This child has just been born. Doctor Sun said that it is not appropriate to see too many people, so as not to be shocked and sick. I hope everyone will forgive me!"

"Haha, no wonder, no wonder, we understand, it's just such a small cute doll, it's a pity that we didn't get it!"

"Yeah, we can only take a look at it from a distance, and we can't see it before we can see what it looks like!"

"When the child is older, I will definitely let everyone take a good look at it!" Su Qinglan promised so much, and everyone couldn't keep holding on to this matter, so they changed the subject, but they praised the child without saying a word, Su Qinglan was happy Yes, but Su Qingxiu on the side heard it, but felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

That child really looks like her!It would be great if it was his own child, he will definitely make this baptism even more lively!


In the laughter, Su Lanzhi saw everyone happy, and was also happy that her younger brother had received so many blessings. Suddenly, she felt a familiar but unfamiliar atmosphere around her. When Su Lanzhi turned around, she saw Qin Zhiyan.Seeing the other party looking at him, that gentle and jade-like smile always gives people a sense of stability. At this moment, he is no longer the person who seemed so far away as before, who felt far away when he was clearly by his side. A real existence, and her eyes are full of her own shadow. Realizing this, Su Lanzhi didn't know what kind of inexplicable emotions passed through her heart. In the end, she just smiled and was thinking about Qin Zhiyan's arrival. What was she doing beside her, but Qin Zhiyan said, "Miss Su, your younger brother is really cute, very similar to you!"

In a word, Su Lanzhi's heart lake has successfully made a little ripple.

After Su Mingyang was born, everyone said that he looked like Su Qinglan, or that he looked like Murong Yan, but no one ever said that that child looked like her.

I don't know what happened, but upon hearing this, Su Lanzhi felt a warm stroke in her heart, and the look in Qin Zhiyan's eyes was no longer as far away as it used to be, "How can King Wu Cheng see it?" ?” Even she herself hadn’t thought about this question, so why would this person say that?

"Miss Su, don't you think that child's eyes are very similar to yours? There seems to be a shadow of you in the nose and mouth." After all, the two are blood relatives, and it is common for the child to look like Su Lanzhi.

"Hehe, everyone says that Yangyang is like a father, like a mother. King Wu Cheng's opinion is really strange." From Qin Zhiyan's mouth, Su Lanzhi said something that no one had ever said before. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel very happy.

Isn't it a happy thing that she has a younger brother who is closely related to her and looks very similar to herself?

That's her younger brother, a younger brother who is very similar to her!

I didn't think so before, but when Qin Zhiyan said that, Su Lanzhi really felt that way. When she found this, Su Lanzhi herself didn't know what to do, so she laughed.But when she thought of something, a little bit of bitterness flashed across Su Lanzhi's heart. Her state of mind did not escape Qin Zhiyan's eyes.

"In fact, he is very similar to you, but everyone didn't think about it. Don't Miss Su think it?" It was also because Su Lanzhi's face was deeply engraved in his heart, so when Qin Zhiyan saw Su Mingyang, he immediately There is a feeling of deja vu, that feeling coincides with Su Lanzhi's face, isn't that like Su Lanzhi?

But why didn't everyone discover this?

"She's my younger brother, and it's common for her to look like me, but he looks more like my father." Shaking her head, Su Lanzhi tried her best to put aside the nightmare that hadn't touched her for a long time in her mind, and thought of the undesired child , Thinking of the blood-red patch on her white clothes that day, Su Lanzhi's heart suddenly felt so cold.

How long, how long have you not had this nightmare?I thought I forgot, but did I really forget?If I really forgot, why would I still remember, why everything was so clearly imprinted in my mind, and why my heart was full of tearing pain and heartache?

After all, do you still feel owed?That undesired child, that child she couldn't give motherly love to, couldn't protect, couldn't even let him be born, and was thrown away by her?

Hehe, she is really ruthless. How can there be such a cruel mother in this world?

Suddenly, a bitter and unbearable smile crossed the corner of his mouth, Su Lanzhi's face turned pale instantly, his face was full of unbearable pain, Qin Zhiyan was very worried, "Miss Su, what's wrong with you?"

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