The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 77 Come to apologize?

Not to mention that Murong Xiao went back to the Jingbei Hou Mansion today with that curious baby's heart, all the way thinking about what kind of medicine Qin Zhiyan took today, how could he be completely different in peace today? . (First post) Feeling worried and uneasy in his heart, Murong Xiao always felt that Qin Zhiyan seemed to have some purpose today, but he couldn't see anything, so he had to go back depressed.

However, Qin Zhiyan was in a good mood. He was playing with the gifts that Su Lanzhi had chosen along the way. Those eyes were different from those of women of the same age, like ancient wells, even he couldn't see through them. I have to say that this was the first time he was so interested in a woman.

Back at Prince Qin's Mansion, Qin Zhiyan got off the carriage and went directly to Princess Qin's. People saluted along the way, but Qin Zhiyan smiled in a good mood, which made the servants of Prince Qin's Mansion a little surprised.

"How is the little prince today? Why does he seem to be in a good mood?" Although Qin Zhiyan was smiling in the past, everyone could feel his alienation, but today, Qin Zhiyan seemed to be in a good mood. Really nice looking.

"Yeah, the little prince is smiling as soon as he comes back today, and I don't know what happy event is going on today." It was rare to see Qin Zhiyan's genuine smile, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Hey, the little prince is really handsome. Although he smiled in the past, it made people feel difficult to get close to him, but today he smiles like that, and half of his three souls have gone away."

"Hehe, look at you, your saliva is dripping out, don't make people laugh at you, you know, the little prince hates people staring at him the most on weekdays, if you are like this, be careful to be kicked out of the mansion by Rennian went."

"Hey, it's all right, let's go to work!"

"Let's go, don't talk, or the masters will get angry, and we are the ones who suffer!"


Of course, Qin Zhiyan didn't know about the people's comments. As soon as he came to Qin Wangfei's courtyard, Qin Zhiyan went in with a smile. She smiled, "The little prince is back, the princess has been talking about it for a long time, little prince, this servant is going to tell the princess that you are back."

"No need, I'm going to see my mother and concubine myself!" After stopping Luoyue from going in to report, Qin Zhiyan went in with a smile. As soon as he entered, he saw Princess Luoyang doing needlework. Her jasper-like skin was white and flawless. Ru Yuandai's eyes are like stars, her nose is small and tall, her lips are pink, and her face is a typical slap face.A very typical classical beauty, with a natural noble temperament between her eyebrows and eyes, sitting there upright, not angry but powerful, but with kindness, this kind of temperament cannot be learned and imitated, even though people are middle-aged, But it is well maintained, like a girl in her twenties, she is so beautiful.

"The son has seen the concubine mother!" Seeing Princess Luoyang embroidering needlework, Qin Zhiyan saluted, and Princess Luoyang hurriedly put down the work in her hand, looked at Qin Zhiyan with a loving face, "You are back, Have you had dinner yet?"

"Mother Concubine, the son promised to come back to eat with Mother Concubine, how can he eat by himself?" When talking to Princess Luoyang, Qin Zhiyan naturally had a smile on his brows, and there was a little more in his eyes The warm color, it can be seen that the relationship between the mother and the child is not bad.

"Well, it's pretty much the same, it's just that Zensheng came back late? I've been waiting for you for a long time." The tone was a little reproachful, but there was a smile on Princess Luoyang's face, which didn't mean much to blame.

"Today my son and younger brother Xiao went out, had a meal, talked for a while, and met Mrs. Su, so I came back a bit late." Qin Zhiyan didn't hide anything about Princess Luoyang, and would I have outlined my day's itinerary, but Princess Luoyang noticed a little difference.

"Mrs. Su? Which Mrs. Su?" Her son, Princess Luoyang, naturally understands. Although Qin Zhiyan looks easy to get along with, he is very defensive, and he only treats her as a mother on weekdays. The concubine and the King of Qin are closer, but other people rarely make Qin Zhiyan feel relieved.

"It's Prime Minister Su's wife, Mrs. Su."

"Oh, that's it. Then what did you guys do? Why did you come back so late?" Seeing his son's expression, although he was peaceful, he seemed a little happy. Princess Luoyang was curious, Qin Zhi Yan is met who, will be so happy.

"Mother Concubine, the New Year's Eve is approaching, and the son remembered that he didn't give Mother Concubine any presents, but let Mrs. Su and Miss Su help him choose some gifts. Mother Concubine, do you like it?" While talking, he took out a gift from his arms. The exquisite gift box, Princess Luoyang opened the gift box with a smile, and saw the Ruyi hairpin inside, the workmanship is very fine, although there is still a gap compared to the ones in the palace, but it was given by her son, Princess Luoyang Natural joy.

"Very good, Mrs. Su chose it for you? Why do you have the nerve to bother others?" After all, Murong Yan is an elder, and Princess Luoyang feels that Qin Zhiyan's actions are not in line with etiquette.

"Mother Concubine, it just so happens that Mrs. Su needs to buy these today, so my son wanted to ask Mrs. Su as a reference, so as not to prevent my son from buying it, and Mother Concubine doesn't like it." I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Qin Zhiyan avoided it. Asking the question before Princess Luoyang, Qin Zhiyan didn't say a word about who chose the hairpin.

"You silly child, as long as you think it's your choice, the concubine mother will naturally be happy."

"Then the concubine likes it?"

"That's natural. The workmanship is exquisite and the meaning is good. I naturally like it."

"Is it okay for the son to wear it for the concubine mother?"

"Yeah!" After Qin Zhiyan put it on for herself, Princess Luoyang looked at herself in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction, "Yan'er has grown up and knows how to love mother and concubine. very happy."

"Mother Concubine, please don't say that. In the future, if the son meets a good one, he will bring it back to Mother Concubine."

"Well, I know you are filial!"

"I saw that my mother and concubine were wearing this, and she immediately became radiant. When my father sees it later, he will be very happy!"

"You!" Hearing what her son said, Princess Luoyang felt a little embarrassed. It happened that the words fell in front of King Qin who walked to the door. King Qin smiled, "What are you talking about me?"

The voice was full of magnetism, very thick, and as the voice approached, a man in purple clothes came oncoming. Although the man was the brother of Emperor Wen's mother, the temperament of the two was different. .King Qin's skin is a bit dark, probably due to the fact that he has been stationed in the army all year round. He looks particularly heroic and charming. His facial features are as deep and three-dimensional as carved. Compared with the burly general beside him, this King Qin is more refined and more like a Confucian general.

"My lord, why didn't you say anything when you came back?" Watching her husband come back, Princess Luoyang had a little love on her face, such a gentle look, it made people feel refreshed just looking at her. up.

"I heard that Yan'er was here, so I didn't report it. I just wanted to know what you guys were talking about while I was away." Qin Wang was a hearty man, his words were full of pride, and he was a very upright hero.

"Father, what are you talking about?" Unexpectedly, King Qin would tease them so much, Qin Zhiyan felt a little helpless at the moment.

"Hehe, what's more, if I didn't come in secretly, how would I know that you just gave your concubine a gift, but didn't give it to me?" There was a bit of taste on King Qin's resolute face. Such an expression made Princess Luoyang very helpless, "My lord, why are you so jealous?" The relationship between King Qin and Princess Luoyang is very good, and the conversation is full of intimacy and ease. Makes people feel comfortable.

"Luo'er, you can't say that. Yan'er is usually biased. Now that he is biased, don't I have no status as a father and king?" Seeing his father like this, there was a little helplessness on his face, and then he took out another box from his arms, "Father, if the son is given to the mother and concubine, it will naturally be given to you, look ,Like it?"

"Oh, do you really have mine?" It was just a joke, but I didn't expect to have my own. Qin Wang hurriedly took it and opened it, "En En, yes, Yan'er, your eyesight is getting better and better."

"My lord, you are wrong. This was not chosen by Yan'er. Yan'er met Su Xiang's wife today and asked her to help her choose." Qin Zhiyan didn't deny it just now, but Princess Luoyang only thought that this was the case. The gift was chosen by Murong Yan. Now, this matter was mentioned. Qin Wang heard something, and he was a little surprised, "Oh? Is that so? Yan'er, is it really so?"

"Yes, father, Mrs. Su helped my son choose a gift today, but I don't know, but father likes it?" There was no affirmative answer, but another way, Qin Zhiyan also knew that his parents were worried about his It is a lifelong event, seeing that he is about to lose the crown, and he has to stick to it if he thinks about it, and he doesn't want his parents to think too much.

"My lord, this wishful jade pendant of yours is a pair with my hairpin. I think it looks good." Princess Luoyang looked at the jade pendant in King Qin's hand and remembered the hairpin on her head. Yan's hard work, a little bit of sweetness flashed across his heart, King Qin saw him, looked at the jade pendant in his hand, then at the hairpin on Princess Luoyang's head, and smiled heartily, "Haha, Yan'er is really kind , but this Mrs. Su is also a wonderful person, Yan'er has troubled others today, and I still have to thank her in the future!"

"Father, don't worry, the son will save it!" Zhengchou didn't have the chance to go to the Prime Minister's mansion, but now that Qin Zhiyan's appearance gave him a chance, Qin Zhiyan was extremely happy in his heart, with a smile still on his face, The curious King Qin and Princess Luoyang didn't see anything, they exchanged glances, a little disappointed, but in the end, they didn't care.


"My lord is hungry? Why don't I ask someone to prepare a meal?" Seeing that it was time for dinner, Princess Luoyang saw the family get together so rarely, so she made a proposal, and King Qin naturally agreed, "Well, if you don't say it, I still don't think, but now, I'm really hungry, just ask someone to set a meal!"

"Yes, my lord!" He ordered Luoyue to arrange a meal, just as they were about to sit down and eat, at this moment, the old lady beside Shangguan's side concubine came in a hurry.

Several people looked at this sudden visitor, all of them looked a bit unwell, even though Qin Zhiyan was usually smiling, that smile was a little bit colder, Qin Wang looked at this uninvited guest, and his face was also a little displeased. Yue Yue, "Mother Wang, what's the matter?"

"My lord, the side concubine said that I have prepared dinner, and I invite you to come over to have dinner with my son!" Wang Momo looked at the dishes on the table and knew that everyone was happy when King Qin came back today, so they all prepared After dinner, I just want to get close to King Qin.

"You go back and say that I just use it at the princess's place, and I'll go to her place tomorrow." The family had a good meal today and were very happy, but now Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared, let alone Princess Luoyang , even King Qin was unhappy.

"The side concubine said that she has prepared the prince's favorite plum blossom wine, and now she is boiling it with snow water and waiting for the prince, the prince is also waiting, and the eldest lady is also there." The person who moved out of the side concubine's room, Wang Nao Nanny just hoped that King Qin would go to eat for the sake of the child, but King Qin's heart is with Princess Luoyang, so where is he willing to go?

"Tomorrow, just let them eat by themselves. I'll go see them tomorrow!" Qin Wang is also busy on weekdays, with heavy troops in his hands. Naturally, he spends a lot of time in the army, but fortunately, the place where the army is stationed is not far away. It is possible to come back every day, but there are fewer meals at home and more entertainment, especially now that the New Year is approaching, King Qin has not eaten at home for several days, so it is not easy to come back now, of course everyone He wanted to scramble to let King Qin go to his house.

"My lord, the side concubine has suffered from chest pains again in the past few days. Today, I endured the pain and cooked meals for the lord myself. I hope the lord can enjoy the meal. If the lord doesn't go, the side concubine will be sad." Unmoved, the nanny tried to persuade her again and again, and had to say that this trick was very useful. Qin Wang thought that the chest pain of Shangguan's side concubine was caused by him, and he felt a little guilty in his heart. Now he looked at Princess Luoyang , eyes full of apology.

"My lord, since the concubine Shangguan's side concubine has a chest pain, I'll just go and have a look. Next time, my lord, I'll just come here to eat again." The joy just now has all disappeared. Although the relationship between Princess Luoyang and King Qin It's good, but a Shangguan Wuyou happened to be inserted. Although the two love each other, because of such a person, there are many obstacles between each other.

"Luo'er..." Seeing that the smile on Princess Luoyang's face faded, King Qin was filled with guilt. Finally, making up his mind, he looked at Nanny Wang, "Mommy went back to Shangguan's side concubine, and said that I will come back later." Go to see her, you just let her rest well, don't hurt her body."

"My lord, this..." Unexpectedly, the king of Qin would not be moved today, and the nanny glanced at Princess Luoyang very dissatisfied, very unwilling.

"Just go back and say that the Shangguan side concubine is also tired, let her rest well, and I will go see her later!" Xu Shi made up his mind, but at this moment, King Qin was no longer hesitant. King Qin refused to go, and knew that if he said anything else, it would only make people jealous. In the end, he had no choice but to leave unwillingly, "My lord, this old slave knows, and this old slave is going to reply to the side concubine, so that the side concubine can have a better life." Rest, lest the chest hurt even more." Biting the words "chest pain" very hard, Nanny Wang just wanted to make King Qin feel guilty, although King Qin felt a little guilty, but looking at his beloved wife and son, In the end, King Qin did not waver.

When Nanny Wang left, Princess Luoyang looked at King Qin. Although she was happy in her heart, her face was a little worried, "My lord, are you really okay if you don't go? If she gets sick again, then That's bad."

It's not like this kind of thing happened before. Although Princess Luoyang is happy that King Qin chose to stay with her, she is also worried that Shangguan Wuyou really has something to do.

If something really happened, then she would really feel guilty. Hasn't such a thing never happened before?

"It's okay to take care of her these years. I gave her all the good medicinal materials. I think it's okay. Let's have dinner!" Although he was worried, King Qin also knew that it was rare for him to come back. Now, King Qin doesn't want Princess Luoyang and Qin Zhiyan to be unhappy.

"Forget it, let's have dinner first, and the prince will go to see her after the meal is finished!" Suppressing the worries in their hearts, the few of them ate happily, but halfway through the meal, the mother Wang came again in a hurry "My lord, my lord, it's not good, my side concubine vomited blood and kept calling my lord, my lord, go and have a look!"

"This..." I didn't expect that if I didn't go, I would really cause such a thing. Qin Wang looked at Princess Luoyang and wanted to have a good meal with her, but he never thought about it, but such a thing happened. Princess Luoyang looked at the other party's guilty eyes, suppressed the bitterness in her heart, and made herself look like she didn't care, and said generously, "The injury of Shangguan's side concubine is because of the prince, and the prince should go to see, otherwise It’s not easy for us to explain to Zheng Guogong.”

"Then eat first, I'll be back in a while!"

"Go, my lord, we'll just wait for you!" Seeing her beloved man go away in such a hurry, Princess Luoyang's eyes flashed a little bit of sadness, Qin Zhiyan saw him, and the hand under the sleeve tightly clenched Wait, looking at Princess Luoyang, I feel very distressed, "Why is this mother and concubine bothering? If you push the father out like this, wouldn't the mother and concubine feel even more sad?"

If Princess Luoyang insists on not letting King Qin go, Qin Zhiyan believes that King Qin will not leave because King Qin cares about Princess Luoyang.

"Yan'er, this is what I owe her, and it's also what your father owes her, Yan'er don't talk about it." Although it hurts, what can Princess Luoyang do?

"But she has gained so much over the years. What have you gained, Concubine Mu? Concubine Mu, you are making yourself suffer so much. I am really not worth it for you!" Qin Zhiyan could see clearly since he was a child, that Although the Shangguan side concubine is very good with Luoyang princess on the surface, but every time the King of Qin stays with Luoyang princess, the Shangguan side concubine will always make such a moth.Just like today, is it because they owe her that they have to be wronged for the rest of their lives?

"Yan'er, don't say these things, don't forget, without her, you and I might not be here back then, because of you, she lost her second child, because of your father, she suffered a heart attack, We owe her a lot, all she wants is your royal father's favor, your royal father's heart is in me after all, we all have guilt towards her, if we can make up for something, that's all!" Thinking of the past In the past, a little bit of sadness flashed across Princess Luoyang's eyes. If she could, she would not want to share her husband with others, but what could she do?

"Mother and concubine..." Looking at his mother and concubine, Qin Zhiyan knew that Princess Luoyang, as the younger sister of the Emperor Nanzhao's compatriot, had been loved by thousands of people since she was a child. Naturally, she is very doted on, and Princess Luoyang is that kind of bold woman, so her mind is inevitably a little innocent.

Seeing his mother and concubine enduring the pain and asking King Qin to visit the Shangguan side concubine, Qin Zhiyan felt very distressed, but he knew that he, his mother and concubine, and father and king all owed that person's life. They can only compromise like this.

It's just that if it goes on like this, is it really good?

Qin Zhiyan thinks of all these things, why is he always a little uneasy?


Naturally, Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan didn't know about the affairs of Prince Qin's Mansion. They went back slowly. As soon as they arrived at the Prime Minister's Mansion, someone came out to greet them. Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan looked at the servants of the Prime Minister's Mansion Your face is warm, but what happened? "

Why did they go out for a trip, in this Prime Minister's Mansion, there is a feeling that everyone is walking on thin ice? <When Nuan said this, she looked at Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, full of worry.

It's no secret that the old Princess Qing doesn't like Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi in the prime minister's mansion. Jin Nuan is really worried that the old Princess Qing will embarrass the two of them. <Nuan, is the mother concubine here? "Hearing this news, whether it was Su Lanzhi or Murong Yan, they were all surprised. The two of them did not forget how they left when the old Princess Qing was on her birthday last time. Why did the old Princess Qing come here? Aren't you afraid that they won't give each other face?

"Yes, ma'am, the old concubine is going to the room now. The master is already there. The master told the madam and miss to go back to the mansion to clean up and then go see the old concubine." Nuan, what happened today? And talk about it? "The last time Su Qinglan was so angry, this old Princess Qing came here with a cheeky face today. Did Su Qinglan forget about that? Why did you let them go to see each other?

Although she knew it was etiquette, Su Lanzhi still felt something was wrong.And in my heart, I was extremely uneasy.

"Miss, madam, just as you left today, the old concubine came and stood at the door facing the wind and snow, and asked people to return to the master. The master didn't want to see him at first, so he sent the old concubine back to Prince Qing's mansion." Go. But the old princess has been standing at the door, saying that she is here to ask the master for forgiveness, and that she will not leave if the master does not forgive her, and she will stand at the door until the master forgives her. After all, the old princess belongs to the master The biological mother, the master can't make such a decision, and the old princess has been standing at the door. Standing at the door all the time, it would be bad if she was sick. But the old concubine still refused to come in, saying that if the master did not forgive her, she would not leave or come in. In the end, the master couldn't bear it anymore, and came out to greet her. The old concubine, the old concubine was crying and remorseful, her face was full of tears, and she also talked about the late old prince, how she was a widow pulling the master and the elder, how hard, how... For the sake of the master, he also talked about Aunt Bai, saying that she was angry for the master and offended Yuan Wuhou and so on. He also talked about the recent body of the old princess. The master saw that the old princess had lost a lot of weight The whole person looked haggard, and his complexion was extremely bad, his face was pale, so the master finally let go and welcomed the old princess in. Later, the master asked the doctor to come to the old princess Looking at the body, the doctor said that the old princess had a slight stroke and couldn't stand the stimulation. She just recovered a little bit, so she shouldn't be tired to avoid paralysis. The master went to call the imperial doctor to see the old princess. The doctor also said the same. , the master is now busy prescribing medicine for the old concubine. Now the two are sitting in the room, madam, miss, you go to say hello later, you have to be careful!"

After explaining the matter of the old concubine in detail, Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi were immediately surprised. They did not expect that the old concubine Qing actually resorted to a bitter trick this time, and it was such a real trick, a real slight stroke, this Su Qinglan I have always been filial, seeing that the old Princess Qing is like this, how can I provoke the old Princess Qing anymore?

The two exchanged glances, and they both knew in their hearts that Princess Qing's visit today was just a weasel wishing a chicken with a heart, and was uneasy and well-intentioned.

"Mother, let's go see grandma quickly. Grandma has been here for a long time, but we still don't go to see her. I think grandma won't like it!" Knowing that the old Princess Qing likes to pick their thorns the most, Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan No matter what, Old Princess Qing is dissatisfied. At this stall, Su Lanzhi naturally doesn't want Old Qing Princess to pick their thorns again, so as not to get too stiff in time.

Now the old concubine Qing has the upper hand, don't be angry, don't be tired, who of them can't make offerings like offering to Buddha? <Nuan, you go and ask Nanny Zhang to have all the New Year's goods we bought, be careful, you know? "

"Madam, don't worry, the servant will save it!"

"Well, Lan'er, let's hurry up!"

"Okay, mother!" No one thought, they went out for a while, the mansion was like a changed sky, Su Lanzhi and Murong Yan quickly cleaned up, and went to visit the old Princess Qing.

Originally, I thought that the old Princess Qing would criticize them as soon as she saw them. After all, it would be unfilial to let the elders wait for them, but I didn't expect that this time, the old Princess Qing didn't say anything, she just looked at them lovingly, and even bowed to them When the time comes, they are not allowed to salute.

"But Yan'er and Lan'er are back? I heard from Qinglan that you went out to buy new year's goods today? How are you doing? But are you tired? Come on, drink some hot tea first to warm up your body. , I have a whole body of cold air." Although the words are kind, but when it comes to the cold air, people can't help but think of the body of the old Princess Qing, but if she can't stand the cold air, Su Lanzhi hastily agreed, lest Su Qinglan What did you misunderstand, "Grandmother, Lan'er and Niangqin heard that grandma was coming, so they rushed to see grandma, but they forgot that grandma was not in good health, so Lan'er went to warm up with mother before coming back, but now they dare not Close to grandma!"

During the conversation, the two of them consciously distanced themselves from Princess Lao Qing. Princess Lao Qing didn't expect that Su Lanzhi would tear down her platform, and her face was a little displeased, but thinking of something, Princess Lao Qing hurriedly lowered her eyes. He put on a loving expression, "Lan'er, what are you talking about? I came to see you specially today, and I'm very happy that you came to see me in a hurry. Come on, let grandma Take a good look, have you grown taller?"

Smiling, Su Lanzhi called Su Lanzhi to go over. Su Lanzhi looked at the other party's kindness, and recalled the disgusted look of the old Princess Qing in her mind, but she took a few steps back, "Grandmother, Lan'er's body is too cold, grandma's body is too cold. Not good, Lan'er should not go there, lest grandma hurt her body, it is Lan'er's fault." She was very careful in her heart, Su Lanzhi didn't want to be charged with murdering the old Princess Qing, when the old Princess Qing saw her Su Lanzhi was so careful, but she made a mistake in her wishful thinking. She was not happy, but her face showed a look of indifference, "Look at what this child said, he is born with me, Qinglan, look Come on, what happened to me before made this child mind."

These words made Su Lanzhi a little narrow-minded. In this age, old and young are orderly. As an elder, Princess Qing, even if you do something wrong, you are a junior who cares about everything, but people will say it. Su Qinglan didn't expect Su Lan Seeing Su Lanzhi like this, she felt a little worried, "Mother Concubine is worrying too much. Lan'er is worried about her body, so she doesn't get close to her. Concubine Mother, don't worry."

"Hehe, I thought the kid was still blaming me. I was the one who was wrong before, Lan'er, don't you blame grandma?" His eyes were a little hurt. Old Princess Qing didn't expect Su Qinglan to defend Su Lanzhi so much. She was even more jealous, but her face became more and more loving.

"Grandmother, Lan'er dare not!" She said she dared not, but she didn't say no, Su Lanzhi deliberately had loopholes in her words. After all, the old Princess Qing knew that the other party had no good intentions for her, so how could she relax? What about vigilance?

"Hehe, it's good that Lan'er doesn't blame you. Grandma came here today to make amends for you. Come on, Lan'er, this is the jade pendant my grandmother gave you. I think it suits you very well. Wear it!" He took out an emerald green jade pendant, the color is very good, and it is exquisite at first glance.

But how could Su Lanzhi pick it up?

Wouldn't she be unfilial if someone found out about asking an elder to make amends?

Hurrying back a few steps in trepidation, Su Lanzhi looked a little anxious, "Grandmother is serious, grandmother used to teach Lan'er, and Lan'er dare not ask grandmother to apologize!" Is it plausible for an elder to be apologetic by a younger generation?

If she really accepted it, let alone others, Su Qinglan would feel more and more guilty towards the old Princess Qing, feeling that she was ignorant?

Su Lanzhi knew that her father was a typical filial son, she would not take risks, and just fell into the trap of old Princess Qing.

"Lan'er, are you refusing to forgive grandma?" Seeing Su Lanzhi's eyes were a little hurt, the old Princess Qing really put herself very low. The small bully the big.

"Grandmother, Lan'er dare not!" Her eyes were full of panic. Su Lanzhi's expression fell into Su Qinglan's eyes, and Su Qinglan hurriedly came to rescue Su Lanzhi, "Mother Concubine, your apology is serious. Don't blame yourself all the time." The old princess Qing came to apologize today, and the other party was not in good health, Su Qinglan remembered what the imperial doctor and the government doctor said, and she really didn't dare to anger the old princess Qing I'm afraid that Old Princess Qing will have another stroke, that would be terrible.

"You guys, are you still not willing to forgive me? So you won't accept my apology?" Looking at Su Qinglan, the pale face of Old Princess Qing was full of caution. I can't bear it anymore, "The concubine mother is serious. The son has already said just now that the concubine mother does not need to worry about the past. The most important thing for the concubine now is to take care of her body. In this cold weather, the concubine mother will live well. Keep it up, don't be too tired." Hearing from the imperial physician that the old concubine Qing came to see him as soon as she was able to go to the ground, Su Qinglan didn't dare to be angry at this moment, she could only talk and serve her well.

There are no wrong parents in this world, even if the parents make mistakes, it is the children's fault, he is a dutiful son, how could he see the old Princess Qing coming to the door to apologize with her sick body, or doesn't she care?

Now, this is the only way to go. The body of the old Princess Qing is the most important thing. If something happens to the old Princess Qing, Su Qinglan will have a disturbed conscience for the rest of her life.

"But when I look at you, why are you so reserved? Yan'er and Lan'er are not close to me, and they don't want to accept gifts. Don't you blame me?" It looked like Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi were speechless, and Su Qinglan was helpless at the moment, so she had to agree, "Mother Concubine, this apology is unnecessary, Mother Concubine will treat it as a gift for Yan'er and Lan'er The gift is just that, and there is no need to mention anything else."

If this was really accepted as an apology, it would be really bad. Su Qinglan is not a fool, how could she agree?

"That's fine, come on, Yan'er, I know you've been obsessed with Buddhism these years, these are the prayer beads I asked for you, and they're made of high-quality red sandalwood, I think you'll like it." Smiling, he took out a string of prayer beads , each one is very round, exuding a faint fragrance, one can tell it is a high-quality product at a glance, and it is also a rare rosewood, it can be seen that the present of the old Princess Qing today is a waste of heart.

"Thank you, Concubine Mother!" The old man put down his figure, and Murong Yan couldn't say anything, so she took it with a smile. Seeing the old Princess Qing, she nodded in satisfaction, and finally there was a little smile on her face. "Do you like it?"

"Mother, I like it very much!"

"If you like it, you can always carry it with you. This red sandalwood is hard to find, and it suits you well!"

"Mother, don't worry, I will wear it often!"

"That's good, Lan'er, can you accept this jade pendant?" Seeing that Murong Yan accepted it, the old Princess Qing looked at Su Lanzhi at this moment, something flashed in Su Lanzhi's eyes, and she finally accepted it "Thank you grandma!"

"Hey, from now on, the family will be kind and friendly, that's good!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi also took it, a little smile flashed across the eyes of the old princess Qing, Su Lanzhi looked at it, and carefully moved the Putting away the jade pendant, those eyes as deep as an ancient well did not know what they were thinking.

"Mother Concubine, don't you want to go back today? You are tired too." Looking at the old Princess Qing's look, Su Qinglan looked distressed and guilty, remembering that day when she hurriedly left Prince Qing's Mansion. He didn't go back to see Old Princess Qing, and as a result, Princess Lao Qing has been ill for the past few days, and he hasn't been able to serve her, but he is an unfilial son.

"I'm fine. These days have improved a lot. There are still things in the house. I have to go back. Don't forget, when you are thirty, you will come back for a reunion dinner."

"Mother Concubine, don't worry, I'll save it. It's just that you come here today, and you'd better leave in a few days, so as not to get tired and hurt your body."

"This..." Hesitantly, although Old Princess Qing wanted to stay, she didn't dare to make it so obvious.

"Mother Concubine, how many days have you cultivated here? The Xiangfu has some good medicinal materials given by the emperor. Mother Concubine can raise her body here for a few days, so that she can be healthy and healthy during the Chinese New Year. What do you think, Mother Concubine?" Seeing that the old Princess Qing's health is so bad, how can Su Qinglan feel relieved to let the old Princess Qing go back today?

"But it's not good to bother you like this?" While speaking, the old Princess Qing glanced at Murong Yan, and Murong Yan saw it, and said, "Mother, you can stay and let my daughter-in-law take good care of you." .”

"This..." Seemed to be a little hesitant, Su Lanzhi also knew that if she didn't speak, the old Princess Qing would hesitate forever, so she had to speak unwillingly, "Grandmother, you stay here, you Now that you are not in good health, you have to take good care of yourself. The New Year is approaching, and grandma will need your support and participation in banquets, big and small, so grandma should take good care of her!" Today, the old Princess Qing came here strangely, and this People have also become extraordinarily kind. Su Lanzhi knew that the other party must have some tricks, so she had to be careful with it!

She wants to see what the other party is going to do!

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