The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 296 and the wedding ceremony

"Okay!" Qin Zhiyan sent something specially, and Su Lanzhi couldn't help the other party's heart. She nodded her head and agreed. Anyway, the relationship between the two is now clear, and she doesn't need it Hidden and tucked away.

"Hehe, Lan Lan is very suitable for this hairpin. I specially asked someone to make it for you. You look the best when you wear it." Su Lanzhi always dresses very neatly, but this can't conceal her peerless elegance.Looking at it like this now, it really feels amazing.

"Really?" Being praised by the man she loves, Su Lanzhi is naturally in a great mood. She remembered something and stood up, "Wait, I have something for you!" After speaking, she walked to the table, He took a lanyard and handed it to Qin Zhiyan.

"This is?"

"Didn't your net wear out a little before? I made one for you in my free time, and you can see if it fits." This is the first time that Su Lanzhi has given Qin Zhiyan something on his own initiative. Qin Zhiyan was so happy that he didn't know what to say.I just felt that it was worth it for me to come this early in the morning, so I hurried out with the jade pendant to try it on, and it really fit, Qin Zhiyan nodded in satisfaction, "Very good, thank you Lan Lan, I like it very much." This is Lan Lan It was the first time that Lan took the initiative to give him something, and he was really happy! [

"It's fine, then put it on!"


Qin Zhiyan had just changed the net, Qiu Shuang probably counted the time, and now she came in with a snack, seeing that the atmosphere between Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan was very good, Qiu Shuang's eyes flashed a little bit of relief, Put the snacks aside, "Wu Chengwang, this is a small snack just made in the kitchen, would you like to try it?"

"No need, I still have some things to do, so I'll take my leave first, Lan Lan Dihuang: The latest chapter of the genius doctor and abandoned concubine!" Lan Lan will be late tomorrow, and it's not good for him to stay here for too long, so I'd better deal with it first If some things are good, let Lan Lan have a big surprise tomorrow!

"Hmm!" Watching Qin Zhiyan leave with a smile, Qiushuang was also very relieved to see the rare smile on Su Lanzhi's face.Especially seeing the hairpin on Su Lanzhi's head, Qiushuang's eyes suddenly became a little interested, "The hairpin on the lady's head, why didn't the maidservant see the lady wearing it just now? But it was given by King Wucheng?" Pretend not Looking at Su Lanzhi in comprehension, Qiushuang is also joking now.

"You girl, come on, you can share this snack with Yue Tao and the others, it looks very good!" Stopping their mouths with this snack, isn't that all right?

"Miss, this is specially brought for you by this servant, why don't you take a bite?"

"Don't eat it, you can eat it, I know you like it, take it, it will satisfy your hunger."

"Hehe, thank you, miss." She smiled and went out with the snacks. Qiushuang also knew that Su Lanzhi was gagging them, so of course she didn't say anything.


The next day was Su Lanzhi's 15th birthday.In Dacang, a 15-year-old girl is already an adult and can marry and have children and take care of her parents-in-law.

On this day, Su Lanzhi was scooped up by Qiushuang and others early, and prepared hot water to bathe and change clothes. Su Lanzhi washed it from the beginning to the end. Qiushuang and the others even put some incense in the water, After taking a bath, Su Lanzhi exuded a faint fragrance.After wearing the underwear, the whole person is like a lotus flower in the spring breeze, delicate and delicious, making people feel soul-stirring just by looking at it.

"Miss, please sit down, the servant will tidy up for you, Madam is still waiting!" Su Lanzhi is old today, so of course she needs to dress up well.

"Qiu Shuang, don't worry, there's still time!" Being dug up early in the morning, Su Lanzhi knew that several people were also looking forward to it, so she didn't stop her. Dressed and combed hair.

"My servant knows, isn't my servant in a hurry? Today's lady is really beautiful. After a while, the guests will not be able to move their eyes away when they see it?" Looking at Su Lanzhi at this moment, because she was so old, she was wearing a A pink jacket, embroidered with exquisite crabapple flowers, is dazzling, and with that slightly powdered face, at this moment, that beautiful face makes people unable to take their eyes off it.


"Miss, it's all right, let's go out!" After carefully tidying up Su Lanzhi, several people made Su Lanzhi get up.

"Yeah!" It's almost time, Su Lanzhi went out wearing a newly made jacket, the exquisite snow-forged long jacket, embroidered with the flame of begonia flowers, which made Su Lanzhi look gorgeous.

Walking into the hall step by step, everyone felt as if they saw the light of the moonlight, and they couldn't move their eyes away. [

Could this be the Nine Heavens Xuannv?How can she be so beautiful?

When Su Lanzhi walked to the center of the hall, Su Qinglan stood up happily. This feeling of growing up as a girl was expressed in words, "Today, the little girl is going to be an adult, thank you all Thank you for your support!" Smiling and announcing the start of the ceremony, an old nun came over, washed her hands first, then took Su Lanzhi to the side and sat down, and began to comb Su Lanzhi's hair up.

There is a big difference between the oaths of the Dacang woman Jiji and Weijiji. At this moment, Su Lanzhi is combing the hair of an adult woman, and she is so beautiful that it makes people feel unreal.

Everyone looked at Su Lanzhi's little changes, and it was really hard to believe that there is such a beautiful woman in this world!

After Su Lanzhi's bun was combed, the nun washed her hands again, supported Su Lanzhi to get up, and at this moment someone chanted loudly, "It's an auspicious day, and I will start adding yuan clothes. Abandon your young ambitions, follow your success and become a virtue. Shoukao Weiqi, Jieer Jingfu."

Su Lanzhi was thinking about Murong Yan's orders from yesterday, walked up to Murong Yan, and knelt down, "Daughter, I thank my parents for nurturing, my mother for raising me, and my father for teaching me!"

First of all, I thanked my parents. Looking at her daughter's current appearance, Murong Yan's eyes were a little moist with excitement, "Good boy, after today's birthday, you will be an adult in the future. Don't forget your mother's instructions." After finishing speaking, she continued. Pass the hairpin brought by the mother on the side, put it on for Su Lanzhi, tie her hair, and put on the hairpin for the coming-of-age ceremony. Su Lanzhi is now an official adult, and soon, she will be able to marry and have children .

Her daughter has grown so big in a blink of an eye, thinking that Su Lanzhi will get married soon, Murong Yan is really reluctant to part with it.

"Mother, my daughter can save me!" Kneeling well, letting Murong Yan put on the hairpin that belongs to an adult woman, Su Lanzhi felt everyone's attention, and just knelt and listened Parents taught.

"May my son be happy and safe forever." Su Qinglan's words were very concise, but Su Lanzhi couldn't help but be moved when she heard it, "My daughter should remember it and never forget it."

"Don't do it for your heart, live up to your sincerity, my son will keep it in mind." Murong Yan has always hoped that Su Lanzhi can be safe and happy. Now that her daughter has grown up, she feels a little sad in her heart. The debt to her daughter is really too much, and she has no way to make up for it.

After accepting the teachings of her parents, Su Lanzhi's next step is to thank the guests for their arrival.This time, Su Lanzhi's Jiji ceremony was held very carefully. The people who came were all relatives and friends, and they all had a good relationship. Seeing Su Lanzhi's transformation, everyone felt like the scorching sun In general, people are really surprised.


When Su Lanzhi's Jiji ceremony was going on, Qin Zhiyan's side entered the palace early in the morning. Today, Qin Zhiyan agreed to give Su Lanzhi a surprise, so ah, today He has to prepare well.

"Yan'er, why do you have time to see this old man today?" Looking at Qin Zhiyan with a smile, Emperor Wen was in a good mood today.

"Uncle Huang, isn't Yan'er here to play chess with Uncle Huang? Uncle Huang, are you interested in having a game with us?" Some things are better done step by step, if they are too abrupt, it will make people feel Surprised.

"Okay, we haven't played chess for a long time, come on, let's have a game!"

"Uncle Huang, this chess game requires some bets. I wonder what reward Uncle Huang plans to give if Yan'er wins in a while?"

"Then tell me, what do you want?" Looking at Qin Zhiyan with a smile on his face, Emperor Wen looked at himself at ease, as if he knew Qin Zhiyan's plan. It felt like he had been calculated, but even though he said that, he was not afraid, "Uncle Huang, how about a decree from you, please?"

"Hehe, the imperial decree is not something you can write casually. You just want my imperial decree after winning a game? Tell me first, what kind of imperial decree is this?"

"It's a good thing for Yan'er to guarantee it, Uncle Huang, why, don't you dare to bet?"

"Why not, it's just that my imperial decree is not just written as it is written, you just win one game, but it's not enough!" Looking at Qin Zhiyan with a smile, Emperor Wen knew that Qin Zhiyan must be looking for him today something.So, he just waited! [

"Uncle Huang, plus Yan'er's promise from Uncle Huang, is it enough?"

"So, that's enough, but I'm curious, what is it that made you spend so much time?" Looking at Qin Zhiyan in surprise, Emperor Wen more or less understood his own nephew.Qin Zhiyan has always been a person who seldom attaches great importance to people and things. For such a person, he used so much just for an imperial decree. Of course, Emperor Wen had to think about it.

"Uncle Huang, let's play chess first, Uncle Huang is not allowed to cheat!"

"Okay, just for my promise, even if you don't play chess, I will listen to you, but if you are willing to play chess with me, I will naturally be willing!"

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