Speaking of this, Murong Yan's face suddenly became serious, and there was a complicated look in her eyes. Seeing Su Lanzhi, she was a little confused, "Mother, what happened?" When Su Lanzhi came back last time, Zhi knew that Murong Yan and Su Qinglan had something to hide from her, but she just listened to Qin Zhiyan's words and didn't ask any more questions.

But looking at Murong Yan's expression today, I'm afraid that the matter has not been resolved.From this point of view, she has to take care of it.

"Hey, Lan'er. There's one thing Mother hasn't told you..." Looking at Su Lanzhi, Murong Yan sighed. She really didn't want to bother Su Lanzhi with this matter, but she didn't want to worry about it anymore. I have to say, "A few days ago your uncle told your father that your grandmother was ill, very seriously ill, and now this person is probably dying."

"Is this true?" It's been a long time since Su Lanzhi heard the news from Prince Qing's Mansion, but she thought it was fake.After all, it's not like they haven't done something like this before.

"At first, your father and I thought the same way, but then your aunt came again and said the same thing. The old man is dying and wants to see us for the last time. I also asked people about this matter. Once, I’m afraid it’s probably true.” The old Princess Qing had been ill for a long time, and the paralyzed person was counting the days, and she was in excruciating pain.In the past, Murong Yan was somewhat filial to the old Princess Qing's illness, but in the end she was tortured by the old Princess Qing and lost her patience, so she simply ignored it.It's just that Murong Yan basically didn't go to Prince Qing's mansion this year except to send things to the old Princess Qing for recuperation.Su Qinglan usually takes care of some things, and Su Qinglan seldom goes there, so the husband and wife really don't know much about the old concubine Qing. [

It's also because this old man is too harsh. Now that everyone has betrayed their relatives, who is to blame for the two of them in their current state?

"Since this is true, what are you going to do, mother?" The prime minister's mansion and Prince Qing's mansion have basically lost contact over the past year, only maintaining a superficial peace. If the old Princess Qing is really critically ill, they will Nor can we sit idly by.

"If this matter is true, we have to go and have a look, otherwise it will be bad for us if it spreads." No matter how old Princess Qing is, she is also Su Qinglan's biological mother.Filial piety is the greatest thing in this world, if Su Qinglan really doesn't care about his critically ill old mother, if word spreads, Su Qinglan, the Prime Minister, may have done his best.There are also two children, if Su Qinglan is really unfilial, if it gets out, the reputations of Su Lanzhi and Su Mingyang will be ruined, this is something Murong Yan absolutely does not want to see.

"What mother said is, since it's true, then we have to go and see." No matter how violent they are in the interior, on the surface, they are still peaceful.

"Your father and I thought so too, so we discussed going together another day. Although you are married now, she is your grandmother after all. It's not good if you don't go. Mother has always wanted to tell you this One thing is coming, just because I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable."

"Mother, there's nothing uncomfortable about this. She's my grandmother. It's my duty to visit her. We can't leave anyone with any excuses." Su Lanzhi didn't care about superficial tricks.She will never do things that harm others and benefit herself.

"Well, since you agreed, you can tell Zhiyan later, find a time, let's go together, so that we can take care of each other!" Murong Yan was really scared by the old Princess Qing, I'm afraid that the old concubine Qing will make a fuss even if she is seriously ill, embarrassing Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan, so I plan to go with a few people.

"Mother, it's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Anyway, Yan and I are both here, why don't we go together tomorrow. It's not good to delay this kind of thing." Solve it early, and get it done early, Su Lan Zhi didn't intend to delay this matter either.

"Well, what you said is very true. Then I will ask someone to prepare it later. You and Zhiyan will stay here for one more night today. You will ask someone to talk to the princess later and explain the reason. In this way, we will be fine tomorrow morning." Let's set off together, go early and return early." It's not good for a married daughter to stay home all the time, today is because of something, but there are some things that need to be made clear.

"Mother, don't worry, I know." Frowning, Su Lanzhi really didn't want to go to Prince Qing's Mansion if possible.But now it was like this, and this trip was unavoidable.

"Lan'er, don't worry about it. Your father and I will take care of everything tomorrow, you and Zhiyan just go there for a while." Su Qingxiu and Sun Xueru repeatedly came to inform them of the old Princess Qing Isn't the matter of critical illness just to let them go back?Murong Yan knew that going back this time would definitely be more than just a simple matter of visiting Princess Qing, so she was well prepared.

So many things have happened, Murong Yan has been completely disappointed with her mother-in-law and uncle. Now that she has a son and her back is hardened, of course she will not be manipulated as before.

"Mother, you are too. No matter what request they make tomorrow, you can't easily agree. Even if it's for Brother Yang, it's also for me, okay?"

"You child, mother still knows about this, okay, don't worry, mother and your father know it well." Not to mention that Su Qinglan is fine, but when it comes to Su Qinglan, Su Lanzhi is a little worried.How filial my father is, Su Lanzhi has seen a lot in previous and present lives, and now the old Princess Qing is critically ill, there is no guarantee that the other party will not make any request when she is dying, so Su Qinglan has to accept it.

"Mother, where is Daddy..." She didn't want her father to be plotted against by Princess Qing again, Su Lanzhi was worried and had to make Murong Yan be on guard.

"Don't worry, your father knows what's in his heart. Has he not seen much in the past two years? Your father is not a fool, nor is he filial. There are some things that he has in mind!" Although Su Qinglan is filial , but after so many things, the old princess Qing is so tossed, no matter how filial she is, she may not be able to bear it.

"Yeah." I hope, now that I have Brother Yang, and the madness of the old Princess Qing in the past two years, I hope my father can withstand the pressure tomorrow, right?


After Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi discussed it, they asked people to prepare a lot of supplements and medicinal materials. They packed everything up and prepared to visit Old Princess Qing the next day. [

The next day, the whole family was taken along with Su Mingyang, and Murong Yan didn't want to be picked on anymore, so she repeatedly told Su Mingyang not to be naughty before leaving. Yes, a pair of big eyes looked at Murong Yan, then at Su Qinglan, then at Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan, feeling a little confused about what happened to everyone.

Along the way, everyone only talked occasionally. When they arrived at Prince Qing's Mansion, everyone saw that the door was quiet and even a little depressed.This made people think of the old Princess Qing's birthday two years ago, how lively it was at that time, but in just two years, Prince Qing's mansion was lonely.Naturally, this is also related to Su Qinglan's no longer supporting Prince Qing's Mansion.

Because they came early and did not notify in advance, there was no one to answer at the door. Su Qinglan asked someone to knock on the door, and someone came after a while. Seeing that Su Qinglan and the others were well dressed, their eyes lit up all of a sudden, " Second master, are you here?"

"Well, I heard that Concubine Mother is ill, so I'll come back to see Concubine Mother!" These days, she has hardly stepped into the gate of Prince Qing's Mansion, and Su Qinglan usually just asks Concubine Qing for supplements. The situation is different, this time coming here again, Su Qinglan always has a feeling of right and wrong in Su Qinglan's heart.


"Hehe, Second Master, you are finally back. The old concubine has been looking forward to it for a long time. Second Master, wait a minute, this is my report!" "I didn't want to waste time waiting for someone to come to greet me at the door. Su Qinglan took the whole family and went in directly. The servant had a good look, so he hurried to report and ordered someone to welcome Su Qinglan and the others to go in. It's a loss of courtesy.


At this moment, Su Qingxiu just woke up not long ago, and now he is more and more leisurely, and his life is becoming more and more lazy. At this time, he was just having breakfast, and he was stunned when he heard someone report that Su Qinglan was here, "You said What? The second brother is here?" There was some disbelief in the words, after all, Su Qinglan hadn't come back for a long, long time.

"Yes, my lord, the second master has already returned, and now he has entered the door. Look, my lord, do you want to pick him up?"

"Here, of course we have to go..." Su Qingxiu just stood up and was about to go out, but she saw that Sun Xueru was motionless at the side, and couldn't help but get angry, "Princess, why are you still sitting? Hurry up and meet my second brother." !" Since falling out with Su Qinglan, Su Qingxiu's life has become more and more unsatisfactory. She is not appreciated by others in her official business, and now she is more and more leisurely. She just holds a vacant position and has nothing to do.

Su Qingxiu's energy will naturally increase when she is free from official business. Sun Xueru has long hated him to death, and now she is also acting as a virtuous person. There are a lot of Yingying and Yanyan in the family. From the appearance of excessive indulgence, it can be seen that the body is extremely empty.It's just that he still doesn't know, he's just immersed in the love between men and women, and he still dreams of being reused by the emperor one day, when the time comes, power, wealth, and women will naturally be indispensable.Now that I heard that Su Qinglan was here, Su Qingxiu must have entertained her nicely and asked her second brother to help her.

"My lord, you are the elder brother. I'm afraid it would be bad to go to meet the second brother in person?" Sun Xueru sat and ate gracefully, without any sign of anxiety at all.

"But it's rare for the second brother to come back. Doesn't it mean that our master doesn't pick up the ones?" Su Qingxiu now finally understands the importance of Su Qinglan more and more.Ever since he had a falling out with Su Qinglan, he had lost again and again, but now he no longer has the glory he once had.

It's not that Su Qingxiu hasn't thought about reconciling with Su Qinglan in the past year, but Su Qinglan doesn't care about him at all. No matter what he says or does, Su Qinglan has made up her mind not to help him. For this, Su Qingxiu is also very sorry .Now that it is rare for Su Qinglan to come back, Su Qingxiu naturally wants to curry favor with her for the sake of her own glory and wealth.

However, Su Qingxiu thought this way, but Sun Xueru beside him didn't think so, "My lord, what's the hurry, you haven't finished your meal yet, let's talk about it first. The second brother hasn't come back for some days, the lord is here Don’t you have too many barriers with the second brother? Why put your hot face on someone’s cold ass?” Sun Xueru smiled lightly, what she said made Su Qingxiu feel reasonable, so she couldn’t help but hesitate a little.

That's right, he's the elder brother, so there's no need to lower his dignity.


Thinking of what she wanted from Su Qinglan, Su Qingxiu hesitated again.

"My lord, let's eat first. My lord was tired last night, and my body is the most important thing. I have prepared a lot of nourishing food for my lord. If it gets cold, the medicine will not be effective." Speaking of body, Su Qingxiu's body is becoming weaker and weaker now, not to mention that she has gained a lot of weight, but she is empty, her body has been gradually hollowed out when he indulged too much, and now she is relying on Sun Xueru to feed him every day Otherwise, he would feel tired after walking a few steps.

Seeing that Su Qingxiu was gradually loosening, Sun Xueru smiled sweetly, and handed over a bowl of soup, "My lord, this is a great tonic soup, I guarantee you, if you drink it, you will be alive and well, and you will have seven daughters in one night! Your lord must hurry to see your second brother Anyway, he must be here today to see the concubine mother, and the concubine mother is not in good health now, so he will definitely plan for the prince. The second brother is a dutiful son, and the prince is still worried that he will not agree to the concubine mother's request?" Sun Xueru prepared Soup is indeed a great tonic soup, which can make people energetic.Su Qingxiu usually likes to drink this soup the most. These days he indulged too much, and his body gradually became weak. If it wasn't for Sun Xueru's great tonic soup, how could he be so happy?

"My lord, this soup should be drunk while it's hot, otherwise the effect will be bad. I bought two more Yangzhou skinny horses for my lord today. Don't you want to see my lord? Do you want to enjoy it?" These words really aroused Su Qingxiu's curiosity, now Sun Xueru is more and more generous, as long as he wants, Sun Xueru will get him.Now that there are two more skinny horses, how can Su Qingxiu care about Su Qinglan?

"What the princess said is very true, where are those two skinny horses? Quickly show me!" Su Qingxiu couldn't wait any longer, now Su Qingxiu would be excited just thinking of beauties, so why would she care about other things? [

"What's the lord anxious for? Drink the soup first to replenish your strength. The two skinny concubines have already been served for them to bathe and burn incense. They will definitely be fragrant after a while. Let the lord enjoy it!"

"Haha, it's still my concubine who knows what this king wants!"

"My lord, this soup?"

"Okay, I'll just drink it." Eyes full of wretched desire, Su Qingxiu could still imagine pushing those two skinny horses under her body.

"Hehe, drink it, my lord!" There was a friendly smile on his face, but that smile didn't reach his eyes, instead it was tainted with a little bit of viciousness, but Su Qingxiu only had a thin horse in his heart, so how could he see it?


After finishing the soup, Su Qingxiu seemed impatient, "My concubine, what about the skinny horse? Let me take a good look at it!"

"Don't worry, my lord, those two skinny horses are already waiting for my lord, and I'm sure my lord will be satisfied!"

"You do things, this king is really relieved, quickly take this king!" At this moment, Su Qingxiu's eyes are full of lust, how can there be anyone else?

"But the lord, the second lord and the others are here!" As if deliberately trying to keep a secret, Sun Xueru thought of Su Qinglan and the others at the moment, seeing Su Qingxiu's confused expression, Sun Xueru's eyes were full of sarcasm.

"They're here? Oh, what should I do?" Su Qingxiu was a little entangled with the beauty on the one hand and the future on the other.

This person is also, it is better not to come anytime, but he is going to spoil his interest!

"I don't know. It's really not a coincidence at this time. The two skinny horses I found for the prince this time are really beautiful. If I didn't spend a lot of money and relationships I'm afraid I can't buy it. Now the two beauties are ready, waiting for the prince, look at the prince..." After thinking about it, Sun Xueru felt a little annoyed again, "The good time can't wait, but it is rare for the second master to come now , the prince should go and see the second master first, after all the future of the prince is the most important." Even though he said so, Sun Xueru had already drugged the tonic soup, and Su Qingxiu had gradually become irrational at this moment.

"My concubine will help me with the second brother's matter, and I will trouble the concubine to help me take a look. I am anxious to see a beauty right now!" The confused Su Qingxiu, where does she still have her original reason and ambition?

"My lord, is this okay?" Somewhat hesitant, Sun Xueru saw that Su Qingxiu was getting more and more desperate, but her heart became more and more ironic and proud.

"What's wrong? My lord, my lord trusts you the most, so I'll leave this matter to you!" Her body was gradually burning, Su Qingxiu just wanted to vent on the two beauties. , can't care about anything else.

"My lord, the business is important!" Seeing that Su Qingxiu was already like this, Sun Xueru did not forget to persuade her all the time, and Su Qingxiu lost her patience, "Okay, the princess will make arrangements, and the king is busy." After saying that, Su Qingxiu left , the pace was hurried, and she was a little unsteady. Seeing the other party's anxious look, Sun Xueru had a sneer on her face. She still had the elegant look just now, "Let someone take good care of the prince, you know?"

"Yes, princess!"

"Okay, let's go with my concubine to meet the second master!"


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