The queen mother saw Su Lanzhi's expression in her eyes, smiled, and was very kind, "Come on, come and let Aijia take a look. It's gone these days, but you're fat?" Su Lanzhi has been treating the queen mother these days The special courtesy made the queen mother happy, and of course she liked Su Lanzhi even more.Seeing that Su Lanzhi's face is ruddy now, and she has the charm of a married woman, the queen mother nodded in satisfaction, "Well, yes, it seems that you are living a good life these days. The "color" is much better than before."

"This is also Lan'er's blessing." A woman's marriage in this life determines her happiness for the rest of her life.If you marry well and gain the respect of your husband and his family, then you will live comfortably for the rest of your life.However, if the marriage is unsatisfactory, this life will be sad.

"Hehe, it looks like you are living a happy life. You are smart, and now you are valued by Yan'er. This is also your blessing. Ai's family doesn't ask too much, Ai's family just hopes that you can spread out for Yan'er as soon as possible." Ye Cai." The queen mother is most worried about the issue of children, and now that Qin Zhiyan is finally willing to get married, the queen mother hopes that Su Lanzhi will conceive immediately, so that she can hold a golden grandson.

"Emperor's grandmother..." Su Lanzhi has gotten used to everyone's question since getting married.But after all, it is a girl with a thin skin, which is really a bit embarrassing.

"Hehe, the Ai family knows that you are shy, so they won't ask you anymore. It's just that this heir is an important matter, and other things can be temporarily let go, understand?" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, the queen mother is now very concerned about Su Lanzhi. Zhi is also quite satisfied. [

"Yes, Grandmother." With her head lowered, Su Lanzhi's eyes were somewhat worried.

The memory of her previous life will still haunt her when she dreams back at midnight, especially the memory of the moment before death, which always makes Su Lanzhi a little worried.

Although she has taken good care of her body since she was reborn in this life, her body is cold after all, which is not conducive to pregnancy. I don't know if she will be destined for a child in this life like the previous life.If so, where should she go?

She didn't want to embarrass Qin Zhiyan, so Su Lanzhi had been paying attention since they got married. In fact, in her heart, she also hoped that she could conceive a child earlier, so that she could breathe a sigh of relief.

"The Ai family knows that you are a sensible person. The Ai family has always liked you for this reason. Now you have to remember your most important task. As for other things, sometimes you don't need to be so serious." Queen Mother Having said this, Su Lanzhi became vigilant. Looking at the queen mother, Su Lanzhi didn't quite understand what the other party meant.

Could it be that someone said something wrong in front of the Queen Mother?

Su Lanzhi remembered that Li Ruolan seemed to have entered the palace one step ahead of her this morning, and she remembered that Li Ruolan had always been arrogant, so she had a bottom line in her heart, "Yes, grandma, Lan'er knows."

"Well, it's good that you know, family and everything are prosperous, you can understand this, and it's not in vain to be sorry for your family's love for you." Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, the Queen Mother thanked Su Lanzhi in a good mood Objects and words are all about urging Su Lanzhi to get pregnant and have children, which really makes Su Lanzhi very sad.

Hey, getting pregnant and having a baby is not something that can be solved immediately. This kind of thing still depends on fate.But obviously, the Queen Mother didn't know this.

"Hehe, well, the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet is about to begin. It's not good for the Ai family to keep you here, so you can go there first! The Ai family hasn't seen Nanny Li for a while, so let her be here Would you like to wait on her for a while? When you go back later, she will follow you back?" Although it was a questioning tone, but the Queen Mother's words are already confirmed, how can Su Lanzhi refute?

"Since the imperial grandmother misses Li Nanny, it's also good to have a nice chat with Li Nanny. Li Nanny, if you stay with the imperial grandma, it's as if I am talking with the imperial grandma." Su Lanzhi readily accepted, Anyway, she wasn't worried that Nanny Li would play any tricks.Otherwise, she wouldn't bring the other party here today.

"Yes, Second Madam!" Listening to Su Lanzhi's words, Nanny Li lowered her head, showing respect to Su Lanzhi.The queen mother still has a lot of things to ask, so she naturally wants to talk to Nanny Li, "Okay, Lan'er, go, Nanny Li is here at Ai's house, you can't lose it!"

"Then Lan'er will take my leave first!" Every time Su Lanzhi entered the palace, she would consciously visit the empress dowager first.This is also because she knew that the other party didn't like her very much, so Su Lanzhi paid extra attention.

She did all this because she didn't want Qin Zhiyan to be in trouble, but if the Queen Mother went too far, she wouldn't accept it.

Before leaving, Su Lanzhi didn't have any extra explanations, she bowed and left, and someone led her to the Royal Garden immediately, Su Lanzhi heard the sound of laughter from afar, she hasn't been here for a long time, Su Lanzhi still felt very refreshed when she smelled the faint fragrance of flowers in the air.


Arriving at the Royal Garden, Su Lanzhi looked at the chrysanthemum bushes, and they were indeed very beautiful. Su Lanzhi only felt that her eyes lit up, and the faint fragrance of chrysanthemums came. Although it was mixed with the smell of powder, Su Lanzhi I also think it's very good, "See Aunt Huang, Concubine Xuegui..." One by one, Su Lanzhi is now Princess Wucheng, and besides the queen and Concubine Xue, she just needs to say hello to the other concubines That's it.

This identity is really useful, Su Lanzhi and everyone met, the queen saw Su Lanzhi, with a smile all over her face, "Hehe, it's Lan'er, no wonder I just looked at you from a distance. Qingjue's temperament, I'm still wondering whose daughter it is! Now that Lan'er has become Princess Wucheng, her whole temperament has changed a lot, I almost couldn't recognize her!"

After all, how could the queen not know Su Lanzhi?When she said that, it naturally implied that Su Lanzhi hadn't seen her for a long time.Others may not understand this, but Su Lanzhi does. [

"Hehe, the emperor's aunt has praised you absurdly." Su Lanzhi only looked puzzled, smiled and saluted, and behaved herself.

Seeing Su Lanzhi like this, the queen felt a little dissatisfied, but she never got angry in front of everyone, "You, I haven't been in the palace for a long time, maybe it's because I'm afraid that the people in the palace will eat you?" You can't do it? When you have nothing to do, come and accompany me more, I also talk about the daily affairs of the palace!" I can't stop it, since Su Lanzhi has become the princess of Wucheng, and the queen heard that Qin Zhiyan is right Su Lanzhi pays special attention to it, and of course Su Lanzhi must be held in high regard.

She can't think of any other way except to win over the people in Prince Qin's Mansion.

"Hehe, Aunt Huang has a lot of affairs, Lan'er dare not disturb her!"

"Look at what you child said, this palace is also in charge of the affairs of the sixth house, why is it so busy? There is still time to talk to you. If you have time, come and sit in the palace. Bengong and your emperor Sometimes grandma is very interesting, and you can tell us more interesting things outside the palace when you enter the palace, wouldn't it be great?" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, the queen said to Su Lanzhi in front of everyone. Zhi is given special preferential treatment.

"Aunt Huang said so, Lan'er has no choice but to obey." The queen said so, and Su Lanzhi could only agree, anyway, it's her business whether she comes or not.If she didn't want to come, the queen wouldn't force her to come.

"That's right, if you come more often, everyone will be lively, so that the palace will not be too deserted." Isn't it much deserted?In the past, the Empress was busy fighting with Concubine Luan and Concubine Jing, but now both of them have gone to the Leng Palace, and they did so inexplicably. The Empress suddenly lost many competitors, and her life was naturally very comfortable.

It's just that God doesn't seem to let her get what she wanted, and she finally had a few days of leisure, no, it's time to start fighting again.

The queen thought of the extra beauty that had appeared in her heart recently, and felt as if a thorn had been pierced in her heart, and she felt very uncomfortable.

"Yes!" She replied with a smile, and Su Lanzhi didn't say much, just glanced at the crowd, and saw that these people were familiar, but she didn't see the legendary Guo Meiren.

But at this time, someone seemed to have heard Su Lanzhi's heartfelt voice, and whispered, "The Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet is about to begin, why hasn't Guo Meiren come yet?"

"Hehe, you don't know, do you? Now that she has the grace in her hands, she naturally has to take Joe. Who can invite her?"

"That's right, didn't the emperor rest at her place last night? Maybe she hasn't woken up yet, so why should I care?"

"Hey, we are not so lucky, we came early."

"Isn't the last one to show up to let everyone see how favored she is? She's just a beauty, so arrogant, it's really..."


Although the voices of these people were low, they could all hear them because they were all close together.And I don't know if they said it on purpose for the queen to hear, the queen's whole face changed a little when she heard what they said.

Ever since Concubine Jing and Concubine Luan fell out of favor, apart from Concubine Xue who didn't care much, in the empress's eyes, everyone else in the harem was no longer worthy.Originally thought that this harem was finally hers, no one would contend with her, and she finally didn't have to worry about anything else.However, such a Concubine Xue came out suddenly, which really made people feel very bad.

As long as the queen thinks about Emperor Wen's doting on Guo Meiren since he came back from Jiangnan, the jealousy in her heart is like a scorching fire. She can't wait to burn her to death, but she has always maintained her image very well. No matter how unhappy you are in your heart, it won't show.

However, Xu felt that the fire in the Queen's heart was not burning the same, and at this time, someone notified, "Guo Meiren has arrived."

Following the eunuch's announcement, everyone looked at the gate of the imperial garden, and saw a gorgeous woman in Tsing Yi. The woman was tall and slender, and she was bright and charming, exuding a beautiful scent of books all over her body. Such a woman is She is a typical temperamental beauty. Seeing her approaching, Su Lanzhi understood why Emperor Wen loved this woman so much.

Just this vigor and that appearance, plus that unique temperament, as a refined king, Emperor Wen will naturally appreciate it very much, especially this Guo Meiren is from the beautiful age of 15 years old, Emperor Wen is now old, and the most I want to prove that I am young, but this Guo Meiren, let alone Emperor Wen, is tempted by ordinary young talents. [

"The concubine sees the empress, the concubine Xue Guifei..." Although Guo Meiren's outfit today is only a green dress, it is made of high-quality snow forging, embroidered with exquisite lotus flowers, and her whole body is beautifully dressed. The atmosphere is highlighted.

Beautiful and charming, with outstanding appearance, Guo Meiren is indeed a very beautiful scenery in this harem, especially she is the youngest, among the concubines, she is like a fresh and tender lotus, Noble and elegant, it becomes more conspicuous.

"You're here, all right, let's enjoy the chrysanthemum together today, just feel free and don't need to salute." Although the queen said so, it was after Guo Meiren saluted.

But Guo Meiren was not annoyed, she still behaved well, and thanked with a smile, "Thank you, Empress, for your understanding!" She didn't seem a little unhappy because of the Queen's empress's inconsistency, this Guo Meiren is also a smart person. , has always been very respectful to the empress.

But the queen said so, and everyone understood what the queen meant, how could they let Guo Meiren go so easily?

This woman is jealous, especially Guo Meiren, who is young and beautiful, and has a reputation for talent. Naturally, everyone wants to make things difficult, "Hehe, my sister is really late, everyone is so jealous. When we arrive, we will wait for my sister alone."

"Yeah, isn't my sister very busy? Why is she born so late?"

"Your sister's airs are really big, I'm afraid they have passed the queen's empress?"

Where there are people, there are fights, especially in places like the harem, where everyone is fighting for that one person. This Guo beauty is so favored and so young, so of course everyone has fought against the enemy.

"Empress, the concubine didn't do it on purpose today, it's just that some things were delayed, and I hope the empress will forgive me!" Guo Meiren seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, and there was no surprise on her face, she just explained with a smile , with a smile on his face all the time, and there is no reluctance at all, which shows that this is also a master with deep thoughts.

"I know that you are tired of serving, but you have to pay more attention in the future. It's not good for everyone to wait." Hearing what Guo Meiren said, the queen felt that the other party seemed to be showing off, and felt very uncomfortable.

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