"Mother!" Looking at Bai Xin in disbelief, Su Lingyue has grown so big, Su Lingyue has been held in the palm of her hand and loved her since she was a child, how could Bai Xin treat her so harshly?

"Why, you don't listen to what mother said, I told you to kneel down, did you hear me!" Looking at her beloved daughter, Bai Xin suddenly felt disappointed.

After all, she was still too young and too impetuous. If it wasn't for her bad deeds today, why would she be in this state?

"Mother, what did my daughter do wrong, do you want her to kneel down?" She was very unconvinced, although Su Lingyue knew that Su Qinglan was angry just now, so she ignored them, but she never thought that there was anything wrong with her. !

"You still don't know what's wrong. Are you really going to be locked up by your father and not allowed to go out?" What kind of daughter is she giving birth to? Why is she so ignorant?

"Mother, what did you say?" Although Su Qinglan punished her just now and didn't allow her to go out, Su Lingyue only thought that Su Qinglan was angry, and when Bai Xin spoke up, she would still be released .

Dad loves her so much, and mother loves her so much, how can he be willing to let her be wronged?

"Ask me what to say, do you kneel or not?" If it wasn't for the fact that your daughter has done more than fail, how could I have offended the master now?

"I..." Still wanting to say a few words, Nanny Lin couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly persuaded, "Second Miss, just kneel down and admit your mistake, Madam is angry, do you want to make Madam even more angry?"

"Mother, my daughter is wrong!" Seeing Bai Xin blushing with anger, Su Lingyue finally knew that if she continued to be stubborn, she would definitely be unpopular, so she knelt down reluctantly.

But in my heart, I don't know where I went wrong!

"Wrong, then do you know where you went wrong?" Looking at the unwillingness and grievance in her daughter's eyes, although Bai Xin felt distressed, the current situation could not tolerate her distress!

"Daughter..." Looking at Bai Xin in confusion, Su Lingyue is only nine years old. Although she is precocious, she really can't think of many things, and she thought it was the best thing to do, so why would she feel that she was wrong? up?

"Okay, you don't know yet, do you? Then tell me, why did you plant Taohong when your father asked about the charcoal fire just now? Don't you know that you are so self-conscious that it makes you feel guilty? Do you think you Who is daddy, so you don't have any tricks to know people? Or do you think your daddy is just a five-year-old kid who can be deceived by you?" Wouldn't it be fine to just keep silent, wait for her to come forward to solve it, now it's good Now, the master must suspect that she deliberately set everything up now!

Wasn't all her previous efforts in vain?

And now you have to pretend to be sick and lie down, isn't this an opportunity for people to take advantage of others?

"Mother, daughter..." As soon as Bai Xin reminded her, Su Lingyue knew that she must have exposed her flaws just now.

But what should we do?

Did dad suspect them?

So now, what should we do?

"Then do you know now that you were wrong?"

"My daughter knows she's wrong, but what should I do now? Mother?" Is she really going to be grounded?

"Now, all you have to do is go back obediently and copy the female ring. Recently, you will stay obediently in your boudoir and don't come out!" Su Qinglan must be suspicious of them now. Baixin knows that they are going to What I did was to keep a low profile as much as possible, and after this period of time, it would be fine.

"But does my daughter really want to copy so much?" Looking at her little hands, Su Lingyue has always disliked everything related to books, and she is just at the age of playing, so how can she sit still?

"It must be copied, and it must be copied patiently, and the handwriting must be neat!" Now that this is the case, if their attitude is so perfunctory, the master will probably be more and more disappointed with them.

"But my daughter doesn't like women's rings!" She found the rules and regulations on it very annoying!

"If you don't like it, you have to copy it. You caused this disaster, so you have to bear it!"

"Mother..." Looking at Bai Xin pitifully, Su Lingyue wanted to act coquettishly, but now she made a big mistake, how could Bai Xin just cover up like usual?

"Okay, Sumei, send Second Miss back, and remember to supervise Second Miss to copy the female ring in the shortest possible time!"

"Mother..." Seeing Bai Xin not letting go, Su Lingyue's eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Okay, you go back, Yuemei, you have to report the progress to me every day, if Miss is lazy, just come and tell me!" Yuemei is Baixin's most trusted first-class maid, and she sent her to It can be seen that Bai Xin is determined.

"Your servant obeys, Second Miss, go with your servant!"

"Mother..." Finally asked, but Bai Xin closed her eyes, Su Lingyue really had no choice but to say, "Daughter resign, mother, please rest well!"

Su Lanzhi, it's all you. If it wasn't for you, how could I have been punished so severely?

I won't make it easy for you, just wait for me!


After Su Lingyue left, Bai Xin opened her eyes and looked at Nanny Lin beside her, "Do you think Yue'er is spoiled by me?"

It was also because she was pregnant with Su Lingyue that she was able to enter the prime minister's mansion and became a good concubine, so she naturally loved her daughter in her heart, but now it seems that the way she loves is wrong?

"Miss is Madam's child. It is only natural that Madam loves Madam. It's just that Madam has held her in her arms since she was a child. She will inevitably have a temper. Madam is still young, so she just needs to teach her well in the future." As Bai Xin's mistress, Nanny Lin Mama can be said to be Bai Xin's left and right hand, she knows everything about Bai Xin very well, and what she says is naturally very appropriate.

"That's right, bring Nanny Zhuang here on a different day, and let her teach Yue'er well on weekdays. She is also nine years old, and she should start learning a lot of things!" I used to think that they were the only ones in the family anyway, No one dared to fight against them, and there was no need to let her daughter get in touch with these things early, but now, Su Lanzhi has become so aggressive overnight, she must make her two sons and daughters vigilant !

"Madam, don't worry, the servant will save it."

"Well, Nanny Lin, and Hua'er, tell Nanny Nan to watch carefully, and don't let Hua'er get into trouble again!" Recently, they can no longer provoke Su Qinglan's suspicion.

"My servant knows, ma'am, the young master is still waiting at the door, do you want to let him in?"

"Well, let him in!"

"Mother!" After waiting for a long time, he finally saw Bai Xin, and Su Zhenhua hurried to his mother's side, seeing his mother so haggard, Su Zhenhua felt very scared.

"Hua'er, are you scared?"

"Wuwu, mother, daddy is so fierce. He punished his sister and also punished Hua'er. Hua'er doesn't like him anymore!" As a child, he likes whoever treats him well. Su Zhenhua is repeatedly punished by Su Qinglan. Will like each other?

"What are you talking about? Shut up!" Hearing what his son said, Bai Xin hurriedly gave Nanny Lin a wink, and Nanny Lin hurriedly closed the door to prevent their conversation from being overheard!

"Mother, you are also fierce to Hua'er, you don't like Hua'er anymore!" His eyes were full of sorrow, it was the first time Su Zhenhua saw his mother so fierce, and he was quite scared in his heart!

"Hua'er, mother didn't mean to kill you, it's just that if you say something like this, you must never say it again, you know?" Su Qinglan was their reliance, if they offended the other party, where would they have a foothold in this prime minister's mansion?

"But Daddy hates me!"

"Hua'er, I heard from Mother that Daddy will kill you because a villain slandered you in front of Daddy. You must not be so reckless in the future, you know? You have to tell Mother what you want to do in the future. Don't act rashly!" Although he wished to get rid of Su Lanzhi at this moment, Bai Xin also knew that now was not the time.

Her own child is too young, and it is inevitable that people will get caught doing things. She must not let the children mess around.

"Is the villain mother said big sister?" Thinking of it, he always smiled at himself, but every time the other party spoke, his father looked at him and his sister in a strange way. Although Su Zhenhua was still young, he also understood that the big Sister, don't like yourself!

Of course, he doesn't like each other either!


"Then mother, will you drive her away? Hua'er doesn't like him!" He felt a little threatened in his heart, and Su Zhenhua could feel Su Qinglan's love for Su Lanzhi.

But he is clearly the child that Dad loves the most!

"Mother will let her go, it's just Hua'er. Before that, you have to be obedient, you know? When you meet your eldest sister in the future, you must never run into her again, so as not to make your father jealous!" Had she known, she would have This scourge should not have been left behind!

"But why?" A child, if he likes it, he likes it, and if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. He doesn't like Su Lanzhi very much now, so why wouldn't he run into him?

"Don't Hua'er listen to mother's words, don't you want daddy to love you anymore?" With a straight face, Bai Xin knew that her children were spoiled by her, and she often did things impulsively, especially Su Zhenhua, who was a child at home. Overlord, it's really hard to keep him from doing one thing.

It's all her fault, too underestimating the enemy!

"If you bump into your eldest sister again next time, mother will ignore you from now on!" Seeing Su Zhenhua's refusal, with her mouth raised, Bai Xin knew that her son would be difficult to persuade, but now they don't do this, how can they do it? Woolen cloth?

Su Qinglan cares most about the harmony of the family and the family style of the Su family. If the other party sees that the two children are so stubborn and intolerable, then they will really be disappointed in the people in their room!

"Hua'er got it!" Looking at Bai Xin with aggrieved eyes, Su Zhenhua only felt that the person in front of him was not his mother.

"It's good if you know, Hua'er, go to the ancestral hall and kneel. The punishment your father gave you must be done sincerely, you know?" Although I was reluctant, but my plan didn't succeed, what else could I do?

"No, I don't want to!" The ancestral hall is so cold, so he doesn't want to go!


"No, I don't want it. Mom, didn't you say that Dad would forgive Hua'er? Why don't you say nothing?"

"Hua'er, mother has her own problems too!" Seeing the incomprehension in her son's eyes, Bai Xin felt that her heart hurts so much, but can she soften her heart?Then let Su Lanzhi catch it?

"Mother, Hua'er doesn't like you anymore, Hua'er hates you!" Most of the arrogant children can't bear the sudden harshness of someone who loves them, Su Zhenhua naturally doesn't understand.

He just felt that his mother didn't love him anymore, and he was very hurt and very sad!

"Hua'er, what did you say?" Bai Xin's face turned pale when he heard his son's words.

Why don't my sons and daughters understand me?

She has tried her best!

"I said I hate you, and you clearly promised me!" Staring at the other party, Su Zhenhua was so wronged at this moment, all of them turned into anger!

Seeing this scene, Mother Lin was terrified, and hurried out to persuade her, "My eldest young master, didn't you hurt Madam's heart by saying that? Why don't you hurry up and admit your mistake!"

"It's okay to admit my mistake, unless I'm not allowed to go to the ancestral hall!"

This book is from this site, please do not reprint!

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