The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 378 Anti-General 1 Army

Concubine Nan was very embarrassed, and suddenly regretted that she had punished Su Lanzhi like this, but she couldn't advance or retreat at the moment, and everyone was watching. Naturally, Concubine Nan was not good enough to really punish her, but she didn't. What do you think?

It has to be said that Su Lanzhi's request really made Nan Wangfei difficult, and Nan Wangfei was in a difficult situation, so someone added fuel to the fire, "My lord, I think this matter is not easy to handle? This minister's wife I offended Princess Wucheng, although my words were a little off-putting, but we are not the Ministry of Punishment after all, so I’m afraid it’s not good to deal with it in private, what do you think, Princess?”

Concubine Nan looked at Concubine Yu's charming face, she really wanted to tear her face into pieces!

This bitch can't see her well, can he?She doesn't speak now, no one thinks she is dumb!

Concubine Nan didn't talk to her yet, Concubine Yucai walked up to her with a smile, and she really looked like a half-master, "Princess, I am not a narrow-minded concubine looking at Princess Wucheng. Man, I was afraid that I was in a hurry just now. Madam Wangfei, you are the master of today. I might as well ask this woman to apologize to Princess Wucheng. How can you just talk nonsense about such an unnecessary thing? Wangfei, do you think so? ?”

Concubine Yufang is right to say this, but isn't this forcing Concubine Nan to bow her head to Su Lanzhi?And Nan Wangfei defends the minister's wife like this, what will everyone think?

"..." Concubine Nan saw that Concubine Yuchuang was forcing her, and now she had no choice. If she really punished someone here today, then when the word spread, would she still have the reputation she has maintained over the years? ?And the other party is a fateful woman, how can I deal with it privately?

Looking at Concubine Yu, Concubine Nan already knew in her heart that she had no choice. Concubine Yu had stepped forward to force her to make a choice, and she was also invisible to let everyone see Concubine Yu's presence here. Concubine Nan was very angry about the status of the palace, but what could she do?In the past year, King Nan has long lost his trust in her. Instead, he favors Concubine Yufang more and more. Now her status in the palace is no better than before. Princess Nan knows that King Nan is also angry with her past actions. , I won't pamper her anymore, if she doesn't handle today's matter well, Nanwang will know, she may be unable to eat and walk away.

I was very unconvinced in my heart, Princess Nan couldn't do anything, so she had to smile, "The side concubine said it very well, Princess Wu Cheng, what happened today was all a misunderstanding, just let it go. Wu Cheng The concubine has always been kind-hearted, she will definitely not harm anyone, and this woman is also hearing the story, Princess Wucheng is looking at the face of my lord today, how about asking her to make an apology?" Nan Wangfei has no choice but to Let go of your posture, otherwise, Nan Wang will really get angry with her because of a small loss, and she will really be unable to eat and walk away.

After listening to Princess Nan's words, the commanding woman immediately had hope, and looked at Su Lanzhi with a flattering expression, "Yes, Princess Wucheng, my wife didn't mean to offend just now, and I hope Princess Wucheng will forgive me! The woman knows that Princess Wucheng is a bodhisattva, so she will definitely not blame her, and she hopes that Princess Wucheng will be Haihan!" After giving Su Lanzhi such a big hat, the woman was also a little nervous at the moment, afraid Su Lanzhi blamed it.

"I'm not that kind of person, I'm just curious, how did you hear the news? Didn't you just say that everyone knows? What's going on? Can you explain to me? You just have to say If anyone told you to slander me openly, then I will not blame the past, and I can treat your presumptuousness before as if it never happened." Although Princess Nan bowed her head at this moment, Su Lanzhi did not intend to let that go just like that The woman is angry, otherwise she will be the one who is angry.

"This..." The woman glanced at Princess Nan, and hurriedly slapped herself on the mouth, "It's a courtier's wife, I hope Princess Wucheng will not be offended!" This woman is not stupid, Now that he was punishing himself, it seemed that he really didn't dare to reveal the person behind the scenes.

"I know that you are also being used by others. As long as you tell who the person who told you all this is, I will not pursue it. You can see for yourself!" Nan Wangfei is now forcing her up, although the other party has given in at this moment, but Su Lanzhi didn't want to miss this opportunity, "You have to think about it carefully, and then tell me! Otherwise, the prison in the Ministry of Criminal Justice is not so easy to squat!" Half threatening and half coaxing, Su Lanzhi didn't believe it. The woman's mouth is really so strict.

"This..." The woman didn't expect Su Lanzhi to be so difficult, and she was a little depressed at the moment, and Nan Wangfei also didn't expect Su Lanzhi to hold on to this matter, she was so angry, but she couldn't help it Without Su Lanzhi, Nan Wangfei had no choice but to sit there and say nothing.

"Have you figured it out? Do you want me to hand you over to punish you, or do you say it yourself? I won't force you, but I won't take this grievance in vain." Su Lanzhi's attitude was like this Resolute, the woman looked a little scared.Concubine Yuchuang at the side also smiled when she saw her, and joined the ranks of persuasion, "Since Princess Wucheng said it, then you can just say it, you are just being deceived, Princess Wucheng knows , I will definitely not blame you. Don't worry, everyone is here now, everyone is a witness, no matter who instigated you, you just need to point it out, and we will definitely keep you safe!" Yu Fangfei finished speaking She even glanced at Concubine Nan indiscriminately, the woman immediately understood a little when she saw her, and began to hesitate in her heart.

Su Lanzhi saw the other party's hesitation, and continued to throw out the bait, "You say yes, and I know that you are also deceived. If you make up for your mistakes, I forgive you! Otherwise, you should know the fate of slandering the royal family. Even if you don't care about yourself, you have to think about your family!"

"Princess Wucheng, spare me!" The woman was really scared at the moment, and she hesitated even more in her heart.

She didn't dare to really say it, if she really said it, and Princess Nan hated her, wouldn't her family's future be ruined?However, the person in front of him cannot be offended. Nanwang is just an idle prince, but the one in front of him has real power. The woman was also stupid before, but now she bows her head to Su Lanzhi when she sees Nanwangfei. And Concubine Yufang has said that, and she has something in her heart, "Forgive me, Princess Wucheng, my wife doesn't understand anything when she just arrived, but I just heard Princess Nan mention it by chance. It's all about being outspoken, it's my wife's fault that Princess Wucheng suffered grievances, and my wife is willing to be punished!" This woman can only choose Su Lanzhi now, after all, Su Lanzhi's aura just now really scared her, She didn't dare to offend this ancestor anymore, otherwise she would be the one who suffered!

The woman was also frightened by Su Lanzhi, and with Concubine Yu's words, she thought that Concubine Nan was nothing more than that, and she regretted it so much that she hurriedly told the story, but she didn't know what she was doing at all. Speaking of the consequences, she was terrified at the moment, where did she notice that the faces of the people present had changed?

"This, how could this be? Princess, how could you say that about Princess Wucheng?" Concubine Yu Chou seemed a little surprised, and looked at Princess Nan with an unbelievable expression on her face, "Is there some misunderstanding in this? Don't you be helpless to the concubine in order to help yourself get rid of the crime!" Although the face was full of disbelief, Concubine Yu's heart was full of laughter.

Princess Nan, Princess Nan, you killed my child, I won't make it easy for you.The prince has already warned you to be careful and not to do such a thing again, but now you are asking for your own death, so don't blame me for being cruel!

"There is no minister, no minister. This was said by Princess Nan to the minister herself. She also promised the minister that as long as the minister said it, she would help the minister so that the minister's husband could stay in the capital. In the future, you will be promoted a lot, concubine, and ministers dare not lie!" She was also afraid, she knew that Su Lanzhi was so difficult, she would not agree to this condition at the beginning, and now she has made herself like this, this is not her own Can't you live if you do evil?

Hey, what should I do?

Now she can only pray for Princess Wucheng's forgiveness, otherwise she will not know how she died!

"What are you talking about? How is it possible?" Concubine Yu Chou couldn't understand it, and she became a little anxious when she looked at Princess Nan, "Ms. Wangfei, tell me, how dare this woman dare to slander the princess like this? Your Majesty?" Although Concubine Yu was speaking for Princess Nan, but she directly involved Princess Nan in this way, Princess Nan immediately felt extremely embarrassed.

Sensing that everyone looked at her differently, Concubine Nan knew in her heart that her painstaking efforts over the years were completely destroyed overnight.Her gentleness, her generosity, her kindness...all of them, she will lose, and more than that!

It's impossible not to hate Su Lanzhi in my heart, but Princess Nan hates Concubine Yuchuang even more. Looking at the other party's face that looks worried about her, but actually doesn't know what kind of smile she has in her heart, Princess Nan is immediately angry. !

If she had known that this person would treat her like this now, she should have been more ruthless in the first place, and let the other person die directly. How could she fall into such a passive situation?

Nan Wangfei was thinking about how to solve this matter, but facing everyone's eyes, Nan Wangfei suddenly couldn't say anything. In the end, she tried her best to suppress her anger and looked at the woman. The warning is so obvious, "What evidence do you have that this concubine told you? This concubine kindly invited you over, is this how you repay this concubine?"

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