The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 43 The problem of children's education

"Sisters, wait for Yue'er, how about Yue'er go together?" Su Lingyue saw that Su Lanzhi and the others were going out, thinking that she had lost face just now, and felt uncomfortable being watched here , followed the excuse.Sooyoung

Su Lanzhi looked at Su Lingyue's pretty red face, with hope in her eyes, and she wanted to refuse, but Su Lanyu directly grabbed her, "Sister Yue'er also came together, of course. We sisters haven't had a proper gathering for a long time, let's talk!"

It seems that she looks quite like everyone, and she doesn't dislike Su Lingyue, a concubine, at all. Su Lanyu looked at the old Princess Qing, "Grandmother, would Yue'er go with us?" Holding Su Lanzhi in his arms and Su Lingyue in the other hand, this kind of picture is so harmonious no matter how you look at it. Everyone looked at Su Lanyu as such a loving sister, but they had a high opinion of Su Lanyu, the eldest daughter of Prince Qing. separated.

Sure enough, she is a generalist, and the demeanor of this daughter-in-law is not something that ordinary people can learn.

Old Princess Qing naturally also loves Su Lanyu, the eldest daughter, so she will not refuse, "Okay, okay, then let the juniors have a good time, go!"

"Well, grandma, then we're leaving!" Su Lanyu took everyone's attention by herself, and pulled Su Lanzhi and the others away with a smile. The position is much more noble, and with oneself, how can people see other people?

The few people left, and the room became lively, "Princess, you gave birth to a good daughter. She is so well-behaved and sensible at such a young age, and she looks so attractive. In a few years, the person who proposes will probably be Are you going to break through the threshold of the palace?"

"That's right, Ms. Su is thirteen this year? She's not far away from Jiji. Now that I'm looking at it, she's really beautiful and beautiful, so I like it!"

"Yes, I heard that Ms. Su is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is also known as a talented woman. The princess is so lucky!"


Because she is the eldest daughter, and Sun Xueru is also very strong, she naturally paid special attention to Su Lanyu's training since she was a child. She hired the best teacher to educate Su Lanyu. Su Lanyu grew up in such an environment. , piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are naturally not bad.

Sun Xueru originally wanted to raise an excellent and perfect daughter, so that she could marry well in the future and make them Qing Palace even stronger. Now hearing everyone's praise, she is very happy in her heart, but on the surface, she is only superficial. With a shallow smile, she looked calm, "It's everyone's praise, Yu'er still has a lot to learn, and she is not in the mood now!"

"Princess is humble!"

"Mrs. Zhang, don't say that. Isn't your Xue'er also beautiful and charming, and she is also excellent in piano and dancing? In terms of talent, my concubine's Yu'er is not as good as your Xue'er." Woolen cloth!"

"Princess, stop talking!"


The female family members talked about their children and praised each other, but they didn't feel bored. The atmosphere was very active for a while. Murong Yan watched everyone compliment each other, and the expression on her face was always indifferent. , The beads in the hands are rolling one by one.

She hadn't appeared in everyone's sight for a long time, Murong Yan was used to being lonely and quiet these years, and she didn't interrupt, sitting there like that, like that proud lotus flower, made people feel extra dazzling.

Sun Xueru looked at Murong Yan's indifferent expression, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was half a smile, as if she was laughing at her ignorance, she just felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

"Sister and sister, when you were young, you were also gorgeous and talented, but I don't know what Lan'er has studied these years? What specialties do you have? Are you as talented as you were back then?" Just can't understand Murong Yan looks so noble and elegant, the other party doesn't say anything or sit down, but everyone's eyes will still be attracted to her involuntarily, especially when everyone is discussing, but she just sits quietly, letting Sun Xueru I feel like a clown, and I have lost my worth.

So no matter what, she wanted to bring Murong Yan in!

As far as she knew, Murong Yan didn't care about world affairs these years, and Bai Xin took care of everything in the Xiangfu. With Bai Xin's personality, would it be possible for Su Lanzhi to surpass Su Lingyue?

She knew that Su Lanzhi was just a woman with no talent and no morals. Sun Xueru knew that Murong Yan couldn't say anything, so she deliberately swept up the other party's face, so that everyone's impression of Su Lanzhi would be lowered, so that Su Lanzhi would not be able to say anything. Lan Zhi surpassed her family, Yu'er!

This Su Lanzhi's appearance has inherited all the advantages of Murong Yan and Su Qinglan, not to mention her good looks, and even more so, she has an air of ethereal agility, which her family Yu'er can't match!

She must not let Su Lanzhi cover up her daughter's edge!

At this moment, seeing everyone's eyes focused on Murong Yan, Sun Xueru was ready to watch a good show. She thought that Murong Yan would be speechless, but unexpectedly, the other party just raised her head lightly and swept everyone , those calm and waveless eyes are full of magical power, making everyone feel like they dare not profane.

"I just hope that Lan'er is happy. As for what to learn, just let her like it!" Murong Yan did have such thoughts, so what if she thought she was so beautiful in the world back then?Still can't get what you want in the end?

It's good for her daughter to be well-behaved and sensible. Murong Yan has never been a greedy person. Although reputation can bring Su Lanzhi better karma and opportunities, who knows that the children of aristocratic families can definitely give Su Lanzhi happiness? ?

Murong Yan understands everything she has experienced. She only hopes that Su Lanzhi can find someone who will treat her wholeheartedly in the future. She can ignore her status, because those are actually obstacles to happiness. When it is time, it is better not to have it.

"It's not right for younger brothers and sisters to say these things. Naturally, this woman must have a skill, otherwise, wouldn't she be too mediocre? This woman has no talent, her knowledge is short, and she will naturally become narrow-minded. Although our Su family is not like Fuguo The scholarly family of the public family is also a century-old family, but it cannot be humiliated." The meaning of these words is that Su Lanzhi has no talent, no virtue, narrow-mindedness, and will not be suitable to be the mistress in the future.

When she was young, Sun Xueru was oppressed by Murong Yan. She always couldn't see Murong Yan. She was not as good as Murong Yan. She naturally hoped that her daughter would trample the other's daughter under her feet!

Everyone listened to Sun Xueru's words and thought it was very reasonable, no one would want to marry a daughter-in-law who is short-sighted, ignorant of right and wrong, and has no virtue or ability.

So at this moment, they all looked at Murong Yan quietly, and really wanted to know if Su Lanzhi was the girl without talent and virtue that Sun Xueru said.


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