As soon as she got back to her room, Su Lanzhi ordered, "Let the kitchen bring the food, just say I'm hungry! By the way, don't tell them that Daddy will come later!"

In recent years, Su Lanzhi and Su Qinglan have been far apart, and her mother has a stubborn temper. Ever since Su Qinglan became a concubine, she has never been close to Su Qinglan.

Isn't this ancient woman clinging to her husband's favor?Murong Yan rejected Su Qinglan, everyone saw it, and naturally neglected Murong Yan, and Murong Yan ignored things, when Bai Xin came to power, Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan's life would be a bit difficult .

It's just that they seldom interact with Su Qinglan in the inner courtyard, and because of the resentment in their hearts, even if they are dissatisfied, they never talk about it, so Bai Xin has gone too far these years.

Su Lanzhi didn't say it before, it was because she didn't want to say it, and she didn't bother to say it, but after experiencing everything in her previous life, she would never let the tragedy happen to herself and her mother! <Nuan poured a cup of tea thoughtfully, "Miss, drink some hot tea to warm up your body!"

"Hmm!" In the previous life, because of worry, the root cause of the disease fell, which made the already cold body thinner and weaker, which caused him to catch cold at every turn, and his constitution was extremely weak, and he gradually moved away from people's sight.

So in the previous life, everyone knew only the second lady of Xiangfu, and everyone's impression of her was only her thin body and this skin.

At this moment, looking at herself in the mirror at a young age who has already begun to show her beauty, Su Lanzhi smiled indifferently, lowered her head, and drank the warm tea little by little, feeling that her cold stomach , much more comfortable.

"Miss, drink more hot tea to get rid of the cold, your face is pale from the cold!" Yue Tao felt very distressed when she saw Su Lanzhi like this.

"It's okay!" Shaking her head, Su Lanzhi is now eager to repair her relationship with Su Qinglan, so that her parents can restore the old relationship, lest her mother go down the same path as before!

Time is running out, she must hurry up!


"Miss, the master is here!"

"Let daddy come in!" Putting down the teacup in her hand, Su Lanzhi quickly greeted her, looking at her father's face that had never aged, every time Su Lanzhi looked at it, she felt a little bit of pain and pain in her heart. Ashamed, "Daddy!"

"Okay, you don't have enough clothes, don't come out, so you don't get cold!" Seeing the admiration in her daughter's eyes, Su Qinglan's heart is always wrapped in a warm feeling, and she also loves Su Lanzhi. Kind up.

"Okay, then daddy come in quickly, Qiushuang, pour a cup of hot tea for daddy!"

"Yes!" Qiushuang quickly poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Su Qinglan. Su Qinglan took it with a smile and planned to drink it, but when it reached her mouth, she frowned, "Lan'er, how long have you kept this tea?" ?”

Su Qinglan likes to drink tea, so every time he drinks it, he smells the fragrance of the tea. He just smelled it just now, and the tea has been stored for three or four years at least.

Because he likes to drink tea, Xiangfu has a lot of new tea every year. Why is there three or four years old tea here for my daughter?

Su Lanzhi looked at Su Qinglan's frowning, and naturally knew what Su Qinglan was thinking, and then her eyes flashed a little embarrassment, but she pretended not to care, "Daddy also knows that my daughter doesn't like drinking tea, so this I don’t drink tea too often!”

Even though she said so, Su Lanzhi's small mouth was a little embarrassed, her eyes were a little dodgy, and even her thin willow eyebrows were slightly frowned. As long as she pays attention to observe, she will know that she is lying. <, I'll have someone bring it to you later!You can drink when you have nothing to do! "Looking at Su Lanzhi's expression, something flashed in Su Qinglan's eyes, and then looking at her daughter's thin and weak body, which is not as tall as her second daughter, Su Qinglan also has a care in her heart.

"Thank you, dad!" There was joy in the eyes, some surprises, and a small sigh of relief. Su Lanzhi interpreted her feeling that she had nothing to say very well, which made Su Qinglan even more suspicious.

"Lan'er, how are you all these years?" While speaking, Su Qinglan carefully looked at her daughter's bedroom, she hadn't been here for more than ten years, but now, it still looks the same, many things are old.

Then he thought about Su Lingyue's boudoir that he went to occasionally, all of which were new and gorgeously decorated, it couldn't be compared with the eldest daughter's!

It was him, negligent!

I thought it was a kind woman, but now it seems that he was wrong.

"Lan'er is very good, thank you for your concern!" When it was said that it was very good, Su Lanzhi's eyes flashed a little bit lonely. Su Qinglan has been an official for many years, so why can't she see it?

"Hmm!" Even though she knew that the other party was lying to her, Su Qinglan didn't expose it. She just looked at Su Lanzhi's room and Su Lanzhi carefully, feeling more and more that she had been negligent to her eldest daughter all these years.

"Daddy, don't you want to drink this tea? You still don't like it?" Su Lanzhi saw Su Qinglan's expression, but remained calm.

She knew that although her father cared most about her and her mother, the behavior of her mother and herself over the years still hurt her father's heart, so although her father cared about them, he was not so close to them.

Moreover, Bai Xin is very good at life, her daughter Su Lingyue is also very clingy to Su Qinglan, and her son Su Zhenhua is the eldest son of the prime minister's mansion, and he is very eager to learn.So in recent years, my father has paid more attention to the second room, and he has gotten closer to the people in the second room.

It's not so easy for him to appear out of nowhere, so that there will be a gap between his father and the people in the second room.

However, she is not in a hurry, she can take her time!

"Don't drink it, Daddy is not thirsty!" Su Qinglan likes to drink tea, and only drinks good tea, he cannot swallow such old tea.

But Su Lanzhi's words made him even more suspicious of Bai Xin.

While thinking about it, Yuetao who was going to the kitchen came, "Miss, it's time to eat, and I have to take medicine later!"

"Yeah!" Seeing Yuetao coming, Su Lanzhi looked at Su Qinglan with some embarrassment, "Daddy, my daughter is going to eat, so I won't keep Daddy!"

It seems that she really doesn't want Su Qinglan to stay for dinner, but Su Lanzhi's behavior makes Su Qinglan even more suspicious, "Lan'er, Daddy hasn't had dinner with you for many years. Let's go together!"

I always feel that Su Lanzhi has something to hide from her, so Su Qinglan naturally wants to find out.

"But isn't daddy going to have dinner with the second lady in the main hall?" Su Qinglan is middle-aged, so she naturally hopes for a harmonious family. It was a very pleasant meal together. Although those memories are long ago, Su Lanzhi always remembers them.

But because of the estrangement between her and her mother, Bai Xin took advantage of the loopholes. In these years, Bai Xin was always by Su Qinglan's side, so Bai Xin gained Su Qinglan's trust!

Thinking of Bai Xin, Su Lanzhi thought of all kinds of past lives, and the hatred in her heart was endless!

In this life, she will not let those people succeed!

"Daddy hasn't had a good meal with you for a long time, today we will be together!" Today is the first time that the eldest daughter gets so close to her in so many years, Su Qinglan naturally cherishes it, and she really doesn't want to leave just like that.

Seeing Su Qinglan so persistent, Su Lanzhi was a little embarrassed, but looking at Su Qinglan, her eyes were full of admiration, Su Lanzhi finally made a decision, "Well, then, Yuetao, go and talk to the kitchen, Just say that Daddy eats with me and ask them to add a few more dishes!"

"Yes, Miss!" Suddenly, she understood the reason for Su Lanzhi's order just now, a little surprise flashed in Yuetao's eyes, and she hurriedly prepared to leave, but this time, Su Qinglan stopped her, "No need, I You don’t have much to eat, so don’t bother!”

This book is from this site, please do not reprint!

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