Su Lanzhi got up early the next day, because she was going to enter the palace today, Su Lanzhi didn't dare to slack off at all.

After tidying up early, Su Lanzhi went with Murong Yan. Because of the marriage granted by the imperial decree, Su Lanzhi has entered the palace more times now, and everyone in the palace knows about Su Lanzhi. In terms of status, she was extra polite to Su Lanzhi.No, just as Su Lanzhi got off the carriage, there were court ladies waiting there early, "Madam Su, Miss Su, the Empress Dowager has been waiting for a long time, please go with the slaves!"

"I'm sorry." She smiled. Although Su Lanzhi's status has risen, Su Lanzhi has always been a kind master.The people in the palace also respect Su Lanzhi extremely.

This time there was nothing wrong with it, Su Lanzhi and the others soon arrived at the Empress Dowager's Compassionate Ning Palace, but when they arrived, there were already many people inside, and listening to the laughter inside, Su Lanzhi felt that, Today, I'm afraid it will be difficult again.

Murong Yan also thought of this point, and Murong Yan also knew that the Queen Mother was not particularly satisfied with Su Lanzhi, otherwise she would not have given away such two strict nuns. [

Murong Yan was already worried, but now she heard that there were already many people inside, she was even more worried.

They are juniors, they are so negligent when they come to the palace to pay New Year's greetings, if someone deliberately provokes them, what should they do?

Su Lanzhi naturally guessed Murongyan's worry, and gave Murongyan a comforting look. Su Lanzhi knew that if a person doesn't like a person, no matter what you do, that person will always find fault of.

Su Lanzhi already knew that the Empress Dowager didn't like her, so she made enough preparations, smiled, Su Lanzhi stood respectfully at the door, and let the palace maid go in to report, and she really heard the laughter inside. It will stop soon.It took a while for Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan to be called in. As soon as they entered, they saw the people in this room. Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan saluted respectfully, "The minister (female) pays a visit to the Queen Mother." Empress, Empress Empress, Empress Xue Guifei..." I don't know if everyone has the same idea today, but all the high-ranking concubines in this palace have come, and there are a few others that Su Lanzhi didn't Su Lanzhi can probably guess who it is from the people she has met.

It seems that today's level is another trouble, right?

As she was thinking about it, the Empress Dowager spoke up, "You mother and daughter are so tired that you two came to pay New Year's greetings to the old woman of Ai's family early in the morning. Get up!"

"Thank you, Empress Dowager!" Of course, Su Lanzhi was well-prepared for the new year's greetings. The queen mother had everything she needed, so Su Lanzhi made a pair of knee pads. The old man's legs hurt especially in cold weather. Su Lanzhi said It can be regarded as a kindness, the queen mother nodded in satisfaction when she saw it, "I saw that your embroidery work is good before, and this knee pad is very well made, so you have a heart." After speaking, she gave Su Lanzhi a purse , inside is the New Year's money, Su Lanzhi accepted it with a smile, and Murong Yan also gave a gift. Although it was not particularly expensive, the Jade Buddha was extremely bright. The Queen Mother is old and has always believed in Buddhism. This gift is for The ones are also excellent.Seeing the Queen Mother, the smile on her face was of course a bit more, "You all have a heart, sit down, it's very cold, drink a cup of hot tea first, and warm up your body."

After all, there are so many people, the queen mother will not really slap Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi in front of so many people.She just doesn't like Su Lanzhi, and she won't make fun of Qin Zhiyan.

"Thank you, Empress Dowager!" The two of them were led to sit down, and the empress at the side finally looked for an opportunity to speak, "The Empress Dowager is truly blessed. Yes, now and Yan'er are exactly the right pair, it's a match made in heaven."

"The two are worthy." The queen mother has always had high expectations for Qin Zhiyan. Although Su Lanzhi can't meet her requirements, she can pass the test with a little effort.In addition, the two nuns sent by the queen mother also said that Su Lanzhi knew the rules very well. Although the queen mother does not have deep feelings for Su Lanzhi now, she also recognizes Su Lanzhi's identity.Hearing someone's praise is naturally a good mood.

"Miss Su is also a caring person. This girl is also very good looking. Knowing your mother's old cold legs, now you have made such a knee pad. Your mother is very lucky!" The queen sat there dignifiedly and said to Su Lan. Zhi praised a lot, and even asked the queen mother to show her the knee pads, but she liked it.

"It's just that I don't have such a good fortune. The queen mother is really enviable!" She looked envious, but what she said made the queen mother a little displeased.

After all, the queen is from the East Palace, but the person in power in the harem, although not Qin Zhiyan's mother, is Qin Zhiyan's biological aunt after all. Today, Su Lanzhi came in to pay New Year's greetings, why did she forget the gift for the queen? ?

Before, I thought Su Lanzhi was thinking this way, but now, the queen mother felt that Su Lanzhi ignored the queen and didn't understand the rules.But even though I think so in my heart, the queen mother will not attack Su Lanzhi in person at the moment, she just looked at the queen and smiled, "You, didn't Mo's daughter-in-law do it for you? Dry Do you envy the Ai family here?" The second prince from the empress's heir is already married, so would the empress, a serious mother-in-law, be missing?

"Hehe, she is filial, but she can't compare to Miss Su's dexterity. Isn't my son dryly envious? She is also a lucky mother!" Although Su Lanzhi was praised in the words, it also seemed that Su Lanzhi was too A bit too stingy.Seeing this, Su Lanzhi naturally knew that the empress must be dissatisfied with her marrying Qin Zhiyan, so she smiled, "Empress, my servant made a pair of gloves for the empress when she came to the palace to pay New Year's greetings. I wanted to send it to Fengqing Palace in person, but now it’s hard to hide it.” I have already prepared it, and I have to prepare a gift for the queen. Now that the queen has proposed it, of course Su Lanzhi can’t do it again. Hidden, and took out the things with a smile.

The queen did not expect that Su Lanzhi's preparations were quite complete, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, and finally she smiled, looking a little eager, "Hehe, Miss Su has a heart, show it to Ben Gong! "Wearing gloves, I couldn't put it down. Although the queen didn't make Su Lanzhi feel unhappy, it won't show up at this moment. She praised Su Lanzhi with a smile and made people prepare After receiving the lucky money, Su Lanzhi also accepted it with a smile. Everyone is happy now.

"Empress, Miss Su really has a heart! Looking at it now, she is indeed a thoughtful one. King Wu Cheng is so lucky!" Concubine Xue Gui, who had been silent for a while, spoke. Although this sentence was a compliment, But it sounds a little weird.

After all, there are many concubines present at the moment. It is right for Su Lanzhi to send the empress dowager, and it is also necessary to send the empress. But in front of so many concubines, I sent these two off. In other people's hearts, Are you afraid that you will always be a little uncomfortable?

Although there is no special request for seeing off the concubine, but in front of others, there will definitely be some blockages in my heart. [

When Su Lanzhi heard that she had glanced at Concubine Xue Gui, she also had some understanding in her heart.

Speaking of which, Concubine Xue Gui is really beautiful, like the fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, she has always been a person who does not talk much in the palace, but is always loved.

Of course Su Lanzhi knew that Emperor Wen's guilt towards Shangguan was also involved in this, so she also used it on Concubine Xue Gui.Of course, Concubine Xue's own methods are also indispensable.

I have met Concubine Xue several times before, Su Lanzhi and Concubine Xue are in peace, and the two can be regarded as nodding friendship.Now that Concubine Xue Gui suddenly said something that seemed to be a compliment but was not, of course Su Lanzhi understood who she was for.

There was a flash of clarity in her heart, Su Lanzhi also understood at this moment that Concubine Xue Gui, who seemed not to compete for favor and not to eat fireworks in the world, was actually not the same as Shangguan You, and she didn't know what was hidden in her heart ?

This pair of sisters deserves to be real sisters.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and Su Lanzhi looked a little embarrassed, "I went to the palace today to pay New Year's greetings, and the ministers also made some preparations, but the ministers don't know what your ladies like. So I just did it." Some sachets, this gift is too light, and it’s really hard to take it out!" Su Lanzhi had already expected that there would be troubles every time she entered the palace, and Su Lanzhi would be fully prepared every time she entered the palace.

It is naturally the same today, she will never leave any handles for others.

Although these sachets were just common things, she put a lot of good things in them with all her heart, and they were made of high-quality silk. Even if they were given to the concubines present, they would be affordable.

"Hehe, is that so? Then take it out and have a look. It just so happens that everyone is here now, so you won't be troubled by running around." The queen mother really didn't expect Su Lanzhi to be so delicate, even thinking of this .

To be honest, although today was a New Year's greeting for her, the Queen Mother did not expect that everyone would come together so well.If this were normal, Su Lanzhi only needed to honor her and the queen.But after all, they are still there, so it's not easy to show too much favoritism.

"Yes!" She smiled and took out the sachet. Su Lanzhi embroidered it with gold thread, and this gift is not light.The queen mother saw Su Lanzhi's sachets, some embroidered with plum blossoms, some embroidered with peonies, and some embroidered with peach blossoms, there were all kinds of them, and each one exuded a faint fragrance, which made people feel comfortable smelling it .

"The smell of this sachet is exquisite. I don't know how you made it." The queen mother also picked out a few of these scents and smelled them. They were indeed good. They were different from the sachets she usually saw. Surprised.

"Going back to the Empress Dowager, the courtier specially consulted the Imperial Physician Sun and put some 'medicinal' ingredients in it. The effect of each sachet is different!"

"Really? Then tell me, what are they all about?"

"For example, this sachet of plum blossoms. The servant girl used some refreshing medicinal materials and added a little fragrance of plum blossoms. It is easy to feel sleepy in this winter, and the smell is more refreshing."

"Hehe, you are interesting, what about this one?"

"Queen Mother, there are quite a lot of sachets, why don't you let Dr. Sun take a look? If the ministers explain one by one, I'm afraid they won't be able to explain clearly." Giving sachets is a good thing, but Su Lanzhi also has to guard against being caught. People miss it.So many people came today, although Su Lanzhi didn't know who initiated it, but their purpose, Su Lanzhi believed, must be aimed at herself.

So, she still has to be careful.

"That's what you said, let the imperial doctor take a look, and then everyone can choose the one they like. It's just your wish!" Su Lanzhi's meaning was naturally clear to the Queen Mother.Things in the queen's house are also troublesome, and sometimes even if you want to take it off if you get a little bit on it, you can't.The queen mother now also knows that Su Lanzhi has become Qin Zhiyan's concubine, and of course she doesn't want Su Lanzhi to be ashamed and hurt Qin Zhiyan.Immediately, I called Imperial Physician Sun, and Imperial Physician Sun opened the sachets one by one to explain, and what she said was very good. Finally, the queen mother smiled and asked everyone to choose their favorite sachets, and everyone also chose.

It is said that the manpower is short, although the gift from Su Lanzhi is not particularly precious, but it is also thoughtful, and everyone has not picked on Su Lanzhi's gift again.Everyone had smiles on their faces, and finally some concubines with lower grades sat for a while and left, and there were fewer people in the room for a while.

At this moment, Su Lanzhi noticed that those unfamiliar people still didn't leave, but Su Lanzhi accepted the occasional inquiring gaze cast by the other party, and returned a shallow smile to the other party. The look on the other side was a bit weird, and finally the queen mother seemed to remember it, and she hurriedly smiled, "There were so many people just now, Ai's family almost forgot, Miss Su, I'm afraid you haven't seen these two Have you been?" After speaking, he pointed to a man and a woman next to Concubine Xue, the man was quite handsome, but the woman's appearance was slightly inferior.But looking at the woman's whole body bearing is not ordinary, it can be seen that the status of this woman is not low. [

"It's true that I haven't seen it before, but I feel a little familiar." I roughly guessed the identities of the two people in my heart, but Su Lanzhi still pretended not to know, she wanted to see, these two people dared to stand in front of her I came to pay New Year's greetings to the Empress Dowager, and my words just now hinted at my negligence. What kind of intentions did I have?

"It's good to know each other well. These two will be your elder brother and sister-in-law in the future. Although you and Yan'er are not married now, it's good to meet each other and get to know each other, so that you don't know each other in the future." The queen mother also affirmed Su Lanzhi's guess is over, and since the Taihui treats the two of them with an intimate attitude, Su Lanzhi also knows that the Queen Mother likes these two people more than herself.

But think about it, King Qin has sons, one is the eldest son, that is, the Qin Xu in front of him, and the other is the son Qin Zhiyan.The Empress Dowager attaches great importance to the rules, and also pays attention to the eldest son. Qin Xu and Qin Zhiyan, one occupies the elder and the other occupies the empress dowager. Of course, the Empress Dowager likes them both.

"So it's Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin." Knowing the identities of the other party, Su Lanzhi naturally understood more and more about the probing eyes the two cast on her just now.

"Hi Miss Su, I've always heard about Miss Su's name before, and I've been thinking about what kind of person can make my second brother, who has eyes above the top, fall in love with her. It's amazing, so, I understand." Qin Xu smiled at Su Lanzhi, that handsome face was a little feminine, and Su Lanzhi felt a little uncomfortable looking at it.

"Young Master Qin is absurd." Although the other party was praising himself, Su Lanzhi felt uncomfortable.

"How is this absurd praise? I can only say that the second brother is very lucky to be able to marry such a beautiful woman." Su Lanzhi's appearance is indeed rare and beautiful. Qin Xu's praise like this will always give people A feeling that Su Lanzhi is seductive with her beauty. Su Lanzhi looked a little worried when she heard it. Even the queen mother felt that Su Lanzhi was too beautiful and worried about her future relationship with her. Like Princess Qin, she held Qin Zhiyan firmly. In the future, the lineage of King Qin will wither more and more.

Frowning, the more the Queen Mother looked at Su Lanzhi's face, the more unhappy she felt. Seeing the Queen Mother's expression, Qin Xu knew what the Queen Mother was thinking.He knew the empress dowager's taboos. In the empress dowager's eyes, appearance was not the most important thing, the most important thing was virtuousness.

I have been jealous of Qin Zhiyan's good fortune for a long time in my heart. I was able to get married by the imperial decree. Not to mention marrying Su Lanzhi, the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, the other party is still such a fairy-like person. Qin Xu has always been narrow-minded, why? Maybe not jealous?

It has to be said that Qin Xu's words also had an impact on the Queen Mother. Now that the Queen Mother looked at Su Lanzhi, there was naturally a touch of temptation in her words, "The appearance is second, but the bearing is the most important thing. Miss Su, you Say yes?"

"What the empress dowager said is very true. Appearance is just passing by. There will always be a day when it will disappear. The most important thing for a person is the mind and bearing." Su Lanzhi naturally followed the empress dowager's words. Seeing this, the queen mother was satisfied with Su Lanzhi, "It seems that you are also transparent, so the Ai family is relieved." What the queen mother is most worried about is Su Lanzhi Zhihui, like Princess Qin, forbade the King of Qin to take concubines and passed on the incense. Now that Su Lan Zhineng said so, the queen mother was relieved for the time being.

But this is only temporary. After all, the queen mother is still not at ease, and she has decided in her heart to find some caring people for Qin Zhiyan, so that she can serve Qin Zhiyan in the future.

After making up his mind, the queen mother's face finally softened a little. Qin Xu didn't expect the queen mother to let Su Lanzhi go so soon, and he felt a little unwilling in his heart, "Miss Su is so magnanimous, then That's fine, I was still worried that Miss Su would be uncomfortable if my mother chooses some rooms for my second brother in the past few days!"

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