Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi.

Chapter 200 Bai Yujing in the Sky

Chapter 200 Bai Yujing in the Sky (please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket)

With the sound of horseshoes, the cars and horses that came appeared in front of a bustling city. The high city walls covered the bustling scene in the city. Outside the city, there were endless streams of pedestrians. Noisy and lively, but what is more eye-catching is that there are three big characters engraved on the sky above the city gate.

Bai Yujing.

This is Baiyujing, the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, also known as Baiyujing in the sky, and known as the heaven on earth.

At the gate of the city, there are many city guards who control the flow of people in and out. These city guards are brass-colored, and they are obviously experts at the level of refining copper skin. This is also the existence of elite disciples in Qingyuanmen. Now But he is guarding the city gate here.

The carriage that Yang Chan and the others were in was also queuing up, waiting to enter Baiyujing.

Baiyujing is similar to what he imagined, very prosperous. The tall city walls surround the whole Baiyujing, and you can't see the situation inside the city at all. Only at the gate of the city can you see the flag flying high in Baiyujing. It is even more scattered with the aroma of wine and rouge.

This kind of aura is actually not so obvious, but it is easy to distinguish it for a master of internal refinement like Yang Chan.

There are also various cooked food aromas in the middle, but these two special smells cannot be concealed at all.

A burst of fragrant wind blew up in the Qiluo bushes.

The colorful lights passing through the city gate are as beautiful as coral, standing on the rockery decorated with colored lights, and at the same time, there are sounds of various musical instruments.

What Yang Chan can see, hear, and smell is only the tip of the iceberg of Bai Yujing, and more can only be seen by entering it.

Before the carriage arrived at Baiyujing, Yan Jinfeng and the others' "magic voice piercing their ears" disappeared, replaced by noisy voices, all of which were the voices of pedestrians on the side of the road. To Yang Chan, this kind of voice was very clear.

Strong perceptual ability can be improved in many ways, one of which is that he can hear more voices. He tried to listen carefully for a while, but they were all kinds of trivial and even bragging words.

There are also topics such as the twelfth floor, oiran and so on.

"Old Yan, after we enter the city, let's go to the Pharmacist League first, or the Qingyuan Pavilion first."

Ji Feng got into the carriage and asked, because Bai Yujing also had the property of Qingyuanmen, and disciples of Qingyuanmen were arranged to guard it.

This is also the practice of many sects. They always pay attention to the situation in Bai Yujing, and if something important happens here, they can be sent back to the sect as soon as possible.

Some are on the bright side, and some are on the dark side.

The Qingyuan Pavilion mentioned by Ji Feng is an industry left by the Qingyuan Sect on top of the bright side of Baiyujing. It is used to make friends with some forces in Baiyujing, and at the same time meet some talented people, you can earn Qingyuan in the door.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, the place with the largest population is Baiyujing, and there are some people who want to learn skills and join the sect. After arriving in Baiyujing, if they can show good talent, they will be recruited. Training under the sect, if there is no problem in the follow-up investigation, it will be sent back to the states.

Of course, this kind of situation is actually not too many. Most of them will only accept some peripheral offerings and ask them to help do some things in Bai Yujing. For these people, they will only be used as transactions and will not be trusted.

And one of the reasons why Ji Feng mentioned this was to go to Qingyuan Pavilion to check the situation, lest the disciples of Qingyuanmen in Baiyujing be unable to sit still.

After all, those who can be selected as the level of enshrining are all at the level of external refining iron bones, or even at the level of internal refining masters. In the past, they just beat these people, and this kind of thing happens every year.

This time, the group of them went to Baiyujing together, so they naturally had to go and check it out.

"Go to the Pharmacist League first, and settle the matter in the Pharmacist League, and then go to Qingyuan Pavilion."

Yan Jinfeng said directly.

In Yan Jinfeng's view, going to the Pharmacist League is more important than Qingyuan Pavilion.

"Okay, then go to the Pharmacist League first."

After hearing this, Ji Feng nodded. This time he went to Baiyujing, Yan Jinfeng was the main one, and he acted according to his method.

As for the mission to go to Qingyuan Pavilion, it will naturally be postponed.

That's right, Ji Feng also received a mission to go to the Qingyuan Pavilion, which is also to prevent the Qingyuan Pavilion from becoming someone else's property. This may not be the case.

After all, the distance between Qingyuanmen and Baiyujing is not short. It took nearly ten days to enter Baiyujing this time. Even if you don’t take a carriage and ride a horse, this time will not be much earlier, because the official The speed of the carriage on the road is not slow, especially it is still pulled by three Qingzhou horses.

Yang Chan and Xu Gaocen listened to the conversation but did not speak. It is useless for them to speak at this time, just listen.

The pedestrians who lined up continued to move forward until Yang Chan and others were inspected by the guards before they were allowed to enter Baiyujing.

The carriage moved forward slowly, and there were more and more scenes in front of Yang Chan's eyes, various restaurants were posted, and the aroma of wine was overflowing.

The surrounding attics are connected. It is obviously not a single room, but a whole building with a very large area. There are also those pavilions with a strong smell of rouge.

These scenes are novel to Yang Chan, he has never seen them with his own eyes.

The situation in Tai Yucheng and Tancheng is severe, and he has never entered a brothel.

"Baiyujing is the most prosperous city I have ever been to. There are people from all states and foreign countries here. Those who want to become famous will mostly come to Baiyujing, because there are many masters gathered here."

"Most of the strong men in the Great Zhou Dynasty are in Bai Yujing. If you want a strong man to be your teacher, you also enter Bai Yujing. If you want to become famous, the fastest way is to challenge these famous masters."

Seeing Yang Chan's curious gaze, Xu Gaocen talked about the situation in Bai Yujing.

He seldom spoke along the way, the big reason is that Yan Jinfeng scolded people, so it is not suitable to talk at this time, otherwise when he first came out of Qingzhou, he would still talk to Yang Chan about alchemy experience.

Now entering Bai Yujing, he knew that Yan Jinfeng didn't need to scold others for the time being, so he opened his mouth to talk about the situation in Bai Yujing.

Bai Yujing seems to be prosperous, but in fact the situation inside is not as simple as it looks.

"Has Pharmacist Xu ever seen those people fight? It's the situation where people who want to be famous fight against people who are famous."

Yang Chan opened his mouth to ask, and then found that the words were incomplete, so he continued to add.

"Naturally, I have seen that those who have been famous for a long time have more or less hidden methods. When challenged by real masters, they will use these hidden methods to kill the challenger."

"Of course, there are also some people who succeed in the challenge and then become famous all over the world."

"In Bai Yujing, people die every day, and it's those masters who die."

Xu Gaocen said with a complicated face.

(End of this chapter)

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