The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 395 Finale [Part [-]]

No matter what Su Lanzhi hoped for, there was still no news from Qin Zhiyan.Su Lanzhi was worried, but she looked like a normal person on the surface, busy every day.No, I haven't gone back to her mother's house for some days. Qin Wangfei probably saw that Qin Zhiyan hadn't come back for so long, and was worried that Su Lanzhi would be lonely, so she suggested that Su Lanzhi go back to her mother's house for a few days, "Lan'er, the weather is not good today. Not bad, why don't you go and see your parents, since you haven't been back for some time, they might miss you too."

It is difficult for newlyweds to endure such a long separation. It has been half a month since their son left, and no news has come back.Concubine Qin was actually worried, but every time she asked about this matter, both King Qin and Su Lanzhi said that it was all right, and Qin Zhiyan was busy, so he just didn't come back.Qin Wangfei's method can only be believed with half-belief.

"Mother and concubine, it's all right. A few days ago, my mother sent someone to say that they are doing well. Spring is here, and there are many things in Zhuangzi. I won't be able to leave for a while."

"Silly boy, you don't need to do some of these things yourself, just let the servants do it. You, you'd better go back and have a look, maybe, Brother Yang is going to be angry with you again now, when the time comes You have to coax them again, why bother?" Qin Wangfei suggested that Su Lanzhi go back for a walk, to see Su Mingyang and his parents, so that at least some of Qin Zhiyan's thoughts could be reduced.

Although Su Lanzhi hid it very well, Princess Qin was so considerate, how could she not feel Su Lanzhi's sadness and worry?She, as a mother, is worried now, let alone Su Lanzhi, a wife, the relationship between husband and wife is still so good.

"Mother Concubine, thank you!" Su Lanzhi couldn't bear to ignore Qin Wangfei's kindness, so she agreed. After tidying up this day and explaining the matter, Su Lanzhi is going to go back to see Murong Yan and Su Qinglan. .

"Bring more things back home, now that you are not around, and Brother Yang is still young, they are also tired."

"Yes, concubine mother!" Knowing that Princess Qin was doing it for her own benefit, Su Lanzhi didn't say anything. Now that everyone is a family, Su Lanzhi sometimes doesn't act politely on the surface.In response to Princess Qin's request, Su Lanzhi got everything ready and took the carriage back to Xiangfu. Along the way, she thought about her relatives whom she had not seen for a long time. To be honest, Su Lanzhi still missed her very much.

It has to be said that Concubine Qin is really a very reasonable elder, Su Lanzhi is also very moved by thinking of her so much now. [

Going back to Xiangfu with a happy mood, Su Lanzhi didn't say anything in advance, Murong Yan was also a little surprised when she saw her coming, "Lan'er, why are you here?"

"Mom, I'll come back to see you!"

"You child, didn't you say that I'm fine? You brought so many things, why are you so polite?" After all, the daughter is married and belongs to someone else's family. There are big and small bags all over the place. While Murong Yan is happy watching, sometimes she is also a little emotional.

"Mother, don't say goodbye. You can keep all these. These are all from your daughter's heart, and also from your concubine mother. Concubine mother has always been concerned about you. No, let me come back to see you today." Here we come." Smiling, someone moved the gift in, Su Lanzhi knew that her parents did not lack these things, but after all, it was all in her heart, Su Lanzhi could not serve in front of her parents now, so she could only express herself in this way mind.

"You child, the princess is so polite, and you don't want to persuade her anymore. Now that the princess is not in good health, isn't it good for the princess to make up for her health? Your father and I are in good health, so we need these "Although she said so, Murong Yan did not refuse to let people carry things in, she pulled Su Lanzhi with a smile, and looked at Su Lanzhi carefully as usual every time, seeing her daughter's expression Ruddy and happy, "You look pretty good, but you seem to have lost weight, but you haven't eaten properly? Or are you too tired?"

"Mom, I'm fine. Now it's just because the weather is warmer, so I wear less clothes, so it looks like I've lost weight. In fact, I'm a little fatter than last year."

"Really?" Looking at Su Lanzhi, it seemed the same, Murong Yan nodded in satisfaction, "I'm relieved that you can take good care of yourself, although there are many things in the Qin Palace, you are in charge of the family now , if you can’t make up your mind on weekdays, you should ask the princess more often. And don’t tire yourself too much, you are still young now, and your body is important, you know?”

"Understood, mother!" Murong Yan often asked these words, and Su Lanzhi felt very happy every time she heard them. What she lacked in her previous life, she made up for in this life one by one.Su Lanzhi sometimes feels that all this is so beautiful and unrealistic, so sometimes she also feels a little worried, all of this is like a mirror image.It is precisely because of this that she is very careful every time she acts.

She will work hard to maintain the happiness she finally obtained, and she will never allow anyone to easily destroy it.

"By the way, the princess's body is better now?" As a friend of Princess Qin, Murong Yan also cares about Princess Qin very much, and the mother-in-law of Princess Qin is really good to Su Lanzhi, and she takes good care of Su Lanzhi on weekdays , Murong Yan naturally did not want Princess Qin to have an accident.

"Mother, don't worry, my concubine's health has improved recently. I have often accompanied my concubine for a walk in the past few days, and my concubine can now eat something. I don't think it will take long before she will recover." Ever since she knew about the poison in Princess Qin, Su Lanzhi began to prepare "medicines" for Princess Qin, but these "medicines" could only be temporarily suppressed, but they could not completely detoxify.Now, he can only wait for Qin Zhiyan to come back to see if he can find the antidote.

Thinking of this, Su Lanzhi thought of the person who had disappeared for half a month, and couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Of course, she didn't hide her thoughts from Murong Yan. When Murong Yan saw her, she took Su Lanzhi's hand, "Lan'er, tell me the truth, where did Zhiyan go? It's been a month, and I haven't seen him come back? Is something wrong, don't hide it from me!" This daughter, who has been sensible since she was a child, makes people feel distressed, and she never tells her thoughts.Murong Yan felt pain in her heart after watching it several times, but now she is naturally reluctant to bear everything that Su Lanzhi has endured.

How could she miss the moment of worry that flashed in her daughter's eyes just now?

"Mother, she was just sent out on business by the emperor's uncle. I don't know exactly what to do. But I think he should be back soon, right? Mother, don't worry." Prince Qin's Mansion Of course, Su Lanzhi wouldn't tell Murong Yan about some things, and she didn't want Murong Yan to worry. [

"Is it really just like this? Didn't he tell you what happened?"

"The emperor's life is difficult, mother, you should also know that sometimes the men's family will not tell us women what the emperor ordered. This is a secret, isn't daddy like this before?" Su Lanzhi acted as if she knew it, although Murong Yan still had some doubts in her heart, but she didn't ask any more questions, "That's right, just let me know when Yan'er comes back, so as not to worry me."

"Mother, don't worry, I will!" Not wanting Murong Yan to continue to ask this question, Su Lanzhi quickly changed the subject, "By the way, mother, where is dad? Should be back now?" She used to Every time Su Qinglan came back, as long as she was there, she would definitely come out to pick her up. Why didn't she come out today?

Su Lanzhi felt a little strange in her heart. When Murong Yan heard this, her eyes were a little uncomfortable, but she hid it very well. Su Lanzhi didn't notice it for a while, "It's just a coincidence that you came today. Mingyou is here too. Your father is entertaining him right now, so he can't get away."

"Cousin is here?" She didn't expect Su Mingyou to be here, something flashed in Su Lanzhi's heart, and she smiled, "What about Brother Yang? Could it be that you have a cousin and don't even want me? Won't you pick me up anytime soon?"

"Hehe, Brother Yang is still sleeping at the moment, and he hasn't woken up. You're overthinking it. He knows you're coming, and he'll come over eagerly to pick you up. How could he not want you?" When he said this, Murong Yan looked like she didn't want to say more, obviously, she was hiding something from Su Lanzhi.

"Brother Yang, why are you still sleeping right now? But is it uncomfortable?" Su Mingyang was alive and kicking at this time on weekdays, and rarely fell asleep early in the morning, why today?

Thinking of seeing Murong Yan just now, Su Lanzhi always felt that something was wrong with Murong Yan today, Su Lanzhi understood a little at this moment, "Mother, I saw that you look not very good, but something happened. What's the matter? Don't hide it from me and let me worry, okay?" In fact, when Su Lanzhi first came here, she also noticed that something was wrong with Murong Yan.It's just that Murong Yan kept asking her questions, and she covered it up very well, so Su Lanzhi didn't notice it for a while.

Speaking of Su Mingyang now, Su Lanzhi naturally felt that Murong Yan's mood had become a little different, and there must be something wrong with it.

Thinking of Su Mingyang's accident, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but tighten her heart, "Mother, you are talking, don't you make me anxious?"

"Hey, don't worry, Brother Yang is fine, he fell down because he was making trouble in the study yesterday, and he cried for a long time yesterday, maybe he was startled, so he had a fever in the middle of the night, right now I'm waiting." Speaking of the child, Murong Yan felt a little guilty, she was the one who didn't take good care of the child yesterday, otherwise how could the child be frightened and have a fever in the middle of the night?

"Why did you suddenly fall down? Brother Yang is usually considered careful." Although Su Mingyang is a little skinny, he is considered sensible on weekdays and rarely causes people to worry, and the people around him Care is also fine.From Su Mingyang's birth to the present, Su Mingyang has hardly been sick, but suddenly fell down yesterday, Su Lanzhi felt a little surprised.

"This guy, Mingyou came over yesterday, he was arguing to go to the study, and it turned out that your father and Mingyou were playing chess, maybe he was chatting alone, so he walked around, accidentally bumped into a chair and fell down , and was almost hit by a chair. Luckily, Mingyou was careful, otherwise it would be more than just a minor injury." Murong Yan was also very worried about her son's fall and injury yesterday, and then Su Mingyang had a fever again , how could Murong Yan not be worried?

But luckily it was just a false alarm, otherwise Murong Yan really didn't know what to do.

"Is that so? Then the Liu family wasn't there at the time? Why didn't they take good care of them?"

"The Liu family went to pour tea at that time, and they didn't pay attention for a while. You also know that your father's study is usually not allowed too many people. Your father also thinks it's troublesome. Yesterday, he didn't pay attention for a while, and he didn't pay attention to it. That's it. But it's okay, brother Yang's fever has subsided now, and he was only slightly injured yesterday, so it's okay." Afraid that Su Lanzhi would be worried, Murong Yan naturally picked up unimportant things to say.In fact, if it was possible, Murong Yan really didn't want Su Lanzhi to come today, so she wouldn't worry about it.

"Mother, why didn't you tell me when something like this happened?" From Murong Yan's narration, Su Lanzhi discovered a strange thing, but it's hard for her to say anything at the moment, so I can only take a look first.

"It's not a big deal. I don't want you to worry, so naturally I won't tell you." Originally, I wanted to keep it a secret, so that Su Lanzhi would not be able to stay in the Qin Palace and come back again.But she never thought that Su Lanzhi came here by such a coincidence today. Now that Murong Yan can't hide it, she naturally won't say much.

"Mother, something happened to Brother Yang, so I'm naturally worried. If something like this happens in the future, don't hide it from me anymore, you know?" Knowing that Murong Yan was thinking of herself, whether she was married or not? It's not unreasonable to come back twice in three days, especially now that Qin Zhiyan is not here, without Qin Zhiyan to accompany her back, it seems a bit dishonest and easy to gossip.But in Su Lanzhi's view, family is the most important thing, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law are not unreasonable people, and her own mother is sometimes too careful.

But these are all for her own good, she can understand, and naturally she won't blame more.

"Okay, I won't hide it from you."

"Mother, let's go see Brother Yang first!" This matter was a bit of a coincidence, Su Lanzhi originally wanted to ask about Su Mingyou, but never thought that something happened to Su Mingyang, so Su Lanzhi naturally had to go first Look at Su Mingyang's.

"Well, okay, he's still sleeping right now, let's go take a look!" Knowing that Su Lanzhi wouldn't be relieved if he didn't go and take a look, Murong Yan didn't stop them, and the two went to Su Mingyang's room, Murong Yan asked everyone to go out, watching Su Lanzhi feel Su Mingyang's pulse, Murong Yan didn't say anything, just stood aside quietly, although she told Su Lanzhi just now that she was fine, who knew what she was worried about last night?

Su Mingyang has been healthy and lively since he was a child, and he seldom gets sick. How could a mother not feel distressed when he got sick?


Seeing that Su Lanzhi got her pulse and covered Su Mingyang with a quilt, Murong Yan asked softly, "Are you all right?"

"Well, the fever has subsided, it's just that Brother Yang was frightened after all, the diet for him these days should be light, and more people will accompany him, don't let him be left alone, so as not to leave a shadow in his heart in the future "Children need to pay extra attention. Sometimes if you don't pay attention, it will have a great impact on the child's character. Su Lanzhi is a doctor, so she naturally understands it.

"Well, I get it. I will stay with him for the next few days, so that he won't wake up crying in the middle of the night." Although the imperial physician also said that Su Mingyang was fine, but now that she heard her daughter say that, Murong Yan was completely relieved. Don't worry.

She can trust her daughter's medical skills.

"Mother, let's go out first and let him have a good rest." Su Mingyang must have been tossing and tossing for a long time last night, and now he is tired, so of course Su Lanzhi will not disturb him.

"En!" Quietly went out, Su Lanzhi pulled Murong Yan to sit aside, and did not let anyone serve her, "Mother, I want to ask you something."

"whats the matter?"

"Does my cousin come to our house often recently?" According to the relationship between Su Mingyou and them, it is reasonable to say that they should not be very close. Why did the other party come to our house at this moment?

Thinking of Su Mingyang's injury and shock yesterday, Su Lanzhi felt that it must not be that simple.

"Well, he comes here often these days."

"Why is he so close to us all of a sudden?"

"It's strange to say, but you also know that since your uncle left, he has to support the entire Prince Qing's mansion by himself. It is not easy at a young age, and he needs your father's support. Now that he has gained a firm foothold, He is also very grateful to your father. On weekdays, during the New Years and festivals, he will always give gifts in person. Recently, the emperor also gave him some things to do. He happened to ask your father for help. He is here. And he likes to play chess, and his chess skills are good. Occasionally, he will naturally start playing chess with your father. Your father usually has nothing to do at home, and sometimes he will just leave him to play a few games "Although I don't understand why Su Lanzhi asked such a question, Murong Yan has always trusted her daughter and knew that Su Lanzhi could not ask this question without a reason, so she didn't hide everything.

"Really? Then why is he here today? Is he also playing chess with Daddy?"

"That's not true. Didn't Brother Yang fall down yesterday? He came to visit Brother Yang today, and asked if there was anything wrong with Brother Yang. I think he is quite intentional. If he hadn't rescued him yesterday Brother Yang, I'm afraid that Brother Yang will be seriously injured." Su Mingyang was still so young when the stool fell, so it's no wonder he wasn't injured.

From the bottom of her heart, Murong Yan was still very grateful for Su Mingyou's actions yesterday. Su Mingyang was the child she had been waiting for for so many years, so Murong Yan naturally cared very much about him.If something happened to Su Mingyang, Murong Yan really didn't know if she could bear it.

"So that's the case. It seems that my cousin still has a lot of heart." She smiled, but Su Lanzhi's smile didn't reach her eyes, and she wouldn't tell Murong Yan what she was thinking at the moment.

"Compared with his father, he is indeed much better. Since he inherited Prince Qing's Mansion, everyone has seen what he has done. In the past, because of your uncle's negative impact on Prince Qing's Mansion, he has gotten better. Yes, this child also has intentions, if you really put aside the past with us, you are fine." It seems that Murong Yan does not completely trust Su Mingyou, the two families have gone through so many things after all.Some knots, in Murong Yan's view, are not so easy to untie.

So, Murong Yan still has reservations about Su Mingyou's recent overtures. After all, there are some things that unless she is really a saint, she won't really not mind.

After many years of worshiping the Buddha, Murong Yan has seen many things very clearly, and her heart is like a mirror. Although she looks very kind, she understands everything in her heart, but she doesn't show it on weekdays. That's all.

"Mother..." I didn't expect Murong Yan to understand so well in her heart, but now Su Lanzhi felt that sometimes she was too worried about her parents.

Does she always regard herself as an adult, but forget that she is actually a child of her parents, and her parents have lived for so many years, are they so easy to be manipulated?

"Lan'er, you child, you have shared the family's worries since you were a child, and you have taken care of everything. In fact, there are some things that your father and I know very well. Don't worry, we both understand." I know what Su Lanzhi is worried about It must be that they were bewitched by Su Mingyou.After all, Murong Yan still understood her daughter. Although Su Lanzhi didn't say anything, judging from the question, Murong Yan could roughly understand it.

"Mother, I..." Wanting to say something, Su Lanzhi felt a little embarrassed at the moment.

"Okay, I know, you are also for the good of this family, but you are still young now, don't carry everything like before, you know? Parents and mothers know what will happen in the future. We discussed it as a family, you can't do everything by yourself." Seeing her daughter so sensible and working so hard, how could Murong Yan not feel distressed?

So, as a parent, how can you continue to make your daughter work so hard?

In fact, these things are what they have to deal with themselves.

"Mom, I know." Since her rebirth, she has been used to controlling everything in her own hands, hoping to protect her family and keep her own happiness, but she has forgotten that parents are not children anymore. Maybe she knows better than herself, but she didn't communicate with the other party.

It seems that before, she was too conceited.

"Okay, mother knows that you are also doing it for our own good, but we are a family, and we will face it together in the future."

"Okay, mother!"

"Come on, let's go and have a look too. Mingyou probably hasn't left yet. Since you're here today, it's not good if you don't go see him."

"Mother..." I didn't expect Murong Yan to figure out her own thoughts, Su Lanzhi couldn't help but look a little uncomfortable.

Why do you feel that after I got married, my mother became more and more understanding of her?

What Su Lanzhi didn't know was that because she was married, Murong Yan also discovered that without Su Lanzhi as an assistant, she had to do many things herself, which was really hard.Murong Yan, who always felt sorry for Su Lanzhi, understood Su Lanzhi's dedication over the years. Thinking about how she used to not care about things, Murong Yan felt even more guilty. Of course, she wanted to make up for Su Lanzhi.

Today's Murong Yan just wants to be a good mother, to be the person behind her daughter, so that her daughter will not always have to work so hard.It is precisely because of this heart, coupled with the tacit understanding over the years, that Murong Yan has absolute trust in Su Lanzhi, so whenever Su Lanzhi has any doubts, Murongyan naturally stands firmly on Su Lanzhi's side , Naturally, I have reservations about some people and things.

Originally, Murong Yan had a delicate heart, but she used to choose to immerse herself in her own world and not think about it. Now, for Su Lanzhi, Murong Yan also plans to become stronger. Naturally, many problems cannot be escaped from Murong Yan. of the eyes.


The two of them went straight to the hall while they were talking. Sure enough, seeing that Su Mingyou was still there, Su Lanzhi went over to greet him, "Daddy, cousin!"

"Hehe, Lan'er is back, sit down!" Seeing her daughter coming back, Su Qinglan was very happy, and she let Su Lanzhi sit down with a smile. Su Mingyou didn't expect Su Lanzhi to come today, but just now Murong Yan had already It has been said before that he has passed the time of being surprised a long time ago. Seeing Su Lanzhi now, he smiled politely, "Cousin, I haven't seen you for a long time. The cousin is more radiant now. It can be seen that the cousin My sister is doing very well recently, so I can rest assured, and my second uncle and second aunt can also rest assured."

These words are very flattering, Su Lanzhi listened, and smiled, "My cousin praised me, and I see that my cousin's complexion is also good. It seems that my cousin is also very good recently."

"It's so-so, please worry about Cousin Lao."


Several people smiled and said something, and they didn't know if Su Mingyou hated Su Lanzhi too much, or if he was afraid of meeting Su Lanzhi's eyes, Su Mingyou sat for a while, then got up and said goodbye, "Second uncle, second aunt, who are you?" My cousin is back today, so my nephew will not bother my second uncle, my aunt, and my cousin to catch up on the old days, and my nephew will come to visit another day!"

"Mingyou, since you're here, let's go after lunch. You don't have anything to do today, so don't go?" Seeing that Su Mingyou was leaving, Murong Yan stayed for a while symbolically, and Su Qinglan naturally answered the question Yes, "Yes, what your second aunt said is that you will have lunch before leaving when you come. It will be time soon, and you will be delayed when you go back."

"Thank you second uncle and aunt. It's just that my nephew was so tired yesterday that brother Yang was injured and frightened. I really feel sorry for him. I came today to make sure that brother Yang is fine, and my nephew is relieved. My nephew has already agreed to the concubine mother." Those who go back to have dinner, and those who have agreed to accompany mother and concubine, can only live up to the kindness of the second uncle and the second aunt." Su Mingyou also has no plan to stay, and Su Qinglan listened to the other party's words, so naturally it is not easy to stay longer. "Since you promised your sister-in-law, then you can go back. It's also good to spend time with your sister-in-law. Now you, mother and son, should be together more."

Regarding Su Qingxiu's departure, Su Qinglan's mood is actually very complicated.My elder brother has not been very competitive since he was a child, but because he is the eldest son, he inherited the throne, but he has never made any great achievements.It is he who has been helping all these years so that Prince Qing's Mansion can maintain its glamorous appearance.He is also a descendant of the Su family, so he naturally knows the importance of the family to a person, so he has helped as much as he can these years.He thought it was good for him and the family, but he never thought that his concubine mother and elder brother would do so many things to him, which chilled his heart.So he didn't care about it, but he never thought that Su Qingxiu would be so useless, and in just a few years, he had ruined Prince Qing's Mansion, and even ruined the reputation of Prince Qing's Mansion, so he went there in that state.

Now that Su Qinglan thinks of Su Qingxiu's hollowed out body, she can't tell what it feels like.Is it sad?Do you still feel happy?

Maybe both?Just watching Su Qingxiu leave in such embarrassment and humiliation, Su Qinglan still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

However, all of this is Su Qingxiu's own crime, what else can he do?Now maybe it's good for both parties, right?Su Qingxiu went, and the ruined reputation of Prince Qing's Mansion naturally followed him. As long as Su Mingyou is willing to work hard, Prince Qing's Mansion will always rise one day.

"Then second uncle, second uncle, and nephew will go back first." Su Mingyou actually hated his father a little bit. If his father wasn't so absurd and cruel, how could his mother and sister be so miserable?

So now that Su Qingxiu has gone, he feels a little happy, but the little bit of complexity in his heart may be because the other party is his father, right?

"Go, spend more time with your mother and concubine!" Seeing Su Mingyou leave, Su Qinglan ordered someone to send him out, thinking that if Su Mingyou was still well-behaved and decent, as long as his interests did not conflict with him, he would also Still willing to help.

After all, it's his relatives, now that his biological mother and elder brother are gone, Su Qinglan is just such a nephew, I really can't bear to see that Su Qingxiu's line is ruined by Su Mingyou.

Hope he can do it well!

Today's Su Qinglan is no longer the Su Qinglan she used to be.He used to be extremely filial, but it was on the basis of hurting the person he loved the most, so now he has sons and daughters, and a wife who loves each other so much, and such a rare happiness, he will not let him down again. These are far away from him.So he was very clear in his heart that no one could hurt him and his real family anymore.


Su Mingyou left, and the atmosphere seemed to have changed all of a sudden. Su Lanzhi asked Su Qinglan's recent situation with a smile, and Su Qinglan answered them all one by one. In the end, Su Lanzhi joked that she wanted to borrow some books from Su Qinglan to go back and read. Su Qinglan After listening, looking at Su Lanzhi, her face immediately became serious, "Lan'er, what did you think of?"

"Daddy..." Seeing that Su Qinglan's face immediately changed, Su Lanzhi remembered what she said to Murong Yan just now, and made up her mind, "I don't know how much Daddy trusts my cousin?" Actually, Su Lan Zhi was still very worried that Su Qinglan would be the same as her previous life, she valued family affection too much, and in the end she was killed by him instead.It's just that Su Qinglan has changed a long time ago after going through so much now, "Although he is my nephew, there are too many entanglements and knots between our two houses. Unlikely."

Although Su Qinglan didn't want to admit it, he had to say that this was a fact.

It's just that Su Mingyou hasn't done anything for the time being, so Su Qinglan won't act rashly.

"Daddy can think so, Lan'er is very happy."

"You child, the people closest to daddy are your mother and your siblings. If something happens, wouldn't daddy still protect you? Did you trust someone else instead?" Looking at Su with a smile Lan Zhi, Su Qinglan really didn't expect her daughter to distrust her so much.

Could it be that he usually disappointed his daughter too much?

Can't help but think of many things from that year, it seems that it is so, Su Qinglan herself has gone through a lot before she can fully see who is the closest person, but the price is too heavy.

Therefore, he will not repeat the same mistakes.

"Daddy, my daughter doesn't mean that. My daughter knows she's worried, so it's just difficult for Daddy." I don't want to affect the relationship between father and daughter because of this incident. Now Su Qinglan is very good, she loves her, mother, and loves her Brother, and he is no longer as stupid and filial as before. What is there for Su Lanzhi to be dissatisfied with?

Daddy is actually a smart person, but sometimes he is blinded by family affection. Otherwise, in the previous life, with Daddy's shrewdness, how could it have ended like that?

In the end, Dad still cares about himself, right?It's just that maybe even Dad didn't expect that that person would treat him so cruelly, right?You don't even want your own flesh and blood.

"You silly boy, what Daddy got in a dilemma before, Daddy knows in his heart. Daddy is not old-fashioned yet, how could he make the same mistake again so easily?" What's more, Su Mingyou is not the old concubine Qing, but his biological mother , It's just a nephew, so it's not too difficult for him.

"Then Daddy, I'm a little worried if we can go to the study." Seeing Su Qinglan like this, Su Lanzhi was also relieved.Now that the situation in Kyoto is becoming more and more tense, Su Lanzhi is still worried about her parents. Now that Su Qinglan and Murong Yan are aware of it, Su Lanzhi can at least worry less and concentrate on going to the other party's Prince Qin's mansion up.

"Lan'er, do you have any doubts?" Although Su Qinglan was on guard against Su Mingyou, she hadn't noticed anything wrong with him recently. Hearing what Su Lanzhi said now, Su Qinglan was also a little nervous.

Could it be that the other party did something under his nose?But does the other party have that ability?

Although Su Mingyou has inherited the palace now, but his heel is not steady, he is still young after all, does the other party dare to bet?

However, even if the other party dared to bet, could it be possible that he still has the ability?If he really had this ability, then Su Mingyou would be a little scary.

"Daddy believed me once, but now I don't know what to say. Let's see the evidence first, shall we?" Looking at Su Qinglan, Su Lanzhi knew that it was not good for him to be a plain suspect, let alone the other party Su Mingyou, who has performed extremely well recently, is here.But her suspicion is also well-founded. She knows what Su Qinglan has in her hands, so she naturally knows what that person wants. Su Lanzhi was also very clear in her previous life.At this time, if you don't attack Su Qinglan, how can it be possible?

Su Mingyou's recent behavior is really too weird, Su Lanzhi is really worried.

"Lan, let's go to Wenxuewang. The study is an important place. Something like that happened yesterday. I'm afraid we were negligent for a while, but it's not necessarily true." Seeing Su Qinglan thinking, Murong Yan was worried that Su Qinglan didn't believe Su Lanzhi , naturally to help Su Lanzhi.

Murong Yan didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but after Su Lanzhi said it like this, she felt that what happened yesterday was a bit abnormal.

Su Mingyang has always been careful, but something happened suddenly yesterday. Could it be that there is really something wrong here?

Thinking of this, Murong Yan was naturally nervous. After hearing what Murong Yan said, Su Qinglan naturally understood, "Okay, Lan'er, let's go and have a look!"

"Lan, I'm going too!"

"Yan'er, go and see Brother Yang, we go together, it is also suspicious, I will take Lan'er to play chess, it's fine." If Su Mingyou really attacked them, then this dark place must be Someone is watching them, so Su Qinglan has to be vigilant.

Murong Yan is naturally aware of Su Qinglan's concerns, so it's certainly not convenient to follow her at this moment, "Well, I'll let the kitchen prepare the food, so don't delay too long."

"Hmm!" Su Qinglan's heart was a little heavy, thinking that if it was really his own negligence that hurt his family, then he really didn't know what to do.

Anxious along the way, Su Qinglan had to pretend to be calm and went to the study with Su Lanzhi, and then asked everyone to go out, saying that she wanted to play chess with Su Lanzhi.This was not an uncommon thing in the past. When Su Qinglan was in the study, she didn't like being served by others, and everyone had no doubts, especially when the voices of Su Qinglan and Su Lanzhi came from inside, the two of them had no doubts .

"Daddy, Lan'er won't let you today!"

"Hehe, why do you have to give way to my father? My father has always given way to you before!"

"Daddy, that's good, let's compete!" It was quiet for a while, giving the impression that Su Lanzhi and Su Qinglan were playing chess, but the people inside were flipping through books quickly .

"Lan'er, there are a lot of books here, let's separate them!"

------off topic-----

Cough cough, the ending has a bit too much content, let’s upload the first half first, embarrassing...

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