The grace of rebirth after abandonment

Chapter 87 Meet the old friend again

Su Qinglan also knew that she owed Murongyan mother and daughter a lot these years, so these days she tried her best to make up for the two of them.The current him, Shu Zhixiong, only hopes that his hard work and sincerity can be exchanged for the heart of his beloved woman, so that the family will live in harmony from now on.Therefore, even though they are very busy to be able to accompany Murong Yan's mother and daughter for the Chinese New Year, leaving early and returning late every day, and often staying up late at night in the study to deal with things, he feels that he has never been so satisfied and happy in the past ten years Pass.

This is the happiness he really wants. In the past, he didn't know how to fight and cherish it. Now, he won't let himself regret it anymore.

Looking at Murong Yan with eyes full of expressions, even though she knew that the other party had never opened her eyes to look at her, but at this moment she could feel the familiar aura of the other party, and being able to look at that person so closely made Su Qinglan very satisfied.

As long as he can stay with the other party all the time, even if she never forgives him for the rest of his life, he is willing, but he hopes that the other party will not refuse to give him such a small extravagant wish.

There were all kinds of complications in Su Qinglan's eyes. Su Qinglan looked at Murong Yan with such hot eyes that Murong Yan couldn't avoid it even though her eyes were tightly closed and her hands were waving the beads.

A little flustered in her heart, Murong Yan frowned slightly, her thin brows were a little restless, and even the movement of rolling the beads in her hands was much faster, Su Lanzhi noticed all of this Here, he consciously did not speak to interrupt, just ate quietly, his eyes seemed to be worthy of looking at both, so as not to embarrass Su Qinglan and Murong Yan.

Hey, asking what love is in the world is a direct teaching about life and death, but why does love always make people feel sad?They clearly love each other, but they are always separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. When will this kind of alienation and pain come to an end?

Su Lanzhi suddenly felt a little sad in her heart. Su Lanzhi opened the curtain, looked at the scenery along the way, looked at the happy or sad expressions of the passers-by on the street, and listened to the cries, she suddenly felt that there was a lot of money in the carriage. people, but they are out of place.

Especially when I saw a couple supporting each other on the road, and there were a few half-grown children beside them. Although they were dressed plainly and even looked a little faded, they all had smiles on their faces.

Such a scene stung Su Lanzhi's heart, and she suddenly sighed, if they were just ordinary people, without so many rules and last resorts, wouldn't they be much happier?

Looking at her parents, and then at the couple, Su Lanzhi finally just sighed in her heart, not knowing what she was thinking.


Maybe it was because the atmosphere in the carriage was not good, or maybe they both had something on their minds, so along the way, the three of them didn't say anything. Murong Yan still bowed to the Buddha with her eyes closed. Su Qinglan looked at Murong Yan from time to time, as if she was going to kill Murong Yan engraved the same in her heart, but Su Lanzhi sat quietly by the side, looking out of the window in a daze, her expression was a little faint, making it impossible to see what she was thinking.

As the most prosperous temple in Da Cangdu City, Yunlai Temple is located near mountains and rivers, on the outskirts of Kyoto, so it took a few people to arrive in a carriage for an hour and a half.

I don't know if everyone has discussed it. There are many people who come to Yunlai Temple to offer incense today. It was the earliest, but now it came, but it was stopped.

"Master, Madam, Missy, there is a carriage from Prince Qin's Mansion in front, and slaves are not allowed to pass!" The old horse looked at the luxurious carriage with the logo of Prince Qin's Mansion on it, and he couldn't act easily.

If you want to say who has the greatest power in the Great Cang, it is really none other than the Prince Qin's Mansion, Emperor Wen's most trusted brother, holds the military power, and there are two princes in the mansion, which is unmatched by any other family .

"We can't go in the past, we just wait, it's okay!" Although the road is spacious, there are too many people coming today, so at this moment, the road is also a bit congested.

Knowing that the carriage of King Qin's Mansion was parked in front, Su Qinglan naturally knew that the people from King Qin's Mansion must have come, and opened the curtain to look at the luxurious car, thinking that it was either King Qin or Princess Luoyang who came. It is extremely honorable, so Su Qinglan naturally had to wait.

"Yes, master!" The old horse naturally knew it, and waited in a well-behaved manner, but in less than a quarter of an hour, the carriage moved away, making way for Su Qinglan and the others, and the old horse hurriedly Come to reply, Su Qinglan got out of the carriage upon hearing the words, "I wonder who is sitting in the carriage from Prince Qin's Mansion? Today, thank you very much."

"Su Xiang is polite, it's because my carriage occupies too much of the road, making it difficult for Su Xiang, let's go together!" Qin Wangfu's carriage is indeed bigger, and it is in the middle of the road, Su Qinglan's The carriage is not small, so naturally there is no way to pass it.At this moment, Princess Luoyang asked someone to move Su Qinglan's seat, so Su Qinglan could pass by naturally.

"It turned out to be Princess Luoyang, thank you very much!"

"Hehe, let's go!" The voice seemed to be read, clear and pleasant, and just listening to that voice at the moment made people feel very fond of it. Su Lanzhi heard Princess Luoyang speaking in the carriage, Thinking of the woman I met in the previous life, she was indeed a peerless beauty. It's no wonder that the king of Qin didn't marry Feiqing, and even for her, he was willing to give up the throne and offend the Duke Protector.

In the previous life, I always heard interesting stories about the love between Princess Luoyang and King Qin. Su Lanzhi was really envious at that time, but when she thought of Princess Luoyang's later ending, Su Lanzhi felt a little sympathetic.


The carriage drove for a while, and the road was uphill.So it was a bit bumpy, and finally arrived at Yunlai Temple. Su Lanzhi and the others were in the carriage when they heard the commotion outside.

Whether they are rich or poor, there are indeed quite a few people who come to offer incense today.

Su Qinglan got out of the carriage first, followed by Murong Yan, and opened the curtain, Murong Yan watched Su Qinglan stretch out her hand to her outside, although subconsciously wanted to refuse, but seeing people coming and going, Murong Yan didn't It made Su Qinglan feel too shameless and let people spread bad rumors, so she obediently stretched out her hand. Su Qinglan was overjoyed, and hurriedly helped Murong Yan get off the carriage carefully. Later, she treated Su Lanzhi the same way. Everyone looked at such a pair of Bi people, and then saw how close they were, and they couldn't help talking about it.

"Whose couple is this? The whole family is like that fairy, it looks so harmonious!"

"That's right, that man is still so caring to support his wife and daughter, he really is a good man, this lady is extremely happy to have such a husband-in-law."

"Look at the carriage, it's either rich or expensive. I heard that the big family has a lot of right and wrong, but how do I look at it, such a couple looks particularly enviable?"

"Yeah, look at that man's attitude towards his wife and daughter. The one in my family hates my daughter to death. How can he treat him like this?"

"The madam and miss, how lucky they are!"


Everyone is talking about Su Lanzhi's family. Because they are low-level people, they don't know the mark on Su Qinglan's carriage, so they only know that they are rich and noble. How would they know that this is the famous prime minister of Dacang? ?

The whispered discussions of several people also reached the ears of Su Lanzhi and the others. Su Lanzhi didn't mind, but just looking at Murong Yan, Su Lanzhi found that her mother's face was a little uncomfortable, Su Qinglan seemed I saw it too, and said, "Come on, let's go in and offer incense together!"

"Yes, master!" Pulling her hand back, although Murong Yan wants to show Su Qinglan face outside, it's not good to be too intimate, and she herself is not particularly used to it.

It's been ten years, and she's been used to being alone in these ten years. Suddenly, Su Qinglan is by her side, and she's really not used to being touched by the other person.

At this moment, Aunt Li also came down, just watching the scene where Su Qinglan was supporting Murong Yan, and listening to everyone's discussion, she felt as if she had broken a five-flavored bottle. Jealousy, so I walked over on purpose, and puffed out my stomach, showing a sense of intimacy to Su Qinglan, "Master, the concubine is late, and I hope the master will forgive me!" Su Qinglan's eyes were tender and tender. Although in the winter, the thick cotton padded clothes covered her stomach a lot, but she deliberately straightened her stomach, so it was inevitable that people would not notice it. As a result, those who were envious People, looking at Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi, feel a little pity.

"Nothing, let's go in!" Although everyone's discussion is quieter now, Su Qinglan knows that it must not be a good thing, and she doesn't want to wait too long, so she pulls Murong Yan, ignores Aunt Li, and prepares to go in .

Aunt Li saw that Su Qinglan didn't give her face in front of everyone, she couldn't help feeling a little angry and unwilling, when Mi Hua saw her, she quickly tugged on her sleeve, "Aunt Li, it's important!" I don't want Aunt Li to get confused because of jealousy. Then, it will be really bad.

Their wealth and life are all here!

"Don't worry, I'll save it." Withdrawing her obsession and anger, Aunt Li naturally knew what she was going to do when she came out today. Although Su Qinglan and others were killed halfway, it would not hinder her plan, on the contrary , Maybe it will make your plan more perfect.

"It's good that Auntie knows, we have to be careful today, after all, Master and Madam are not so easy to fool." Now that the decision has been made, Mi Hua must of course leave no traces, so as not to suffer for herself.

"Well, let's go to worship Buddha first!" She had to do enough superficial skills, anyway, it was still early, so she couldn't be too anxious, lest people would see anything.

"Auntie, this servant will help you!"

"Let's go!" Gracefully handed her hand to Mihua, Aunt Li walked in with her not-so-big belly upright, and as soon as she entered, she saw Su Qinglan and Murong Yan bowing sincerely in front of the Buddha Aunt Li naturally pretended to pay her respects, seeing Su Qinglan and Murong Yan getting up, but Aunt Li was not in a hurry to leave, "Master, madam, this concubine wants to take good care of the child in her belly." Pray!" The tone was a little cautious, for fear that Su Qinglan would disagree, Su Qinglan naturally didn't like such a pretentious woman, and didn't want to have too much involvement with Aunt Li, so she naturally agreed, "Alright, you're here The prayer for a good life is that you take good care of Aunt Li!" Looking at Mi Hua, Su Qinglan only felt that it seemed familiar, but she couldn't name it, so she had to arrange it like this.

"Yes, sir!"

Mi Hua dutifully guarded Aunt Li's side, Su Qinglan also felt relieved, and they were about to leave when the doorway suddenly shook.

I just felt as if I saw a very strong beam of light. A man and a woman approached from the door. The woman was tall and dignified, her steps were elegant and generous, and her facial features were flawless on her delicate melon-seeded face.She wore a thin satin jacket with big red butterflies and ermines, and a light peony red pleated skirt with the word "Wanfu" inlaid with two finger-wide black velvet edges. Wearing a golden jade hairpin with delicate pearl flowers carved on it, although it doesn't look luxurious, her aura exuding from the inside out makes her look extremely noble, making it impossible to look directly at her.

And beside her, stood a man in purple, with exquisite cold plums embroidered on the crimson robe. Taking advantage of the man's tall and straight body, he was more slender and elegant, and his chiseled face had a face similar to that of a woman. Ru Guanyu, although there is no decoration on his whole body, but the smile on his face is like a ray of sunshine, illuminating the whole room, making people feel dazzled .

At this moment, the man is carefully supporting the woman. From the appearance, he only thinks that the woman is the man's older sister, but in fact...

"Su Xiang, just now I was thinking about why you disappeared after a while, so it turned out that you came here first, so that I can find it!" Princess Luoyang seemed to be used to the staring eyes, but she didn't care. She has always maintained a royal demeanor, that noble and elegant smile, on that dignified and beautiful face, only makes her whole body look like that beautifully blooming peony flower, and the whole person is surrounded by a kind of graceful and luxurious temperament. .

"Concubine Qin!" Seeing Princess Luoyang walking in, Su Qinglan naturally had to do her best to salute even though she was outside at the moment, and was about to pull the whole family to salute, but Princess Luoyang stopped her, "Now I'm outside, in order to avoid trouble , these common etiquettes are still exempted, Su Xiang, do you think so?" With a smile on her face, while speaking, Princess Luoyang had already glanced at Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi who were beside Su Qinglan, and saw their appearance. Even though Princess Luoyang maintains her own beauty, she has no choice but to feel amazed, "Su Xiang is really lucky, to have such a beautiful woman to accompany, and such a beautiful daughter, I am so envious!" Also outside, Princess Luoyang spoke politely, but looked at Su Lanzhi with some searching eyes, as if looking at her son carelessly, seeing Qin Zhiyan's indifferent expression, she just stood beside her quietly, falling Princess Yang felt a little boring.

Did she think wrong?

"Princess Qin is absurdly praised!" Su Qinglan was naturally happy to hear that someone praised her wife and daughter, but she couldn't act too much. Looking at Qin Zhiyan by Princess Luoyang's side, she naturally couldn't help but praise her , "Concubine Qin is very lucky. King Wucheng has both civil and military skills. He has achieved a lot at a young age. He is indeed a heroic boy, and he can be called a model!"

The heirs of aristocratic families, because of their superior family background, are inevitably a little flashy. Some families have lax discipline and even raised dude children, which is considered good. Come on, that's really annoying!

However, this Qin Zhiyan has a noble status, but he didn't develop such a temperament. He has a very good reputation in the circle, and Su Qinglan also knows that now Qin Zhiyan is the most satisfied son-in-law in everyone's heart, but he doesn't know who , can be fortunate enough to marry such an excellent man.

It's just that although such a man is excellent, Su Qinglan also knows that Qin Zhiyan is the only child of Princess Luoyang, so naturally he has high expectations, so Su Qinglan has never thought about it. Yan is extremely consistent, she would rather marry at a low price, as long as her daughter lives a happy and safe life.

"Su Xiang, don't praise him like that. This bastard is just born well and has benefited from it." As parents, they naturally like others to praise their children, and Princess Luoyang is no exception. She has always been a strict mother, so although she was happy in her heart, she didn't show it in her mouth.

"Concubine Qin is too worried. King Wu Cheng's current achievements are all his own hard work. Moreover, King Wu Cheng is a young genius. Even the emperor praises King Wu Cheng very well. Concubine Qin must not be too humble." Qin Zhiyan Now he can be crowned king, although some of them are because of his parents, or because of those sons of Qin Wangfu, but if he really has no ability, how can a wise man like Emperor Wen easily crown Qin Zhiyan as king?

Now Qin Zhiyan is highly regarded by the emperor, which is inseparable from Qin Zhiyan's own ability.

"Hehe, Prime Minister Su, don't praise him, so that this kid won't be embarrassed!" Princess Luoyang spoke kindly, and she looked like a relatively innocent girl. Although she was in her 30s, she looked like that. Just like a 20-year-old woman, her eyes are very clear, she is an upright and honest woman, such a woman is indeed rare in the royal family, it can be seen that Princess Luoyang is indeed deeply loved in Nanzhao, no wonder, there will be something like that...

Thinking of the enviable love between Princess Luoyang and King Qin that everyone had heard about in her previous life, Su Lanzhi felt a little regretful while being envious.

Hey, maybe something too beautiful will eventually be disillusioned?

"Mother and concubine, do you really want to see my son being praised?" At this moment, Qin Zhiyan seemed to be a little dissatisfied with his mother and concubine who always belittled himself. Looking at Princess Luoyang, he was slightly joking, Princess Luoyang Seeing you, I immediately became interested, "Look at this child, Su Xiang just said a few nice things about you and thought it was true? He even told his mother and concubine about it, Su Xiang, you can't talk about him anymore, Lest he be complacent and not know how to make progress!"

Speaking of Princess Luoyang and King Qin, although they are young couples and have a very good relationship, but for some reason, Princess Luoyang has such a son as Qin Zhiyan. Speaking of which, Princess Luoyang also feels it is a pity, thinking of Shangguan side concubine She has a man and a woman, but she has all children, only her, just such a son, so Princess Luoyang must be strict with Qin Zhiyan since she was a child, doting but not doting, just wanting her child to support herself Create a piece of heaven and earth.

Now looking at Su Lanzhi who is standing next to Su Qinglan, seeing that even though she is wearing a veil, but at such a young age, that elegant look makes it impossible to open her eyes sideways, and it is obviously the first time she sees herself, but she doesn't... The restraint and fear of ordinary women, on the contrary, is a piece of frankness. Princess Luoyang has a kind of love and closeness to Su Lanzhi, "I have always wanted to have a daughter. Now looking at Su Xiang, your daughter, I am I'm really envious, my daughter is caring, but it's a pity, I'm just such a kid."

These words were a bit sad. Princess Luoyang thought of her unfavorable child, and felt a little pain in her heart. Qin Zhiyan saw it, and knew that Princess Luoyang remembered the sad past, so he hurriedly comforted, "Mother, concubine, go The thing that happened is over, didn't you come to pray today? Don't think too much, lest you be inaccurate. "

"You bastard, what are you talking about?" Hearing what her son said, Princess Luoyang couldn't help laughing, and now her sadness was gone. Looking at Su Lanzhi, she pulled her to her side, "I'm looking at you It's quite close to me. Today we met for the first time. I have to thank you for the last time. Although I sent Yan'er to the house a few days ago, I kept thinking about what it was like Biren, you can have such a careful eye, now that I see it, she is indeed a peerless beauty. I didn't bring any good things when I went out today, but this gold and jade bracelet is pretty good, you wear it!" After finishing speaking, she said to herself The bracelet in her hand was handed over to Su Lanzhi, wanting to put it on for the other party. Su Lanzhi looked at the pure gold color and the exquisite emeralds on it, and at a glance, she knew that it must be extremely valuable, how could she dare to accept it? ?

"Princess Qin, this gift is too expensive, I can't take it!" She wanted to withdraw her hand, although it is the custom for the elders to give gifts to the younger generation when they meet for the first time, but this gift is too expensive, and she is not going to the Qin Palace today The visit, the few people just met by chance, really feel ashamed to accept the gift like this.

"Miss Su, this gift is all of my heart, don't you want to accept my heart?" Although the gift from the elders is irresistible, the Prime Minister's Mansion and King Qin's Mansion are not so close, and neither of them gave gifts , but accepted the other party's gift again and again, Su Lanzhi was really embarrassed.

"Princess Qin, I can't do this!" She wanted to break free, but Princess Luoyang just looked at her, her eyes hurt a little, making Su Lanzhi really withdraw her hand.

"Miss Su, my concubine mother gave it to you, so you just keep it. Concubine mother always remembers your previous help. If you don't accept it, concubine mother will always remember it." Although Qin Zhiyan didn't think of Luoyang The princess will give Su Lanzhi her favorite bracelet on weekdays, but she doesn't want to see Su Lanzhi wanting to refuse at this moment.

"This..." Looking at Princess Luoyang and then at her father, Su Lanzhi felt that she was in a dilemma at the moment.

"Lan'er, you just accept it. It's a gift from the elders. It's irresistible. Princess Qin also has good intentions!" After receiving a big gift, Su Qinglan had no choice but to let Su Lanzhi accept it.

At worst, it will be a gift in the future.

"So, thank you Princess Qin!" Finally, she accepted it, but Su Lanzhi felt that the bracelet on her hand was extremely heavy.

What does Princess Qin mean?

"Hehe, no thanks, I see that you look better in yours than mine. Sure enough, this gift is very good!" Looking at the bracelet on Su Lanzhi's hand with satisfaction, Princess Luoyang smiled, even He even blinked at his son, and Qin Zhiyan's mouth twitched. In the end, he didn't say anything, with a look of complete incomprehension.

"Mother and Concubine, let's go to worship Buddha first, so as not to go back late."

"Okay, okay, I got it!" Seeing her son so confusing, Princess Luoyang smiled, looked at Su Lanzhi, and liked it more and more, "Miss Su, I think we have good eyesight Destiny, if you have time, come to Prince Qin's Mansion to sit down and talk with me, so that our two families can get in touch with each other!" It means that Prince Qin's Mansion wants to associate with the Prime Minister's Mansion, and in Da Cang, no matter who it is, they want to be with him This is indeed an olive branch that the Prince Qin's mansion came to and from, no matter who it is, it will not be rejected.

"When I have time, Lan'er will definitely come to visit!" Now the Prince Qin's Mansion has given gifts, and gifts are reciprocated. Naturally, their Prime Minister's Mansion can't just get it for nothing, of course they have to return the gift.

"Okay, okay, let's talk in detail later, I'll go over first!" Princess Luoyang came to pray for her family today, and she couldn't delay her business. Although she likes Su Lanzhi and wants to talk to her more, she still has to do business Do it sooner.


Seeing Princess Luoyang leaving, Su Lanzhi didn't know what to do, but felt relieved, looking at the bracelet on her hand, thinking about Princess Luoyang's behavior just now, she always felt that it was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

If you really just like yourself, do you need to give yourself such a big gift?

Princess Luoyang came to worship Buddha today, and the objects on her body are naturally common things. This gold and jade bracelet is made of upper layer, and the jade inlay is extremely perfect. There are also dark lines engraved on it, which is very delicate. Just gave yourself this?

Su Lanzhi never thought that she was a heartthrob, so she had some doubts about being able to make someone like her at a glance.

"Lan'er, don't think too much about it. Princess Qin will give it to you, and you will continue. The relationship between the Prime Minister's Mansion and the Prince Qin's Mansion has become weaker over the years, but it is also good to have some contact now." As a dignitary, Su Qinglan naturally He knows the rules very well, has always kept himself clean, and has never formed a gang.

But not forming cliques does not mean that there is no human relationship at all. Since ancient times, the fate of lonely ministers has been extremely miserable. Of course, he will not let his wife and daughter be wronged by him, so he is cautious and cautious. Always thoughtful.

This king of Qin is the younger brother of the current Emperor Wen, and he is dedicated to assisting Emperor Wen, so he is naturally a good friend.

Su Qinglan is not an idiot. The olive branch thrown out by Prince Qin's Mansion is beneficial to him but not harmful. It is impossible for a person in the court to not need help at all. Naturally, it is more secure.

Therefore, now that the people from Prince Qin's Mansion took the initiative to communicate with them, Su Qinglan would certainly not refuse.

"What Daddy said is right!" I didn't want to think about what was there or what was missing. Anyway, so far, Su Lanzhi couldn't think of it, so she simply didn't think about it.

"It's just a change of date. We have to pay a visit." Rubbing her chin, although Su Qinglan was a little surprised by the sudden intimacy of the Qin Palace, in the officialdom, it is better to have one more friend than one more enemy.

Especially for dignitaries like Prince Qin's Mansion, it would be even better if they were friends naturally.

"Indeed, it's just that everyone is busy recently. Why don't we send some New Year's gifts to people during the Chinese New Year, and then go to pay New Year's greetings in person in the next year." It is also possible to give gifts to each other during the New Year's festival, Su Lanzhi Su Qinglan also felt that this suggestion was very appropriate, "You are absolutely right, Yan'er, this matter will trouble you." Seeing that Murong Yan rarely talked today, Su Qinglan had no choice but to find something to say.

"Master, don't worry, the concubine will make arrangements."

"So, that's great. Someone is drawing lots over there. Why don't we draw one too?" Pointing to the sign on one side, Su Qinglan thought that it was rare for a few people to come out together today, and wanted to get along well and increase some feelings up.

"The master will go, but the concubine will not go." Although Murong Yan believes in Buddhism, she has no interest in drawing lots. Anyway, she has nothing to ask for besides Su Lanzhi's affairs, and there is no need to go Asked for a signature.

"This..." Su Qinglan only felt a little embarrassed when she was rejected face to face. Su Lanzhi saw her and hurriedly pulled Murong Yan, "Mother, since we are here today, let's just take a look. There are so many people over there." Ask for a lottery, I heard that Yunlai Temple is very accurate, shall we try it?"

To Su Qinglan, Murong Yan could sternly refuse, but to Su Lanzhi, Murong Yan could not refuse, "Okay, let's go and see!"

Seeing that Murong Yan compromised, Su Lanzhi pulled the other party and hurried away, "Mother, let's go!" After making a wink to Su Qinglan, Su Qinglan hurriedly followed.

Murong Yan didn't want to draw lots at first, but Su Lanzhi dragged Murong Yan to draw lots, and the three of them drew lots one after another. Su Qinglan said, "If things are not secure, people will break the bridge. Reorganize and be proud."

Murong Yan said, "The lake and the sea are long, the lonely boat is on the waves, the visitors have not crossed, and the mountain tower is shining."

Su Lanzhi's is a bit weird, "It's not too far, it's not too close, it seems easy but it's difficult, just wait for nothing, let's see it with a smile in the clouds."

The three of them looked at their signatures, and Murong Yan looked at Su Lanzhi's signature now, feeling a little puzzled, "Lan'er, what are you asking for?"

"I don't know either!" Naturally, she wouldn't tell her parents what she was thinking in her heart, and Su Lanzhi didn't want to put too much pressure on Murong Yan, but now she could only pretend to be confused.

"This..." I don't even know what I'm asking for?Murong Yan looked at Su Lanzhi's eyes, and she was a little scrutinized, but she also knew that Su Lanzhi didn't say anything, and there was a reason for not saying it, so she had to give up, "Well, let's go and solve the lottery!"

"it is good!"

Due to the large number of people, several monks were very busy releasing the lottery. Finally, the three of them found a monk who was dressed in shabby clothes. It's a little different from other monks in the temple, some of them look like marching monks, but the whole person looks like a wave, with calm eyes, and I don't know if he is an outsider.

"Master, please help me to untie the signature." Respectfully handed over his signature, although this monk seemed a little out of place, but people should not be judged by appearances, and Su Qinglan did not dare to neglect.

"Hehe, you are not a good lottery, but you have encountered a difficult problem?" Looking at Su Qinglan, the monk looked at the family. , it's a bit weird.

"Also ask the master to enlighten me!"

"The things you ask for are difficult and easy to say, and you should start over the things you ask. If you do it with a sincere attitude, it may be possible. If you are lucky, there may be a turning point. !" While speaking, she glanced at Murong Yan, the monk didn't say much, Su Qinglan frowned, and felt that what the master said seemed very reasonable, "Master, please speak clearly and guide me through the maze!"

Really, is this possible?Is there a possibility of reunion between myself and Yan'er?

"The Buddha said, don't say it, don't say it, everything depends on the good fortune and fate between you!" After touching his gray beard, the monk stopped looking at Su Qinglan and went to see Murong Yan, "Ma'am Can I see your signature?"

"Trouble master!" Listening to the master's words, Murong Yan felt the same as Su Qinglan, thinking that she had met an expert, and respectfully handed over the signature. The master looked at it, revealing an unfathomable "The benefactor's lottery is really confusing."

"Master, please speak clearly!"

"Everything asked by the benefactor is still in vain, the current situation is not open, the mood is extremely depressed, and the situation is confused. I hope my wife will see it more clearly. Dependent origin and extinction, life and death are impermanent. Madam is also a believer in Buddhism. She should know what the Buddha said , Sitting is Zen, walking is also Zen, one flower is one world, one leaf is one Bodhi, the grass is green in spring, the leaves are falling in autumn, the infinite Prajna is at ease, the speech is silent, the movement is still and the body is natural. Everything can be done as you like, no need to deliberately do it Those things that go against your will make yourself troubled."

This monk's words can be said to hit the nail on the head, Murong Yan was surprised, and she became more respectful towards the monk, "Thank you, master, for your enlightenment!"

"I don't dare to teach you, I just hope that Madam can do as she pleases!" Seeing Murong Yan listening, but a little stubborn, the monk stopped visiting Murong Yan and turned to Su Lanzhi instead, "This Miss, give the signature to the poor monk!"

"Trouble master!" Handing over the signature, Su Lanzhi frowned as she thought about the words on it, as if she was a little distressed.

"Bodhi does not have a tree, and a mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, where is the dust. Almighty, don't be too obsessed, it is rare to start again, success or failure is blunt, it is best to deal with it calmly!" There seems to be a deep meaning in the words , but Su Lanzhi was shocked when she heard it. Looking at the monk, she wanted to ask something, but in the end, she stopped.

Su Qinglan and Murong Yan were a little worried after hearing this. Su Qinglan looked at the monk and said, "Master, please clarify that guidance is the only way. The girl is young, what obsession does it have, and will it affect it? I hope the master can give us an accurate answer. express." It stands to reason that Su Lanzhi should not be too obsessed with things at such a young age, so how is this?

"Haha, the poor monk has said everything that should be said. The Buddha said that destiny is made by oneself, and appearance is born by the heart. Although the future of the donors is determined, it is not yet determined. Everything depends on you!"

"Master, this..."

"Hey, that's all for today. The poor monk is tired. Go back and rest for a while, and leave!" Xu didn't want to say more, maybe he wanted to avoid a few people, so the monk got up and left without giving Su Qinglan and the others at all. face.

"Lan'er, do you have any knots in your heart? Tell your father about it. The master is right. As long as you have obsessions, it's better not to go too deep, so as not to go astray!" I have always known that my daughter is A well-behaved and sensible child, while Su Qinglan is at ease with the other party, she is also often guilty of neglecting herself over the years, so if she wants to make up for it now, she naturally wants Su Lanzhi to be good.

"Daddy, Lan'er is fine, Master may be wrong." When she asked for a lottery just now, what was she thinking?Su Lanzhi herself had forgotten that she always respected gods and Buddhas, but she also felt it was unfair, so she didn't ask for anything for herself just now, because she believed that if she wanted to have anything, she could only rely on herself!The gods and Buddhas can't help her, praying to the gods and worshiping the Buddhas can only give my heart some sustenance. In her previous life, when she was in such a predicament, Riri knelt in front of the gods and Buddhas, wouldn't she still be unable to save her father's life?

"Lan'er, don't hide it!" Seeing that her daughter didn't care, Su Qinglan did. Although the master seemed to be unrestrained, his words were eloquent, so it's hard to guarantee that he is not an eminent monk. , It's just a pity that the other party doesn't seem to say much, just dialing, and doesn't explain it thoroughly, which makes people very upset.

"Daddy, when Lan'er asked for a lottery just now, she didn't know what to ask for, so she didn't think too much about it. The lottery probably didn't work, but I don't know what you asked for, Dad. I saw what the master said, why I was a little confused ?" Deliberately diverting Su Qinglan's topic, Su Lanzhi just didn't want to get entangled in this matter, sure enough, as soon as Su Lanzhi said, Su Qinglan froze, looking at her daughter's expectant look, for a while, she didn't Know how to answer.

cheat?Su Qinglan felt bad, but to be honest, it was a bit embarrassing.

What should he say?

Su Qinglan was struggling. At this moment, someone came to the rescue, and Su Qinglan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Sister Lan, is it really you?"

------off topic-----

Haha, who came out?Guess what?

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