At the very moment, Yunzhu grabbed Su Lanzhi. Su Lanzhi was thinking about Xue Lingyun's deliberate behavior just now, holding on to the railing, and was about to push Xue Lingyun to the side of the tea, but she didn't think she hadn't done that yet. Xiao Er, who was drinking tea, suddenly turned in one direction and bumped into the teacup. The teacup splashed towards Xue Lingyun's direction in a blink of an eye, and it splashed on Xue Lingyun's face!

"Ah!" With a scream, Xue Lingyun covered her face in pain. The voice had long lost her usual calm and noble voice, "My face!" Fortunately, Xue Lingyun was clever, but she used her own The hand blocked part of the tea, and at this moment the hand was red, as if it had been burned by heat, it looked terrible!

"Miss, what's wrong with you, miss?" Calligraphy was dumbfounded watching such a change, everyone thought that the tea would be splashed on Su Lanzhi's face, but in the end they never thought about what happened, the tea turned out Splashed in the direction of Xue Lingyun, now looking at Xue Lingyun's covered face, and the fiery red hands, calligraphy and painting don't know what to do. Seeing Xue Lingyun crying, I'm afraid that I will be killed when I go back. People have cramp and thin skin.

Oh my god, she didn't take good care of the eldest lady, what should I do?

If the Duke and his wife blame her when she goes back, wouldn't she die a miserable death?

"Calligraphy and painting, hurry up and help sister Xue to the medical clinic for diagnosis and treatment!"

"Ah, yes, miss, you come with me!"

"Sister Xue, I'll be with you!" Anxiously followed, Su Lanzhi really wanted to know how much Xue Lingyun was hurt like this!

The thin skin and tender flesh, after being scalded by such scalding hot water, I really don't know what it will look like!

"No need, Sister Lan, you go back, I can go by myself!" Xue Lingyun didn't want Su Lanzhi to see her embarrassed side, so naturally Xue Lingyun didn't want Su Lanzhi to follow her.

"But sister Xue, your face..."

"My face is fine, Sister Lan, it's getting late, you'd better go back first, lest Mr. Xiang and his wife be in a hurry!"

"Then you..." Seemingly uneasy, Xue Lingyun looked at Su Lanzhi's face under the veil at this moment, and thinking about her own face, why would Su Lanzhi want to see it?

"Sister Lan, you go back, I'll go first, goodbye!" He hurriedly left with his calligraphy and painting. This was the first time Xue Lingyun lost her composure in public, but Su Lanzhi still followed after seeing her.

Who made Xue Lingyun want to destroy her face?She wanted to see what happened to the other party's face!

When walking on the road, Su Lanzhi remembered the scene just now, looked at Yunzhu beside her, "Yunzhu, did you do it just now?" There was only Yunzhu by her side, and only Yunzhu belonged to her, Su Lanzhi really couldn't think of anyone else who would act one step ahead of her.

"Miss, you are not a slave!"

"Not you?" Could it be a coincidence, but would there be such a coincidence?

"Well, miss, this servant saw a man in the private room on the second floor, he shot it!"

"Then do you know who that person is?"

"Miss, this servant doesn't know!"

"Really?" Su Lanzhi didn't pay attention to it just now, she thought it was Yunzhu who made it, but now she didn't know that it was made by a strange man, but who was it?Who will help her?

Su Lanzhi thinks that she knows few men, especially those who are close enough to help her, then there are none. After all, who is it?What is the purpose of that person?

Feeling very puzzled, Su Lanzhi didn't think about it in the end, anyway, no matter how much she thought about it, she didn't know who she was thinking about.


"Calligraphy and painting, did Su Lanzhi do it just now?" Xue Lingyun always felt that things were too weird, why was she suddenly plotted against?

Too much of a coincidence?

Moreover, the tea was clearly heading in the direction of Su Lanzhi, and so was the mistress, why did he suddenly change direction?

"Miss, this servant did not see Miss Su's move!"

"Is that the maid beside her?" If it wasn't Su Lanzhi, then it must be that maid. Could it be that Su Lanzhi saw something?So you did this to her on purpose?

"Miss, this servant only looks at the servant girl and pulls Miss Su. I don't think there is a chance to do that!"

"Who is that?" It wasn't Su Lanzhi, nor the maid, so how could it be like this?

"Hiss..." Her face and hands were burning with pain, Xue Lingyun became anxious when she thought about it, "Why is life so slow, hasn't it arrived yet?"

"Miss, don't worry, we'll be there soon!" Seeing that Xue Lingyun's expression was wrong, Shu Hua became a little worried, "Miss, do you want to show this servant to see what's wrong with your face?"

"No, prepare a veil for me, don't let people see it!" If people see it, what will be reported, and how will she behave at that time?

"Yes, miss!" Fortunately, there was a veil prepared when going out, and Shuhua handed the veil to Xue Lingyun directly, and Xue Lingyun put it on without saying a word.

"Miss, we're here!" The coachman came to the medical hall just now and stopped, Xue Lingyun was a little anxious, "Calligraphy and painting, help me down!"

"Yes, Miss!" Holding Xue Lingyun, they got out of the carriage. As soon as the two of them got off the carriage, they saw Su Lanzhi coming. Seeing the concerned expression on Su Lanzhi's face, Xue Lingyun didn't know if it was her I don't like it in my heart, or she is just pretending, at this moment, I just feel that Su Lanzhi's expression is extraordinarily hypocritical.

"Sister Lan, didn't you tell me to go back first? Why did you follow?" Perhaps because she was not sincere, Xue Lingyun always felt that the other party came to see her jokes, and her tone was very bad.

"Sister Xue, I'm worried about you, so I came here to have a look!" It is true that Xue Lingyun is here to see what she can do for herself, but this is also what Su Lanzhi should care about as a "good friend", isn't it?They are still good friends now, and they have to take good care of each other.

"Say no more!" At this moment, seeing Su Lanzhi following her, she felt irritated. Xue Lingyun suddenly hated Su Lanzhi for caring so much about her, and went into the hospital without saying a word. The doctor saw that it was Xue Lingyun, and was stunned. Stopped, "Miss, why is it you again?"

"Doctor, hurry up and show my lady, she's burnt!"

"Oh, is that so? Please come in!" Seeing that Xue Lingyun was covered with a veil and her exposed hands were flushed red, the doctor hurriedly led someone in. Su Lanzhi originally wanted to go in, but Xue Lingyun directly refused, Su Lan In the end, Zhi had no choice but to stand at the door of the clinic and smiled.

"Miss, this Miss Xue seems to be not as friendly to you as she appears on the surface!" Yunzhu was a little puzzled. When she went out today, Xue Lingyun was scheming in every possible way, but why didn't Su Lanzhi care?

"Hehe, Yunzhu, did you see it too?" It seems that the maid assigned by my father is indeed very good. From the perspective of skill, she is considered a master, and she has a quick mind. is reusable.

"Then why is that, miss?" Knowing that Su Lanzhi saw it, but Yun Zhu didn't understand why Su Lanzhi still had such a trusting and intimate attitude towards Xue Lingyun, that person's calculation methods were equally vicious, and this What if it is impossible to guard against and you are really injured?

"Only by seeking skin from a tiger can you get what you want, Yunzhu, do you understand?"

"But Miss puts herself in such a dangerous situation, Xiangye will be worried!" After all, it came from Su Qinglan, although Su Qinglan said that Su Lanzhi will be her master in the future, but in Yunzhu's heart, Su Qinglan has always been her master.

"Yunzhu, don't forget, Daddy has already given you to me, so you are mine, and you can only follow my orders, understand? I don't want the person close to me to have two hearts! "The voice suddenly became a little colder, Su Lanzhi just looked straight into Yunzhu's eyes, and the other party was shocked.

"Slave understands!" Looking at Su Lanzhi's eyes, Yunzhu suddenly felt that someone had seen through her mind, and hurriedly lowered her head, but in her heart, she was particularly surprised that Su Lanzhi had such eyes.

Is this person really just a little girl who just turned 13?

Why does she feel that those eyes are particularly cold, as if the domineering and lingering only of the superior?

"It's good that you understand!" Knowing that Yunzhu just came to her, she was still a little unconvinced, and she was still thinking about Su Qinglan. Su Lanzhi decided that although she would reuse her in the future, she still needed her to fully understand. Who is her only master.

At this moment, she didn't talk to Yunzhu anymore. Su Lanzhi's whole face was pale, making it impossible to see what she was thinking. Looking at Su Lanzhi like this, Yunzhu felt a little nervous at this moment. Stretched, she suddenly felt that Su Lanzhi like this was like she saw Su Qinglan in the past, so calm and cold, she couldn't help feeling a sense of reverence in her heart.


Xue Lingyun's treatment seemed to be taking a long time this time. When she came out, her whole face was black. Su Lanzhi saw her and hurried over to ask, "Doctor, how is she?"

"There's nothing wrong with this face. As long as you take care of it carefully, don't blow it in the wind, don't touch it with water, it should heal after a while. But the hand, I'm afraid it will leave a scar!"

"Doctor, you can just prescribe the medicine, this scar must be removed!" It is said that a woman's hand is a woman's second face. Xue Lingyun usually likes to play the piano and write poems, but now this hand is really left Scar, what can I do?

Besides, if a scar is left on the woman's body and it is spread in the future, who else would be willing to marry her?Would that person mind?

"Hey, miss, I'll do my best!" After prescribing the medicine, Xue Lingyun's face was icy cold. It was the first time Su Lanzhi saw Xue Lingyun's appearance so exposed. She knew that the other party was very angry, but now she deliberately added fuel to the air "Sister Xue, you, are you okay? Don't worry, Fuguo Gongfu should have many good medicines for skin care. I will ask after I go back to see if there are any good medicines. Your hands are so Mei, how can you leave a scar? It happens to be your right hand, so how can you play the piano and paint in the future? Now that the New Year is approaching, there are so many banquets in various provinces, what can you do?"

I know that Xue Lingyun cares most about her appearance on weekdays, but her appearance is not top-notch, which has always been a thorn in Xue Lingyun's heart, but fortunately, Xue Lingyun's hands are extremely beautiful, and Su Lanzhi in her previous life knew that Xue Lingyun cared about her hand very much, so in this life, if there is a scar on this hand, then this kind of pain is probably the same as having a scar on her face?

Besides, the new year is approaching. At that time, whether it is in the palace or in various provinces, there will be many banquets. These are good times for women to let everyone know. If Xue Lingyun is injured right now, it will be in vain. Are these good opportunities wasted?

The more Su Lanzhi said, Xue Lingyun became angrier. Looking at Su Lanzhi's eyes, she wished that the other party would disappear.

"Sister Xue, why do you look at me like this? You, do you blame me? I, I didn't do it on purpose, and I don't know what's going on. The tea is just..." Seeing Xue Lingyun's eyes, Su Lanzhi's face was full Aggrieved, Xue Lingyun realized what she had done, and hurriedly restored her usual intimacy, "Sister Lan, what are you talking about? How could I blame you? Sister Lan is so beautiful, if this face is ruined , wouldn't that be even more pity, I only injured my hand a little bit. This can save Sister Lan from such a disaster, and I am satisfied!"

She looked as if she had suffered for Su Lanzhi. If it was Su Lanzhi in her previous life, she would definitely be grateful. She only felt that Xue Lingyun was really her own sister, but the current Su Lanzhi, how could she miss the flash in Xue Lingyun's eyes? And what about the past hatred?

The heart is clear, but Su Lanzhi looks grateful, with unspeakable guilt in her eyes, "Sister Xue, I wronged you, it's my fault, I will definitely find a way to heal your scar!"

"Sister Lan, don't blame yourself. Compared with hurting your face, my hands are really insignificant!" She didn't care at all, but Xue Lingyun's eyes were a little bit wronged. Moved.

This person really changed his face quickly!

Seeing the other party's thoughts in his eyes, Su Lanzhi took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, as if she had cried just now, "Sister Xue, you are injured, you should not blow the wind, you should go back quickly, and I will come to see you later you!"

Today Xue Lingyun really shot her in the foot with a rock. Not only did she hurt her legs, but she also hurt her hands and face. These injuries are enough for the other party to stay at home for a while and not to trouble her.

"Then, Sister Lan, remember to come!" When the time comes, let's see how I can beat you to death!

"Okay, sister Xue, let's all go back, it's getting late, the family should worry!"

"Well, goodbye, sister Lan!"


Turning around, she got into her carriage. As soon as Xue Lingyun got into the carriage, her friendly face just now became extremely ferocious, scaring the calligraphy and painting around her.

"Miss, you..."

"Su Lanzhi, it's all your fault that I became like this today, you wait for me, I won't make it easier for you!" Although there is no evidence to prove that Su Lanzhi did it, Xue Lingyun only thinks that today is the same. This happened because of Su Lanzhi's scheming, and it must have something to do with Su Lanzhi, and people are like this, they will think that everything is done by the other party, Xue Lingyun is naturally the same!

"Miss, you..."

"Coachman, let's go!" Xue Lingyun waited desperately ahead, Xue Lingyun's vicious eyes didn't look like the eyes a 13-year-old girl should have at all.

Su Lanzhi, just wait for me, today's revenge, I will definitely repay it ten times and a hundred times in the coming day!

It's just that Xue Lingyun didn't think that the current Su Lanzhi was the silly girl who was teased and bullied by her in the past, but still regarded her as her own sister?In the end who will win the game, but no one knows.


Su Lanzhi is in a good mood today, thinking that in her previous life, Xue Lingyun stepped on her reputation and her identity, and took away everything from her step by step. , while Su Lanzhi felt that the other party was hypocritical, she was also secretly thinking about how to implement her plan.

In her previous life, Xue Lingyun wanted to ruin her face several times, but she was protected by her father so that her face could be preserved again and again.But that fear and fear had already been engraved into her bones, making her feel even more inferior.

In this life, she will let the other party have a good taste of this kind of taste.

Doesn't Xue Lingyun care about her appearance?Then she will destroy what she cares about!Let the other party also taste the pain of his previous life!


When she got home, when Su Lanzhi got off the car, someone came to tell her, "Miss, Madam asked you to have dinner at Yanyun Pavilion."

"Well, I see!" Today is her birthday, Su Lanzhi did not forget that Murong Yan must still be waiting for her, so she hurried back and changed into the clothes Murong Yan made for her, so that Murong Yan would not feel sad when she looked at her. Lost, after tidying up, Su Lanzhi went to Yanyun Pavilion soon, but what surprised her was that Su Qinglan was also there.

Seeing her parents sitting awkwardly, Su Lanzhi smiled, and hurried to smooth things over, "Father, mother, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Lan'er, are you back? Did you have a good time today?" Seeing that Su Lanzhi was back, Murong Yan pulled Su Lanzhi to her side, and examined her daughter carefully. Not bad, but I also let go of my heart.

"Mother, today was a good day, but sister Xue was injured a little bit, so my daughter came back early!"

"Really? How could you be injured? Is it serious?"

"It's okay, you should be able to recover in a few days?"

"Then how are you, are you hurt?" Hearing that Xue Lingyun was hurt, Murong Yan hurriedly checked on Su Lanzhi, fearing that Su Lanzhi was also hurt.

"Yeah, Lan'er, how are you? Are you injured? Do you want to let the imperial doctor take a look?" Su Qinglan was very worried when she heard the injury.

"Father, mother, don't worry, I'm fine." Smiling, Su Lanzhi liked this kind of days of being cared for, which would keep her away from the misery and loneliness of her previous life, and make her heart like stagnant water There was a little fluctuation in my heart.

"That's good, that's good!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi was not injured, Su Qinglan and Murong Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Murong Yan looked at Su Lanzhi with a smile, but pulled her to sit down, "It's fine, Ready to eat, my mother made you a lot of your favorite food today!"

"Mum, thank you for your hard work!" All the dishes on the table were her favorite, and Su Lanzhi felt her heart warm when she looked at them.

"Okay, hurry up and eat, or the food will be cold!" The weather was cold, and Murong Yan counted the time to cook for Su Lanzhi, and even steamed it in a pot to keep it warm, so that when Su Lanzhi came back, she could have a good time Have a hot meal.

"Okay, mother, father, you eat too!"


"Mom, this is delicious, try it!"

"Daddy, this tastes good, I'll make it for you!"


A family of three eating at one time is harmonious and happy, and it makes people feel extra happy when they look at it.

Su Qinglan looked at the smiles on the faces of Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, and suddenly felt that this was really good. If it could continue like this, and the family of three could go on like this, it would be great!


Thinking of the existence of other women in the mansion, Su Qinglan's eyes suddenly darkened.

These are just his extravagant wishes?

"By the way, master, this concubine wants to go back to the Jingbei Hou Mansion tomorrow to see my father and mother!" Murong Yan still had to say this in person, it was a rule and a courtesy.

"Of course it's okay. Bring more things back home. You haven't visited your father and mother for a long time. You can stay for a few days then, lest your parents miss you too much."

"Master, don't worry, I'll save myself!" With Su Qinglan's consent, Murong Yan stopped talking to Su Qinglan. Today is Su Lanzhi's birthday, and Murong Yan didn't want Su Lanzhi to have any regrets, so she called Su Qinglan Come here, now that the family of three is eating, although Murong Yan feels awkward in her heart, she can bear it for the sake of her daughter.

"Remember to say hello to my parents for me, I will visit them in a few days!"

"My lord, my concubine will know it!"


After the meal, Su Lanzhi accompanied Murong Yan to salute the Buddha for a while. Murong Yan thought that tomorrow she would go to the Jingbei Hou's Mansion, and she had a lot of things to prepare, so she always felt that she owed something, so she urged Su Lanzhi early Going back to her own courtyard, Su Lanzhi knew that Murong Yan was a little nervous, so she didn't bother, and went back obediently.

When returning to the house, Qiushuang prepared hot water for Su Lanzhi to wash her face and hands, and let Su Lanzhi warm her body. Seeing that Su Lanzhi had returned, Zhao Mama asked, "Miss, that cloud How should the beads be placed?"

When Su Lanzhi came back, she just brought Yunzhu back to Lanyue Pavilion, and didn't say anything. Mother Zhao was helping to manage the people in the courtyard. She didn't get Su Lanzhi's instructions at the moment, so she didn't know What to do.

"Mommy, Daddy made me a first-class maid for this Yunzhu, you can train it for a few days now, and then talk about it later!" Although Yunzhu is clever, she doesn't completely regard her as the only master now, and treats her Not convinced, she has to let the other party know her identity for a few days first, otherwise the maidservant around here is too arrogant, won't there be no way to deal with it in the future?

"Yes, miss, the old slave will be good at training!" What Su Lanzhi meant, Mother Zhao had been in contact with Su Lanzhi a lot these days, so she understood it.

Just now she saw that Yunzhu was not a fuel-efficient lamp, she looked very arrogant, different from ordinary maids, she still had to be trained to let the other party recognize her identity, otherwise, there would definitely be troubles in the future .

The eldest lady doesn't have to go today, but now that she has regained the favor of the prime minister, her status will naturally increase, and the people around her will naturally be more careful, so don't let people take advantage of the loopholes.

"Then I'll have to worry about Madam Zhao!" Knowing that Madam Zhao is cautious, Su Lanzhi is very relieved to leave everything to Madam Zhao, so that she can save her worry.

"Miss, don't worry!" Looking at Su Lanzhi, Mother Zhao did not leave in a hurry. When Su Lanzhi saw her, she knew that the other party had something to say, "Does Mother have something to say?"

"Miss, are you going back to the Jingbei Hou Mansion with your wife tomorrow?"

"Naturally, Mammy."

"But now Madam has just taken over the housekeeping, and things haven't been settled yet. Many people here are making promises on the surface, but they are doing small tricks behind their backs. Madam and Miss went to Jingbei Hou's Mansion tomorrow, but they haven't been there for a long time. The old lady and the old Hou Ye will definitely stay with the lady and the eldest lady for a few days. But the lady and the eldest lady are not here, so those people in this mansion will take the opportunity to make trouble?" In fact, Murong Yan and Su Lan Zhineng went back to Jingbei In the Hou Mansion, Madam Zhao was also happy.

These years Murong Yan has been estranged from Jingbei Hou's mansion because of her unhappiness. Those servants naturally step on the low side and go high. Seeing that Jingbei Hou is not as close as before with the Prime Minister's mansion, sometimes it is natural Slack off.

Now it is good to be able to connect with the Jingbei Hou Mansion again, but at this time, Mother Zhao really feels that it is not the best time.

The Prime Minister's Mansion is now in a mess, and I don't know what the masters think.

Zhao Nanny likes to be careless and talks a lot. In her previous life, Su Lanzhi was irritable and talkative, so she alienated Zhao Nanny. But after experiencing the pain in her previous life, Su Lanzhi knew that no matter what Zhao Nanny said , it's all for their own good, and I don't mean to blame Mother Zhao.

"Mommy is overwhelmed. In the past few days, my mother and I have had a good training, and we have also talked about the good and the bad. If they don't know the good and the bad, then it's no wonder that my mother and I are so cruel." Su Lanzhi I also know that this is not the best time, but take this opportunity to see who is credible and who is fishing in troubled waters. By then, won't it be clear?

"Miss means..." Looking at the expression on Su Lanzhi's face that she had everything in her hands, Nanny Zhao suddenly felt that she was in vain.

Hey, why did she still think that Miss was the former Miss?The young lady has changed so much now, and she manages the servants of Lanyue Pavilion so obediently, with clear rewards and punishments, how could such a wise young lady do such careless things?Thinking about it, the eldest lady and madam had plans, but as a servant, she surpassed it.

"Mommy, mother and I will leave the mansion tomorrow. I have to take care of the affairs in this mansion. Those who don't know what is good and bad, those who can move, just let go. Those who can't move, wait." My mother and I came back, and the mother told us that we will deal with it!"

"With Missy's words, this old slave is at ease, but I don't know that Missy Mingnuan is cautious and will not be impulsive in everything. She is a good helper, and Yuetao is lively, so it is easier to build good relationships with other people. , She hasn't been to Jingbeihou's Mansion for a long time, and everything there is already unfamiliar to her. Going again, she hopes to repair the relationship between the two mansions, so that Mother will not have any regrets.

"These two girls are clever."

"Well, I'll leave the rest of the arrangements to Mammy, and I'll take care of you!" Nanny Zhao may be able to go out for a few days, and the clothes that need to be prepared must be carefully arranged by Nanny Zhao.

"Miss, don't worry, the old slave will arrange it, and the lady will rest after sitting down, so as not to get tired!"

"Well, I know!" After packing up, Su Lanzhi lay on the bed and read a book. The silver charcoal was lit in the room, which made Su Lanzhi feel warm. Flipping through page by page, if you encounter something you don't understand, you should carefully mark it, hoping to find an opportunity to find someone to ask, so that you can improve your medical skills more.

The lessons of her previous life let Su Lanzhi know that it is impossible to guard against. Whether she is marrying now or in the future, she believes that there are many dangers around her. She will not take the initiative to hurt others, but she will not let others hurt her by someone else.Therefore, learning medical skills is the best way, at least she can know what is dangerous and what she should not touch, so as to avoid being plotted against.

Fortunately, she had some background in medicine in her previous life, and reading these books is not very difficult, but it would be great if she could get some better medical skills, so that she could make more self-defense potions, so that she would not Just let people find out.

She sighed in her heart that it was hard to find a single book, but Su Lanzhi also watched it seriously, until she was tired from watching, then she packed up and lay down to sleep.


She was woken up early the next day. Su Lanzhi left the warm bed, tidied herself up, and looked at Murong Yan's face with a rare smile, "Lan'er, but everything is ready? Are you ready?" Alright, we'll be leaving soon!"

"Mother, it's all ready!" In fact, she didn't have any preparations. She didn't seem to be a good hand at these delicate matters, so she left them to the servants to deal with, and she was free.

"Okay, then let's have breakfast first to fill our stomachs, so as not to be hungry on the way!" The Jingbei Hou's Mansion is a little far from the Prime Minister's Mansion, and this journey will take an hour or two, so the two of them will naturally have to eat Then go on the road, so as not to be hungry and thirsty on the way.

"Just follow Mother's orders!" Looking at the rare smile on Murong Yan's always calm face, Su Lanzhi really felt that it was right to do so.

Going today, I must properly repair the relationship with my grandparents, so that my mother will not always worry and hurt her body.

"Okay, then let's eat first!" Murong Yan got up before dawn and asked people to start cleaning up. At this moment, everything was almost ready, thinking that she would be able to see her parents soon, Murong Yan While looking forward to it, I was also a little apprehensive.

I don't know if my parents will blame her for being wayward these years?

In recent years, she has indeed not been a good mother, nor a good daughter.

"Mother, don't think about it too much. I believe that my grandfather and grandmother must miss my mother. Otherwise, I would not have sent Madam Zhang to give me a birthday present yesterday. It can be seen that my grandmother has been thinking about us all these years. There is no need for mother." Think about other things, today we have to go happily, okay?"

"Okay, okay, mother listens to Lan'er!" But in this world, where are the parents who really hate their children?It's just that she was too uneasy.


Everything was ready, Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan finally got into the carriage, Su Qinglan saw that his wife and daughter were about to leave, and she couldn't help but feel sad, but Murong Yan didn't go back to the Jingbei Hou Mansion for many years, Su Qinglan felt guilty, even if There is reluctance, and I can only endure it.

"Yan'er, Lan'er, remember to say hello to my parents for me, and be careful on the road!"

"Master, don't worry, I know!"

"Father, if you are free, you can also come and see your grandfather and grandmother. If you want to come, your grandfather and grandmother will also miss your father!" Knowing that Su Qinglan didn't go because she was afraid of affecting the atmosphere and making it embarrassing, but this is not okay.

"Okay, I know, I'll go there when I'm done with the matter in hand!" Su Qinglan was also afraid that the people in Jingbeihou's mansion would disrespect him, but he also knew that Jingbeihou was not an unreasonable person, If he really wanted to reconcile with Murong Yan, he would definitely meet in the future, and he couldn't avoid it.

It's just that he followed today, that's really too ignorant, and it's embarrassing for others, he'd better look for other opportunities, just go again, don't ruin Yan'er's rare chance to meet her parents.

"Okay, daddy, mother and I will wait for you!"

"Master, Profile for the cold, you'd better go back."

"Okay, I'll watch you go!"

The cold wind was bitter, Su Qinglan stood in the snow and watched the carriage drift away, thinking that she was alone in this mansion, her heart suddenly felt empty.


"Mother, my daughter doesn't have much impression of the people in my grandfather's family. Can mother tell me who is there in my grandfather's family? In case my daughter meets everyone later and fails to recognize her, she will be impolite." In her previous life, Su Lanzhi It is true that there are not many contacts with the Jingbeihou's mansion. Although she knows a few people, it is not complete. Moreover, she has not seen Jingbeihou's family for a long time in this life. If she doesn't ask, she will recognize them in time. Well, wouldn't that make people suspicious?

So, it's better for her to take this opportunity to get to know her grandparents, and also to know what kind of relatives she will face next.

"Okay, mother tells you..." She said carefully, although she hadn't seen each other for many years, Murong Yan explained everything about her natal family very clearly. From the nostalgia in Murong Yan's eyes, Su Lanzhi could see It can be seen that Murong Yan misses her family, and her heart becomes more and more determined. In the future, she must settle the relationship with the Jingbei Hou Mansion properly, so that mother can go back and visit often.

From Murong Yan's narration, Su Lanzhi had to say that this Jingbei Hou Mansion is indeed a rare big family in Da Cang.

In big families, there are usually many wives and concubines in Da Cang. Jingbei Hou has not many wives and concubines. In addition to his wife, Mrs. Jingbeihou, there is a good concubine Aunt Ma with a high status, and several other concubines Wu. Auntie and Aunt Xu, these are all balancing powers. Compared with other mansions, the population of the Jingbei Hou Mansion is relatively simple.

The Marquis of Jingbei and Mrs. Jingbeihou are very affectionate, and they gave birth to the eldest son Murong Hua, the eldest daughter Murong Yan, the second son Murong Yuan, and the third son Murong Ye, a total of three sons and one daughter, Murong Yan As their only daughter, she is naturally doted on by thousands of people. It is no wonder that Murong Yan's life has been unfortunate these years, and Mrs. Jingbei Hou misses her so much.

These three sons are already married, and now Murong Hua is married to Xi Lerong, the daughter of General Zhengxi, and they have one son and two daughters, but they are harmonious.

The second son, Murong Yuan, married Li Baixuan, the daughter of the Grand Tutor, and they had a daughter, but currently they don't have any sons.

The third son, Murong Ye, married Cui Yirong, the daughter of Shangshu's first wife, and the two had a second son.


Slowly sorting out the interpersonal relationship in the Jingbeihou's mansion, Su Lanzhi suddenly felt that the relationship between the prime minister's mansion was much simpler, and there were only the old Princess Qing, Princess Qing and King Qing in the Prince Qing's mansion. The other bastards were forced away by the high-handed methods of the old Princess Qing and Princess Qing, which is relatively simple. Now that Su Lanzhi is going to face such a relatively complicated family, she feels uncomfortable. Don't get [-] distracted.

She naturally knew that Jingbeihou and Jingbeihou's wife loved Murong Yan, but it had been so many years, and her married daughter Murongyan hadn't gone back for many years, but she didn't know that Jingbeihou's wife and Jingbeihou, How many people really welcome them?

For this relative who is relatively unfamiliar, Su Lanzhi's heart is more or less uncertain. She hopes that her mother will be happy, and naturally hopes that everything will go well today.If anyone wants to block them, she will never be polite!

Along the way, the mother and daughter talked about the affairs of the Marquis of Jingbei, and before they knew it, they arrived at the Marquis of Jingbei. As soon as they got out of the carriage, people from the Marquis of Jingbei came out to greet them, "Miss, Miss Biao, The old lady is already waiting in the backyard, please!"

Looking at this battle, it seems that it has been prepared for a long time. Seeing the respectful attitude of the other party, Su Lanzhi can also see that the Marquis of Jingbei values ​​and respects Murong Yan, and her heart relaxes a lot. Su Lanzhi supports Murong Yan, the two followed and entered.

"Miss, you are finally here. This old slave is looking forward to you!" Zhang Nanny is also waiting at the door at the moment, and it is even more obvious that Mrs. Jingbei Hou attaches great importance to Murong Yan. When Murong Yan saw Zhang Nanny Mammy, a little bit of emotion flashed across her eyes, she knew that this was her mother, she was trying to build momentum for herself, and she didn't want others to underestimate her.

"Mommy, I'm tired!"

"Miss, the old lady wanted to come to greet her in person, but she is not feeling well, and no one will let her out. At this moment, the old lady is waiting impatiently. Please come with the old slave, Miss!"

"Okay!" Several people walked through several long corridors, and finally arrived at the residence of Mrs. Jingbeihou. They sent someone to announce it early. At this moment, when they arrived at the door, they heard an old but full of voice. There was an excited voice, "But my poor daughter is here?"

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