Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi.

Chapter 442 Going is the best plan, making arrangements

Chapter 442 Going is the best plan, making arrangements
By helping Yang Chan now, he is helping his future self.

With the help of a senior pharmacist who will be highly promoted in the future, the realm of the master of marrow washing can be assured.

"Thank you suzerain, I will follow what suzerain said."

"The Great Zhou Zhenguo Martial Saint Patriarch makes a move, we can wait and see first!"

"If you can't do anything, just leave!"

Yang Chan was thinking in his heart, now he is not as weak as before, the five viscera and the second viscera have been tempered internally, and the third viscera has been tempered, and he is not weak among the major sects, even the previous Qing Yuanmen, when all the combat power is there, he is the best among them just by virtue of his cultivation.

Cooperating with sword power, soul body and other means, even if he is a top master of internally refining the five internal organs, he still has the power to fight.

Of course, this strength is not enough compared to the top, but it is more than enough compared to the bottom. He also needs to be careful that he is still a master of marrow washing.

In addition, he is not participating in the battle on the front line, but supporting in the rear. To some extent, what he is facing is not the most dangerous situation.

Feeling the situation, just slipped away.

He wants to learn from senior Han Paopao, when in doubt, run first.

After all, in 36 counts, walking is the best plan.

This is the experience summed up by the predecessors, and Yang Chan naturally has to follow this experience, after all, stability comes first.

"That's what I mean. Going directly to Tianxuan Holy Land is a little unstable. After all, some of the requirements given by Tianxuan Holy Land are based on the fact that Qingyuanmen still exists. If you give up directly, it will not be worth the loss."

"If the Tianxuan Holy Land is held accountable, there may be resistance to joining the Tianxuan Holy Land. On the contrary, we have tried our best, and there is no problem. After all, the current situation is unknown, and it is not beautiful to act rashly!"

Gu An talked about a small part of his worries, after all, the situation is not that bad now.

The major sects waited and watched, and it was the ancestor of the martial sage who ruled the country of the Great Zhou Dynasty who made the move. This gave many sects some expectations.

With a master of this level making a move, the two battle situations may be reversed.

Even if such a master makes a move, the war will be stopped directly.

Zhen Guo Wu Sheng is extremely powerful, and it will not take much time to destroy a city after doing it, so he may be restrained.

"Just follow the suzerain's arrangement!"

Yang Chan didn't refute, and didn't even refuse the protection of the inner master master. With such a master, he basically doesn't need to take action.

If there is danger, someone can take it first. If the situation is not good, he can just run away.

Hidden cultivation is a layer of protection.

However, Yang Chan still feels unsafe. For the sake of safety in the future, he plans to temporarily change the strategy of adding points.

Martial arts cultivation has just broken through not long ago, and it will take at least two more months to break through again, and there is not so much time for the next move forward.

Yang Chan exchanged pleasantries with Gu An for a while and then left.

Because he found a few more auras approaching, it was obvious that Gu An also called many people, apparently also to inform the current situation.

Yang Chan was on the must-enter list, so there was no need to stay any longer. Furthermore, those people were stopped by the gatekeepers and were still waiting, obviously waiting for him to end.

Therefore, Yang Chan did not stay too long.

When leaving, Yang Chan saw several hall masters coming here first, obviously Gu An informed him of the situation before letting these people come over.

Really take him seriously.

Back in the study of Yuanqing Academy, Han Bingyu was still waiting.

"Pharmacist Yang."

Seeing Yang Chan's return, Han Bingyu was about to stand up.

"Continue to sit!"

Yang Chan waved his hand and didn't care.

"The news you received is correct. The Great Zhou Dynasty started the third conscription, and the conditions for this conscription are extremely harsh."

While Yang Chan was talking, he told Han Bingyu all the news he got from Gu An. Although it was still a secret now, it would no longer be a secret after the hall masters came out of the Yishi Pavilion.

After all, Qingyuanmen has a choice, so it will start to make arrangements.

"Yang Yaoshi wants to go to the border land in person, so I will take the initiative to follow!"

Han Bingyu thought for a while and said.

The news she heard was not good news for her, after all, the people who participated in the previous two border wars were basically dead.

The battle between the two sides is too fierce, which makes people inevitably worried.

Nine deaths can be a risky attempt, after all, the rewards given by the returning sect are not bad, but ten deaths and no lives are enough for everyone to avoid.

No one would ask for death if they could.

Even people who have a hard life want to live.

Official disciples of Qingyuanmen and others are far superior to ordinary people, and their lives can be said to be very good. If you don't have the desire to make progress, go to places affiliated with Qingyuanmen, and your life will be very nourishing.

Backed by Qingyuan Gate, in Qingzhou, the status is very high, and many people will fawn on him.

The higher the status, the more so.

"That's not necessary, I have already arranged for you."

"Continue to stay in the Qingyuan Gate, and collect information first."

"If the situation is very bad, you can just follow the suzerain and others. You and I can get together in Tianxuan Holy Land."

"I still have some arrangements here, and you have to deal with them, just..."

Yang Chan discussed the arrangements with Han Bingyu.

He is an intermediate pharmacist and must go, but he can arrange for Han Bingyu.

Not all the elite disciples went there.

Furthermore, the number of elite disciples and direct disciples revealed by Qingyuanmen is only a part, and some of them are still in secret.

Of course, Han Bingyu took Yang Chan's quota, and he went to participate in person, so he could designate some people to stay.

It's just a replacement, and it's the same for other inner-refined elders, hall masters, etc. These people are not young and don't have much potential, otherwise they would have followed Liu Xuan to Tianxuan Holy Land last time.

Among these people were outstanding juniors, so they were naturally allowed to stay in the Qingyuan Gate, and they took the initiative to go.

Gu An let the hall masters go first to discuss these matters.

Yang Chan didn't listen carefully, but he had some guesses in his mind.

Now in Qingyuan Sect, besides Han Bingyu, there is also Princess Lanyue who needs to pay attention, because this is a time bomb and it may explode.

The other party has a lot of secrets about Yang Chan, so he will naturally not let him go, and will arrange for Han Bingyu to monitor, as long as the life of the place is under his control, nothing will happen.

"Okay, listen to Yaoshi Yang's arrangement!"

Han Bingyu did not refute, she knew that following Yang Chan to the border to join the war would not change anything.

The cultivation base of the external refining copper skin is weaker than that of Yang Chan, and he doesn't know who is protecting who by Yang Chan's side, but according to Yang Chan's arrangement, both of them are relatively safe.

If the battle goes well in the end and everyone returns safely, then everything will be fine and they can return to normal.

She helped Yang Chan collect all kinds of information in Qingyuanmen, and perhaps she was even more helpful to Yang Chan.

(End of this chapter)

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