Murong Nianyi did not expect that Murong Xiao would come out like this. Originally, all the strength was borrowed from Murong Xiao to get up, but now she was caught off guard, and she fell to the ground so hard. It was still an extremely indecent In the dog crawling position, his body was immediately stained with a lot of snowflakes, and his hands felt bitingly cold because he touched the snow on the ground. He never thought that Murong Xiao would dare to treat her like this. Murong Nianyi was furious, and immediately revealed his true colors "Ah Xiao, what are you doing? Is there someone like you helping people?"

I think she is also a young lady in Jingbeihou's mansion, and now she is the daughter of Jingbeihou's old man. In this generation, she is the only daughter in this mansion. Both Jingbeihou and Aunt Ma Tai are in great pain. , plus her seniority is twice as high as that of the other party, so she can be regarded as an aunt, how can the other party be so rude?

The pitiful look on his face immediately faded away, and he glared at Murong Xiao angrily. When Murong Xiao saw Murong Nianyi becoming angry with embarrassment, a sly look flashed across his eyes, and he apologized in embarrassment, "Little aunt, I'm really sorry. , Hand slipping, hand slipping, I'll help you again!"

With a hippie smile, he didn't seem to feel any guilt at all. Murong Nianyi wanted to explode when he saw it, but seeing Qin Zhiyan still in the corner of his eyes, he had no choice but to hide the anger in his chest.

He couldn't help but glared at Murong Xiao fiercely, secretly hating this man's ruthless scheming, trying to destroy her image in Wu Chengwang's heart, he was startled secretly, his face quickly recovered a piece of calm, with A strange apology, "Ah Xiao, I was in so much pain just now that I misunderstood you for a while, you are not good little aunt?"

Soon he changed into a loving and pitiful look. Murong Xiao had to say that this Murong Nianyi was trained by Aunt Ma, and his acting was really top-notch. He was not ashamed, but his face looked apologetic. "Little aunt, I was really sorry just now. It's good that little aunt doesn't blame me. I'll help you up right away!" Xiao tripped her up again, but she didn't respond, "Forget it, after all, this man and woman can't get along, I'm your little aunt anyway, I'd better get up by myself!"

After finishing talking, Murong Nianyi got up with difficulty, tried several times, but his leg really hurt, so he couldn't help looking at Qin Zhiyan again with those pitiful eyes asking for help, and only hoped that Qin Zhiyan could look at her alone The weak woman has been lying on the snow, so embarrassed, but she reached out to help.

I heard that this King Wu Cheng is the most kind and considerate among the royal family, he is gentle and pleasant to everyone, now that he is such a delicate woman who looks helpless, how come the other party still doesn't feel sorry for her?

Seeing that Qin Zhiyan remained unmoved, Murong Nianyi really couldn't accept the deviation between ideal and reality, and kept getting up slowly, but he was unwilling to get up, it seemed that he just didn't want to and just let it go.

Today, I finally saw this god-like face, which was as flawless as she remembered. Marrying such a person, I will definitely be happy in the future, and I can also help my brother regain his position as the son. Why not? Why not?

I was daydreaming in my heart, but Murong Nianyi's eyes became more and more unrestrained. Murong Xiao really couldn't stand it anymore, so he sent someone to call a nun to help Murong Nianyi up. Unwilling to get up, she leaned all her strength on the nanny softly, looking unsteady, and wanted to say something, but Murong Xiao didn't want to waste time here with her, " Little aunt, you are injured, I will ask the nanny to take you back, you are good at self-cultivation, don't freeze, when the time comes, dad will inevitably blame me!"

"But it's so far away from my courtyard. My foot is injured. How can I go back?" When he said this, Murong Nianyi looked at Qin Zhiyan, wanting him to send him back, but Murong Xiao called Qin Zhiyan directly. Cut off, "Nurse, let a few people help my little aunt go back, take care of her carefully, let the government doctor come over to have a look, the year is approaching, don't let my little aunt get sick!"

"Young master, this old slave knows!"

"Then, I'll go first!" After saying that, he bowed to Qin Zhiyan, his gentle and pleasant appearance was very lovable, "Wu Chengwang, my servant is leaving!" Slowly got up , this move has to be said to be excellent, Murong Nian looked at Qin Zhiyan vaguely according to the shining eyes, and when he was about to leave with the support of his mother, he passed by Qin Zhiyan's side , Murong Nianyi flashed something in his eyes, "Hey!", and pushed the nanny away, and fell on Qin Zhiyan's body. He thought that he could use his softness to make the other party happy, but Qin Zhiyan seemed like Suddenly, the same thing disappeared. Murong Nianyi thought that his chest would be warm, but he fell on the icy snow again. This time, he gnawed a lot of snow on his mouth. That exquisite hairstyle and clothes They were all in a mess, Murong Xiao saw it, he suppressed a smile, and a playful look flashed across his face, and when Murong Nianyi heard Murong Xiao's smile, a hint of viciousness flashed across his heart, his eyes shone brightly, and he looked at Qin Zhiyan didn't understand why the other party was so unsympathetic.

"Mommy, quickly help little aunt to get up and send her back, it's not good to be seen by others like this!" This is to say that Murong Nianyi's appearance at the moment is out of manner, Murong Nianyi is really embarrassed to see herself , at this moment, he knocked on Qin Zhiyan with a look of coquettishness and anger. The indescribable sadness and incomprehension in that look made people feel that he had done something heinous, but Qin Zhiyan still didn't care about it. Murong Nianyi shook his lips at this moment, so he walked away slowly.

I lost my manners today, so it's better not to continue to lose face here, but today is not a good start, next time, I still have to make a good plan with my mother.

Having made up his mind, Murong Nianyi really didn't dare to stay any longer, lest Qin Zhiyan would get bored with her, so he quickened his pace and left quickly, just because of what happened today, he hated her too. After seeing Murong Xiao, I always feel that I was murdered by Murong Xiao today, so I am so embarrassed!

She will let the other party know, and intentionally fix her fate!


Murong Nianyi finally left. Murong Xiao couldn't hold back any longer, and burst out laughing with a "poof", looking at Qin Zhiyan's eyes, he felt a little gloating, "King Wu Cheng, my little aunt I've fallen in love with you, I guess our two houses will get married in the future!"

Murong Xiao still knows a little about Aunt Ma's skills. If he likes Qin Zhiyan, he will make endless moves in the future. Watching Aunt Ma fight with his mother all these years, he has been in Jingbeihou The house is safe and sound, and Murong Xiao also knows that Aunt Ma Tai is a cruel character, looking at Qin Zhiyan's eyes, he feels a little sympathetic.

This is his little aunt who is entangled, and in the future, she really can't get rid of it.

"Do you think it's funny?" Qin Zhiyan has long been numb to such things. Because of his handsomeness and his family background, he has been courted by many people since he was a child, and he has long been used to it.

"Haha, King Wu Cheng, I have a premonition that you will be miserable in the future. My little aunt's aunt is not a master who is willing to let it go. You will be blessed by yourself!" Looking at Murong just now With Nianyi's embarrassing appearance, Murong Xiao felt extremely happy. He has never liked this little sister. Normally, relying on his father's favor, he was lawless in the mansion. Today, seeing her deflated, he is naturally happy. .

"Have you finished?" Although the tone was very flat and his expression did not change, Murong Xiao and Qin Zhiyan were considered to be familiar with each other.Naturally know, I can't say anymore.

"I, I'm done." Hey, I almost forgot that although this person looks easy to get along with, in his heart, he is a smiling tiger, so I have to be careful.

"After finishing talking, I will leave. Farewell!" Today, I came to the Jingbei Hou's mansion as a guest, playing chess with Murong Xiao, chatting about common things, and now being surrounded by a woman, Qin Zhiyan also finds it boring I want to leave.


"No, I'm not hungry at all, just go back and eat with my concubine mother!" Thinking of the woman just now, Qin Zhiyan felt bored and didn't want to be pestered by Murong Nianyi anymore.

"It's rare for you to come here, and today my eldest aunt and little cousin are back. It's rare for the family to get together, so you can have fun together, okay?" Seeing that Qin Zhiyan was about to leave, Murong Xiao was worried that his grandmother would blame him for neglecting After losing the distinguished guest, I had to try my best to make the other party stay.

I thought that Qin Zhiyan had made up his mind and would never change it easily. He had to work hard to avoid his grandmother's blame.But he never thought that the other party would stop in his tracks, which surprised Murong Xiao a bit.

"You..." I really wanted to ask why the other party didn't leave suddenly, but Qin Zhiyan just looked at him lightly, "Since you are kind enough to stay, I will stay!" Claiming to have changed back in an instant, Qin Zhiyan Looking at Murong Xiao's surprised eyes, Yan didn't think there was anything wrong, anyway, he was determined to leave, but when he heard about that woman, he couldn't bear it, and suddenly wanted to see her again.

They met several times, but they just passed by in a hurry. I have an indelible impression of her, but I don't know what the other party thinks of him?

Thinking of the chance meeting in the yard before, Su Lanzhi treated him indifferently. Apart from the initial surprise, she regarded him as a stranger she just met. Thinking of those deep eyes like ancient wells, she always met him. Qin Zhiyan, who was not very interested in women, suddenly had the urge to find out.

what happened to him?Is it because you think this woman is different from ordinary women?So you're curious?

After thinking about it, he turned his direction, and now Murong Xiao saw it, and was a little surprised, "Wu Chengwang, you, where are you going?" Why did he suddenly change directions?

"I suddenly remembered that I came here suddenly today. I didn't go to see Mrs. Jingbei Hou. It stands to reason that I am a junior, so I should go to see her. Why don't I have dinner here today? Why don't I go and thank Jingbei Hou Madam's kindness!" In fact, I also suddenly thought that she might be there, so I wanted to see it deliberately?

It's good to take a look, maybe if you see it, you will know what's wrong with you.

"Ah? Wait for me!" Although Qin Zhiyan is a junior, he is still the nephew of the current emperor, and he was appointed a prince when he was underage. In terms of status, this person is much older than Mrs. Jingbeihou. Why did this man suddenly think of going to see his grandmother?

Murong Xiao knew that Qin Zhiyan was a warm-hearted and cold-hearted person. He and Qin Zhiyan got along well because they were both neutral. The Marquis of Jingbei held great power, and his parents were officials in the court. , the two have no conflict of interest, and they are similar in age, so they get close.

But although they got close, it was also a private friendship. Today, it was only because he got a pair of white jade chess pieces, and the other party was just curious. Why now, he felt that Qin Zhiyan seemed to be a little enthusiastic about their family the same?

Is it his delusion?

Shaking off the thoughts that should not have been in his mind, Murong Xiao followed Qin Zhiyan, always feeling that there was something wrong with this person's behavior today, but he couldn't explain why.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't come up with a clue, so Murong Xiao simply gave up thinking about it. Anyway, if he wants to know, he can just observe carefully in the future.


The two came to Mrs. Jingbei Hou's room, and it happened that everyone in the room was there. Qin Zhiyan had someone let him in, and sure enough, he saw that petite person sitting quietly, just like that winter day Like the cold plum standing proudly in the house, it makes people feel cold and lonely. At this moment, the person has a slight smile on his face, but it is the kind that will disperse as soon as he is blown, which makes Qin Zhiyan suddenly feel that this person is a bit too It was too illusory, as if the excitement around her had nothing to do with her.

This kind of cognition, for some reason, made Qin Zhiyan feel a little sour and uncomfortable in his heart.

He frowned slightly, as if he didn't like this feeling very much, but Qin Zhiyan returned to his usual smile, "Old lady, how are you doing recently?" Qin Zhiyan came in, although he was covered with cold, But it was as if Mu Tian had come.Especially looking at his plump and handsome face, thinking about the special but noble life experience of this person, one or two, I feel a little uncomfortable.

"Wu Chengwang's visit to the Jingbei Hou's Mansion today made the Jingbei Hou's mansion flourish. I don't know if Wu Cheng Wang is happy today? How are King Qin and Princess Qin?" A noble person, Madam Jingbeihou is also polite. Seeing Qin Zhiyan coming, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. A few women in the boudoir bowed their heads shyly. Madam Jingbeihou I have to say that the charm of King Wu Cheng is indeed unstoppable. He looked at his eldest granddaughter with a smile, and looked at Murong Ya who lowered her head shyly. Something crossed Madam Jingbeihou's face. , and returned to calm.

"I'm sorry, Princess Qing is worried. Both the father and mother are fine."

"Hehe, that's good. King Wu Cheng and Xiao are about the same age and share the same interests. From now on, you will have to come to the Hou's mansion often. The old man is very welcome!" Seeing that the younger generation can get along well with Qin Zhiyan Mrs. Jingbeihou and Jingbeihou are also happy to see it. After all, this King Wucheng is the child of Emperor Wen's younger brother. He does not participate in the battle between the princes. He is powerful. Indeed, he is a person who can make friends.

It would be even better if the other party could marry Ya'er...

With some plans in mind, Mrs. Jingbei Hou will naturally try her best to facilitate this matter, but now Qin Zhiyan and Murong Ya are not officially adults, so they can't talk about marriage, she can slowly plan it.

"If the old lady doesn't dislike my interruption, then I will come to bother you often in the future!" This is a scene, everyone understands, but here, Mrs. Jingbei Hou is not afraid that Qin Zhiyan will not come.

"That's good, that's good!"

"Today I heard that the old lady's daughter went home to visit her relatives. Congratulations to the old lady." I couldn't help but look in the direction of Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi. Madam Jingbei Hou suddenly remembered something, and suddenly realized, " Look at Laoshen's memory, but I forgot to introduce you, King Wu Cheng, this is Laoshen's daughter, Murong family, this is Laoshen's granddaughter." The daughter's family name, Mrs. Jingbeihou, is naturally difficult to say , just a brief introduction, Qin Zhiyan saw it and smiled, "That's my rudeness, I have met Mrs. Su, Miss Su!"

It's hard to say that I met Su Lanzhi just now, Qin Zhiyan just covered it up, but Su Lanzhi thought Qin Zhiyan was boring, since he already knew her, why bother her grandmother to introduce her?

Puzzled, Su Lanzhi just returned the gift indifferently. Qin Zhiyan saw it, thinking of the women in this room, the atmosphere became tense as soon as he came in, and many eyes secretly looked at him .He didn't want to bother him anymore, so he took an opportunity and prepared to leave.But before he opened his mouth, he heard the news that Mrs. Jingbei Hou and the second master had returned, so Qin Zhiyan decided to stay.

"Haha, I heard that Yan'er and Lan'er are back?" The thick and powerful voice of Lord Jingbei was heard from a distance, and as soon as the curtain was lifted, an old man walked in with a bold expression on his face. Smiling, white hair dyed with black hair, handsome eyes, although old, but with a mature charm, looking at the face polished by the years, you can still see the original handsomeness.

Sure enough, both Lord Jingbei Hou and Mrs. Jingbei Hou are good-looking, so it's no wonder that the men in this family are handsome and the women are pretty.

As soon as Hou Jingbei entered the door, he saw Qin Zhiyan, and hurried over to say hello, "I didn't know until I got to the door that King Wu Cheng had come to the Hou's mansion today. It's really disappointing to welcome you!"

"Old Hou, you're being polite. I just popped up here today to take a look. I'm going to trouble the Hou's mansion!" Qin Zhiyan and Jingbei Hou's mansion are quite familiar, so he didn't put on airs of his lord, which made him We won a lot of goodwill in the prefecture.

"No trouble, no trouble. If King Wu Cheng likes it, he can come here often!" Jingbei Hou has almost the same thoughts as Mrs. Jingbei Hou. The fault of the son of the general family is a good candidate for the grandson-in-law.

Although it is still early, it is always good to prepare early.

"Hehe, I'll have to bother you later!"

"This is the honor of the Jingbei Houfu!" This Qin Zhiyan doesn't like to make friends with powerful people. Nature is the best choice.


The two exchanged greetings for a while, but they both took their seats. Now that Mrs. Jingbeihou saw Jingbeihou and the second master came back, the smile on her face became a little bit more, "Old Houye, second child, how can you I'm back, Yan'er and Lan'er have been waiting for a while!" Seeing Jingbeihou's return, Mrs. Jingbeihou's face immediately bloomed with love, Jingbeihou went over and sat down, and hurriedly ordered someone to give it to her. The two poured tea to get rid of the cold, and then asked people to take off their outer robes, so as not to let the room get too hot, and then go out to catch the cold, everything was done in an orderly manner, which made people see Madam Jingbei Hou Be careful.

"Yan'er, how have you been all these years?" After sitting down, Jingbei Hou looked at Murong Yan before he could have a sip of tea. Seeing that his daughter had become haggard and thinner over the years, his eyes flashed across A little guilty.

It was because he was not a good father, and his daughter suffered a lot of grievances for no reason.

"Father, don't worry, my daughter has been fine all these years. Is my father still in good health?" Looking at his father, who is the same as his mother. He has not seen him for ten years, and he is really much older. Presumably, his parents' health has also deteriorated a lot?

I couldn't help feeling a little guilty in my heart, Murong Yan's eyes were a little sad, Jingbei Hou saw it, and felt very uncomfortable, "It's good to come back, I'm in good health, you don't need to worry about it, you have to take good care of yourself Hey, don't make me and your mother worry!" The daughter is married, and the parents can't control it too much, they can only worry about it.

But fortunately, my daughter has survived. I just hope that my daughter can be happy?

"Father, don't worry, my daughter will!" Knowing that so many people care about and love her, why would Murong Yan take her own body as a problem?

"Well, that's good. This is my granddaughter Lan'er?" After all, he is a man, too much tenderness to say, and Jingbei Marquis doesn't know so many flirtatious things. Looking at his daughter, he doesn't know what to say , and finally turned to Su Lanzhi.

"Well, Lan'er, I have met my grandfather!" I hope that my daughter can please her parents. This is what every parent wants to do. Seeing Jingbei Hou asking now, she naturally pulls Su Lan Zhi came out to see the ceremony.

"Lan'er has seen my grandfather!" Properly saluted, Jingbei Hou looked at Su Lanzhi at a young age, with a certain amount of advance and retreat, and he was not afraid of himself like his other children, so he was on the spot I fell in love with it, and smiled, "Lan'er has grown up a lot now. I remember that you were just a child back then, and the roads were uneven. In a blink of an eye, you have grown so big."

Suddenly lamenting the passage of time and the ruthlessness of the years, looking at his children and grandchildren in the room are all grown up, Jingbeihou suddenly realized that he was getting old.

"Grandfather, Lan'er has to grow up, otherwise how can I protect my mother?" Su Lanzhi's words were mischievous, but she didn't want to make the atmosphere too embarrassing. Jingbei Hou looked at Su Lanzhi who was so sensible at a young age. Very satisfied, "I haven't seen you for a long time, and I saw you for the first time today. Grandpa didn't have time to prepare a gift when he came back. I'll give this to you, and it will keep you safe!" After finishing speaking, he took out a jade pendant in his arms, The carvings are very fine, so that if you look at the lifelike ones, you will know that it is a fine work.

Everyone didn't expect that Mrs. Jingbei Hou gave Su Lanzhi the things that Su Lanzhi carried close to her body. Jingbei Hou also gave Su Lanzhi the jade pendant that she had worn for many years. Immediately, she no longer dared to underestimate Su Lanzhi.

It seems that the old Hou Ye and the old lady attach great importance to this daughter and granddaughter, and they have to be more careful in the future.

"Father, how did this happen?" Murong Yan was a little startled when she saw the presents that Jingbei Hou brought out. She didn't expect that she hadn't returned for many years, but she let her parents transfer all the guilt towards her to Su Lanzhi's. body.

As the daughter of the Murong family, Murong Yan naturally knew how precious these gifts were, but she felt that her parents were a little too generous, which made her feel even more guilty.

The parents did this not only for the people of the Jingbei Hou Mansion, but also for everyone to see how much they valued her and Lan'er, so why not for the master?The gifts from father and mother are all their treasures, which have been inseparable for many years, and now they are all given to Lan'er, because they are afraid that the master will see Lan'er's daughter clearly and support them?

Knowing the good intentions of her parents, Murong Yan felt more and more guilty in her heart. She wanted to refuse, but she couldn't say what was stuck in her throat, not to mention that the Marquis of Jingbei didn't give her a chance to refuse. "Does Laner like it?"

The gift from the elders is inescapable. Su Lanzhi looked at this beauty and knew that Jingbei Hou had treasured it for many years. She was a little touched and nodded, "Grandpa gave it to Laner, Laner likes it very much!" In fact, she doesn't mind whether to give a gift or not, what kind of gift she gives. What she wants is always to have a happy family, so that her parents have no regrets.

People who were still nervous before in the Jingbei Marquis Mansion would look down on them, but now that she thinks about it, she treats the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"If you like it, you have to wear it often, and don't lose it, you know?" Su Lanzhi looked at the grandfather who warmed her heart, with a serious but kind face, and felt warmer and warmer. .

"Okay, Lan'er, put it on!" Under the attention of everyone, she was about to put it on, but before she could put it on, there was a knock at the door, "Old Hou Ye, old lady, Aunt Matthew and Second Miss are here! "

"Well, just let them in!" Jingbei Hou heard that Aunt Ma and Murong Nianyi had come, but he didn't have any idea, but he heard coughing before he saw anyone, Jingbei Hou looked over, lol Seeing Murong Nianyi's pale face and Aunt Ma Tai's resentment, she was a little confused.

"Aunt Ma, what's going on?" Seeing that Murong Nianyi's expression was wrong and he was still coughing, Hou Jingbei was a little displeased.

Today is a good day for Yan'er to come back, why don't these people know what to do when they are sick?

"Back to the old Hou, the second lady fell on the snow just now, caught the wind and cold, and hurt her feet." While speaking, Aunt Ma's eyes seemed to glance at Murong Xiao, such eyes, always It will make people think.

Jingbei Hou took a look at Aunt Ma, and seeing that the other party had something to say, he knew in his heart that Aunt Ma was going to cause some trouble, but Murong Yan just came back today, and he didn't want his eldest daughter to read it. Feel uncomfortable.

Soon there were calculations in his mind. Although Jingbei Hou Pingri loved Murong Nianyi, the only daughter who stayed with him, and wanted to use her to make up for the debt he owed his eldest daughter, but at this moment, it was not the time to indulge. , his eyes turned cold, but he didn't care about the message delivered to him by Aunt Ma Tai, "Since I caught the wind and cold and fell down, let the government doctor take a look, so I can go to rest, don't be serious!"

Aunt Ma Tai didn't expect Jingbei Hou to expose it like that. Thinking about what her daughter had just added to her, she suddenly felt that Murong Xiao was going too far. Naturally, today she wanted to seek justice for her daughter, lest they always Being suppressed by the main house, she has been unable to get ahead!

"Master, you know the temperament of the second lady. She is always careful. How could she fall down, hurt herself, and catch a cold? Don't you want to ask what's going on?" I don't want to My daughter has been bullied. Ever since she got this daughter, Aunt Ma has carefully cultivated her since she was a child. She just wanted her to marry well and help her. Now she just sees her going out for a trip. What is in her heart? comfortable?

This big house has been pressing them down, they were already uncomfortable, and now they are bullying her daughter, she absolutely cannot swallow this tone!

Seeing Aunt Ma Tai's refusal to give up, Jingbeihou's eyes flashed a little bit of helplessness, seeing the grievance on his daughter's face, at this moment, it's not good to just expose it like that, so he had to ask, "Read Yi, tell me, what's wrong with you? Why did you catch the wind and cold? Did you hurt your leg?"

"I..." When she went back just now, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Thinking of Murong Xiao's suppressed smile, and thinking of Murong Xiao's intentional punishment for her, Murong Nianyi felt very uncomfortable.In her heart, she decided not to make Murong Xiao look good, so she went back and talked to Aunt Ma with embellishments, just wanting the other party to seek justice for herself, and to punish Murong Xiao properly, so that the other party would know that it was wrong to offend her. If you provoke me, I will not dare to offend you easily in the future!

It was originally planned, and the two rushed here because they heard that the Marquis of Jingbei had come here. They thought that Murong Xiao would be scolded face to face and could not get off the stage, but now that Murong Nianyi saw that Qin Zhiyan was there, he immediately I felt that I was too negligent just now, and forgot to ask who was here.

King Wu Cheng also saw what happened just now. He asked for help in every possible way, but the other party turned a blind eye. It can be seen that maybe he was suspicious in his heart that he was pretending. With Murong Xiao's friendship, I am afraid that he will feel that he has a small belly, and that he will take revenge for his kindness.

Murong Nianyi has always liked Qin Zhiyan, and wanted to make a good impression on him, that's why he approached him regardless of his reserve. Seeing Qin Zhiyan sitting there quietly, those ancient well-like eyes seemed to be looking at him. Looking at yourself, you can see yourself through the same. , Murong Nianyi suddenly felt very guilty, and immediately lost the desire to take revenge in his heart. At this moment, he was just thinking about how to expose this matter, so that King Wu Cheng would not think that she had a vicious mind and could not tolerate others. .

Murong Nianyi was quickly thinking about how to solve this problem and restore Qin Zhiyan's image in Qin Zhiyan's heart, but Aunt Ma didn't understand. Seeing everyone looking at them now, she couldn't help but talk about Murong Nian Yi Yi's clothes, "Second Miss, tell me, what happened just now, who bullied you? You tell the old Hou Ye, the old Hou Ye will make decisions for you!" "A few words, Aunt Ma just wanted Murong Nianyi not to be afraid, and said it bravely. She believed that with Jing Beihou's love for Murong Nianyi and her, Murong Xiao would not be able to escape this punishment!

She deliberately chose this time to come, just to give Murong Xiao a badass in front of everyone, and let the people in the house know that she is not easy to bully. Seeing her daughter not talking for a long time, she felt a little anxious.

"Second Miss, you are telling me, the old Hou is waiting!" Seeing the helplessness on Jingbei Hou's face, Aunt Ma did not dare to delay any longer, and urged Murong Nianyi to speak. After a bit of doubt, he opened his mouth, "Nianyi, just say yes, if someone really bullies you, my father will make the decision for you!" The word "really" is very heavy At first, Murong Nianyi was thinking of a solution that had the best of both worlds, but now that he heard Jingbeihou's words and looked at the warning and displeased eyes of the other party, he suddenly knew in his heart that his behavior today had caused his father's displeasure, so he quickly Wanting to make a decision, Murong Nianyi quickly knelt down.

"Second Miss, you are right, why are you kneeling?" Unexpectedly, Murong Nianyi suddenly knelt down, Aunt Ma Tai was very puzzled, Murong Nianyi frowned, and suddenly felt that his aunt was really noisy Very much, looking at the people around him now, and looking at Jingbeihou, Murong Nianyi's expression was apologetic and sincere, "Father, no one bullied my daughter, it's just that she accidentally fell down in the snow just now. I was rescued by Ah Xiao and King Wu Cheng, my daughter wanted to say thank you to Ah Xiao and King Wu Cheng, but my mother was too anxious just now, she misunderstood what her daughter meant, and made my father worry, it was my daughter's fault , I hope my father will punish me!"

Although I said so, Murong Nianyi was very unwilling to let Murong Xiao go just like that, but she didn't expect Qin Zhiyan to be here, it was really a game of chess, next time, she will definitely You have to make preparations in advance, otherwise you will become a small-bellied woman in King Wu Cheng's heart, how can he still admire him and marry him?

I have to say that Murong Nianyi was smart this time, and didn't pursue it face to face, otherwise Qin Zhiyan hated her even more, even Jingbeihou was also dissatisfied.

Seeing her daughter's explanation, Aunt Ma was very puzzled. She looked at Murong Nianyi with a surprised expression on her face, "Second miss, what are you talking about, didn't you just say..."

Afraid of what Aunt Ma Tai would say, Murong Nianyi hurriedly interrupted, "Aunt Ma, you were too nervous just now and missed what my daughter said. She just wanted to thank you!" Thanking Murong Xiao and Qin Zhiyan face to face, Aunt Ma stood aside dumbfounded, looking at her daughter who had obviously changed too much, why did she suddenly feel like she didn't know her daughter?

What does Nianyi mean by her? Didn't she just say that...

There were many doubts in my heart, but seeing that Murong Nianyi didn't want to mention this matter, and seeing that Qin Zhiyan was also there, and seeing that Murong Nianyi seemed a little apprehensive on his face, Aunt Ma guessed that Murong Nianyi might be because of Qin Zhiyan. Yan, so temporarily changed the decision.

Men always like generous and elegant women, and I almost ruined my daughter's impression in King Wu Cheng's heart just now!

It was only then that she suddenly realized that Aunt Ma quickly admitted her mistake, "I also hope that the old Hou Ye will forgive me, the concubine was rude just now, but the concubine was too nervous for the second lady, so she didn't hear what the second lady said clearly for a while. I disturbed the old Hou Ye, is it my concubine, I hope the old Hou Ye will punish me!" This attitude, compared to the domineering and looking for someone to settle accounts with, suddenly seemed like a wolf turned into a little sheep. Even Su Lanzhi had to admire it.

All the women in this aristocratic family are indeed masters in acting, and Aunt Ma Tai and her daughter are even more eager. I just don't know why they suddenly changed their minds?

I was a little puzzled in my heart, seeing Murong Nianyi look at Qin Zhiyan affectionately from time to time, Su Lanzhi suddenly realized.

Ganqing is trying to make a good impression in front of his sweetheart, here, it really isn't stupid.

"Okay, it's fine if you make a mistake. Don't be so reckless in the future. Fortunately, King Wu Cheng is here today. If it were someone else, it would be a joke. Let's go to the Jingbei Hou Mansion!" In the end, it was all ruined by Aunt Ma Tai, did she become more and more confused as she got older?Even if there is something, you can't say it in front of so many people, not to mention, there is King Wu Cheng!

What Jingbei Hou said was to warn Aunt Ma that she was too unruly, and there was a meaning of beating in her words. Aunt Ma felt that she was rude, which made Jingbei Hou unhappy. She was a little nervous, but she was very sincere Mistake.

This Nianyi is also true, why not discuss it in advance?

Now it's all right, the old Hou Ye doesn't like her behavior today, and he probably won't go to her room in the next few days, so how can she talk to the old Hou Ye about her daughter's marriage? In a hurry?

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