The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 85 Encounter in the Woods

Su Lanzhi was the same as usual, she got up early and went to worship the Buddha with Murong Yan, and then had breakfast, the mother and daughter talked intimately, and the atmosphere was gentle.

The two sat for a while, and Su Lanzhi went to the kitchen to look around to see if there was anything wrong, or something needed to be rectified, but there was nothing wrong with it. Su Lanzhi walked around and ordered, Seeing that the cafeteria became more and more orderly under his management, the servants in the mansion also kept their duties, and they would not despise their mother and daughter as before, and their attitude was lax.

It seems that these daily efforts are not completely useless.

After looking at the account books, Su Lanzhi asked some women about some things. Su Lanzhi praised her in a timely manner, and was about to go back to her courtyard to rest. Come on, now in the living room!"

"Are you sure it's King Wu Cheng?" Why did he come here?

Suddenly, the scene from many days ago came to mind. Su Lanzhi had some guesses in her mind, but she was not sure, but she didn't say anything.

It's just that she hasn't heard of any connection between the Prime Minister's Mansion and Prince Qin's Mansion these years. How is this?

Su Lanzhi was a little surprised by Qin Zhiyan's visit. Su Qinglan didn't come back now, so the one who went to receive him was Murong Yan?

"Wu Chengwang is here, mother knows?" As the hostess of this mansion, Murong Yan still needs to entertain guests.

Although, this guest seems a little unfamiliar.

"Miss, Madam already knows, and is now greeting King Wu Cheng in the living room!" The news that Qin Zhiyan came to Xiang's mansion, everyone was naturally surprised, after all, no one from Qin Wang's mansion had ever been here before. Ri, why did you come here?

"That's good, give me an order, I'll take care of you, and send some of the food and tea you bought, don't neglect!" King Qin and King Wu Cheng are rare VIP-level dignitaries nowadays. It is said that he is still the younger brother of Emperor Wen, and there is even a Princess Luoyang who is a compatriot of the Nanzhao King.

Therefore, no matter who it is, it is impossible to offend easily, and now that the other party suddenly comes to visit, it is even more cautious.

"Miss, don't worry, these ladies have already explained."

"Well, that's good. If there is anything, just call me!" Although he is also a little master, but Qin Zhiyan is a foreigner after all, and he can't just go to see him casually, and Su Lanzhi is right. This person is not very interested. Right now, he just wants to go back to his own room to read a book and rest. How can he have these thoughts?

"Miss, don't you want to meet?" Looking at his lady's calm expression, this servant heard that King Wu Cheng is the son-in-law that every lady dreams of. there is none left?

"My mother is with me. I didn't call me. Naturally, I can't go casually. If there is something to do, let someone inform Lanyue Pavilion. You are ready to serve me." He started to go back, but halfway there, Someone really came to look for Su Lanzhi.

Su Lanzhi saw that the person was Zi'er next to Murong Yan, so she stopped in her tracks.

"Miss, madam asked you to go to the living room!" Seeing Zi'er panting, she quickly searched for it, Su Lanzhi frowned slightly, a little puzzled, "No Did you say that King Wu Cheng is here? Mother is waiting for you, why did you call me?"

It's good if they are acquaintances, but Su Lanzhi thinks that she is not familiar with Qin Zhiyan, Xiangfu and Qin Wangfu are even less familiar. Now that the other party came to the door suddenly, it was really weird.

"Miss doesn't know something, this King Wu Cheng said today that he came to thank you, so Madam asked the servant to call you over to see her."

"Thank you?" Is there anything the other party needs to thank?Su Lanzhi couldn't understand it.

"Miss, just go quickly. King Wu Cheng has been here for a while, and the master has also come back, and they are all here now!" After all, Qin Zhiyan has a noble status, and he wants to come to visit him in person. As the host, it is natural I'm going to see you, yes, so I won't lose my manners.

Su Lanzhi originally thought that this was an adult's business. A girl in her boudoir didn't need to go out to meet guests, but since Murong Yan came to call her, she naturally couldn't refuse, "Go back to your father and mother, and say I'll be there soon!" After thinking for a long time, he didn't think that Qin Zhiyan had anything to thank them, so Su Lanzhi had no choice but to go.

When I came to the living room, Su Lanzhi approached and heard the conversation of the people in the room, listening to Qin Zhiyan and Su Qinglan's words, neither salty nor bland, but also harmonious, Su Lanzhi went in and subdued herself , greeted, "Father, mother, King Wucheng!"

His gaze swept over several people. As soon as Su Lanzhi came in, when he glanced past Qin Zhiyan, he saw those dark eyes like ink, and suddenly remembered that snowy night in his mind, those eyes hidden under the darkness. For some reason, I always feel that I have known each other in my eyes.

"Lan'er, you're here, sit down!" Knowing that Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan knew each other, Su Qinglan didn't introduce her anymore, but just looked at Qin Zhiyan, her tone was a bit polite, "Wu Chengwang is more polite." , It was just a small favor that day, but King Wu Cheng came to thank us today, but it made us a little flattered."

It was only today that I found out that Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi went out that day and met Qin Zhiyan, but after hearing what happened, Su Qinglan still found it strange that Qin Zhiyan's coming today was a bit unreasonable.

He is not a fool, he knows that although the young prince looks harmonious, he has always been neutral all these years, and his relationship with the major families is indifferent, and he rarely visits. Today, he doesn't know what it is Meaning.

I have some doubts and considerations in my heart, but Qin Zhiyan doesn't seem to care about it. Today, he is wearing an ice blue robe, with a tall and straight figure and a gentle face, just like that warm jade, which makes people feel Warm, speaking, the tone is also extremely polite and polite, and the attitude neither seems particularly familiar nor alienated, but it is just right, "Hehe, Madam Su and Miss Su helped me choose the gift that day. The mother and concubine are very satisfied. The mother and concubine asked me to thank you early on. It's just that I have been busy these few days, so I came today. Now that the year is approaching, I happen to come to pay respects to Mr. Xiang and Mrs. Early years."

"Concubine Qin is too polite, and she troubled King Wu Cheng to make a special trip, but it was a waste of money."

"Actually, it's not a valuable thing. It's just some furs and some gadgets I got from hunting a few days ago. I hope Mrs. Su and Ms. Su like it!" The gift was reasonable and thoughtful.

It's cold in winter, and I have some fur, which can be made into clothes or other things, but it is very warm.

"King Wu Cheng has a heart. It's like letting King Wu Cheng come here on such a cold day. Thank you very much." Although the two of them are not particularly familiar with each other, they are both deep-tempered people anyway, so they speak in a natural way. Being polite and not cold, Qin Zhiyan seemed to be in a better mood when he saw Su Lanzhi coming now, and the smile on his face became more real, "Everyone is busy now, I thought Please invite Xiangye's family to play in the mansion, but now it seems that it is inappropriate, but the mother and concubine told me to let Xiangye and his wife be free on weekdays, and the two houses should walk around more. Xiangye is the emperor's uncle who is now very important The people who share a lot of worries for Uncle Huang. Our two houses should also walk around more, so that we can get closer."

Qin Zhiyan's words naturally meant to make friends with the Xiangfu. Su Qinglan was a little surprised by Qin Zhiyan's behavior, but she was also happy to see him, "We will go if we have a chance. When the time comes, we will have to disturb you a lot. .”

"It's easy to talk!" Looking at Su Lanzhi now, Qin Zhiyan also wanted to talk to the other party, but instead focused on Su Lanzhi, "Miss Su, I haven't thanked you in person yet, you and Mrs. Su The gift I chose for me won the hearts of my father, mother and concubine, thank you for your trouble."

"Wu Chengwang is polite." Su Lanzhi smiled faintly, with a humble and polite attitude. Qin Zhiyan saw that Su Lanzhi didn't seem to be particularly familiar with him, and didn't care too much. He just talked to Su Qinglan, and occasionally talked to him. When Murong Yan was talking, she would bring Su Lanzhi into the conversation from time to time, and for a while, the three of them also chatted happily.


Although Su Qinglan knew Qin Zhiyan, they didn't have much contact with each other. Now that she was talking to Qin Zhiyan, Su Qinglan admired this young and promising man even more. Seeing that the other party was so calm and talkative, Even though he has a noble status, he has a humble attitude and never puts on airs. He can't help but think highly of Qin Zhiyan, and thinks that he is a formidable young man.

"Since King Wu Cheng is here today, why don't you just stay for a light meal? Although the prime minister's residence is simple, I hope that King Wu Cheng will show his face." Because I think Qin Zhiyan is a good person, and today's attitude is particularly sincere , Su Qinglan left the meal, but Qin Zhiyan's expression seemed a little hesitant.

"Wu Chengwang has an appointment?"

"That's not true, I just feel that this is too much trouble. I came today to thank you. If I stay for dinner again, I will cause trouble for you." Qin Zhiyan is a man who can advance and retreat. Man, when he came to the prime minister's mansion today, he naturally knew that some people would be suspicious.

After all, he had never been here publicly before.

But because of this, he had to find an opportunity to bridge the line between the two prefectures, so that if he came back in the future, it wouldn't make people feel awkward.

Today's opportunity is good, it is the end of the new year, and it happens to be hunting, and it happens to be helped by Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, and with the help of Princess Luoyang, Qin Zhiyan can justifiably come to visit.

Of course, in order to avoid being too purposeful, he didn't come right away, and waited patiently for a few days before coming, so that people would think that he seemed too eager and doubtful.

Now talking to Su Qinglan in a lively manner, won the favor of the other party, and let the other party stay with me, but it would be inappropriate to agree to it right away.

After all, they don't know each other very well, do they?

This has to come slowly.

Su Qinglan looked at Qin Zhiyan and seemed to feel a little inappropriate, but she somewhat dispelled Qin Zhiyan's purpose in coming today, so she persuaded him to stay, "King Wu Cheng doesn't need to worry, it's just a common meal, as long as you don't dislike the food Just too rough."

"Master Xiang was joking." As a prime minister with a man under one person and above ten thousand people, Su Qinglan was extremely valued by Emperor Wen. How could the meals in the mansion be rough?

It's just modest words.

"If King Wu Cheng doesn't dislike him, he will stay." Qin Zhiyan can be regarded as the guest of honor. Through the conversation just now, Su Qinglan has a little understanding of Qin Zhiyan, although he doesn't understand that the other party is because of this incident an hour ago. Why did he come to the door, but he knew that Qin Zhiyan had no malicious intentions, so he didn't need to be too defensive.

"Master Xiang is so kind, it's hard for me to refuse." Qin Zhiyan didn't keep refusing, but at this moment, he readily agreed.

"So, very good."


Several people talked for a while, Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi saw that Su Qinglan and Qin Zhiyan had a happy conversation, only felt that the two of them were here, and the two of them couldn't help but leave, so they got up and said goodbye.

When she was leaving, Su Lanzhi always felt a gaze cast on her. That gaze made Su Lanzhi feel a little weird, but when she followed that gaze, there was nothing there. Some felt a little surprised.

"Lan'er, what are you looking at?" Seeing her daughter turning her head, Murong Yan followed her, and she was a little surprised when she saw that Su Lanzhi was looking at Qin Zhiyan.

"I didn't see anything, mother, let's go!" She quickly withdrew her gaze, Su Lanzhi didn't want Murong Yan to misunderstand anything.

Just now, was he looking at himself?

But why does he look at himself?

"Okay!" After leaving the door and walking some distance, Murong Yan thought of Su Lanzhi who was looking at Qin Zhiyan just now, and then thought of Qin Zhiyan's young talent, outstanding appearance, prominent background, being close to others, watching It's a wonderful man.Moreover, during the few days when she was in Jingbei Hou's Mansion, she also heard people say that Qin Zhiyan, no matter his background, appearance or character, was of the highest order. Such a man is indeed very easy to make women fall in love. Murong Yan couldn't help but I'm a little worried.

"Lan'er, what do you think of this King Wucheng?" Because of her own suffering, Murong Yan hoped that Su Lanzhi could be ordinary and happy, so she hoped that Su Lanzhi would marry low, and with the backing of the Xiangfu, she wanted to come to the future. It won't hurt either.If Gao married, then in the future, she would have to be wronged.

"Wu Chengwang is humble and polite, he is a modest son." The evaluation was positive, but Su Lanzhi's tone was very flat, Murong Yan saw that there was nothing unusual about Su Lanzhi, but she was relieved, but she was still a little worried , I had to hint, "Although King Wu Cheng is very good, it is very complicated for this man of high family to come to the mansion, not to mention that his biological mother is Princess Luoyang from a neighboring country, and his father He is also the younger brother of the current Holy Majesty, a man of his status is indeed very attractive, but such a man is also dangerous."

Indeed, Qin Zhiyan can be said to have gathered all the advantages. He has a high-class appearance and a prominent family background, but he can't even compare with the prince. Isn't such a man the legendary heartthrob?There are countless people who want to climb into his bed, so the people around him are very hard.

"What mother said is very true!" Nodding her head, Su Lanzhi's tone agreed very much, but seeing her mother's worried expression and such a special reminder, Su Lanzhi had to feel that Murong Yan was thinking too much up.

What happened in her previous life had already left her cold and heartless. In this life, as long as she protects her family and is safe and sound, she is already very satisfied. She will not think too much about other things, and it is even more impossible to think too much.

Therefore, no matter how good Qin Zhiyan is, it has nothing to do with him.

"Hehe, so, there is really no way to control such a man, who is like a fairy, or an ordinary person!" The mother and daughter said sweet words, and the servants were far away, so there was no need to worry about others heard it.

"Hehe, mother, why are you suddenly interested in this King Wu Cheng?" Joking with her mother, although Su Lanzhi knew about Murong Yan's worries, she also planned to pretend not to understand, and completely dispelled Murong Yan's intentions. doubts.

"Hey, I just looked at that kind of man and thought of me and your father." Isn't it the same for Su Qinglan back then?The young prime minister, the young talent, at that time, didn't it also make many girls in the boudoir secretly agree?

I thought they were a match made in heaven and could live happily ever after, but what happened?

Hey, don't mention it.

"Mother, there's no need to feel sorry for the past. Now, let's just look forward." Looking at the sadness in Murong Yan's eyes, Su Lanzhi knew that this was caused by the great contrast between Murong Yan's life in the past and the present.

Hey, if the old concubine Qing hadn't been so tolerant of her mother back then, then they would be a happy and full family now.

It's just, what a pity!

"That's what you said." Putting away her sadness, Murong Yan didn't want Su Lanzhi to worry, so she changed the subject, "Lan'er, since King Wucheng is eating here today, the meal must be careful There are a few more dishes to be added. You can use some expensive ingredients for the meal, so that King Wu Cheng won’t be used to it. You wait a while, remember to tell the kitchen to be more careful, don’t be negligent.”

I handed over the kitchen to Su Lanzhi. I originally wanted to practice Su Lanzhi, but I didn't expect Su Lanzhi to manage the kitchen very well. Naturally, Murong Yan was happy to let Su Lanzhi learn. After all, Su Lanzhi Zhi is likely to do it in the future, and she has some experience, so she won't be in a hurry.

So Murong Yan handed over this matter directly to Su Lanzhi, and let Su Lanzhi handle it by herself.

"Mother, don't worry, I'll save it." Murong Yan didn't need to tell her, she would do it.

"Okay then, go and do your work, I have to go back."

"Yeah!" The mother and daughter separated after walking for a long time. Murong Yan went back to her courtyard, and Su Lanzhi went directly to the kitchen, ordering good things in every detail, leaving Chun Nuan and Mother Zhao to be by the side. Watching, so as not to cause any trouble, he explained some things and left.


Because of the departure of the old Princess Qing, the mansion has returned to calm now. Before the old Princess Qing left, several aunts were making a fuss, and Su Qinglan took care of them, but now one or two are honest.Even Aunt Li, who was about to fall down at every turn and had a stomachache, had a lot of fun. Several aunts visited each other to play tricks, and it didn't matter to Su Lanzhi. Su Lanzhi suddenly felt that the long-lost peace had finally come.

After the person left, she really went to get close. Even Murong Yan, who looked calm on weekdays, showed a little more joy on her face.

Thinking of the rumors that were raging in the mansion that day, Su Lanzhi immediately felt it was funny, but fortunately, Su Qinglan had people tied up and sold those instigators, and calmly asked people to wash the clothes , everyone saw that the clothes were not worn by Su Qinglan that day, and they didn't gossip casually anymore. Now it's very quiet everywhere.

Walking and walking, Su Lanzhi walked to her backyard involuntarily, looking at the expanse of white snow and the patch of red plums, it really felt like a patch of red among thousands of flowers.

The white snow all over the sky and the fiery red plum blossoms are indeed extremely beautiful, making people feel that life is endless.

Now there is thick snow on the ground, and even the pool of water is thickly frozen. Su Lanzhi vaguely recalled the scene here. She remembered that there was a pool of lotus here. In spring, it was extraordinarily beautiful. , It's just that the current ice cold has drowned that beauty.

"You are waiting for me here, I want to walk alone." It was rare to come here, Su Lanzhi saw that she looked good, but she wanted to take a walk for a while.

It's uncomfortable to have many people behind you, it's better to be alone.

"Miss, is this not good?" Yue Tao felt a little worried when she saw that Su Lanzhi wanted to be alone!

"It's okay, you go to the house and wait for me by the fire, I'll be back soon!" It's broad daylight, and it's not night, Su Lanzhi doesn't think her luck is really that bad.

"But miss, it's very cold outside, why don't we go back, if you get sick from the cold, it will be terrible."

"It's okay, I'm walking, I won't feel cold."


"Yuetao, I'll be back soon, you go and wait!" Without saying a word, Su Lanzhi walked in, and Su Lanzhi walked into the depths of the red plum. Do not have a taste.


The courtyard of Xiangfu is huge, and there are many precious flower books, but it is cold winter, those flowers and trees are all bare, looking a little lifeless.

This is the case in winter, especially in the cold winter in the north. Since the beginning of winter, the snow has almost not melted, but it has become deeper and deeper.

Step by step on the snow, Su Lanzhi left rows of small footprints as she walked, looked up at the dark cloudy sky, at the patch of red, for some reason, she suddenly remembered that time in her previous life A big fire that extinguished his mind and mind came.

Thinking of the burning sensation of being burned by the fire, the despair of destroying the mind, Su Lanzhi felt a little sad in her heart if she didn't come.

The wind blows, and the blossoming red plum blossoms fall, Su Lanzhi stretched out her hand to pick them up involuntarily, feeling the cold touch in the palm of her hand, Su Lanzhi only felt a little trembling all over, looking at the flaming plum blossoms, her whole body , surrounded by loneliness and despair.

I don't know what happened in my mind, but I suddenly remembered many things from the past. Su Lanzhi couldn't restrain herself, and her body trembled a little. At this moment, she suddenly heard a voice behind her, "Miss Su, why are you here?"< The wind was enough to blow away all the cold. Su Lanzhi felt a shock all over her body when she heard it. She suddenly collected her emotions and turned her head to look at Qin Zhiyan in front of her. In the ice and snow, this person looked more and more extraordinary Out of the dust, that handsome facial features are just like the person in the painting, false and real, real and false, making it hard for people to see clearly, "Wu Chengwang!" Su Lanzhi bowed politely. He was very polite, but this made people feel a sense of distance, which made Qin Zhiyan feel a little uncomfortable.

"Miss Su, you don't need to be too polite. My younger brother is a good friend. As his cousin, you don't have to be so polite all the time. It makes people feel special." I don't know what's wrong, Qin Zhiyan doesn't like Su Lanzhi Every time he saw himself, he always looked respectful, which made him feel that he was far away from the other party, as if he couldn't walk in no matter how close he was, which made him feel a little unwilling and frustrated.

"King Wu Cheng, etiquette cannot be broken!" The answer was also well-behaved. There was some distance between Su Lanzhi and Qin Zhiyan, and they would never cross the distance.

"Although etiquette cannot be broken, you have to pay attention to close and distant relationships. Miss Su is always so polite, making people feel that it is difficult to get close. It makes me think that I have done something you don't like, so You are always on guard against me." Although it was a joke, what Qin Zhiyan said was extremely serious, Su Lanzhi looked at the smile on the other side's brows, and suddenly felt as if she saw the dazzling sunshine, He quickly looked away, "Wu Chengwang was joking." The simple answer, as if he didn't want to say more, made Qin Zhiyan feel a little frustrated.

It's rare in his life to take the initiative to approach a woman, but why does it seem that the other party doesn't give him face?

For the first time, Qin Zhiyan felt that his nose was ashamed. Seeing Su Lanzhi looking out, he seemed to want to leave, so he hurriedly said, "I heard that the backyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion is very beautiful, and it happens that the Prime Minister has something to do." , I asked him to allow me to come here to have a look, I never wanted to see Miss Su. It’s just that I have a lot of puzzles about the backyard, I wonder if Miss Su can tell me something?” Although I actually wanted Su Lanzhi to show him around Yes, but although Da Cang's folk customs are open, it is not good for lonely men and widows to be together for a long time. It is not suitable for each other's reputation to spread the word, so Qin Zhiyan will not take the liberty of it.

Su Lanzhi originally wanted to find an excuse to leave, but when Qin Zhiyan asked, she really left, so she had to say, "Although this backyard is beautiful, it's just that it's winter now, and there are many people in the yard. The flowers are all withered, and now the red plum blossoms are flourishing, and King Wu Cheng can watch them happily. There is a pavilion in front of him. It's quite a taste. I have something to say, so I'll take my leave first and don't bother me." I blame myself for being careless, but seeing that there is no one around Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi also feels helpless, so of course I have to hurry now It's not good if you leave, or you will be seen by others.

"Then thank you, Ms. Su." Qin Zhiyan couldn't say the words to persuade him to stay. He could only watch the petite figure move away from his sight little by little, thinking of the lonely and desperate pain he felt just now. , the eyes are quite puzzled.

This person, obviously only 13 years old, why does he seem to be more thoughtful than his mother and concubine?The sadness just now, with vicissitudes, is not what a young girl should have. What has she experienced?

There was some distress in his eyes that he didn't feel himself, remembering that they had met four times on the surface, but only three times they really talked, and each time they talked very little.Although he has met the other party several times without the other party knowing, each time he found something different about the other party, he was curious at first, but now, he can't tell what he is thinking, just think , some yearn to get close to each other, some feel distressed.

It's just that that person seems to be different from other women in the boudoir. Others are eager to post on it, but that person seems to be too close to him to avoid it.

Are you really a scourge?Why does she always avoid every time I talk to her, within a few words?

The corner of his mouth was a little annoyed. Qin Zhiyan looked at the patch of red plums. Although it was extremely beautiful, but thinking about the petite back just now, he felt that there was nothing more beautiful than that back.

Su Lanzhi, what kind of woman are you? Why do I always involuntarily want to see you?


Naturally, Su Lanzhi didn't know Qin Zhiyan's thoughts, she just wanted to avoid suspicion quickly, and left in a hurry. When she came to the door, she found that no one was guarding her, thinking that it was cold today, and everyone was probably in the room inside?

But yes, it's a cold day, and the backyard is not as lively as usual, so these people are inevitably a little slack. If Qin Zhiyan went in just now, no one would follow and report.

For a while, I was a little annoyed, but it was not good to just punish others like that. She wanted to go in alone, and let everyone go to the house to warm up. No wonder others.

But that's good too, no one saw Qin Zhiyan go in, no one would know that she and Qin Zhiyan had been alone for a while just now, so as not to affect Qingyu.

It's just that she is really a little strange today, why come here if she has nothing to do?If you don't come, there will be no such things.

Throwing away the weird emotions in her mind, Su Lanzhi didn't want to be haunted by the nightmares of her previous life. She called Yuetao and the others, then went back to her room and read Buddhist scriptures for a while to calm herself down. Only then did Lan Zhi pick up the medical skills on the side, and looked at it happily.

Recently, she managed to get a lot of medical skills. Su Lanzhi read a lot, but she didn't understand some things. If she tried to find a way to go to the government doctor, she would understand a little bit.

Now she knows a lot of knowledge, but she has never done actual operation, and Su Lanzhi doesn't know how much she has mastered.

It would be good to let her practice it if there is a chance, but I don't know if there is such a chance.

Thinking about Murong Yan's body, Su Lanzhi still needs to take care of her body when she thinks about her own body. Murong Yan's body is fine when she gets up. A few days ago, she found that the damage to Murong Yan's body had already recovered , but he didn't dare to take it lightly, so every day, he ordered someone to make medicinal food for Murong Yan. Now Murong Yan's complexion is getting better, and Su Lanzhi is also relieved.

But her question is a bit troublesome.

Trying to find out her own pulse, Su Lanzhi knew that her body was cold, and it could not be fixed overnight. Now she is still a child, and she doesn't even have pussy. It can be seen that her body is very poorly developed.

Looking at her thin arms, Su Lanzhi can only take care of them slowly. Now she is growing up, but she is too small. These days, she has been taking good care of her. Although she has grown taller, her body , still too thin, no meat.

Combined with medical skills, Su Lanzhi gave herself a detailed diagnosis and treatment, and then combined with her physical condition, she changed the required medicinal diet at any time. These days are getting better, but she must completely let herself grow and get rid of the problem of body cold. It does take time.

Although there is no hope for love in this life, she will never be able to be a daughter at home for the rest of her life. In this way, not only her, but her parents will also be gossiped.

She doesn't want her parents to be ashamed because of herself, and she doesn't want her parents to be judged by others because of her. Of course, she doesn't want her parents to worry about her, so marriage is inevitable.

Although she didn't have much thought about her future husband, she also knew that if a woman didn't have a child in her life, the rest of her life would be miserable.

Therefore, she must heal her body, otherwise, at that time, wouldn't she let herself fall into such a desperate situation again and make her parents sad and troubled?

After a lifetime, Su Lanzhi has a lot of appreciation for everything. Since ancient times, it is common for men to have thin sex, three wives and four concubines. She can't tolerate those Yingying and Yanyan, but this is the law of this era, so, she I can only keep my own heart, deal with all this rationally, don't care too much, let alone fight for too much.

For her, marriage in this life is just a responsibility, a means to reassure her parents, so no matter who she marries in the future, she will work hard to be a qualified and good wife. It is enough for the family to stand firm, and then have a child, so as not to be old and helpless.

I figured it out a long time ago, Su Lanzhi didn't care about these things, and let everything go with the flow, and just face it calmly when the time comes.It's just that her body, she knows well, is probably unavoidable, and she has to take good care of her body.


Although Qin Zhiyan stayed for dinner, the other party was not a relative after all, and it was inconvenient for Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi to accompany him, so only Su Qinglan was with him, but when Qin Zhiyan was about to leave later, Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi were inconvenient to accompany him. Lan Zhi just went to see her off, Qin Zhiyan glanced at Su Lanzhi's calm expression, those ancient well-like eyes with a look of supercilious indifference, only felt that Su Lanzhi was too young for a girl of this age. It's been quieter.

With a slight pain in his heart, Qin Zhiyan once again asked Su Qinglan and Murong Yan to go to Prince Qin's mansion when they had time. Su Qinglan and Murong Yan naturally agreed. Although Qin Zhiyan was reluctant, he could only turn around and leave in the end. up.

When I left, I saw Su Lanzhi standing there, her thin body seemed to fall down when the wind blew, and I felt more pity for no reason in my heart.

Although Su Lanzhi felt that gaze, she pretended not to care.

"Master, my concubine and Lan'er are going back first." Qin Zhiyan left, and Murong Yan naturally didn't have to continue pretending to be a husband and wife, and she was ready to leave after she said goodbye. staring at each other.

Along the way, several people spoke without saying a word. Su Lanzhi watched Su Qinglan talk to Murong Yan again and again. Murong Yan was always indifferent, so she couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to Su Qinglan.

At this moment, I don't want to stay in the middle all the time, there are no people on the left and right, so Su Lanzhi found an excuse and went back, leaving Su Qinglan and Murong Yan to continue to quarrel there, anyway, she knew that the two should reconcile , long too!

After returning to her own room, Su Lanzhi called Yunzhu. These days, Su Lanzhi has been asking Yunzhu to monitor Aunt Li, and asked Yunzhu to investigate Aunt Li's affairs. She also wanted to know, who is Aunt Li? There is no problem, "Yunzhu, have you investigated anything? Aunt Li, she has been doing well recently?"

"Miss, Aunt Li spends most of her time in her yard. After the old concubine left, she settled down a lot, and the other aunts went to see her every day. It's nothing, it's just that the servant found that someone Came to look for Mi Hua, when Mi Hua got permission to meet that person, Aunt Li and Mi Hua hid in the house for a long time that day and did not come out, the servant girl went to check the identity of that person and found something strange."

"Why is it strange?"

"The servant girl who was looking for Mihua found that she was the personal servant girl of the servant of the servant of the household department. The servant of the household department had a close relationship with Aunt Li's father, the official secretary. When Aunt Li became the master's aunt, she met the concubine After a few days, I heard that the Minister of the Ministry of Officials actually married the Minister of the Household Department, but then something happened, Aunt Li entered the Prime Minister's mansion, and this matter will not be resolved."

"Really?" Why did she always feel that there was something tricky about it?

"What else did you find?" This is just a guess, there is no direct evidence, and it is not easy to do.

"The servant girl found out that Aunt Li lived in a very remote place because she was not favored by the master, and the former Aunt Bai always sent her to the temple to pray for the master, so she always went to the temple for a year. Stay for a few days. Before the old concubine’s birthday, Aunt Li was sent away shortly after she came back from the temple, and the slaves found out that she didn’t come back so soon that time, it seems that something happened to the temple, Li Auntie was just picked up. After she came back, Aunt Li seemed to suddenly become courteous to the master, and asked people to inquire about the whereabouts of the master, and then..."

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