The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 387 Parting for the first time

Why did you leave without saying goodbye to her?Is it because she is afraid that she will be sad?But she would rather the other party wake her up, and she would personally send the other party away.

Since getting married, Su Lanzhi has never been separated from Qin Zhiyan, and now Su Lanzhi is really uncomfortable with the sudden separation.

Now that I haven't seen him for a while, she has already begun to miss her in her heart. What should I do?

"Second madam, the second young master has already left." Qiushuang saw Su Lanzhi's expression, and knew that Su Lanzhi was reluctant, but it was hard for her to say anything at the moment.

Hey, the second young master and the second wife have never been separated. Now that the second young master has something to do, the second lady misses her for some reason.

"Really? Why didn't you wake me up? Have you packed up for the second young master?"

"The second young master said that the second lady was tired yesterday, so let the second lady have a good rest, and I won't wake you up. We have prepared all the things according to your instructions, the second lady, don't worry!"

"Well, I see, prepare some hot water, I'm going to get up." After pestering all night last night, Su Lanzhi's body was refreshed, and Su Lanzhi knew that Qin Zhiyan would give it to her while she was asleep. After she cleaned up, there was a warm "color" in her heart.It's not easy to fall asleep right now, she has to go to see Qin Wangfei later to see how Qin Wangfei is doing now.

"Okay, servant girl, let someone get ready, Second Madam, servant girl, please get up and serve you!"

"No, I can do it myself, you help me get the clothes!"

"Okay!" Knowing that Su Lanzhi doesn't like being served too close to others, Qiushuang didn't force her, she took a set of clothes for Su Lanzhi and went to prepare hot water.Su Lanzhi hurriedly got up and put on her clothes. When she changed her clothes, she saw the blue and purple hickey marks on her body. Su Lanzhi couldn't help but blushed. She quickly gathered her clothes and patted her ruddy face. Su Lanzhi exhaled, got up to wash up and had breakfast, then went to see Princess Qin.


Qin Wangfei is leaning on the soft couch to read a book at the moment, she is in good spirits, seeing Su Lanzhi coming, she didn't ask Su Lanzhi to salute, she just let Su Lanzhi sit down, "You child, all I have told you many times, there is no need to come here every day, you should take a good rest, you are tired enough on weekdays."

"It's also great for me to talk to my concubine mother, concubine mother, it's not hard." Smiling, Su Lanzhi glanced at Princess Qin, and it made sense to see the other party's face. Knowing that the "medicine" he used recently was right, at least it suppressed Princess Qin's poison.

"You child, you are always so caring. It's just that Yan'er has gone far away now. You won't be afraid if you are alone in the yard?" Some pity that the young couple will face separation so soon, Princess Qin looked at Su Lanzhi knew that feeling very well.

If you like someone in your heart and think about someone, you want to be tired of being with him every day. Princess Qin knows very well that Su Lanzhi must be reluctant to part with Qin Zhiyan, but Qin Zhiyan has something to do, and Su Lanzhi is afraid. It is also helpless, right?

"Yan'er is not at home these few days, so it's good for you to come and talk to me, so that you don't get used to it by yourself." I'm also afraid that Su Lanzhi will not get used to it by herself. Of course, Princess Qin wants to talk to Su Lanzhi of.

"Okay, then I'll come to bother my concubine every day."

"What's the trouble? I'm alone in this room every day, and I haven't gone out. It's great to have you talking with me."

"Does the mother concubine want to go out for a walk? It's not good to stay in the house all the time."

"Well, that's fine, let's go for a walk!" Always lying down, Princess Qin felt that her body was getting tired, so she naturally wanted to go for a walk, which made her feel more relaxed.

"Then mother and concubine wear more clothes. Although it's spring now, the weather outside is still a little cold." Princess Qin is not in good health now, and she can easily catch cold or something. Naturally, Su Lanzhi has to be more careful. yes.

"Don't worry, I'm not a porcelain doll!" Even though she said that, Princess Qin also knew her situation, so she specially put on a thicker dress, pulled Su Lanzhi and went out, "I haven't been to the greenhouse for some days Come on, let's go and have a look, there must be many flowers in bloom."

"Okay, concubine mother!" As she walked, Su Lanzhi couldn't help laughing seeing that Princess Qin was not out of breath. I feel tired, I am afraid that the concubine's body will recover soon!" [

"You child, you just know how to coax me." Princess Qin naturally knew about her body. Although she felt a little stronger in the past few days, Princess Qin still felt that her body was weak.

"Concubine Mu, I'm telling the truth. Concubine Mu's complexion has indeed improved a lot recently, and she has more strength to speak than before."

"That's the 'medicine' you brought me. I've taken it a few times, and I feel much better. The doctor you recruited this time is good. Let him enter the mansion another day. I'll thank him very much." gone."

"Hehe, there's no need for that, concubine mother, this doctor has a strange personality, and he doesn't like to come out, so let's not embarrass him."

"Well, generally people with some great abilities have a weird temper, so you can prepare a gift for me and send it to express my gratitude." This medicine is actually Su Lanzhi herself according to her previous experience. It was prescribed based on her experience, and the purpose was to temporarily suppress the poison on Princess Qin's body, but Su Lanzhi's medical skills were not exposed, so Su Lanzhi used the excuse that a mysterious doctor prescribed the medicine.Su Lanzhi also told Princess Qin about this matter, and Nanny Wei was also responsible for making the "medicine" on weekdays, so others didn't know about it.

"Mother Concubine, don't worry, I have already given this gift. He is very grateful to Mother Concubine, and he also said that he will definitely cure Mother Concubine."

"Hehe, that's good. I'm a little tired, let's go and have a rest!"

"Okay!" Su Lanzhi helped Princess Qin to find a place to rest. Just as the two sat down, they saw a figure leaving in a hurry from the bushes. Seeing the figure, Princess Qin frowned. She frowned, "Who is that? Why does it look like Xuan'er?" Speaking of Qin Xuan, Princess Qin really hasn't seen Qin Xuan for a few days, and Qin Xuan doesn't know what she's been doing recently. It's as if I haven't seen anyone all day long.Qin Wangfei herself is not in good health, so she didn't ask any more questions.

"It seems to be Xuan'er, concubine mother, do you want me to send someone over to call her?"

"Forget it, I think there is something wrong with her. Since she left, let's forget about it. Maybe it's not necessarily because of the wrong person." In the past, Qin Xuan often went to accompany her, but Princess Qin heard that Recently, Qin Xuan always went out and didn't go to see her much. She was also a little disappointed in Qin Xuan, but she couldn't express this disappointment.

Hey, after all, it wasn't my own, maybe it was really not familiar with it?A filial son in front of the bed for a long time, maybe she is sick this time, and she can really see a lot.

There is a complicated look in the eyes, Qin Wang's mansion has become a little different recently, how can Qin Wangfei not be clear?Especially King Qin's recent attitude towards Shangguan You is very strange. Although King Qin tried his best to hide it, Princess Qin and King Qin have been husband and wife for many years.

It's just that if King Qin doesn't say anything about some things, Princess Qin will pretend not to know, and she doesn't want King Qin to worry about her anymore.

Putting aside the thoughts in her mind, Concubine Qin pulled Su Lanzhi, and in a blink of an eye she smiled, "Come on, Lan'er, don't stand there, sit down!"

"Okay, concubine mother!" She sat down properly, Su Lanzhi remembered the dark light that flashed in Princess Qin's eyes just now, and pretended not to see it.

Does the concubine know something?Why did you look so sad just now?

"By the way, Lan'er, Ruo'er is better now? I'm not in good health now, so I can't go to see her with illness. Is she okay?" Li Ruolan's miscarriage was hidden from Princess Qin at the beginning. Yes, but later I told Princess Qin slowly, because I didn't want Princess Qin to learn from other people's mouths, so she became more and more worried.

"My sister-in-law is much better now, and I take the "medicine" prescribed by the imperial doctor every day. I also took out all the ginseng in the warehouse according to the instructions of my father, mother and concubine, and gave my sister-in-law a good body. It will get better in a few days." Li Ruolan's body is already like that, and now they can only try their best to make up for Li Ruolan's losses bit by bit.However, Su Lanzhi also knew that Li Ruolan lost a lot of blood that day, and it was difficult to recover from the damage caused by the miscarriage.This body has suffered a lot, and I am afraid that I will have to use these precious medicines to support it in this life, otherwise it will be troublesome.

Thinking of Li Ruolan's pale and thin face overnight, Su Lanzhi actually felt that Li Ruolan was quite pitiful.After all, in this matter, Li Ruolan was indeed a victim.It's just that if you want to blame, you can only blame Shangguan You for plotting against them, otherwise Qin Xu wouldn't have been plotted against in the end.

Now, it can only be regarded as Shangguan worrying about reaping the consequences. When she decided to do such a detrimental thing, she should have known that she would also have to bear the price.

"Hey, I'm sorry for this child. This woman will suffer without an heir in the future." Princess Qin is very aware of the pain of not having a child. Although she had a child like Qin Zhiyan, she also suffered from it supercilious.Isn't it because of her that she got such a son as Qin Zhiyan?If she could have more children, even if the queen mother had complaints about her, it would not be so obvious.

So this heir is indeed very important. A woman who has no children, how can she be with her in the future and grow old?

"Mother, don't worry, the side concubine and the Li family have reached a consensus. At that time, we will make the decision to arrange a housemaid for the elder brother. When the child is born, the elder sister will be raised directly by the elder sister. This child has been raised since childhood." Raising under the name of sister-in-law is naturally different from the biological one." In the consensus reached at the beginning, there must be no divorce, and the child raised under Li Ruolan's name must be Qin Xu's eldest son. No more concubines are allowed within the period, which is naturally to protect Li Ruolan's interests.

Even in this way, Li Ruolan's position in this life will be consolidated, but Su Lanzhi feels that it is extremely ironic that Li Ruolan lost such an important thing in exchange for it.

"Hey, that's what I said, but it's a lifetime regret not to have my own child."

"Don't worry, mother and concubine. The imperial doctor just said that it will be difficult for the sister-in-law to conceive a child in the future, but it doesn't mean that she can't conceive. Maybe there will be a miracle at that time?"

"Hehe, you child, a woman's body is very delicate, how can she tolerate the slightest injury? You don't understand it now, but you have to pay more attention to yourself. By the way, your little life But it's normal, every month, my body is still comfortable? Do you feel any pain?" Counting it, Su Lanzhi has been married for almost half a year, but there is no news at all. Although Princess Qin doesn't rush, she is also worried about the Queen Mother of.

Concubine Qin asked so carefully, Su Lanzhi felt a little uncomfortable, "Mother, don't worry, the imperial doctor is taking care of me now, and my childhood is gradually getting better." Su Lanzhi still remembers When I first came to Little Life, my whole body was in pain like something.She knew that it was caused by her body cold. She has been raising it slowly in the past few years, and she has also paid great attention to it. Yes, it's gradually becoming normal.

"It's fine, but you have to be careful when you were young. Don't be contaminated by cold things, and keep warm. It's not good for your body if you get cold." Qin Wangfei also really hopes that Su Lan Zhi can conceive the child earlier, so that the queen mother can't wait for the time and cause something to happen again.

"Don't worry, mother-in-law, I know everything." Su Lanzhi was really uncomfortable when her mother-in-law said this, but she knew in her heart that Princess Qin was doing it for her own good, so Su Lanzhi didn't say anything. That's it.

"Hehe, well, don't think I'm urging you. This matter also depends on fate. It's best to let nature take its course. It's not good for you to be burdened. I just want you to pay attention. It's good for you too. Okay." As for worry, Princess Qin is hard to say, so that Su Lanzhi won't be worried.

"Mother Concubine, I understand, Mother Concubine is for my own good."

"It's good if you understand." Looking at Su Lanzhi, Princess Qin is more and more satisfied now. Qin Zhiyan has never been interested in women these years. Qin Zhiyan was even more stubborn than the King of Qin back then, she just had no choice but to take the other party.Fortunately, Qin Zhiyan fell in love with Su Lanzhi, and Qin Wangfei was also happy to see it. At first, it was because her son liked it, and she loved the house as much as she wanted, but now it seems that the daughter-in-law in front of her is indeed not to be chosen. Both have excellent temperaments, and they are tactful, intelligent, sensible, and have a good relationship with their son. Qin Wangfei looked happy.

Home and everything are prosperous, she is indeed very satisfied now.She also likes this daughter-in-law more and more, and naturally, from the bottom of her heart, she wants to think more about the other party so that the other party will not suffer in the future.


The two sat for a while, and after talking for a while, Princess Qin also felt that she had rested enough, so she got up, "Okay, we've been sitting for so long, let's go to the greenhouse! I haven't visited for a while, I really miss it, and I don’t know what’s going on with the flower house recently.”

"My concubine must be happy to see it after a while, the flowers in the flower room are blooming very well now, my concubine must like it!"

"Really? Then I have to go and see it quickly." After being told by Su Lanzhi, Princess Qin couldn't wait to see it right now, "Let's go and have a look go!"

"Okay, concubine mother!"

When the two came to the flower house, Qin Wangfei saw that the flowers in the flower house were indeed blooming vigorously, and she was very happy immediately, but neither of them thought that there were other people in the flower house.

"Sister You, what are you doing? You put it down quickly, this is not what you should do." Princess Qin was very happy looking at the flower house, but seeing Shangguan You busy in it, she suddenly became nervous. tensed up.

"Sister Wangfei, why are you here?" Shangguanyou was holding a pot of flowers at the moment, seeing Qin Wangfei coming, he hurriedly put it down, tidied up his clothes, a little surprised.

"You, these tasks are not something you, a delicate girl, can do. You scare me." Looking at Shangguanyou holding a pot of flowers, how could Princess Qin not be worried?Shangguanyou looks thin and weak, Qin Wangfei is really worried that Shangguanyou will be injured.

"Sister Wangfei, I'm fine, I just have nothing to do, come and have a look at this flower room, and tidy up by the way, the flowers I saw just now are quite good, I want to send them to sister Wangfei, to sister Wangfei Add some fun to the room, so as to prevent the concubine from always sitting in the room and feel bored." Walking over with a smile, Shangguanyou's clothes were stained with a little bit of mud, and Shangguanyou hurriedly apologized when he saw it. "Sister Wangfei, my concubine's clothes are a bit dirty, I'm rude, I hope sister Wangfei will not take offense."

"You are all doing this for me. What are you complaining about? Come on, wipe it off quickly!" Holding the handkerchief, Princess Qin wiped the dirt on Shangguanyou's body without disgust, but Shangguanyou avoided it, "Sister Wangfei doesn't have to Now, I'll just come by myself, don't dirty the handkerchief of Princess Wang." In front of Princess Qin, Shangguanyou has always been like this, and now he is wiping his clothes with a handkerchief, and the mud on it is less But in the end, the clothes were still stained. Princess Qin frowned when she saw it, "You need to change your clothes, you are really, you don't have much strength, why do you do this job? What if I fell down?"

"Sister Wangfei, the concubine is not in the way, it's nothing." The so-called smiled, and Shangguanyou seemed to not mind at all. When Qin Wangfei saw it, she shook her head, "You, I know what your heart is. Now, don't do this by yourself in the future, if you get hurt, I will feel guilty."

"Understood, Sister Wangfei, since Sister Wangfei came by herself, why not choose the same one by herself? Now that the weather is getting warmer, some flowers can be kept in the house. Sister Wangfei is not feeling well recently. , Look at these angry flowers more, the mood will be refreshed, and it will be very good for the body. Sister Wangfei, do you think so?"

"You, I'm sorry to trouble you, but you are also weak, so don't keep thinking about these things because of me. I see that the flowers you chose are pretty good, and I'll have someone move them there in a while. "

"It's good that the princess likes it. I just look at the red and cute one, which is also joyful. If the princess looks at it often, she will naturally be in a good mood."

"Okay, I get it, it's just that, in the future, don't do it yourself, just let the servants do it."

"The concubine knows it, and I won't do it in the future." With a smile, the matter was exposed like this. Shangguanyou was a little surprised when he saw that Qin Wangfei was able to come out. She was here early for the sake of To find out the truth, "Today, the concubine looks good at the concubine's sister, and the concubine's body has improved a lot recently. I think the concubine's body will recover soon, and then we will go out for a walk. How is it? It’s sunny outside now, but it’s lively.”

"Hey, this spring, I'm afraid I don't have much hope to go out, but if you like to go out, go out and have fun. You always stay at the house, and sometimes people are bored."

"The concubine is not bored. Since the concubine is here, let's go and have a look together. The prince has added a lot of flowers to the flower room. These are colorful, but they are much more beautiful than the spring outside. Concubine I would rather enjoy the beautiful scenery here, but I can’t see it anywhere else! I’m still a lucky concubine!" In fact, every time Shangguanyou sees this flower house, it is a kind of torture for her. This flower house symbolizes King Qin’s love for Qin The concubine's firm and unrepentant pampering took so much thought, just to win the smile of the beautiful woman, how could Shangguan not be jealous in his worried heart?Sometimes, she really wished she could destroy the greenhouse.It's just that she did it too, and King Qin will rebuild soon, so she had no choice but to give up in order not to continue to cause trouble for herself and let herself see King Qin's doting on Princess Qin.In the end, he only occasionally made some moves in the greenhouse, intentionally embarrassing Princess Qin.

However, the effect seems to be not great. The flower house still exists, like an ironclad proof, showing to him King Qin's love for Princess Qin. If possible, Shangguanyou doesn't want to come, but today, she has something to do. To find out, I can only endure the anger and jealousy in my heart, and here I come.

"Hehe, I haven't been here for a while. This flower house seems to have changed a lot, and there are a lot more flower seeds. If this continues, I'm afraid there will be no more plants in the near future, right?" Looking inside Many of the colorful flowers were brought from Nanzhao. King Qin spent a lot of money and failed many times before finally surviving. Every time she saw these, Princess Qin's mood changed. It will be very different.

"Hehe, isn't it? Once the prince came across some rare varieties these years, he would be brought back at a great price and cultivated in the greenhouse. Although some of them were not successful, most of them were successful, right? Now this variety There are more and more of them, and many of them can’t be seen outside. I saw that there are some royal gardens that don’t exist. It’s better for the princess and sister to have a husband who is so loving and considerate.” When he said this, Shangguan Worrying's heart is sour, but the words in his mouth are sweet, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Sister You, you can't talk nonsense about these things. There are all kinds of strange things in the royal garden. How can my little flower house compare with it? Don't say this again in the future." There are indeed all kinds of strange flowers, and even some are indeed rare varieties. The King of Qin spent a lot of money to transport them from various countries over the years, and most of them are from Nanzhao, so that Princess Qin can often see flowers in her hometown. Flowers, when you see something you like, you won’t be homesick all the time.

Qin Wangfei is very clear about how much the King of Qin has paid for this flower house. Nanzhao is a long way from here. Many flowers died before reaching here, and some were not suitable for the climate of the Great Cang and could not survive. For this reason, King Qin I didn't take too much trouble back then, but now that everything is shown in front of my eyes, how can Princess Qin not be moved?But being moved is moved, Princess Qin is still very clear about some boundaries. If this is the case, Princess Qin will never say it, because she doesn't want to cause trouble for herself, and she doesn't want to make King Qin suffer from others because of herself, and even It caused trouble for King Qin.

"Sister Wang Concubine said it is very true. The concubine was outspoken just now and said something wrong. Sister Wang Concubine should not be offended!" Shangguanyou didn't know what she meant just now, but as soon as Princess Qin said it, she immediately admitted her mistake Now, her face is full of annoyance, it can be seen that she didn't do it "intentionally", so it's not easy for Princess Qin to scold her too much, "Okay, I know you didn't mean it, but if it's like this, I don't want it in the future. Besides, it’s also to avoid spreading the word that it’s bad for the prince.”

Although Emperor Wen trusted King Qin, Princess Qin also knew that it was because King Qin married her and had no ambition for that position.But since ancient times, the emperor has been unpredictable, and now that person in the palace has gradually become a little confused. Princess Qin can't guarantee whether that person will turn his face and deny him by then.

So now, they have to be more careful.Otherwise, if he was suspected by that person, Prince Qin's mansion would be completely ruined.

"Yes, Sister Wangfei, I won't say things like this in the future, I know I'm wrong." Shangguan You looked extremely wronged, and Princess Qin sighed when she saw her, "I didn't mean to blame you, it's just us You have to be careful with what you say, so as not to fall into the shoes of others."

"My concubine understands, sister Wangfei." Shangguan You has always been sensible, how could he not understand at this moment?

"It's good that you understand, go, accompany me to take a good look, I haven't come for some days, I really want to take a good look."

"Yes, sister princess!"

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