Princess Qin also didn't want Su Lanzhi to work hard. Of course, Su Lanzhi would not have to refuse Princess Qin's kindness. Seeing how Princess Qin cared about her, Su Lanzhi finally had no choice but to accept, "Thank you, Concubine Mother."

"Silly boy, there are too many things going on in the house recently, and I can't justify leaving you busy alone, Madam Wei, you should help Lan'er in everything in the future, and don't let those people bully Lan'er when she is young! "Madam Wei has always been with Princess Qin's old mother, and her status in the palace is not low. Princess Qin let Madam Wei accompany her, so she naturally didn't want Su Lanzhi to be wronged.

"Princess, don't worry, the old slave will definitely cooperate with the second lady!"

"Thank you, Madam Wei!" Su Lanzhi's attitude towards the old man beside Princess Qin was also very kind. Seeing Su Lanzhi's attitude towards her, Wei Mammy also respected her, and she liked Su Lanzhi even more in her heart. It's a bit late, "Second Madam, this is what an old slave should do. Second Madam, this is really a shame for this old slave."

"Mummy, you're being polite." She smiled, even if the matter was settled like this, Su Lanzhi knew that she could at least not have to work too hard seeing that Mother Wei was there. [

"Okay, I'm relieved to have Mother Wei here in the future. Although I'm busy now, my body is important, you know, Lan'er?" If Su Lanzhi is tired because of these common affairs, Qin Wangfei will feel very guilty of.

"Mother, don't worry!" After talking to Princess Qin with a smile for a while, Su Lanzhi asked about Princess Qin's situation and left.

When she returned to the courtyard, Su Lanzhi heard that Qin Zhiyan was back, and hurriedly ran to see Qin Zhiyan happily, "Yan, why did you come back, didn't you say there are still a few days?"

"I'll be back when I'm done with my work. I don't worry about you being alone at home." Seeing Su Lanzhi come back, Qin Zhiyan held Su Lanzhi in his arms, and frowned when he saw Su Lanzhi , "I've been away for a few days, you seem to have lost weight."

"What are you talking about? How could it be?" After working hard recently, Su Lanzhi's appetite has indeed decreased, but why did she lose so much weight?

"You, you are busy on weekdays, but you should eat more, otherwise, no matter how skinny you are, I won't let you take care of things." Su Lanzhi was already very thin, and she managed to raise some meat. Where is Qin Zhiyan? Are you willing to let it go?

"Okay, I get it, don't worry, I know it well!" Nodding, Su Lanzhi looked taught, knowing that Qin Zhiyan cared about her, of course she understood.

"It's good to know. By the way, I've been away for a few days, how are you at home? Is there nothing wrong?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing to do, it's just that I may be busy recently, but it's okay, I can handle it."

"What's wrong?"

"Hey..." Husband and wife were the most secretive things before, so Su Lanzhi didn't hide it, and simply told everything. As a result, Qin Zhiyan became angry when he heard it, "This person, really is Don't worry, I'm getting more and more presumptuous now!" Although he knew that Shangguan You would deal with Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan really didn't expect that Shangguan You had such an idea.

If it wasn't for Su Lanzhi's precautions and quick response, the result would be known!Su Lanzhi is not just as simple as losing her right to be a housekeeper!

Sure enough, such a vicious method!

"Don't worry, this matter has been dealt with now, and the gift delivery will not be delayed, and she is also sick now, so she can't intervene. Although these days will be busy, I can also take this opportunity to The people in the mansion beat and cleaned it up, maybe it was a blessing in disguise." Su Lanzhi could think about it, but Qin Zhiyan just felt distressed when he heard it, "Lan Lan, I have wronged you."

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's what I should do!" Leaning in Qin Zhiyan's arms, Su Lanzhi felt extra at ease.Although life is a bit cautious these days and has to be careful, but with Qin Zhiyan around, Su Lanzhi feels that no matter what, she is happy.

"You already have Yunzhu by your side, and I will arrange another person for you in the dark. You can call her Luzhu, and you can call her for anything in the future."


"As for the matter of the second housekeeper, leave it to me. Now we can't touch her for the time being. We have to wait for a chance!"

"I know." Shangguan You used to do so much for Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei, and now it has become like this, and gave birth to a pair of children for Qin Wang, even if there is no credit, there is hard work. Qin Wang and Qin Wangfei are dissatisfied with Shangguanyou, but it is not enough to shake Shangguanyou's position, it is better to keep them all, and then they will be wiped out. [

"Lan Lan, I wanted you to be happy and worry, but I still make you tired and tired. I really..."

"Okay, stop talking, this is what I want." Covering Qin Zhiyan's mouth, Su Lanzhi forbade Qin Zhiyan to say those words again.Qin Zhiyan also understood, so naturally he didn't say anything.It's just that the atmosphere was a little dignified, and for a while, they could only hear each other's breathing.

"By the way, Yan, have you found everything I asked you to find?"

"Well, I found them all. It's just this matter, have you talked to the county magistrate Nancy?" After all, this matter is a bit risky, and it might really delay the life of the county magistrate Nancy, which is really good ?

"I've already told her that Nancy is willing, and she urged me to hurry up, otherwise the Chinese New Year, maybe the Queen Mother and the others will give the marriage right away while the festival is coming, and it will be too late."

"Since she is so brave, I will naturally wish her a helping hand. This year Xuan will come to Beijing to pay New Year's greetings, and then let's see if they have this fate!" Nanxi County Lord can stick to it for so long, Qin Zhiyan It's also very touching, Qin Xuan has no affection for County Lord Nancy, Qin Zhiyan knows this very well, but because of too many things, Qin Xuan can't make any promises.

"There is only so much we can help." Sighing, they are now desperate, and Su Lanzhi knows that this may really ruin the life of Nancy County Lord.She also told Nancy about the consequences, but Nancy County Lord insisted that Su Lanzhi could only be a blessing, "I will make the things in these two days, and then I will go and get them to Nanxi Hi!"


The two agreed immediately, and Su Lanzhi also became busy in the following days, but she had to sneak in to make pills from the things Qin Zhiyan found for her. Some doppelgängers are exhausted.

But fortunately, Su Lanzhi knew it well, and it was done on the third day. This day was a better day with Nancy, and the two of them made an appointment to meet in the suburbs, so as not to attract attention.

"Nancy, have you really thought about it?"

"Lan Zhi, give it to me, I think clearly! Instead of marrying someone I don't understand and love, I will suffer forever, I am willing to give it a go!"

"But just in case, don't you really think about it?" There are too many obstacles between Qin Xuan and Nancy County Lord, and it is very difficult for the queen to pass the test!

"I believe in him. If he betrays me after all, it's because I was wrong. Lan Zhi, give it to me!" With firm eyes, Nancy County Lord Nancy is a passionate person. Once such a person is selected No matter who you fall into, you won't change easily, even if your body is smashed to pieces!

"Nancy, I wish you happiness. Yan said that he will return to Beijing this time. I hope you can seize the opportunity then!"

"Hehe, I hope!" No matter what, she has to fight for herself, because she doesn't want to live in regret and unhappiness for the rest of her life!

"Nancy, you will be happy, you have to be careful!"

"Okay!" After taking the bottle from Su Lanzhi, Nancy smiled gratefully at Su Lanzhi, "Lan Zhi, I'm really glad to have a friend like you, I'm very lucky!"

"I am also very happy, you will be my good friend all the time!"

"Well, a good friend all along!" Holding the small porcelain bottle in his hand, County Mistress Nancy looked at Su Lanzhi firmly as if she was holding something heavier than life, "Then I'll go first."

"Okay, let's go separately, and we won't meet again in the next few days, so as not to be suspicious!"

"I know!" Nancy also knows that there are too many tails around her recently, and she finally came out today, and it will not be easy to meet again in the future. Nancy glanced at Su Lanzhi, and they both understood each other in each other's hearts The other party's thoughts, and finally parted. [

On the way back, Su Lanzhi still couldn't help worrying on her face, "Yan, is it right for you to say that I did this?" Although she really wanted to help Nancy County Lord, she didn't want such a good person It just withered like that, but if Qin Xuan failed Nancy, wouldn't she also become a sinner?

"Lan Lan, this is her own choice. And Xuan is not in love with her, maybe this is good, so that they can see each other's intentions clearly, and avoid regrets for the rest of their lives." Everyone has to do it for themselves The selection of the person in charge.

"I know, hope, everything is moving in the direction we want!" Sighing, Su Lanzhi looked outside the carriage, suddenly feeling confused about the road ahead.

"Okay, don't be unhappy. Now that the matter has been decided, we don't have to worry about it. The day after tomorrow will be New Year's Eve. We will go to the palace at that time, and you have to prepare."

"Ok, I know!"


The following days are still busy, Su Lanzhi took advantage of the contact with Wei Nanny these days, and also inquired about Princess Qin's body, and gradually got the bottom line in her heart, but there are still some things that need to be confirmed by Su Lanzhi That's it.

In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve. Like last year, there was a grand banquet in the palace. Su Lanzhi was now Princess Wucheng, so naturally she had to go.

Now that she is used to coming to the palace, the memories of her previous life seem to be too far away from Su Lanzhi. Sitting on the stage, watching the lively singing and dancing, Su Lanzhi felt a little bored, so she went out for a walk.

"Princess Wucheng really is very elegant. Now it seems that Princess Wucheng is living a good life. I am very envious!" Qin Yan also came out at some time, and Su Lanzhi listened to the cold and piercing voice. Looking at the other person's icy face, I felt extremely disgusted in my heart, "Why doesn't Lord Yan watch the singing and dancing anymore? Why is he becoming that sneaky person?"

"I don't understand what Princess Wucheng is talking about!" The other party is Princess Wucheng at every turn, and Su Lanzhi also finds it extremely harsh.

"It's good that Lord Yan understands it in his heart. Why do you have to say it so clearly to embarrass both of us?" Su Lanzhi smiled. She originally thought that Emperor Wen would let Qin Yan hang out for a while, but she didn't expect that Emperor Wen would let Qin Yan do it again. Qin Yan was reused once.There is even a tendency to surpass the second prince Qin Mo, and it is unknown what trick Qin Yan used again.

"Hehe, Princess Wucheng is really a humorous person, no wonder King Wucheng loves you so much." Seeing Su Lanzhi's ruddy complexion, sitting with Qin Zhiyan so happily , Qin Yan felt extremely uncomfortable for some reason.It seems that something that belongs to me has been snatched away by others. This feeling is really very uncomfortable.

"Lord Yan has won the prize!" With her head lowered, Su Lanzhi didn't know what Qin Yan meant by these words, but she made up her mind not to have too much involvement with the other party, and naturally she wouldn't get too involved. The other party spoke.

"Princess Wucheng is still like this, and this king is really unforgettable." Qin Yan felt an inexplicable pain in his heart. Qin Yan thought he didn't care, but why did he feel a little heartache when he looked at Su Lanzhi?

What the hell happened to him?

"Princess Yan, you should be careful when you speak!" Su Lanzhi didn't want to continue talking to the other party here, so she turned around and was about to leave, but she never thought that Qin Yan would stand in front of her, "Princess Wucheng, why bother?" How about leaving? Is there something that Princess Wu Cheng doesn't want to know?"

"Lord Yan, please respect yourself!"

"Hehe, what Princess Wucheng said, why is this king not self-respecting?" Smiling, Qin Yan leaned in to look at Su Lanzhi, and seeing Su Lanzhi's face, he really wanted to kiss Fangze. That's what he thought, and he was going to do it, but before he got there, he suddenly felt a gust of wind. Qin Yan hurriedly avoided, and saw Qin Zhiyan standing there with a smile. Smile, with a cold feeling.

"Hehe, Brother Yan, so it's you!" I always thought that Qin Zhiyan was the kind of person who didn't care about anything, but now looking at him like that, Qin Yan felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, This really surprised him.

It seems that this person is not as simple as the surface.

"Lord Yan, the singing and dancing inside is just right, doesn't Lord Yan like to blow cold wind?" Although he really wanted to beat Qin Yan hard, Qin Zhiyan didn't want Su Lanzhi's reputation to be damaged, so what happened just now, he Can't tell anyone.

"Hehe, what Brother Yan said is very true, then I won't bother you, I'll go in first!" Qin Yan was there, and Qin Yan couldn't say anything, but looked at Su Lanzhi and Qin thoughtfully. With a glance at Zhiyan, there seemed to be a little discord in the words, "Brother Yan and his younger siblings have such a good relationship, which is really enviable, but I don't know if the relationship will be so good in the future, but I I heard that the imperial grandmother chose a few beauties to serve Yandi, and Yandi is lucky!" After speaking, he took a special look at Su Lanzhi, seeing that the other party didn't care, but Qin Yan felt that what he said was wrong. It was very uncomfortable as if it was hit on cotton.

Hehe, let me see how long you can laugh, soon, you will know what pain is!


Seeing Qin Yan leaving, Qin Zhiyan didn't forget to say these words before leaving, which made people feel uncomfortable, so he made up his mind that he must teach him a lesson.It's just that he won't tell Su Lanzhi about this matter, just looking at Su Lanzhi, Qin Zhiyan felt a little guilty, "Lan Lan, are you okay? Just now he..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" This Qin Yan really became more and more bold, why is he so afraid?

"Lan Lan, it's good that you're fine. You don't want to come out alone in the palace, you know? Don't worry me!" If it wasn't because someone was pestering him to drink just now, he wouldn't have followed him, and almost let him Qin Zhiyan felt unhappy when his daughter-in-law was bullied.

"Well, I just feel that it's too boring to go out for a walk. I never wanted to encounter such a thing. It makes you worry, and it won't happen in the future." Originally, Yunzhu also came with her, but she just saw that she was cold, so she went back to get it. The clothes are gone, never thought that Qin Yan would really take advantage of loopholes.

"Now Qin Yan's rumors are rising, and he is fighting fiercely with the second prince, and he is becoming more and more flamboyant." Recently, Emperor Wen suddenly trusted Qin Yan and entrusted him with important tasks many times. Now Qin Yan's power can already be achieved. It is no wonder that the other party has become a little jealous now that he has competed with the second prince Qin Mo.

"What's going on?" They suppressed each other so much, how could he still get up?

As long as Su Lanzhi thinks about what Qin Yan did in his previous life, and then looks at Qin Yan's actions today, Su Lanzhi can't help feeling a little scared.

"It's hard to talk about this here, let's talk about it when we go back!" Seeing Su Lanzhi's worry, Qin Zhiyan took her hand, "Lan Lan, don't worry, I won't let you suffer because of this matter." Wronged!"

"Well, I know!" Although it is still unclear why Qin Yan was suddenly reused, Su Lanzhi vaguely felt that she had something to do with that beautiful Guo.

"Okay, let's go back first!" The people in the palace were full of chatter. Some things, it's better to go back and talk slowly. Now the atmosphere in the imperial city is becoming more and more tense. Qin Zhiyan is really Worry, what will happen then.

It seems that many things should be prepared earlier.

"Yeah!" Following Qin Zhiyan in, Su Lanzhi felt Qin Yan's cold eyes looking at him as soon as he entered, as if he was looking at his prey, which made people feel very uncomfortable. Qin Zhiyan seemed Sensing Qin Yan's gaze, he put Su Lanzhi behind him and glanced at Qin Yan. Finally, Qin Yan raised the cup in his hand, toasted Qin Zhiyan, and then withdrew his gaze. It makes people look uncomfortable.

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