this is not a joke

Chapter 107 The Fear of Being an Intruder

Chapter 107 The Fear of Being an Intruder
Now Wei An has roughly figured out the early plot of this strange talk.

First of all, the previous speculations are all correct, that is, the hero and the heroine often live together in the dormitory, and it is true that they cheated and took another girl back to the dormitory for the night.

The other people in the dormitory basically didn't have any good intentions. Headed by the bitch guy, they felt that these two girls were not good guys, and they all wanted to take this opportunity to get their hands on them.

So I took photos and even videos of the two of them having a tryst with the male protagonist, and showed them to the two girls respectively, but only the third of the two couldn't bear the anger, and reached an agreement with them in a moment of enthusiasm.

Then the third party fell for the trap, unexpectedly both the male lead and the female lead were killed, and even the female lead was raped before being killed, and the third party escaped by chance because of the protection of the bitch.

However, there was a person in the next bedroom who heard the noise here, maybe other people went out to surf the Internet and did not come back, which caused him to be silenced.

After the incident, the hero and the heroine turned into ghosts and came to the door, and also killed all those who violated them with hammers.

The third party was afraid of being revenged by the ghost, and when he found out that something was wrong, he put on a red dress and jumped off the building to commit suicide, delusionally thinking that even after his own death, he could fight against the hero and heroine in the form of a ghost in red.

Unexpectedly, after death, everyone began to circulate according to their resentment in life, and the ghost in red found that he was still no match for the heroine.

This explains why when the door was knocked just now, she shrank into a corner and escaped immediately.

The heroine was also drawn by resentment. When she entered the room and saw a woman there, she immediately thought that Chen Fang was a third party and wanted to kill her immediately.

So even though Wei An was also attacking her, this woman did not give up the idea of ​​killing Chen Fang first.

Now after Wei An reminded her, her resentment became more clear, and she found that Chen Fang really didn't look like the third party.

But this time the "positioning role" is no longer free, but costs 50 energy points.

After Wei An activated the "Positioning Character", he looked around. At this time, the effect of see-through red dots appeared in the straight line where his gaze was located. If the red dots flickered somewhere, it meant that the third party hide in that place.

Soon a slightly glowing red dot appeared in the field of vision, but through the perspective of the floor, Wei An found that the red dot was located in a bedroom on the fifth floor.

"Found it!" Wei An pointed upwards, and said, "The girl is hiding on the fifth floor, um, bedroom 506 or 507."

Then he turned to the hostess and said: "It's not yet dawn, I can't leave this dormitory, but I will stay in this dormitory forever, if you have any questions, you can come back to me at any time."

The hostess didn't say anything else, but quickly floated to the door, opened the door and left.

Wei An found that these weirdnesses could not pass through doors or walls directly, as if physical barriers such as bedroom doors in this building could play a role in isolating the weirdness, but the isolation time is very limited, and it will still be blocked after a while. Weirdly forcibly knocked away.

Looking down at the shattered Five Emperors' Coin on the ground, Wei An felt distressed for a while.

At present, it seems that this thing is very useful, at least it can temporarily block the weirdness and buy yourself more time.

"Unfortunately," he murmured.

Chen Fang walked over and collected the fragments of the five emperors' money in his palm, Wei An shook his head and said, "It's damaged and cannot be repaired."

"Although this is a complete set of items, if one of them is broken, the others cannot be used, but these four are not broken, so you can keep them for now." Chen Fang picked out the good copper coins and handed them to Wei An .

Wei An nodded, put it in his inventory, and asked Chen Fang: "Is your injury serious?"

Chen Fang shook her head: "It's just that the wrist is broken, and it can last until the end of the strange talk. I can see that there is blood soaking out of your back..."

"It's okay, it's a skin injury, it was poked by the third party with the handle of a toothbrush." ​​Wei An explained.

"Just now you were looking for the professional skills that the third party used?" Chen Fang asked suspiciously.

"Yeah." Wei An said: "I told you last time, my occupation is different, so my skills are also very special."

Chen Fang nodded honestly, and said: "My professional skills are the same as just now. I can ignore the degree of physical injury or the situation of being unable to move, and launch a strong attack directly, but after the attack, a certain part of the body will be different. The degree of injury depends on the size of the attack."

"I have to thank you for the knife just now, otherwise this bitch would have stabbed the entire handle of the toothbrush into my back." Wei An felt lingering fear.

Of course, he had already known through plot speculation that Chen Fang could perform this move, but he didn't know the reason.

"What should we do now?" Chen Fang asked.

"Just wait in the dormitory." Wei An said: "Judging from the speed at which the third person escaped just now, she should not be the opponent of this strange heroine. We are waiting for news here."

As soon as the words were finished, the bedroom door was opened, and the heroine with disheveled hair floated in. With her ten fingers, she could clearly see a few red fabrics hanging, which should belong to a third party's clothes.

Seeing that she was still showing a lot of anger, Wei An asked in astonishment, "She ran away?"

The hostess didn't say anything, just stared at Wei An.

Wei An understood, sighed inwardly, spent 50 energy points to activate the "positioning role" again, and looked around.

At this time, the sky was already a little bright, but it was still not the time for them to go out.

After a while, Wei An once again caught the red dot representing the third party appearing on the second floor, and he immediately said to the hostess: "Dormitory 203 on the second floor, hurry up, or she may run away again."

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the dormitory was pulled open by a strange force. The heroine didn't touch the ground, as if a gust of wind quickly floated out, she jumped out from the corridor on the third floor, drew an arc in the air, and jumped Enter the second floor.

"Damn it, this terrifying!" Wei An said to himself.

No wonder my scalpel can't hurt her, this woman can take care of herself and Chen Fang by herself, without even needing the male lead to show up.

In fact, the male protagonist has not appeared so far. If both monsters show up, Wei An and Chen Fang will have no way out.

This time there was a vibration downstairs, and it seemed that the two weird fierce battles were much more terrifying than before.

The sky became brighter again, Chen Fang said, "Does it count as dawn now?"

Wei An looked at the open bedroom door and shook his head: "It doesn't count, at least we have to wait until the strange talk prompt appears."

"Did the weirdness that those two roommates become also hide?" Chen Fang asked.

Wei An nodded: "Otherwise the two of us wouldn't fly to that bed out of thin air."

He walked to the closed closet and opened the closet door. The inside was the same as what they saw just now, and it was still empty. He didn't see the other two roommates being weird.

"Now that the heroine has appeared, they are the same as the third party, and they dare not appear again." Wei An closed the closet door, "The situation is beneficial to us, at least no one will hurt anyone except the heroine. Us. And even the heroine..."

Before they finished speaking, a strange talk reminder appeared in front of the two of them at the same time.

[Congratulations, you have successfully spent a night in dormitory 309! 】

At this moment, the entire student dormitory building suddenly felt a violent vibration, and a heart-piercing scream came from the second floor.

The two walked out of bedroom 309, stood in the corridor and looked downstairs.

He couldn't see anything below, but Wei An felt an extremely cold feeling behind him, he turned his head immediately, and saw the disheveled heroine standing behind him at some point.

"This woman, could it be my overtime task as an intruder?" Wei An doubted tremblingly.

He knew that the main task of the ghost talk was over. As a participant, for example, Chen Fang would soon receive a reminder that the ghost talk was completed, and leave with a reward.

And as an intruder, don't let yourself face this weird and extremely high-level woman in the overtime task.

Even helping her move a corpse, putting makeup on the corpse will do. After all, Wei An has done this craft before, and he still roughly remembers it.

(End of this chapter)

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