Crazy hands in this chapter)

If mother's housekeeping rights are really taken back, won't their future life become more and more difficult?

As a concubine and a concubine, their monthly expenses are not comparable to Su Lanzhi's, so how will they live a comfortable and luxurious life in the future?

No, absolutely not!

Su Lingyue looked at Bai Xin as if asking for help, hoping that Bai Xin could come up with a solution, Bai Xin nodded to Su Lingyue, and pointed at the old Princess Qing with her eyes, Su Lingyue remembered Bai Xin's order on the way, and immediately Glancing at Su Zhenhua, Su Zhenhua understood, Su Lingyue quickly collected her emotions, and presented her gift, "Grandma's birthday is today, Yue'er has prepared a gift for grandma, do you want to see it?"

"Hehe, Yue'er is so caring and filial, grandma naturally wants to see it, and bring the gift!" Old Princess Qing was thinking about how to settle this matter, so as not to embarrass Bai Xin too much, Su Lingyue will come out right now The old Princess Qing naturally responded immediately, so that she could cover up this matter, so as not to invite Bai Xin out, so that in the future, how should Bai Xin behave, and how should her beloved grandchildren behave? Woolen cloth?

The grandchildren that Old Princess Qing recognized in her heart naturally did not include Su Lanzhi, so she only thought about the people in Bai Xin's room, so why did she care about Murong Yan and others?

She just wanted to get rid of the bad impression she had on Bai Xin and the others. When Old Princess Qing saw the handkerchief Su Lingyue embroidered for her, the smile on her face deepened immediately, "Yue'er really has grown up." , I am sensible, I embroidered gifts for my grandma with such heart, my grandma likes the presents very much, Yue'er's embroidery skills have also improved, and this word is also well written!"

While talking, Old Princess Qing cleverly revealed the handkerchief, and everyone naturally saw the pattern on it, a lifelike ancient pine, and the immature but very beautiful Xiao Zuan, who immediately won the prize. It broke everyone's heart.

Although the Bai family is a bit petty, the Su family is worthy of being a century-old family, and the daughters they have taught are also very virtuous and decent.

At a young age, the embroidery is so good, and the calligraphy is also very beautiful. When I grow up, it will naturally be another scene!

Very satisfied with Su Lingyue, everyone's eyes on Su Lingyue gradually softened, and their dissatisfaction with Bai Xin also improved a little because of Su Lingyue.

To be able to raise such a daughter, she must be very intelligent and capable. Perhaps what they saw just now was just a momentary mistake of the other party.

Bai Xin's hard work these years is not in vain. He worked hard to manage his own image, smear Murong Yan's image, and with the strong support behind him, even though he suffered repeated setbacks today, his hard work for many years will not be ruined in one fell swoop. !

Feeling complacent, Bai Xin was thinking about the next thing, looking at Murong Yan with vicious eyes!

Murong Yan, do you think you can easily defeat me?

Don't forget Yuan Wuhou behind me and Concubine Jing in the palace, how could you be my opponent?

She was feeling proud, but suddenly heard the voice of the old Princess Qing and her voice increased in vain. Bai Xin's eyes were full of pride, but she just lowered her head to cover up her emotions!

"Yue'er, what's the matter with your hand? Why is it swollen?" Just now, she was only looking at the gift Su Lingyue gave her, but now Princess Qing noticed Su Lingyue's hand. It's cold, so it's easy to get chilblains. Now Su Lingyue's beautiful hands are swollen. How can the old Princess Qing not feel sorry for her?

My granddaughter has been a pampered lady since she was a child, how could her hands be like this?

If this leaves a scar, how can I marry in the future?

"Grandmother, it's just that the weather is cold, Yue'er is cold, it's fine!" She retracted her hand timidly, but Su Lingyue's eyes carefully knocked towards Murong Yan. In everyone's eyes, there was a look of grievance and dare not speak out, they all thought that Murong Yan had bullied Su Lingyue.

"Yue'er, don't be nervous, have you been wronged, tell grandma, grandma will definitely make the decision for you!" Looking at Su Lingyue's eyes, Old Princess Qing naturally thought that Murong Yan abused Su Lingyue , she got angry with Murong Yan just now, and the old Princess Qing had nowhere to vent her worries, so she found an excuse at this moment, and she naturally wanted to scold Murong Yan seriously, so as to hurt Murong Yan's arrogance and cover her up. Let Bai Xin's fault be forgiven, lest everyone have an opinion on Bai Xin because of today's incident, and ruin her years of hard work!

"Grandmother, Yue'er really accidentally caught the cold, it's okay!" Her eyes once again looked at Murong Yan timidly. Su Lingyue looked extremely pitiful. She has a wife she likes, and she has some sympathy.

"Miss Su, today is the birthday banquet of the old concubine. If you have any grievances, just say so, and the old concubine will make decisions for you!" Su Lingyue performed well just now, everyone's impression of Su Lingyue is very good Yes, naturally I don't want her to be wronged.

"That's right, Miss Su, you'd better not hide it. If you hide it like this, the old princess will be worried. Why are you a decent young lady? How can you be wronged like this? Prime Minister Su is a trusted minister of the emperor after all. , could it be that there is no charcoal fire in the house?"

"That's right, Miss Su, tell me!"


The crowd tried to persuade them one after another, some people were watching the excitement, some people couldn't bear to see someone being wronged, and of course some people were afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

Su Qinglan is like the sun and sky in the court, and she is trusted by the emperor. Naturally, there are many people in the court who are jealous. Today, it is hard to grab the opponent's braid, and everyone naturally does not want to let it go.

"Grandmother, this..." Su Lingyue glanced across Murong Yan quickly, then shook her body, as if she was too scared to say anything, tears were about to flow out, and the old Princess Qing became more and more sure that it was Murong Yan Yan Yan had treated her granddaughter harshly, and was about to have a seizure. At this moment, Su Zhenhua also joined in the fun, "Grandma, don't ask my sister, she really froze herself!"

Although Su Zhenhua didn't know why Bai Xin didn't let them talk, he just did it like this, but Su Zhenhua still listened to what his mother said, and hurried out of the arms of Old Princess Qing, knelt down with a "boom", and his face turned pale immediately. After a pause, his expression was extremely painful.

"Hua'er, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Su Zhenhua's forbearance, Old Princess Qing's heart ached, and everyone did not expect such a scene, and they had a new level of scrutiny of all this.

Is this Murong family really so shameless?

How could these two children be so frightened?

"Grandson is fine, grandma, don't ask, today is your birthday party, as long as you are happy, the grandchildren don't want to bother grandma with these things!" Su Zhenhua can speak so gracefully at a young age The words made everyone look at these two children more highly, and then looked at the indifferent Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, and everyone shook their heads in their hearts.

As the mistress of the house, she doesn't have the capacity to tolerate people at all, and it's no wonder that the Murong family is so disliked by the old concubine, Prime Minister Su doesn't want to see her these years!

"Hua'er, get up and show grandma your legs!" I had long thought that Su Zhenhua's legs were a little unusual, but now seeing the pained expression on Su Zhenhua's face, the face of old Princess Qing turned black. up.

"Grandmother, you promise Hua'er not to ask, Hua'er will get up!" Su Zhenhua really wanted to say on the spot that Murong Yan bullied him and his sister, but he didn't dare to disobey Bai Xin's order, so he had to kneel stubbornly, I endured the pain in my knee.

"Hua'er, what are you afraid of? Grandmother is here, and grandma will give you justice!" Seeing her grandson still struggling in this state, Old Princess Qing felt her heart tremble with pain. Trembling.

Su Qinglan is just such a single seedling, how could the old Princess Qing be willing to make any mistakes?

"Grandmother, Hua'er is really fine! Grandmother thinks too much!" The more Su Zhenhua said this, the more Old Princess Qing and everyone felt that there was something in it, and looked at Murong Yan with dissatisfaction.

"Xiang Ling, go and pull Hua'er up!"


"Grandmother, don't!" Struggling, Su Zhenhua refused to get up. His general understanding made everyone feel sorry for this spineless child. Old Princess Qing looked at it and felt even more angry, "Xiangling, Lift up Hua'er's pants and see what happened to his legs!"

"Don't!" Su Zhenhua seemed to be frightened, and struggled even harder, Xiangling couldn't hold on anymore. Seeing Old Princess Qing, she immediately asked another person to go too, "Xiangxue, don't hesitate to help!"

"Yes!" Xiangling and Xiangxue drove Su Zhenhua, finally stopped each other, and lifted Su Zhenhua's trouser legs in front of everyone. When everyone saw Su Zhenhua's bruised knees, they immediately gasped. When Princess Qing saw her, she stood up in a "bass", and threw the hot teapot beside Murong Yan directly on top of Murong Yan's head, "Murong, are you so shameless? How can you afford to be like this?" The mistress of the mansion? Is this how your tutor of the Marquis of Jingbei is like this? We, the Su family, can't afford a viper like you!"

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