The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 202 The Strange Snow Kite

()Chapter 10349: The Strange Snow Kite chapter high-speed update starts, the number of updated words is [-]

Chapter Name: Chapter [-] The Strange Snow Kite

The girl is twenty-eight years old and has a good appearance. At this moment, there are pear blossoms on her pretty face, which makes people feel a little bit of pity. I think there are not many men who are not tempted to see such a woman?Net many words

It's just a pity that Su Lanzhi doesn't feel pity for the man who cherishes the fragrance and jade. At this moment, she looks at the woman's helpless and pitiful appearance. Anyone who is afraid that she can't bear it will lend a helping hand. k"; but Su Lanzhi couldn't do it. Seeing the woman rushing towards her, she backed away in fear. The fear stained on her childish face made people think that the woman had made a fool of herself. .

Seeing Su Lanzhi, the woman took a few steps back, and wanted to continue to rush over, but Yunzhu who followed off the car saw her, and carefully protected Su Lanzhi behind her, "This girl, our lady As I said just now, if you have any difficulties, just tell them straight up, why bother to offend our lady?" As soon as the words came out, I saw an invisible embarrassment across the woman's face, and then wiped the corners of her eyes. Tears, looking at Su Lanzhi pitifully, "Miss, girl..." Just as he was about to say something, that Uncle Mo on the side went into a fit, "You stinky bitch, get up!" That's called Uncle Mo Seeing that the girl was kneeling, she wanted to talk about it without saying a word. The girl's eyes full of tears and despair looked at Su Lanzhi, and she was crying softly. People can't just ignore it like this.

"Yunzhu!" Giving Yunzhu a look, Yunzhu immediately stopped Uncle Mo, looked at Uncle Mo's face with a cold expression, "Presumptuous, are you free to bump into our lady?" Character.Stopping that person firmly, Yunzhu can't let people get close to the carriage, otherwise it will be bad if someone sees Murong Yan inside.

"Hmph, even if you can't offend your lady casually, but that woman owes me money, and I asked her to pay back the money, could it be that you are still stopping me?" Uncle Mo seemed to be a little confused by the situation just now, Everything didn't go in the direction they wanted, so it's natural to have a good round of recovery at this moment.

How is this going?Why was it only a little girl who got out of the carriage?What about the lady inside?

It's just that he can't help being surprised now, this scene still has to go on, no matter what, the task must be completed!So he was even more arrogant at the moment, his eyes were about to bleed when he stared at the woman. Seeing the woman crying, he really wanted to rush over and take the woman away. The woman seemed to feel Uncle Mo's anger and trembled with fear Shaking her body, she kowtowed to Su Lanzhi, "Miss, please, save the girl, the girl will repay you for being a cow or a horse!" Because of this excitement, the crowd around her gradually increased Now, many people seemed to be watching the excitement, waiting for Su Lanzhi's reaction.

Seeing the woman and Uncle Mo singing together, Su Lanzhi seemed to be begging her, but in fact she was forcing her?There was a coldness in her eyes, but Su Lanzhi smiled, with a puzzled look on her face, "Sister, do you want me to help you? Didn't I just say that I will help as much as I can?" Yes, it's just that you have been stopping in front of my carriage like this, just asking for help, but you didn't say anything, how can you ask me to help you?" I don't want people to continue to watch the fun, Su Lanzhi's face is full of panic Looking at the young girl with puzzlement on her face, it really made people feel that the young girl was a little nonsensical when she said it like this.

Also, when you ask for help, but you keep silent, and you always stop others, there is really some sense of persecution in it.

Some people recalled that it was this young girl who disturbed other people's cars just now, and kept stopping them from letting them go, and the look in her eyes was a bit intriguing.

It seemed that the sight in the crowd had changed, and the girl's face froze. She didn't expect Su Lanzhi to hit the point, so she just said that, and she felt vigilant in her heart, but her face became even more sad. "Miss, Minnv's mother left early, and there is only Minnv at home. A few days ago, her father was seriously ill, and Minnv asked for money everywhere to treat her father. When she was helpless, she happened to meet this Uncle, he promised to lend money to Minnv and let Minnv pay it back slowly. At that time, Minnv thought that as long as her father was cured, she would be fine. Seeing that Uncle Mo was kind-hearted, she borrowed it without thinking. Unexpectedly, Uncle Mo lent the girl 50 taels of silver, but still couldn’t get her father’s life back! My father went away, and Uncle Mo lent the girl another ten taels of silver for burial. The total amount was 60 taels. I paid it back with slow work. It’s just that Uncle Mo suddenly changed his mind and said that Minnv owed him 120 taels. At that time, Minnv knew that it was a usury loan, but it was too late to regret it! Minnv agreed to work for him slowly To pay back the money, but he asked Minnv to be his nineteenth concubine. Although Minnv was poor, she absolutely didn't want to be that concubine. She shamed her parents for nothing, and asked the lady to save Minnv for a while. Fate, in this life, even if you are an ox and a horse, you will repay the young lady!" After finishing speaking, she kowtowed to Su Lanzhi suddenly, the woman's resolute and unyielding appearance really made the onlookers feel distressed .

Being a concubine for others is actually a helpless act in many cases. Who wants to ruin someone without a name or a share?

"Miss, you just help her. She is so pitiful!" She owed a huge sum of money to her father, and now she is resolute and unyielding. It can be seen that she is also a rare filial child. Such a child is also rare. He deserves this bad luck.

"That's right, miss, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, so miss it as doing good deeds and accumulating blessings? There are a lot of words on the net."

"Yes, miss, this girl seems to be able to do things, why don't miss help out? She will be grateful and repay miss well!"

"Hey, such a filial child, you can't let her have such a bad luck, otherwise, wouldn't you be sorry for her filial piety?"

"Yes, yes, this child is really pitiful!"


120 taels is a huge expense for an ordinary family. Many people can only sympathize, but they can't help much. Everyone saw that although Su Lanzhi was dressed in plain clothes, she had an extraordinary temperament. Even though the clothes were plain, they could still be seen to be exquisite. Presumably she was not short of money, so she begged Su Lanzhi for help.

Su Lanzhi looked at the first person in the crowd who asked her for help. Many of the clothes were new. Although they were not very luxurious, they were all new, so it was intriguing.Especially after those few people spoke, everyone echoed one after another, which is even more intriguing.

It seems that this time the people in the dark are really well-prepared, hehe, I don't know what kind of gold and silver mountains they have in the prime minister's mansion, so that these people are so bothered?

Her eyes were full of coldness. Su Lanzhi looked at the girl and saw her flower-like face, she really had to feel that she was looking for someone. She was afraid that she was a man. Seeing such a filial and resolute woman, she would not Will you be moved?A lot of words on the net were about to say something, when Uncle Mo on the side took advantage of Yunzhu's "not paying attention", he rushed over, pulled the woman and was about to leave, "Shut up, you are already my concubine, Come with me!" After speaking, she was about to pull the girl away, Su Lanzhi looked at the two people amusedly, and looked at the woman's mournful expression, knowing that she couldn't ignore it no matter what today, "Yunzhu, Give the money to Uncle Mo!"

"Yes!" He took 120 taels and threw it to Uncle Mo. Yun Zhu looked at the two people in front of him with disgust in his eyes, "Our lady paid back the money for this woman on her behalf. You take the money and leave. Don't bother this lady any more!"

"Hmph, I don't care for this money. This woman is already mine. Is it possible that your lady still wants to do this kind of thing like seizing someone's concubine?" Uncle Mo was unmoved, pulling The woman insisted on leaving, the woman held on tightly, and finally bit the uncle Mo, and hurriedly hid behind Yunzhu. When the uncle Mo saw it, his face was fierce, "Come here for me!" !"

"I don't, now the money has been paid back to you, we have already settled, you go, let me go?" Hiding behind Yunzhu tremblingly, the woman's face was full of fear and fear, it was really pitiful .

"You're already mine, why don't you just hang on?" Then Uncle Mo took out a document, isn't it just a deed of sale?When the woman saw this, a trace of fear crossed her face. She looked at Su Lanzhi, "Miss..." Her eyes were full of pleading. , It's really irritating!

"Master Mo, if the woman doesn't want to go with you, why don't you just let her go? Are you trying to go to court by robbing women like this?" Zhi was really annoyed. |i^

These people really just don't give up, and send people to them when they get the chance. Is it necessary?

"I'm not afraid of going to court. I have documents here. This woman is already my concubine. Miss, don't meddle in your own business and ruin your reputation!" Seeing that, the whole person trembled, and pointed at Uncle Mo, his voice was full of despair, "I didn't sign it, you tricked me into signing it, you clearly said it was an IOU, so it was me The deed of prostitution?" This woman also seemed to be illiterate, and she looked like someone who had been cheated, and it was unbearable to see.

It's just that Mr. Mo, a dead pig, is not afraid of boiling water. Seeing the woman trembling with anger, he spread out the document, "It's written in black and white, don't let it go, you signed it willingly back then." , I didn't force you!" His eyes were so unhappy, then Uncle Mo looked at Su Lanzhi provocatively, he still couldn't believe it, they had reached such a level, Su Lanzhi had to accept this woman!

"You, you, you..." The hand pointing at Uncle Mo trembled, the woman thought about it, and then she knelt down straight to Su Lanzhi, "Miss, just sell the girl When the deed comes back, the girl is willing to make a cow or a horse for the young lady to repay the young lady's kindness!" As she said that, she kowtowed desperately to Su Lanzhi, and the other end was broken after a while, so this is not just forcing Su Lanzhi to accept it. Did you get her off?

Su Lanzhi saw the two singing together, the purpose at this moment was finally clear, a mocking smile crossed the corner of her mouth, she looked at the girl with a hint of sarcasm, the girl who looked at it almost thought that Su Lanzhi was watching What happened, seeing those eyes that could see through people's hearts, the girl's body froze, and then she continued to kneel, "Miss, please..." The voice was choked and desperate, as if Su Lanzhi couldn't If you save her, she will be completely desperate. The woman looked at Su Lanzhi, saw that Su Lanzhi didn't respond, got up without saying a word, and slammed into the carriage!

The decisive figure was ruthless, Su Lanzhi hurriedly asked Yunzhu to stop the woman, and seeing the gray and white face of the woman who was stopped, Su Lanzhi sighed, "Why are you doing this? I And I didn't say I wouldn't help you!" At this point, she really had to help, otherwise it would be terrible if she killed someone.

This layout person is really ruthless, he has calculated all of this so well, good, good!

"Miss, if you sell yourself to be a concubine, the daughter of the people would rather die, and it's not good for her parents to be in peace!" Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, she breathed a sigh of relief where she didn't see it. The girl knew that now, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but refuse.

"Hey, that's all, since you are filial, I will fulfill you!" It seemed that she had compromised, Su Lanzhi looked at the woman, smiled, then looked at the dirty face of Uncle Mo, and gave Yunzhu With a glance, Yunzhu frowned, but walked over, "Our young lady wants to redeem this woman's deed of prostitution, please make an offer!"

"Hmph, that's my concubine, I won't sell it!" This Uncle Mo was acting like a good-looking concubine after taking advantage of it, but now he stiffened his mouth and refused to speak.

"That woman doesn't want to be your concubine. Do you just want to get a corpse if you force her like this? Didn't you see what happened just now?" Yunzhu was also too lazy to talk nonsense, and looked at Uncle Mo with a very unfriendly look. Yunzhu hated this person who disturbed Su Lanzhi and Mu Yili from the bottom of her heart.

"Hmph, she's stubborn now, and she hasn't turned the corner. It'll be fine when she figures it out. I really like her, but I won't just resell her like this. Xueyuan, you're still with me Go back, don't play tricks here!" Looking at that Xueyuan's eyes were extraordinarily loving, and at this moment, Uncle Mo changed his face when he saw Su Lanzhi making a move. What's more, I can't bear to part with it.

"No, I won't go back with you, Mr. Mo, please, let me go!" The woman named Xueyuan hid behind Yunzhu in fear, and even wanted to get close to Su Lanzhi, but Su Lanzhi gave it to her. With a look from the other party, Xue Yuan didn't dare to get closer, but she was far away from that Uncle Mo. It seemed that she really didn't want to have anything to do with that Uncle Mo. Seeing that, Uncle Mo was very angry, " You and don't toast and don't eat fine wine, it's your luck that I see you, will you follow me?" I wanted to talk when I got cold, but Yunzhu was not easy to get angry when she stood there .

"No, I don't, you return my deed of sale, and I will follow this lady!" It seemed that she was relying on Su Lanzhi, the corners of Su Lanzhi's mouth twitched, looking at the woman, her eyes were full of coldness, but I was thinking, in this situation, what is the best way to do it.

This woman definitely can't stay, she doesn't want to ask for trouble, but what should she do?

"Hmph, if I don't return your deed of prostitution, let me see how you are going to follow that young lady?" Uncle Mo saw that Xue Yuan didn't know what to do, and now he became more and more arrogant. The deed of prostitution was written in black and white, and there was Xue Yuan's Handprints cannot be faked, Xueyuan was scared immediately, looked at Su Lanzhi, and begged, "Miss..."

"200 taels, in exchange for your contract of sale, do you want to change it?" 200 taels is not a small amount for ordinary people, so Uncle Mo's face could not help but relax a little, "This..."

"Don't you want to see the official? Don't toast and eat fine wine." Seeing the other party's money-greedy look, Su Lanzhi naturally knew that this was just a cover-up, but if she wanted to confuse the public, she really Thought she was just a 14 year old girl?

When things go wrong, there must be a demon. She has experienced so much in her previous life, how can she not understand this truth?

Although these two people had no flaws, but everything was too coincidental, she couldn't help but doubt it.


Uncle Mo was a little loose at the moment, but he still looked reluctantly at that Xueyuan. Now that everyone saw it, they all came out to talk.

"The young lady is willing to exchange 200 taels, and you have earned it. Why are you so aggressive?"

"Isn't it? Ren girl doesn't want to follow you, why do you ruin others?"

"You have eighteen concubines, don't spoil people, why bother?"

"You lend usury, rape money and women, and you are the one who suffers when you meet an official? Why do you do this?" <. "

"You are not kind in doing this, but now you want to do it like this. Could it be that you can be cheap and be good?"


People in the crowd were talking a lot, and Uncle Mo's face was a little stiff, and finally, as if he had made up his mind, he looked at the girl, "You really don't want to follow me?" Looking at it like this, it seemed that he really It's as if he's taken care of this snow kite, and he's a little bit reluctant to part with it.

"Master Mo, I beg you, let me go. There are so many beauties in your family, why are you holding on to me so tightly?" Xueyuan took a few steps back in fear, as if she wanted to get closer to the carriage , but Su Lanzhi cleverly blocked Xueyuan from letting her succeed.

"Okay, hello, you'd rather be a slave than to enjoy my blessings, I'll make it happen for you!" Glaring at Xue Yuan, Uncle Mo was a little distraught. He seemed really angry, but there was nothing he could do about it. Looking at Su Lanzhi, she could only compromise in the end, "Okay, since the lady accepted her, then I will accept the 200 taels of silver, and the deed of sale will belong to you. Find a better one!" After that, she gave Xue Yuan a look that you don't know what is good or bad, and looked at Su Lanzhi, her tone was rather unwilling.

"Yunzhu, give me the silver!"

"..." Yunzhu was a little unhappy, she felt that 200 taels was not worth it, but seeing Su Lanzhi's eyes, she had to take out 200 taels of silver, "Move, here you are, give me the contract of sale!"

"Give it and give it, girls who don't know good and bad, you will suffer if you have some in the future!" He hurriedly took the money, then Uncle Mo gave Xueyuan a look, and blamed the other party for not knowing good and bad, "You can do it yourself, good little girl Concubine, if you don't do it, you just go to do that despicable thing for others, I hope you won't regret it in the future!" After saying that, he left angrily, with an expression of unwillingness, but now, what can he do?

"Miss, thank you!" Seeing that Uncle Mo had finally left, Xue Yuan knelt down and kowtowed to Su Lanzhi. But Yunzhu gave the deed of sale to the other party, "Okay, you go!" Su Lanzhi was about to leave after finishing speaking, but Xueyuan saw it and didn't want to, "Miss spent so much money to help Look at Minnv, how can Minnv just leave without gratitude like this? Minnv said just now that she would repay Miss if she was an ox or a horse, and Miss would do it if she made a Minnv a slave or a handmaiden. I hope Miss will not rush This servant is going, this servant must repay Miss well!" This is really dependent on Su Lanzhi.Su Lanzhi saw that the other party did so, but she smiled, "Help you, but I just want to accumulate blessings for myself, it's just a small effort, you go by yourself, I don't need your reward!"

"No, Miss, the servant is now the lady's servant, and the servant's life was saved by the lady. Miss, the servant must follow the lady and repay the lady!" At this moment, Su Lanzhi refused to leave, Xueyuan followed Su Lanzhi, seeing Yunzhu was very angry, "My lady is not short of someone to take care of her, since she let you go, why do you follow so hard?"

"The grace of saving life is greater than the sky. My father and mother have taught my servants to repay their kindness since childhood. How could my servants just leave like this?" Xue Yuan seemed unwilling to leave. Seeing Su Lanzhi, the corner of her mouth was icy With a smile, "But I have no shortage of people, you go!"

"Miss is not short of people, slaves can do other things, such as washing clothes, cooking, and even rough work, slaves can do it, and I hope that miss will give slaves a chance to repay! Otherwise, slaves will feel uneasy!"

"You are really a person. My lady is kind enough to save you. Are you just going to rely on me like this? It doesn't make sense!" Yunzhu realized what is brown sugar at this moment, and she refused to leave when she saw that Xueyuan , Yunzhu's dislike for the other party deepened even more.

This person is really troublesome. He has delayed them for quite a while, but he still refuses to leave. It is really annoying.

"Slave, this servant just wanted to repay Miss. Miss saved this servant today, and besides, this servant has no one to rely on now, and this servant has offended Uncle Mo again, this servant, this servant really has no place to go..." After speaking, the tears flowed again. Crying, it was the first time that Su Lanzhi saw such a person with so many tears, she came whenever she wanted, she was really irritable, and her patience was almost lost.

"I saved you, but I still have to resettle you, Yunzhu give her some money!"

"Yes, miss!" She really didn't like this Xueyuan. Yunzhu especially hated this kind of woman who cried at every turn. In other words, save a few words, enough for half a year's expenses.

"Miss, I don't want slaves!" After rejecting Su Lanzhi's money, that Xueyuan looked at Su Lanzhi, and quickly knelt down, "Miss saves people to the end, so I will take in slaves. I don't want anything, I just need Miss to let you in." Slave to repay Miss!" Such a person who knows how to repay kindness and does not ask for anything in return is indeed rare, if it were an ordinary person, he might accept them all, so he could cultivate a right-hand man, but Su Lan Zhiming knew that the other party's mind was not simple, How could it be as the other party wanted?

"These ten taels of silver are enough for you to live a good life for a long time. You can take this silver and stay away from the capital and go to your relatives. Don't say anything about being a slave or a servant girl. Today I am just doing a little bit of work, and you don't need to sell yourself in return." Yes." Su Lanzhi really didn't like the feeling of being contaminated with brown sugar, but the other party was still relentless, which made Su Lanzhi very irritable.

I'm making progress, I'm afraid this is what I'm talking about?Net many words

"No, I remember this kindness. What I said just now is the water that was thrown out. Moreover, I am alone now, my parents are dead, and I have no relatives to rely on. Now, I only hope that Miss will take pity on you." One or two, it’s all about giving the servants a place to settle down, the servants don’t need anything, and you don’t need wages, you can pay them back slowly, and in your lifetime, you will definitely pay back everything you owe the young lady!” Su Lanzhi couldn’t help but admire the righteousness of the words. This Xue Yuan has no will, no father, no mother, no relatives, and now she has offended someone, a lonely woman, really has no way out at all!

The smile at the corner of her mouth seemed to grow bigger and colder. What Su Lanzhi hated the most was being entangled by others. At this moment, her heart became more and more irritable. It's just that under the watchful eyes of everyone, it's really not good for her to ignore the reputation of the prime minister.

"I said, I don't want you to pay it back, just take the money and leave!" Knowing that it was useless to say anything else, Su Lanzhi finally swallowed the words back, "Since you want to follow, follow!" After speaking, she turned around Just leave, even without looking, you can guess the smug look in Xueyuan's eyes, Su Lanzhi quickly returned to the carriage, blocking all sight, Xueyuan watched Yunzhu go up, thinking He wanted to go up, but he didn't get permission, and he didn't dare, he was a little entangled for a while, Su Lanzhi saw it, looked at Xueyuan, smiled, "Go to the carriage behind!"

"Yes!" Although she couldn't get into the carriage with Su Lanzhi, Xueyuan was not in a hurry, and happily got into another carriage. At this moment, Su Lanzhi gave Yunzhu a look, and Yunzhu also followed.

Murong Yan had already listened to everything outside in the car just now, she is not a fool, she naturally knew that something was unusual about what happened today, but she didn't know why Su Lanzhi brought this snow kite with her ?

"Lan'er, what are you?" My daughter is always cautious. Although Murong Yan doesn't know what Su Lanzhi is going to do, she also knows that Su Lanzhi must have her own reasons for doing this, not to mention the situation just now , Su Lanzhi couldn't help but refuse.

"Mother, since she wants to go back with us so much, she can go back with us, it's okay!" Su Lanzhi gave Murong Yan a worry-free look, and Su Lanzhi already had a plan in her heart, but it's hard to say now about this plan. , I can only hide it from Murong Yan first.

"Hey, I've wronged you, mother is really useless, I just let you face all this alone!" She wanted to rush out several times just now, but she knew that once she went out, all the rumors would come, It will be even more troublesome then.So no matter how reluctant she was, Murong Yan had no choice but to endure it.

"Mother, don't say that. I just pointed the finger at you, and it will be even more troublesome for you to go out." That's right, someone deliberately dominated the public opinion just now. How did she, Su Lanzhi, do what the other party wanted?

"But you are a child, really..." Although Su Lanzhi is sensible, she is still only a child after all. As a mother, she always makes her children face these things. It is really her fault.

"Okay, mother, don't think about it, let's go back quickly!" After this incident, everyone no longer has the desire to hang out, so it's better to go back early.

"Hey, that's the only way to go. It looks like tomorrow, I still have to come out again." Encountering such a thing, Murong Yan was really irritable and lost her interest, she just wanted to go back.

"Isn't it? Mother, let's go back, it will be the same when we come back tomorrow." Su Lanzhi's eyes were a little cold, thinking about today's incident, there was no flaw at all, who sent this Xueyuan, what purpose?Su Lanzhi doesn't know either, so now she can only keep the other party and take care of her carefully. She wants to see, who did it this time!


The carriage disappeared from everyone's sight bit by bit. After this incident, there were different opinions, but Su Lanzhi praised Su Lanzhi, "This Miss Su is really kind-hearted, and she is also generous. Really lucky."

"Isn't it? It's just a slave for someone, it's a pity to have such a good appearance."

"It's better than being a concubine. What is a concubine? It's worse than that slave. If it were me, I'd rather be that Miss Su's slave. It's just beautiful!"I read a lot of words on the Internet and saw that Miss Su was as beautiful as that fairy, and was moved? "

"Even if it's tempting, it's not something I can imagine, but I don't know, this Miss Su is so stunning, even with a veil on, I feel like I'm in a trance."

"Haha, look at you, the toad wants to eat swan meat? There are a lot of words on the net."

"Don't you want to?"


A few people were talking, when they suddenly felt a cold air all over their bodies, and then their mouth seemed to be slapped, and it suddenly swelled up.

"Who!" Cursed, but was hit on the mouth again, and blood was seen immediately, and the faces of those people were full of fear, and hurried away.

But at this moment, in a private room not far away, a man in black was sitting quietly, exuding a wave of air-conditioning all over his body. If you look carefully, you can still see the murderous look between the brows of the other party.

"Master, the matter has been done!" A shadow-like figure suddenly appeared beside the man, and the man paused while holding the teacup, "Let her stay in the prime minister's residence, and don't make any mistakes! "

"Yes, Master!"

"Also, those few people just now, please teach me a lesson!" The cold voice, without the slightest ups and downs, just said that, which affected all the guards around him, "Yes!"

"Go, don't leave a trace!"

"Yes!" Although he was surprised by the man's behavior at the moment, the man went there without hesitation. When he disappeared, the man in black continued to look out the window. Lan Zhi's carriage disappeared

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