Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi.

Chapter 141 I am born to be useful

Chapter 141 I am born to be useful (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)
"The poison of these inanimate cults today is really weird."

Yang Chan soaked in the keel medicine bath, although he closed his eyes to rest his mind, but he was still thinking about the poison in his heart.

If he had the means to solve this poison problem, he would definitely do it. Whether it was to save the poisoned disciple or to contribute something, it was worth his doing.

As a pharmacist, you should also have this kind of thinking.

Yang Chan watched the color of the keel medicine bath gradually become lighter, and then stepped out of it, revealing his majestic body.

During this period of time, his body has been growing taller and stronger, and his face has gradually returned to fairness because he has not been exposed to the sun for a long time.

This kind of skin color is also the skin color of most of the pharmacists in Qingyuanmen, all of whom are fair.

Most of the pharmacists of Qingyuanmen like to stay indoors to read books, heal injured disciples, prepare medicines, etc. They rarely expose themselves to the sun, so they are all fair-skinned.

The skin on Yang Chan's body has become whiter.

Ordinary bandits would yell a bad face when they saw someone like Yang Chan, but if they noticed Yang Chan's figure, they would never say such words again.

His body proportions are very good. This is a body that has been tempered many times, from flesh, fascia to bones.

Now I am even more ready to start internal training, and there will be changes in the body by then.

"Forget it, don't think too much about it now, first practice the "Meditation and Breath Hold Method" and then practice the "Flood Demon Breathing Method"."

After Yang Chan took a deep breath, his breath became calm, and the distracting thoughts on his body also disappeared, and he fell directly into a state of meditation.

Beside him, there was incense floating by, making him look even more charming.

After the practice of "Meditation and Breath Hold Method" enters the first level, the process of writing and meditating will be omitted in the practice process. Instead, as long as you find the right state, you can quickly enter the state of meditation, and the whole person seems to have no desires or desires generally.

Then the breathing rhythm of Yang Chan's body changed, and his whole body was surrounded by incense, and he seemed to be in a celestial state, as if he had attained the Tao.

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that Yang Chan's breathing rhythm changed, which also meant that the practice of "Meditation and Breath Holding" had been completed, and the proficiency on the panel had also improved.

After being promoted to the first level, it takes three times for normal practice to increase a little proficiency, and this is his third practice today.

The total time spent is not much. According to his plan, he can increase his proficiency by a little bit every day. Normally, it takes 99 days to cultivate to the second level. Of course, this is also under normal circumstances. He has worked very hard and still has potential. can shorten this time.

When he reaches the second level of practice, it will be enough to cover up his aura when he broke through the inner training, but now he has not even cultivated his strength in the practice of "Flood Demon Breathing Method", and it will take some time.

For him, breaking through the internal training is only a matter of time, so he is not in a hurry, as long as he is not allowed to go down the mountain, it will not take long before he can complete this small goal.

After Yang Chan completed the practice of "Meditation and Breath-holding Method", he began to practice "Flood Demon Breathing Method". He tried it. In this state of meditation, he can practice without distraction.

The practice of Flood Demon Neizhuang Fist needs to use the special breathing rhythm in "Flood Demon Exhalation Method", and then practice boxing according to this rhythm, the effect will be better.

Yang Chan was practicing boxing in the house, while the proficiency of the "Dragon Demon Exhalation Method" on the panel was increasing, and the speed of improvement was much faster than the "Meditation and Breath Hold Method".

Of course, this is also the same as the "Flood Demon Breathing Method" which is only getting started now, and the speed of proficiency improvement is faster. Yang Chan's boxing practice, the breathing rhythm is controlled, and a set of boxing techniques is also good-looking.

Although it is just a beginner, his standard of movement still has a bit of momentum. Now it can only be said to be imitation. After the practice becomes more and more advanced, it will be his boxing method.

His current boxing technique is influenced by Han Zhengcheng, the master of Chuangong Hall. This is also the deep impression left on him after the other party casts the dragon demon martial seal, so he will subconsciously imitate it in the boxing technique. Practice faster.

When the practice of boxing becomes more and more advanced, you will have your own insights, and then improve in the direction you want to improve, so as to cultivate your own unique boxing techniques. This is also the path most Qingyuanmen disciples take.

The same is true for Yang Chan's "Ox Demon Vigorous Fist" and "Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist".

After finishing a set of boxing techniques, Yang Chan began to visualize the Flood Demon Martial Seal, because after the practice of boxing, when practicing boxing, the breath imitates the Flood Demon, and some habits of the Flood Demon will also be acquired, and then he visualizes the Flood Demon Martial Seal , so that he can quickly visualize the Flood Demon Martial Seal, allowing him to quickly visualize successfully.

These experiences were also mentioned by Han Zhengcheng to him, and let him keep them in his heart, so that when he can practice the "Flood Demon Breathing Method" in the future, he can follow this rhythm. This is also the experience summed up by many masters of Qingyuanmen.

Yang Chan has tried it before, so he naturally knows the effect of this practice method.

All I can say is, it's pretty good.

"Sure enough, I am a genius now."

"I am born to be useful. I have mastered all the practice experience of my ancestors so quickly, and the progress is still very fast."

Yang Chan was a little bit emotional, he said a lot about the practice skills that are normal, he has confirmed them one by one now, they are all useful to him, and he has mastered them at the same time.

His talent keeps growing, and now his practice is also reflected.

Whoever said he wasn't a martial arts genius, he could use his punch the size of a sandbag to let the other party know what a genius is and what a fucking genius is.

If you are still not satisfied, then fight until you are satisfied.

"With my current talent, my talent in martial arts cultivation must far exceed that of a pharmacist."

"Health-preserving skills, this is the path for true geniuses to take."

Yang Chan felt a little emotional, since he practiced Tai Chi health-preserving skills, his talent and lifespan have been improving, and now he has far surpassed ordinary people.

And these improvements have brought about the fact that his current practice progress has become very fast. Even if it is a new technique, he can quickly learn and improve quickly, but it is many times faster than his original one.

According to his estimation, Yang Chan's Flood Demon Energy will definitely be accumulated within a few days, and then he can cultivate the Flood Demon Energy to a great extent, and then use it to temper his lungs and hearts, preparing for breaking through the internal refinement master and becoming a true master. A master of the internal refinement master level can be regarded as having the power to protect himself.

It wasn't until early in the morning that Yang Chan added the harvested potential points to the "Flood Demon Breathing Method" again, and he began to fall asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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