The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 311 reprimand and worry

Although Su Lanzhi didn't know that Qin Xu would deal with her, just looking at Qin Xu like that made Su Lanzhi not in a good mood, "Zhiyan, I'm afraid your big brother will be very troublesome!" Although it seems to be very friendly and polite with them, is this really the case?

"Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you." Qin Zhiyan gave Su Lanzhi a stable look, and the two of them didn't say anything, and went directly to Princess Qin.Sure enough, Princess Qin enthusiastically left them to eat together, and Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi agreed without taking off their clothes.

It is common to treat guests to dinner during the festivals, and the two mansions can be regarded as in-laws now. Princess Qin's reception was very good. Several people ate in the hall. Almost all the people from Prince Qin's mansion came. King Qin, who is usually very busy, also rushed back and had dinner with Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan.

Everyone sat down in order of priority, and what was rare was that Shangguanyou was here today, but compared to what Su Lanzhi had seen before, Shangguanyou was much more haggard recently.Hearing that Shangguan You took care of Princess Qin personally these days, Su Lanzhi kept muttering in her heart. Seeing that Shangguan You looked much thinner now, and his spirit seemed to be a little weak, he already looked like this Beautiful and moving, weak appearance, now haggard, it is even more pitiful.

Sighing in her heart, Su Lanzhi looked at Shangguanyou like this, even if she was muttering in her heart, she had to believe and admire Shangguanyou's devotion to Princess Qin.No, as soon as she came, Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei hurriedly asked her to sit down, "Why is my sister here? Didn't I say that you are not feeling well, so you can rest?" Shangguanyou's health is not good. Yes, this is not a secret in Prince Qin's mansion, especially when Princess Qin was ill a few days ago, Shangguan You took care of Princess Qin with all her heart, and even tried the "medicine" with her own mouth, which really touched many people. Today, King Qin It can be said that Princess Qin treated Shangguan You with more and more importance and guilt. [

"Sister, worry too much. My body is just like that. I'm not so delicate. Mrs. Su and Ms. Su rarely come here today. We will all be in-laws in the future. Why don't I come to see you?" Concubine Qin asked After taking the salute, in front of Princess Qin, Shangguanyou's etiquette could not be faulted at all.There was always a respectful smile on that delicate and beautiful face, she was a perfect example of a side concubine.

"Okay, sit down quickly, I told you to take a good rest, you still come, it's really..." Seeing that Shangguan You came, Princess Qin was also happy, she pulled him to sit down with a smile, Shangguan You After being polite, he sat down, greeted everyone with a smile, and looked at Su Lanzhi with kindness, "Hehe, this is Miss Su, right? I didn't look carefully before, but now I look, It’s a perfect match for King Wu Cheng. I don’t have anything for you, and it’s rare to see it today, so let’s take this bracelet as a gift from me!” After speaking, he smiled and took the jadeite bracelet from his hand When it came down, the emerald was very gorgeous, crystal clear, and it looked very gratifying.

"Side concubine, this is too precious." Tactfully refusing, with such kindness towards Shangguanyou, of course Su Lanzhi would not take it for granted.

"Hehe, we will be a family in the future. My sister Wangfei also gave me this bracelet, so I borrowed flowers to present Buddha. Don't be too polite, Miss Su." She handed it to Su Lanzhi with a smile on her face. Su Lanzhi saw Shangguan worried In that case, it was not easy to refuse, so he accepted it. Shangguanyou smiled with satisfaction, and praised Su Lanzhi unambiguously, "My sister is so lucky, Miss Su looks very good, Moreover, he is knowledgeable and reasonable, and he and King Wucheng will definitely be a happy couple in the future. King Wucheng is more blessed than Xu'er!"

The words were full of praise, without the slightest hint of jealousy. In the eyes of others, Shangguan You was happy for Princess Qin. After listening to Princess Qin, she felt at ease, "Yan'er has never been sure about this child, but now he is sure about it." Now that I'm down, I'm relieved. Now I'm waiting to hold my grandchildren, and while I'm young, I can take care of them for a few more years!" When Qin Wangfei said this, she was also in a happy mood.Qin Zhiyan's heart is firm, and no one can influence him. Now that Qin Zhiyan is indeed a little older, how can Princess Qin not be in a hurry?

"Hehe, Sister Wangfei is a lucky person. Miss Su is a good child at first glance, and she will definitely have many children in the future. Sister Wangfei, don't be too noisy!" Shangguanyou echoed Qin Wangfei However, Su Lanzhi's body is thin and weak, and in everyone's opinion, she is not easy to give birth to.It's just that people don't say these words, after all, everyone loves to hear good things, right?

"I hope, but Xu'er is the eldest son, and the burden on her body is not small. Xu'er, Lan'er, you have to work harder." Looking at Qin Xu and Li Ruolan with a smile, Princess Qin has always She is a generous and straightforward person, and she really owes Shangguan you in her heart, so she usually takes good care of Qin Xu and Li Ruolan.

"This child, don't worry!" When he said this, a strange "color" flashed across Shangguanyou's face, but everyone didn't see it.

"That's right, the two of you just got married not long ago, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry." Princess Qin was also worried that she was putting pressure on the two young people, so she ordered the dishes to be served without saying anything.

Wealthy families have always paid attention to eating and sleeping without talking, and the Qin Palace is naturally the same. This meal was eaten quietly, and everyone was well-educated. They didn't hear the sound of the meal. , Qin Wang ordered the table to be removed, and several people began to talk.


"Sister, my concubine saw that Miss Su and Mrs. Su didn't eat much just now, do you want someone to prepare some snacks?" Shangguanyou seemed to be a qualified host, and he knew his identity very well. The face of the princess is very respectful.

"I noticed when you said that, Mrs. Su, Lan'er, is this dish not to your liking?" Princess Qin was really worried that Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi would not eat well.

"Princess, this dish is very good, we like it very much." They ate less because they also ate some snacks on the way, and Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi are not particularly big appetites. They ate very little, even just now, they ate a lot.

"It's fine if you like it. I saw that you ate less just now, and I was a little worried."

"We don't eat much on weekdays, so don't worry too much, Princess."

"Hehe, Mrs. Su and Ms. Su, please don't be restrained. It's freezing cold today. Eat more to keep you warm. And this person, eat more, so that you will have strength, just like me, I always have no appetite for meals on weekdays, and my body is always not well, which makes people worry." Shangguan worried about himself, his eyes were a little sad, Qin Wangfei saw it, and hurriedly comforted, "Sister, don't think too much, this You need to take good care of your body, but you don't need to worry too much about your younger sister's body."

"Now, that's the only way to go. Miss Su, you must not learn from me!" Smiling, Shangguan You's words, which seemed to be intentional, were actually sending a message to Princess Qin.That is, Su Lanzhi has a bad appetite, and I'm afraid her body is not very good, and Su Lanzhi is already relatively thin. Although Su Lanzhi has recovered a little over the years, she still has a weak foundation.Such a body is actually very disadvantageous.

"Don't worry, side concubine, I'll save it." Smiling, Su Lanzhi agreed, and she also understood that Shangguanyou was indeed on a higher level than Qin Xu and Li Ruolan.Look at this method of sowing discord, it is not obvious, but it can also give people eye drops, it is really not easy. [

If she hadn't been on guard against Shangguanyou for a long time, maybe she just thought that the other party was doing it for her right now?

"Hehe, look at me, I always like to judge others by myself, Ms. Su, don't be fooled. Ms. Su is still young, how can I be like this?" Smiling, Shangguanyou seemed to be very sorry for his body, After finishing speaking, she coughed and coughed, her body turned pale again, and Princess Qin couldn't bear to look at her, "Look at you, you have been tired for so long, your body is already weak, didn't the imperial doctor tell you to take a good rest? It's all over now, but it's serious again, you should hurry back and rest!"

"Sister Wangfei loves you, it's a concubine's blessing, but the guests are still here, and my body is so useless, it's okay, sister Wangfei, at worst, I won't talk, I'll just listen to you." Then after leaving, Shangguanyou didn't have much contact with Su Lanzhi, but after meeting him a few times, Shangguanyou knew that Su Lanzhi was not easy.Now that Su Lanzhi is going to marry in, Shangguanyou naturally wants to "find out" the situation, so as to avoid trouble in the future.

Although this girl is not very old, she was able to survive for so many years when her mother didn't care about her affairs, and she had such a magnanimity. Later, she even cleaned up all the aunts in the Xiangfu. How could she be a simple master?

It seems that this time, Qin Zhiyan really found a good helper!

As early as after the marriage was bestowed by Emperor Wen, Shangguan You had asked Su Lanzhi to be investigated, and now he had a general understanding of Su Lanzhi's affairs.It's just that Shangguanyou didn't have many opportunities to get in touch with Su Lanzhi, so he had to hurry up now.

Seeing that Shangguan You insisted on staying, Princess Qin had no other choice, and her tone was a little helpless, "You, it's always like this, well, I won't force you anymore, you should drink some hot tea first, so that your voice will It's also more comfortable."

"Thank you, Sister Wangfei." She accepted it with a smile, and Shangguan You really didn't speak anymore. When Qin Wangfei and the others were talking, she listened quietly and never interjected again. The sense of existence has been reduced a lot, and people almost forget her existence.


However, although Shangguanyou has been very quiet all the time, Su Lanzhi has a feeling that there is a gaze flowing over her body. When Su Lanzhi followed that gaze, she didn't see it again.Su Lanzhi felt uncomfortable in her heart, so she couldn't help but glance at Shangguanyou. Seeing this, Shangguanyou nodded friendlyly at Su Lanzhi, which was a response, and then they all sat down in a well-behaved manner. I have to say that Shangguanyou's upbringing is excellent, and he doesn't talk much, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Su Lanzhi was confident in dealing with Qin Xu and Li Ruolan. After all, those two were young and energetic, and it was hard to guarantee that they could not suppress their ambitions in their hearts. Su Lanzhi was also relatively easy to control.

But this Shangguan worry...

If such a person is really an enemy, I'm afraid it will be bad for the other party!

Su Lanzhi thought about it, and couldn't help but give Qin Zhiyan a look of resentment. She had suffered such serious injuries in her previous life, and she had no hope for her marriage. She just hoped that her marriage would be peaceful and stable.But she happened to meet such a person who made her give up her original intention, and she was doomed to be unstable in the future.


"Miss Su and the second brother are still living like glue, and people are so envious when they look at it!" Li Ruolan has always paid attention to Su Lanzhi, and seeing Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan communicating now, she didn't After thinking about it, I opened my mouth.

After all, she was jealous of Su Lanzhi.With the same status, Su Lanzhi can marry such a good man as Qin Zhiyan. He is the object of love for all the women in the capital. Even she, why didn't she think that if she could marry Qin Zhiyan? How wonderful it would be for a wife!

But why, why did that man never take a second look at himself?

Now that Li Ruolan is married to Qin Xu, although she is appointed, how can she be reconciled in her heart?

As soon as she said this, everyone immediately became quiet. Several people looked at Li Ruolan, then at Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan, and the atmosphere suddenly became subtle. Somewhat displeased, she finally couldn't help but say, "Lan'er, what are you talking about?" His tone was more accusatory, Shangguanyou didn't want what Li Ruolan said to offend people and destroy the image she had worked so hard to build.

"Mother, I'm just a little envious. Ms. Su and my second brother are really harmonious and beautiful." Li Ruolan looked at the warning Shangguan You gave her, and now she came to her senses and noticed what she said, and hurried Explain, I don't want to ruin her image just because of a slip of the tongue.

What's wrong with her?How can you be jealous?Sooner or later, Princess Qin's position will be hers, why should she be jealous? [

"Sister, Ruo'er has a real heart, sometimes he is a little blunt, and he doesn't pay much attention to what he says. Don't blame my sister, Mrs. Su, Miss Su, don't blame you either!" He smiled and apologized to several people, Shangguan worried Hurry up to pull Li Ruolan to make amends. Although Li Ruolan is not reconciled, she can only make amends obediently, "Mother Concubine, it was Lan'er's indiscriminate words just now, and I hope Mother Concubine forgives her sins." Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhi Although Yan is engaged, they haven't married yet. If the two get too close, it will naturally be bad for their reputation. Li Ruolan is very clear about this, she did it on purpose just now.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would be the one who apologized in the end.

"Hehe, it's okay. Your child is always like this, frizzy and irritable. Now that you are married, you have to change." After all, it is hard for Princess Qin to say whether she is a bride.This Li Ruolan is the legitimate daughter of the family, so of course she is spoiled, Princess Qin knows this.Qin Xu's ability to marry Li Ruolan is considered a bit high, and Princess Qin will be more tolerant of Li Ruolan.

"Yes, concubine mother!" After all, Li Ruolan can't compare to Shangguan's forbearance, nor can she compare to Qin Xu's many years of lurking. She is a new wife, and she is married. Naturally, she wants to seek benefits for herself earlier.Therefore, sometimes, it is inevitable that it will appear a little impatient.

"Sister, I'm suddenly tired, and I want to go back and rest." Seeing that Li Ruolan got into trouble, Shangguanyou made the excuse that he was not feeling well, so he wanted to leave. Princess Qin couldn't stay longer when she saw her, "Then you should go early Go back and rest, your body needs to be tight."

"Yes, Ruo'er, send me back!" She didn't want Li Ruolan to continue causing trouble, Shangguan worried that this was an excuse to take Li Ruolan away, Li Ruolan was unwilling, but the other party was her mother-in-law, she had no choice but to support her Shangguan worry left.

"Madam Su, Lan'er, Ruo'er didn't have bad intentions just now, don't blame me." Li Ruolan's words were too abrupt just now, Princess Qin was a little embarrassed, for fear that Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan would feel offended comfortable.

"It's okay, Princess, Madam Qin was just talking too fast just now, we know she has no bad intentions." It won't affect their relationship just because of Li Ruolan, Murong Yan's ruler is very accurate, This matter was easily uncovered.

It's just that Li Ruolan's side is very difficult.

As soon as Shangguanyou left, he returned to his room and ordered everyone around him out, then he looked at Li Ruolan with a bad expression, and said in a reproachful tone, "What did you want to do just now? I usually warn you Yours, have you forgotten?"

"Mother, I haven't forgotten, it's just that I couldn't see it for a while just now. You didn't see that Su Lanzhi and the second brother flirting. Does this look like a lady?" In Li Ruolan's view, Su Lan Zhi has no advantages other than being good-looking, so she always felt that Su Lanzhi used her beauty to seduce Qin Zhiyan, so she naturally disdained Su Lanzhi.

"Even if they flirt, that's their business. Do you need to remind me? This marriage was granted by imperial decree, and the princess is also satisfied. Doesn't it make people think that you are dissatisfied with her? What will the princess do then? Look at you, what do you think of us?" Shangguan You looked at Li Ruolan with disappointment in his eyes.

Originally, he didn't want to wrong Qin Xu, Shangguanyou finally found a daughter-in-law with high status relying on his natal relationship, but this daughter-in-law seems to be a no-brainer, how can Shangguanyou not be angry?

Marrying a wife and a virtuous man, even if it can't help Xu'er, can't it be a hindrance?

Besides, it's been a while since this daughter-in-law got married, and her stomach hasn't moved yet. Seeing that Su Lanzhi is about to enter the door, how can Shangguanyou not be in a hurry?

"Mother, I just said one more thing. Who made this Su Lanzhi behave improperly? Doesn't this just let the concubine mother see that she is misbehaving?" In Li Ruolan's view, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have always been together. It's all wrong, and Princess Qin must have a lot of expectations for Qin Zhiyan with a son like Qin Zhiyan, and she will naturally be very picky about Qin Zhiyan's wife.

Although Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan are engaged now, they are not married after all. The blatant eye contact just now was a very dishonest behavior! (By the way, where did you see the flirtatious look? You think so much.)

"You still said, what did I tell you when you entered the door? And how did you do it? Are you trying to piss me off?" Although Li Ruolan is a little clever, but after all, the family is a bit spoiled, and she can't compare to Shangguanyou. Like a deep scheming, and a bit jealous.Shangguanyou knew that this was because Li Ruolan was unwilling to marry a concubine, so everything was good, and Shangguanyou would satisfy Li Ruolan on weekdays, and he also made a promise to let Li Ruolan wait with peace of mind, but this Li Ruolan was too I can't hold my breath anymore.

"Mother..." Feeling aggrieved, Li Ruolan looked at Shangguanyou, but actually looked down on her in her heart.

What kind of man does she want to marry for a good daughter-in-law of the town public to be the head of the house?In Li Ruolan's view, it's self-willing to be degrading to others?

"I just said something casually, is it that serious?" After all, it is her mother-in-law, and she will need Shangguanyou's help in the future. Li Ruolan also remembers the family's explanation before she got married, so of course she dare not go against Shangguanyou.

"Say something casually, do you know that sometimes just a casual sentence will tell others your position and make others suspicious of you? I am not suitable for the palace these years, and now I finally have such a position. Aren't you adding 'mess' to me?" Looking at Li Ruolan's appearance, Shangguanyou really had a headache.

My son was quite calm before, why did he become a little frizzy after marrying a wife?

Thinking of Qin Xu's recent actions, Shangguanyou felt that some things were out of his control, and it was time for her to grasp them firmly.

Wait a little longer, she will get what she wants immediately, and she can't let anyone hold her back.

"Mother, I..." Li Ruolan was very disdainful of Shangguanyou's forbearing attitude, especially seeing Shangguanyou's flattery and respect for Princess Qin, Li Ruolan felt that they were inferior to others, her self-esteem Will not allow it!

She is the first-rank official's daughter-in-law, and she has been courted by others since she was a child. Now it is enough to be wronged to marry a concubine, and there is also a self-willed and depraved mother-in-law who always preaches to her. How can she feel better? ?

"Okay, from now on, you can talk as little as you can outside, don't always cause trouble for us. Also, don't always push Xu'er to make him lose his cool!" Qin Xu was carefully cultivated by Shangguanyou. She relied on her son to stand up all her life, so she has been very strict with Qin Xu since she was a child, and she has always instilled hatred in Qin Xu, in order to let Qin Xu stand by her side and defeat those people in the future go!

"Mother, I got it." Curling her lips, Li Ruolan reluctantly agreed, but this is a typical violation of yin and yang, and Li Ruolan would not really listen to Shangguanyou's words.

She also has her own plans, now she is married, but she doesn't want to be the wife of a concubine all the time, now that King Qin is in his prime, it is impossible for her to become Princess Qin, but she must be On to the prince of Qin!She didn't want her child to bear the name of a concubine when it was born, it would be a stain on her life.

"It's good that you know, Xu'er is also busy on weekdays, so don't pester him with nothing. Also, if he wants to do anything, you have to come and tell me, you know?" Shangguanyou has a feeling recently, as if Qin Xu has been doing things without telling her recently, this feeling made Shangguan worry very unhappy, and also felt a little uneasy.

"Yes, mother." Absently agreed, Li Ruolan was thinking about something else.

She wanted to get the position of Prince Qin's concubine as soon as possible, otherwise she would be laughed at all the time, which would be bad.

"Is Xu'er very busy recently? Why doesn't he go back home recently?" Seeing Li Ruolan like this, Shangguanyou knew that the other party didn't take his words to heart, but she would let the other party be obedient. in a hurry.

"I don't know what my husband is busy with every day. He came back very late, and I didn't have time to ask." Li Ruolan would not tell Shangguanyou that they wanted Su Lanzhi from each other. Li Ruolan was still a little hesitant.But seeing Shangguanyou's attitude towards Princess Qin today, Li Ruolan made up her mind not to tell Shangguanyou.

Shangguan was so worried, she couldn't bear it, she didn't want to be looked down upon all the time.You must know that Qin Xu is powerful now, and has nothing, except for the eldest son of King Qin, what else is there?Compared with Qin Zhiyan, he is also the son of King Qin, so the difference is too much, right?

"Really? Is there something wrong with him recently?" After all, mother and child are connected, Qin Xu has something wrong recently, how could Su Lanzhi not know?

"Is there? I don't know..." Pretending to be confused on purpose, Shangguan You is a smart person, how could he not know, "Madam Su and the others will leave in a while, please ask Xu'er to come over, I have something to say to him. "She still has to figure out some things. After all, the two children are not very old, and this patience may not be enough.


"Okay, it's okay, you can go back!" It seemed that he was a little tired, and Shangguan You didn't want to tell Li Ruolan any more, Li Ruolan couldn't wait, so he left in a hurry.

"Ma'am, this young lady, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake!" Seeing Li Ruolan leaving, Wang Momo expressed her worry.

"Why don't I know? It's just that I don't want to wrong Xu'er. Her father is a first-rank official and has a lot of prestige in the court. Moreover, she is also her mother's niece. She will also be a help to Xu'er in the future. But I didn't expect that , She actually has such a "temper", if I had known this earlier, I should have read more." Shangguan You regretted it now, but Qin Xu's status is embarrassing, even if he is the eldest son of King Qin, it is a good thing. How could someone's prostitute be willing to marry Qin Xu?

You must know that Princess Qin's identity is extraordinary, Qin Zhiyan herself is also extremely outstanding, and what happened to her back then has long been the laughing stock of everyone. How could a family with a little background be willing to marry her?

"In the final analysis, I missed Xu'er!" It's not that Shangguanyou didn't think about finding another good marriage for Qin Xu, but how could those daughters of famous families let their daughters be concubine wives?Shangguanyou also chose for a long time, until Qin Xu got old and couldn't afford to delay, so he had to choose Li Ruolan, otherwise, how could Shangguanyou be willing to wrong Qin Xu?

"Ma'am, don't think too much. After all, the young lady is younger, and she is also an only daughter at home, so she is inevitably a bit arrogant. Madam is good at teaching, and the young lady will be fine, and she can understand the painstaking efforts of the lady." She has been following Shangguanyou all the time. The suffering and grievances Shangguanyou has suffered these years are naturally seen by Wang Momo. Of course, she hopes that Shangguanyou can get what she wants.

These things belonged to them in the first place, and it was taken away by that person, so it is not an exaggeration for them to come back!

"Nurse, you will serve Ruo'er tomorrow, and help me watch!" Shangguan You didn't want a Li Ruolan to ruin her business. She had endured it for so many years, so naturally she would not let anyone destroyed by people.

"Ma'am, this old slave understands. Don't worry, Ma'am. This old slave will help Madam look after the young lady and educate the young lady well." Wang Momo has been with Shangguanyou for a long time, and Shangguanyou's thoughts, she naturally It is also understandable.

"With you here, I can feel more at ease, and Xu'er, you can also help me watch. I always feel that something is wrong with Xu'er recently, and I don't know if she was provoked by Ruo'er." Qin Xu used to listen to Shangguanyou's words quite well, but since marrying Li Ruolan, I don't know if it's because Li Ruolan's pillow blows a lot or something, Qin Xu has always been doing things lately without telling Shangguanyou.

Shangguan You got such a son, this son is her future support, how could she let Qin Xu have the slightest surprise?

"This old slave understands, madam, don't worry too much, the eldest young master is filial, and won't embarrass madam." After so many years, Wang Momo and the others are about to succeed. At this time, of course, it is not allowed anything wrong.

"This child has been suppressed for a long time since he was a child. I understand the pain in his heart, and I know that he is not reconciled. He is also my own son. How can I be willing to let him be wronged?"

"That's right, Miss, who is a daughter of gold, should have gotten the best. If they hadn't been bullying too much, how could we be like this now?"

"Indeed, that's why this account. I don't want to let it go so easily. I will get back the humiliation they gave me bit by bit!" Speaking of this, Shangguan You's weak face There was a sinister "color" across his face, and the whole face gave people a gloomy feeling, which was really scary.

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