() Qin Zhiyan's words hit Su Lanzhi's heart like a curse. Su Lanzhi looked at Qin Zhiyan, and saw the other party's eyes looking straight at her. In those gentle and watery eyes, It seemed to have a kind of magical power, which made Su Lanzhi feel like she had nowhere to hide.

Averting her gaze, Su Lanzhi looked at the ever-burning lamp in front of her, thinking of the unfavorable child in her previous life, thinking of the piercing pain that day in the icy and snowy world, Su Lanzhi's face flashed an invisible "This ever-burning lamp is just a fulfillment of my regret." What happened in the previous life has become a thing of the past, and Su Lanzhi never intends to tell anyone.

Ghosts and ghosts, these things have always been taboo for people, she doesn't want to be regarded as a different kind.

"Does Miss Su have unfulfilled dreams too?" Knowing that Su Lanzhi is like this, he won't talk about it anymore, Qin Zhiyan didn't force it, just smiled and looked at the other party, although he was curious in his heart what the other party had to hide. Qin Zhiyan still chose to respect her secrets, but the other party didn't tell her.

"Everyone will have more or less regrets. Who can guarantee that who will be perfect after going through the world?" Life is impossible to be perfect, and it is these regrets that make people know how to cherish it. .

"Hehe, what Miss Su said is very true." This topic has come to an end, and it will be meaningless to talk about it any further.Qin Zhiyan changed the subject, "Miss Su, have you finished reading?"


"In that case, let's go together!"

"I still have some things to do, King Wu Cheng will go first!" This is also an excuse and a refusal.

"Alright, then I'll go first, if you need anything, you can find me!"


After Qin Zhiyan left, Su Lanzhi sat in front of the lantern for a while, and finally knelt down in front of the Buddha statue to pray. It seemed that her heart would be at peace.


I don't know if I met in the temple after all, or because of fate, since I went to Qin Zhiyan's yard that day, Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan stayed together for a while, the next day, Su Lanzhi Lan Zhi had more chances to meet Qin Zhiyan.

Occasionally, when walking in the yard, I would see Qin Zhiyan sitting in the yard drinking tea, or when he was going to pray to the Buddha, Qin Zhiyan would also happen to be there, and sometimes he would go to the abbot to discuss some Buddhist scriptures, and Qin Zhiyan also happened to be there Yes... In such a back and forth, within a day, he would meet Qin Zhiyan several times. Such a coincidence made Su Lanzhi herself have to suspect that it was deliberate.I always feel that the two meet too frequently. Although they didn't discuss well, how could it be such a coincidence?

Sometimes Su Lanzhi even deliberately hides in the yard and does not go out, but even so, Qin Zhiyan will occasionally send her some exquisite food. A big gift is not allowed, and Su Lanzhi is not easy to refuse, so she has to accept it reluctantly.But taking other people's things, it's not good not to return the gift, so Su Lanzhi had no choice but to simply return some gifts. After going back and forth like this, the two gradually became familiar with each other.

Not this day, Qin Zhiyan sent someone to bring some snacks, and seeing Yuetao, she couldn't help feeling Qin Zhiyan's intentions, "As a man, King Wu Cheng has really delicate thoughts. Miss has not had a good appetite these past few days, so she brought these appetizing snacks, which is really rare."

"Isn't it? King Wu Cheng really took extra care of the lady." It can be seen that the other party is very caring, but their lady... <Nuan only hopes that Su Lanzhi can get enlightened sooner. <Nuan, do you think King Wu Cheng is a little special to our lady? "Yuetao has already seen this point. It's not special for Qin Zhiyan to take care of their young lady so much. What is that?

"I also think that it's just that the lady has always been indifferent. She didn't go out at all these few days. I don't know what the lady is thinking."

"Wu Chengwang is a good man, but why does the lady just hide?" Su Lanzhi has not gone out for two days, if she does not go out, she will go back in one day, when such an opportunity comes, Even less.

"Miss's mind, we servants, how can we understand it?" They were just grateful for Su Lanzhi's avoidance and rejection of Qin Zhiyan, but why?

So many women want to marry King Wu Cheng as his wife, why is it their young lady who is like a scourge and has no such intentions at all?

"Hey, Miss is like this, it's really worrying!" After missing such a good man, it may not be certain to meet again in the future.

"Maybe Miss has her own considerations, we just need to take good care of Miss, as for the rest, let Miss decide for herself!" Seeing the two muttering to each other, Qiu Shuang came out to remind her.Although there are no outsiders here, walls have ears, so it's better not to let others know.

"Qiu Shuang, aren't you in a hurry?" Seeing that Qiu Shuang was so calm, Yue Tao really couldn't be calm.

"Miss is still young, give me some time to think about it, and it will be fine when she has figured it out." Although she was also worried, Qiu Shuang also knew that Su Lanzhi had become very uncomfortable since she woke up from the lake a year ago. same.So Su Lanzhi must have her own reasons for doing this, and Qiushuang can only let Su Lanzhi decide for herself.

"Hey, now, that's the only way to go."

"Okay, hurry up and get ready, the lady is going to take a nap in a while."

"Hmm!" Several people were also busy. Although they were a little confused about Su Lanzhi's approach, they didn't want to say much, but they didn't know that their words fell into Su Lanzhi's ears in the corner. Several people left, Su Lanzhi looked at Yunzhu beside her, a little puzzled, "Do you all think I'm hiding from King Wu Cheng?" Did she act that obviously?

"Miss, they just think that the past few days are a bit strange for Miss." Originally, they would go out for a walk every day to relax, but since they would always meet Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi no longer went out to chant scriptures now. I didn't go out anymore, I always nest in the yard, and it is inevitable that everyone will have ideas.

"Yunzhu, do you feel the same way?"

"The maidservant just thinks that Miss should walk around more, it's not good to always stay in bed." Don't be too generous, isn't it?And King Wu Cheng is indeed a good person.

"..." Why did someone as incomprehensible as Yun Zhu say this? Su Lanzhi really admired Qin Zhiyan's way of buying people's hearts, and she felt a little slanderous in her heart, so she didn't say anything, but just sat down After a while, I took a nap.

After the afternoon nap, Su Lanzhi also knew that she had been nesting in the yard, and Yunzhu and the others would have ideas, so she asked Yunzhu to follow her and go out for a walk, to clear her mind by the way.

"Miss, I heard that there is a very beautiful place in Yunlai Temple. It is late autumn now, and the chrysanthemums bloom there are very beautiful. Do you want to go and see?"

"I seem to have heard of it, do you know where it is?"

"The slaves have heard people talk about it in the past few days. The slaves have already inquired. If the lady is going, the servants can take the lady!" Tomorrow is going back, Yun Zhu also hopes that Su Lanzhi can be happy, don't To think about those things that are not there.

When going out, although Su Lanzhi didn't say anything, everyone could tell that Su Lanzhi had something on her mind.In the past few days, I have been with Su Lanzhi, watching Su Lanzhi enshrining the nameless eternal lamp, reciting the "Ksitigarbha Sutra" every day, and even occasionally losing my mind, everyone is actually a little worried in their hearts.But fortunately, Su Lanzhi has gradually improved a lot, and it seems that she has let go of a lot of psychological burdens, and the few people are finally relieved.

"Well, go and have a look, there is nothing to do at all!" Tomorrow, I will leave this paradise-like place and go back. I actually felt that my heart was unprecedentedly calm, and there were some obsessions in my heart, which seemed to be gradually let go. Thinking of leaving tomorrow, Su Lanzhi suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.

If it is possible, she really wants to live in such a place in the future, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, away from the troubles of the world, and be with the mountains and rivers, so as to gain peace of mind and salvation.

"Okay, miss, this way!" The location of the place is a bit off, it seems that Yunzhu took Su Lanzhi around several corners, and finally arrived, Su Lanzhi smelled the fragrance of chrysanthemums from a distance, and suddenly felt Refreshed.Walk in and take a look at the colorful chrysanthemums, each of which is blooming with extreme beauty.There are small chrysanthemums, one by one, with bright colors, and big golden chrysanthemums, surrounded by layers of petals, that one flower occupies a large branch, it looks very attractive...

"I really didn't expect that there are so many varieties of chrysanthemums here. Moreover, they are so beautiful!" There have been many poems chanting chrysanthemums since ancient times. A man of lofty ideals, there is a lingering fragrance in the past. Charm and beauty grow together in the evening, heroic and proud in the morning. There are so many chrysanthemums, and they all grow very well. It seems that the people in this monastery have put a lot of thought into it."

"Isn't it? The chrysanthemums bloom the most beautifully this autumn, and they are all blooming now, and the blossoms are full. It looks really attractive. I have heard about it several times before, and I have always been curious. Now that I’m here, I really know what it means to live up to my reputation.”

"It is rumored that the abbot of Yunlai Temple loves chrysanthemums the most. Now it seems that some chrysanthemums here are quite old, and they are rarely seen outside. Sure enough, the rumors are true!"

"I don't know about this legend yet, but seeing how well these chrysanthemums are cooked, it must have taken a lot of thought. And it's really rare to put so many kinds of chrysanthemums in separate categories. Many slaves have never seen it before. Look at it. What Miss Lai said must be true!"

"Hehe, let's go and have a look!"

"Okay!" Along the way, Su Lanzhi was fascinated by the beautiful scenery, but she didn't notice that the sky gradually changed, and suddenly there was a cold wind. Su Lanzhi didn't wear a cloak when she went out. After a while, it was a little cold.

"Miss, are you cold?" Feeling the cold wind coming, Yunzhu saw Su Lanzhi shivering, and secretly blamed herself for her carelessness.

"It's indeed a bit cold." It's getting late this day, so it's normal to be a little cold.

"Miss, do we want to go back?"

"Okay, let's go!" Although she was a bit reluctant, Su Lanzhi also knew that her body would not catch a cold easily, otherwise it would be troublesome, so she turned around and left.It's just that when she turned around, she saw a familiar figure in the corner of her eyes. A look of surprise flashed across Su Lanzhi's eyes. Yunzhu seemed to have seen it too, a little strangely, "Miss, is that man over there, King Wucheng?" I was attracted by the beautiful scenery, but I forgot that there was a man sitting quietly not far away, with a brush in his hand, as if he was drawing something.

"It seems to be." Although he said it seemed, in fact, Su Lanzhi knew in his heart that the man belonged to Qin Zhiyan.

"Then shall we go over and say hello?" In Yunzhu's view, Qin Zhiyan and the Xiangfu are already familiar, not to mention Princess Qin is kind to Su Lanzhi, so it is very bad to avoid seeing her.

"No need? I see that he seems to be busy, we don't want to disturb you, why don't we go first." Qin Zhiyan seemed to be very focused, Su Lanzhi made an excuse and planned to avoid it Naturally, Yun Zhu couldn't say anything, "Okay, miss, let's go!"

"En!" Nodding, what Su Lanzhi didn't know was that when she turned around, Qin Zhiyan who was not far away suddenly raised his head, seeing Su Lanzhi's back, Qin Zhiyan smiled Laughing, but this time I didn't stop it, I just continued to write and paint. In the sea of ​​colorful flowers, I can vaguely see a woman in Tsing Yi, just like a fairy sneaking into the mortal world. People look at it and feel amazing.

Is this the sea of ​​flowers that sets off people?Or do people embellish this sea of ​​flowers?How can it be so beautiful, as if entering a fairyland that makes people overwhelmed?


When the painting was finished, Qin Zhiyan looked at the Danqing under his brush with satisfaction. This skillful brushwork and exquisite painting skills are really comparable to the works of everyone.If Su Lanzhi had come to say hello just now, she would have been shocked by Qin Zhiyan's painting, but unfortunately, she had missed such a beautiful scene after all.

"Hehe, why didn't you just come and take a look? I knew you wouldn't come, or if I secretly drew you, wouldn't you be angry?" Smiling, Qin Zhiyan waited until the ink was dry, and then Carefully put away the paintings, took a last look at the chrysanthemum garden, and sighed, "It's really a good place, it's really beautiful, I'll come back if I have a chance!" He came to paint, but never thought that he would meet Su Lanzhi and include him in the painting. Qin Zhiyan was naturally satisfied in his heart.

+++++++++++ I have passed five days, and I want to go home

After the fifth day, Su Lanzhi was about to go home, and gave the lamp oil money to the host, please ask the host to continue to help her enshrine the ever-burning lamp, Su Lanzhi prayed to Su Qinglan and the others, and then she was ready to pack up, go home.

Fortunately, I didn't bring many things when I came here, and it was convenient when I went. Su Lanzhi looked at Yunzhu and the others packing their luggage in an orderly manner, and she really felt a little bit reluctant.

Living in isolation, is that what you say?Surrounded by green mountains and green waters every day, in this temple, the soul seems to be purified, and Su Lanzhi suddenly has many souvenirs.

It seems that if you have the opportunity in the future, you can come and live here often, so that your mind will be at peace.

"Miss, everything is packed, we are ready to go!"

"Okay, I'll go and say goodbye to the host!" The host has taken good care of her these past few days, Su Lanzhi was leaving, so naturally she had to say goodbye.It's just that what Su Lanzhi didn't expect was that when she went to preside over there, Qin Zhiyan happened to be there.

"Support Abbot, King Wu Cheng!" He greeted, although he didn't know why Qin Zhiyan was here, but Su Lanzhi's purpose at this moment was to say goodbye, so he didn't need to worry about it.

"Hehe, Miss Su, has everything been packed?"

"It's all packed, and I came here to bid farewell to the abbot, thanks to the abbot's care these past few days."

"Miss Su is serious. I haven't taken good care of her in the past few days. I don't know if Miss Su is used to it. The simple food in the temple, Miss Su probably can't eat it?" As a pampered young lady, being able to live here for five days without feeling bitter is already pretty good.

"The hosting is serious. The vegetarian food in the temple is delicious, and it is very quiet, and the environment is very good. I have lived very comfortably in the past few days, and I feel that the whole person seems to have relaxed a lot. I would like to come again if I have a chance in the future." Come and stay for a while, I hope the host will not dislike me for trouble!"

"No trouble, no trouble, Miss Su is able to come, it is also the blessing of our temple. The poor monk heard that Miss Su and Mr. Qin are acquainted, but this is a kind of fate." In the past few days, I occasionally see Su Lanzhi and Together with Qin Zhiyan, although the two of them spoke politely, they really looked like a talented man and a woman in that way.

"It is indeed fate. Our two families have some contacts. I have met Mr. Qin a few times before, but I didn't expect Mr. Qin to come here." I don't understand why the host would say that, Su Lanzhi is completely deluded by the authorities.

"Hehe, who can say clearly about fate? It is said that it is fate to meet thousands of miles away, but it is not destined to meet across the face. It is also a kind of fate to meet in this temple."


"Hehe, Miss Su has been extraordinarily sincere these past few days, so the poor monk gave Miss Su a gift!" After speaking, he took out a piece of jade. Although the jade was not particularly expensive, it was very exquisite, "This The jade was consecrated by the poor monk, and Ms. Su seems to have some obsessions that she has never let go of. The poor monk hopes that Ms. Su can turn bad luck into good luck with this jade, let go of her obsessions, take a step back, and the sea and the sky will be brighter."

"More presiding abbots!" Taking it carefully, the jade felt cold, and Su Lanzhi knew that this was an extra gift, "Then I won't bother the presiding, goodbye!"

"Hehe, Miss Su, go slowly!"


When Su Lanzhi just went out, she only walked a few steps before she heard a voice behind her. Seeing Qin Zhiyan who was approaching, Su Lanzhi smiled as a greeting.I thought that I would part ways with Qin Zhiyan after walking a short distance, but I never thought that when she came to the door, Qin Zhiyan was still walking beside her with the child, and even when Su Lanzhi was about to get into the carriage, Qin Zhiyan The carriage is also ready, Su Lanzhi really can't tell what emotion she is in right now.

Why is it that when she came forward, the other party followed her back, and now that she was about to leave, the other party also walked along?

Unable to express any feeling in her heart, Su Lanzhi got into the carriage silently. She originally wanted to let Qin Zhiyan go first. After all, the other party was noble, but she never thought that the carriage would give way to herself directly. Su Lanzhi's The plan, it also fell through.

Feeling Qin Zhiyan's carriage following along the way, Su Lanzhi felt a little weird in her heart, and Yue Tao who was beside her didn't know if she saw Su Lanzhi's weirdness or did it on purpose, she always raised the curtain, " Qiushuang, why did King Wucheng leave today?"

"Maybe it's the end of the matter? Just now when Miss went to bid farewell to the host, King Wu Cheng was also there, and he is probably saying goodbye to the host too!"

"Really?" Looking at Qin Zhiyan's carriage strangely, he followed behind unhurriedly, as if he was protecting Su Lanzhi, something flashed across Yuetao's eyes, and she smiled, "Oops, Miss, the servant forgot to prepare tea, what should I do if Miss is thirsty on the way?"

"It's okay, it's not too far away, just be patient."

"King Wu Cheng is right behind. Miss, do you want some slaves to ask for some?" With this suggestion, Yue Tao just wanted Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan to have more contact, but Su Lanzhi directly refused, "No need." Go trouble King Wu Cheng." After speaking, he closed his eyes, not sure if he was closing his eyes to rest his mind, or he was avoiding this topic.

Seeing Su Lanzhi's straightforward reaction, Yuetao sticks out her tongue at Qiushuang, that naughty look is really cute.

But I don't know if Yuetao's voice just now was heard by Qin Zhiyan behind or what. After walking for a while, when Su Lanzhi was about to rest for a while, Qin Zhiyan's attendant came over, "Miss Su , the little prince said that these are some small snacks, to satisfy Miss Su's hunger on the way, and to save the journey from being boring."

"Thank you King Wu Cheng for me!"

"But we don't have tea, we're thirsty after drinking..." Yuetao muttered alone, she didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, which made Su Lanzhi quite helpless, that attendant also knew martial arts, listen Seeing what Yuetao said, she was ready to leave respectfully, "Miss Su, please wait a moment!" After going back to ask Qin Zhiyan for instructions, the attendant quickly brought a pot of tea and handed it to Yuetao, "This It was the little prince who ordered his servants to give Miss Su tea, and the little prince said, the tea is not good, I hope Miss Su will make it, don't dislike it!" This has already been said here, if Su Lanzhi refuses, then she really dislikes it People's tea is not good, which is very shameful, Su Lanzhi has no choice but to take it, "Thank you King Wu Cheng for me, and please bring this plate of dim sum, I hope King Wu Cheng taste it and see if he likes it!"

"Yes!" Qin Zhiyan seemed to have tasted a piece of it shortly after the attendant brought it over, and the attendant came over to reply dutifully, "The little prince asked the servant to tell Miss Su, saying that he is very grateful for Miss Su's kindness, this dessert is delicious .”

"Wu Chengwang likes it, as long as you go back, we have nothing to do here." Just letting the attendant pass on the word, Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan chatted indirectly like this, and they also went back and forth several times.When he rested and set off again, Qin Zhiyan still followed Su Lanzhi unhurriedly. Su Lanzhi originally thought that Qin Zhiyan and her had different paths and would eventually be separated, but never thought that Qin Zhiyan He actually sent her back not far from the Prime Minister's Mansion until he saw the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Qin Zhiyan ordered someone to turn the carriage around.Su Lanzhi suddenly couldn't tell what it was like to hear the sound of the horse's hooves receding away.

Originally, I hoped that the other party would leave earlier, but they sent her this way. Seeing that the other party left now, Su Lanzhi felt a little disappointed.

What's wrong with her?

Qin Zhiyan, don't be too nice to me, okay?You're like this, I can't bear it!


With that strange feeling in her heart, as soon as Su Lanzhi entered the door of Xiangfu, someone came to greet her. Su Lanzhi liked the clothes, so she went to see Murong Yan.

"You're finally back, kid, I'm so worried!" Although Murong Yan didn't say anything after Su Lanzhi went there for five days, she was still worried in the bottom of her heart.

Although her daughter is sensible, she is still young after all, she is still a little girl with no strength to restrain her. It is normal for Murong Yan to be a little worried when she is away from home alone.

"Mother, there are Yunzhu and the others taking care of them along the way. There are so many people. I'm fine. I'll be fine. Don't worry too much."

"You child, just come back."

"Hehe, by the way, mother, where's my brother? I haven't seen you for a few days, but he has grown up?"

"It's true that I have grown up a lot, and I can still laugh."

"Really? Let me see!" I haven't seen Su Mingyang for a few days, and Su Lanzhi really misses him very much.

"He should be waking up soon too, just wait!" Just as he was speaking, he heard crying, and then saw his nanny coming over with Su Mingyang in his arms. When Murong Yan saw her son, her face suddenly paled The brilliance of maternal love was revealed, "This child is awake, why is it crying again?"

"Maybe you're hungry? Madam, do you want to feed your nai?"

"Give it to me!" Signaling the Liu family to hand the child to herself, Murong Yan lay on the bed, looking at the growing child, she just felt that this child seemed to change every day, and she couldn't get enough of it.

"Mother, my younger brother looks much better-looking, and has also changed." I haven't seen him for five days, and I don't know if it's an illusion. Su Lanzhi feels that Su Mingyang's facial features seem to be more handsome.

"This is what a newborn child looks like every day. Now that he is getting older, he will naturally change." People grow up in constant changes, so a small baby, after growing up, Where is it like it used to be?

"Hehe, my brother seems to be drinking more milk now than before, and he seems to be eating more."

"Isn't it? It hurts me to eat so much, I have to feed every half an hour every day, and it's getting more and more difficult. I don't know if my milk is enough." Su Mingyang eats a lot. Big, although Murong Yan is in good health, her milk supply is not sufficient, so sometimes, she really has to rely on the Liu family.

"Mother, don't worry, isn't there still a nai mother here? There must be enough milk water!"

"Hehe, I just want to feed myself as much as possible." Hey (forbidden words) nai is an opportunity to get close to the child, and Murong Yan certainly doesn't want to miss it.

"Mother, don't force it. As long as my younger brother is healthy and grows up to know how to be filial to mother, that's enough!"

"If he can do this, I'm satisfied." While talking, the kid Su Mingyang was already full, his mouth shrugged, and his eyes opened curiously. He bent over and looked like he was smiling.Su Lanzhi looked at this scene, but she was curious, "Mother, look, my brother smiled, so cute!" I really didn't expect that Su Mingyang would laugh so soon, and Murongyan saw Su Lanzhi so so Happy, he touched his son's face, "Isn't it? This smile is so pretty, even teasing him on weekdays, he doesn't necessarily smile, but occasionally shows such an expression, it seems that he is also a delicious ghost !"

"It's a blessing to eat, my brother is like this, he will be stronger in the future, and his body will be better!" Seeing Su Mingyang's cute appearance, Su Lanzhi also touched Su Mingyang's face, only to feel that Su Mingyang's face became smoother, adding As time went by, Su Mingyang's face was not so red, and he really became more and more cute.

The skin is good, and this appearance really makes people want to stop!

"Lan'er, do you want to give me a hug?" Seeing that her daughter liked Su Mingyang so much, Murong Yan proposed this, but Su Lanzhi refused, "No, mother, I don't know how to hug children. My brother is still young, so why don't you give me a hug?" Let's talk when I'm older!" Such a small child feels soft all over, and Su Lanzhi really doesn't dare to hug her.

"It's okay, you just need to hug him well, hold his head and ass (forbidden words) buttocks, and be careful not to flash him."

"Forget it, I don't know how to hug!" In fact, she really wanted to hug this child in her heart. In her previous life, she dreamed of being a mother, but when she finally became pregnant, she buried her own child with her own hands.Therefore, Su Lanzhi still has some knots in her heart about the child.Now she enshrines an ever-burning lantern in Yunlai Temple, just to let the soul of the child in the previous life rest in peace, and reincarnate as a human being.

"Hehe, you child, why are you so scared right now? Forget it, let's talk about it when you want to hug, so that you won't feel uncomfortable in the hug!" Originally, Murong Yan was watching Su Lanzhi get very close to Su Mingyang. She wanted to have more contact with the siblings, but she never thought that Su Lanzhi seemed a little afraid to hug Su Mingyang, and Murong Yan had no choice but to let it go.

But she didn't know what Su Lanzhi's heart knot was. She just thought that Su Lanzhi was afraid of hurting Su Mingyang, so she didn't dare to hug him.

"it is good!"

The mother and daughter talked for a while, and Su Mingyang became a little drowsy again. The baby liked to sleep, but now that he had eaten and drank enough, he naturally fell asleep again. Su Lanzhi watched Su Mingyang wake up again After falling asleep, I was very surprised, "Why did my brother fall asleep again?" Is this too sleepy?

"This child is very well-behaved in Suri. He always falls asleep. Except when he is awake when drinking milk, he usually falls asleep peacefully and rarely cries. At first I thought there was something wrong with him. I also specially asked Sun Taiyi to take a look, but fortunately there was nothing wrong, so I let it go. Seeing him eating and sleeping, and sleeping and eating, I let him go." Seeing his son fell asleep again, Murong Yan has also changed from the initial worry to the habit now, and she is no longer as scared as before.

"It seems that my younger brother is also very well-behaved. I can't bear to see you suffer." He knew how to love others since he was a child. When he grows up, he will definitely be a filial and good son.Of course, this also has to go through the acquired education. Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue have already failed in the family, and Su Lanzhi doesn't want Su Mingyang to follow in their footsteps.

"This child is indeed a worry-free child, and he seldom causes trouble for me, and he seldom cries at night. Madam Zhang said that Brother Yang is much easier to take care of than your third uncle's Ye'er!"

"The child is well-behaved, which is a blessing to the parents. The younger brother is also a loving one. In the future, father and mother will also have someone to rely on."

"It's still young, so I can't see it yet." Even though he said so, his own child is naturally good in everything, not to mention that Su Mingyang doesn't make much fuss, so he is naturally more pleasing.

"Mom, I think you're tired too, so I'll go back to the house first, you should have a good rest!" Murong Yan is still in confinement, and it's not good for Su Lanzhi to bother her all the time.

"Okay, come over for dinner tonight, I'll eat alone, I don't have much appetite!"



The days are so happy and happy, and the family has become extraordinarily lively because of the birth of a little life. Su Lanzhi will take time to visit Su Mingyang every day, accompany Murong Yan, and continue to study when she is free. Medical skills, if you don’t understand, you can ask Dr. Sun, the time is fulfilling and happy.

Under the care of Zhang Momo and Zhang Momo, Murong Yan's body recovered very well, her complexion gradually became rosy, her body also began to swell, her whole body became rounder, and she looked even more attractive .And Su Mingyang's size gradually grew, and on the day of confinement, Su Mingyang's face was much less red, and he looked fair and clean, even more lovely and charming than when he was just born.

Because Su Mingyang was the long-awaited child of Murong Yan and Su Qinglan, during the third day of the wedding, he invited relatives and friends, and on the day of the full moon, Su Qinglan planned to make a big deal, so he invited people he knew well in Surrey to have a drink.

The day of the full moon is very lively. Except for those who are not in the capital, most of the people from the Jingbei Hou's Mansion have come. Even Prince Qing's Mansion, Su Qingxiu and Sun Xueru have also come. Of course, Princess Qin also brought Qin Zhiyan, but There are actually King Qin and Emperor Wen in his entourage!

Hearing that Emperor Wen was coming, Su Qinglan was very surprised, and hurriedly took the whole family to pick him up, "I don't know that the emperor is here, I hope the emperor will forgive me!" As soon as he stepped out of the gate, he saw Emperor Wen wearing a purple robe, The jade crown tied the hair, and the arrogance exuded from the inside out of the whole person made people know at a glance that he was not a thing in the pool. When everyone saw Emperor Wen coming, they looked at Su Qinglan's eyes, and the eyes were even more different.

This Prime Minister Su is indeed a high-ranking and powerful person, and he is extremely favored!Sure enough, he is worthy of being a powerful minister of the generation!

"Hehe, today is Prime Minister Su's great day, so there is no need to be restrained. I am going on tour in micro-clothes today, and I am just here to join in the fun. You don't need to be restrained!" Although Emperor Wen didn't come here today wearing a dragon robe, everyone Knowing that the person in front of him is the emperor who dominates the vast sky, and even if the other party is not wearing a dragon robe, the gorgeous clothes are unattainable, who dares to really be casual?

In case of a big disrespect, wouldn't it be too much to eat and walk away?

Respectfully saluted Emperor Wen, everyone would not be really presumptuous just because of Emperor Wen's polite words, Emperor Wen didn't care, just looked at Su Qinglan with scrutiny in his eyes, "I heard that Su Xiang is happy to have a son, but Su It was very well concealed, and the wind was not revealed at all, which made people very pleasantly surprised. It is a pity that I was too late to wash Sanzhen before, but fortunately, the full moon wine is here today, so I have to take a good look at Su Xiang's son today. Oh, but I heard that this son has the demeanor of a rather young Su!" He teased Su Qinglan with a smile, and Emperor Wen didn't seem to be angry because of Su Qinglan's concealment, so Su Qinglan couldn't help but feel relieved, "My wife has been in poor health before, and so is my minister. I was worried that this child would not be safe, and it was not good to tell everyone this news, so that this child could not bear everyone's blessings, so I kept the news away, and hoped that the emperor would punish me!"

"Haha, Prime Minister Su's words can be said. On a happy day, I don't want to be that unreasonable and stupid king, and convict me casually. It's just that Prime Minister Su should be punished for concealing the matter. You will punish yourself with three glasses of wine in a while It’s an explanation for everyone!” Su Qinglan has a child, Emperor Wen was a little surprised, and at the same time he lamented that Su Qinglan did a good job of keeping secrets this time, he also felt a little jealous of Su Qinglan in his heart.

A courtier can hide this matter for ten months, it really makes people have to think too much.

After all, Emperor Wen is old. When he is old, it is easy to overthink and become suspicious. Fortunately, he still maintains his rationality. Although he sometimes suppresses some ministers these years, generally speaking, he will not Just go too far.

When people get old, they are more greedy for power and want to grasp it, but sometimes, power is like sand, the more you want to grasp it, the harder it is to grasp it.

"This minister will naturally be punished soon!" Seeing that Emperor Wen didn't mean to blame, Su Qinglan finally breathed a sigh of relief. In the end, Emperor Wen handed over several cases in his hands to others, which made Su Qinglan feel a little more in his heart. At least it was a bit uncertain, but now that Emperor Wen said it so clearly, Su Qinglan felt relieved.

It's okay to just drink three glasses of wine, it's better than making the emperor jealous.

"Su Xiang is really straightforward!" Before he could say anything else, Princess Qin winked at King Qin. Seeing the look in his beloved wife's eyes, King Qin felt a little helpless, "Brother Huang, didn't you say you wanted to see Young Master Su?" Is it? How about we go now?"

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