Seeing Dongxue's flustered look, Su Lanzhi felt a little suspicious in her heart, and when she returned to the house, she went to find Qiushuang. "Where is the second young master?"

"Second madam, the second young master is in the study!" Qin Zhiyan can rest for a few days because he just got married.But Qin Zhiyan likes to be there when he's free, and usually doesn't like people to disturb him.

"I saw Dongxue flustered just now, what did she do?" Su Lanzhi had already told Qiushuang to look at Dongxue happily, and believed that with Qiushuang around, Dongxue would not be able to make any trouble .

"Second madam, servant girl, this Dongxue is also a restless person!" I wanted to tell Su Lanzhi a long time ago, but now that Su Lanzhi asked, Qiu Shuang certainly didn't hide it, "These days, the second madam often talks with the second young master. Together, the servants looked at Dong Xue as if they were watching in secret. These days, Second Madam, you are busy with clothes, and whenever the Second Young Master stays, this Dong Xue will find an excuse to see the Second Young Master It's just that the second young master didn't pay attention to it. She had stewed chicken soup for the second young master today, but she was stopped by Yuetao at the door. That girl's thoughts are really big." Now Qiushuang is glad that Xia He has become Qin Xu's concubine, otherwise there are two people in the yard who are staring at each other, it is really hard to guard against.

"Whether she has a big heart or not, we can just care about it, but she is sent by the concubine mother. You just look at her normally, so don't be too harsh, lest people think that I treat the concubine mother I'm disrespectful." Dongxue can't move for the time being, and Su Lanzhi also plans to use Dongxue as a shield, anyway, with Dongxue around, she can save a lot of trouble.Qiushuang didn't know about this point before, but Su Lanzhi had already mentioned them, so she naturally knew it too, "Miss, don't worry, I've asked Yuetao and the others to pay attention, there will be no mistakes." [

"I'm also relieved when you do things, well, let Yunzhu come over for a while, I have something to ask her!"

"Yes!" Now that the maids are performing their duties, the yard is well managed, and Su Lanzhi doesn't need to worry about it on weekdays.Of course, this is also due to the fact that Qin Zhiyan doesn't like noise, and the management of the yard is also strict, so there are no miscellaneous people in the yard.

Yun Zhu came soon, and knew in her heart what Su Lanzhi wanted to ask, "Second Madam, what's the matter?"

"How cute is Xueyuan these few days?" It's been a while since Xueyuan brought her as a dowry, and Su Lanzhi has also promoted her status, and now she is also the second-class maid in her yard.

"Well, she is the same as before, but the slaves found out that she has been quite close to the two nanny in the palace recently!" Although Nanny Li and Nanny Yue came to the palace with Su Lanzhi, But Su Lanzhi emptied the rights of the two of them, and the two of them usually have nothing important to do, why is this Xueyuan?

"Oh, is that so? What did she do?" Su Lanzhi hadn't seen Xue Yuan in action for a long time, but she was waiting!

"It's nothing. After all, the two nuns are old, and their eyes are not as good as when they were young. When Xueyuan is free, she will help the two nuns make some clothes, and will also talk to the two nuns. The two nuns are also very close to her." After all, the two nuns are related to the queen mother in the palace, and Yun Zhu dare not be careless.

"Well, I get it, just keep watching." It's not a matter for these two nuns to be idle all the time, Su Lanzhi should also think about finding something for the two of them to do, so as not to be a little bit blank sometimes Yes, the two nuns were used to plot against her.

"Yes, Second Madam!"

"Okay, prepare some snacks and tea for me, I'll go see the second young master!" I went to work early this morning, and said that I haven't talked to Qin Zhiyan properly yet? The super-powerful master is on campus.Qin Zhiyan's marriage leave is almost over, so Su Lanzhi naturally has to firmly grasp this time.

"Yes, Second Madam!" The maids were also very fast, and they were ready soon. Su Lanzhi went to the study with her things in person. Although someone was guarding the door, seeing Su Lanzhi, she felt very conscious. The door opened, "Second Madam, please!"

"You have worked hard too, take a rest!"

"Yes!" The two masters were newly married, so there must be some private things to say, and this person was not ignorant, so he left consciously.


When Su Lanzhi entered the door, she saw Qin Zhiyan sitting there quietly reading a book, wearing a simple moon white gown, because at home, Qin Zhiyan didn't tie up his hair, but wore it loosely. Sitting on the chair, he was a little leisurely, and the act of casually flipping through the pages of the book was indescribably pleasant.

"Hehe, I feel comfortable looking at you, but I'm very busy." Walking over with a smile, Qin Zhiyan heard Su Lanzhi's voice, put down the book in his hand, and saw Su Lanzhi approaching, She directly pulled Su Lanzhi into her arms, "Why have you been here for so long? But you are very busy?"

"You!" Although Su Lanzhi was used to Qin Zhiyan's intimate actions, Su Lanzhi still felt embarrassed that there were still people.

"Why are you shy, there are no outsiders here!" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Qin Zhiyan loved Su Lanzhi's shy look so much, he couldn't help kissing Su Lanzhi, feeling a little unsatisfied.

"Okay, stop making trouble, it's in broad daylight!" Seeing that the door was closed and there was no one in the room, Su Lanzhi didn't even need to think that it must be Qiu Shuang and the others knew that there would be something inappropriate for children, so they were very conscious left. [

Thinking of this, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but cast a coquettish look at Qin Zhiyan, and really didn't know what to say.

This man really made her lose face in front of the maids.

"Hehe, you have neglected me for most of the day, so why don't you let me ask for some back?" Ignoring Su Lanzhi's dissatisfaction at all, Qin Zhiyan hugged Su Lanzhi and kissed him, feeling a little distracted. .After all, it was the first taste of love for a young man, Qin Zhiyan was now infatuated, so naturally he wished to be with Su Lanzhi every day.

"Aren't you a bit busy just now? I brought you snacks and tea when I came back. Don't you just take a look at my thoughts?" He pointed to the tea and snacks he had prepared, which were all taken by Qin Zhi Yan ignored it.

"Hehe, there's Lao Lanlan, come, let me taste Madam's wishes!" He smiled and ate the dim sum. Qin Zhiyan doesn't like sweets very much, so the dim sum made by Su Lanzhi are all salty. See After watching Qin Zhiyan eat, he asked, "But are you satisfied?"

"Hehe, if you eat too, you'll know if I'm satisfied." With a very casual movement, Qin Zhiyan directly picked up a piece and fed it to Su Lanzhi. It's common for the two of them to be so close nowadays, but Su Lanzhi was still a little shy, "I can eat it myself."

"Lan Lan, this is a boudoir's pleasure, don't disappoint your husband's heart!" She was about to feed Su Lanzhi with a smile, but Su Lanzhi couldn't refuse, so she had to eat it.

"With the intention of being a husband in it, it's much more delicious?" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Qin Zhiyan surrounded Su Lanzhi in his arms, those eyes were full of tenderness, but it was so delicious. Intoxicated.

"You really know how to talk nonsense. It was obviously prepared by me, so why did it become your wish?" Seeing that the other party was speechless, Su Lanzhi smiled, shook her head, and understood Qin Qin more and more. Afterwards, Su Lanzhi felt more and more that the man in front of her was more surprising.

"Lan Lan is wrong. I feed my wife myself, so it's a good idea. There's also this tea. How about pouring tea for my wife myself?"

"Then you make me tea, wouldn't it be better?"

"Lan Lan is right. Now is a good time to make tea. The chrysanthemums in the yard are blooming very well. Why don't we go to the yard to enjoy the chrysanthemums?" Qin Zhiyan pulled Su Lan Zhi wanted to leave, but Su Lanzhi didn't expect that Qin Zhiyan was also a man of action, "Why are you in such a hurry? Dinner is about to start, let's get promoted to another day!"

"Lan Lan is wrong. When you are in the mood, it's time to enjoy it. And it's still some time before dinner. Let's go. It's not far anyway. Don't we have some chrysanthemums in our own yard? They are beautiful. Come on, today is just a good time to enjoy yourself!" Without saying a word, he dragged Su Lanzhi out, Qin Zhiyan also ordered people to prepare tables and chairs, and went directly to the yard with Su Lanzhi.

"You!" Nai let Qin Zhiyan pull him out, and Su Lanzhi didn't object in her heart.There is some interest between the husband and wife, which is also conducive to the cultivation of the relationship between the husband and wife. Of course, Su Lanzhi will not refuse.

"Lan Lan, how nice are you to look at the chrysanthemums in this yard? The ancients brewed wine to appreciate chrysanthemums, and we cook tea to appreciate chrysanthemums. Wouldn't it be a different experience?" Sitting at the table, Qin Zhiyan ordered the utensils to be prepared, and then Tea started to be made, and some small snacks were placed on the table, which was quite different.

"You are a trickster."

"Don't Lan Lan like it?"

"Of course I like it!"

"If you like it, isn't it good?"

"Yes yes yes!" Looking at Qin Zhiyan with a smile, Su Lanzhi saw that the water on the table had started to bubble, and Qin Zhiyan started to make tea with the teapot in his hand. After a while, he smelled the faint fragrance of tea up.

"Lan Lan, are you satisfied after trying it?" Smiling, she handed over a cup of tea, and Su Lanzhi accepted it, took a sip, and Su Lanzhi was not stingy with her praise, "Well, it's very good! "

"It's natural." Qin Zhiyan drank a cup himself, looked at the golden chrysanthemums in the yard, and thought of something, "By the way, the chrysanthemums are blooming most brilliantly now, I want to come to the palace in the past few days There should be a Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet. You'd better get ready." [

"Well, I know that, by the way, your vacation is coming to an end, will you be very busy then?"

"That's not true. It's just that Uncle Huang went to Jiangnan for inspection recently. I can take this opportunity to rest for a few more days, and I'll be with you." When Qin Zhiyan said this, something flashed in Qin Zhiyan's eyes, just Su Lanzhi just didn't see it.

"That's fine. By the way, come back to Xiangfu with me tomorrow. It's late autumn, and it's almost Brother Yang's birthday. I want to visit him. By the way, think about what gift to give him." Okay." It's not good for her to go back all the time, but with Qin Zhiyan by her side, it's different.

"Well, okay, for Brother Yang's birthday, of course we have to prepare some gifts, and we can't let Brother Yang feel wronged." Qin Zhiyan has always been generous to Su Lanzhi's relatives, never Just say what you want.

"It's natural, but the gift doesn't lie in its value, the most important thing is in its heart." Su Lanzhi naturally loves him very much as he is such a younger brother.

Su Mingyang is the future reliance of the prime minister in this life. Su Lanzhi naturally loves her only younger brother terribly.

"Hehe, that's exactly what I said."


When I went back to Xiangfu the next day, Su Mingyang was pulling Su Lanzhi again and refused to let go. Seeing Su Lanzhi felt distressed, "Hey, brother Yang is still young, and he has no companion at home. It really makes him feel wronged." It's better." It would be great if the mother could have a few more children, so that their Xiangfu would not appear too weak.

"Lan Lan, don't worry, Brother Yang will be fine with his father-in-law and mother-in-law taking good care of him."

"That's right, some things can't be forced." In fact, Su Lanzhi should be lucky that Murong Yan was able to give birth to Su Mingyang. At least in this life, the Prime Minister's family has a son-in-law, and his father will no longer always accommodate Bai Xin because of scruples They are gone.

Looking back now, Bai Xin, Su Lingyue, Su Zhenhua, and Su Lanzhi all felt as if they had passed away. These three people are no longer alive now, and I don't know if it was God's will.

Thinking about when Su Lanzhi heard the news about Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua, Su Lanzhi couldn't tell what it was like, maybe she really breathed a sigh of relief?At least in this life, she got rid of Yuan Wuhou's Mansion, and she no longer has to worry about the fatal betrayal in her previous life.

"Lan Lan, don't worry, we can work harder, and then we can give Brother Yang a few more brothers and sisters to play with!" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Qin Zhiyan is now in front of Su Lanzhi But it completely lost the image of the past. Su Lanzhi blushed because of being so unscrupulous, "You, please speak softly, this is not in your own yard. It's not good to be overheard." ah!"

"What's the matter, I'm telling the truth!" Qin Zhiyan said so, anyway, after being with Su Lanzhi for a long time, in order to win the hearts of the beauties, his face has grown to a certain level.Now that the beauty is back, Qin Zhiyan of course wants to deepen the relationship between each other, so he doesn't have the scruples of many people. Sometimes, he will say whatever he wants to say.

Husband and wife should get to know each other a lot, don't they?

"You!" Looking at Qin Zhiyan naively, Su Lanzhi remembered that Murong Yan and Su Qinglan's expressions were not very good when she came back to Xiangfu today, so she couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Yan, did you notice just now, Dad?" He Niang's complexion is not very good, is there something wrong?" Although Murong Yan and Su Qinglan performed well, Su Lanzhi was careful and found out.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law may have something to do, but I just don't want you to worry, so I didn't say anything." In fact, Qin Zhiyan probably knew what was going on, but he also knew the relationship between Su Lanzhi and Prince Qing's mansion, so He also didn't want to upset Su Lanzhi because of these things.

"What's the matter? Do you think I should ask my parents?" I don't want to have any difficult questions. Today's happiness is hard-won, and Su Lanzhi doesn't want to lose it easily.

"If you are worried, you can just ask. But if your parents don't want to talk, they just don't want you to worry. Why don't you just obey their wishes? It's not a big deal." Anyway, Xiangfu and Qingwangfu Over there, they have lost contact now. Although Qin Zhiyan didn't know what happened between the two prefectures before, judging from Su Lanzhi's attitude and the rumors of these years, Qin Zhiyan was also very upset. I am optimistic about Prince Qing's Mansion.

"That's what you said." After thinking about it, Su Lanzhi finally decided not to ask. Since her parents don't want her to worry about it, she is willing to be a well-behaved daughter. Some things, as long as they don't affect the overall situation, she doesn't know.When it's time to know, I believe parents will tell her!

"Okay, don't worry about it too much. Father-in-law and mother-in-law have their own opinions, and they can handle ordinary things, so don't worry about it all the time." Su Lanzhi felt that she was a hard worker, Qin Zhiyan didn't want this, he just wanted Su Lanzhi to be happy.

"Okay, okay, I don't worry about it, okay?" After all, she is a married daughter, and her family's affairs are not easy to meddle in, so Su Lanzhi didn't ask any more questions. The family left with reluctant eyes, and when they left, they would always be in a bad mood for a long time.

"You, it's not that far away. You can meet anytime you want. If you want to see your father-in-law and mother-in-law, I'll just bring you here tomorrow. Don't be unhappy."

"How can you be so free when you're married? I don't want you to be in trouble!" It's not the same thing for a married daughter to always run back to her mother's house. Of course, Su Lanzhi doesn't want to leave people talking.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter what other people think, the important thing is that you are happy."

"Yan, don't do this, you will spoil me!" Since getting married, Qin Zhiyan has been obedient to her. Sometimes Su Lanzhi feels as if she has fallen into a honeypot. Sometimes I'm afraid it's just a mirage.

"My daughter-in-law, of course I dote on you. Could it be that you have been wronged?" In Qin Zhiyan's view, it is right to dote on Su Lanzhi, especially when there are a few people in the family who always give Su Lanzhi Zhi Qishou, Qin Zhiyan was still very sorry, "What's more, things at home always bother you. I wanted to give you a worry-free life, but..." Before he finished speaking, Su Lan's mouth was covered. Zhi stopped, "Yan, this is already very good, I am very satisfied, don't talk about it."

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