The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 316 Find the Difference

At this moment, Su Lanzhi once again foresees Qin Yan. Although she can control her emotions, it does not mean that Su Lanzhi is very happy to see Qin Yan. Girl, I don't know what it means." The court lady didn't know where she went, but Su Lanzhi was really surprised that Qin Yan had someone with the queen mother.

In his previous life, he only knew that Qin Yan was thoughtful and cruel, but seeing him today, he really deserved his reputation.

It seems that every corner of this palace probably has his people, right?I just don't know if there are his people in my mansion. Although he has firmly grasped Lanyue Pavilion in the past two years, she has also cleaned up Murong Yan's Yanyun Pavilion. What I watch all the time is that I don't want to be fished in troubled waters.But now it seems that these are not enough.

The person in front of him is never someone who can be underestimated.

"Miss Su, I just want to talk to you, but I haven't been able to see Miss Su, so that's why I made such a bad plan. Don't blame Miss Su." A little smile appeared on the cold face, but like this Seeing this, Su Lanzhi frowned, "If Lord Yan has anything to say, just say it, why bother?"

"Hehe, Ms. Su has lived in seclusion recently, and I can't see him even if I want to. Moreover, Ms. Su seems to always avoid me. This king has no choice but to ask Ms. Su not to be fussy."

"Lord Yan, the little girl is now the fiancee of King Wu Cheng. Is it inappropriate for us to be together alone? It's not good to spread the word, Lord Yan, do you think so?"

"Of course, the king doesn't mind. I believe that Miss Su should understand what the king wants, so Miss Su, please cooperate, please." Qin Yan made a gesture of invitation. Although it was an invitation, Qin Yan had this attitude. It looked very tough, which made Su Lanzhi very uncomfortable.

"If Lord Yan has something to say, just speak up."

"Miss Su, the scenery here is nice. Let's talk while walking. Miss Su can't always avoid me like this." Refusing to back down in the slightest, Qin Yan has always been a thoughtful person who is not overjoyed. Man, since he has the courage to bring Su Lanzhi here this time, he must have a plan.

Su Lanzhi knew Qin Yan more or less, and Su Lanzhi also knew the other party's thoughts, so she didn't repeat herself now, "Lord Yan, don't forget, you are still just a prince now, you Wouldn't Lord Yan be worried if the emperor found out about doing such a thing in the palace openly?"

"I believe that Miss Su attaches great importance to her own reputation and won't say anything. What do you think, Miss Su?" This matter is Su Lanzhi's disadvantage anyway. If Su Lanzhi really dares to say it, Qin Yan can guarantee that Su Lanzhi will never marry Qin Zhiyan again.At that time, as long as he uses some means, Su Lanzhi will not be his prey anymore?

"Lord Yan is indeed a good planner. Tell me, what does Lord Yan want a little girl to do?" A hint of sarcasm crossed the corner of her mouth, and Su Lanzhi realized that Qin Yan was extremely thick-skinned, and he didn't fulfill his vows. Don't give up.But now she is also angry, how could she be led by the nose by the other party?

The two were deadlocked here. Qin Yan saw that Su Lanzhi was not panicked at all, with a calm expression on his face, and even a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth. Qin Yan immediately felt uncomfortable, "Miss Su must talk here. Is it?" I thought that enjoying the scenery and chatting with Su Lanzhi all the way would make the atmosphere more harmonious, but I didn't expect that Su Lanzhi didn't seem to think so.

Seeing Su Lanzhi's persistence, Qin Yan wisely gave up his original plan.

"Lord Yan, please speak quickly if you have something to say. After all, the little girl was called by the queen mother. If someone finds out, it will be bad."

"So, can Ms. Su take a step to speak?" Qin Yan took a step to avoid Yunzhu.However, Su Lanzhi was always on guard against Qin Yan, and naturally she was unwilling, "Yunzhu is the little girl's maid, so she can be trusted naturally, Lord Yan can speak up if he has something to say, the little girl has other things to do." Attitude It has always been very clear that Su Lanzhi just does not want to have any bad rumors with Qin Yan, so as not to embarrass Qin Zhiyan in the future, let alone being criticized.

"Does Miss Su have any misunderstandings about this king? Why does Miss Su seem to be defensive every time she sees this king?" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Qin Yan has already put on a friendly face. It's a gesture, but Su Lanzhi is ungrateful.

"Lord Yan is worrying too much. Lord Yan invited the little girl like this, which really made the little girl feel a little uneasy." Su Lanzhi looked at Qin Yan's rare good face, and smiled at him Smile, but the smile doesn't reach the bottom of the eyes, there is even a trace of helplessness, it can be seen that Su Lanzhi has gradually lost patience at this moment.

"Miss Su is worrying too much." With a smile, Qin Yan really didn't expect Su Lanzhi to say that, now she got closer to Su Lanzhi for a while, and wanted to whisper something, but Su Lanzhi was sensitive avoided.Qin Yan's eyes quickly flashed a little bit of displeasure, but he hid it well, "I heard that Miss Su and King Wu Cheng are engaged, and I haven't had time to congratulate Miss Su!" When Qin Yan became obviously unhappy, he was determined to win Su Lanzhi, but now he could only watch Su Lanzhi marry Qin Zhiyan.How could he give up so easily?

"Thank you." Knowing Qin Yan's reluctance, but what does it matter to her?Su Lanzhi has never thought of having anything to do with Qin Yan in this life, and now it's too late to avoid it, so why would she do other things?

"My king heard that it was King Wu Cheng who personally asked his father for his will. Miss Su is really happy! Why didn't this king know that Miss Su and King Wu Cheng are actually a couple?" Fang, I thought that Su Lanzhi would not be settled so soon. Qin Yan was ready to ask for the order, but he never wanted to be swayed by Qin Zhiyan and missed this opportunity. How about Qin Yan? willing?

"Lord Yan's words are exaggerated. The little girl always abides by etiquette. If Lord Yan is like this, why does he put the little girl?"

"Hehe, it's my king's gift, don't blame Miss Su."

"Is this what Lord Yan wants to talk to the little girl about? If there is nothing, please forgive me." Su Lanzhi didn't want to continue practicing Tai Chi here with Qin Yan, Su Lanzhi just wanted to leave now.

"Hehe, I almost forgot, the king came here today to say congratulations, but after the second visit, I naturally wanted to ask Miss Su something."

"Lord Yan, please ask, the little girl will know if she knows."

"Miss Su is straightforward, but Miss Su, I have something to ask, this time you and King Wu Cheng are married, has Miss Su thought of other ways out?"

"What does Lord Flame mean?"

"Miss Su, you should know that this king has always been sincere to you. It's just that this king missed this opportunity. I don't know if Miss Su is willing to give this king another chance." With the "color" of tenderness, Qin Yan really looks like an infatuated person.In the previous life, Su Lanzhi was fascinated by the other party's occasional tenderness, and loved the other party completely regardless, but in this life, Su Lanzhi will no longer be so stupid.

"Lord Yan, please be respectful. The little girl is now the fiancee of King Wu Cheng. Don't say such words again, or the little girl will really lose face." A little bit of shame and anger crossed her face. Su Lanzhi backed away a few steps, as if this would make Qin Zhiyan farther away. Seeing this, Qin Zhiyan had a look of coldness on his face, but in the end he still refused to give up, "Miss Su, you But are you sure?"

"Young Lord Yan should stop saying such things. The little girl and King Wucheng were married by imperial decree. Doesn't Lord Yan doubt the emperor's wisdom? The little girl will never resist the decree!" Su Lanzhi knew that Qin Yan was a man. At this moment, when it comes to Emperor Wen, Su Lanzhi also wants to give Qin Yan a reminder and warning, so that the other party will be afraid.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Miss Su to be really eloquent!" Qin Yan's face darkened, knowing that he had told Su Lanzhi well today that Su Lanzhi would not accept it, so he stopped talking nonsense. "But since Ms. Su rejected me, I'm really sad." Putting on an injured look, Qin Yan was trying to find a way for himself to step down. Seeing this, Su Lanzhi said, " Lord Yan is among the dragons and phoenixes, so he will naturally meet a better woman in the future, and the little girl will not be blessed." She could not bear this kind of blessing.

"Miss Su is modest, that's all, since Miss Su refuses to accept this king, and this king is not a person who can be difficult for others, let's just leave it at that. Today, Miss Lao Su came to visit." It seems to be able to see Su Lanzhi's attitude Resolute, Qin Yan didn't make things difficult anymore, and sent Su Lanzhi away with a smile. Su Lanzhi refused the other party's escort, and went directly to the Empress Dowager's Compassionate Ninggong, so as not to be asked by others, would she I have doubts.


The queen mother was naturally happy to see Su Lanzhi, and the smile on her face grew a little bit, "Why are you here, kid?"

"Lan'er misses the Queen Mother, so I came here to see the Queen Mother." In fact, the Royal Garden is also fighting openly and secretly, and Su Lanzhi doesn't like it, so it's good to come to the Queen Mother.

"You child, your mouth is sweet, and it's very comfortable for Aijia to listen to. Okay, come and sit, Aijia happens to be fine, so you can talk to Aijia!"

"Yes, empress dowager." Smiling, she sat down and talked with the queen mother, and Su Lanzhi didn't care about the right and wrong over there. When she entered the palace today, Su Lanzhi knew that she would definitely be in trouble. So, Su Lanzhi was really unhappy.

This Qin Yan really lingers, who does he think he is?Do you think you are still as stupid as in your previous life?Still be fascinated by him?

In her heart, she has some foundations for Qin Yan's behavior today, and Su Lanzhi knows that Qin Yan has never been a person who gives up easily.In the previous life, Qin Yan did many things in order to make himself fall in love with the other party.Just now I rejected her so shamelessly, from this point of view, Qin Yan might still make some moves.

With vigilance in her heart, Su Lanzhi even signaled Yunzhu to follow her closely, and she was not allowed to leave even a single step. After chatting with the Queen Mother for a long time, Su Lanzhi thought that it was not good for her not to go all the time. In the end, the Queen Mother was also a little tired, so she went Let Su Lanzhi go to the Royal Garden first.

When Su Lanzhi was walking halfway, she saw a court lady who looked familiar, "Miss Su, Concubine Luan is here to invite you."

"Concubine Luan, can you tell me what it is?" Ever since Concubine Luan was pregnant, she has been very kind to herself, and many people have envied and hated Su Lanzhi in various ways. It seems that Su Lanzhi has done something to curry favor with Concubine Luan The same thing made Su Lanzhi feel uncomfortable.

She never wanted to have anything to do with the people in the harem, so no matter which concubine she was with, she only had superficial friendship, in order not to participate in the battle in the harem and be regarded as a target.

Her approach has always kept her in a relatively peaceful state.I don't have much conflict with anyone, so these days are considered peaceful.It's just that Concubine Luan's behavior really deviates from her original idea. Su Lanzhi's closeness to Concubine Luan can naturally be avoided as much as possible. [

"Miss Su, I saw Miss Su from a distance just now, and I want Miss Su to go over and talk, Miss Su, go over there!" One should be wary of Concubine Luan's status.I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at the "persecution" of Concubine Luan, but I could only follow the maid, "Then I will trouble you to lead the way!"

"Miss Su, please come here with your servants. Concubine Luan has been waiting for a long time!" Taking Su Lanzhi over there, Su Lanzhi watched Concubine Luan lazily sitting there with a very comfortable expression, but Su Lanzhi When Lan Zhi saw the sachet in the opponent's hand, her eyes could not help but change.

"Concubine Luan is auspicious!"

"Miss Su, please get up!" She signaled Su Lanzhi to get up with a smile. Concubine Luan looked at Su Lanzhi with a friendly expression on her face, but Su Lanzhi didn't think so.

"Concubine Luan is looking for a courtier, but what's the matter?"

"Hehe, it's nothing. The Japanese concubine just felt a little bored these few days, so she took the sachet given by Miss Su and wore it. It's just that this morning, my concubine discovered a strange thing, so I wanted to find it." Miss Su asked what's going on." Although Concubine Luan was smiling, why did her eyes make people feel very uneasy?

"If Concubine Luan has any questions, just ask, and the servants should try their best to answer." Concubine Luan's battle might be to settle accounts with her, so Su Lanzhi just waited.

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