Along the way, Li Ruolan felt as if she was being played by someone, and she was extremely depressed, but she still had to pretend to be happy, which was really extremely painful.

Ah, why is Su Lanzhi so unlucky and embarrassed every time she meets Su Lanzhi?This Su Lanzhi really has a grudge against her, doesn't she?

"Hehe, I see that my younger siblings look good at the moment, so the concubine mother is relieved. You don't even know that when you sent someone to come and say that you were not feeling well just now, the concubine mother was very worried. It's gone." Smiling, Li Ruolan has always been envious of Su Lanzhi in all kinds of ways, she hates Su Lanzhi for being favored, she also hates Su Lanzhi for her good life, and what she hates more is that Su Lanzhi is hers Competitor, so she has to fight against Su Lanzhi everywhere.

"I made everyone worry." Although Li Ruolan tried hard to cover it up, Su Lanzhi still saw the gloomy look in the other party's eyes, but Su Lanzhi didn't mind at all.

What does this have to do with myself? [

"It's fine now that you are well, but in the future, you have to pay more attention, and don't let everyone worry." Try to speak as much as possible, so as not to be short-tempered by yourself. Li Ruolan knows that she is ashamed today, and now she is Trying to save it.

"Sister-in-law's concern, I can save it, thank you, sister-in-law." The other party is acting, and Su Lanzhi is also acting with the other party, anyway, it's not difficult.

"Hehe, it should be." Li Ruolan felt that her face was about to cramp from laughing, but Su Lanzhi still didn't care, Li Ruolan was also angry!

This journey was a torment for Li Ruolan, especially seeing Qin Zhiyan's doting on Su Lanzhi in every possible way, and protecting Su Lanzhi all the way, Li Ruolan felt that these two people deliberately stimulated her, okay? Li Ruolan breathed a sigh of relief just now when he came to Qin Wangfei's place, but he didn't think about it, and his heart became even more angry.

"Lan'er, Yan'er, are you here? Lan'er, are you okay?" Princess Qin's concerned words came softly, her eyes were full of worry, Li Ruolan didn't even look at herself when she saw Princess Qin At a glance, the hatred and jealousy in my heart kept popping up like mushrooms after the rain.

"Mother, don't worry, I'm fine, just take a rest."

"You child, you don't usually pay attention. If you are not feeling well, just rest in the yard. What are you doing here?" She glanced at Su Lanzhi blamingly. Princess Qin was also blaming Qin Zhiyan for not knowing how to love his wife. Su Lanzhi hugged Princess Qin and smiled, "Don't worry, Concubine Mother, I'm fine, I have to watch the night today, I've had enough rest just now, how can I be lazy now?"

"You child, you are sincere, but don't force yourself, your body is important, you know?"

"Mother, I know, don't worry!"

"Well, sit down quickly. It's getting dark. Xuan'er and the others are discussing setting off fireworks. Let's go and have a look!" The fireworks are the highlight of the Chinese New Year. People naturally prepared a lot, just for the sake of celebrating.

"It's natural!" I suddenly remembered that at this time last year, Qin Zhiyan took him out to watch the fireworks. Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan's eyes met inadvertently. See the happiness of the past in the eyes of the other party.

"Today we are all together as a family, and it's a rare event. It's great to let him go for a few more hours, and we'll watch from the sidelines."

"What the concubine mother said is true!" Several people found a good place to stand, and the servants started to light the fireworks. Suddenly, the sky was filled with colorful lights, which really caught people's attention.

"I really hope that every year is like today, every year is like this dynasty, and it will be so lively every year in the future." There are more and more people in the Qin Palace, and there will be grandchildren and great-grandsons in the future. At that time, the Qin Palace should also Prospered.

Princess Qin is in a great mood just thinking about it.

"Yes, concubine mother!" It was the first time for Su Lanzhi to celebrate the new year in Prince Qin's mansion. She was not used to it. Her parents-in-law and her parents-in-law were also very good with the man she loved by her side, and she was also very kind to herself, Su Lan Zhi felt extraordinarily happy.

According to the rules, one has to keep watch until early in the morning. When the new year finally came, King Qin was so happy that he ordered the fireworks to be set off for another half an hour. Su Lanzhi was also happy to see the bright fireworks, and finally Everyone was tired, so they left in a hurry.

"Father, queen and concubine mother are very happy today, and I see that the smiles on concubine mother's face have increased a lot."

"Yeah, the whole family is together today, so the father, queen, mother and concubine are naturally happy, Lan Lan, let's go to bed early, we have to get up early tomorrow!" [

"Yeah!" Lying on the bed, both of them are tired tonight, Qin Zhiyan is also reluctant to make Su Lanzhi too tired, just hugging Su Lanzhi, the two of them looked at each other without saying anything, just a thousand words Without saying a word, they all fell asleep in the end.

On the second day, you have to get up early, and you have to go to the ancestral hall to worship the ancestors early in the morning. This matter cannot be sloppy.Everything was going well at first, but when it was time for Su Lanzhi to burn the incense, she couldn't light it for a long time, and Li Ruolan was watching the excitement, "Hehe, what's going on, brother and sister? Why is the incense so good? But it doesn't light up? Brother and sister, do you want to try another one?" His eyes are full of gloating, today is Su Lanzhi's first ancestor worship, and this is a problem. Said?

"This incense seems to be a bit 'damp', let me change it!" Frowning, Su Lanzhi felt a little strange, she had already had this incense checked before, so why is it still "damp"? ?

"Hehe, it seems that you, brother and sister, are noble people who forget things too much. Now that you are in charge of the entire palace, you are also busy on weekdays. I am afraid that you have neglected this matter. It is just a brother and sister. This ancestor is a big deal, and the incense is not prosperous. , It’s not good for future generations, brothers and sisters, you have to be more careful in the future.” Smiling, Li Ruolan’s words also have other meanings in them, and everyone’s ears always feel a little uncomfortable.

"..." Su Lanzhi didn't say anything to Li Ruolan's words. Anyway, she knew that someone must have done what happened in secret today. As for what it was, Su Lanzhi felt a little strange.

Even if it is fragrant, it is at best a little unlucky, and there is nothing wrong with it?If the other party really wanted to deal with her, how could it be so simple?


"Okay, hurry up and change one, don't delay." King Qin frowned, feeling that this matter was really bad.It's just that Su Lanzhi has always been careful, and he can't be blamed, just let this matter go.

"Yes, father!" After changing another incense, it still didn't light up. Su Lanzhi "touched" and "touched", and the incense was still a little moist. Su Lanzhi felt strange, "Why is this one not Run?" Others have nothing to do, so why should it be yours?

What is the other party going to do?

"What's going on here? It's a good incense, why is it moist?" Qin Wang also took it over and touched it, and realized that the incense was indeed moist. It's getting better.

The second daughter-in-law has always been careful, and she will definitely not make such a mistake, so who is behind the trick and why?

"Who is the person in charge of the incense paper, let him come here!" Su Lanzhi took three of them in a row and all of them were moist, and King Qin was also a little angry.

"Father, let's burn incense first, don't delay the time." After picking and choosing, I finally found something to do, Su Lanzhi finally burned incense at this moment, but at this moment, everyone's face "Color" is not very good.

"Hai, let's go out first!" When encountering such a thing on the first day of the new year, Princess Qin was not in a good mood, especially since this matter was aimed at Su Lanzhi, naturally Princess Qin couldn't just let it go of.

"Well, let's go!" He ordered someone to call the person in charge of the incense paper, and King Qin's anger was obvious.

"Hai, leave this matter to me, I'll take care of it!" It's better for women to handle the inner house affairs. Princess Qin gave King Qin a calm look, watching the water coming, with a smile on her face. Immediately became serious.

"My maidservant sees the lord and concubine, and greets the lord and concubine!" Shui'er looked at this posture, and suddenly felt a little turbulent in her heart. After inquiring about things along the way just now, Shui'er immediately knew that something was wrong, and her heart was full of anxiety.

"On weekdays, this incense paper, but you are in charge of it?"

"Yes, princess!"

"Did you check carefully before?"

"Go back to the lord, the second lady has told the servant to check it, the servant has a good inspection, this is..."

"Then did you notice something was wrong? In the past few days, did you look at these joss papers for ancestor worship?"

"The servant just checked last night, nothing happened!"

"Are you sure?"

"Princess, my servant knows that I will worship the ancestors today, so naturally I dare not be negligent. I checked it carefully last night, and there is nothing wrong with it. The princess is very careful!" Shui'er was also worried at first, but fortunately she had a good life I've seen it, otherwise she really couldn't speak clearly with eight mouths.

"Really? Then why is the incense so "sweet" today? What's your explanation?" Seeing that Shui'er didn't seem to be lying, Princess Qin was also puzzled, and threw the incense over, Shui'er Seeing the moistened incense, he was immediately frightened, "Princess, please spare me, this, this is not done by slaves!"

"I know you didn't do it, but you tell me, what's going on! Since you've checked it out so well, why is the fragrance still moist?" Princess Qin was also angry. This happened when Lan Zhi went to worship her ancestors. If it was not found out, what would others think of Su Lan Zhi?If something happens in the future, won't it all fall on Su Lanzhi?

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