The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 58 Mother and daughter untie the knot

This man always cares about face, what's more, as the prime minister of a country, Su Qinglan has been in charge of the wind and rain for many years. Although he looks modest and polite, deep down, he might not allow others to challenge his authority again and again.

Su Lanzhi knew that Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue would not return to Xiangfu in a short time, because Bai Xin was worried, and Yuan Wuhou was worried. Naturally, it was the most important thing to bring these two children by her side. Appropriate.

It's just that Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue are the children of the Xiangfu, so they naturally want to stay in the Xiangfu. Su Qinglan went to pick them up in person, but Yuan Wuhou didn't let them go. Su Qinglan's heart must be full of anger up.

She had no choice but to ignite a little bit at this moment, making Su Qinglan fearful of this matter. Naturally, she was not as guilty and caring about Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue as before.

Su Qinglan was indeed very dissatisfied with Yuan Wuhou's behavior, especially as a son and daughter, he didn't give him the face of being a father so much. Su Qinglan saw that Su Lanzhi was thinking about herself so much, and even ignored the previous suspicions for Su Zhenhua and Su. Lingyue thought about it, and felt that Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue were too ignorant.

"Okay, Lan'er, don't worry about this matter. They want to stay in Yuanwuhou Mansion, so let them stay. When they want to come back, they will naturally come back!" Yes, but at the moment, he feels that the two children are really disliked by him. At this time, he is still playing childish and ignorant of the rules, so he doesn't bother to bother.

"But Daddy, is this okay? Now that Aunt Bai has gone, and my younger siblings live in Marquis Wu's Mansion, others don't know what to think about this!"

"It's nothing. Anyway, Yuan Wuhou is the grandfather of Zhenhua and Lingyue. It's okay for them to live for a while. What's more, when Aunt Bai is gone, it's not impossible for Yuan Wuhou to miss others when he sees others. That's the way it is!" He didn't bother to worry about this, so as not to hurt his body and sadness.

"Then what if the younger siblings misunderstand daddy because of this?" These two people are now in Yuanwuhou's mansion, Su Lanzhi is naturally worried, but there is nothing she can do now, but she will find a way to get them back as soon as possible , so that when the other party is full-fledged, she will be even more difficult to deal with.

"They're not young anymore. If they can't tell the difference, then they will have to suffer a little bit!" The meaning of these words is very clear, if Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue really hate each other because of this matter He will not soften his heart no matter what he does, and will teach the other party a lesson.

"Then Daddy will let them live in Yuanwuhou's Mansion?" In fact, that's fine, there are too many white-hearted forces in the mansion now, and they are not here during this period, and they can't make any prodigal sons. She and mother It also happened to eliminate Baixin's strength, so that they would not come back, and with the help of these people, they would cause trouble to them.

"Just let them live. If they still recognize me as their father, they will always come back. If they don't come back, then forget it." Originally, I felt guilty and wanted to pick up the two children in person, and said to Marquis Yuanwu by the way. Sorry, it's just that they don't accept it, so that's it.

How can he say that he loves the two children these years? If the two children really choose to be the white-eyed wolf, then why should he humbly apologize to the two children?

As a father, it is absolutely impossible to do this.

"Daddy, don't think about it, just drink some tea and rest. You didn't rest well last night, so you went to court early. You have been out for so long just now. I think you are tired. I don't think you look very good. " Knowing that Su Qinglan was depressed because of this incident, although Su Lanzhi couldn't bear Su Qinglan's sadness, Su Zhenhua and her were destined to have no way to coexist. They were destined to be enemies from birth, and now they appeared again. After such a thing, they will never be siblings in this life.

Now that they have chosen to become enemies with her, she will not sit still.

"Well, Lan'er also went to rest earlier, you didn't rest well last night!"

"Well, I know, Daddy!"

"By the way, how is your mother? Are you resting now?"

"Mother should still be worshiping the Buddha right now!"

"Go and persuade her to rest more. Yesterday, she was also tired."

"I know! I'll go to see my mother later and advise her to rest for a while!"

"There are also matters in the mansion. I have already told Steward Qi. If you have anything to do, you can tell him. You can tell your mother later that you can let Steward Qi do anything in the future, so as not to It's too tiring."

"Father, why didn't you tell mother these words in person?" Knowing that Su Qinglan cared about Murong Yan, it was just that the two of them couldn't be as close as they used to be because of the knot in the past.

"Hehe, Lan'er, it's better for you to talk about this, go!" Yan'er, she is afraid that she doesn't want to see him now?

Therefore, he should be more conscious and stop disturbing the other party.

"Then father rests earlier, and Lan'er will leave first." Knowing that the relationship between her parents will not be improved so easily, Su Lanzhi has no choice but to hope that after a long time, the two of them will have more contact. The women are also settled, and everything is fine?

"Well, go!" Looking at his daughter lovingly, she is so sensible at such a young age, much better than his other two children.

In fact, having more children is not necessarily a good thing. If one or two are bothersome, it is better to have one or two, each well-behaved and sensible, which is much better.


After leaving Su Qinglan, Su Lanzhi went to Yanyun Pavilion soon. Seeing that Murong Yan was still paying respects to the Buddha, Su Lanzhi gently knelt beside Murong Yan, took out a string of Buddhist beads, looked at the Buddhist scriptures, and recited "Forgetting doesn't mean never existed. All freedom comes from choice, not deliberate. It's better to let go. The more you let go, the more you feel that you have more..."

"Love leaves, resentment meets, let go and return, it's nothing. It's just empty eyes, an illusion."


While reading, Murong Yan beside her suddenly stopped, looked at Su Lanzhi, and sighed, "Lan'er, I'm here today, mother is tired and needs to rest!" In her daughter's mind, Murong Yan I understand, I just want her to let go, but letting go is not so easy.

"Mother, Dad said about the housekeeper. He has already told the housekeeper Qi. If you have anything to do in the future, you can find the housekeeper Qi so that you won't be tired!"

"Well, I see!"

"Mother, Daddy told you to rest well, don't hurt yourself!"

"Don't worry, I will take good care of myself. If you miss yourself, just keep reading. Mom won't accompany you!" Finally she got up and left. Seeing Murong Yan still unmoved, Su Lanzhi felt anxious , but what can I do?

Love is the most hurtful thing in this world. In her previous life, because of Qin Yan's betrayal, she was willing to turn herself into ashes, and she didn't want to have anything to do with Qin Yan anymore, let alone let that person touch her love again. everything.

So, what about her father and mother?

She was so determined to Qin Yan because of her bone-destroying hatred, but her parents clearly loved each other, but why did they torture each other?


The matter of love is indeed hurtful and sad. Fortunately, the pain she experienced in her previous life has made her despair of love. Her heart is dead and she will no longer feel pain.

That's fine, but I can treat those people and things indifferently, and don't need to be trapped by that illusory love anymore.


After a few days of being in a daze, it was Su Lanzhi's birthday in a blink of an eye. These days have been busy, but Su Lanzhi forgot, but when we came together, I saw Zhao Nanny's loving face , "Happy birthday, miss. These are the shoes made for you by the old slave. I hope the miss likes them!" After speaking, he took out a pair of very cute embroidered shoes with a lot of hair on them, which is suitable for this occasion.

"Mommy, your shoes are so good, you can't sell Yuetao's!" Zhaomao's craftsmanship is very good, the pair of shoes come alive, Yuetao watched from the side, but gave her gift to Hidden.

"Yuetao, quickly show me what you have prepared!"

"Miss, Yuetao's cooking skills are not good, so don't laugh at me!" Among Su Lanzhi's maidservants, Yuetao is indeed a bad girl, but her cooking skills are very good, and her dishes are special. It's delicious.

"I won't laugh at you, take a look!"

"Yes, miss..." A little embarrassed, she took out the shoes she made for Su Lanzhi, and Yue Tao felt a little uncomfortable, "Hey, if I knew that it was shoes from Mammy, I wouldn't have sent them!" How could her skill be compared to that of Mother Zhao?It's really embarrassing.

"Yuetao, these shoes are very cute, I like them very much!" Although Yuetao's embroidered patterns are not very good, it can be seen that the other party is very careful. , but it is not easy.

"Isn't it? Miss, Yuetao has been embroidering these shoes for you these days from dawn to dusk. During the period, she asked me how to do it many times. She was afraid that Miss would dislike her, so she never dared to show her hand, but I Look, it's really pretty!" Qiushuang is the best embroiderer among the others, so everyone likes to ask her for advice on weekdays, but it's embarrassing to see Yuetao now, so Qiushuang naturally wants to help .

"Really? Then I have to put it away." Feeling everyone's caring, Su Lanzhi lived again and experienced it seriously, only to realize that there are still many, many people who are sincerely for her good. It's just that she was too closed to herself before and didn't realize it. <Nuan took out the handkerchief she gave to Su Lan Zhixiu, Su Lan Zhi took it with a smile, "Chun Nuan, very beautiful, thank you!"

"As long as the lady likes it!"

"Miss, this belongs to a servant girl!" Qiushuang knew that Su Lanzhi liked plain things, so she made a simple hairpin for Su Lanzhi, which was also convenient for Su Lanzhi to use in the mansion. Seeing Su Lanzhi, Really happy, "Qiu Shuang, thank you!"

Unexpectedly, she forgot her own birthday, but these people all remember it!

Because of these people, that cold heart became a little bit warmer. Su Lanzhi looked at everyone and smiled, "Today is my birthday, so I will give everyone a day off. If you have someone you want to see, If you want to do something, then go!" These people serve themselves wholeheartedly on weekdays, and now it is almost the end of the new year, and there must be many things to be busy, Su Lanzhi thought about giving everyone a day off, They are also busy with their own affairs.

Anyway, she has nothing to do today, so she is not in a hurry.

"Really, miss?"

"of course it's true!"

"The servant can go to see the servant's mother?"


"Can the servant girl go to see the servant girl's younger brother today?"


"Miss, you are so kind!"

"Go, remember to come back early!"

"Well, the servants are going!"

"Congratulations miss, you've grown your tail again this year. Hurry up to Madam's place. Madam got up early and is waiting for you, miss!" Mammy Zhao saw how happy the people in this room were, and the smile on the old man's face was also Ongoing.

Today's lady has really changed a lot, at least it is much easier to get close to than before.

That's great, Madam should be relieved.

"Really? I'm going right away!" I quickly packed up and went to see Murong Yan. Today is my birthday, but it is also a hard time for my mother. Su Lanzhi also wants to thank Murong Yan properly, thank you The other party gave me life, and thanked the other party for always loving me so much.


Along the way, everyone who saw Su Lanzhi wished Su Lanzhi a happy birthday. It was the first time that Su Lanzhi's birthday was so lively in her past and present life. She always had a cold face, and now she was also infected with She smiled a little, and it was obvious that she was really happy.

"Mother, father!" As soon as she entered the room, she saw Su Qinglan and Murong Yan, and Su Lanzhi suddenly felt that there is no such thing as a birthday, which is more meaningful than this kind of birthday.

"Lan'er, come here quickly and eat longevity noodles. My mother cooked them for you early today. Come and eat!" Knowing that today is Su Lanzhi's birthday, Murong Yan got up early in the morning to cook and made a meal. The delicious dishes on the table are now waiting for Su Lanzhi to come.

"Mom, thank you!"

"Thank you, wash your hands and hurry over to eat!"

"Okay!" hurriedly washed her hands, and walked over, Su Qinglan looked at the rare and obvious smile on her daughter's face, and took out a piece of emerald, "Lan'er, Daddy doesn't know what you like, but I just saw this emerald yesterday. Not bad, I bought it for you, do you like it?"

The jadeite is just a suitable accessory for girls. It is simple and not cumbersome, but the jade is crystal clear, and you can tell it is a treasure at a glance. Su Lanzhi has seen many of these things in her previous life, and knows that this jadeite is not what Su Qinglan said. It looked good, so I bought it.

Feeling a little moved in my heart, Su Lanzhi smiled and took it, "Lan'er likes it very much, thank you daddy!"

"Okay, hurry up and eat this longevity noodles and red eggs. The coming year will be healthy and happy. I hope my Lan'er will grow longer, more beautiful, and more charming!"

"Daddy..." Hurrying to Su Qinglan's Noye, Su Lanzhi only felt that her face was a little dry, and she felt embarrassed.

Although Murong Yan and Su Qinglan had given her the information on her previous birthdays, at that time she was filled with resentment and dissatisfaction, so she refused to go out to see these two people, so that every year her birthday was just Murong Yan and Su Qinglan sent her red eggs, longevity noodles, and small gifts, but at that time, because of the hatred in her heart, she never went to see or contact her.

Now it seems that her parents remember her birthday every year, and even though her parents are at odds, she will remember to give her a gift every year on her birthday. It can be seen that her parents don't care about her or love her, but she also remembers her parents. Refused to go outside.

Looking at the delicious dishes on the table, all of them are her favorites, Su Lanzhi only felt that her nose suddenly became a little sour, knowing that she really misunderstood her parents before.

"Lan'er, hurry up and sit down, my mother has made a lot of your favorite food, hurry up and eat!" Murong Yan looked at Su Lanzhi who hadn't sat down for a long time, feeling a little anxious, and also a little worried that she hadn't cared about Su Lan for many years Zhi, maybe she doesn't even know what her daughter likes.

"Mother, thank you!" Sucking her nose, Su Lanzhi knew that today was not the time to be sad, so she hurriedly sat down, holding Murong Yan with one hand and Su Qinglan with the other, "Father, mother, you Sit down too, let's eat together!"

The family hasn't eaten like this for a long time. If she is really the only link to her parents, then she is willing to continue to function as a link!

"Okay, Lan'er eats it too, let's see how the longevity noodles taste!"

"Yeah!" Nodding, Su Lanzhi couldn't wait to eat it, "Yeah, it's delicious, mother, thank you!" Thank you for giving birth to me, and thank you for your love for me, mother, Laner must I will take good care of you, the Xiangfu, and my father, and will not let our family be separated again!

"This child, why do you keep saying thank you? Eat quickly, and there are red eggs!" The custom of this big child's birthday is to boil red eggs for the child, then give them longevity noodles, and give them some shoes and clothes. Su Lanzhi is still young now, and it's not time for her birthday, so she won't invite anyone at home, it's just that the family has a good meal and get together.

"Okay!" Maybe it was the happiness in her heart, so Su Lanzhi ate a lot of this meal. Although she doesn't like eggs very much, and the opposite side is not a big love, but today she finished this bowl of longevity noodles. I also ate clean eggs, and I ate a lot of vegetables.

Seeing Su Lanzhi eating happily, Murong Yan finally felt relieved.

In fact, she is still a little worried today. Every time Su Lanzhi has her birthday these years, she likes to lock herself in the room and refuses to see anyone. As a result, she can only make longevity noodles and boiled eggs and send them over. Although I know that Su Lanzhi throws it away every time and refuses to eat it, but as a mother, this is her heart.

Today I thought that Su Lanzhi would reject her as before, but I didn't expect that Su Lanzhi would not. At this moment, she finally relaxed, "Lan'er, after eating, I will go into the room with my mother later, okay Is it?" Everyone gave gifts to her daughter, and her gifts were naturally to be given.


After eating, Su Lanzhi followed Murong Yan into the room. Murong Yan took out a whole set of clothes from the box and handed them to Su Lanzhi, "Lan'er try it, see Does it fit you well!" The clothes were aqua blue, with a high neckline and thick cotton sewn inside, making it look very warm.

"Mother, did you make this?" This dress is well cut, and it is made of high-quality silk, and the color is also her favorite, but it is not a matter of making this dress overnight. Could it be that her mother, Did you start preparing for her a long, long time ago?

"Of course my mother made it for you. Go try it and see if it fits you well?"

"Okay!" I hurried to try it on, and it fit really well. Even though it was made of thick cotton, it was very warm, but it was still very slim, making her look very smart and cute.

Seeing that her daughter finally wore the clothes she made, Murong Yan's eyes flashed with tears, but they quickly covered them up, "Come on, Lan'er, there is still a hat here, you can wear it and see if it fits !" After finishing speaking, he took out a hat from the pile just now, which was also blue, surrounded by high-quality fox fur, and embroidered with plum blossoms on it, which was very beautiful.

"Mother..." These things seem to be very cumbersome to make, so, did her mother start preparing them a long time ago?

"By the way, there are also shoes!" The shoes of the same color are aqua blue. The soles are thick and strong, and the fabric is made of several layers. They feel very warm when worn on the feet.

"And this, the cloak!"


Murong Yan almost prepared Su Lanzhi's complete set. Su Lanzhi saw the pieces on her body, wrapping her whole body warmly and alive, and suddenly the corners of Su Lanzhi's eyes felt moist. , "Mother, did you do all of these?" So many things, such tedious work, how can this be done in a year or two?

"Mother was worried that you wouldn't be able to wear it, so I changed it a bit, and it's okay, I can wear it. It's just that Lan'er has been wronged all these years, and it hasn't grown much. It's Mother's negligence. Mother is sorry for you!" Looking at her daughter's weak The body is 13 years old, but the height is still like that of seven or eight years old. She is not too thin. The things she made in the past few years can still be worn. These years, she is really negligent.

"Mother, it's not your fault, it's Lan'er's fault!" In fact, the mother also wanted to care about her, but because of her own sadness, the mother didn't have any extra energy, and the little energy left was taken by her. Just rejected it.

She is not good, not a competent daughter!

"No, it's mother's fault. Mother shouldn't have neglected you all these years because of me!" If it wasn't for my negligence, why would my daughter be like this?

Although she has grown taller and gained weight recently under her care, it is far from enough!

Lingyue's child is taller than Lan'er!

"Mother, don't talk about it. If you talk about it again, my daughter will really feel ashamed."

"Okay, okay, mother, don't say it, don't say it."

"Mother, the past is in the past. Lan'er knows that mother and father have always loved Lan'er. It's just that Lan'er was ignorant and didn't understand mother and father, so she made mother and father sad. We will take care of each other in the future." Yes, okay?"

"Okay, we'll be fine in the future! Mother will definitely raise you tall and fat, and I can't let you be bullied anymore!"

"Mother, Lan'er is a girl, it's better to be petite, otherwise she's too strong, wouldn't she frighten others? And look, if she's petite, don't these clothes last longer? Mother's clothes are so beautiful, Lan'er is reluctant to throw it away, so I still have to wear it for a few more years!" In fact, she is also very glad that she has not grown much in these years, otherwise, wouldn't she not be able to see or wear these clothes?In this way, mother's heart, doesn't she know all about it?

"Lan'er likes it, mother will make it for you again." It's been a long time since she let her daughter wear the clothes she made, and Murong Yan felt more and more resigned.

"Okay, mother, you are so busy now, do it when you have time, this outfit is enough for Lan'er to wear for a long time!" It has to be said that Murong Yan is very good at choosing colors and styles, and the things she makes will set off her whole body She was pure and lovely, naughty and cute, making her look more like a child.

"Okay, I'll make it for you when I'm free!" Even though she said that, seeing that Su Lanzhi liked this dress so much, Murong Yan decided to buy some more good cloth and make more for Su Lanzhi.

Su Lanzhi is in poor health and is afraid of the cold. The ones bought outside are really not as warm as the ones she makes, so it's better to make them yourself.

"Mother, let's go out so that Daddy and the others can see the clothes that Mother made for Lan'er!" I can say that I have a completely new look now, from head to toe, Murong Yan made it by herself, and it fits very well, and it is also very special. Su Lanzhi likes her aesthetics and temperament very much, and is also very moved.

"Okay, let's go!" As soon as the two went out, Su Qinglan looked at the fairy-like wife and daughter, and was a little dazed for a while.

Like ah, really like ah!

"Lan'er, you..." Why did you change everything from top to bottom once you entered?

"Daddy, mother made this for Lan'er. Does it look good?" Su Lanzhi's whole body was completely renewed. At this moment, Su Lanzhi looked like that naughty little fairy. At such a young age, she has a soul-stirring beauty.

"It's beautiful, it's beautiful, your mother's craftsmanship is really good!" No matter what Murong Yan is, she is excellent, she is good-looking, and she is very talented. Even the female red knitting is a top class.Looking at the clothes on her daughter at this moment, and thinking that Murong Yan used to make clothes for him like this, Su Qinglan's eyes were a little sad.

Yan'er, in the future, are you afraid that you won't make clothes for me again?

It was I who ruined my own happiness.

Seeing the sadness in Su Qinglan's eyes, Su Lanzhi hurriedly pointed to the emerald hanging around her neck, which was crystal clear, which added a layer of extravagance to Su Lanzhi, "Daddy, this dress is the same as what you gave Daddy to Lan My son's jade is very suitable, you see!"

"Hehe, that's great!"

Several people were chatting and laughing. At this time, Madam Zhang came in, "Master, Madam, Mrs. Jingbei Hou has sent someone to send a gift to Miss!"

"Is it the mother who sent someone to bring a gift? Quickly invite someone to come in!"


As soon as Nanny Zhang went out, an old man came in. When the old man saw a few people, he hurriedly saluted, "Uncle, eldest miss, cousin!"

"Mother Zhang, why are you here today?"

"The old lady was thinking about Miss Biao, thinking that today is Miss Biao's birthday, so she sent her servants to bring gifts to Miss Biao."

"Why is mother being so polite? Lan'er is just a junior, so mother has to worry about it!" Because of her misfortune these years, Murong Yan seldom went back to the Jingbei Marquis Mansion. She always didn't want her family to worry. The old man, Murong Yan's face was full of emotion.

"The new year is approaching, and the old lady is thinking about the eldest lady and Miss Biao, so I asked the old slave to come here, Miss Biao, this is a gift from the old lady for the servant girl to give to Miss Biao, I hope Miss Biao likes it!" A small padded jacket was produced, which was embroidered with gold thread. It was cute without losing its atmosphere, and it was very thick.

"Mother's eyesight has been bad these years, why are you still tired?" Murong Yan could tell at a glance that this was Mrs. Jingbeihou's handicraft, and felt more and more unfilial and guilty in her heart.

Mother these years, don't know if she is in good health?

"Miss, the old lady said that Miss Biao is her only granddaughter, so she is naturally in severe pain. Now that it is Miss Biao's birthday, she naturally wants to make something by herself. This old lady in padded jacket has been doing it for a whole year. , Every thread and thread is embroidered by the old lady herself. This morning the old lady came with the old slave. It can be seen that the old lady still loves Miss Biao very much. Miss Biao, see if you like it! "This chapter is also interesting for the nanny. Since entering the door, she just greeted Su Qinglan politely, and then put the other party aside. She just looked at Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, her face was full of kindness, It can be seen that Madam Zhang loves Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi very much.

"Mommy, I like it very much. Thank you grandma for me!" She just felt that the gifts she received today made her feel heavier than the last one. Su Lanzhi's heart was suddenly full. I never felt that I was loved by so many people.

"Miss Biao, the old lady misses you very much. If you want to thank the old lady, you'd better go and see the old lady in person!" Over the years, Murong Yan and Jingbeihou's mansion have gone far. In my heart, how can I feel better?

I thought about it, but I couldn't see it. Mammy Zhang saw such pain, and felt distressed.

"Don't worry, mother, Lan'er and mother will go to see grandma in a few days!" Knowing that Mrs. Jingbei Hou sent someone here today, she missed Murong Yan and her. Although Su Lanzhi didn't have a deep impression of this grandmother, But he also knew that the grandmother's family had formed a grudge with the Prime Minister's House because of the mother's affairs in the previous life. Since Murong Yan's death, the two houses have never had any contact.

But that day when her father was wrongly accused of treason, only the Jingbeihou family came out to help her father, but Qin Yan had already made up his mind to kill Su Qinglan, and in the end he couldn't save Su Qinglan's life.

The reason why Qin Yan never abolished her as a queen in her previous life was also because of Jingbeihou's family. Jingbeihou controlled the military power. Qin Yan never fought unprepared battles, so naturally he would not take it lightly. He did it to her.

Su Lanzhi knew that this family was the ones who really loved them, the ones they could trust and rely on.

So in this life, she will not let this only family relationship be attacked and hurt again.

"Miss Biao, what you said is true?" Madam Zhang really came here today to persuade Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi to go back and have a look. Mrs. Jingbei Hou has been suffering from longing for daughters all these years, and she has been in poor health. Especially recently, he became more and more ill, and wanted to see Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi very much, but knowing Murong Yan's scruples, he had no choice but to ask her to persuade her today.

Nanny Zhang had prepared a lot of excuses, but now Su Lanzhi agreed in a blink of an eye, and Nanny Zhang couldn't react.

is this real?

"Don't worry, mama, the new year is approaching, and there are a lot of things going on in the prime minister's house recently. Although Lan'er and mother want to visit their grandmother, they have never had the opportunity. After a few days, Lan'er and mother have settled everything. Go and visit my grandmother, okay?" Actually, I have always wanted to repair the relationship with the Jingbei Hou Mansion, but Su Lanzhi has never been able to find an opportunity, and now that the opportunity comes, Su Lanzhi naturally wants to grasp it well.

"Miss, is this true?" Although Su Lanzhi agreed, but Murong Yan didn't agree. Mother Zhang didn't expect to go back when the time came, it was only Su Lanzhi!

"Mommy, since Lan'er has said everything, I will go of course. I will visit my mother after I finish the matter, and have a good talk with my mother!" She did not go back to her natal home for a long, long time, because she was worried My life is not good, and my parents are worried, so I don't go back, but now, it's not a problem to always avoid it.

"Okay, okay, the old slave will go back and tell the old lady!" Seeing that Murong Yan also agreed, Zhang Nanny smiled and was about to leave. When Murong Yan saw her, she hurriedly left her behind, "Mammy braved the wind and rain Come, sit down first."

"No, no, this old slave has to hurry back and tell the old lady the good news!" Presumably the old lady will feel much better after hearing this?

"Mother, wait, sit down for a while, there are some things, I want to trouble Mother to bring them back to mother!"

"This..." Originally, she wanted to leave immediately. Firstly, Madam Zhang came to tell Mrs. Jingbeihou the good news, but secondly, she naturally didn't want to stay here.

As an old man next to Mrs. Jingbeihou, Madam Zhang watched Murong Yan grow up, and treated Murong Yan like her own daughter. Knowing that Murong Yan is not doing well these years, she treats Su Qinglan, Naturally, there is also some resentment.

It's just that she's just a servant after all, and it's hard to say anything, let alone do anything, so she has to keep out of sight.

"Mammy is still staying. Mother hasn't seen grandma for a long time, so she must be thinking too hard. Naturally, she wants to ask Mammy about her grandmother's situation. Mammy should not leave in a hurry, and leave after eating, otherwise Lan Both son and mother will be worried!"

"Then, good!" Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi both spoke, and Nanny Zhang naturally stayed. Seeing these people, Su Qinglan suddenly felt that she seemed to be an eyesore, so she found an excuse and left It's okay, so as not to stay here and make people unhappy, Su Lanzhi saw Su Qinglan go, although she felt a little sympathetic, she also knew that the knot between the Prime Minister's Mansion and Jingbei Hou's Mansion was already tied, as long as Su Qinglan let go Murong Yan is sad, this knot cannot be untied.

Fortunately, Marquis Jingbei is not unreasonable, otherwise he would not have helped Su Qinglan back then, so Su Lanzhi wasn't too worried.


"Mommy, sit down!"


"Nurse, how is mother these years?"

"The old lady's body has gotten worse over the years, especially the old lady's eyes have become more and more blurred."

"How could this be? Didn't mother eat the tonics given to her all these years?" Su Qinglan is a powerful minister, and is highly valued by the emperor. Naturally, there are many rare treasures in the mansion, and there are naturally many tonics. Murong Yan has not been able to use them all these years. Filial piety, but she also sent all the good things to Jingbeihou's mansion. Mrs. Jingbeihou's eyes were not good, and she was always very worried.

"Hey, the old lady is reluctant to eat, and every time she thinks about the eldest lady, the old lady feels sad in her heart, and she can't hold back her tears. If she shed too many tears, she will be sad and sad, and her eyes will naturally be bad. The imperial doctor said Let the old lady shed less tears, but the old lady just doesn't listen, plus she has been worrying too much, her body has naturally gotten worse over the years." Zhang Nanny told the truth, she also wanted Murong Yan to go back early, and persuaded her Mrs. Jingbeihou, if Mrs. Jingbeihou's health goes from bad to worse, that would be bad.

"How could this happen?" Unexpectedly, her own misfortune would cause her own mother to suffer, and Murong Yan immediately felt extremely regretful.

She really isn't a filial daughter, why doesn't she let her mother worry when she's married?

"Miss, there are some things that this old slave didn't want to say at first, but now that I see Missy, this old slave has no choice but to say it."

"Mammy, please tell me!"

"Miss, the old madam has been thinking about you, thinking of you, worrying about you all these years, Cao's heart is broken, but the madam is so cruel that she doesn't go to see the old madam, isn't the old madam even more worried, more worried? The eldest lady knows that the old lady is not in good health, so how can she let the old lady worry about the eldest lady?" Originally, she didn't want Madam Zhang to tell Murong Yan about Madam Jingbei's physical condition, so as not to worry Murong Yan, but Zhang Mammy couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to say it.

"Mommy is right. I am a daughter, so disrespectful! I'm going to see my mother!" As long as she thinks of Mrs. Jingbeihou's blurry eyes and poor health, Murong Yan's heart feels like being stabbed. It hurt like a stabbing, and I wished I could fly to Madam Jingbei Hou right away, to see my mother well.

"Miss, this..." It's good that Murong Yan can go today, but Madam Zhang has not forgotten that there are still many things to do in the Prime Minister's Mansion!

"Mother, don't be in a hurry. It's not good if we go in a hurry today. Why don't we go tomorrow!" It's rare to go back, so it is necessary to prepare well. Su Lanzhi doesn't want to be too hasty and lose It's a courtesy.

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