this is not a joke

Chapter 130 Temporary Ferryman

Chapter 130 Temporary Ferryman (please subscribe!)

The middle-aged man in his 40s and his wife beside him looked shocked at this moment.

The man immediately grabbed Wei An's shoulder, and said in an excited tone, "This... this gentleman, how do you know... that my father has not closed his eyes?!"

Wei An pretended to be unfathomable and did not answer for the time being.

The man's wife also hurriedly said: "It's not that we want my dad like this. We've tried everything we can, but he keeps his eyes open and doesn't close his eyes no matter what he does."

"I said just stick it with glue..."

The young man who seemed to be the grandson of the old man spoke at this time, but was immediately interrupted by the middle-aged man, "Shut up, brat!"

After saying that, the middle-aged man looked at Wei An again, "Sir, since you can see it, can you please find a way to make the old man close his eyes and leave peacefully."

"Yes, please!" His wife folded her hands together and said, "We have nothing to do now, we just prepared to cremate the old man just now."

Wei An nodded, and said: "Well, you go outside and wait first. I won't touch the old man's body, but I can help you find the reason why he died so badly."

"You..." The middle-aged man hesitated, "How do you find it?"

Wei An glanced down at the corpse, and replied, "Ask him directly."


The family of three, including the other family members standing next to them, were all taken aback. They looked at the corpse in horror, and then at Wei An.

"To be honest, even the staff at the crematorium won't tell you about my identity. I'm a ferryman for the dead." Wei An said, "What I'm doing now seems unbelievable to you. In fact, I often come into contact with you. You just have to wait outside the door and don't get close, I will notify you as soon as it is done."

"Yeah, okay, then... let's go out first, let's go out first!"

The middle-aged man nodded heavily, and immediately called his relatives and friends to leave the morgue quickly, and gave Wei An a grateful look.

"If it's my father's turn to be cremated, we'll ask the staff to wait, don't worry." He was the last to go out, said a word to Wei An and closed the door.

At this moment, there were only Wei An, the old man and the charred corpse left in the morgue.

After the door was closed, Wei An waited for a while, and then resumed the ghostly posture just now, looked back from between his legs, and turned around in a circle, and saw that the old man's corpse guard was still squatting like before On the ground, about two or three meters away from him, just looking at him like this.

His eyes were so wide that it felt like the eyeballs were about to bulge out.

But it didn't come any closer.

Wei An said softly, "I can fulfill your last wish for you, as long as you tell me, no matter what method you use."

After waiting for a while, the other party remained the same as before, without any response.

"Are you worried about your son and grandson?" Wei An asked.

The old man was indifferent.

"Is that what you were doing when you were alive? Haven't finished it yet?" Wei'an continued to speculate.

The old man didn't respond.

Wei An thought quickly, just now he heard the family talk about the old man's life, and knew that he had worked hard all his life, and had never been able to enjoy comfort for the sake of his family.

So could his last wish be related to this regret?
Looking at it this way, the Corpse Guard lacks other souls, so he may not take the initiative to express his meaning, so even if he asks the other party a hundred times now, Wei An will not get the answer, he needs to find out by himself.

"Is it because you are dissatisfied with the shroud you wear? Because you didn't have good clothes to wear when you were alive?" Wei An asked.

The old man still didn't say anything.

Wei An thought for a moment, "Or do you want to have a full meal?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Wei An felt that this guess was unlikely, because even in this society, even if he was not able to enjoy life during his lifetime, and he worked hard all his life, he would not be able to have a full meal unless he was abused by his children and grandchildren.

But judging from the way the couple cared for the old man just now, it is impossible for them to abuse the old man. At most, they did not do better care and care, and ignored what the old man really wanted.

When Wei An was about to continue asking for other guesses, he was suddenly surprised to find that the old man nodded slightly.

" want to have a full meal?" Vian asked curiously.

The old man shook his head again.

Wei An frowned, and said word by word: "Your last wish, is it related to eating?"

Outside the door of the morgue.

When the staff came to let the Liu family prepare to push the old man to the cremation room for cremation, the middle-aged man immediately stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, but you also know that my father has not closed his eyes. Someone is working inside now, wait for my father Close your eyes and be cremated immediately."

The staff member was stunned for a moment. He also heard that there was a corpse that could not close its eyes these days.

The mortician at the crematorium was also called to try, but even after rubbing the head, neck and shoulders of the corpse, the old man still could not rest in peace.

Now the Liu family has no choice. Although they have regrets, they are ready to be cremated directly.

Now someone suddenly asked the old man to close his eyes in the morgue, and the staff immediately asked, "Is this the person you invited?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "He said he was a ferryman."

The staff was full of surprise: "The ferryman?"

"Yes." The grandson of the Liu family, that is, the young man said, "You should know him. He is very powerful. He said that he can help us fulfill Grandpa's last wish, so that he can close his eyes."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the morgue suddenly opened, and Wei An poked his head out, and asked the middle-aged Liu family: "The old man passed away until he was cremated, and you didn't give him a bowl of food?"

All the members of the Liu family were startled, and the middle-aged man first shook his head: "No, no, our family, including my father, is not a local. There is a custom of feeding the dead here, but our hometown does not, so we follow the custom of our hometown. , and didn’t feed Dad.”

Wei An sighed, and said, "Hurry up and offer the old man a bowl of rice before cremation, I want better rice."

"Okay, I'll do it now!" The middle-aged man nodded immediately with a look of horror, took out his phone and started making a call, running outside while calling.

His wife said from the side: "Why is this happening? We follow the customs of our hometown, so we didn't provide food. I didn't expect Dad to care about this all the time?!"

Wei An said: "Do as the Romans do, the old man has stayed in this city for a long time, so he has already accepted the customs here, so he is not exempt from the customs. What's more, he has worked so hard all his life, in the final analysis, it is to eat well and dress well. And this is his last meal in this world, so the old man can't rest in peace."

"So it is." Everyone suddenly realized.

The staff member was speechless in astonishment, approached Wei An and asked, "Excuse me, are you..."

"You don't know me, and you don't need to know me." Wei An had already seen the overalls he was wearing, paused, and said slowly, with a mysterious tone, "I'm just a ferryman for the dead."

In less than half an hour, a middle-aged man carefully brought in a bowl of delicate rice with both hands. In the bowl was white rice with clear grains and plump grains. In the middle of the rice was a ripe jujube.

This is the custom of serving rice in this city, and behind the big red dates, a pair of chopsticks are inserted straight down into the rice.

Everyone rushed into the morgue and stood beside the corpse of Mr. Liu. The middle-aged man put the food offering at the feet of the old man, then took out a red candle from his pocket, lit it and placed the candle behind the food offering.

Immediately, all the descendants of the Liu family knelt down beside the old man's corpse, followed by the middle-aged man and respectfully kowtowed three times to the corpse.

After standing up, the middle-aged man, his wife and children rushed to the side of his father's body to take a look. They saw the old man's eyes that had been open all the time. At this moment, the eyelids became soft, and they closed slowly after about ten seconds.

"Close it! Dad's eyes are closed!" Seeing this, the middle-aged man became very excited.

Not long after, many relatives began to secretly wipe their tears. The middle-aged man knelt on the ground again, kowtowed to the old man's body several times, and bluntly said that he was sorry for his father.

After regaining consciousness, the family of three stood up with support and walked towards Wei An.

(End of this chapter)

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