The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 376 Murong Ya is Happy

After talking overnight, Su Lanzhi secretly made up her mind, and her heart became more and more determined. She woke up early the next day, and after packing up, Su Lanzhi went to greet Jingbeihou and Mrs. Jingbeihou. Looking at the Jingbeihou's mansion now A warm scenery, in fact, I am not very envious in my heart.

When will the palace be able to do the same?At that time, she will be able to live in Prince Wucheng's mansion with Yan'an with peace of mind, wouldn't she be happy?

There are no worries, and there are not so many calculations. Su Lanzhi has always wanted to live such a simple life, but the reality is always too cruel.

"Hehe, you guys are really early today. In fact, it's cold now. You might as well sleep a little longer. You'll suffer if you come out so early!" Now Aunt Ma is no longer a threat at all, and Mrs. Jingbei Hou is in a better mood than before. It's much better, everyone is here again today, Madam Jingbei Hou is happy!

"Grandmother, it's okay, we went to bed early yesterday, and woke up naturally today." [

"Hehe, Lan'er, come, come and sit, it's cold outside, warm yourself by the fire, don't be cold." He motioned Su Lanzhi to sit beside her, and the smile on Mrs. Jingbeihou's face never stopped up.

Now that the daughter is willing to come back and walk around, the daughter has no more conflicts with her son-in-law, and she has given birth to a son, so she will not depend on her old age in the future, and the family is peaceful. This is really good, except...

Thinking of Li Baixuan's body, Mrs. Jingbei Hou was actually very sad.After all, she is a generous mother-in-law. Although Li Baixuan failed to leave a legitimate son for her second son, she was more or less regretful in her heart, but she was not only a son, but also an elder son and a younger son. It's not that I care too much about it, it's the best if there is one, if it's really not there, it will be a big deal to adopt one at that time, anyway, the relationship between her sons is also very good, the eldest son and the younger son will definitely not look at the second son No one pays the end of the pension.It's just a pity, after all, the second daughter-in-law can't think about it...

The only regret now is Li Baixuan's body, but Mrs. Jingbeihou didn't show it after all. There was a trace of sadness in her eyes, which quickly faded away. She didn't want everyone to be unhappy because of this matter.


Su Lanzhi sat with Mrs. Jingbei Hou for a while, and watched Murong Ya and the others come one after another. Everyone had breakfast with He Meimei. They were very happy at first, but Murong Ya suddenly went out with her mouth covered Yes, Su Lanzhi saw it, and a flash of clarity flashed across her eyes. Seeing that Cao Qing also went out with a worried look on her face, Su Lanzhi was really happy for Murong Ya.

Uncle and aunt really do love Sister Ya, and the man she married is indeed gentle and considerate. Seeing this nervous appearance, it makes people feel heart-warming!

"What's the matter, girl? Are you feeling unwell?" Mrs. Jingbei Hou saw Murongyan covering her mouth and went out. She was a little worried, and Xi Lerong also hurriedly got up, "Mother, my daughter-in-law is going to see the Scarlet Business Way!"

"Well, that's fine, I see that Ya girl's complexion is not very good, let the government doctor come over and take a look!" Seeing Murong Ya like this, Mrs. Jingbei Hou's eyes flashed something, and she smiled.

"Okay!" Xi Lerong was worried about her daughter, and hurriedly put down the bowls and chopsticks. The people at the table were also worried, but Su Lanzhi was the most calm. Madam Jingbei Hou saw it and said nothing, "Okay, don't worry , maybe it’s a good thing, let’s eat first, and we’ll know when the government doctor comes.”

"Yes, grandma!" Although they were worried, everyone was relieved to have Xi Lerong and Cao Qing here. After eating, they went to see Murong Ya, and saw Murong Ya lying on the bed, stroking her stomach with her small hands, Everyone was a little puzzled by the shy look on his face.

"Sister, are you okay? But did you eat something bad?" Murong Xiang didn't understand this anyway, so Pi Tou asked. Murong Ya smiled embarrassedly, but didn't know how to answer.

"Hehe, Xiang'er, don't talk nonsense. It's not that your elder sister has eaten up her stomach, but she's pregnant with a baby. You're going to be an aunt."

"Really? I'm going to be an aunt?" Murong Xiang was very happy when she heard this, and she wanted to clap her hands and applaud. True.

"Yes, you are going to be an aunt, but you have to be more careful in the future, don't be as frizzy as before, it would be bad to hurt your eldest sister."

"Mother, I know, eldest sister, are you really pregnant?" I was really happy for Murong Ya, and the blessing on Murong Xiang's face was not fake.

"Sister Ya, congratulations!" Su Lanzhi was also sincerely happy for Murong Ya, but she was vaguely aware of Murong Ya's worry, but Su Lanzhi took the opportunity to get Murong Ya's pulse yesterday, knowing that Murong Ya Su Lanzhi is very happy that she is in good health, and there is such a miracle, but she didn't say anything yesterday, just for this surprise.

"Hehe, thank you." Murongya touched her stomach, never thought that she was worried that she would never be able to conceive, but she never thought that this little life was already in her stomach.

Life is really amazing. When was this little life in her stomach? [

"You, it's also lucky that you are in good health. I didn't even know you were pregnant. It's a snowy day and the road is bumpy. Fortunately, the child is fine. Ya'er, you are also an adult. Don't do things like this in the future. You're being reckless." No one thought that Murong Ya would conceive a child at this juncture, but luckily both adults and children are fine, otherwise everyone would regret it to death.

"Mother, I don't know." It's been almost a month since I walked this way, and Murong Ya tested it and it was almost just before I went out. Who knew at that time?

"Don't be so careless in the future, this body has been in place for more than a month, and you don't know, how can you be so careless as a mother?" The moment Xi Lerong heard that Murong Ya had a child just now, both I am happy, but I am worried again, I am afraid that Murong Ya will have an accident due to the bumpy road, so won't everyone be worried?

"Okay, mother, am I okay? The doctor said that I am in good health, but now I'm just a little weak, I just need to take care of myself."

"You child, you are always careless, but now you can't run around. It's freezing cold, and it's inconvenient for you to be pregnant. I see, don't go back this time, you can walk with your body It's dangerous to be so far away, it's better to take care of your body in this capital and give birth safely." Since Murong Ya was pregnant, Xi Lerong immediately made arrangements, but she didn't want her daughter to go back at this juncture, in case something happened Oh no.

It is very important for this woman to conceive, especially in the first three months, so be careful.How can you bear the bumps along the way?

"Mother, I'm fine. What if I don't go back?" She also has to help manage the big family's affairs, and she's fine now, she's just so delicate, the mother-in-law knows , I'm afraid she will think she did it on purpose.

"That's not okay. If something happens, you won't have a place to cry. It's settled like this. You will raise your baby here. I will take care of you. When the baby is born and the baby is older, then I went back to the latest chapter of Merry Driver." Xi Lerong happened to be reluctant to part with her daughter, and of course Xi Lerong was also happy to be able to keep her daughter.

"But, mother..." If Xi Lerong really said what she said, wouldn't she have to stay in the next year?This child is also very weak after birth, so she can't move casually, lest she get sick. When the child is older, she will have to stay for about two years. Will this be too long?Moreover, she has been away from Xianggong's side all the time without being with him. She is also worried that if Xianggong has someone else by his side, then won't she have nowhere to cry?

If so, she would rather suffer a little bit than regret it in the future.

"Ya'er, you have to listen to me about this matter. It is a critical moment for your daughter's family to have a baby. You are here to take care of us, and there is an imperial doctor in the capital, so I can rest assured." Xi Lerong's attitude was very firm, Murong Ya felt a little helpless, she could only look at Cao Qing, hoping that Cao Qing would say something.It's just that Cao Qing also loves her, so naturally she doesn't want her to suffer, "Okay, Ya'er, just follow your mother-in-law's orders and just leave her to raise the baby."

"But you are at home alone, I don't feel at ease." Although I still feel in my heart that it is very good to raise a baby in my natal family, and the conditions here are indeed the best, and her danger will be much less.But how can Murong Ya rest assured that Cao Qing will go back alone?

This man, what if he can't hold on?And if the mother-in-law thinks she is too delicate because of this matter, what should I do?

Now that Murong Ya is married, what she thinks naturally cannot be as simple as before.

"It's okay, I will tell my mother about this, your body is in serious condition now, and you will have a big move after the new year, maybe I will be transferred to Kyoto next year, if you go back with me, you will have to go back and forth It’s not good for your health, so you might as well raise your baby here.” Murong Ya’s husband, Cao Qing, is indeed a person who knows how to love others, and it’s indeed a great thing for a man to be able to do what he does. It's not easy anymore.

Seeing his son-in-law's support, Xi Lerong was even more determined, "Ya'er, you see what my son-in-law said. You can stay here to raise your baby. My son-in-law's reputation this year is very good, and all the evaluations are also up to the mark." It’s over. I believe that going to Beijing this time is not a problem, so don’t worry about it.” It’s just that there is a problem, and at that time they will just manipulate it secretly. Although Xi Lerong knows that his family members don’t like to take advantage of their privileges, but now for the sake of his daughter, Xi Lerong is willing I don't mind using my privilege a little bit.

"Ya'er, just listen to your mother-in-law, don't worry, I will come to accompany you soon."

"Yes, big sister, you are at home, I miss you so much, why don't you stay!" Seeing that everyone was trying to persuade Murong Ya, Murong Xiang acted coquettishly.

"Ya'er, just stay here. We don't feel at ease if you go back like this!" Mrs. Jingbei Hou also meant the same thing. When she married Murong Ya away, she also thought that Cao Qing was a good person. Chances are good will be back.Now Cao Qing really lived up to expectations, and all the evaluations were excellent. Although it was a bit difficult for the other party to come to Beijing at this age, if they really wanted the other party to come to Beijing, there would be no problem.

"This..." Seeing that everyone was persuading her, Murong Ya was worried about the child in her stomach in the end, and agreed, "Well, I will raise the baby here first." The answer was yes, but what Murong Ya thought was If Cao Qing hadn't been transferred to Beijing, she would have to go back after waiting for three months for her pregnancy to stabilize. Anyway, she would not really let Cao Qing stay there alone, although she trusted her Husband, but the two haven't had a good meeting for nearly two years, and Murong Ya is not at ease.

"Well, then this matter is settled like this. Today is a big day, but a joy!"


It has to be said that the news of Murong Ya's pregnancy made everyone very happy. Immediately, the atmosphere in the Jingbei Hou Mansion became even better. Seeing Murong Ya's happy appearance, Su Lanzhi couldn't hide the envy in her eyes, and she couldn't help but Touching my belly, I sincerely hope that I can get pregnant earlier.

It's just that her body is not comparable to Murong Ya's. Murong Ya has been in good health since she was a child. Pregnancy is not difficult for Murong Ya, it's just a chance, but for her...

I was a little anxious in my heart, but Su Lanzhi didn't show anything. After leaving the Jingbei Hou Mansion, Su Lanzhi looked at Qin Zhiyan and wanted to ask about Cao Qing's situation, "Yan, from your point of view, Is there a good chance that sister Ya's husband will be transferred to Beijing?" According to her previous life memory, she did not see Murong Ya's husband transferred to Beijing to come to the sacred fantasy world until she died.However, in the previous life, it was because of Qin Yan's suppression that he didn't want the Jingbei Hou Mansion to continue to grow, so what happened in this life?Does Qin Yan still have such a great ability?

"I'm afraid this matter will not be easy." Frowning, although Cao Qing's evaluations are very good, but he is young. Qin Zhiyan recently heard that Emperor Wen meant that he wanted him to be more in the south. while exercising.

"Then if my grandfather came forward, wouldn't it be okay?" Su Lanzhi was not surprised by this news. Although things in the previous life were a little off track, many things remained the same.

"Yes, but I think it's better for brother-in-law Cao to stay in the south of the Yangtze River." Now that the capital will soon be uneasy, Qin Zhiyan thinks it's good for Cao Qing to stay away from this vortex, otherwise he will be infected with these things, and he will also be at that time Dangerous.

Nowadays, the contest between the two princes is becoming more and more day-to-day. There are not a few people forming cliques. Basically, people in the capital have already divided their camps. Qin Zhiyan is really worried that Cao Qing and his family Come in, and then you will be manipulated.So instead of this, it's better to let the other party stay away from these right and wrong.

"I can understand what you mean. It's just that Sister Ya is pregnant now, so it's hard to handle." If Murong Ya was conceived there and didn't come over, then it's okay.But Murong Ya has only been in the capital for more than a month now, so she must not be able to move in the short term, otherwise wouldn't it be dangerous?

"So this matter is more difficult to handle, but I think it's better for brother-in-law Cao not to come to Beijing to take this muddy water. As for the eldest sister, I think she can take care of her body in the capital for a while. Anyway, these things will not last long anyway. , After everything is over, we can find a way to let brother-in-law Cao come to Beijing, wouldn't that be great?" Knowing that Murong Ya is someone Su Lanzhi cares about, Qin Zhiyan naturally has to protect her comprehensively.

"You're right. Sister Ya won't be able to leave for at least three months. By then, these matters will be almost resolved. It would be good to let brother-in-law Cao come to Beijing." Qin Zhiyan's concern, Su Lanzhi It is very clear that this is the best way, and it will prevent someone from using Cao Qing and the others to restrain them, "Then I will tell my parents about this in a while, and let my mother tell my grandfather and others, so as not to Grandfather and the others will be in trouble."

"Don't worry, my grandfather is also very clear about this matter, he will know what to do is the best."

"Hmm..." Hearing what Qin Zhiyan said, Su Lanzhi remembered that Jingbei Hou hadn't spoken a moment ago, and now she naturally knew Jingbei Hou's plan, "Grandfather is really an old fox, I didn't say it just now, wouldn't it make everyone happy in vain?" Thinking that Mrs. Jingbeihou was so happy that she forgot to show her face just now, Su Lanzhi could predict everyone's disappointment after knowing everything.

"Anyway, it's just a matter of these few months, and it will be fine by then. My grandfather didn't say anything just now, so I naturally didn't want to spoil everyone's interest and make everyone worry." I was so happy just now, if Jingbeihou came out to object, Doesn't Murong Ya have to go back?At that time, wouldn't it be a good happy event, but it would make you unhappy?

"Well, yes, but I'm afraid I'm going to wrong Sister Ya." Su Lanzhi could understand Murong Ya's thoughts and worries when she was pregnant and couldn't see her husband.

"No matter what, she will be raised here for a few months. She has been married for so long, so she is naturally homesick. Now she can stay at home for a while, she must be happy, don't think too much gone."

"Hmm..." Qin Zhiyan was right, but Su Lanzhi also knew that this girl would be different if she married someone and had someone in her heart.Although I will be homesick, but if I can't be with the person I like, I will still have some regrets and sadness in my heart.

But now it's the best way, isn't it?

Su Lanzhi just hopes that all this can end as soon as possible.

At that time, she will really live a peaceful and peaceful life, right?I really hope this comes sooner rather than later.Otherwise, those people will always be there, and she will never find peace.

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