this is not a joke

Chapter 136 Followed

Chapter 136 Followed
It's strange that Si Sanniang doesn't emit any peculiar smell. It stands to reason that if it's a corpse guard, it should have the last breath of the deceased on its body.

For example, the homeless brother who was burned to death had a faint burnt smell on his corpse guard.

At the beginning, Si Sanniang could not be cremated, but now she has been buried in the soil, but there is still no rancid smell, which means that she is still not rotted in the soil at this moment, but should still maintain her previous appearance.

If the flesh does not rot, it cannot be cremated!
Wei An was surprised, he didn't expect that Si Sanniang's resentment was so heavy, not only could she not be cremated, but her body would not rot.

He looked at the tall female corpse who was about the same size as himself, and saw that although her eyes were open, she was expressionless, like a pool of stagnant water.

"I... can fulfill your last wish, there is no other meaning." Wei An repeated.

Soon he found that Si Sanniang didn't seem to be staring at him, but lowered her head slightly, looking at the incense paper money in his hand.

"Do you want us to burn more paper money for you and give you more joss sticks?" Wei An asked tentatively.

But it is not difficult to think of this last wish as soon as the words are spoken. If this is the case, the staff of the crematorium would have thought of it a long time ago, and they must have burned a lot of paper money for her.

Sure enough, Si Sanniang was indifferent.

Wei An said again: "Or these incense candles have special uses for you? For example, use them to light your way home?"

Si Sanniang grinned suddenly, and Wei An saw her canine teeth showing, and these two teeth were much longer than ordinary people.

Si Sanniang held Wei An down.

A strong sense of crisis was approaching, Wei An didn't know why this woman would suddenly act. You must know that if it is guarding the corpse, it should be the first task to protect your own corpse, but now the position where you are is far away from her corpse. There is no reason for Si Sanniang to do anything here.

The subconscious reaction almost caused Wei An to take out the bloody hammer or Tang knife to fight back.

However, he quickly took two steps back and did not make a counterattack.

And at the same time, Wei An threw the incense candles in his hand on the ground, he thought that Si Sanniang's sudden attack on him was still related to these incense candle paper money.

Sure enough, Si Sanniang squatted down suddenly, grabbed the incense paper money, and tore it to pieces, as if pouring out all her anger.

At first, when Si Sanniang attacked him suddenly, Wei An felt that she was not the soul of the corpse guard, but now she looked very focused like the soul of the corpse guard, which was single, persistent, and had no other thoughts.

If it is determined that this is the soul of the corpse, then why did the incense and candles bring her so much resentment?
After seeing Si Sanniang destroying all the incense candles and other things, the voice-activated light just happened to go out again at this time.

Wei An instantly sensed the danger, and he stepped back again, preparing to leave this dark corridor first.

Feeling that the danger just now was still approaching him, Wei An accelerated his backing speed. At the same time, because the corridor in front of him was too dark, he couldn't see anything, so he had to deliberately increase the sound of his feet.

His heel hit the ground with a bang, and the voice-activated light turned on again. He hurriedly looked forward, but was surprised to find that Si Sanniang's shroud-clad figure with constricted limbs was no longer there.

However, the strong sense of crisis just now still exists. Relying on the experience of many strange encounters, Wei An instinctively raised his head to look at the ceiling of the corridor, and saw Si Sanniang's body lying on the ceiling with her head slightly raised. Still watching him quietly.

Her hair was originally tied, but at this moment because it was hanging upside down, her long hair fell down. This image looks much more terrifying than before.

The moment Wei An raised his head, Si Sanniang, who was hanging above his head, grabbed his head.

Wei An had no doubt that the woman's five fingers could penetrate his skull in an instant. He squatted suddenly and rolled backwards at the same time. After standing up, he immediately ran to the yard.

There are two faint street lights on the left and right sides of the yard. Although they are not very bright, they are much better than the light in the dark corridor.

Wei An turned and looked in the direction of the corridor, and saw that Si Sanniang had wobbled down from the ceiling, her movements were strange, her body was still slightly shrunk, and she quickly stood at the entrance of the corridor, quietly Looking at himself, it seemed that he had no intention of catching up.

And some of the torn candle paper money was trampled by Si Sanniang.

Wei An didn't stay any longer, turned around and left the cremation room area, and returned to Team Leader Na He's office. At this time, Team Leader He was still snoring.

Wei An shook his shoulders and said, "Header He, she just appeared."

"Ah!" Team Leader He, who was still in a daze, suddenly woke up and sat up suddenly, "Where is it? Where is Si Sanniang?"

Wei An pointed to the next door, "It's over there in the cremation room. I purposely stayed for a while just now to see what Si Sanniang really wanted, but she soon started attacking me."

"Are you injured? As far as I know, although several people have bumped into her, she has never attacked anyone." Team Leader He said in surprise.

"That's because when you saw her, you dropped the candles and ran away before she had time to attack." Wei An said: "It turns out that if you run slower or stay around Si Sanniang, would be attacked by her."

"Then what should we do?" Team Leader He said tremblingly.

While asking Wei An, he wanted to light a cigarette to calm himself down, but the lighter in his hand couldn't be turned on for a long time.

Wei An asked: "After Si Sanniang died and her body was in the crematorium, did you or her family not give her paper money for burning incense?"

Team Leader He immediately shook his head, "It's burned, because we knew that her family was having some difficulties, and we discounted it. I still remember these. Not only that, the staff also sent some more incense candles to the mourning hall."

"Then why is she so obsessed with incense sticks and paper money?" Wei An muttered to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked up and saw the only window in the office. A pale face was leaning against the glass, staring quietly inside.

This person is Si Sanniang!
At some point, this woman followed her to the office area next door.

Seeing that Wei An was talking, Team Leader He suddenly stared at the window, turned his head to look, and immediately shouted: "Oh my god!"

He rushed to Wei An, grabbed Wei An's clothes, and shrank on the sofa, blocking Wei An in front of him.

Wei An stared at Si Sanniang's lifeless face. The other party's eyes were not focused. He only knew that she was staring at the room, but he didn't know whether she was looking at him or Team Leader He.

"Has she ever followed other people after she appeared?" Wei An asked softly.

"No, never." Team leader He shook his head, he was already trembling with fright, and his face was paler than Si Sanniang.

Wei An glanced down at the few incense sticks left on the coffee table. He didn't finish all of them because there were a lot of spares just now.

Could it be these leftover incense sticks that attracted Si Sanniang's corpse guardian spirit?
Wei An was a little skeptical.

At this moment, Si Sanniang who was standing outside turned around and walked along the wall outside the window. Looking at her direction, it seemed that she was going to enter the office from the corridor next to the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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