Su Lanzhi wanted to just focus on the clothes of the four seasons, not to mention that Shangguanyou found it hard to believe, even Princess Qin was a little surprised when she heard Shangguanyou's words, "Lan'er, she really said that?" This child, Why did you choose such a thing?Although managing clothes for the four seasons is not a tiring job, it is also cumbersome. There is nothing to say, and there is no access to any important things. What does this child think?

"Sister Wangfei, the Second Madam did say so. I also feel that it is inappropriate for the Second Madam to do so, so I dare not just accept it casually. I deliberately report back and forth to Sister Wangfei. Everything has to be decided by Sister Wangfei." Shangguan Worry would never do that fool's thing. She would never do such an obvious thing that would be criticized by herself, and she would let others do it.

"Since Lan'er chose this matter, let's just leave it at that. After all, she just got married and doesn't understand anything. You can just mention it later. As for the other things, after she gets acquainted with the palace It's not too late to learn things little by little." After thinking about it, Princess Qin didn't know what Su Lanzhi was going to do, but she couldn't refute Su Lanzhi's opinion, and now it's the only way up.

"Sister Wangfei, is this really okay? The second lady is Princess Wucheng, and she was born in a prime minister's house. In the future, many things will be decided by the second lady herself. Will the clothes of the four seasons be too condescending?" Although this It's what I want to see, but Shangguanyou should persuade him, he still wants to persuade him.

"This child may have her own ideas, and she may not necessarily want to get to know the palace first. Since she said so, let her take care of the clothes of the four seasons. When she is done well, she can go further. At that time Just don't be stingy and teach her more." I have an idea in my heart, Princess Qin will definitely go to ask, but in front of Shangguan You, Princess Qin will not directly sweep Su Lanzhi's face. [

"Yes, Sister Wangfei." The matter was settled like this. Although Shangguanyou felt strange and puzzled, it could only be like this now.

Anyway, the palace is now under her control, and she is not afraid that Su Lanzhi will make something wrong, and she will just let people stare at him.

"Well, you are also tired today, go back and have a good rest, and tidy up the clothes for the four seasons, so that Lan'er will not be too busy when she takes over." Princess Qin's health is not good now The imperial physician suggested that Princess Qin should work less and rest more. King Qin loves Princess Qin, and of course he didn’t want Princess Qin to lose her health because of these trivial matters, so Princess Qin handed over all the matters to Shangguan You, but Just ask about big things.

"Yes, sister Wangfei, then sister Wangfei is good to rest, and the concubine will not bother you anymore." Seeing Princess Qin's tired face, Shangguan You saluted and left, leaving Princess Qin sitting there wrinkled Frowning, I really don't know why Su Lanzhi did this.

Seeing Princess Qin's worried look, Mammy Wei was also a little worried that Su Lanzhi was too young to hold on to the scene, "Princess, do you want the second lady to come over and ask what's going on?" Mammy Wei I was worried that Shangguanyou deliberately suppressed Su Lanzhi. In the end, Su Lanzhi was afraid of making a joke, so she chose to manage Four Seasons Clothes. Not to mention having no control.

If you are a person who wants to be a housekeeper, you will definitely not start here. After all, this is too far away from a real housekeeper.

"Lan'er is a very good child to me, and she is also very smart on weekdays. Maybe she has her own ideas. If I ask everything, she may think that I am too much in charge of things." Is Princess Qin the mother-in-law? , and I don't want to put too much pressure on Su Lanzhi.Now that Su Lanzhi has just married in, Princess Qin didn't want Su Lanzhi to be too tired. After all, Qin Zhiyan is indeed not young, whether it is for himself, for his son, or even for Su Lanzhi, now Su Lanzhi Lan Zhi's most important task is to give birth to her eldest son as soon as possible.

"Since the princess thinks this way, why worry so much? The second wife is also familiar with the princess before, and this daughter-in-law is also satisfied by the princess. Even if the princess intervenes, the second lady will not have any opinions. Yes, the concubine really thinks too much. From the perspective of this old slave, the second lady is not such a fussy person." After all, Nanny Wei is a little older, so she is very accurate in judging people and things. Nanny Wei is also very happy about this girl Zhi. Nanny Wei knows very well what kind of person her young master is. From Nanny Wei's point of view, only Su Lan is the only one who is worthy of Qin Zhiyan in this world. Chih.

"Actually, I shouldn't have put so much pressure on her. After all, she's newly married. It's time to cultivate a relationship with Yan'er. I shouldn't have found so many things for her to do. It's just that I also have my own worries and considerations." I don't want her to know nothing in the future, so she will be at a disadvantage. Yan'er's identity is still different from others, but because of this, she has wronged her two children." For so much, Princess Qin is actually very sorry.

"What did the princess say, this girl's family is married, and these should be learned. The Su family is a century-old scholarly family, and Su Xiang is also a well-educated person, let alone Mrs. Su. I think the second lady also learned before she got married. The concubine is overwhelmed by those who have presided over the intermediary." Mother Wei knows very well that her master is soft-hearted, so of course she has to be persuaded at this moment.

"Hey, I'm also doing it for their own good. I just hope that the two children will have a smoother journey in the future."

"The second young master and the second madam can understand the painstaking efforts of the princess. Don't think too much, princess. Now that your body is not fully recovered, you need to rest and think less." My master, Nanny Wei Naturally, she felt distressed, especially seeing the concubine getting thinner day by day, Mother Wei felt even more distressed.

"Well, that's what you said." After hearing Wei Mama's words, Princess Qin didn't bother anymore. Although she was still a little confused, she was an open-minded elder, so she just didn't ask.It's just that Qin Wangfei didn't expect, she didn't ask, Su Lanzhi took the initiative to tell her.


"After the afternoon nap, the concubine feels better?" In the afternoon, Su Lanzhi came to visit Princess Qin specially to explain something.After all, their identities have changed now, and Su Lanzhi doesn't want Princess Qin to have a grudge against her just because of a trivial matter.

"Well, it's much better, don't worry." Qin Wangfei's body has indeed suffered a lot this time, and she is still a little weak after recuperating for almost a year, and there is really nothing she can do.

"My concubine's body is weak. Now I should rest more and think less. I see that my concubine's complexion seems to be a little bad. I should rest more in the future." Looking at Princess Qin, Su Lanzhi felt anxious Some worried.Although she was good at medicine, she couldn't find out the reason for Princess Qin's body.

This feeling is like being dragged down, being hollowed out bit by bit. The current Princess Qin, I am afraid, can only be raised slowly.

But Qin Wangfei's body was obviously not that weak before, why did she become so weak after being ill? [

It's really weird.

"Hehe, my body won't get better for a while. The imperial physician has said so, Lan'er, just don't worry." Princess Qin is also very clear about her own body.Over the years, she has been sick one after another. Every time she gets sick, she will feel that her body has lost a lot, and it seems that it is difficult to make up for it. It seems that all her strength is being consumed bit by bit. This feeling is really overwhelming.

"Mother Concubine, don't worry too much. Mother Concubine's body will take care of herself and she will be fine." In fact, looking at Princess Qin's appearance, Su Lanzhi can occasionally see the worry in Princess Qin's eyes, and I am afraid it is also because of her body. .

Just why is this so?Concubine Qin's body is obviously not suffering from any serious illness. Why has she been sick one after another over the years, and it seems that every time she gets sick, Concubine Qin seems to have experienced a serious illness, and her body will always be exceptionally weak. Are you weak?

"You child, you can comfort others. I know my own body." Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Qin Wangfu now sees that his son is getting married, and what he is waiting for is his son's birth. The rest of her Don't worry about it.

"However, concubine mother can also go out for a walk on weekdays to bask in the sun, which is also good for concubine mother's body."

"Well, I can save it."

"By the way, concubine mother, I'm here now, and there is one more thing I need to explain to concubine mother." My previous behavior will definitely surprise and guess many people. Others Su Lanzhi can't control it, but Qin Su Lanzhi still cared about Wang Hao's opinion.

"What you want to say, but you want to manage the clothes of the four seasons?" Su Lanzhi looked at her eagerly, Princess Qin had already guessed what was going on.

Now it seems that this daughter-in-law is really good, she is also very respectful, and Yan'er likes her, so she can rest assured.

"Yes, does the concubine feel that Lan'er's behavior has disappointed the concubine?" Looking at Princess Qin, Su Lanzhi knew what Princess Qin expected of Qin Zhiyan, otherwise she would not be allowed to participate in the housekeeping. ,learned.

"Hehe, what did Lan'er say? The mother-in-law knows that you must have your own reasons for doing things. It doesn't matter if you are inconvenient to say it. The mother-in-law believes in you." This daughter-in-law was chosen by the son himself , She is also extremely satisfied, Princess Qin believes that Su Lanzhi will not let her down.

"My concubine trusts Lan'er, and Lan'er is also very happy. It's just that there are some things that Lan'er doesn't say, and it's not good. Lan'er doesn't want my concubine to misunderstand Lan'er..." Princess Qin is Qin Zhiyan's biological mother Well, Su Lanzhi may hide some things, but Su Lanzhi definitely won't do this matter.

After all, she is a bride. Although Princess Qin likes her, Su Lanzhi never intends to test how far Princess Qin's love for her can go.

After telling Princess Qin about her plan, Su Lanzhi said simply that the reason was very reasonable. After listening to Princess Qin, she couldn't help but nodded, "Your consideration is also right. Since you are not greedy for merit, you want to start over from scratch. At first, that's great. It's good to learn slowly, now that you and Yan'er are newly married, it should be a good and sweet time, and I'm still waiting to have a grandson!" Although he didn't want to put pressure on Su Lanzhi, Qin The concubine has been waiting for so many years. She is the same age as her, and her grandson can be soy sauce, but her grandson has no shadow yet. How can Princess Qin not be in a hurry?

"Concubine Mother..." She lowered her head in embarrassment, Su Lanzhi couldn't understand, why did everyone pay so much attention to her stomach once she got married?

How many days has she been married?This pregnancy also depends on chance, who knows when she will be able to conceive?

not to mention……

Thinking of her own physique, Su Lanzhi was also a little worried in her heart, but she never said these words.

"Okay, I'm just talking casually, don't feel pressured, it's better to let this kind of thing take its course, you and Yan'er are still young, don't worry!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi was shy, Princess Qin also knew I'm too anxious, my daughter-in-law has just entered the door, so don't scare her.

"..." Su Lanzhi couldn't answer these words, she just lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.Princess Qin thought that Su Lanzhi was shy, so she didn't continue to joke, so she found an excuse and asked Su Lanzhi to go back, "Okay, I also know about this, you can do it as you see, and you won't need it in the future." You all come to explain to me, you are good at learning, if you don’t understand, you can ask the concubine Shangguan, and she will teach you. Or you can ask me, learn these slowly, don’t worry.” Su Lanzhi now The most important task is still the heirs, so as not to worry the people in the palace and embarrass Su Lanzhi when the time comes, Princess Qin can clearly distinguish this point.

"Yes, concubine mother!" [

"Okay, let's go back and prepare well. Although the clothes for the four seasons are not exhausting, they are also very delicate."

"Mother, I will go back first."

"Hmm!" Seeing Su Lanzhi leaving, Princess Qin's face was full of relief, and her previous doubts disappeared, and Mother Wei smiled when she saw Su Lanzhi, "Princess, didn't the old slave just say it?" The second lady is a good one, can the princess rest assured now?"

"It's good that the child has her own considerations. I was worried that she would suffer in the future. I am relieved that she can think so." In the end, I was worried that Su Lanzhi was too young, and many things would inevitably be eager for quick success. Princess Qin was completely relieved.

"The princess needs to have a good birth and a healthy body now. The second lady is a lucky person. Maybe the princess will be able to embrace a grandson soon. When the princess is healthy, she will be able to take care of the grandson!" Wei Mama did not forget Using this reason to persuade Concubine Qin, Concubine Qin naturally listened to it, "What you said is very true, even for Yan'er and Lan'er, I have to live up to myself!"

"My concubine can think like this, so this old slave can feel at ease." What Wei Mammy is most worried about is that Princess Qin will be depressed because of her health, which will affect her recuperation. The smile on his face got bigger too.

The second madam is indeed a lucky person, she started to take charge of the affairs of the house as soon as she came, and now she seems to be a successful one, if she thinks about it, she can also restrain the Shangguan side concubine so that she won't be at a disadvantage.In this way, the princess can spend less time in the future, and things in the inner courtyard will gradually return to normal, right?

Second Madam, you must not disappoint this old slave.

"You, you know me the best, and you know how to make me happy." Princess Qin looked at the wrinkles on Mammy Wei's face, and the kindness on her face was for herself, and she felt warm in her heart, knowing that These days I have made everyone worry.

"The old slave also wants the princess to be well. The princess is well, the prince is good, the second young master is good, and the old slave is good, so the princess has to take good care of her body for the sake of the prince and the second young master. This In the palace, I still have to rely on you, the princess, in the future, the second lady will also need some advice from you, the princess." After telling the things that Princess Qin worried about and cared about the most, Nanny Wei knew that it was for these people that Qin The princess will also rekindle her fighting spirit.

"Mommy is right. I will take care of myself. I haven't seen my lovely grandson yet. I can't just be dragged down by this body!" She can feel the passing of her own life, but for the sake of her beloved, she will hold on.

"The princess can think like this, the prince and the others must be very happy!"

"You, come on, let's go out for a walk, didn't Lan'er say that? I should walk more, it's not good to always stay in the house."

"Okay, the old slave is going to get the cloak for the princess, it's windy outside, don't catch a cold."

"Okay!" Xu Shi was really enlightened by Wei Mama, Qin Wangfei also had some energy now, she went out for a walk with a smile on her face, and because of her mood, she felt a lot more relaxed.


This, although Su Lanzhi doesn't know, but Su Lanzhi knows that Princess Qin's body is not as good as when she just met Princess Qin. Although she knows something from Qin Zhiyan, it is not comprehensive. Su Lanzhi There is no way to judge, walking all the way back, Su Lanzhi was also thinking about Princess Qin's affairs, so naturally she didn't pay attention to the person who came in front, she bumped into Li Ruolan without thinking about it.

"Hey, second brother and sister, do you have a grudge against me? Are you pretending so hard?" The two collided with great force, and Su Lanzhi also felt strange. She was obviously not walking fast, so how could she collide? so painful?

Seeing Li Ruolan looking like she was trying to find fault, Su Lanzhi frowned, but she didn't want to be at a disadvantage because of this, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong? I walked well, why did I bump into sister-in-law?" She There is no one around, if she really wants to bump into Li Ruolan, no one will remind her.

"Second brother and sister, what do you mean? Could it be that I bumped into it myself?"

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