Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi.

Chapter 370 Xuanyin Hanging Bead, Emperor Zixu

"Then do you know how often it turns on on a cloudy day?"

"If there is no special means, it will only be activated at least once in a thousand years. Even if it is activated, the only person who can go to this area is the Taiyin Token in your hand."

"Let me wait for the next opening time, I will die in the tower at the end of my life."

The black dragon could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and roared at Yang Chan with an angry voice.

In order to be able to leave, he can pay a lot of price, instead of wanting to see endless despair.

In his eyes, Yang Chan's cultivation was to take away all his hopes and let him die in this space.

"If you don't leave with me, you don't want to leave this space, just stay in the tower with me, and die of old age slowly!"

The black dragon's huge dragon eyes showed a sinister look, and this was his true color.

Compromise is just to survive.

In order to survive, he can bend and stretch, he can endure being threatened by ants, he can endure humiliation, but he can't bear to live.

"Crack! Kick!"

The iron chains that imprisoned the black dragon kept ringing, he really wanted to fly in front of Yang Chan and let him know what it means to be a dragon that cannot be trampled on!

Yang Chan stood at the edge of the top floor of the tower, he didn't say much, just shot the flying needles, hidden arrows, and flying knives directly in his hand.

He had no intention of arguing with the black dragon.

At the juncture of life and death, it is normal to make any absurd choices. In order to survive, the black dragon would fight him for life, which was also expected by Yang Chan, so he was not surprised.

However, the choice is his own, and he is not a just existence, nor does he have the mercy of the Holy Mother, so if he is threatened, he will naturally be killed.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The black dragon struggled to get rid of the chains on his body, so he could only be impotent and furious, and then he was baptized by Yang Chan's hidden weapon.

Containing his sword intent to subjugate demons, the power is stronger than before.

The hidden weapon pierced through the black dragon's soul body, instantly making his figure look a bit more empty again.

Every time he was wounded by the Demon-Subduing Sword Intent, the lifespan of his soul body would decrease.

The black dragon was howling, struggling, and then it seemed to accept its fate and remained motionless.

Longan is filled with endless unwillingness.

"If you calm down, I think you can clear up my doubts."

"Like I said, I don't intend to be your enemy, and I don't intend to kill you, so don't make me want to kill you."

"I like nothing more than three things, so next time I make a move, I won't stop."

"It will only die forever!"

Yang Chan's eyes were cold, looking at the black dragon, only cold and ruthless remained.

It seems that he doesn't care about the life and death of the black dragon, if it affects him, he will never hold back.

"The way to leave, haven't you already guessed it?"

"The Xuanyin rosary on my body is the main bead, and when combined with the rosary in your hand, it is the Xuanyin hanging bead, which can accumulate the power to open the space channel for the Taiyin order in your hand."

"After the savings are completed, you can return to the place where you came!"

The black dragon lowered its proud head and replied unwillingly.

He kept avoiding this question, because he didn't want Yang Chan to leave this special space in the cloudy sky alone.

It is unknown when he will be able to enter this special space next time. If it is still a thousand years away, he must have fallen into the tower.

The power of the ban in the tower was too strong, and he was almost unable to hold on anymore. As for the next time, there might not be a next time.

"Then, please throw the Xuanyin rosary on your body!"

"There is some danger around you, and I won't get close, so for your own good, I'd better throw it here, and I won't have to make a move."

Yang Chan looked at the black dragon, and a new hidden weapon appeared in his hand, and the intention was self-evident.

He will definitely not approach the source of danger.

Yang Chan is only dubious about Heilong's words.

Rather than believing the words of a person he has coerced, it is better to believe a stranger who has no interest.

Yang Chan naturally has a judgment in his heart, and the Xuanyin rosary on the black dragon is the choice he needs to make a judgment on.

The rosary beads accumulated in his hand are connected with the incomplete seal in his hand above the Qi machine, and the faint flow of Qi machine is even more clearly visible.

If the black dragon's statement is true, he can only leave with the Taiyin order in his hand.

Of course, Yang Chan does not rule out that the black dragon has hidden other ways of leaving, which is also very possible, but one thing Yang Chan can confirm is that the black dragon attaches great importance to the Xuanyin rosary on his body.

Yang Chan tried to take it several times, but the black dragon used his soul body to force it down. This is something that must be protected even if the soul body is injured.

"I can give you Xuanyin rosary beads and help you gather all the rosary beads in your hand into Xuanyin hanging beads, but I have a condition. You must help me unlock the chains on my body."

"Otherwise, I will destroy the Xuanyin rosary in my hand, trap you in this space, and die of old age in despair!"

Holding the Xuanyin rosary in the huge claws of the black dragon, he began to offer conditions, and even if he failed to agree, he would destroy the Xuanyin rosary in his hand, looking like he was dying.

That resolute attitude can even be seen to be somewhat ruthless, as if if he is not given a way to live, then no one will be able to live.

If you don't give them a way to live, then they all don't live!
"I reject!"

"Let's not talk about whether I can open the chains on your body. The chains alone are the power to seal you. After I untie it, I will be the first to suffer."

"I won't agree to everything, you just die!"

"As for the Xuanyin rosary in your hand, if you have the ability to destroy it, it should not exist long ago!"

"A soul body that has been banned for nearly ten thousand years will not surprise me if it does something crazy."

Yang Chan looked at Heilong with a half-smile, not worried.

He can guess that a soul that has been banned for nearly ten thousand years will do all kinds of irrational things, and even thought about taking the tower to die together, because it is enough to drive the soul crazy.

And the black dragon did not continue to take any action, which deepened Yang Chan's conjecture.

"Besides, you said this is the only way out. If it is destroyed, you will never have the chance to leave this space again."

"I leave this space, there may be other people coming in, and you still have a chance to escape."

"Isn't it a pity to give up the future for someone like me who hasn't even completed the tempering period?"

Yang Chan's voice changed, but he gave birth again.

Although he had some conjectures, but he couldn't prove it, so he gave the other party a chance, and gave the other party a possibility, which was enough to make him leave.

In times of adversity, the life-saving straw is the only sustenance of life, containing all hopes and beliefs.

"Playing with people's hearts still depends on you humans."

"I told you so much useful information just now, now you also tell me about the current situation in Taiyu Shenzhou."

"I haven't been to the outside world for nearly ten thousand years. I want to know the situation outside."

"This condition is not too much!"

In the black dragon's huge pupils, there was a look of helplessness, and the dragon's claws holding the Xuanyin rosary loosened, allowing it to hang in front of his body.

At the same time, a very reasonable condition was put forward.

"Of course not too much!"

"However, the senior also knows that the junior's cultivation base is low, he has not been to many places, and he doesn't know as many things as the senior, so he can only talk about some things about my dynasty."

Yang Chan heard the words, but did not refuse, and also changed the soul body to senior in the words, showing respect.

Although he had some guesses, he didn't want to take any risks. If the black dragon really had the strength to destroy the Xuanyin rosary, if he continued to stimulate it, the gain would outweigh the loss.

Of course, this has little effect on him because of the conditions proposed by the black dragon, and it is even just common sense information, without any secrets at all.

"Taiyu Shenzhou is now very divided into regions. As far as the younger generation knows, there is the Jinmeng Empire in the east, the Tianfeng Dynasty in the west, and the kingdom of thousands of seas on the sea."

"The area where the younger generation is located is the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the capital of the dynasty was established in Baiyujing"

"Various forces are intricate and constantly fighting. Before the younger generation entered this special space, the Jinmeng Empire and the Great Zhou Dynasty had already fought, and the winner had not yet been decided."

Yang Chan gave very detailed information, but regarding himself, he only mentioned the dynasty, not the sect, let alone the detailed region, name, and origin.

Although he felt that the black dragon had no chance to leave, it was hard to be sure.

The black dragon came through all kinds of hardships, met the great power, was taken away from this special space, or some idiot came to this space inexplicably, was taken away by the black dragon, and returned to the Taiyu Shenzhou, and then he would be able to take revenge on him.

If the black dragon wants to ask, then send some false information to the other party.

"Taiyu Shenzhou is really in decline now. In the Zixu Dynasty established by Emperor Zixu back then, the gods were the officials, the gods were the officials, and the gods were the ministers."

"Now it is possible to rule the country at the peak of the tempering period, and the country has been extended for nearly 500 years. Sure enough, it is still affected by the disappearance of the divine vein."

"Without the blessing of the divine veins, the aura quickly disappears. It is difficult to cultivate the divine orifices, and it is even more difficult to live forever. No wonder it is called the Xiaoyaoxian."

"It's a pity that it's still hard to be happy, and it's even harder to live forever. In the thousand years of longevity, ashes return to ashes, and dust returns to dust."

After hearing this, Heilong was even more emotional. When he said the last thing, he looked at Yang Chan deliberately, trying to make him change his mind.

It's a pity that he didn't see any changes on Yang Chan's face, and he remained unmoved.

"On the road of martial arts practice, if you succeed, you will live forever. If you fail, you will return to the world, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Xiaoyao Changshengxian is very good, but the life of wealth is not bad."

"The junior martial arts practitioners only want to move forward. As for how far they can go, it depends on the nature of the individual."

How could Yang Chan not understand the intention of the black dragon, so he said indifferently.

His path of cultivation is different from others, as long as he keeps going, he will not see the end of his life.

If he practiced a few more health-preserving exercises, his lifespan would probably exceed that of the black dragon, especially if he practiced to a high level, the one-time increase in his lifespan would be even longer.

For thousands of years, the small goals on his life journey, even very short-lived small goals, are estimated to be achieved within a few years, so the words of the black dragon have no temptation for him.

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