The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 354 Something Happened

"Second Madam is right!" Hearing what Su Lanzhi said, Shangguan Wuyou naturally had nothing to say, anyway, now she plans to ignore everything and let Su Lanzhi handle it, so as not to avoid Some people said that she refused to let go of power.

"In this case, let's wait for a while. Zhuangzi will send you a lot of good things in the future. Just wait and see when the time comes."

"The second lady is still considerate."

"It's been hard these days, concubine concubine."

"This is what I should do. It's not hard, it's not hard. Now that the second lady is back, I can relax."

"Don't say that, my concubine, I still have a lot of things to rely on from my concubine!" Smiling, Su Lanzhi treated Shangguan Wuyou with humility. After helping to manage the family affairs for so long, Su Lanzhi treats Shangguan Wuyou kindly. Shangguan Wuyou was very respectful, and Su Lanzhi also humbly accepted Shangguan Wuyou's opinions and opinions, but Shangguan Wuyou couldn't find any faults.

"Don't dare!" Shangguan Wuyou smiled, explained the past few days to Su Lanzhi, and then reminded Su Lanzhi that the new year is coming, and the new clothes should be ready, Su Lanzhi Zhi naturally understood, she smiled and said she understood, and the rest of the day was a busy day.

How many days have you not dealt with these matters? Although Shangguan Wuyou has been taking care of them for the past few days, he doesn't know whether the other party is deliberately avoiding suspicion or what. Many things have not been decided, and they are all waiting for Su Lanzhi to make a decision, so When Su Lanzhi had almost dealt with these matters, the day would have passed.

"Second madam, I'm here today. The princess said that we will have dinner together today. It's not good for us to be late." Su Lanzhi went out for a few days, and now that she is back, Princess Qin is also happy, of course she wants a family People have a meal together.

"Well, that's fine! That's all for today, let's continue tomorrow!"

"Well!" After packing up, Su Lanzhi and Shangguan Wuyou went to the lobby together. Everyone was already there at this time. It was rare that Li Ruolan didn't mock Su Lanzhi today, but Su Lanzhi was very surprised. "Hehe, mother, younger siblings, are you here? Don't be tired, we've been waiting for a long time!" Li Ruolan's smile today is also extremely kind, without the aggressiveness of the past, the whole person looks much more comfortable up.

"Thank you sister-in-law for your concern!" Others gave a smiling face, of course Su Lanzhi would not intentionally discredit the other party, and also smiled, Su Lanzhi never left anyone with a clue.

"Hehe, Lan'er, you just came back now, you have to pay attention to your body, okay, sit down, let's eat!"

"Thank you, Concubine Mother!" Smiling and sitting down, Su Lanzhi sat next to Qin Zhiyan, Qin Zhiyan gave Su Lanzhi a concerned look, the husband and wife looked so loving, they made others envious .

"Second brother treats second sister-in-law really well, and I'm so envious!" Qin Xuan seemed to be in a good mood today, and she usually didn't eat or sleep at the dinner table, but today was strange. Speaking of It's like this.

"Hehe, you girl, do you know how envious you are? One day, my concubine will find you someone who loves you, okay?" Considering Qin Xuan's age, she can start to look at her. Thinking that Qin Xuan got married well, she was joking now, which made Qin Xuan blush, "Mother Concubine..."

"Look at this girl, she's still shy. I don't know who was envious just now!" Seeing Qin Xuan's appearance, Princess Qin was also happy. For the only girl in the palace, Princess Qin did not love her at all. Adulterated.

"Mother Concubine, how can anyone have it?" With her head lowered, Qin Xuan was naturally shy because she was a girl after all.

"This child, it's all right, mother and concubine don't say anything." Qin Xuan has a thin skin, Qin Wangfei is not good and always jokes, and she stopped talking after saying something, Qin Xuan finally finally It's slowing down.But this time, she ate honestly, so she didn't say much.


For a few days, no family had dinner together. Su Lanzhi was also tired today, so she ate a lot, but Su Lanzhi noticed that Princess Qin didn't eat much, and even lost her appetite after a few mouthfuls. Picked up some dishes for Qin Wangfei, "Mother, these are all your favorite food, eat more!"

"No, after taking the medicine, I still have some loss of appetite, you eat it!" After waving her hands, Princess Qin's appetite didn't look good, which made Su Lanzhi very worried, "Is the concubine mother still feeling uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, it's just a little cold, rest for a few days and you'll be fine. It's normal for this person to be sick and have no appetite. Don't worry." She smiled indifferently. With the growth of age, Qin Wangfei's health is also getting worse , getting sick at every turn.It's going to be slow, Princess Qin is already used to it.

"Then let the imperial doctor take a good look at it, the body is the most important thing!"

"Well, don't worry, I can save it!"

"Sister Wangfei, do you want to let Imperial Physician Sun take a look again? I also feel that sister Wangfei's complexion is not good recently." Shangguan Wuyou showed his concern in a timely manner, and there was worry in his eyes.

"The imperial doctor just came yesterday, and I haven't finished the medicine he prescribed. I'll talk about it after I finish it!" Qin Wangfei's own body, she is also clear that this illness is not so easy, "Okay , don't worry about me, I'm fine!" With a smile on her face, in order not to worry everyone, Princess Qin endured the discomfort and ate more food. Although Su Lanzhi saw Princess Qin eating, she looked at Princess Qin With a look of no appetite, he was really worried.


After finishing the meal, Su Lanzhi took the opportunity to check Princess Qin's pulse, and when she returned, her face was still a little solemn.Qin Zhiyan also noticed it naturally, and couldn't help asking, "But what's wrong with Concubine Mother's body?" Concubine Qin seems to be getting sick more frequently now, and she never got sick so easily in the past.But the physical condition has really deteriorated, or is there another reason?

"Just now, I took the pulse of Concubine Mu while no one was paying attention, and I found that Concubine Mu's body is very weak, and I am afraid that the typhoid fever is not small."

"Lan'er, you took the pulse of the concubine mother, but do you feel that there is something wrong?" Concubine Qin's body is getting worse little by little, she is always sick, and every time she gets sick, it is not a serious one. People are worried.

"I don't know. The concubine's health wasn't that bad before. Why is she always sick recently?" When Su Lanzhi took the pulse of Princess Qin just now, she felt something strange, but she never noticed it. What is it that is strange.

"My concubine seems to have been like this all year, especially in this winter, her body is getting weaker and weaker. Hey, I don't know what's wrong."

"Why don't I prepare some medicinal food for my concubine first, and take care of my body first." Concubine Qin's body, Su Lanzhi felt that she had to study more, as if she vaguely remembered such a thing, but in the end it was It's a long memory, and Su Lanzhi can't remember clearly for a while.

"Yeah!" Nodded, now that's all there is for the time being, Su Lanzhi thought of the weirdness of Princess Qin's body, why didn't Qin Zhiyan think of it?It's just that neither of them knew what it was.

"Okay, Lan Lan, don't worry about this for the time being. You have worked very hard today, take a rest early!" Seeing Su Lanzhi's tired face, Qin Zhiyan signaled Qiushuang and the others to prepare hot water. She was going to let Su Lanzhi take a good bath, so as to dissipate the fatigue on her body, and fell asleep early.

"Well, it's okay, there are still many things to be busy tomorrow!" This night, Qin Zhiyan was considerate of Su Lanzhi's fatigue, so he didn't bother Su Lanzhi anymore. The two embraced each other and slept very well. Sweet.

The next day, when Su Lanzhi woke up, Qin Zhiyan had already got up early and was already sitting in front of the window reading a book. Seeing Su Lanzhi getting up, Qin Zhiyan put down the book, "Last night, but Did you sleep well? Do you want to sleep a little longer?"

"No, I should be up now, and there are still many things to be busy!" Although it is only a few days before the new year, there are still many things to prepare in advance. Since returning to Qin Palace, Su Lanzhi They are all as busy as a spinning top. On the one hand, they have to worry about Princess Qin's body. Su Lanzhi is really busy non-stop.

It's just that no one expected that Princess Qin fell ill in the end, and Prince Qin's mansion was immediately overwhelmed by people, and King Qin was a lot haggard, "Physician Sun, what do you think is going on here? Are you going to pass out all of a sudden?"

"Hey, my lord, my concubine also caught the wind and cold, and it didn't get better for a while, that's why it got serious. Now I can only rest."

Because Princess Qin fell ill again, Prince Qin's mansion has been shrouded in gloom, and Su Lanzhi has also become busier.Not only did she have to take care of Princess Qin, but she was also busy with various matters in the mansion. Shangguan Wuyou didn't know if it was intentional, and many things were left to Su Lanzhi's decision. I could hold on, but in the end, sure enough, something went wrong.

"Second Madam, Second Madam, it's not good!" Early in the morning, someone came to tell her. Su Lanzhi had just woken up now. Hearing that voice, she felt a little unavoidable, "Hurry up What is Zhang doing, but what happened?"

"Second Madam, it snowed heavily last night, some parts of the warehouse leaked, and the screen of the rich peonies given to the Queen Mother was destroyed. What should I do? There are also some new clothes, which are also soaked in snow water , It’s the Chinese New Year soon, what should I do?” This winter seems to be extraordinarily cold, and the snow fell a lot last night, but no one would have thought that there would be a leak in the warehouse!

These days, Shangguan Wuyou has gradually delegated power, and many things in the mansion are handled by Su Lanzhi. Now that there are such big mistakes, what should I do?

Su Lanzhi felt something was wrong when she heard it, and hurriedly got ready to go out, "Why is this happening? Come on, take me to see it!"

"Hey, I don't know, I don't know. Someone came to report this early in the morning, but those things were soaked in snow water for a night, and many medicinal materials were destroyed. Well, there are many things in these things. What should I do if I want to send it to the palace?" It would be fine if it was given to someone else, but it was sent to the palace, and it will be sent tomorrow, and now something went wrong, how can I make up for it? Hurry up?

"Don't worry, let's go and have a look first!" Su Lanzhi felt that her head was bulging, and now it was almost New Year's Eve, Princess Qin fell ill and needed to rest, she couldn't control anything.Shangguan Wuyou also wanted to avoid suspicion, and left all the work to her. Su Lanzhi is now the first and the second eldest, but the house is leaking, so what should I do?

"Yes, Second Madam!" When several people hurriedly arrived, King Qin had already arrived, and there was still Shangguan Wuyou standing there, talking non-stop, Su Lanzhi went in and heard something, feeling a little uncomfortable up.

"My lord, don't worry, after all, the Second Madam is younger, she may not be considerate enough. In addition, the Queen's sister is sick recently, and the Second Madam is too tired to take care of the Wang Concubine's sister, so there is no time to deal with this matter. The second lady will come in a while, and I think it will be resolved." Although Shangguan Wuyou was speaking for Su Lanzhi, everyone who listened to it naturally felt that it was all Su Lanzhi's fault.

Su Lanzhi listened to the other party's words, and walked over. Shangguan Wuyou saw Su Lanzhi coming at this moment, and quickly put on a calm look, and didn't speak anymore, but there were some words in his words. Urgent and worried, "Second Madam, you are here. Now there is a leak in this warehouse. Many prepared gifts were accumulated by the snow last night, and some of the best ginseng and ganoderma were also frozen overnight by the snow. No one found out, this, what should I do? Tomorrow these are all, but they are all going to be sent to the palace!" The gift sent to the palace was King Qin's filial piety to the old queen mother, this gift Naturally, it can't be taken lightly, and it takes some thought. Su Lanzhi also pondered carefully for a long time before finally finalizing these, and even took out a screen embroidered by herself, and made a lot of work for it , I originally wanted to make the old queen mother happy, so what should I do?

"Side concubine, don't worry, let's take a look first!" What Su Lanzhi didn't expect was that both Shangguan Wuyou and King Qin came faster than her. King Qin is a man, and the affairs of the inner court are logically irrelevant. Yes, but he appeared here, so it can be seen that all this is more than just a coincidence?

"Yes, yes, look at the things first!" Shangguan Wuyou heard Su Lanzhi say that, as if he had found the backbone all at once. She blamed herself a little, "Father, let's see if the things are damaged first, and then we can make a long-term plan?" Now it's useless to say anything, and Su Lanzhi has reason to believe that Shangguan Wuyou, before she came, He did a lot of work in front of King Qin, otherwise King Qin would not have such a bad face at the moment.

Also, the gifts that were sent to the palace in previous years have never been wrong, but this year she became like this when she took over, and the queen mother is also the biological mother of King Qin, so King Qin naturally values ​​it, and of course he can't tolerate any mistakes.What's more, there is Shangguan Wuyou, who is afraid of chaos in the world!

Su Lanzhi originally thought that King Qin would blame her, but she never thought that King Qin just glanced at her, so he didn't say much, "Well, let's see first!" Whether King Qin is a man or Su Lanzhi's father-in-law, he usually treats her well. Su Lanzhi is also good, but she can't compare to Princess Qin after all.

"Yes!" Su Lanzhi hurriedly ordered people to sort out those things. Now that he had time to look at them, King Qin discovered that there was a hole in the beam of the warehouse for some reason. The phenomenon of collapse.

Just what the hell is going on?This warehouse is supposed to be well built, and she also had someone check it before, and someone would patrol Qin Palace at night, if something really happened to this warehouse, why didn't anyone report it?

Everything is not quite right, Su Lanzhi was still thinking about it, and someone exclaimed, "Oh, my God, what's going on? This clothes, why are these clothes broken?" Hearing everyone's voices, Su Lanzhi Lan Zhi suddenly felt something was wrong, walked over to take a look, and found that there was a big hole in the new clothes specially made for the Queen Mother, and it looked like it was bitten by something. Before Su Lanzhi could say anything, the voice of King Qin It was a little cold, "What's the matter? The clothes are in good condition, why are there holes?" If such things are sent to the Queen Mother, how can Prince Qin's Mansion have any face?

"My lord, don't worry, the second lady has always been in charge of the four seasons' clothes, let the second lady take a look!" Shangguan Wuyou said in time at this moment, pointing out the crux of the problem, Su Lanzhi looked at the other party's face The anxious look turned out to be full of worry, and there was a sneer in his heart.

"Second daughter-in-law, what do you think of this matter?" King Qin is generally satisfied with Su Lanzhi as a daughter-in-law. Su Lanzhi is not only sensible, but also generous. He valued it very much, and of course the King of Qin also valued Su Lanzhi.It's just that something like this happened now, and Princess Qin was ill again, so King Qin naturally wanted to intervene.

"Father, may I have a look at the clothes first?"

"Naturally!" King Qin didn't say much, and motioned for someone to take the clothes to Su Lanzhi. He also wanted to hear Su Lanzhi's explanation from the bottom of his heart.

Su Lanzhi took the dress and looked at it. She chose the style specially and made it according to the queen mother's favorite style. It was also made of high-quality silk material, but she didn't expect that there was a big hole in it. Su Lanzhi saw that the hole was still bitten out. Su Lanzhi knew what was bitten out almost without thinking, "Father, the hole in this clothes was bitten. Judging from the appearance above Look, I'm afraid it was bitten by a mouse!"

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