The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 26 Mother and Daughter

"Lan'er, what are you?" These days, Su Lanzhi changed her previous alienation and came to see Murong Yan often, which made Murong Yan feel less miserable in her heart, especially watching her daughter grow up. Now that she is sensible, Murong Yan feels comforted in her heart.

As long as the child is well, then everything will be fine, and everything else will just go with the wind.

"Mom, the vegetarian food you eat every day is not very nutritious. Now you are thinner and your complexion is also bad. My daughter made some food for you. You must eat it all for your face!" Mischievously watching With her current pale and thin appearance, Su Lanzhi knew that Murong Yan's life was miserable, and she wanted to forget the thoughts in her heart, so she always didn't care much about her body, so these years, her body Not as plump as before, but much thinner.

Especially in the year-round worshiping Buddha, there are more people and a little indifferent, and it always makes people feel that those who are too dusty are not real people.

This situation is very bad!

"You, I haven't taken care of my body, why did you do this? Are you deliberately trying to make your mother worry?" My daughter really changed a lot, as if she grew up and became sensible overnight. Yes, sometimes Murong Yan feels a little strange, and she just feels that her daughter seems to have become invisible all of a sudden.

"Mother, these days, father and mother have asked people to send a lot of supplements to the daughter. The daughter's body is much better now, and these tasks can still be done. Mother hastened to taste it, otherwise it will be cold. delicious!"

"Well, then I'll try Lan'er's craft!"

"Mom, you need to teach me a lot!"

"That's natural!" Smiling and tasting Su Lanzhi's craftsmanship, Murong Yan didn't have much hope at first, but the taste was really good, and the smile on her face couldn't help but increase a bit, "Lan'er's craftsmanship, but You can be a chef in this mansion, not bad!"

"Mother praised you!" A little bit of shyness and complexity flashed across her face, and Su Lanzhi quickly covered up her emotions. <Water, but Qin Yan was very suspicious, and they were besieged everywhere, and there were many dangers. She couldn't bear Qin Yan's hard work, and took the initiative to take over the task of eating.

In the early days, Qin Yan was still reluctant, always saying that she was too busy, but she only wanted to solve problems for the man she loved so that he could live a more relaxed life.So after working hard for a long time, she didn't know how many times her hands were hurt by knives, and some wounds couldn't even heal, leaving little marks, but she only felt that everything was worth it, thinking that the person she had paid would be able to see They think that when everything is over, they will be happy and happy, but they don't think that they will still make wedding dresses for others after all.

"Lan'er, you can eat too!" Seeing her daughter's silence, Murong Yan only felt that Su Lanzhi had something on her mind, so she took the initiative to pick up food for her.

"Thank you, mother!" With a smile, Su Lanzhi concentrated on eating with Murong Yan after throwing everything out of her mind.

"What are you talking about? Eat! In the future, if I have time, we will all come to Yanyun Pavilion for dinner. Our mother and daughter also have a companion!" I just feel that I have neglected my daughter a little, and she doesn't understand her daughter more and more. Murong Yan decided to spend more time with her. To accompany the daughter is to enlighten the other party.

"Okay, mother, by the way, my daughter read some of the Buddhism you gave me a few days ago, and some places are a little confusing, mother will explain it to me later!"

"Well, eat first, don't worry!"


Accompanying Murong Yan for dinner, Su Lanzhi asked her what she didn't understand. Murongyan looked at Su Lanzhi very seriously, and her attitude was very rigorous, especially Huigen was good, very satisfied, and the explanation became more and more thorough , and even took the initiative to chat with Su Lanzhi about the Buddhist scriptures, and the mother and daughter got along in a rare harmony and intimacy.

The two chatted happily, and it was already afternoon before they knew it. Su Lanzhi looked at the tired look on Murong Yan's face, and knew that Murong Yan needed to rest, so she stopped. Before leaving, there were some things that Su Lanzhi still needed want to know.

"Mother, grandma's birthday is coming soon. I wonder what presents Mother has prepared? My daughter went out to buy some presents today. I wonder if they are suitable?"

"You are a junior, and your heart is the most important thing. Just be ready!" Murong Yan respected her mother-in-law, but she didn't get close to her because she knew that she didn't like her. She never felt better about her complexion, and now, Murong Yan doesn't care anymore.

"Daughter bought Dongzhu, mother, do you think it's okay?" Murong Yan looked at the gift she had prepared, and nodded, "Your grandma wants to save face. Your grandma thinks it's a good gift for you." like!"

"That's good, mother. When the time comes, will we go together?" In the previous life, Su Lanzhi knew that Murong Yan would not go, but in this life, Su Lanzhi didn't want Bai Xin to continue to be complacent.

"My Lan'er has gone, so naturally my mother will go too!" What Su Lanzhi didn't know was that in her previous life, it was because Su Lanzhi was ill. Lan Zhi was going, Murong Yan was naturally reluctant to let Su Lanzhi face those many people alone.

"Mother is the best!" I don't understand why Murong Yan's decision in this life is different from the decision in the previous life, but Su Lanzhi can feel a little bit that it has a lot to do with her from the other party's tone!

Thinking about the root of the disease in the previous life since he fell into the water, he has been ill intermittently, so he naturally stays at home.

And she vaguely remembered that her mother stayed in the house and worshiped the Buddha every day. Now that she thinks about it, was her mother also praying for herself at that time?

It was only at that time, maybe it was because of exhaustion and subsequent physical and mental torture, that's why my mother left so early?

Thinking of this possibility, Su Lanzhi only felt that her eyes were a little sore.

She is indeed a selfish and unfilial daughter, she only thinks that her parents don't love her, so she feels resentful, but she never thought that her parents' love for her has never been expressed, but it has always been hidden in her heart. Silently for her good!

"Mother, my daughter went out today and bought some tea for mother. It tastes good. I think mother will like it too. Mother can make some to drink when she is free!" Asking Yuetao to bring the things she bought, Su Lanzhi continued to be careful She took out a small warm handbag from her cuff, with plum blossoms embroidered on it, the cold and aloof feeling is really similar to Murong Yan, the cuffs are covered with a lot of fluff, and it feels very warm when you look at it, " Mother, you pray to the Buddha all day, and your hands are naturally cold. My daughter's needlework is not good, so I embroidered a warm handbag for you, and put some velvet in it. When you worship the Buddha on weekdays, you can also put your hands in it to avoid My hands are frostbite!"

Originally, I wanted to embroider a cloak for Murong Yan, but the time was too short, and Su Lanzhi didn't have enough time, so I had to embroider warmer bags first.

"Lan'er has a heart!" Feeling her daughter's concern for the first time, Murong Yan felt more and more guilty while being moved.

My daughter has grown up and is so sensible at such a young age. It seems that she has indeed suffered a lot these years.

Maybe I really can't always be like this now, just don't care about anything.

"Lan'er should do these things for mother. Mother has been wronged and worked hard for Lan'er!" How can there be a parent in the world who doesn't love his child?It's just that some people are used to hiding love in their hearts.

Aren't her parents like this?

It's hard to express love in your heart, but in your heart, don't you always have an important position?

"Lan'er has worked hard too!" Touching her daughter's long hair, unconsciously, her daughter has grown up, is sensible, and her thoughts are difficult to guess, but she is more considerate of herself and closer to herself. ,very nice!

Son, thank you for not blaming mother, mother will definitely protect you in the future, and won't let you work so hard at such a young age!

Thinking of her daughter's precocity, Murong Yan began to make some decisions in her heart.

------off topic-----

Dear friends, the end of the world in 2012 has passed, everyone, happy new year, ;~\(≧▽≦)~ la la la

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