The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 69 Persuasion Failed

Several people looked at Mrs. Jingbei Hou, when she heard that Su Qinglan had gone out, she immediately called Murong Yan in, with worried faces on her face, Xi Lerong couldn't hide her words, looked at Murong Yan, as if she wanted to help, "Sister-in-law, do you want me to accompany you in?" My own mother-in-law is also a powerful character, otherwise she would not have tied the heart of Jingbei Hou to her body. Tai aunt, other aunts, walked away, kicked out, and died.

Xi Lerong was really worried that Mrs. Jingbei Hou would really act violently today, so she wouldn't let Murong Yan go.

Murong Yan knew that Xi Lerong was also kind, so she smiled lightly, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, my mother is Mrs. Hou, and I understand many things in my heart. I will go in and have a chat with her, so that my mother will not miss her all the time." After speaking, Su Lanzhi went in under everyone's worried eyes. Su Lanzhi looked at Murong Yan's face with a calm expression, and didn't know whether her mother was worried or not.

But Su Qinglan was able to come today. Su Lanzhi knew that her father had also gone through a lot of struggles. Now that her father is here, Su Lanzhi naturally wanted them to follow Su Qinglan back.After all, Su Lanzhi has been away for many days about the matter of the Xiangfu, and many things are waiting for her to go back to deal with!

With a decision in mind, Su Lanzhi followed Murong Yan into the room where Mrs. Jingbeihou was resting. As soon as she entered, she saw Mrs. Jingbeihou lying on the warm kang covered with a thick cup. After laying on a soft cushion, seeing the two of them coming, she hurriedly greeted them, "Yan'er, Lan'er is here, hurry up, take off your shoes and sit on it, it's warmer!" The voice was very kind and brisk, with an air of se is also very normal, where is the feigned weakness outside just now?

Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan smiled at each other, knowing that Mrs. Jingbei Hou's little trick just now was deliberately done for Su Qinglan to see. The behavior of the two old people was very helpless.

"Mother, this room is very warm. My daughter just sits here and talks to you later." It's troublesome to take off your shoes and sit up if you have to go later.

"You, it's more uncomfortable to sit on, is it softer? Do you have to sit on that stool? Don't say anything, just come up, Le Shan, go and prepare some melons, fruits and tea for the eldest lady and the cousin Eat well, satisfy your hunger!" Pulling Murong Yan, she wanted her to sit on it, but Murong Yan saw that Mrs. Jingbei Hou refused to give up, so she took off her shoes and sat on it.

"Come sit beside me, Lan'er, you too, the three of us, sit and keep warm!" Most of Da Cang is in the north, and it is indeed too cold in winter, so every household prefers to keep warm in the bedroom Kang, sitting like this on weekdays is also warm, not cold.

Mrs. Jingbeihou was already a bit older, and she was a little afraid of the cold. Just now she came in and said she wanted to rest, so she just sat on the kang.

"Come, come, sit on one side, the three of us, so we can talk to each other!" Smiling, he pulled Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi to sit on both sides of him. , and there were many people, it was rare for the three of them to get along so peacefully alone.

Mrs. Jingbei Hou held the hands of the two of them, looking at her daughter and grandson, her eyes were full of reluctance.

I thought that I could stay for a few more days, but I didn't expect that Su Qinglan would come here very quickly.If she really cared so much about her daughter and granddaughter, why did she bother to make her daughter and granddaughter suffer all these years?

Thinking that Su Qinglan has treated her daughter and granddaughter badly, and now she is eager to rob her, Madam Jingbei Hou, how can she feel happy?

Seeing that Le Shan had prepared all the things she ordered, Mrs. Jingbei Hou hurriedly greeted the two of them to eat, "Although I had breakfast before, I see that you don't eat much. There are many here." eat some of the fruit, and eat more, so that you will not be hungry and thirsty."

In this winter, people are easy to get hungry, so Mrs. Jingbei Hou often likes to prepare some snacks to fill her stomach at any time, so as not to feel hungry and cold.

"Mother, I'm not hungry, don't worry about it all the time, my daughter will take good care of herself!"

"You, if you really took good care of yourself, why would you be so skinny? Your complexion is not as good as it used to be, but these years, it must be that bastard who didn't take good care of you and failed me and your father I trust him! I shouldn't have let him in today, lest you go back, and he abused you again!" Thinking of Su Qinglan, Mrs. Jingbei Hou was very angry and very uncomfortable!

I thought that it was my son-in-law who would ride the dragon and put his daughter in the hands of the other party, so I could rest assured, but never thought that so many things would happen?

"Mother, it's my daughter who has sincerely worshiped the Buddha and ate vegetarian all these years. She seldom sees meat, so she hasn't gained any meat. Mother, don't blame him!" Not being favored, but Su Qinglan was there, and Bai Xin really didn't dare to skimp on her diet, she never lacked what she should have.

But she never thought that Bai Xin would be so cunning, although he didn't defraud her, he defrauded Lan Er.It's just that she saw a change in her division and thought that Lan'er's was the same as hers, but she forgot about Bai Xin's deliberate paralysis.

Now that I think about it, it was because she didn't care about Lan'er herself, and Bai Xin took advantage of the loopholes, but now everyone has gone, and there is no basis for pursuing these things. In the future, I will just pay more attention.

"You, how can you still speak for him? Don't you make him more proud?" Seeing that her daughter didn't care, Mrs. Jingbei Hou was also anxious.

"Mother, I'm not speaking for him. This is the truth. Mother doesn't have to worry. My daughter will take care of her body in the future. But mother, her body has deteriorated a lot these years. In the future, she can take good care of her. Don't let me I'm worried." Looking at her mother's gray temples and a lot of silver strands on her head, how could Murong Yan not be worried?

"You think I'm a good child, so you have to be good too, otherwise I'm worried all the time, and my body keeps disappearing, okay? Cough cough..." He coughed while talking, maybe these days I'm in a better mood and excited, Mrs. Jingbei Hou spent more days outside, the old man blew some wind and coughed a little.

Murong Yan saw that Mrs. Jingbeihou was coughing, and felt a little anxious, she quickly poured a glass of warm water for Mrs. Jingbeihou, "Mother, don't worry, speak slowly if you have something to say, don't cough anymore, lest it gets serious."

"I'm fine, but my throat is a little itchy. Drink more hot water and it will be fine." After drinking some hot water, her throat became more comfortable. Mrs. Jingbei Hou held Murong Yan's hand, feeling all kinds of feelings in her heart, but she couldn't express it. In the end, it just turned into sighs.

"Mother..." Knowing Mrs. Jingbeihou's entanglement and reluctance, why isn't Murong Yan like this?However, in a family like theirs, there are too many involuntary things.

Mrs. Jingbei Hou held Murong Yan's hand and never let go, but she didn't look at Murong Yan, she just looked at Su Lanzhi, "Lan'er, grandma has prepared some small things for you, you can go to the room inside to get them yourself." Okay? If you like it, take it yourself, don’t be polite to grandma, pick it slowly, grandma wants to have a conversation with your mother." Some things are not good to say in front of Su Lanzhi, Mrs. Jingbeihou Although I feel that my granddaughter is much more mature than her grandchildren, in Madam Jingbeihou's opinion, she is only a half-old child after all, so how can she let the other party listen to so many things, so as not to always Are you full of worries?

Su Lanzhi naturally knew that Mrs. Jingbei Hou was hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Although Su Qinglan was embarrassed just now, deep down, she still hoped that her parents could reconcile and be happy?

With a clear mind, Su Lanzhi hurriedly got off the heated kang and put on her shoes, "Okay, grandma!"

"Go, pick carefully, there are many, don't worry!"

"Yeah!" She went into the back room cheerfully, and Su Lanzhi was also happy to see Madam Jingbei Hou enlighten Murong Yan, so that Murong Yan would not always live in that frame and be restrained from freedom.

Seeing that Su Lanzhi had gone in and couldn't hear her own voice, Mrs. Jingbei Hou sent all the people in the house away, "You go out and wait first, I don't need your service here for now!"

"Yes, old madam!" She went out in a proper manner and closed the door. At this moment, the room was peaceful, only Mrs. Jingbei Hou and Murong Yan were left.Madam Hou of Jingbei looked at Murong Yan and poured a cup of hot tea, "Yan'er, we mother and daughter haven't said anything intimate for a long time, now, let's have a good talk!"

"Mom, I'll do it!" How could I have the nerve to let my mother serve me?Murong Yan hurriedly wanted to take it, but Madam Jingbei Hou refused to let her, "Yan'er, you can just sit down, just pour a cup of tea, I can take it, I'm not that fragile!" Admitting defeat and stubbornness, he had to pour tea by himself at this moment, poured two cups, handed a cup to Murong Yan, Murong Yan quickly took it with both hands.

"Drink, try this tea and see how it is?"

"Yes!" After taking a sip, Murong Yan only felt the bitterness in her mouth, and her delicate brows frowned. Murong Yan was not used to the taste of tea, and it was hard to swallow, but it was Mrs. Jingbei Hou. Murong Yan couldn't really put down the tea, so she had to hold on and drink it slowly.

Seeing Murong Yan's unaccustomedness, Mrs. Jingbeihou picked up the teacup and took a sip. She was very used to such bitterness. Looking at Murongyan, Mrs. Jingbeihou smiled, "Yan'er, this tea How does it taste?"

"Mother, why is this tea so bitter?" It was bitterer than the medicine, and it was the first time she had drunk such tea.

"Does it feel very bitter, hard to swallow, and you want to spit it out?" Seeing Murong Yan's expression, Mrs. Jingbei Hou naturally knew what Murong Yan was thinking.

"Mother, Yan'er dare not!" Murong Yan would drink the tea her mother poured herself, no matter how difficult it was for her to swallow.

"Yan'er, there is nothing to be afraid of. This tea is extremely bitter. Do you think that your life these years is as bitter as this tea?" He took another sip , Murong Yan looked at Mrs. Jingbeihou without blinking her brows, and felt a little anxious, "Mother, you should stop drinking it? It won't hurt your body." Few people would be able to stand such bitter tea. ?But mother, how can you still drink so many sips?

"Yan'er, it's okay. I have experienced more suffering than this tea. I can bear this little bit of suffering!" With a smile, Mrs. Jingbeihou didn't seem to care at all. Seeing that Mrs. Jingbei Hou was not feeling well, Murong Yan felt relieved.

"Mother, it's better to drink some elegant tea, the taste is too strong." Knowing that Mrs. Jingbei Hou said these words, she didn't say it casually, Murong Yan put down the teacup, turned the cup, her thoughts were spinning.

"Yan'er, in fact, a person's life is just like the cup of tea I poured for you just now. There will always be bitterness. No one is really that lucky and can live a life without worries. I know you are A person who can’t hold sand in his eyes, but sometimes, we women, we have to look more openly. Just say me, when your father was young, the aunts in the mansion, wasn’t that one after another? Your father is People who are not very enthusiastic about this matter, but your father is in such a position, even if he doesn't want to, others will give him stuff. Although a wife takes concubines for her husband, it is a virtuous person who is tolerant I am a good wife, but who is willing to share their husband with others? This person will always have so many stumbling blocks in his life, and it is impossible for a husband and wife to live without quarrels and differences. Your father and I It can be regarded as a good relationship, but there are so many people around me? I have endured all these. Now that your father is getting older, he is becoming more and more indifferent to this aspect. The woman in the house is no longer in the mansion, and the rest is only Aunt Matthew. It’s just that your father respects me, Aunt Matthew, and the left is just an aunt, and I can’t get over it. All of these are mine. You endured it back then, which is why you are in the current situation. I know your temperament, but this person, sometimes, has to be subdued and appointed. Although Su Qinglan is at fault, but he treats you Friendship, I saw it today, it's true, don't be too self-willed, you are still young, do you really want to be like this, meeting is not an acquaintance, but a stranger? Men always want face, you are like this now If you don't give him a chance, don't give him face, then if you go to Aunt Bai, there will be no guarantee that Aunt Yue and Aunt Qian will appear one day. Yan'er, a woman's youth is short, you and him have already missed it These ten years, now that he is willing to turn back, why don't you give yourself and him a chance? Don't forget, you still have Lan Er, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about her!"

Everything that Mrs. Jingbeihou said was reasonable, and even involved her own affairs. Murong Yan was a little surprised when she heard it.

She knew that Mrs. Jingbeihou invited her here today because she had something to say to her, but she didn't expect that one second, Mrs. Jingbeihou was showing Su Qinglan a face, but the next second, she was persuading her. ,What exactly is going on?

"Yan'er, as a parent, I always hope that my children can be happy. In the past, it was true that the old princess Qing did not behave kindly, but Su Qinglan was also forced to do it. He also has his own difficulties and last resort. There is no such thing as wrong in this world. Parents, no matter what parents do, as children, they cannot judge and blame, otherwise they are unfilial. You should know all of this. As a son, Su Qinglan, what he did to his mother, even if the other party was wrong , He is not qualified to scold, so he can only accept. Yan'er, I believe you understand all of this, and since you understand, now that Aunt Bai is gone, can you let go of your previous grudges?" To Su Qinglan, to be honest, Mrs. Jingbeihou is not completely unconcerned, she also has resentment towards Su Qinglan in her heart, that's why she treated Su Qinglan so coldly just now, but Mrs. Jingbeihou is a rational person, I know I can do this, but it's not good for Murong Yan.Therefore, for the sake of her daughter, she had to say something.

She was young and frivolous, she had it too, when Jingbeihou had just had his aunt, she also had a quarrel, but pushed Jingbeihou farther and farther, she also gradually understood the way of getting along with husband and wife, Know how to grasp the heart of Jingbeihou, and also know that I am the only mistress of the Houfu, the only wife of Jingbeihou, as long as she wins the heart of her husband, no one can shake her position up.

Now, seeing that Murong Yan is the same as she was back then, or even worse than she was back then, Madam Jingbei Hou naturally wants to talk about it, lest Murong Yan take too many detours.

"Mother, I know what you said. It's just that the broken mirror cannot be reunited. My daughter and him have long been like that broken mirror. There is no chance anymore." There are too many barriers between them, The biggest of these is filial piety. Mrs. Jingbeihou is right. There are no wrong parents in this world. Even if the parents are wrong, as children, they cannot blame and judge, otherwise it is unfilial.

Words are formidable, Su Qinglan is now in a high position, and countless eyes are staring at him, so she must be more cautious. Murongyan doesn't want Su Qinglan to be accused of unfilial piety because of herself, and Su Qinglan will be ruined in the end.

"But Yan'er, you are still young now, and you still have half of your life left. You just prayed to the Buddha alone, so it's over?" As a mother, how can Mrs. Jingbei Hou be willing to let her daughter live such a miserable life?What should I do when I get old in the future?Su Lanzhi always wants to marry off, no matter how well-behaved and sensible, how can she take care of Murong Yan in the future?Although Aunt Bai gave birth to a son, how could that person really regard his daughter as a mother?

Whenever possible, Mrs. Jingbei Hou did not want to embarrass Murong Yan, but the fact is that it is impossible for Murong Yan to reconcile with Su Qinglan, so what should I do?

"Don't worry, mother. I will take good care of myself in the future and won't let my mother worry." Anyway, it has been like this for these years, and she is used to it, and she just needs to continue like this in the future.

"Take care, take care of him, you push him out like this. After that, if other women give birth to him again, do you think that your status can still be kept? Now he has guilt and friendship towards you, But since ancient times, men have been ruthless, if one day he no longer has these friendships with you, how should you deal with yourself?" No matter who is Su Qinglan, whoever is now, who has sharpened his head and wants to send someone in, has been in these years. It was Bai Xin who blocked it, and Su Qinglan himself stopped it, but there were still four. Now that Bai Xin is gone, I don't know how many there will be!

If it weren't for these facts, how could Mrs. Jingbeihou be willing to let her only daughter be wronged?

"Mother, if that day really comes, my daughter will lose her three thousand strands of hair, get rid of all her troubles, and forget herself in this world." On that day, she and him will really be like each other. With the end of kindness and righteousness, in this life, you will be a real stranger.

"Yan'er, you are so confused, why do you have such an idea? Do you know the misery of the temple? Even if you want to, but this monk, you can come out as soon as you want, and even if you don't think about yourself, You also have to think about Lan'er, you have to think about me, your father, and your relatives, we all care about you, if you really want to be that sister-in-law, how will you let us bear it?" Hearing Murong Yan With these shocking words, Mrs. Jingbei Hou broke out in a cold sweat, and looked at Murong Yan with strange and uneasy eyes.

How could my own daughter think so?

Why does she feel like she doesn't know her daughter?

"Mother, don't be angry. I just said that if such a day comes, don't worry too much." Seeing that her mother was frightened, Murong Yan quickly withdrew the determination in her eyes and regained her calm. Mrs. Hou saw something.

"Yan'er, why are you so stupid? How can you say such a thing? You don't know that your body is hairy and skinny, and it cannot be damaged by your parents?" But she never thought about it, but knowing that her daughter had such thoughts, Mrs. Jingbei Hou was really scared to death.

"Mother, it's my daughter who is unfilial. Mother, don't hurt yourself." Somewhat annoyed by what she blurted out just now, Murong Yan had no choice but to be careful with her at this moment.

"Then take back what you just said!"

"Mother, this is my daughter's choice, I hope mother can respect her daughter!" Now that she said it, how could Murong Yan take it back?

Maybe it's good to let my mother be prepared, so that if such a day does come, my mother won't be too sad.

"You!" The voice was full of anger, Mrs. Jingbei Hou wanted to blame, but seeing Murong Yan's look of looking down on everything, she suddenly didn't know what to say, and finally sighed, "Oh, that's all. Forget it, now that you are back, and since you have made up your mind not to forgive Su Qinglan, I will ask your father to discuss with him and let him make peace with you, so that I can return you freely, lest you When the time comes, you will really go to that temple and become a sister-in-law, and your father and I will be heartbroken!"

He divorced, and from then on the marriage of men and women has nothing to do with each other. Compared with the divorce letter, the reputation is better. Instead of watching his daughter suffer, it is better to take her back and raise her well.

As for the others, they can say whatever they like, and it's just embarrassing for them, which is much better than losing their daughter.

"Mother!" Unexpectedly, Mrs. Jingbeihou's love for her surpassed the honor of the family. Murong Yan hurriedly stopped Mrs. Jingbeihou, but she couldn't just let Mrs. Jingbeihou go like that.

In a family like theirs, she married an ordinary person. Not to mention that Su Qinglan would not agree, even if she really remarried with Li, her family would be talked about at least in the future.

She doesn't want the person she loves to be criticized!

"Why are you stopping me? Isn't this what you want?" Looking at Murong Yan, Mrs. Jingbei Hou really didn't want to beat or scold, so she could only get angry.

"Mother, stop saying that. If you say that again, your daughter will really feel ashamed."

"But what you said just now, every word and every word is poking at my heart, don't you think I won't feel bad?"

"Mother, can you not force me?" Looking at Mrs. Jingbeihou, Murongyan knew that her mother said and did this because she loved her, but she really couldn't defy her heart. !

She and Su Qinglan are not Aunt Bai's fault, nor is it anything else, there are too many barriers between them, how can it really be resolved after a while?

"Lan'er, mother didn't force you, but mother wanted to give you back your freedom. Isn't that what you always wanted? Mother will help you now, isn't it good?"

"Mother, please, don't say it!" Her face turned pale immediately, and Murong Yan naturally wouldn't have really reconciled with Su Qinglan, otherwise she would have reconciled ten years ago.

"Then what are you going to do? Are you going to be so lonely and helpless for the rest of your life by guarding this nominal marriage?" Seeing her daughter's heartbroken heart, Mrs. Jingbei Hou's heart ached so badly that she couldn't tell what it was like. .

"Mother, I still have Lan'er!"

"But Lan'er is a daughter after all, and she will be married off after all. When the time comes, what will you do?"

"Mother, these daughters will take care of themselves, don't worry, okay?"

"You, hey, why are you doing this? Yan'er, can you tell me?" There are some feelings that people of the older generation really don't understand. Murong Yan and Su Qinglan used to be so deeply in love, but after going through those Betrayed and hurt, Murong Yan's heart has long since died, how can she come back to life?

"Mother, there are some things that you won't understand!" Although the relationship between Jingbeihou and Mrs. Jingbeihou is good, it is just a kind of couple's time together, as plain as water, with mutual respect, but it is not as normal as she and Su Qinglan used to be. Yes, the love is so deep, so Murong Yan knows the knot in her heart, but Mrs. Jingbei Hou will not understand.

"Silly boy, why do you treat yourself like this? You make me feel bad when I see you like this?" Why do you have to be persistent when you can have things that you can have if you let them go?

Why did I give birth to such a stubborn child?

"Mother, I assure you, I will definitely take good care of myself and Lan'er, and I will often go back home to visit my mother. I will not worry my mother and father, and I will handle the relationship with the master well. I hope my mother will stop worrying about me. I have." These are the only things she can guarantee as a daughter, as for the others, Murong Yan really can't guarantee them, and she doesn't want to disappoint her parents by giving them hope.

"Yan'er, didn't you listen to what I just said?" I tried my best to persuade Murong Yan, but I didn't want Murong Yan to follow her old path, but it seemed that the more I said, the more wrong I became.

"My mother's words, Yan'er understands that this life is like this tea, with boundless bitterness, but after drinking it, there will be a little bit of sweetness left in the corner of her mouth. When my daughter drank tea just now, she already felt it and understood what mother meant!" Although the tea is bitter, after drinking it, there is a sweetness between the lips and teeth, which dispels the bitterness a lot, but it needs to be savored carefully to taste it, and Murong Yan also took several sips to feel it.

"Then why did you..."

"Mother, my daughter knows that you are doing it for her own good, but she has her own decisions and ideas, as well as her own persistence. What a daughter can do is not to worry everyone. For the rest, I hope mother will let her make her own decisions, okay?"

Looking at Murong Yan's pleading gaze, Mrs. Jingbeihou wanted to say something, but in the end, she could only sigh, "Hey, Yan'er, do you know that there are many roads ahead of you, but you chose that road anyway?" The road of thorns, why are you bothering?"

"Even if it is full of thorns, my daughter will be happy!"

"Hey, that's all. Maybe I'm really old and can't understand the things about your juniors. It's just what I said. I hope you can still listen to it. Although Su Qinglan was wrong once, I have been alienated from you these years, but His friendship with you is rare, you should cherish it. You have wasted ten years, how many ten years are there in this life, you really have to think about it carefully, you are also a mother now, and you should be stable Some more." If it weren't for seeing Su Qinglan's sincerity today, how could Mrs. Jingbei Hou be willing to persuade Murong Yan?

This woman is married, and if she wants to be happy in the future, she can only rely on her husband. As long as she has her husband's favor, she can stand firm in her husband's family and not be bullied.Mrs. Jingbeihou really thought about Murong Yan, but she didn't expect that Murong Yan didn't accept it.

"Daughter understands!" She has always understood Su Qinglan's friendship, so why not treat her like this?

It's just that there is an old Princess Qing between them, there are too many, she can't make Su Qinglan become that unfilial person for herself, and she doesn't want her daughter to be hurt because of herself.

Therefore, the current situation is the best choice.As long as she doesn't reconcile with Su Qinglan, then Old Princess Qing won't try her best to persecute Su Qinglan anymore, and others won't try her best to break them up and use all kinds of despicable means. Such a peaceful life, she Already very satisfied.

"Hey, silly boy!" Holding Murong Yan in her arms, Mrs. Jingbeihou didn't understand Murongyan's persistence, but she knew that Murongyan had always been cautious. What happened ten years ago, Mrs. Jingbeihou I know something, now, I can only sigh.

If she had known that letting her daughter marry Su Qinglan would be like this, maybe she should have chosen a more ordinary person for her daughter, so as to save her daughter from suffering.

"Mother, after your daughter leaves, you have to take good care of yourself. Next time your daughter comes, I don't want your mother to fall ill again!" Leaning in her mother's arms, Murong Yan suddenly remembered herself when she was a child. I am carefree, how can I be like now, always thinking too much in my mind, and I no longer have the simplicity and beauty of the past?

"I can save it!"

"Lan'er has been gone for a long time, why hasn't she come back?"

"The child is as smart as you want, and now I'm afraid he is deliberately delaying time, so that we, mother and daughter, can talk more about the meeting?"

"Lan'er is indeed a caring child. It was my negligence these years that caused her to suffer a lot!" Thinking of her daughter being so well-behaved and sensible at such a young age, Murong Yan felt relieved, but how could she not feel distressed?

"Now that I know it, I will make up for her in the future. I think this child is also a good child, well raised, and I will definitely not lose to you in the future!"

"I just hope that Lan'er is happy and healthy, and I don't want her to be involved in these right and wrong like me!"

"Hey, that's fine too, maybe she will be happier if she gets married more ordinary in the future!"

"Although I say this, how can a family like ours marry ordinary? Mother, you don't even know that many people have come to me to inquire about Lan'er. She still has two years to marry, but Now I see, there are quite a few people who want to get married, I am really afraid..."

"Yan'er, don't worry. Lan'er is not ready yet. Even if they want to get married, they won't be in a hurry. Just be careful in the future. Lan'er is also a clever child. She will take good care of herself. Don't worry too much."



The mother and daughter said each sentence, but they didn't know that behind the door, Su Lanzhi's small body had been standing there quietly, listening to the conversation between the two, Su Lanzhi's cold heart , and had to be moved by it.

I thought I would never cry again in this life, but my vision was blurred. Su Lanzhi raised her hand to touch the corners of her eyes. There was already a little crystal there. Su Lanzhi sniffed and restrained her urge to cry , wiped away tears carefully, thinking about what Murong Yan said, I only felt extra distressed in my heart.

Mother, what are you doing?


In the end, she went in and randomly picked out gifts. Su Lanzhi reckoned that it was almost there, checked herself carefully, and saw nothing wrong, so she pushed the door and went out.

When they went out, Murong Yan and Mrs. Jingbei Hou had already sat back to their original places. The two were talking and laughing. It seemed that nothing had happened, but Su Lanzhi had heard it just now. How could she not know what happened here just now? What kind of scene, but she knew that her grandmother and mother didn't want her to know, so she pretended not to know, smiled heartlessly, and held up a few small objects she had chosen, "Grandmother , Laner likes these!"

"Hehe, Lan'er has a good eye. These are all done by Nanny Zhang, but they are all meticulous work. She rarely does these things, but you found them out, not bad!" Touched Su Lan Zhi's head, Mrs. Jingbei Hou's eyes were a little sad. Although she concealed it well, Su Lanzhi still saw it.

"Really? Then why is Lan'er so embarrassed?" She hurriedly wanted to return the things, and Mrs. Jingbei Hou saw her and smiled, "Lan'er doesn't need to worry, these are just small gadgets, not worth much money Lan'er likes it, so I take it to think about it, when I miss my grandmother, I take it out and have a look, remember to try to see my grandmother later, okay?"

"Grandmother..." There is a kind of injury, which is obviously sad, but still pretends to be happy. Su Lanzhi knows this kind of feeling, it is very uncomfortable, her heart is astringent, her nose is sore, and finally, her face On the contrary, she raised a smile, "Grandmother, Lan'er will visit grandma with her parents after the Chinese New Year!" From Murong Yan's tone just now, Su Lanzhi could hear Murong Yan's friendship with Su Qinglan, but Su Lanzhi I know that there are too many barriers between my parents, and they will not be able to let go of their grievances for a while, but Su Lanzhi will not give up, she will definitely eliminate those grievances!

"Okay, Lan Er!" Seeing her granddaughter's happy face, Mrs. Jingbei Hou suppressed her reluctance and smiled. Su Lanzhi saw it and said quickly, "Then grandma has to take good care of herself recently. , when Laner comes, you have to see a healthy grandmother, otherwise Laner won't come!" The half-joking half-serious words made people feel Su Lanzhi's caution, and Mrs. Jingbeihou hurriedly agreed , "Okay, grandma knows!"

"Hehe, that's fine!"


Because of Su Lanzhi's arrival, Mrs. Jingbei Hou and Murong Yan lost the dullness they had just now, and they were smiling. They were talking intimately, pressing each other's reluctance in their hearts, and didn't want to make the other party worry.

Just as I was talking, someone came in, "Lady, my uncle has come in to pick up Missy and Miss Biao."

"Isn't he having dinner with Master Hou? How could it be finished so soon?" When people parted, they always felt that time passed too fast, but they didn't know that they were already sitting in the room. It's been more than an hour, and it's getting late.

"Uncle has been eating with old master Hou for a long time, and came here after taking a rest. He said it was late, and in order to avoid rushing through the night, he came to pick up the eldest lady and the cousin."

"Let him wait!" Unexpectedly, time passed so quickly, Mrs. Jingbei Hou suppressed the reluctance in her heart, looked at Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, and now the time of parting has really come, Mrs. Jingbeihou I really don't know what to say.

"Yan'er, Lan'er, you must take good care of yourself when you go back, you know? Both of you have lost some weight, but you have to take good care of yourself. The next time I see you, I don't want you to be so thin again! "

"Mother, I know!"

"Grandma, I will be fine, don't worry!"

"Hey, why did you leave? You've only lived here for three days!"

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