Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi.

Chapter 454 Betray Them, Invisible Formation

Chapter 454 Betray Them, Invisible Formation

In the current situation, it is obvious that both the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Jinmeng Empire were prepared, and they did it deliberately, with the purpose of dealing with the Luck Golden Dragon and achieving their goals.

With Zhen Guo Martial Saint, many marrow-cleaning masters and internal refinement masters, and so many troops, it is a bit of a dream to get a chance.

Compared with such a small probability event, Yang Chan prefers to stay away from this kind of danger, and at the same time he is glad that he chose to leave Jinyun City.

Otherwise, if the people from the Qingyuan Sect were too hotheaded to participate in the competition, he would have to be implicated, which would be extremely bad. Now that this possibility is directly cut off, he will not be implicated either.

Sure enough, excellent.


When the two Luck Golden Dragons discovered this situation, they roared directly, never expecting to encounter such a betrayal.

They are in such a situation at this time, that is, the two countries have killed more than one high-ranking and famous minister and Confucianist in the dynasty at a critical moment.

This kind of person has great influence, the spirit of one person can replace the spirit of hundreds of thousands of living people, because it is bound to the fate of the country, after death, it will definitely affect the fate of the country.

When the two Luck Golden Dragons were fighting, they were not in good condition, so they were hit hard at a critical moment.

The two martial arts masters used their will to seriously injure them. At this time, they were naturally extremely angry, and they were questioning why these people were like this.

Because their struggle is to fight for the fate of the country.

The huge dragon's roar hits the soul directly, venting towards everyone, and falling into the hearts of the people of the two countries. Even if Yang Chan and others are far away, they can still feel the strong resentment. betrayed him.

This kind of sound travels very far, has cut through the space, broken the distance, and fell into the entire country, making ordinary people feel bad, as if something important has been injured.

Even if Yang Chan is mentally strong, he is still affected, because this is the voice transmitted to his mind, but fortunately, now that he is far away from Jinyun City, he is not greatly affected.

But at this time, the situation in Jinyun City was not very good, the protective circle flickered, and within a short while, it was directly shattered.

The closer you get, the stronger the sound waves you encounter. This is a special ability of the Luck Golden Dragon.

The two lucky golden dragons rushed towards the slowly falling golden lotus. For them, this was a chance to recover.

In an instant, two Luck Golden Dragons and two Zhen Guo Wu Sheng masters, the four began to fight in a melee, and the ground was shaken directly.

Yang Chan watched from a distance and saw that the border city guarding the Great Zhou Dynasty began to collapse, not only Jinyun City, but also the border city of the Jinmeng Empire in the distance.

In the face of this level of confrontation, no matter how strong the city wall is, it is useless.

But not long after, a defensive circle appeared on Jinyun City again, but it was much smaller than before, and the light on it was much dimmer.

Obviously, the people who arranged the magic circle suffered heavy casualties, which is why this happened.

"It's a good thing we came out just now, otherwise we would have suffered disasters. It's also because I reacted quickly and left immediately!"

Song Yunxiang said happily.

But Yang Chan shook his head, and he didn't know who looked annoyed just now, annoyed that he missed the opportunity of the lucky golden dragon.

"Let's leave now!"

"Their combat power is too strong. This ground-shaking formation may affect us even if we are hundreds of miles away. If they move the battlefield, we may fall into a crisis situation!"

Yang Chan glanced at the battlefield where they were still fighting in the borderlands, and said.

Seeing a battlefield of this level, staying away is the best choice, otherwise approaching is asking for trouble.

Baili sounds far, but for this kind of master, it doesn't take much time. As long as the battlefield changes, they may fall into a dangerous situation. When they find something is wrong, they can't even run away.

"Okay, let's go!"

Song Yunxiang and the other inner-refined elders exchanged glances before speaking.

Although this level of battle is rare, it can still make them sober if their safety is in danger.

After finally getting out of Jinyun City alive, he naturally didn't want to die.

The giant roar of the Luck Golden Dragon just now made them realize the reality. In the face of this level of confrontation, they are almost like ants and have no way to fight.

After the decision was made, everyone didn't hesitate any longer, and ordered to stay away from the border battlefield. If they wanted to watch the battle, they had to go to a safe place.

A group of people moved towards the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty again, at an extremely fast speed.

Suddenly, Yang Chan frowned slightly. In his powerful perception, he sensed that there seemed to be an invisible shield in front of him, which made him feel bad.


"What the hell?"

An internal refinement master who was running in the front suddenly flew back backwards.

And this seemed to be a signal, and several fast-running masters of internal refinement flew back backwards. Seeing this situation, the people behind felt that something was wrong, so they controlled their speed to check.

Because the positions of the people who just flew back are different, but the situation is similar.

"A magic circle, this is a magic circle. The Great Zhou Dynasty set up a magic circle. No wonder they don't care about us leaving, because we are all trapped in the magic circle."

"Damn it, this is plotting against us."

A master internal refinement master spoke, his tone was extremely angry, he did not expect this to be the case.

This person is an inner-refined elder from another sect. He sensed that something was wrong, and after seeing the people from the Qingyuan sect leave, he followed him away from the border battlefield.

The masters of internal refining masters are very fast, especially those who practice the method of lightening their bodies, each of them is extremely fast.

This man is one of the best.

At the same time, at this time, it is even more prominent, and a big bag appears, which looks a bit funny.

The speed was too fast, it hit the invisible magic circle and was injured.

It is also the physical body of an internal master who is extremely powerful, otherwise he may be killed by the invisible magic circle.

"The Great Zhou Dynasty is really despicable. I thought the emperor knew the general situation, but now it seems that he is plotting against us. No wonder he is so straightforward!"

"I was waiting for the Great Zhou Dynasty to fight against the Jinmeng Empire. I didn't expect this kind of result."

"The Great Zhou Dynasty is not a son of man!"

"Damn it, this place is at most 150 miles away from the border battlefield. It doesn't take much time for those martial arts masters to move the battlefield."

"It's not a big deal. If the Great Zhou Dynasty wins, it may settle accounts after the fall and cause trouble for us. If it loses, as long as the ancestors of the martial arts do not have any problems, they may even use us as an excuse for failure."

"We have been tricked by the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"It is said that the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty is very good at calculating, and now I have seen it!"

These internal refinement masters tried many times, and when they found that they couldn't leave, they cursed directly.

Especially at this time, I still feel the ground shaking. This is not the front battlefield, but a long distance. If the battlefield shifts later, the situation will be even worse.

 Sorry for the late update!
(End of this chapter)

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