this is not a joke

Chapter 128 The Second Solitaire Mission

Chapter 128 The Second Solitaire Mission

The reason why Wei An asked this question was very simple. He needed to determine whether Jiang Jialiang was dead or alive after being trapped in a certain mission.

If he was already dead and just turned into a walking corpse, then there was no point in rescuing the other party.

At this time, I must change my next plan and re-formulate the plan for breaking through the strange talk.

This time, after the solitaire mission was released, no one else spoke, including the old ghost.

It shows that this question can be asked, and it does not violate the rules of ghost talks or the taboos of these people.

And when Wei An asked the question, he used his No.1 name. From the perspective of others, he was only worried about what would happen to him later, so he asked this question.

The motive is normal enough not to make the question obtrusive and raise suspicion.

After Wei An waited for a while, Ashes answered his own question.

Ashes: There are three answers to this question. You can’t leave after sinking into the mission. At this time, you may be alive, or half-dead, and of course you may already be dead.

After learning this answer, Wei An was taken aback, feeling a little tricky.

That is to say, it is impossible to know what state Jiang Jialiang is at the moment, maybe he is alive, but if he is half dead or already dead, when Jian Hui saw him burning paper at the crossroads, does this mean that Jiang Jialiang is also pinching his hand? What about a mutilated playing card?

No matter what, the game of Solitaire has to continue, and it is impossible to know what Jiang Jialiang's real situation is until he reaches that point.

Wei An: Okay, I understand.Then continue to solitaire.

Ember: My next player is still you, Wei An.Keep an eye out for Solitaire Quests...

Wei An: Wait, why is it me again?Solitaire Solitaire, shouldn't everyone be solitaire first?

Paper figurine: Under normal circumstances, but it can also be ABCBDB-style solitaire. Our current solitaire method is this mode.

Wei An: But you didn't tell me just now.

Old ghost: Temporarily changed, because when you completed the first game, you were too dazzling and ruined the arrangement of lying corpses, so we had to make temporary adjustments.

Wei An: -_-||That is to say, I am the B.

Ember: Yes, you are that B.

Paper Man: Yes, you are B.

Lying Corpse: You are B.

Wei An: All right, all right, no need to keep emphasizing it.Get started now!

Not long after, Ashes edited Wei'an's second solitaire game, and soon posted the content in the chat group.

[Please "Vian" go to the Moonlight Crematorium.According to legend, the three souls and seven souls of a person will leave after death, but only one soul will not dissipate, and will always stay beside the corpse, which is called "the soul of guarding the corpse".Please find three guardian spirits in the morgue waiting to be cremated in the crematorium, and fulfill their wishes. 】

"Damn it." Wei An muttered to himself.

This task does not seem to have a lot of description, but the potential amount of information is huge. For example, it is not clear what the corpse guard looks like, what form it is, and whether it is dangerous.

After all, guarding the corpse, it can always guard the corpse, and it must have the effect of protecting the corpse. If it gets too close, it is not known whether it will be attacked by it.

What's more, they have to fulfill their wishes. If this wish is to let themselves enter the cremation furnace instead of the corpse, then it's a joke!
Wei An: OK, no problem!Guaranteed to complete the mission!

Ashes: Hehe, we are waiting for you.

Wei An sighed, stopped talking nonsense, and left the library immediately.

This time, when he drove the SUV out of the library gate, he already had sufficient experience, because the sky had already lit up, the darkness was dispelled, and the signposts were clearly visible.

According to the method of the previous mission, there were indeed many road signs indicating how to get to the "Moonlight Crematorium" along the way.

Regarding the ability of those guys in the group to name, Wei An kept complaining all the way. First there was the Moonlight Hospital, and now there is the Moonlight Crematorium. I wonder if there will be a Moonlight Treasure Box in the third mission?

This time the journey was nearly twice as long as going to Moonlight Hospital. Following the signs, the car drove all the way to the edge of the city, and soon Wei An saw the black signboard of Moonlight Crematorium.

The sky was already bright now.

It stands to reason that it is already time for Wei An to get up and do radio gymnastics, but now in the strange talk, not only does he not feel sleepy, but he also does not feel hungry. .

Soon the car drove into the crematorium and parked in a parking lot.

At the intersection, I met a crematorium worker. After asking, I learned that the morgue to be cremated was next to the cremation room, more than 200 meters away, so Wei An rushed over directly.

The staff member thought he was a relative or friend who was going to pay condolences and see the deceased for the last time, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After coming here, Wei An inevitably felt a sense of depression in his heart, especially the closer to the direction of the cremation furnace, when a lot of crying came into his ears, this feeling of depression became more obvious.

Not far away was a huge chimney standing there, and there was smoke coming out of it at this time, but it was not as thick as imagined.

After Wei An looked up, he went straight to the morgue.

At this moment, a large number of family members are waiting outside, but there are also some family members guarding the corpses of their relatives in the mortuary, most of them look sad and cry silently.

The furnishings in this morgue are very simple, the space is very empty, there are no other special settings, just a few mortuary beds, not even a freezer.

Wei An deliberately avoided the staff here, stood in the mortuary, took a closer look, and saw four corpses waiting to be cremated, two corpses had no family members next to them, and the other two corpses were standing beside them. There are four or five family members.

The task said that there are three corpse guards here, and the place where there are no family members standing can be seen clearly at a glance, so it seems that there should be no corpse guards at present.

And there are some family members standing next to the other two corpses. These people also look normal, and it is impossible to tell who is the guardian of the corpse.

After thinking about it for a while, Wei An thought that if there really was a corpse guardian, with the eyes of a living person, he should not be able to see it at a glance, but should take some special methods to see it.

For example, in Ten Ways of Hell, there was a practice of smearing cow's tears on the eyelids, or wiping the eyes with willow leaves.

It's just that he doesn't know where to find these things now, so Wei An is going to adopt the simplest and easiest method, which is to look backwards from between his legs.

It is said that by looking behind you in this way, you can open a different space behind you and see some strange things in this space.

Wei An hadn't seen it like this before, but he couldn't remember if he had done it when he was a child.

But at this time there are a lot of people here, if I suddenly make such a strange move, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of others.

After thinking for a while, he walked slowly to an empty mortuary bed, covered part of his body with the bed, then turned his back and squatted down facing the direction of the four corpses.

Wei An's idea was to squat down first, then slowly straighten his feet, turn his head upside down, and look behind through the gap between his legs.

However, he has heard people say that if you see a ghost in this way, there is a certain chance that the ghost will think that someone is going to be born here, because this action shows the head below the buttocks, and at a glance, the ghost will think that there may be a birth here. Children, it can be reincarnated, so it will attract them.

Soon Wei An squatted down, and then he straightened his feet calmly, and then maintained this posture, turning his head backwards to look in the direction of the four corpses behind him through the spread feet.

What caught my eye was the lower body parts of those relatives, some were wearing trousers and leather shoes, some were wearing jeans and white sneakers, and some were wearing skirts.

But not long after, Wei An was taken aback for a moment. He noticed that the scene behind the woman in the skirt was a bit weird. Looking carefully, he found a head behind the skirt, which looked upside down just like his own posture. .

(End of this chapter)

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